The famous Belkevich has died: The love story of a football player and Anna Sedokova. Anna Sedokova and Valentin Belkevich: a beautiful story of unhappy love Sedakova's ex-husband Belkevich

Valentin Belkevich is a multiple champion of national championships, a cup winner, a successful football player with maximum amount titles in Belarus. But the young man gained popularity in show business due to his personal relationship with the singer.

Childhood and youth

Valentin Nikolaevich Belkevich was born in Minsk on January 27, 1973. Almost nothing is known about Valentin’s childhood and family, since he often repeated that his personal life was private so as not to tell others about it. Valentin grew up in a simple Belarusian family. His mother Valentina Kapustina taught Russian at one of the Minsk universities, and his father worked as a historian.

Even as a child, Valentin was taken to the children's and youth school sports school to the football section. The boy's coach was Mikhail Stepanovich Bratchenya. After the death of his ward, the coach recalls that Nikolai Belkevich objected to his son playing football.

Valentin was not doing well with his studies, and his father wanted to see his son as the heir to a dynasty of scientists. But on the football field the young man seemed to be among the best. Nevertheless, the father never appreciated the child’s efforts; often even the sports uniform and shoes were selected for Belkevich by the coach, since the father did not consider it necessary to purchase sports accessories.

Considering that the young athlete’s parents were divorced and each of them built new family, the boy was raised by his grandmothers. For a long time, it was Valentin’s grandmother who took him to training until he became more independent.

Alexander Khatskevich also worked in the same sports section with Valentin, whom Belkevich met much later as part of the Dynamo football club. The guys became friends as children and often kicked the ball around outside of training. Unlike the impulsive and temperamental Khatskevich, Valentin always behaved intelligently, listened to the coach, observed discipline, and did not misbehave.


Valentin played his first professional match as part of the Dynamo Minsk football club. The debut of the young football player took place in the 1991-1992 season. Then Valentin played with a Ukrainian club from Zhitomir. With Dynamo, Belkevich twice received the title of champion of Belarus. Improving his professional skills, Valentin more than once received the title of the best player in Belarus.

A Kiev millionaire came to one of the training sessions of Belarusian youths. He immediately noted Belkevich’s play and said: “I’m buying!” The Belarusian club was paid a symbolic 400 rubles, and the athlete left for Kyiv. There, the head coach of the Ukrainian team, Valery Vasilyevich Lobanovsky, instantly appreciated the young man’s talent.

Nevertheless, Valentin almost did not appear in the main team - this was the decision of the club's head coach Jozsef Szabo. But Lobanovsky, who returned to Dynamo, noted Valentin’s play and created a striking tandem of Rebrov and Belkevich. Soon the players became friends and off the field they visited each other and communicated with their families.

Captain of Dynamo Kyiv Valentin Belkevich

According to official statistics, in sports biography Valentin Belkevich has 250 matches (including 38 cup matches) and 58 goals. At the end of 2006, Valentin received the “Badge of Honor” for his services to Belarusian football.

In 2008, Valentin signed a contract with the Azerbaijani club Keshly (Inter). But a year later the player received the right to coach, on the basis of this he prematurely terminated the contract with the Azerbaijanis and became a coach. At the same time, Belkevich applied for Ukrainian citizenship, and soon received a positive response.

The footballer faced great disappointment during a match in the Union of European Football Associations in 1994. Then Valentin was disqualified for doping. Belkevich himself did not admit his guilt. The athlete said that in 1993 he faced an injury knee joint, and injections containing steroids were used to treat the injury.

According to the athlete, the steroids were used exclusively for the treatment of the knee joint. However, he was never able to prove his case to the international community, so Valentin was disqualified.

As part of Dynamo Kyiv, Valentin was often chosen as team captain. On the field, he was distinguished by his intelligent behavior, never played “dirty,” but, nevertheless, he often acted as an organizer and the center of his club’s game. Belkevich did not break the rules and did not try to earn a penalty kick using “dirty methods.” Journalists called Belkevich’s period of work at Dynamo Kiev the silver age of Ukrainian football.

Personal life

Even in his youth, a colleague introduced Valentin to a charming blonde of Belarusian origin, Olesya, in 1996. The young people began an affair. Olesya lived on that coin with her husband and son from her first marriage. The girl left her husband for a famous football player. Then Olesya heard a lot of criticism addressed to her: the girl was accused of being only interested in the football player’s money and at his expense she was trying to find a home for her own son.

In the summer of 2004, the press reported the marriage of Belkevich and singer Anna Sedokova. The ex-participant turned out to be an enviable match for the football player, on the one hand, and on the other, information appeared in the media that the marriage turned out to be a necessary measure, since Anna had already been carrying the football player’s child for 4 months.

