What the rooster doesn’t like according to the eastern calendar. Year of the Rooster - general characteristics of the sign

The Rooster is the tenth sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern (Chinese) animal calendar. It is associated with the yin energy and the metal element. The corresponding zodiac sign is Capricorn.

The rooster symbolizes: self-confidence, sociability, straightforwardness, courage, hard work, brightness, honestyvanity, arrogance, hot temper, stubbornness, conservatism, extravagance

Table of the Rooster years

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Rooster

The characteristic gives general description sign, introduces the positive and negative qualities of his character, the peculiarities of building personal relationships and careers. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better.

Character traits

Positive. Rooster - bright personality

. He is confident and not afraid of anything. This character allows him to achieve a lot in life. His sociability and gift of words attract people to him. He is always the center of attention and is happy about it.

  • Characteristic positive qualities:
  • self-confidence: The Rooster is always confident in himself and knows how to present himself; thanks to this, as well as his gift of words and effective artistic presentation, he has an advantage in situations where the first impression is important (hiring, etc.); sociability: this sign is constantly in the spotlight; openness in communication and brightness of the image make the Rooster the soul of the company; he prefers active social life
  • and does not like loneliness;
  • straightforwardness: not afraid to speak the truth; his manner of communication borders on harshness, which is not always liked by others; despite this, he is respected for his directness and frankness;
  • courage: always ready to defend the weak, and in such a way that others will notice and appreciate it; does not shy away even in the face of obvious danger;

hard work: he achieves everything in life through his work; does the work thoroughly, carefully considers every detail; does not trust others to do what he can do himself.


  • The Rooster's self-confidence and courage sometimes turn into vanity and arrogance. At the same time, a lot is forgiven him and attributed to his eccentricity.
  • unceremoniousness: gives advice where it is not asked; often minds his own business; this behavior is caused by his excessive self-confidence;
  • hot temper: quickly flares up if points of view differ with the opponent; loves to argue, and for him it is the argument itself that is important, and not its result;
  • stubbornness: never listens to others and does everything only in his own way; ready to prove that he is right, even if he does not understand the issue;
  • conservatism: adheres to “old” views; nothing can make him change his mind.

Love and relationships

It is important for the Rooster that his partner understands him and admires him. He expresses his feelings violently and obsessively. If he receives a refusal, he is more concerned about losing his image as an irresistible lover than about breaking up the relationship.

The Rooster easily makes friends thanks to his eccentric nature. After the goal is achieved and the marriage is concluded, he sheds his bright “feathers”, and his partner sees him from the other side. Therefore, it is important for the Rooster to maintain the interest of his chosen one even after the wedding, adding color to the relationship.

The thirst for new experiences and love for company take over, so often family life Representatives of this sign do not last long.

Career and profession

The Rooster has everything necessary qualities for climbing career ladder. The only thing that can prevent this is the advice or instructions of others. Therefore, he prefers to work without direct superiors and not in a team.

Needs praise and approval from others. After this, he works even more productively in order to hear pleasant words addressed to him again. Often takes on more work than he can handle.

A person born in the year of the Rooster is a deep thinker, a gifted person, a dreamer. He loves to work, is devoted to his work, tries to fulfill any obligation, even one that is beyond his strength.

When is the year of the Rooster?

Years of the Rooster: 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

The Rooster is considered the guardian of progress and internal self-improvement, the personification of exaggeration of one’s own strengths, as well as a symbol of the repeatability (cyclicity) of natural processes.

As is clear from the behavior of their winged brothers, people of the Year of the Rooster often “get cocky” and are not shy in their words or actions. They are frank and very eccentric, extremely sensitive and at the same time very enterprising.

In the Year of the Rooster, know how to spin: unemployment will increase this year. Watch your behavior: law and order are clear.

The year is good for Rats, Dragons, Horses, Roosters and Pigs; bad year for Tigers, Rabbits and Snakes; neutral for Oxen, Goats, Dogs and Monkeys.

Rooster according to the horoscope: what kind of person is he?

