Age of the new French president. Family of the new French president: misalliance, secret love and seven grandchildren

Whenever during an election race, the attention of the public and the media is focused not only on the candidates and the methods by which they go to victory or complete failure. Their wives become living targets for journalists, fashion experts and, of course, amateur critics. Therefore, the victory of Emmanuel Macron in the presidential elections in France brought glory and all the ensuing consequences to his wife Brigitte.

"Mrs. Robinson"

“The new First Lady of the Fifth Republic, Brigitte Tronier, is 25 years older than the elected President of France, Emmanuel Macron. She is 64 years old, she met her husband when he was 15” - these phrases can usually summarize any Western or Russian article about the wife of Emmanuel Macron. This is usually superimposed on various fantasies of the authors: Brigitte must be suffering from pedophilia; Emmanuel is rumored to prefer men. But most of all, journalists concentrate on the age difference and the fact that Emmanuel was a classmate of Brigitte’s daughter and her own student. This amuses Freudian complexes and vulgar pornographic fantasies, from which even Silvio Berlusconi does not abstain, calling Brigitte Macron “ beautiful mother"for the President of France. Regarding Russian media, then here too not a single article about the new president of the country can do without the formula 39/64, which frightens ordinary people.

There is a banal double standard here: grown men not only have the right, but actually have to date girls half their age, but if a woman over forty dates a 20-year-old man, then she is definitely a pedophile. It is often difficult to understand how men can like older and more experienced women. But how simple it is with Donald Trump, who has exactly the same age difference with his wife as Emannuel and Brigitte - only in reverse. Macron himself notes the double standard: “If I were 20 years older than my wife, no one would have thought to doubt that we could have an intimate relationship.”

At the same time, few people are interested in the first lady as a person. The wife of the head of state has always been an easy and convenient target for those who need to sublimate their frustration towards political system country or president. If a woman begins to publicly defend herself, she, in her own way, exposes herself to even more swipe critics. Articles that purport to defend Brigitte Macron from attack, as in the case of a recent analysis from GQ, go to the other extreme: her age becomes a fetish and a subject for objectification - she is a grown woman, and it is sexy. It all ends with quotes from the song “Mrs. Robinson" from the movie "The Graduate". At the same time, Macron himself not only does not hide his love for his wife, but also constantly tries to bring her out of his shadow. “Without her, I would not be who I am today. No one can replace her,” Emmanuel says in an interview with Bloomberg.

Before you hang cheap labels, it’s worth finding out who Brigitte Macron is. She was born in the city of Amiens in famous dynasty confectioners, was the youngest of six children in the Tronier family. She taught Latin in Strasbourg and then received a position as an acting teacher at a Jesuit school in Amiens, where Emmanuel fell in love with her. Despite the fact that most publications prefer to once again focus on the active male role in their relationship (Macron set himself the goal of getting Brigitte’s hand at any cost and sought it for 12 years), some still admit that Brigitte is the real political manager in their relationship. The first lady herself quotes Michel de Montaigne in a conversation about her relationship with the president. “My husband and I love to “polish each other’s brains.” We cannot live without this,” she says in an interview with Canal Plus.

Truly French First Lady

If you dig a little deeper, it is easy to discover that in French culture such relationships have always been the norm: Josephine de Beauharnais was six years older than Napoleon Bonaparte, and even for this slight difference she faced criticism and ridicule. The couple even had to correct the age data on their marriage certificate - according to the documents, Josephine was 4 years younger, and Bonaparte was 18 months older.

Josephine played approximately the same role in the fate of France that Brigitte played. Firstly, she became a style icon of the First Empire. It was she who introduced new styles into fashion every week, such as the famous Josephine dress, gathered under the bust, and the combination of white muslin and black silk. Her unique fashion experiments cost the emperor 3 million francs a year - an unthinkable amount at that time. Secondly, it was Josephine who inspired Napoleon to many of his actions, was his inner conscience and the main love of his life. The divorce from her was, according to many historians, the beginning of the end for Bonaparte.

It should be noted that France, in principle, has never had the concept of a typical first lady, always strictly following a certain code, as is customary in America. François Mitterrand led a life of two families and maintained a close relationship with the mother of his illegitimate daughter Mazarine, while his wife Danielle began an affair with Jean Balensi at the same time. Bernadette Chirac without hesitation told her biographer about how long she endured her husband’s infidelities. Nicolas Sarkozy's wife Cecilia could not stand it and left seven months after his election as president. The latest scandal Valerie Trierweiler's book became a part of the history of French first ladies, in which she published details of Francois Hollande's affair with actress Julie Gayet.

