What Maria Pogrebnyak was like before plastic surgery: photo. Footballer's wife Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery: beauty secrets in the photo Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery biography

Maria Pogrebnyak became famous at the expense of her husband and in order to somehow get out of his shadow, Masha begins to improve herself. Maria Pogrebnyak's plastic surgery gives positive results, the blonde attracts the attention of Internet users, and people in show business are beginning to take an interest in her. Maria positions herself as a clothing designer, but recently she started singing and shot a video for the song “Majoriki”.

The video and the song itself were subjected to such criticism from Internet users that the world has never seen before.

Maria Pogrebnyak is the most attractive among the wives of Russian football players. A slender figure, ideal facial features, lush breasts - all this looks divine, but, unfortunately, unnatural.

Maria Pogrebnyak

From the photo after plastic surgery, it is noticeable that Maria Pogrebnyak spent a lot of money on “tuning”, but at the same time completely lost her natural beauty. The football player’s wife has been repeatedly criticized and condemned, but she doesn’t care; Maria continues to improve herself, quietly but confidently turning into a plastic doll.

Taking the average prices for cosmetic procedures, we roughly calculated that Maria Pogrebnyak spent approximately two million rubles on plastic surgery. In addition to plastic surgery, she often visits cosmetologists to maintain her beauty. It is unknown how much money Masha spends on these procedures.

Maria Pogrebnyak before plastic surgery

Maria Pogrebnyak looked simply beautiful before plastic surgery. She was quite an attractive blonde. Of course, some elements in her appearance required surgical and cosmetic interventions, but not as much as Masha did.

So, what kind of plastic surgery did the football player’s wife do? Looking at the photo of Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery, you can see that plastic surgery is her strong point.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery

Eyebrow tattoo, bullhorn plastic surgery, contour plastic surgery cheekbones, removal of Bisha lumps, mammoplasty - these are just the latest successful procedures performed by Maria Pogrebnyak. More than ten years ago, Maria almost became a victim of cosmetology. She injected “biogel” into her lips, which swollen and twisted Pogrebnyak’s lips. It was a very unsuccessful procedure. Even after surgical removal of the biogel, the lips were very deformed and remained plump.

Before and after

Of course, Maria also has personal merits. For example, while on a diet, she lost so much weight that she almost became anorexic. In some photos of Maria Pogrebnyak, only skin and bones were visible. After numerous reproaches from fans, she gained a little weight, becoming slender.

Many believe that Masha completely spoiled herself, giving away her natural beauty in exchange for artificial beauty. Take a look at another photo of Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery, and decide whether she ruined her appearance or became a beautiful “doll” girl.

Maria Pogrebnyak has an Instagram page; almost 800 thousand people follow her account. Masha regularly shares a wide variety of photos with her subscribers. Often, the mother of three children, Maria Pogrebnyak, takes part in candid photo shoots, displaying her photos.

Maria Pogrebnyak became famous not only as the wife of a sought-after Russian football player Pavel Pogrebnyak. She has long been famous designer clothes, taking Shatalov’s maiden name as the basis for the name of his fashion brand. Now several more have been added to the title of star wife - mother of many children, businesswoman and very beautiful. But is her beauty so natural? More and more often, Maria is accused of plastic surgery, and her excessive thinness causes controversial rumors. Allwomens.ru tells what Maria Pogrebnyak looked like before plastic surgery (shows photos before and after plastic surgery for comparison), as well as how the football player’s wife lost weight after giving birth.

Maria Pogrebnyak before losing weight - what was the football player’s wife like before?

Today Maria Pogrebnyak is a stylish socialite with a slender figure and bright appearance. But was she always the way her fans were accustomed to seeing her? In her youth, the girl’s appearance was very different from her modern image. The photo in her youth shows that nature did not deprive the Russian beauty of chubby cheeks and a pleasant roundness of her face. This is what Maria looked like before losing weight and having plastic surgery.

Now the wife of a famous football player and mother of three sons can boast of an incredibly sophisticated build. She became so elegant that many followers began to suspect her of anorexia. Such accusations cannot be called unfounded. With a height of 169 cm, her weight is only 43 kilograms.

Such complaints do not bother Maria at all. She claims that her thinness is a completely natural consequence proper nutrition and permanent physical activity. Therefore, even after the second and third births, she continues to delight fans with her incredibly thin figure.

How did the mother of three sons Maria Pogrebnyak lose weight after giving birth?