On wedding photos couple Valentin really does not look like a very happy groom. 6 months after marriage, the couple had a daughter. The girl was named Alina. But soon after the birth of the child, the singer and the football player broke up. Valentin returned to Olesya, with whom he lived before his marriage to Anna.


Shortly before his death, Valentin and Khatskevich met with the first coach and at a banquet they offered to thank him by purchasing a car, but Mikhail Stepanovich refused - he wanted the young people to achieve success themselves first.

Olesya, who was then living with a former football player, says that on the fateful evening she went out to talk on the phone with a friend, when suddenly Valentin began to feel ill. By the time the ambulance arrived, the athlete was already dead. The cause of death was thromboembolism.

Shortly before his death, Valentin’s coaching contract expired. Former football player I was very worried about this. Olesya tried to cheer up common-law husband: I entertained him either with fishing or traveling together.

Valentin Belkevich's mother insisted that her son be buried in Kyiv. The funeral was attended by both common-law wife Olesya, who accepted condolences, and ex-member of VIA Gra Anna Sedokova, who laid a wreath and quickly disappeared.

After the funeral, a financially motivated conflict arose between the women. Anna, who last years lived in the United States with her daughter, flew to Kyiv and claimed the apartment of Valentin Belkevich. Sedokova’s claims were also supported by the footballer’s mother, who accuses her son’s common-law wife of disappearance large sum money. Olesya denies all claims from third parties.

Awards and achievements

  • 1992 – gold medal at the Belarusian Championship
  • 1992 – gold medal at the Belarusian Cup
  • 1994 – gold medal at the Belarusian Super Cup
  • 1996 – silver medal at the Belarusian Championship
  • 1997 – gold medal at the Ukrainian Championship
  • 2002 – gold medal at the Commonwealth Cup
  • 2004 – gold medal at the Ukrainian Super Cup
  • 2007 – gold medal at the Ukrainian Championship

29.12.2017 |

Anna Sedokova is a popular singer, presenter and actress. The girl gained numerous fans while participating in the musical group “ VIA Gra" Now she performs solo and has three beautiful children.

Anna Sedokova and Artem Komarov

At the end of winter 2017, the singer shared with fans that she was pregnant for the third time. The child’s father is Artem Komarov, who is 9 years younger than the girl. He works in construction company his oligarch father.

The young people first met on the set of Sedokova’s video and started dating. In April, the singer gave birth to a son from Artem in America. She had a hard time giving birth and had to do C-section, but pretty soon the woman’s condition returned to normal.

Komarov also came to Los Angeles to see his child. Soon after giving birth, Anna deleted pictures with the millionaire from her Instagram, and fans believed that the young people had broken up.

Children of Anna Sedokova: daughters and son

The singer has three children. All of them are from different fathers: millionaire Komarov, athlete Belkevich and businessman Chernyavsky.

Son of Sedokova

In April 2017, Anna gave birth to her third child, son Hector. The boy bears the surname of his father, Artem Komarov, the owner of a large manufacturing company. The couple never formalized their relationship, and in the summer of 2017 it became known that the young people had separated.

The singer immediately showed the child to fans. He was not even a year old, but he was already traveling with his mother and delighting her with his first successes. Anna idolizes her son and calls him the main man in her life. April 8, 2018, he turned 1 year old.

Daughter Monica

In 2011 in California former soloist"VIA Gra" gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Monica. The girl’s father is a successful businessman Maxim Chernyavsky (the singer’s second husband).

WITH early years The girl showed talent in music. She sings beautifully, plays instruments, and takes part in her mother’s concerts.

Now Monica is 6 years old, she is studying in the United States, and often meets with her father. The girl loves her older sister, trying to imitate her in everything.

The singer's eldest daughter

From her first husband, Sedokova gave birth to a daughter, Alina. The girl was born in 2004, now she is 13 years old.

Her father, Valentin Belkevich, left the family, Alina supported her mother in everything from an early age.

Now the girl does gymnastics and also loves music. Plus, Alina runs her own blog; about 50,000 people subscribe to her page.

Anna's eldest daughter is the face of the line fashionable clothes, which is represented by her star mother.

Personal life and ex-husbands of Sedokova

Anna was officially married 2 times. In addition, the singer dated dancer Sergei Guman for quite a long time and gave birth to a son from businessman Artem Komarov. Now journalists and fans are sure that the girl is dating musician Anatoly Tsoi.