According to the horoscope, the Rooster man takes himself too seriously, loves flattery, loves to show off. Failure can throw him out of balance.

Sometimes he does not mince words, he says what he thinks, he can be aggressive, straightforward, and is always confident that he is right. His frankness and straightforwardness are most likely associated with selfishness.

The Rooster is indifferent to the vulnerability of others and believes that there is no need to spare others. In a word, the Rooster and diplomacy are incompatible things.

Roosters are often lonely and withdrawn, sometimes giving the impression of decisive people. If necessary, the Rooster is capable of showing bravery and even courage; he would make a good warrior. However, he boasts more than he does.

He loves to be noticed, does not trust anyone, relies only on himself. The man of the year of the Rooster always has many fantastic plans that are rarely realized.

He seems like an adventurer, but this is far from true. The Rooster is a conservative to the core, loves to dream and contemplate.

The Rooster must work to make a living, and if the field of activity is favorable, he can become rich. Always finds what he's looking for.

But if suddenly the Rooster allows himself to indulge in daydreaming and laziness, as he loves to do, then he can become one of the funny vagabond philosophers.

But this is ultimately also one of the ways to attract attention. Can make a career in the field Agriculture and those professions where you need to deal with people.

The Man of the Year of the Rooster does not know how to save and constantly spends everything he earns. Because of this, he may suffer ruin, bankruptcy, or disaster - as a reward for his excessive dreaminess and wastefulness.

Those born in the year of the Rooster will have ups and downs during all three phases of their life. This applies to both the material sphere and the sphere of relationships.

His the path will pass from poverty to riches, from perfect love to its most disgusting manifestations. But his old age will be happy. In the East they note that two Roosters in one house make life unbearable.

Character of the Rooster according to the horoscope

Such people, both men and women, are ready to endlessly “circle in one place”, forgetting not only about diplomacy, but also about elementary rules decency, just to achieve the goal.

There are many paradoxes in their character. To attract attention, they are ready to play the role of a lazy person and a parasite, although in reality they would like to work for seven people.

Despising the vain pursuit of sharp fashion, they nevertheless, as a rule, dress very provocatively and even loudly.

Most Roosters have clearly expressed conservative beliefs, but this does not prevent them from being courageous, desperately brave and very adventurous in the most risky situations.

These people perceive any failures extremely painfully and, at the slightest opportunity, hold others responsible for their loss.

If they happen to fall into a persistent streak of bad luck, they prefer to give up everything and go wherever they look, covering their decision with a supposedly irresistible desire to see what is happening in other lands.

He has a brilliant intellect, so he is ready to try himself in a business that does not correspond to his natural abilities. The more this overgrown chick experiences the world, the greater his desire to achieve excellence in what it has to offer.

The Rooster knows how to make a very good living and is ready to demonstrate both theoretical and practical skills. He is talkative, kind, persistent, but sometimes a little picky.

Confidence is not distinctive feature this sign, and roosters are usually much less calm than they would like to appear to others. Most people like the rooster, and some are simply delighted with it. What type are you?

Years of the Rooster and their elements

Time of domination

Yang or yin

Rooster element Fire

  • In the case of the Fire Rooster, a lot depends on the individual, and besides, regardless of the element, it is quite difficult for the Rooster to change his natural character.
  • If we talk about the fiery rooster, then a number of its features in this combination give way to a more direct reaction to the events happening to it.
  • This makes him more cheerful and sociable and less demanding. This bird is as practical as all the others, although it is more willing to hand over responsibility.
  • It is also said that the Rooster of the Fire element is more likely to be willing to accept your reasonable proposals.
  • He will never be careless, but still, of all the roosters, he is the one that comes closest to this characteristic. As a bonus, you will receive this sign's traditional devotion, good organizational skills and loyalty family values.
  • The Fire Rooster is supposed to be one of the greatest lovers on earth, as he has integrity and physical energy.
  • Add to this the flexibility and openness that sets him apart from other roosters, and perhaps the rumors regarding his skill will turn out to be true.
  • You will experience pleasure while being around him, and you will definitely not be able to find a more reliable and constant partner in any circumstances.
  • Take care that habits do not turn into routine, and - who knows - perhaps this Rooster will turn out to be the best of all!