On her Instagram page, Maria often demonstrates good shape. Many are amazed that she manages to be so thin after the birth of three sons. It’s no wonder that fans of the wife of a famous football player were interested in how Maria lost weight, and what caused such a sharp weight loss?

The fact is that after the first birth she gained an extra 25 kilograms. The young 19-year-old mother was not at all happy with this sudden weight gain. And fans of her star husband gave offensive nicknames to their “rival,” emphasizing the fact that the football player’s wife had gained a lot of weight. These mockeries became the incentive for further work above yourself. The girl decided to get rid of her curvaceous figure at any cost and devoted herself not only to raising her son, but also to the struggle for an elegant figure.

Having developed a diet for herself, developed a training plan, and psychologically prepared herself to constantly work on her appearance, Maria adequately passed the test of two more pregnancies. Today, both anti-fans and her fans unanimously admire how beautiful the mother of three sons looks. Although even in this case there were some complaints - those who accused her of being ugly overweight now began to talk about her painful thinness.

What is the secret of Maria's slender figure?

She herself answers this question on her Instagram page. First of all, says Maria, you need to find an incentive to lose weight. Each person has his own - to restore attractiveness, get rid of diseases associated with overweight, to win the sympathy of the opposite sex. But the main basis of motivation should be the desire for health and beauty. An important psychological point is a positive attitude towards the process of losing weight and its results.

    Food should be varied. No fried or smoked foods. Only boiled or steamed food. The basis of the menu is products with a large number protein and vegetables. The slender blonde refuses sweet fruits. Especially from those in which the amount of sugar is off the charts. “Danger” in this sense is represented by: grapes, bananas, pomegranates, cherries, persimmons, mangoes. Dates, figs and raisins are also taboo. So that the menu is not too sparse, Maria adds to it such products as: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled white chicken meat, dry fish fillets. In addition, her diet includes low-calorie cereals cooked in water - oatmeal, dark rice, buckwheat.

But a diet without sports will have no effect, says the wife of a famous Russian athlete. For many years now she has been constantly training to achieve ideal parameters. At the same time, she believes that a passion for strength training is useless. This can cause a girl to lose her femininity and turn into a muscular bodybuilder. When it comes to sports activities, Masha relies on the following types of activities:

    Running on fresh air. Fitness exercises in the gym. Walking and running on a treadmill.

According to Maria her slim figure was the result of hard work and adherence to three fundamentals: psychology, diet, sports.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery - how did the image of the pretty blonde change?

After the birth of her first son, Maria became interested not only in her physical fitness. He decided to transform his face too. It was from that time that it began external changes. Fans first noticed plastic surgery on her face when her lips suddenly became swollen, dramatically different from their natural volume.

Then Maria used biogel. This material was a popular lip filler at that time. But the result turned out to be not very aesthetic; the lips became deformed and reached enormous sizes. The star’s fans did not like this disproportion at all, and they advised her to remove fillers, believing that without them she looked much younger and more attractive.

Masha nevertheless listened to the opinion of her fans and removed the unsuccessful fillers. But this happened much later - after 10 years. After removing the biogel, the star claims, she did not perform any manipulations with her lips. But photos before and after plastic surgery eloquently prove the opposite. Few people would find such voluminous lips natural. Most likely, the girl simply replaced their filling with a more modern and safer option - hyaluronic acid.

But the photo led to the opposite effect - instead of believing in magical power make-up, followers began to put forward versions that plastic surgery helped correct the shape of the nose. The impressive blonde reacted quite calmly to the accusations against her. She continued to insist that the proper use of cosmetics can quite noticeably correct the shape of the nose. So the achievements of aesthetic medicine are completely useless to her. The image in the photo was created exclusively using contouring.

The metamorphoses of Maria Pogrebnyak’s appearance did not go unnoticed. In the photo before and after the proposed plastic surgery, you can see how her face has changed. Sharp cheekbones appeared, lips became larger, the contour of the face became thinner, and the nose became smaller.

Maria Pogrebnyak or Malinovskaya? What are their differences?

Despite all the questions about what kind of plastic surgery the wife of the famous football player Pogrebnyak did, Maria answers that her beauty is the result of painstaking self-care, and not the consequences of plastic surgery. She often shares secrets on how to look good, but always denies any surgical interventions in your appearance. But every time attempts to pass off wishful thinking end in fiasco.

