Svetlana Akinshina's husband. Oksana Akinshina - biography, information, personal life

She rarely appears on screen: now the actress is much more concerned about her acting popularity than her own family. “I realized that this is incredible work. It’s impossible to cope with this alone; I couldn’t do it without the help of a loved one,” says Oksana Akinshina.

You look great, dressed stylishly and just glowing. So, have you moved away from the bad girl image that has haunted you for many years?

I don’t even know... If I sent a saleswoman to the store now, I would no longer be viewed as a bad girl, but would be perceived as rude. But at that moment when I could do this, I was a real girl. I met Seryozha Shnurov (the lead singer of the Leningrad group had a romantic relationship with the actress. - Antennas note) at the age of sixteen. Never been a dandelion, always tough. Although, as I now understand, this form of protection brought me more benefits than negativity. For example, in satisfying professional ambitions in the future.

Recently, you have been moving from dramatic roles to comedic ones, but the audience remembers you sobbing and screaming, starting from Sergei Bodrov’s “Sisters” and ending with “Vysotsky”. And I must say, he is still waiting for this...

And I’m tired of playing backhand both mentally and physically. It’s just that then everything coincided for me - both the roles and the period of life. Corresponded to the internal state.

You got into the film “Sisters” at the age of 12 by accident. Have you ever thought: if you hadn’t come to that casting with Bodrov, where you especially didn’t want to go, what would your fate be like today?

Don't know. Now I’m glad that everything turned out the way it did. More than fifteen years have passed since filming; I was a child then. At first, it was difficult to get along with Katya Gorina, who played the role of the sister, but in the second part of the work we were no longer inseparable. Bodrov Jr. belonged to that category of professionals who don’t need to say anything. All he had to do was take my hand and look, and I understood what he wanted and received the energy that he expected from me on the set. Seryozha was very worried about me, and I calmed him down. This man played a very big role in my life and remained in my memory as one of the closest.

Are there other people who helped shape you as an actress, as a person, or are you mostly self-made?

In many ways I did it myself, but without the push of my loved ones nothing would have happened. I am grateful to all the people I have met in my life... The men I have lived with. Even negative actions, losses, pain also changed and shaped.

You had many novels, but your family did not appear right away. Wondered why?

Family is an incredible job, now I know. And it’s impossible to cope with this alone; I couldn’t do it without the help of a loved one. He should want this too - to be wise, to develop, to do something, perhaps not even what you do...

What caught Archil’s (Oksana’s husband – producer Archil Gelovani – Antennas’ note) hook?

At that moment when we met, everything happened at the energy level - we could not sit quietly in one place. Well, then many different circumstances coincided. Apparently, after the first meeting, Archil realized that he was in trouble emotionally, then he made my director start working for him, and our meetings became more frequent. I had a completely different life then, I crossed paths with Archil, experienced feelings, but thought that I didn’t need this “gift” yet. And then, by chance, I literally fell into his hands, and he never let me out.

Have you already turned into a wise wife?

I’m still transforming, but, of course, I’ve become calmer, more restrained, and I don’t react violently to many things as before. We have been together for five years, we know a lot about each other. It seems to me that it was with Archil that for the first time I internally felt like a woman.

And before, as an emotional person, did you rush headlong into love?

Yes. And I don’t regret anything. It's an experience. Some people don’t know how to receive these emotions at all and have never experienced them in their lives. Someone lives with their first love and cannot even imagine themselves outside this world. Although such relationships, in my understanding, are indigestible.

With the advent of a family, new habits probably appeared. Do you like to cook, for example?

No, I don't like to cook! I can, of course, but I don’t enjoy it. And then, my husband and I have a busy schedule, it is impossible to predict that we will sit down for dinner at seven o’clock in the evening. Although I am extremely punctual, I have everything in order, there cannot be a step to the side. Archil is more relaxed. But he is also extremely busy, so it is difficult for him to plan anything.

How have your sons Philip and Kostya changed you?

With their birth (especially after Kostya, the youngest), I began to understand men better. Archil is a crazy, hypertrophied dad, but I'm a tough mom. If we talk about satisfying our sons’ desires, my husband and I spoiled them, but with a daily routine and discipline we have complete control over them. From this side they are like in a maximum security colony.

But do you allow yourself to praise them too?

Any child needs to be praised, and boys, it seems to me, especially.

In your upbringing, are you guided by the experience of your own parents?

What do you understand now that your parents did wrong?