Rooster element Metal

  • Do you want your home to be clean, your clothes ironed, your saucers washed, and your life scheduled by day and hour? If you immediately answered “yes” to all these questions, then it would be wise for you to enter into an alliance with the Metal Rooster.
  • The problem is that you will be living with a person who expects a lot, not only from himself, but from you too, and you may not be able to withstand such pressure.
  • All roosters are rather indecisive and therefore are not ready to immediately enter into a relationship, although the Rooster of the Metal element is certainly different from his brothers.
  • While he's unlikely to sweep you off your feet with confessions, he'll almost certainly tidy up your apartment and show his affection practical actions.
  • At the same time, the Metal Rooster is quite talkative, even if he cannot say anything important.
  • In terms of his abilities, this most practical of the zodiac signs is unlikely to yield the palm to anyone. Success in business is guaranteed for him, and it should be noted that even with this, the metal rooster will always have time to help you.
  • The Rooster of the Metal element, both a woman and a man, is ready to take care of the whole world, and, like a real rooster from a farm, will keep order from morning to evening.
  • Meanwhile, he is very kind, rarely aggressive, a passionate and inventive lover, whose vital energy knows no bounds.
  • And if he starts crowing, it will only be out of joy, and since you have become a part of his life, he will probably stay with you if you don’t get tired first.

Rooster element Earth

  • This Rooster is very charming, has integrity and is simply happy to be what nature created him to be. This is not bad, because most roosters are much less confident in own strength than earthen. To a large extent, what you see is what you get.
  • The Earth Rooster is usually less talkative than other members of his family, and is unlikely to make a fuss about anything, with the possible exception of clothes scattered around the house or a mess in the bathroom.
  • Here we meet a natural homebody. It usually has a sophisticated appearance. The Earth Rooster is often teased at school as a "crammer" or a "fashionist."
  • In fact, this is just his natural appearance, although those around him may think that he is just posing.
  • The Earth Rooster loves to host dinners for a small circle of friends, who often remain his friends for life. Ups and downs do not affect his well-being too much, so those around him always enjoy his company.
  • But all that glitters is not gold. Everything written above is true as long as circumstances develop the way the Rooster wants. This person may constantly grumble and bother others if reality does not meet his expectations.
  • He can be quite materialistic and usually expects only the best. In love, the Earthly Rooster is constant, sincere and quite ready to make some sacrifices. The character of this rooster is full of paradoxes!

Rooster element Tree

  • This is probably the most successful and calm combination of sign and element for the rooster, it should make this bird even more pleasant to communicate with. However, for whom is it “pleasant”? Probably not for you if you partner with a Wood Rooster.
  • Although he is very funny and capable, unusually caring and successful, he can drive almost any other sign of the Chinese zodiac into hysterics.
  • Why? The fact is that the Rooster of the Wood element knows the best way to do almost any task, and will not forget to tell you about it. The only problem is that you may not want to do something at all!
  • The fact is that when we're talking about about the practical side of life, the wooden rooster has no equal, so here is the only a big problem with his character: he not only considers himself a luminary in any matter, he is really right in his rightness!
  • His every glance tells you: “But I was right!” - and this look will anger you much more than any of his words. Indeed, your home will be clean and comfortable, your car will be spotless, and your children will always be supervised, but will you be happy?
  • There are many people in the world with different personalities, and it is fair to say that the Wood Rooster is the most consistent and reliable person you will ever meet.
  • The relationship will undoubtedly last a lifetime, as his devotion knows no bounds.
  • Many simply cannot dream of a love of such depth and strength, and you will also see that he is able to earn money with almost no effort.
  • The Wood Rooster is only suitable certain type of people. If you don't feel instinctive closeness, look further.