They increasingly began to compare her with such lovers of plastic surgery as Masha Malinovskaya. Both star blondes constantly experiment with their appearance. Aesthetic surgery made the two stars practically twins. According to many, the passion for beauty injections and fillers leads to a gradual loss of natural appearance. You can see how fair such accusations against the two Marias are by comparing their photos.

In many of her photographs, Maria is “fully armed.” Luxury clothing, beautiful hairstyle and flawless makeup. But the socialite also has pictures of a different kind in her collection. From time to time, posts with photos without makeup appear on Instagram. By signing them, the young mother of many children emphasizes that even a star’s face needs a break from makeup, false eyelashes and complex styling. Many people like such “revelations”, but some find them completely insincere. In most cases, the criticism concerns the fact that cosmetics are present, but in an elegant and discreet nude style.

Maria Pogrebnyak (née Shatalova). Born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow. Russian media personality, designer, wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak.

Maria Shatalova, who became widely known under the name of her husband Pogrebnyak, was born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow into an intelligent family.

Her mother graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute; Maria often published her photos on social networks. But she doesn’t talk about her father.

Has an older brother, he is a microbiologist, between them big difference aged - Maria is a late child.

Since her parents were very busy with work, her grandmother raised her. “From my grandmother I learned kindness and tenderness, affection and love! She gave me advice on how to grow up to be a real girl, not a tomboy, she taught me the rules of good manners and manners,” said Maria.

From the age of seven she attended an icon painting club, to which her grandmother took her. According to Maria, she “sat painting icons for five hours a day, it was impossible to tear me away from the easel and take me home.” She painted icons until she was 13 years old.

In fact, from the 7th grade, when she began dating her future husband, football player Pavel Pogrebnyak, her life was subordinated to the interests of an athlete’s career.

In 2006, Maria entered the Moscow Financial Academy, but since Pavel moved to play in Tomsk for the Tom team, she postponed her studies and followed him. Later, she nevertheless graduated from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and received a diploma in accounting.

In 2012, Maria and her husband moved to England, where Pavel played for the Fulham and then Reading teams. It was there that she became widely known. In England, she began to design - first evening dresses, then economy class clothes and, parallel to the line of VIP models, to present her collections. At the same time, Maria acted both as a designer and as a model.

Glorified Maria and her participation in the show "Meet the Russians"(“The Russians are responding”). Maria herself was indignant that the interview filmed with her was edited and only footage was left that created the image of a poorly educated socialite, mired in luxury.

After returning to Moscow, he continues to produce clothes under the brand Maria Shatalova. Maria has several sewing workshops in Moscow. She takes care of them herself: “I spend the whole day traveling to warehouses, shops, and clothing factories.” “I always check the quality of purchased fabrics and accessories myself,” she said.

Maria Pogrebnyak - "London is ours!"

Maria Pogrebnyak's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak:

Married. Spouse: Pavel Pogrebnyak, famous Russian football player.

Pavel and Maria Pogrebnyak met at school - then Maria was in the seventh grade, and the future football player was in the tenth. She said: “We studied in the same sports school not far from here, in Sokolniki. Although he is four years older than me, we often met in the dining room when we were running for buns. I remember we met by chance in the subway, then we saw each other more than once in the park, where Pasha walked with his boys, and I walked with the girls. They began to communicate, but in a friendly way,” she recalled.

Serious relationship started when she was 17 years old. Pavel then played in Yaroslavl. And Maria began to go to him instead of lessons, skipping school. “Fs started pouring in, and I learned to gloss over the grades in my diary - in my senior year... I barely received a certificate. But I still continued to wander to Pasha. It’s not surprising that at some point love flared up,” she said she.

We got married on October 23, 2006. But they got married only many years after the marriage was registered - on May 20, 2014 in Moscow, when three children had already been born into the family.

The first son, Artem (born 2007), appeared in Tomsk. The second - Pavel (born 2009) - was born in St. Petersburg. The third - Alexey (born 2011) - in Stuttgart (Germany).

After giving birth to her first son, Maria gained 25 kilograms, after which she began to carefully monitor her figure. And she achieved significant results - she became so slim that some even accused the girl of being anorexic.

Every day from nine to ten in the morning she trains in the fitness center. With a height of 168 centimeters, she keeps her weight at 44-45 kg.

Maria underwent several plastic surgeries, almost completely changing her face - shape, nose, lips.

With her lips, as she herself admitted, she overdid it. She didn't like the way she looked with big lips, so Maria decided to have surgery and try to restore them natural shape. “The beauty that nature provides must be appreciated and protected. It’s a pity that I didn’t understand this 11 years ago,” she said.