They had no respect for the child. I don’t talk to my sons like children, I don’t babysit. I communicate as with adults, as individuals. And this is what all members of our family do, and those who make mistakes are removed from communication with the boys (laughs). No one forcibly seats children at the table or takes off their clothes (especially the youngest ones). First you need to notify about this so that the child agrees. Yes, he will have to do this, but not through force, but be sure to understand that these are the rules. Both sons study in foreign institutions. I want them to grow up free, open, respectful of women and the older generation - these family values Our dad vaccinates.

Surely Archil’s relatives have a different – ​​Caucasian mentality of raising children. How did you grind in?

I initially set some restrictions, and all my relatives today see an excellent result in all respects - from brain to behavior. And if Archil’s relatives were nervous at first, now they are happy with what I’m doing.

You don’t appear on screen often these days—have you started acting less often because of your family?

Partly yes. But today there are few interesting proposals that one would like to agree to. But I don’t want to appear in the series every day and I won’t. Although I understand that this is also work. There aren't many good women's films being made these days. Although I said before that I was tired of dramatic heroines, I feel like I still miss her. Would they offer interesting scenario, I would go. I want a strong picture - maybe to play something crazy...

In the new comedy “SuperBeavers” you also have an unusual heroine - with superpowers.

Yes, for the first time I starred in science fiction movie. It's about the ordinary average Russian family living in a peripheral town. But one day a meteorite falls on the roof of their house, after which each family member acquires certain abilities: someone understands dog language, someone gains enormous strength or begins to fly. My heroine can become invisible. Moreover, these superpowers begin to operate only when the whole family gets together.

What is your definition of superpower? What should a man do for you to say that he has done a super deed?

So that I never have to ask him for anything. I don't mean material things, but simple human understanding.

If you don’t have the desired roles yet, maybe you want to try yourself in directing? Is work necessary for self-realization or is family enough?

It’s clear that you can say whatever you want, but without work it’s impossible for me to be in a normal mood. Directing is not my thing, I’d rather open some kind of store.

But you don’t see yourself on stage, because you already had a theatrical history?

Yes, several years ago, when the production of “Veronica Decides to Die” based on the novel by Paulo Coelho was started on the stage of the Yuri Vasiliev Theater. We started rehearsing, everything had to be done quickly - the premiere was planned in two weeks, and I said: “Guys, I’m sorry, I’m not ready for this.” At that time, I had nothing to do with the theater and did not want to do everything in order to learn the text and pronounce it on stage. In general, I imagine myself on stage. But I will be able to perform a maximum of five performances, then I will not be able to adjust my life to the theater. I need to play, let’s say, but my son is on vacation. So what, I won’t go to him?! Of course, I’ll fly, putting everything aside. Maybe in ten years, when the children grow up, an enterprise will appear in my life.

I wanted to ask about love. Does this feeling change for you over the years?

How many candies can you eat at one time?

Actually, I don't have a sweet tooth. Maximum four.

Do you still believe in...

Probably in the case that brought me and Archil together.

Most comfortable clothes?

Sneakers and jeans.

If a third son is born, what will you name him?

Maybe Pavel.

What character traits hinder you in life?

Punctuality, clarity.

When do you like yourself more?

In the morning, in the first five minutes after sleep.

If you caught goldfish, That…

I would wish health to the children.

Everyone would be surprised if they knew that you...


In 1987, Oksana appeared in the family of a car mechanic father and an accountant mother. Since childhood, she attended classes at a modeling school, where they worked on each student and taught her how to present herself correctly. Each student had potential, so the head of the institution advised them to go through the casting announced by director Sergei Bodrov Jr. for a role in the new film “Sisters.” Oksana did not have much hope for these tests, but she was approved for the role at the age of 13.

Star Trek

Such an early debut proved that the girl has acting potential. She was next invited to the cinema by Swedish director Lukas Moodysson - Oksana Akinshina was offered a role in the film “Lilya Forever”, thanks to which the young actress gained fame (photos from this period can be found on the Internet). Each new job Akinshina was even more vibrant and impressive. In 2003, she starred in the film South, in which she had to speak Dutch.

She finally managed to gain a foothold as a star of Russian cinema after participating in Valery Todorovsky’s musical film “Hipsters,” in which she played the main female role. She began to get leading roles more and more often: for example, in the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive” Oksana reincarnated as the girlfriend of the great poet and actor Vladimir Vysotsky. She also became one of the main characters in the romantic comedy “8 First Dates,” released in 2012. Oksana Akinshina made such an enchanting journey in the world of Russian cinema without professional acting education - she was aware of her talent, and therefore did not consider additional study necessary.