A first lady like Brigitte could only appear in France, with its rich culture and history of relationships in which big difference age does not bother anyone. The classics of French literature loved to use this theme in their work. The most a shining example One can name the relationship between Honore de Balzac and his muse and inspiration Laura de Bernis, who was more than twice his age. It was Madame de Bernis who supported the young writer in his desire to engage in literary work, paid his bills and never ceased to believe in his talent. She inspired Balzac's iconic works about the so-called woman of Balzac's age who helps her to a young lover on his way to wealth and fame. The writer was close to Laura de Berni before last minutes her life.

The image of a woman who remains sexy and attractive into old age has found its place in French cinema. Stars such as Daniel Darrieux, Fanny Ardant, Catherine Deneuve and Isabelle Huppert have become cult figures in France and beyond. Thus, Brigitte Macron is not the first and is unlikely to be the last.

What is good for a Frenchman is death for an American

The French voter is accustomed to strong, powerful and well-dressed first ladies. In the United States, this look went out of fashion with Jackie Kennedy leaving the White House. The next archetype in the history of US first ladies was the “mother of the nation,” and Nancy Reagan brilliantly played this role. However, this role quickly showed its inconsistency - such female images are quickly destroyed due to their artificiality. Time passes, and people realize that behind this there is nothing more than a team of makeup artists and speech writers. The final blow to this role model was the death of Princess Diana, whose life was another example of a seemingly ideal love story and another “motherly” image. In reality, the number of fairy tales about the prince and princess, and even with good ending, tends to zero, and women quickly get tired of playing the role of a sex bomb or the Virgin Mary. And even though these archetypes work well on the instincts of voters, it is impossible to pretend to be an artificial character for a long time.

This is why Melania Trump's image failed: it is impossible to easily project the image of a strong first lady to the masses if you are hiding in Trump Tower. When your relationship with your husband becomes so tense that it is no longer possible to hide hostility in public, then you can’t pretend to be a caring wife.

Brigitte Macron decided to take a different path and not emulate either Melania or Carla Bruni. Delphine de Canecaude, a Parisian stylist, said in an interview with L"Express: “She is a rock and roll young lady. She doesn’t say to herself for a second: “M not 64, I can't afford to wear skirts above the knee." Huge heels, sleeveless dresses, leather pants- she is ready for anything. She's just a superwoman" The French call her their “Jane Fonda,” and this is no coincidence. A beautiful olive tan, Louis Vuitton bags, double-breasted coats, bright details, skinny jeans - this is the image of a woman who has lived her whole life by the principle of “never slow down, only forward” and is not going to change it just because her home is now her residence French President.

Many political scientists noted that 48-year-old Marine Le Pen also lost because she chose a too conservative style for herself, which made her look old. From the very beginning, Emmanuel Macron’s wife demonstrated a youthful approach to life and, first of all, to her own. Brigitte made a bet on young France and was right. After the elections in the USA and France, when one nation is hopelessly disillusioned with the image of a beautiful doll in a Chanel suit, and another begins to fall in love with a woman who breaks age and social stereotypes, the images of the “loving mother of the nation” or the “virgin queen” no longer work. The time has come for a real, living woman who can support her partner, but will never allow anyone to consider herself not equal to him. And it doesn't matter how old she is. As Brigitte’s daughter from her first marriage, Tiffany Ozier, says, in the provinces the French admire what Brigitte does. “I always meet people who admire the work mom does, how she supports her husband and how involved she is in his life,” she adds.

At times, Brigitte's influence even becomes too noticeable; the French press accuses her of overshadowing her husband. Macron himself reacts laconically to this: “Her role will be the same as it was before the elections - I’m not going to hide my wife, since she shares my life with me and her opinion matters to me. There was always balance in our relationship, and Brigitte was always by my side in the most difficult moments.”

After the inauguration of the new French president, his wife Brigitte Macron, or Bibi, became one of the most talked about people in the whole world. Journalists and ordinary people are especially impressed by the huge age difference between the spouses (25 years). Meanwhile, the biography of Brigitte Macron also deserves attention, because it is not at all uninteresting.

