Russian Beckhams: The Pogrebnyak Family. Wives of Russian football players before and after plastic surgery Pogrebnyak before surgery

Maria Pogrebnyak is an amazing woman who managed to combine the qualities of a mother of three children, loving wife, a successful businesswoman, stylish socialite and popular blogger. Her marriage to a football player brought her fame.

Childhood and youth

Maria Shatalova (this is the maiden name of the socialite) was born on November 17, 1988. Her hometown is Moscow. Masha became a late child for her parents. She has an older brother who works as a microbiologist. Since childhood, Pogrebnyak attended an icon painting club. The hobby remained with Maria for the rest of her life.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery

In 2006, the girl began studying at the Moscow Financial Academy, but she had to give up her studies for a while: Pavel Pogrebnyak, at that time Maria’s husband, moved to Tomsk. She followed her lover, but graduated a few years later, becoming a certified accountant.

Personal life

Maria met her husband Pavel Pogrebnyak while still a schoolgirl. The girl was in 7th grade, and Pavel was finishing 10th grade. Despite the age difference, the young people fell in love with each other. Soon the friendship grew into a tender feeling, Pavel and Maria began to meet and make plans for the future.

A new stage in her personal life began when Maria was 17 years old. Pogrebnyak was already considered a promising football player and played for the Yaroslavl team, while Masha was finishing school. To see her beloved, the girl even skipped classes. This did not take long to affect her grades, but the feeling was stronger - Maria continued to go to Yaroslavl on dates.

In 2006, Maria and Pavel got married. The wedding was held modestly; the young couple did not have money for a luxurious celebration. The couple organized a luxurious holiday 8 years later, already being the parents of three children. In 2007, Maria gave her husband her first child, son Artem. The boy was born in Tomsk. After 2 years, the Pogrebnyak family became larger again: a son, Pavel, was born. And in 2011, in Stuttgart, Germany, Maria gave birth to her third son, the boy was named Alexei.


In 2012, a new page opened in Pogrebnyak’s biography: she and her husband moved to England. There, the bright blonde quickly became famous. The girl began designing evening dresses, and soon presented her first collection of clothes. It is noteworthy that Maria became both a designer of dresses and a model, independently demonstrating her own creations.

However, Maria’s name was discussed not only due to her fashionable works, but also because of her participation in the project of the English Fox channel called Meet the Russians. This reality show about wealthy Russian people living in London quickly gained scandalous popularity.

Pogrebnyak herself was dissatisfied with her own image, which turned out on the screen. The celebrity admitted that of all the filmed material, only footage was aired where she goes shopping, poses in underwear and shows off her extensive wardrobe.

Pogrebnyak complained that no one is interested in footage in which she appears as an ideal mother and housewife. In addition to Maria, designer Victoria Unik, fashion designer, socialite Marinika Smirnova and other media persons from Russia living in the capital of England took part in the project.

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Maria Pogrebnyak - wife famous football striker of Dynamo Moscow Pavel Pogrebnyak. Often, the wives of football players receive the same amount of criticism as their famous husbands. Appearance, weight, wardrobe, relationships - the whole life of society wives remains in full view of the curious public. Masha recently posted on her Instagram page photographs from 9 years ago, in which the girl is radically different from her current self. What is the reason for such dramatic changes?

Fairy tale love story

Maria Shatalova was born on November 17, 1988. IN early childhood her mother and grandmother instilled in the girl a love of God, laid down moral values ​​and taught her how to paint icons. A real Russian beauty with a luxurious wheat braid over her shoulder, huge naive eyes and plump lips, the boys at school really liked her. But Masha gave her heart to a sports tenth grader already in the seventh grade. The first love, which has lasted for more than 10 years, was Pavel Pogrebnyak.

Young age only gave a feeling of freshness and purity. For the sake of her beloved, a girl in her senior year skipped classes, went to see her beloved in another city, hardly prepared for exams and completely devoted her youth to the interests of her beloved. Beautiful love with a touch of fabulous purity goes beyond the current idea of star families, the more interesting it becomes to watch the life of a happy couple.