Oksana Akinshina: height, weight

Oksana Akinshina is 172 cm tall and weighs 56 kg.

Oksana Akinshina: personal life

Entry into the world of show business influenced Oksana’s personal life from her early teens. Until the age of 15, Akinshina, a young actress, was considered the actor’s girlfriend. Just as quickly, she turned into a bride, but already next to another lover - he became the notorious leader of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov. The relationship that developed between them was turbulent and scandalous. Oksana broke up with Sergei after 5 years, and in 2007 she met what seemed to be her true love true love— businessman Dmitry Litvinov. It took them only two months to realize the need for marriage. In 2009, they had a son, whom they decided to name Philip, but the family still broke up. In 2011, Oksana met with singer Alexei Vorobyov, with whom they broke up and got back together.

Actress Oksana Akinshina was born on April 19, 1987. The girl's parents often quarreled, and the tense situation in the family greatly affected her character. Since childhood, she became independent. She considered her mother more of a friend than an authority. She did everything her own way.

Oksana always despised social norms and did not obey them. She strived to be different from everyone else, not to obey the established order in her environment. The biography of the beautiful Oksana Akinshina is interesting to her fans. That’s why we dedicated today’s article to her.

The youth of the actress

The family of the future actress was not at all creative. Her mother was an accountant, and her father worked as a car mechanic. But Oksana always liked art. She enjoyed attending the theater club at school. But I also thought about other professions - I wanted to become a veterinarian or a police officer.

At 12 years old future actress For the first time I became interested in the opposite sex. Beautiful girl The young men liked her and some of them reciprocated.

For Oksana Akinshina, there were practically no prohibitions. Also, at the age of 12, she got a tattoo. And at 13 I didn’t give up cigarettes and alcohol.

Besides, young girl I started earning money early. She began working as a model. But she was bored at school. Because of this, the girl studied poorly.

She received her secondary education certificate only in 2008, when she was already 21 years old. In addition, after graduating from school, the girl decided to study as an art critic and entered a St. Petersburg university.

Filmography of Oksana Akinshina

In 2000, the girl’s life changed dramatically. Thanks to the modeling agency, Oksana took part in auditions for the film “Sisters” by Sergei Bodrov, Jr. At that moment she didn’t even dream of a career in cinema and didn’t want to please the director at all. But the complex, rebellious character of the actress played a key role - she was unconditionally accepted for main role. Thanks to Bodrov, Oksana fell in love with the world of cinema. And for the sake of this world, she decided to quit school.

Oksana Akinshina, Sergei Bodrov Jr. and Katya Gorina in the film “Sisters”

The girl easily transformed into the heroine of the film, Sveta. But in character she was very different from her character. Sveta is an introvert, she doesn’t let anyone get close to her. And young Akinshina was more sociable and cheerful.

It’s interesting that Oksana didn’t get along very well with Ekaterina Gorina, who played her sister. The girls were jealous of the director towards each other. True, after filming, their relationship improved.

Oksana Akinshina in the film “Lilya Forever”

Soon after the film “Sisters,” Akinshina was invited to his project by Swedish director Lukas Moodysson. She played the main role in the drama “Lilya Forever”. Thanks to this film, the young actress became famous abroad.

In the same year, the actress played in Andrei Proshkin’s film “Moth Games”. The girl's partners film set there were Alexey Chadov and Sergey Shnurov. In addition, she was involved in the filming of the popular TV series “Kamenskaya”.

Oksana Akinshina in the Hollywood film “The Bourne Supremacy”

The success of young Oksana Akinshina in cinema is enviable. In 2004, she went to Hollywood to film The Bourne Supremacy. She played a cameo role in it. The girl was delighted with her work in American cinema. In addition, she incredibly enjoyed working with the famous Matt Damon.

Still from the film “Hipsters”

In 2008, the girl got a new interesting project. She played the main role in Valery Todorovsky's film "Hipsters". Here she brought to life a new image for herself - a spectacular blonde. And she reincarnated into him quite successfully.

Still from the film “Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs”

In 2012, the actress brilliantly played in the comedy “Eight First Dates”, together with actor Vladimir Zelensky. And in 2015 she took part in the continuation of this film.
Today Oksana Akinshina is still in demand as an actress.

Oksana Akinshina and Vladimir Zelensky in the film “Eight First Dates”

For example, in 2016, Oksana Akinshina delighted her fans by starring in yet another Russian film, “Hammer.” The premiere of this film took place in November.