Brigitte Macron in her youth

The biography of the Frenchwoman Brigitte Macron dates back to 1953, on April 13, when the future first lady of France was born. The girl was very attentive, focused and purposeful child, so she never had any problems with her studies. The young Frenchwoman finished school well and received a pedagogical education, after which she began working as a teacher of French and Latin languages. In addition, the girl additionally led a pedagogical club.

Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron was incredibly beautiful in her youth, so she had no end to fans. For a long time the girl could not figure out who she would like to connect her life with, but at the age of 21 she finally made up her mind and married banker Andre Louis Ozier. Young Brigitte Macron gave birth to three children for her husband, so she did not think at all about the subsequent change of partner.

Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron

The biography of Brigitte Macron before meeting Emmanuel was very traditional. The girl led a measured lifestyle, devoted herself entirely to her family and pedagogical activity. Meanwhile, on the path of the forty-year-old woman, the young Emmanuel Macron unexpectedly met, who at that time was only 15 years old. As fate would have it, the young man turned out to be a classmate of the teacher’s daughter.

After the first meeting, the young man could not resist the beauty and charm beautiful woman and declared that he would marry her in the future. However, Bibi only laughed at the future president of France and said that she was happily married. But after some time, their communication became closer - the high school student entered the theater club in which his beloved taught. Romantic relationships At that time, things had not yet begun between them, but even after the end of the circle and the production of the play, they continued to communicate by correspondence.

In 2006, Brigitte Macron’s biography changed dramatically - unexpectedly for herself, she divorced her husband, thanks to which there were no obstacles left in the path of the ardent lover. He resumed active actions in relation to his muse, and a year later the woman officially became his wife. Today, Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte have lived together for more than a year, but they both believe that their happy life together has just begun.

Brigitte Macron - a love story

Although future wife Macron Brigitte could not even think that fate would connect her with a young man who is 25 years younger than the woman; sometimes unimaginable things happen in life. After meeting her young admirer, Bibi immediately felt close to him. Although there was nothing sinful in the relationship between a man and a woman, the teacher was embarrassed by their communication and tried with all her might to stop it.

When the family of the future French president began to insist on his departure, Bibi fully supported this position and insisted that her admirer go to Paris. Emmanuel agreed, but just before leaving he came to the teacher and said: “You won’t be able to just get rid of me! I will come back and marry you!” Even then, the woman realized that he was the man of her dreams, so after returning young man She didn’t resist her feelings, but filed for divorce and started a new life.

Brigitte Macron at the inauguration

Everyone was looking forward to the inauguration ceremony of the newly-crowned French President. Not only in order to understand what will happen to the country after the young politician takes office, but also in order to assess what outfit Macron’s wife Brigitte Tronier will appear in front of the public. The woman did not disappoint the expectations of her fans, ordinary people and journalists - she looked simple at the ceremony.

Bibi wore a sky blue two-piece suit from the new collection fashion brand Louis Vitton, consisting of a military-style jacket and a comfortable dress. Although many were confused by the fact that the dress in this outfit was a mini length, in fact, the lady looked chic in it. The 64-year-old woman has a slender and fit figure, so she can afford to wear such clothes.

Brigitte Macron's style

Not only the biography of Brigitte Macron, but also her style deserves the attention of critics. This woman is the oldest First Lady of France in history, so she differs in many ways from her predecessors. Bibi tries to dress feminine and respectable, as she strives to demonstrate to others her high position in society. At the same time, it is very important for her to look young so as not to draw attention to the huge age difference between her and her husband.

Brigitte Macron's outfits are typically two-piece suits, consisting of a miniskirt, a short dress or fitted trousers and double-breasted jackets. The upper part in such toilets is designed to emphasize the solidity of a beautiful lady, and the lower part is to demonstrate to others the slimness of the figure and the attractiveness of the legs. Although many stylists believe that Bibi’s style is close to, in reality, the woman prefers the classics and only dilutes it with elements of other trends.

Brigitte Macron in a swimsuit

Macron's wife Brigitte also looks great in a swimsuit, as she pays great attention to the condition of her figure. A woman prefers ones that support well and highlight her beautiful breasts. The lower part of Brigitte's beach outfit usually has high slits, showing off her long and slender legs to others.

Brigitte Macron's hairstyle

Macron's wife Brigitte prefers a bob haircut, with hair reaching to the shoulders. The color of the first lady of France's curls has not changed for many years - she is faithful to the golden blonde and does not intend to dye her hair a different shade. Meanwhile, many fashion stylists believe that this hairstyle makes Bibi look older. The woman does not agree with this opinion and adheres to her own preferences.