In 2006, Masha abandoned her studies at the Moscow Financial Academy and left with her beloved for Siberia. The lovers get married there, deciding to postpone the wedding until better times. The marriage produced three beautiful sons. Since then, the devoted wife has not missed a single match of her husband. Going to one of these matches changed her life dramatically.

Transfiguration of Maria Pogrebnyak

One day Maria was sitting near a group of her husband’s fans and overheard their conversation. The girls discussed Masha herself, calling her a fat cow. For an impressionable girl, accustomed to being the center of attention, these kinds of comments became offensive. Note that after giving birth, Maria, who was prone to obesity, gained more than 20 kg excess weight, so the remark about the figure seemed more than justified to her. Since then, a long journey of her transformation began.

  • Losing weight. Shatalova’s height is 170 cm, and her weight after giving birth exceeded 60 kilograms. The footballer's wife simply couldn't afford to look like that, so she decided to take drastic measures. Losing weight started with trial and error. The girl admits that she took diet pills, but the drugs had no effect. Tired of experimenting on herself, she simply switched completely to healthy eating and began to play sports intensively.

The woman completely excluded sweets, flour dishes, fried and fatty foods from her diet. For greater effect, the girl even refused fruits that contain a lot of sugar. Shatalova’s daily diet consists of porridge with water, vegetables, yogurt and steamed fish. Daily workouts in the gym helped tone the abdominal muscles, stretched after three births.

Numerous photos of Maria Pogrebnyak, which she posts on VKontakte, on Twitter, and on Instagram, demonstrate her magnificent physical fitness. Herculean efforts led to the girl’s weight dropping to 43 kilograms. Maria herself considers her current form ideal and tries in every possible way to maintain it.

  • Lip surgery Before her lip surgery, Maria Pogrebnyak looked like a girl from a Russian fairy tale. Bright appearance and expressive facial features seemed to require no correction, but man is inclined to argue with nature. The girl decided to undergo lip augmentation procedure. She believed that in this way she would become more attractive and sexier for famous husband. Maria Pogrebnyak before and after lip augmentation surgery using biogel has changed a lot, not for the better.

Deformed and swollen to incredible sizes, the lips did not decorate the face one bit, but made it vulgar and unnatural. Fans unanimously decided that Maria Pogrebnyak looked much better before the operation. The criticism had no effect, and the biogel was removed only 10 years after its introduction. After plastic surgery, Maria Pogrebnyak swears that her lips are now completely natural, but their size is still impressive. This suggests their correction using modern hyaluronic acid.

  • Rhinoplasty. Information about rhinoplasty is conflicting. Many fans believe that Maria Pogrebnyak was able to change this way after an operation to change the shape of her nose, but experts agree that the woman’s emergency weight loss was able to sharpen her facial features.

  • Correction of cheekbones. After Maria published old photos, gossip spread that the young woman’s plump cheeks had been treacherously polished by a plastic surgeon. From thousands of new selfies, the girl no longer looked at the fabulous Alyonushka with rosy cheeks, but as a bitchy socialite with sharp and sharp facial features.

The famous lover of the Dynamo Moscow striker, like the wife of a Decembrist, followed her husband everywhere. All her changes appearance were determined by the desire to please her husband and not be considered an old hen with a bunch of children under her wing.

What is Maria Shatalova famous for?

Masha’s biography is similar to the life of Masha, who also closely monitors her appearance, is the wife of a football player, has three children and is trying to go beyond the shadows famous husband. Maria Pogrebnyak, before and after plastic surgery, never ceases to shock the public, doing both worthy and rather strange things.

  • The woman is a clothing designer. Her chic dresses are trimmed with rhinestones, lace and stones. The designer gives preference to creating evening dresses to the floor, but in her Moscow showroom you can find T-shirts, skirts and other designer items. The cost of one product is from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles.

  • Ms. Shatalova appeared at the restaurant, showing off a Balenciaga shopping bag worth 120,000 rubles, bought in Paris.

  • Organized a children's birthday in the style of your beloved computer game Minecraft youth. There, children broke figures from square blocks and built new ones.