Rooster element Water

  • He is a very useful and very cunning bird and, all things considered, he can stand out in a whole coop.
  • Of course, a rooster will always be a rooster, so you should understand from the very beginning that you are dealing with an extremely restless type. Once you understand and accept this fact, life with a Water Rooster will not seem so bad.
  • From the very beginning, the Rooster of the Water element will be willing to help you. He is probably the most flexible of all the roosters. In a practical sense, and especially in matters related to the household, the Rooster is more or less guaranteed to be a professional.
  • Of course, he may have his own idea of ​​​​what is happening and may not change his opinion in favor of yours, but at least the work will be completed.
  • The Water Rooster is very intelligent, can be very charming, and is unlikely to bother you in public like most other Roosters prefer to do.
  • Any rooster is not prone to impulsiveness, although Water gives the rooster originality and gives him a sense of humor, usually black.
  • One fact distinguishes him from other signs of the Chinese zodiac - he definitely knows his inner nature and can laugh at his own shortcomings.
  • Few of us are capable of this, and this trait can be a great addition to any relationship.
  • The Rooster of the element Water has a rich imagination and is likely to good lover as long as the sheets remain clean and the bedroom remains tidy. Consistency is his hallmark, so with him you can forget about cheating.

People born in the year of the Rooster

Nero, Alexander Kolchak, Catherine II, Emperor of Japan Akihito, Rabindranath Tagore, Peter Ustinov, Valery Bryusov, Andrei Voznesensky, Yuri Shevchuk, Yuri Nikulin, Joan Collins, Vladimir Dahl, Andrei Sakharov, Nancy Reagan, Baron Guy de Rothschild, Evgeniy Yevtushenko, Gennady Khazanov, Niels Bohr, Katharine Hepburn, Somerset Maugham, Nicholas Roerich, Steve Martin, Stanislav Lem, Enrico Caruso, Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner, Johann Strauss.

Find out what kind of people are born in the year of the Rooster - the sign will tell you a lot!

Lucky colors of the Rooster: black – calms, gives elegance appearance and behavior.

Rooster: lucky talisman stone– aquamarine. Strengthens the gift of eloquence and insight.

Lucky numbers for the Rooster: 6

Who suits the Rooster is the most best signs for Rooster: Bull, Dragon, Snake, Pig, Dog

Who is not suitable for the Rooster, the worst signs for the Rooster: Goat, Rooster, Rabbit

Which zodiac sign does the Rooster correspond to?

The only bird among the representatives of the Chinese zodiac. If a person was born in the year of the Rooster, it is perhaps worth starting to characterize his sign with a “trademark” trait - a pronounced tendency towards bravado and a scandalous, adventurous character. All this leads to the fact that there is often a lot of confusion and turmoil around such people. Meanwhile, according to the eastern horoscope, the Rooster himself is an excellent administrator and a thoughtful, insightful analyst. He carefully examines each situation and “dissects” it into parts.

This often leads to the fact that the Rooster complicates many things in life - the simplest and easiest ones - to such an extent that the obstacles seem insurmountable to him. On the other hand, when there really is dangerous situation and representatives of other signs Eastern Zodiac carefully hiding in the corners, the Rooster demonstrates impressive courage and rushes into battle with a saber at the ready...

His bravado stems partly from his innate grit, but also from vanity. If a person is a Rooster according to the Chinese horoscope, then he loves performing and himself in leading role, spreads its colored feathers, attracts attention with extravagant behavior. Under such a mask, however, hides a sensitive idealist with a kind heart. This representative of the eastern horoscope can make generous gestures towards those in need. Those born in the Year of the Rooster are described by the Chinese as a born philanthropist who cannot accept injustice and the exploitation of others.

As the Chinese horoscope says, the Rooster loves cleanliness and order; his wardrobe consists of shirts, dresses, trousers, scarves and socks scrupulously organized by color and size (depending on gender, of course). A neat, pedantic to the point of painfulness, a person of the Rooster sign will fight dust in the apartment until he destroys it completely.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Rooster lives stormy life. Usually it acquires rich and varied experience, because, like any polygamous creature, it strives for numerous contacts. Most people born under the sign of the Rooster get married several times. Unless the first time they are lucky enough to find a partner who will satisfy their most important desires and needs. Most often, this is a desire to shine in beauty salons and make other people's hearts tremble with their fashionable outfits.