Maria is known not only for being the wife of a famous football player, but also for her courage. In 2011, she became famous when she was able to protect her home from burglars. In the middle of the night she heard a noise and was not afraid to check what was the matter. Maria scared off the attackers, saved herself, her little son and home.

Pogrebnyak Maria (maiden name Shatalova) is a media personality, the wife of the famous highly paid football player Pavel Pogrebnyak, as well as a businesswoman, mother of many children and designer.

Pavel Pogrebnyak's future wife, Maria, was born on November 17, 1987 in Moscow into an intelligent family. She was a late child to her parents, born when her mother was already over 35. All that is known about Maria’s mother is that she studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute.

Today, despite her 67 years, the mother of Pavel Pogrebnyak’s wife looks very good, this can be seen from her frequent photographs posted on Maria’s Instagram. There is no information about my father in the media; this is a secret for journalists. Maria has an older brother who works as a microbiologist.

Early years

In childhood upbringing future wife Pavel Pogrebnyak was mainly trained by his beloved grandmother, since his parents worked a lot. Grandmother was very kind, affectionate, gentle and loving. She instilled the same character traits in her granddaughter, and she also taught Masha good manners and rules of behavior in society, and gave her a lot of life advice.

At the age of seven, it was the grandmother who enrolled her granddaughter in a drawing club, where they painted icons. Icon painting became Maria's hobby for many years.

From a young age, the girl was taught to be independent. Masha Shatalova is a cheerful and cheerful girl, always found it easily common language with people of any age. The girl studied at a sports school in the Sokolniki area.

At school, the natural blonde was very popular among the boys, and already in high school Masha walked in high heels and stood out very much among her peers.

After graduating from school, the girl left her parents for her boyfriend Pavel Pogrebnyak; they got married in Tomsk, since Maria was a deeply religious person. Also Maria has higher education, graduated from an economics university with a degree in accounting, already being a family man.

Meeting my husband

Maria Pogrebnyak's husband famous football player Pavel Pogrebnyak was born on November 8, 1983 in Moscow in the family of a factory driver and a nurse. WITH early years the boy started playing football on the initiative of his father, as he was an active fan. His height is 183 cm, weight is 70 kg.

Pavel and Maria studied at the same sports school in Sokolniki. They met when the girl was in 7th grade, and Pavel was in 11th grade. older than Maria for four years.

At first, they often bumped into each other in the school cafeteria when they came there for buns. Then we met by chance in the subway, and then several times, while walking with groups, we saw each other in the park.

At first they were friends, they walked together. Then again young man I was struck by the girl’s passion for icon painting. Pavel was a modest and taciturn young man, always walking with Masha, he took a friend with him who entertained them, since Pavel was constantly at a loss in front of the girl. The girl's parents treated the friendship of Maria and Paul very well.

Interesting notes:

The girl realized that friendship had grown into love when Pavel told Masha that he was moving to work in Yaroslavl. The girl was then 15 years old. Pavel was the girl's first love. When he left, Maria had no one to go out with, and she didn’t want to. I really missed my loved one.

In 11th grade, Masha started going to Pavel, bought a train ticket and went to see him every other day. She skipped school, despite this, she barely managed to finish her senior year.

After school in 2006, the girl entered the Moscow Financial Academy, during this period Pavel was transferred to Tomsk to the Tom team, and the girl, having quit her studies at the university, quarreled with her parents, went to her beloved.

From that moment on, the girl’s life became completely subordinated to the interests of Pavel and his career as an athlete. They got married in Tomsk. The official painting was postponed because they wanted the wedding to be loud, luxurious and expensive, but then they could not afford it, they did not live richly.

Living together, children and moving

In 2007, the young parents had their first son, who was named Artyom. After the football player was transferred to the northern capital - St. Petersburg, to the Zenit football club. Already there, in 2009, their second son, Pavel, was born. The career of Maria's husband was going up.

In the same year, due to the family’s departure to Germany and problems with obtaining a visa, they officially registered their marriage in Moscow. The magnificent celebration was postponed until later, until better times. Pavel began playing for the Stuttgart team in Germany in August 2009, having moved there with his whole family.

In Germany, despite the fact that the couple really dreamed of a daughter, they again had a son, their third, who was named Alexei. The children had a hard time with their father’s absence when he left for training and various matches, and counted the days until they met him.