  • She starred in the scandalous show with her friend “Meet the Russian,” which shows the stereotypical life of the rich wives of Russian oligarchs abroad. The woman later justified that all the scenes in which she cooks, washes and cleans were cut out, but the footage from expensive restaurants and nightclubs remained.
  • She accused Russian commentator Vladimir Stognienko of lack of patriotism, shaming the man for not supporting the Russian team well. The girl later apologized for her excessive frankness and incontinence.
  • The footballer's wife runs her own beauty blog, in which she willingly shares the secrets of her ideal appearance, weight and style.

Looking at a blonde with bleached long locks, voluminous lips and sharp cheekbones, who poses in an open bikini on the beach, you would never say that this is faithful wife and a happy mother of three children. Maria Shatalova-Pogrebnyak has become the personification of the saying “appearances are deceiving.” The woman managed not to become a brainless shadow and a “football player’s girlfriend,” but to remain a full-fledged person with a lot of hobbies and irrepressible vital energy.

Video: Maria Shatalova-Pogrebnyak in the talk show “Lolita”

The footballers' wives have identical faces: voluminous lips, chiseled cheekbones, thin noses. In joint selfies on Instagram, they look like sisters. Does football really bring us together? Or is it a matter of “improving”? We decided to ask a dispassionate and incorruptible plastic surgeon.

Georgy Dashtoyan,
specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery with experience in the USA,
plastic surgeon at the center of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology “Darmed”

Alana Mamaeva

This is the wife of FC Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev, a participant in that very scandalous party in Monaco, where he and Alexander Kokorin celebrated the defeat of the Russian national team at Euro 2016 with champagne for two hundred and fifty thousand euros. Alana, by the way, is also a famous participant in scandals: you can find several videos of her on the Internet.

But most of all, Internet users like to discuss not antics former model, and her plastic surgery. Alana herself admitted that she had rhinoplasty “due to ENT problems.” However, it seems that she did not limit herself to the nose.

Expert opinion:“Alana definitely did. You see, in the last photos the springboard of her nose is thin, narrow, without a clear transition from the bone part to the cartilaginous part. It can also be assumed that Mamaeva was removed. She has high cheekbones and now fashionable apples in the middle third of her face. She also pins up her lips, you can see the volume and clear contour that happens after injections. She also did contouring of the lower jaw and chin.”

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Ekaterina Malafeeva

The wife of Zenit team goalkeeper Vyacheslav Malafeev. Clever and beautiful, she plays the role of not only a wife and keeper of the hearth, but also the director of the M16-Real Estate agency.

Ekaterina has many acquaintances in show business, and social events she visits sometimes. It is not surprising that the passion for redesign captured her too. By the way, if you put Malafeeva next to Mamaeva, they can be confused.

Expert opinion:“Ekaterina has done everything to the minimum. Instead of surgery, it was used pure form. With the help of injections, Malafeeva plumped up her lips, her cheekbones were made, and Botox was injected into her forehead. Standard program, nothing criminal."

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Ekaterina Smolnikova

The wife of Zenit defender Igor Smolnikov cannot sit idle. She not only takes care of her family, but also broadcasts on Zenit TV, and also organized charity project Play and Help, which helps children with various problems.

It is known that the wives of football players are friends; we found a joint selfie of Smolnikova and Malafeeva. If not (Smolnikova is blonde, and Malafeeva is brunette), then they could be mistaken for twin sisters.

Expert opinion:“Ekaterina Smolnikova has all the fashionable injection techniques on her face. Contour plastic surgery of the chin, cheekbones, lips... Rhinoplasty was also clearly done, there are botulinum toxin injections in the forehead area.”

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Inna Zhirkova

The wife of football player Yuri Zhirkov became famous thanks to Boris Sobolev’s acclaimed film about beauty contests, “Crowned Kings.” In it, Miss Russia 2012 was unable to answer the simplest questions: “Does the Earth revolve around the Sun or vice versa? Who are Agnia Barto and Samuil Marshak?

After bullying in in social networks Inna returned the crown. Now Zhirkova is leading successful business: she opened the MiloMilo atelier for sewing exclusive clothes. Many celebrities can be seen wearing her designs. Inna often poses herself in created clothes for lookbooks. Most likely, this is why she decided to adjust herself a little.

Surgeon's opinion:“Inna did not undergo serious plastic surgery. If you compare it latest photos with early ones, it is clear that the girl has lost a lot of weight. Inna couldn’t resist classic beauty injections. It is clear that it was carried out contour plastic surgery on cheekbones, lips.”