Plastic surgery by Brigitte Macron

The wife of the French president differs in many ways from her peers. For example, Brigitte Macron's plastic surgery is not at all interesting - she has never had and does not intend to undergo any surgeries, lifts or other procedures. Although there is an impressive age difference between her and her husband, Bibi does not strive to look 20 years old, but prefers to show off her natural beauty to others.

Brigitte Macron - height, weight

The First Lady of France is amazingly slim. Although Brigitte Macron's height is about 165 centimeters, her weight does not exceed 50 kilograms. This allows madams to wear mini-length wardrobe items and not be at all embarrassed about their measurements. It is worth noting that Bibi’s slimness comes from nature – she almost never diets and plays sports only occasionally.

The election race in France is coming to a close - the second and final stage of the presidential election will be held here on May 7. Presidential candidates Emmanuel Macron and Marie Le Pen are practicing their eloquence, and Internet users and the French media are discussing perhaps the most mysterious couple that may appear in the country as the “number one tandem.” He fell in love with her at the age of 15, she is 24 years older and she is his school teacher. The teenager's parents were against this connection, but... these two are still together. It would seem, what does politics have to do with it? And despite the fact that our heroes are possible future president country, 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron, and his 64-year-old wife. HELLO.RU collected 10 interesting facts about five minutes to the first lady of France, Brigitte Tronier.

Brigitte was born on April 13, 1953 in the small town of Amiens in northern France in the family of the famous chocolatier Jean Trogneux. The confectionery factory, founded in 1872, is famous for its cookies - the business still brings the family an income of 4 million euros a year. The family is large, Bridget was the sixth and youngest child.
Brigitte Tronier (center) while working at the school where Macron studied

Bridget did not want to continue her father's work and became a teacher of French and Latin. Brigitte Tronier

At the age of 21, on June 22, 1974, Bridget married banker Andre Louis Ozier and subsequently gave birth to three children: son Sebastian and daughters Laurence and Tiffany.

In 1993, 39-year-old Bridget worked as a teacher and led a theater group at the private school La providence in her native Amiens, where 15-year-old schoolboy Emmanuel Macron fell in love with her. He confessed his feelings to her at the end academic year. As Bridget herself told the Daily Mail years later, Emmanuel was special:

I never considered him my student. Emmanuel was not like his peers.
Emmanuel during his studies

According to the book by the French writer Anne Feld, “The Ideal Young Man” (“Un jeune homme si parfait”), Emmanuel’s father Jean-Michel Macron forbade Bridget to communicate with their young son. When Emmanuel was 17 years old, his parents sent him to study in Paris, at the elite gymnasium named after Henry IV. Since then, Macron was two hours away from Bridget, but love, as they say, is not subject to either time or distance - for several years, Emmanuel and Bridget communicated through letters. In 2007, Bridget filed for divorce from her first husband and came to Macron in Paris, where they got married. Bridget's daughters Laurence and Tiffany were at the wedding. Laurence had known Emmanuel for a long time; according to some information, they were former classmates.
Bridget with her daughters
Emmanuel and Bridget during a rehearsal for a school play

Currently, Bridget is a happy grandmother. The heirs have already given her 7 grandchildren, whom Emmanuel Macron looks after as his own children. According to Heavy, youngest daughter Bridget, 30-year-old Tiffany, works as a lawyer for Macron's campaign.

Bridget dedicated herself political career husband, she often helps him compose speeches for his political speeches. However, Bridget herself is not going to become politician. According to Madame Tronier, she just wants to “be close.”

Emmanuel is called "the dream" French women" - he is young for a politician and very good-looking. However, it is not only his appearance that attracts voters, but also political program- he proposes to reduce taxes, fight unemployment, invest in education and strengthen security in the country. His wife Bridget is not far behind in terms of attractiveness - at least French magazine Paris Match called her a "style icon", a tanned blonde with a toned figure whose age only adds to her piquancy.
Emmanuel sings the French anthem

Brigitte and Emmanuel on the cover of Paris Match

Emmanuel and Bridget do not have children together. In an interview with BMFTV, Emmanuel admitted that he and his wife decided not to have children together.

“I don’t need biological children and grandchildren,” he said.