The singer's first husband

In 2004, Anna met the famous Dynamo football player Valentin Belkevich. Their relationship developed quite rapidly, and soon the singer married him and gave birth to a daughter. It was because of Valentin that Sedokova left VIA Gro, deciding to devote herself entirely to her family. The wedding ceremony was magnificent, the bride looked incredibly happy.

Anna was 10 years younger than her husband; for 2 years everything was fine with the lovers, but then Valentin cheated on his wife and she left him. In 2014, he died, and Sedokova could not come to her senses for a long time, because she maintained friendly relations with her first husband.

Second marriage

In 2009, the singer began to be courted by the influential businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, who fell madly in love with Anna at first sight. The girl began to constantly travel to America, because the Formula 1 manager lived in Los Angeles.

After 2 years, the lovers got married and had a daughter, Monica. Everyone around noted that the young people looked great together and prophesied for them happy marriage. However, after a year and a half, the couple decided to divorce. The reason for the divorce is unknown. There is an opinion that Anna’s husband cheated on her with another VIA Gra soloist.

Relations with Sergei Guman and Anatoly Tsoi

In 2013, while filming a video, the singer met dancer Sergei Guman. They immediately began a relationship. The couple appeared together quite often; on Anna’s page there are many photos with a young man.

In 2015, they broke up, but exactly a year later they decided to get back together.

The relationship was again short-lived, because soon Sedokova began dating the oligarch’s son Komarov. The reasons for the breakup are still unknown.

Now Sedokova often appears with the lead singer of the M-band group, Anatoly Tsoi. This summer, fans were dismayed by pictures from the girl’s page where the musician spends time with Anna and her son.

The singer does not comment on this relationship; Anatoly also took a neutral side, without confirming information about civil marriage and without denying it. They got to know each other back in music show“I want to go to Meladze.”

Anna Sedokova now

2017 was quite a busy year for the singer. She gave birth to a third child, broke up with his father and again decided to build her personal life with a young and talented musician.

Anna's career is developing no less rapidly. She records new songs, appears in videos, and has released several albums: the long-awaited “On the Free” for fans and a live album with songs from a live performance, “The Real.”

Sedokova is beautiful and talented woman, who found her happiness in children. Her personal life interests many fans, but she keeps the details secret. Despite the fact that Anna is raising her children alone, she manages to look great and do successful career presenter and singer.

On August 1, at the age of 42, the ex-husband of pop singer Anna Sedokova, the famous football player Valentin Belkevich, died. According to the official website of Dynamo Kyiv, the cause of the athlete’s death was a blood clot.


In the morning, the following message appeared on the football club’s website: “Today, at the 42nd year of his life, the famous Dynamo football player and coach Valentin Belkevich died. His blood clot broke. He spent his best football years in Dynamo Kiev, delighting with his extraordinary skill and talent thousands of fans. After the end of his playing career, Valentin Nikolaevich showed himself in the coaching field, showing great promise. However, death tore him from our ranks, - representatives of the football club shared their grief with numerous fans - FC Dynamo (Kyiv) expresses its deepest condolences to his relatives. , friends and everyone who knew this wonderful man and first-class professional."

Football player Valentin Belkevich began his career in Dynamo Minsk, but his real fame was brought to him by his work in the Kiev club of the same name. He spent 11 years there and won the Ukrainian championship seven times. In 1999, as part of Dynamo, Valentin reached the semi-finals of the Champions League, where his team lost to Bayern. In 2006, Belkevich received the “Badge of Honor” as an award from the Belarusian Football Federation. The athlete played 56 matches for the Belarusian national team, scoring ten goals.

Valentin was married to the ex-soloist of the popular group "VIA Gra" Anna Sedokova for two years - from 2004 to 2006. On December 8, 2004, the couple had a daughter, Alina.

Anna Sedokova told reporters that she left her first husband because I got tired of his constant cheating and filed for divorce, ending up alone with her little daughter.

“It’s not for me to judge those who turn a blind eye to betrayal, but I couldn’t live like that,” says the artist. “I don’t want to pretend that I’m blind. Perhaps I’m stupid - at least, my mother thinks so. But it seems to me “, you need to use all the available attempts now. And when you realize that you’ve fallen in love, suffered, and your soul mate has not been found, you can return to the first option and wisely close your eyes.”

A beautiful romance and a luxurious wedding are not always followed by long and happy lives family relationships. One of the brightest famous couples of the last decade had a chance to see this from their own experience. Anna Sedokova and Valentin Belkevich, their marriage lasted less than two years, however, the history of this relationship is of keen interest to the public even after long years. One of the most successful football players in the country, and the star of the most popular girl musical group, they were not embarrassed by the ten-year age difference or other circumstances, but who would have thought that such a beautifully twisted relationship would come to naught so quickly and scandalously? .