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Maria Pogrebnyak

The wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak first attracted the attention of the public on both sides of the ocean thanks to the show Meet the Russians, in which she was presented as a poorly educated socialite who is only interested in clothes and jewelry.

The school love of Maria Shatalova and Pavel Pogrebnyak culminated in a wedding in 2014. Since then, football fans have been closely watching not only famous athlete, but also for his popular wife. Maria follows Pavel hand in hand everywhere, and just as their place of residence often changes, so does Maria Pogrebnyak’s appearance.

Fans never tire of comparing her public photos before and after plastic surgery.


Maria is a native Muscovite. Born in 1988 into a family of economists.

The parents wanted their daughter to follow in their footsteps. The girl studied at a prestigious school in Sokolniki, at the same time attended classes at a modeling school, and additionally studied painting. After school, she entered the Moscow Financial Academy, but left her studies in 2006 and, as the wife of a Decembrist, went to Pavel, who was transferred to the Tomsk football team.

Maria and plastic

+25 kg before birth

Changes in Maria's appearance began after her first birth at age 19. Masha, who is always prone to being overweight by nature, gained 25 kg during pregnancy. The girl set a goal to bring her figure to ideal and she succeeded with the help of training and diets.

Note: The ideal of female beauty, according to Maria, is a slender body, big breasts, plump lips and a snow-white smile.

It is precisely this kind of beauty that Maria herself strives for. Having acquired a slender body, the girl decides to. In the photo after the procedure, fans note that not everything went smoothly. Maria herself admits that she became a hostage side effects biogel, which is this moment no one uses it for injection. After 10 years, Maria gets rid of this drug, but her lips keep their shape, although the girl denies repeated interventions.


To make her smile even more attractive, Maria installed veneers - special overlays on her teeth that create the effect of a Hollywood smile.


Pogrebnyak’s cheekbones and cheeks in early photographs are round, his face is wide with smooth lines. In the latest photographs, Masha shows a narrow oval face with accents on the cheekbones and sunken cheeks. Such changes can only be explained by application in the cheekbone area, removing “Bishat’s lumps” from the inside of the cheeks.


The football player’s wife does not comment on mammoplasty, but fans notice that against the backdrop of general weight loss, the breasts have not changed at all and introduce some dissonance into Maria’s figure.

Interesting: Pogrebnyak’s current weight is 43-45 kg, with a height of 169 cm.


Observers are critical of such slimness and suspect Maria of eating disorders. What Maria shares about her diet: a categorical refusal of fast food, fatty and sweet food; the diet includes only porridge with water, steamed fish, low-fat cottage cheese and all this is supported by regular physical activity. Saved this recipe slim figure Mary after her second and third births.


Discussion is caused not only by the transformation of Maria’s appearance, but also by her publicity. In 2012, Pavel Pogrebnyak signed a contract with the English team Fulham and the whole family moved to London. This is where Maria becomes a celebrity.

In 2013, the reality show “Meet the Russians” was released, where Maria takes part. The show shows Russian life abroad - countless shopping trips, parties and spending money by star wives. Pogrebnyak spoke negatively about the general direction of the show. According to Maria, all scenes of household chores about her family and husband were cut out and the image as a whole was conveyed to the audience in the wrong way.

Then in 2013, Maria released her own clothing line “Maria Shatalova”. Her drawing and modeling skills help her develop collection designs and take part in shows herself. The model appearance that Maria has been striving for for so long finds its application.


After success in a reality show about Russians in London, Maria Pogrebnyak becomes truly popular. Socialite visits numerous public events, her collection of dresses is in great demand, Maria is compared to Victoria Beckham.

And the girl does not keep herself waiting long, in 2017 Maria Pogrebnyak releases the video “Majorki”, and later, at the celebration of her 30th birthday, she performs the song “Anesthesia”.

Maria Pogrebnyak never tires of surprising her fans, personifying a wonderful housewife, clothing designer, caring wife and loving mother three children. She does household chores herself, takes her husband and sons to training, their family has never had a nanny. At the same time, she manages to run a business, maintain her own beauty blog, and shares new photos with fans on her Instagram page.