Madame Tronier follows fashion and loves branded items. She is a big fan of two major French fashion houses - Dior and Louis Vuitton. Such habits are understandable: Bridget grew up in a wealthy family, and her current spouse- a successful banker and politician who is always happy to give his beloved “cute little things.”

When Emmanuel Macron won the French presidential election, all the world's leading publications published this photo. In the photo, the still very young future French leader receives a kiss on the cheek from his teacher, Brigitte Ozier. It is generally accepted that the relationship between the future president and his first lady began with this kiss.


When Macron fell in love with Brigitte, he was 15 and she was 39. The woman read Latin and French at the school where Emmanuel studied. An interesting fact is that Brigitte’s daughter was then the same age as Macron, moreover, she studied with him in the same class and, what’s more, she was even friends with the future president! But none of this could interfere with the love of young Emmanuel!

When Macron became the leader of the country, many of the world’s leading media mocked or at least caustically played up a sore subject: after all, Emmanuel’s wife is two and a half times older than him. Despite such a colossal age difference, Macron is not at all embarrassed by this: he loves Brigitte and has always loved her. Officially, the lovers have been together for 11 years.

Despite her advanced age, Brigitte always dresses stylishly and behaves impeccably in public. In addition, she has remarkable charisma and a wonderful sense of humor. Macron did not hesitate to introduce his wife into politics, claiming that she was a born first lady. Moreover, he even wanted to create a special post for her so that she would officially work with him, but French civil society regarded this as corruption, so the idea had to be abandoned.

It should be noted that Macron was not like everyone else since childhood. My grandmother was involved in raising the future president of France. She taught him to read, instilling in him a lifelong love of books. Emmanuel grew up a very well-read guy; he almost didn’t communicate with people the same age - it’s boring to be with them - preferring the company of older people. At school, Macron studied perfectly, was on friendly terms with teachers - but not because of his origin or wealthy parents, but because of his intellectual potential.

For a long time The relationship (at first platonic, and later sexual) between an adult woman and a teenager was managed to be hidden, but later it still surfaced. Then a terrible scandal began, because Brigitte was cheating on her husband, and Macron was still so young. Despite the fact that the age of sexual consent in France is fifteen years, such relationships seemed wild and unconventional to the public.

After heated proceedings, the minor Macron was sent away by his parents last class schools in Paris. While moving, Emmanuel met Bridget and vowed to marry her one day, no matter what. And so it happened!

“I have my own attitude to this (gay parades - RL) issue. I think Moscow doesn’t need this,” Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said today, answering a question from a radio listener on the Ekho Moskvy radio.

According to him, the policy of the capital's authorities towards sexual minorities will not change significantly under the new mayor. “I’m not talking about the Constitution, I’m not talking about legislation, I’m talking about what I think about it,” the mayor explained. Answering the question about whether there will be parades of sexual minorities in the capital, Sobyanin replied: “I doubt it.”

The issue of holding perverts' rallies in Moscow was repeatedly raised under the previous mayor, Yuri Luzhkov, who established himself as an open opponent of sodomite parades. For the first time, such an action in Moscow was allowed after Luzhkov was dismissed and a new mayor had not yet been appointed.

Previously a whole series public organizations Russia, including the Right League association, the Russian Image movement, United Orthodox Youth (UPM), Action, RFO Memory, Kosovo Front, sent an appeal to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, which demanded that the Moscow authorities prevent the so-called holding in the Russian capital. “gay pride parades” and ban the propaganda of immorality and sodomy.

“In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 17, paragraph 3. the exercise of human and civil rights and freedoms should not violate the rights and freedoms of others,” the document said. – Article 55 clause 3. the rights and freedoms of man and citizen may be limited by federal law only to the extent necessary in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state. Declaration of the Rights of the Child dated 20.11.59, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child dated 20.11.89, Federal law dated July 24, 1998 “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation”, by the Law of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1991 “On the Mass Media”.

“We insist that the right of persons of non-traditional sexual orientation to promote homosexuality, including during public events“, of course, must be limited in order to protect morality, as well as the legitimate interests, rights and freedoms of other Russian citizens, guests and residents of the city of Moscow,” stated representatives of the Russian public.”

“Holding a gay pride parade is an attempt to impose our own will on the leadership of our country, an attempt to split society and lead the state and society to collapse, disintegration and degradation,” the appeal said. – This challenge must be answered firmly and unequivocally. We are confident that it will not be possible to bring Russia to its knees, the “gay parade” in Moscow WILL NOT TAKE PLACE.”