Anna Sedokova and Valentin Belkevich: a love story

Their relationship began quite by accident; Anna Sedokova’s first husband, Valentin Belkevich, ironically visited the same hairdresser as the performer. They often met in a salon located in Kyiv, but their communication was limited to greetings. After several months of such chance meetings, the football player got the phone number of the young lady who charmed him, and one day he simply called and invited Anya to go bowling. From this very moment, their stormy romance began, the 21-year-old girl truly fell in love for the first time, and Valentin also showed quite tender feelings for her. The young man was not stopped even by the fact that he himself was not free at that time; the football player had a common-law wife named Lesya, with whom he lived for more than 10 years. Their relationship with Anna seemed exclusively rosy to the young people at that time, and just five months after the start of the whirlwind romance, the performer discovered that she was pregnant. Naturally, the first person she told about this was Valentin, the football player was incredibly happy about this news, and immediately invited his beloved to formalize their relationship.

The young artist was in love and happy, and she had no thoughts that the fairy tale might one day end. However, a few days before the happy wedding, future spouse presented his beloved with a marriage contract for signature. As Anna later said, she was very hurt and even offended, but she didn’t want to quarrel on the eve of the wedding, so she didn’t even show it, and simply signed the papers, considering them a simple formality. Their wedding was one of the brightest and most publicized events of that time, and just three days later the first huge scandal took place. The newlyweds quarreled right at the airport, in front of the entire Dynamo team, which was flying to training camp in Yalta. This trip was supposed to be a “honeymoon” for the couple, but as a result, Valentin got angry and refused to help his pregnant wife with luggage, and the singer had to carry all the suitcases and bags herself.

Everyone who knew this person personally famous couple, they were surprised how people so different in all respects could come together. Anya loved to attract attention and always be at the center of the main events, while Valentin always preferred to remain on the sidelines, hated journalists, and did not want to discuss his personal life. However, for the sake of her beloved, the performer even decided to leave her successful career in the mega-popular “ VIA Gre", and turned into a housewife. She really tried to be an exemplary wife: she cooked, kept the house cozy and abandoned everything social events. But this did not help strengthen the family, and some chill ran between the spouses. Even when the couple had a baby daughter, Alina Belkevich, this did not help improve the relationship. The husband began to return home later and later, and after that, at times he even spent the night away from home. Anya cried, tried to talk, but it did not give any result, and later she found out that her husband was dating his ex common-law wife Lesey. As it turned out, it was this woman that he truly loved all his life, and the young performer was for him, although very strong, but still a fleeting hobby. When everything was revealed, Sedokova realized that their marriage had long been one complete deception, and therefore, she decided to simply leave. According to the terms marriage contract she was left with nothing, so she had to start all over again. Belkevich's daughter remained to live with her mother, and after the divorce, her father, although he did not spoil the heiress with attention, helped financially. There was, however, another attempt to reunite the couple, but it failed miserably, and Valentin finally chose Lesya.

Death of Valentin Belkevich

After divorce for a long time Anya claimed in an interview that the main reason for this was her husband’s ban on her returning to the big stage. But years later, the performer still admitted that she lost in such a protracted fight with her rival. The celebrity also noted that she maintains a normal relationship with her ex-husband for their benefit. common daughter, and never allowed herself to speak badly or disrespectfully about her father in her presence. The only noteworthy thing is that the ex-husband never introduced Anya to her parents, and at the moment tragic death They had never even seen their only granddaughter as a football player.

His life in its prime was cut short by a fatal blood clot. The football player, and later a successful coach, was only 41 years old at that time. Valentin passed away on August 1, 2014, young man my heart suddenly stopped. As relatives say, everything happened just like lightning, in the evening in his own house the football player suddenly complained of a sharp deterioration in his health, he sat down on the sofa and... that’s it, the ambulance that arrived only recorded the fact of the celebrity’s death. He was buried in Kyiv, at the Baikovo cemetery; they say that his parents wanted Valentin to rest in his native Minsk, but his widow Lesya insisted on the Ukrainian capital. Hundreds of people came to the farewell ceremony for the legend; these were friends, relatives, colleagues of the deceased, and ordinary Dynamo fans who were shocked by what happened. Was not among those seeing off the football player in last way only his ex-wife Anna. The performer later explained her absence this way: she believes that he had his own story and his own family, which she did not want to meet face to face. And Sedokova was never able to tell her daughter about what happened, who, although she rarely saw her father, loved him very much. Later, the girl learned about the tragedy by accident, from complete strangers, which was a real shock for her; the singer still cannot forgive herself for this.