In January 2012, the family had to move again, now to the UK in London, where the husband signed a contract with the Fulham team, and later Reading. In London, they lived in a prestigious area, visited luxury restaurants, drove business class cars, and traveled often.

In 2014, the couple celebrated their wedding solemnly and very expensively, as they had dreamed of. In 2015, they returned to Moscow, where Pavel played for the Zenit club. In 2018, Pavel plays for the Toslo team. Now they live in Moscow; today Pavel is recovering from an injury.

Family tricks

They call their eldest son Artyom “the grumpy gnome” among themselves; he is already an adult, he is 11 years old, and he does not like to talk about his personal life, today he is only interested in studies.

Pavel's middle son is called "the quiet dwarf", he is always silent, loves neatness and goes in for swimming. The younger Alexey is a “fun gnome” hyperactive child 6 years old, cheerful, open and sociable. Maria believes that he is growing up as an artist.

Pavel's wife would not want the children to be football players, but they are interested in football at the moment get carried away. Maria considers herself a strict mother. Despite this, they trust their mother with their secrets. He never judges them or gets angry with them. She has complete trust and understanding with children. Dad is kind to his children.

With her husband's parents, Maria is very good relations. In everything she follows the example of Pavel’s mother, Larisa, with whom she is like friends: they go to restaurants and shops together, consult and trust each other.

Today the couple is called the Russian Beckhams. They have been together for more than 14 years and know everything about each other. They do not visit psychologists; they solve all their family troubles themselves. The couple has big plans for the future. Their dream is to have a daughter. Maria considers herself a caring mother, loving wife and a good housewife.

Let's focus on the figure

Maria Pogrebnyak is a very independent woman. She cleans, cooks, goes to the market for food and often bargains with sellers. After her first birth at the age of 19, the girl gained a lot of weight and weighed 68 kg with a height of 168 cm. At that time, the girl was constantly hungry. Having decided to take care of herself in order to match the status of her famous and popular husband, the girl decided to get in shape.

First, she tried losing weight with pills. It ended with the girl being pumped out by an ambulance, then Maria decided for herself that the main rules beautiful figure- eat less. She switched to proper nutrition.

  • Today, her main menu is vegetables and herbs; she steams or boils everything (fish or chicken breast). Sometimes Maria breaks down, but this happens very rarely when she prepares sour cream for the children herself. She loves him very much, and so do the children. He may not be able to restrain himself and eat a lot of it. Strictly adheres to fasting.
  • Mary's day begins at 6 am with exercise and stretching. Then she takes the children around educational institutions. Among physical activities, she prefers, first of all, regular fitness classes, does not accept exercises with dumbbells, and does not approve of women pumping up large and not entirely feminine muscles.
  • Loves walking, running, tries to eat right (diet) and get in a psychological state. Maria managed to lose more than 20 kg. Today she weighs about 44-45 kg.
  • Her figure is the result of many years of work, effort and psychological work above yourself. At home, the football player’s wife has a whole beauty salon, a lot of cosmetics, creams and other cosmetic accessories.


Maria has an Instagram account, where the popular businesswoman has more than 700 thousand subscribers, and their number is growing daily. She is actively developing her page on the Internet, where she posts her photos and families, as well as new clothes from its collections, holds prize draws.

Maria is often criticized by ill-wishers: for overweight, then for excessive thinness or for changes in her external data, accusing her of numerous plastic surgery. Although Maria says that many years ago she unsuccessfully enlarged only her lips, which she now regrets.

He believes that you need to appreciate what nature has given you. At the same time, she regularly gives herself injections of youth. Maria always tries to look impeccable.

In London, Maria, in order to help her husband financially, raise her children and realize herself professionally, began a career as a designer and businesswoman. It was there that she became widely known and popular. Started advertising first evening dresses, then business class clothes, sewing things, organizing shows. She showed her collections both as a designer and as a model.

Hobbies of Maria Pogrebnyak

Maria created her own clothing brand called Maria Shatalova. She has several sewing workshops in London and Moscow. She runs her own warehouses, shops and clothing factories. She constantly comes up with new clothing models.

She also became popular thanks to the show “Meet the Russions”. The program cut out certain phrases from Maria’s interview, creating the image of an illiterate rich socialite. In addition, Maria took part in such programs: “Let them talk”, “The stars have aligned” and many others.

Today Masha is taking part in a reality show dedicated to the football championship, “Team of Wives. Footballers" on the Yu channel, in which the wives of famous football players take part. They talk about their lives, in which the fate of their entire family largely depends on the success of their spouse.

Maria leads a very active life: family, work, interviews and filming. Conducts seminars for girls with Tatyana Lyalina, attends various events with her husband and much more.

Maria Pogrebnyak (Shatalova) is a Russian socialite, designer, wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak.

Childhood and youth

Maria Pogrebnyak (nee Shatalova) was born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow. Little is known about Maria’s father, but the girl is very close to her mother Larisa. She calls her “mother, friend, and wise adviser” and always listens to her authoritative opinion. Pogrebnyak also has a brother who is 17 years older than her - he works as a microbiologist.

"I have always been home girl“I’m a late child, so my parents carried me in their arms, loved me, kissed me, allowed me everything,” recalls the socialite.

However, the girl was raised very strictly, and her deeply religious grandmother had a special influence on Pogrebnyak’s worldview. She even took little Masha to an icon painting club - the skills she acquired formed the basis of the girl’s favorite hobby, which even today helps her take her mind off her problems and worries.

After graduating from school, Maria entered the Moscow Financial Academy, but dropped out and ran away with her future husband Pavel Pogrebnyak, a promising football player, to Tomsk. A few years later, Maria finally received her diploma, studying to be an accountant.

TV career

In January 2012, Pavel Pogrebnyak was loaned to English Fulham until the end of the season. The family moved to London, after which the whole world started talking about Maria. In 2013, the girl starred in the scandalous reality show “Meet the Russians” on the Fox channel, which tells about the life of rich Russians in the capital of Great Britain.

Mini-series covered social life main characters, shows their luxurious homes and clothes, reveals the secrets of plastic surgery. The show also featured stories from Ukrainian TV presenter Natalya Kapchuk, socialites Kristina Sysoeva and Marinika Smirnova, fashion model Ekaterina Elizarova and others.

Maria Pogrebnyak about the program about Russians in London

The show caused a big scandal in Russia, and all its characters subsequently had to repeatedly justify their participation in the project. Maria explained that the producers only wanted stereotypes about rich Russians, and scenes with her ordinary, simple life were simply cut out.

In 2015, Pavel Pogrebnyak signed a contract with Dynamo Moscow, and the family returned to their homeland. In Moscow, the girl continued to work on her clothing brand Maria Shatalova and soon opened her first showroom. The Pogrebnyak store presented luxurious evening and casual dresses, sports-luxe items, beach and outerwear and other fashionable items.

It is noteworthy that the blonde not only develops fashion collections, but also demonstrates her own creations for catalogs. Maria declares that with her name and face she earns a lot of money and contributes to the family budget along with her husband.

In addition to her design activities, in Moscow Maria actively participates in various talk shows. She could be seen as a guest and participant in such programs as “Let Them Talk”, “Live Broadcast”, “Agent Show” by Anastasia Ivleeva, etc. The outrageous beauty has many fans - she stirs up interest in her person on Instagram, where she shares secrets happy family life, beauty and weight loss.

Maria does not hide the fact that after her first birth she gained 25 kg, but she quickly managed to pull herself together and lose weight. Now, with a height of 170 cm, the blonde weighs only 44-45 kg, which haunts haters. Many are sure that Pogrebnyak suffers from anorexia and takes fat burners. Maria herself says that her thinness is the result of persistent regular training and a strict diet.

There are no less rumors on the Internet about plastic surgery, which the girl allegedly resorted to. According to the community and doctors, Maria changed the shape of her lips and nose, removed bisha lumps, installed veneers and enlarged her breasts. Pogrebnyak denies these speculations, claiming that her beauty is solely a gift of nature.

Personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak

Maria met her future husband Pavel Pogrebnyak, a football player for the Ural club, at school - he was three grades older than her. At first, a strong friendship began between the teenagers, which gradually grew into true love. When the young man left to play for Yaroslavl “Shinnik”, Maria secretly skipped classes and went to her beloved in another city.

Maria Pogrebnyak about her husband

Later, the girl fled from the capital to follow Pavel to Tomsk, where the lovers got married. At first, the young family lived modestly, but the girl calls this period the most romantic in her life. At the age of 19, Maria gave Pavel his first son, Artem. Soon Pavel was born, and in 2011, a third son, Alexey, was born in Germany. Pogrebnyak calls herself a strict mother and an obedient wife. “Yes, I am a friend to my children, but if they cross the line, I turn on the “evil policeman,” the girl shares.