Eastern horoscope Rooster: legend, character, money and career;horoscope Rooster compatibility; Rooster zodiac sign

Rooster by year

1933 – water

1945 – wooden

1957 – fiery

1969 – earthen

1981 – metal

1993 – water

2005 – wooden

2017 – fiery

2029 – earthen

Eastern horoscope Rooster: legend

There are many legends about the origin of the twelve-year cyclical horoscope; two are especially common in China. One tells the story that Buddha invited to the celebration (according to various sources - name day, departure from this world to the palaces of heaven, etc.) animals who would want to overcome a wide cold river stream just to see Buddha. There were 12 brave souls. Rooster came in tenth. Of course, he could have done it earlier, but too thoroughly, and therefore for a long time he gave his numerous relatives instructions on how to lead life while he was away. All the same, the Rooster managed to come to the table, and among others was awarded: he received his own year to manage, endowing those born in his time with the qualities of his character.

Eastern horoscope Rooster: character

The Rooster is a thinker, a philosopher, a gifted person. He loves to work and is devoted to his work. He tries his best to fulfill any obligations, even those that are beyond his strength. Has a hard time dealing with failures. Can be eccentric, difficult contact with the environment. I am confident in my rightness to the extreme, although sometimes I am right. The Rooster is often lonely, withdrawn, timid, despite the impression he gives of a determined fighter. The Rooster is inclined to project (dream about the unreal), his plans are rarely realized. The Rooster is an egoist, but overly straightforward, capable of bold, even desperate actions. His feelings and emotions are not stable; the Rooster is characterized by sharp rises and declines. The same is true with luck.

The Rooster is always interesting in company, knows how to effectively present his persona: he is sociable, talkative, dresses fashionably, and carries himself very confidently. However, he is prone to boasting, even exaggerating, his own merits, but without arrogance. At the same time, the Rooster is very truth-loving by nature, to the point of straightforwardness, bordering on harshness. Expressing what is boiling over in his eyes, the Rooster does not think about the verbal content and consequences of directness. This often provokes quarrels and resentments. He himself is not very sensitive, so he does not understand how painful harsh words can be perceived. The Rooster is not a diplomat, this is not his path.

The Rooster's self-confidence is both his strength and his weakness: he is often reckless, does not know how to calculate his strength, and can “grab” an opponent much stronger than himself. At work, he often receives reproaches for promising to fulfill more than he can. And this is not so much bragging as unconditional faith Rooster into yourself.

The rooster's self-confidence manifests itself in his behavior: it is difficult for him to retreat, give in, or admit that he is wrong in an argument. But he loves to give advice to others, even if they don’t ask, which often seems unceremonious. However, the Rooster has many acquaintances, as well as devoted friends who value his reliability, loyalty, and sincerity.

On the other hand, self-confidence often brings significant benefits to the Rooster. He infects others with his confidence, which gives him an advantage, for example, when finding a job or in other situations. Thanks to his artistry, ability to hold himself, to present himself, the Rooster is able to make excellent money, but he spends it too thoughtlessly. Individual work is not his sphere; he always needs approval, a team, the opportunity to demonstrate his knowledge, skills, and talents. The Rooster’s faith in himself not only forces him to set difficult tasks for himself, but often it is precisely this that allows solve them brilliantly.

Eastern horoscope Rooster:money, career

Roosters are public people, and no matter what they do, they need “spectators,” even office colleagues. That is why Roosters try to choose activities for maximum self-expression and demonstration of themselves in public. Their natural confidence, artistry, and talent will help them achieve heights in their chosen field.

Regarding money, Roosters often spend a lot thoughtlessly, being prone to large demonstrative gestures. It’s simply unrealistic to stop them from shelling out a considerable amount of money on a collectible item, a costume, or charity in favor of a “poor relative.” The Rooster himself may later regret his indefatigability in spending, however, he will never rashly listen to even the best advice given directly. Roosters happen to be broke, but no one or few people know about this: they do not like to talk about their financial problems, preferring to cope on their own.

Celebrities Roosters

Catherine II, Stanislav Lem, Richard Wagner, Yuri Nikulin, Fenimore Cooper, Paul Belmondo, Andrei Sakharov, Enrico Caruso, Andre Maurois, Johann Strauss, Yves Montand, Rabindranath Tagore, Giulietta Masina, Yoko Ono, Giuseppe Verdi.

Horoscope Rooster compatibility

Good Snake, Ox, Dragon

Not very Dog, Rat, Rooster

Very bad Tiger, Monkey, Horse, Boar, Goat, Cat

In love, the Rooster is always sincere, but in winning over his beloved he will have a hard time: the Rooster often does not live up to the hopes of his partner, and it becomes almost impossible to keep him.

The happiness of the Rooster can be made by the family-oriented and conservative Ox.

With the Snake, the Rooster will be able to philosophize happily. In the field of love, the Snake will give the Rooster wisdom. However, the Snake should not be too brilliant: the Rooster will not tolerate competition and will simply “peck” it.

The Rooster needs to avoid the Cat! He cannot stand fanfare, bright rooster feathers. The Rooster cat despises everything for this.

Rooster zodiac sign

Capricorn is a rare bird. The qualities of his character are deep, nothing superficial.

Aquarius is a strange guy. Egoist. He is busy only with himself and with matters that concern only him.

Pisces - Cockerel on the bell tower. Always aims high. He has a lot of projects, mostly chimerical.

A rooster is a domesticated bird that needs attention and care. In all countries, this animal is personified with courage and masculine characteristics; it is also called the sun bird. The characteristics of people are manifested in masculine qualities. If the Goat is more suitable for women, then the Rooster is suitable only for men.

This sign can talk about himself incessantly and praise his talents and therefore he is the most narcissistic, but no matter how much he wants to be in the spotlight, he himself understands that he is not ideal. Individuals often feel sad because no one understands them.

There are weaknesses and strengths. TO weaknesses The following can be included:


Likes to argue.



TO positive aspects The following can be included:






Another feature that distinguishes this animal from all other eastern horoscopes is straightforwardness. On the one hand this good quality, which speaks of sincerity, but on the other hand, it is precisely because of harsh words that people around him are often offended.

Horoscope for the rooster

At first glance, this is a self-confident bird that can achieve its goals. But in fact, often these are people who are insecure, and the aggression that they can show is a way of defense.

It is natural for a bird to stand out from the rest and attract attention. Therefore, people of this sign consider themselves better than those around them, more beautiful, smarter. Almost always the rooster is cheerful and energetic, so it will be difficult not to notice him.

Many representatives of the sign are arrogant, but behind this they hide their fears. If speak about family relationships, then people like to show themselves in the role of an elder, so that everyone listens to him and follows his advice.

In general, life has many surprises in store for a bird. One of positive traits character can be called self-confidence. Even when things are very bad, he believes in his own strength to the last.

Rooster and compatibility

The best union will be with a snake, they will have a bright and rich life. Also with the bull, the sign will have many interests. The dragon, which inspires many signs to exploits, will help turn all plans into reality.

Signs such as the boar and the horse will respect the rooster, so you can cooperate with them and conquer the peaks.

But a rooster and a rooster are real opponents, for whom it is very difficult to determine which of them is better. Also, you should not get involved with a cat and a rat - nothing good will come of this union.

The sphere of money and career for people in the year of the rooster

Since the rooster likes to command people and give orders, he will make a good manager or official. Whatever he does, it is very important to him and there is no point in arguing with him.

But personal growth and success at work are not so easy for roosters. Since people do not intend to tolerate his arrogant attitude towards others.

This sign knows how to make money. But it is not always possible to spend them wisely. But it is worth noting that those professions where you need to work alone are not suitable for this sign; he needs the attention of others, for which he will try. Therefore, in order to achieve success, you need to choose professions in which you need to work together with a large team.

The characteristics of people born in the year of the rooster have negative aspects. They love to be hypocrites and hide their faces behind a false mask. Therefore, when communicating with roosters, you need to be careful and vigilant.