Now Oksana agrees less and less to directors’ proposals. Firstly, because he wants to devote as much time as possible to his family. And secondly, because she does not see worthy projects in which she would be interested in working. But quit acting career the girl is not going to. She is glad that she is an actress, that her fate turned out this way.

Oksana Akinshina and Alexey Chadov on the set of the film “Sword”

Akinshina Oksana: children and husband, photo

Oksana's first love was actor Alexey Chadov. And at the age of 16 she fell deeply in love with musician Sergei Shnurov. The famous musician was twice as old as the young actress. In an interview, Oksana admitted that she was always drawn to men like Shnurov.

They met on the set of the film Game of Moths. The musician recorded the soundtrack for this film, and Akinshina played one of the main roles. Within a few weeks of meeting, they began to live together.

The girl became a real muse for Sergei Shnurov and learned all the delights of life with a rock musician - both joys and sorrows. Their whirlwind romance, despite public scandals and fights, lasted five years.

The biography and personal life of Oksana Akinshina was very eventful. In 2008, the girl met the man who became her first husband, Dmitry Litvinov. He was not a creative person - he headed the Planet Inform company.

Two months after they met, the man proposed to Akinshina. They got married. A year later, the girl realized that she was not ready for marriage.

Despite the fact that she was pregnant, the girl left her husband. And having already parted with him, she gave birth to a son, Philip. In 2010, Oksana and Dmitry officially divorced.

After the birth of her son, the girl began an affair with Alexei Vorobyov. They dated for one year.

In 2011, the actress met Archil Gelovani on the set of the project “Love with an Accent”. He was the producer of this picture. At first, the lovers lived in a civil marriage and did not advertise their relationship. And in 2012, they stopped hiding their civil marriage. At the beginning of 2013 she gave common-law husband son. They named him Konstantin.
Now Oksana Aleksandrovna Akinshina is still happy in her personal life. At the beginning of 2017, she gave birth to a daughter from Archil Gelovani.

Having married Archil Gelovani, actress Oksana Akinshina, whose biography and personal life we ​​are discussing today, changed only internally, but also externally. If earlier she could appear in front of everyone in provocative dresses, today she does not allow herself to do this and dresses much more modestly.

Perhaps the actress does not want to provoke her husband to jealousy. Or perhaps, after the birth of three children, Akinshina’s tastes in clothing changed.

Oksana Akinshina was born on April 19, 1987 in St. Petersburg. Since childhood, the girl has become accustomed to independence. For girls with early years there were no prohibitions, and she often neglected generally accepted norms, striving to be different from everyone else.

Oksana's parents had nothing to do with art. My mother worked as an accountant, and my father as a car mechanic. The future movie star attended a dance club, although she secretly dreamed of becoming either a valiant law enforcement officer or a veterinarian. Nature rewarded the girl angelic appearance. She has blonde hair, but at the same time brown eyes and well-defined dark eyebrows.

Already in adolescence the girl had model figure parameters. It’s no wonder that the young beauty enjoyed a lot of attention from the guys. The daughter did not please her parents with her success at school, but she learned to earn money: her first money was paid to her by one of the many modeling agencies.

Oksana Akinshina decided that school was of no use to her and almost abandoned her studies. The girl was able to graduate from school and receive secondary education only in 2008. Later she entered one of the universities in St. Petersburg, choosing the specialty of art historian.

In 2000, together with others young models At the insistence of the head of the agency, Oksana auditioned for the film “Sisters”. At that time, the future movie star did not show the slightest interest in cinema. She was absolutely not interested in pleasing director Sergei Bodrov Jr. Later, Bodrov himself admitted that he was looking for an actress with just such a “ruff” character for the role of Sveta. The director's mentorship completely changed Oksana's opinion about cinema and the profession of an actor.

The girl brilliantly transformed into her heroine Sveta. At the same time, she didn’t look like her at all, because Sveta - withdrawn teenager with your complex inner world. He loves the work of Viktor Tsoi and is a great shooter. For their work in the drama “Sisters” in 2001, Akinshina and Gorina were awarded the “Best Acting Duet” award as debutantes.

Inspired by her first resounding success, the young artist now dreamed of nothing else. Soon she received an offer from Swedish director Lukas Moodysson. He saw Akinshina in Bodrov’s film and was amazed by her performance. Moodysson invited Oksana to play the leading role in his dark drama “Lilya Forever”.