Litigation over the inheritance of Valentin Belkevich

After the death of the famous football player, a trial for the inheritance he left in the form of an expensive apartment in Kyiv, numerous sports awards, as well as a large sum Money. Since the athlete died suddenly and quite quickly at a young age, he did not leave any will, so the heirs decided to clarify their dispute and claims in judicial procedure. It should be noted that in addition to legal litigation, between Valentin’s ex-wife Anna Sedokova and his widow Lesya Belkevich also began information war. The singer in an interview calls her rival nothing more than her husband’s mistress and homewrecker, and also claims that Lesya does not get in touch and does not appear at the hearing in the courtroom.

In turn, the athlete’s widow is outraged by this treatment; she lived with Valentin for more than 20 years, and even during his marriage to the performer, he maintained contact with her. It turns out that Lesya was there before, after and even during their relationship with Anya, the constant woman in his life. She bears his last name, and Valentin raised her son from his first marriage as his own; by the way, many throughout this time thought that the boy was his son. The woman also calls it a lie that Sedokova claims that she does not get in touch. Lesya notes that no one even tried to contact her or her lawyer, and she found out about the meeting after the fact, and there was no point in delaying the process.

Be that as it may, the case has not yet moved forward, and to date not a single court decision has been made.

Before marrying her ex-husband Maxim Chernyavsky, the singer was married to Dynamo (Kyiv) player Valentin Belkevich. On August 1, it became known that Sedakova’s first husband died suddenly at the age of 41 - a blood clot had broken off.

The singer is mourning

Anna Sedakova first got engaged in 2004, after living with legal spouse no more than 2 years. The marriage produced a daughter, Alina, who lived with her mother in Los Angeles after the breakup. Previously, the singer did not remember her first husband; Maxim Chernyavsky was constantly in the news because of scandals. Many regard this as the absence of conflicts and disagreements in the singer’s first marriage.

Anna could not believe the death of her ex-lover: “This is some kind of horror... I don’t believe it... He was a brilliant football player, strategist and a wonderful person. He doted on his daughter. And he was an authority for an army of thousands of fans. AND special love One little girl had a fondness for him... Thank you for your support. Thank you". The actress posted a photo on Instagram ex-spouse, where the star’s followers can express their condolences.

“Valentin was a childhood idol... I mourn with you,” “Condolences! Take care of your daughter!” - Sedakova’s fans comment.

The former Dynamo player was buried in Kyiv on the territory of the Baikovo cemetery. His first wife did not come to the funeral, later explaining that she did not want to hurt the feelings of the football player’s second family. After the funeral, the singer appeared at the memorial service. In her words, she supports warm relations with the athlete's mother.

Fans remember

After the death of the former Dynamo midfielder and coach, a message appeared on the website:

“The famous coach and player Valentin Belkevich died today. The reason is a severed blood clot at the age of 42.

FC "Dynamo" (Kyiv) deeply sympathizes with his close circle and everyone who supported him good man and professional player.

Before the start of his Kyiv career, Belkevich joined the ranks of Dynamo Minsk and won 4 championships in Belarus. A native of Belarus became a citizen of Ukraine in 2008.

He came to Dynamo (Kyiv) in 1996. But the footballer was little noticed due to rare occurrence in the main team. With the arrival of V. Lobanovsky, Valentin actively showed abilities in rapid counterattacks, which later determined form style"Dynamo" late 90s.

In the major league he played 212 games for the blue-whites and scored 50 goals. For the Ukrainian Cup - 38 games, scored 8 goals. For European cups - 67 games, scored 12 goals. He has 7 winning championships and 6 Ukrainian cups.

In 2008-2009 played for Azerbaijanis Inter Baku. In 2010, he became a licensed trainer and tried himself as an assistant to the senior specialist in training athletes at Dynamo.

Sedakova shares property with the widow of her ex-husband

In 2015, the Shevchenko Court of Kyiv held hearings on the claim of the ex-singer “VIA Gra”, claiming part of the inheritance of the deceased Dynamo player, the defendant is his second wife Lesya, the mother of Belkevich’s child (Vladimir), the complexity of the situation is that Sedakova’s first husband did not leave a will. The size of the share and the amount of the inheritance is unknown.

At the legislative level, parents, officially the wife and children can act as heirs. The first meeting was held without Olesya and Anna. Meanwhile, the ex-singer of the VIA GRA group took part in the RU.TV award ceremony on May 23, and 6 days later gave a concert in Kyiv.