Filming lasted forty days in Tallinn, Estonia and several cities in Sweden. The film, like all its participants, received international fame. About the young Russian actress Oksana Akinshina was recognized far beyond her homeland. The role of Lily brought the girl a prize at the 13th International Film Festival in Stockholm and prestigious award Swedish Film Academy "Golden Bug".

In the same triumphant year of 2002, 15-year-old Oksana Akinshina starred in the domestic film “On the Move” directed by Philip Yankovsky. Despite working with such famous stars cinema, like K. Khabensky and F. Bondarchuk, the actress spoke quite critically about the film.

A year later she starred in three new high-rated projects. The most successful was Andrei Proshkin’s film “Moth Games”. In it, Oksana Akinshina played one of the main roles in the company of Alexei Chadov and Sergei Shnurov. She also appeared in one of the episodes of the third season of the TV series “Kamenskaya” and in the Dutch project “South”, for work in which she had to learn to speak Dutch fluently.

In 2004, Oksana was invited to play the role of Esther Litvinova in the film adaptation of Boris Akunin’s popular novel “State Councilor,” but the girl simply did not come to the shooting, and then Emilia Spivak was approved in her place. That same year, the young actress rushed off to Hollywood to film the action movie The Bourne Supremacy. At first, Hollywood producers refused her, but then they gave her a second chance, which Oksana Akinshina took full advantage of. Having played the cameo role of Irina Neskaya, the girl was delighted with American cinema. Experience with Hollywood star Matt Damon turned out to be unforgettable.

Next, Oksana Akinshina starred in Russian film in the fantasy genre "Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs". The director and screenwriter of the film, Nikolai Lebedev, intended to make a “Russian answer” to such a box-office film as “The Lord of the Rings”, but, according to film critics, he failed in his endeavor. Oksana Akinshina, who played the role of Knesinka Elen, was extremely disappointed with the filming process and the result obtained.

In 2008, the film musical “Hipsters” with Akinshina was released on big screens. Initially, actress Ekaterina Vilkova was considered for the main role, but in the end she got a supporting role. Valery Todorovsky invited Oksana to play the role of a girl from the world of dudes, Polina. In the film, the actress appeared in a new image - a feminine and spectacular beauty. This role brought Oksana the award for “Best Kiss” at the MTV Russia Movie Awards.

Three years later, the premiere of the biographical film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive” by Peter Buslov. In it, Oksana Akinshina appeared in the image of Tatyana Ivleva, a friend of Vladimir Vysotsky. The drama received four prestigious awards, and Akinshina was nominated for the Nika and Georges awards. She was lucky to play with such Russian cinema stars as Sergei Bezrukov, Andrei Smolyakov, Ivan Urgant and Andrei Panin. According to viewers and film critics, Oksana Akinshina coped brilliantly with her role.

In 2012, Akinshina starred in the Ukrainian comedy “8 First Dates,” as well as in the sequel to this film, “8 New Dates,” which was released in 2015.

The cinematic biography of Oksana Akinshina continues to develop upward. In March 2016, the premiere of Dmitry Dyachenko’s domestic comedy “Super Beavers” took place. The actress got one of the key roles here. Oksana Akinshina starred in tandem with Pavel Derevianko.

In the same year, fans of this wonderful artist saw her in another project - the sports drama “Hammer” by Nurbek Egen, on the set of which Oksana Akinshina again met with Alexei Chadov.

Provocative photos famous beauty often appear in glossy magazines and men's tabloids. Maxim magazine has repeatedly included Oksana Akinshina in its ratings.

Awards for Oksana Akinshina

Prize at the Kinotavr festival for “Best Acting Duet” (2001)

Prize at the Constellation festival in the Debut category (2001)

Prize at the All-Russian Festival of Visual Arts for “Best Actress” (2001)

Prize at the Thirteenth International Film Festival in Stockholm (2002) - nomination “Best Actress”

Swedish Film Academy Film Award "Golden Bug" - nomination "Lead Actress"

Audience Award in the competition "Best Actress in Sweden" (2002)

Prize at the third European Film Festival in Stuttgart - “Best young promising actress” (2003)

Filmography of Oksana Akinshina

2001 Sisters of Light
2002 Lilya forever Lilya
2002 Anya on the move
2003 Zoyka's Moth Games
2003 South Zoya
2003 Kamenskaya 3 Ira Terekhina
2004 The Bourne Supremacy Irena Neskaya
2004 Women in a game without rules Alka
2005 Women's novel Ksenia
2006 Captain's children Polina Grineva
2006 Moscow-zero Lyuba
2006 Countdown Anna
2006 Wolfhound from the family of Gray Dogs Knesinka Elen
2008 Hipsters “Benefit”
2008 Birds of Paradise Katenka
2008 Enemy number one Katya
2009 I am Nina
2010 Snowstorm Varya
2011 Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive Tatyana
2011 Where does the sea flow? mother
2012 8 first dates Vera
2012 Suicides Marina
2012 No hurry, motorcyclist
2015 8 new dates Vera
2015 SOS, Santa Claus, or Everything will come true! Olga
2015 Loop Nesterova Olga
2016 Super Beavers Svetlana Bobrova
2016 To each his own Oksana
2016 Hammer Vera
2018 Super Beavers. People's Avengers Svetlana Bobrova

Family of Oksana Akinshina

In 2008, she met her first husband, Dmitry Viktorovich Litvinov (born November 6, 1976), general director PR company "Planet Inform". On June 2, 2009, their son Philip was born.

Oksana Akinshina now Personal life

Name: Oksana Akinshina Date of birth: April 19, 1987 Zodiac sign: Aries Place of birth: St. Petersburg Occupation: actress.

What is the height and weight of actress Oksana Akinshina?
Weight: 56 kg Height: 172 cm

Personal life of Oksana Akinshina began very early - at the age of fourteen she began dating actor Alexei Chadov, and already understood well what men liked. By this time, having starred in Sergei Bodrov’s film “Sisters,” the young actress learned what real popularity was. This picture became the first creative biography Oksana Akinshina, and determined her entire future fate.

The affair with Chadov lasted a year, and after breaking up with him, Akinshina began dating the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, with whom she lived in civil marriage until 2007. The personal life of Oksana Akinshina, while she was a friend of the notorious musician, could not be called calm - loud quarrels and conflicts were commonplace in these relationships. Thus, by the age of seventeen, Akinshina already had some experience family life. Oksana lived with Shnurov for five years, and after breaking up with him, she fell into a terrible depression.

Life with the Leningrad frontman was accompanied by endless noisy companies, alcohol, rock and roll and other similar “romance”, which she had to wean off with the help of a psychologist. And when Oksana looked at everything around her in a new way, fate gave her a meeting with new love in the person of businessman Dmitry Litvinov, general director of the PR company Planet Inform, which seemed to promise her long-awaited stability and a strong male shoulder. In two months romantic relationships Dmitry proposed to Oksana, they got married, and two years later the actress became a mother - her son Philip was born with Dmitry. However, this marriage did not bring happiness to the actress, and she realized this a year after the wedding. Oksana and Dmitry went to different apartments, and the actress gave birth to a son, Philip, becoming, in fact, a free woman, although the divorce from Litvinov was finalized a little later.

After the divorce, Oksana Akinshina had a short affair with singer Alexei Vorobyov, whom she met on the set of the film “Suicides”. The relationship could not be called stable - they either diverged, then came together again, until they broke up completely. It was not difficult for Oksana Akinshina to arrange her personal life, because her son Philip lived mainly with her mother in St. Petersburg.

Did you know that - Oksana Akinshina
June 2, 2009 gave birth to a son.
She was born into a simple family that had nothing to do with art.
She got into cinema thanks to Sergei Bodrov Jr., having passed the casting for his film “Sisters”.
On January 15, 2013, she gave birth to her second son from film producer Archil Gelovani.

On the set of the film “Love with an Accent,” the actress met film producer Archil Gelovani, who became her second husband. Archil is twelve years older than Oksana, but this did not interfere with their personal happiness. In January 2013, Oksana gave birth to her second son, Konstantin, but a year and a half after the birth of the baby, the actress learned that Archil had cheated on her with a young French businesswoman. Then Oksana said that she was not going to just give up, however, how things are in their family is now unknown - the actress does not appear on TV very often. social events and it is almost impossible to get comments from her.

Until she was fifteen, she dated actor Alexei Chadov, after which (2002-2006) she lived with Sergei Shnurov. In 2008, she met her future husband, Dmitry Viktorovich Litvinov (born November 6, 1976), general director of the PR company Planet Inform. On June 2, 2009, their son Philip was born.

Oksana met with actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov. They broke up in early May 2011, but a month later Alexey returned to Oksana.

On January 15, 2013, Akinshina and film producer Archil Gelovani had a son, Konstantin..
Oksana Akinshina from Wikipedia- free encyclopedia

Source of biography and personal life of Oksana Akinshina: