The young lover could not take Galtsev away from the family. The young lover could not take Galtsev away from the family Yuri Galtsev personal life children

Popular comedian Yuri Galtsev recently turned out to be the hero of gossip columns. At the party, the paparazzi captured the tender embrace of the 55-year-old artistic director of the St. Petersburg Variety Theater named after Arkady Raikin and his student, 24-year-old artist Maria Nasyrova, with whom the comedian is rumored to be having an affair. “KP” tried to find out what really connects Galtsev and the aspiring actress.

I’m calling Yuri Galtsev himself.

Yuri Nikolaevich, they say you have new love appeared?

And who? Valentina Matvienko, perhaps? - the artist responded ironically.

No, they write about Maria Nasyrova.

Tell me, are you personally interested in digging through someone else's dirty laundry? Why should I tell you about my personal life? Did you know me before?

I watched it on TV... You may be repeating the fate of Evgeny Evstigneev, who fell in love with his young pupil and married her. Maybe you will get married too?

No. I'm not interested in discussing this.

The most beautiful

The news took my colleagues by surprise.

“Yura didn’t tell me anything about his new love,” Gennady Vetrov, a comedian and friend of Galtsev, was surprised in response to questions. “We recently recorded with him for new releases of Full House, and he was with his youth group. Maria Nasyrova is his stage partner. But what do they have... Yura, of course, is amorous, like any creative person. And yet his family is his wife Irochka and daughter Masha.

Actress Masha Nasyrova is considered Galtsev’s personal assistant, the organizer of the Sochi festival “Humorina” explained to KP. - He himself says: “All questions are only with her.” Masha made a pleasant impression on me. I praised Galtsev: “Yur, what a beautiful girl you have!” He smiled: “Yes, our Masha is like that!” She is very bright, I think she is the most beautiful girl his troupe.

Yura had some kind of recession about five years ago. He organized concerts, but performed with old numbers. A last couple“He’s been on the rise for years,” Regina Dubovitskaya, host of the “Full House” program, shared with KP. - Yura is inspired, maybe he was inspired by a new love? But he gets very tired. Swamped with work. In addition to the theater he has Solo career and filming. Always on the move. I even told him: “You stop, otherwise you won’t live to see the next anniversary!”

"Rehearsed the wedding"

Maria Nasyrova met Galtsev in 2010, when the comedian was taking his course at the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. Masha came to enroll from Perm.

“I taught Yura’s course and know Nasyrova very well,” says Galtsev’s former director Aliki Usubiani. - The relationship between Galtsev and Maria developed before my eyes. She achieved it. But I have no right to tell you the details...

They say that Nasyrova has become a real headache for teachers. Galtsev once shared with a colleague: there is a student who behaves unconventionally. At first, Masha threw him notes in which she confessed her love. Galtsev was amused by this, he attributed everything to young age ward. But the student continued to seek attention: she would either put on a seductive dress, then look at her mentor with a languid gaze throughout the lecture, or suddenly throw a tantrum.

An acquaintance of mine gave master classes at Galtsev’s course and said that Nasyrova simply did not give Yuri a pass,” one of the film producers told KP. - The artist’s colleagues explained to her: calm down, Yuri is married. Masha was insolent: “This is his second wife. And not the last!” It was clear that the girl was simply obsessed with him. She told me that she saw Galtsev on TV and fell in love. I came to study in St. Petersburg. Having learned that Galtsev was taking the course, she came. And I set a goal for myself: I want to get this man. Starved me out. There comes a time when a person, no matter how exemplary a family man he is, gives up...

After graduating from university, Nasyrova came to work at the theater, which is directed by Galtsev. They perform on stage together and go on tour.

And recently Masha rehearsed her wedding! - a theater employee told KP. - Arranged a photo shoot in wedding dress. Many decided that this was a hint to Galtsev. Not even a bell, but a bell ringing!

I’m calling Maria Nasyrova herself:

Maria, they say you are going to marry Galtsev? The role of the bride has already been rehearsed.

It's just a joke!

Still, reveal the secret: how long have you been in love with Galtsev?

Oh, stop it - it's not funny anymore!

I heard gossip that you managed to give birth to a son from Galtsev...

Write that I gave birth to ten children from Galtsev! Some nonsense, honestly!

"Guest marriage"

Meanwhile, Yuri Galtsev is still married to his legal wife, actress Irina Rakshina. The artists got married in 1987, and in 1992 their daughter Masha was born (by the way, Nasyrova is the same age as her). The comedian admitted to journalists that he is constantly on the road: tours, concerts. And he comes home for a day or two every few months. He joked that when he arrived, he might suddenly discover that his wife had changed her hairstyle or made repairs. To this " guest marriage"Both spouses treated it with irony.

This is Irina's first marriage. For him - the second. In his native Kurgan, at the age of 19, Yuri got married and his son Mikhail was born. But after visiting Leningrad in 1981, the artist left Kurgan forever, where his first wife and son remained.

"We're not getting divorced"

Are Galtsev and Nasyrova having an affair? - I ask film director Sergei Glazkov, whose artist starred in the film “Healer”.

Well, it was there... But Yura is at home, everything is fine. His family comes first. You know, many talented actors two families each. Valery Zolotukhin had two. I succeeded everywhere, well done. And Yura manages to do everything... I know Masha Nasyrova. She is not only beautiful, but also a character actress, a combination that is rare to come across.

I spoke with Irina Rakshina. She is saddened by what is happening in her family, one of her acquaintances told KP. “I learned about my young rival from the media. Although she says that she has long been tormented by suspicions. They have long years it was a normal marriage. Irina took him knapsacks with food to filming, looked after him... It is not clear whether Galtsev will save his family or not. But I know for sure that he did not break off his relationship with the young woman.

“KP” called the comedian’s wife as soon as news about her husband’s affair appeared on the Internet.

“I don’t understand anything myself,” Irina Rakshina answered discouraged. - I don’t know whether to believe this or not.

The woman asked to call back in a week. And by that time she spoke more calmly:

You never know what happens in life, but my husband and I are not getting divorced. Now everything is fine in our family. No, my husband did not leave the family.

Serious passions boil in the personal lives of stars

Serious passions boil in the personal lives of stars.

Alena Apina (family experience - 25 years)


“I’m worried that the hype around the divorce will affect the child,” the singer commented to us on the news that she was produced by Alexander Iratov.

For Ksyusha, Apina does not yet allow candid interviews and makes no confessions. But he explains:

“This period of my life is coming to an end. It was very big and for many of you very beautiful. But life is much wiser than many of us. Alexander and I don’t have any homewreckers and there’s no big deal. global cause for this step. It's just time. Thank you all for your participation and excitement. And life doesn’t end there.

Alexander was against the divorce, but Alena did not succumb to her husband’s persuasion and did not change her decision. But I decided to change my life. Although most recently among the reasons strong marriage What she said with Iratov was that they don’t take everything too seriously and constantly compete: who is smarter and who is more useful in the family.

Yuri Galtsev (family experience - 29 years)

Yuri Galtsev conducts free time with his artist Maria Nasyrova. Photo:

On last week 55-year-old artistic director of the St. Petersburg Variety Theater Yuri Galtsev and his 24-year-old employee Maria Nasyrova came together to Vyacheslav Manucharov’s birthday. All evening we slow danced and talked. They say that Galtsev is already introducing Maria to his colleagues as his chosen one. Although the famous comedian is officially married to actress Irina Rakshina. Their daughter is already 26 years old, and Galtsev’s son from his first marriage made him a grandfather 13 years ago.

Galtsev's wife Irina Rakshina. Photo: Boris KREMER/

There have been no official statements from the comedian regarding his relationship with his former student (Maria Nasyrova graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts in 2014, course of Yuri Galtsev). However, the appearance of Yuri and Maria at a party in Moscow was hardly accidental.

Nikita Panfilov (family experience - 5 years)

Helps Nikita survive a divorce new lover Ksenia. Photo:

Star of the series Sweet life", but the passions in their relationship will not subside. Last week, Nikita Panfilov voiced the reasons for the divorce for the first time:

— Lada committed an act for which men usually do not forgive women.

Ex-wife Panfilova Lada prevents the actor from meeting with his son. Photo: Elizaveta KLEMENTYEVA/TASS

The actor overcame his pride and tried to save his family for the sake of his son. In addition, it was important for Panfilov that he and Lada were getting married. But nothing came of it. Lada, despite her husband’s persuasion, said that she did not love him and she found someone else. She first demanded an apartment for herself, which was owned by the actor long before marriage, and the minimum alimony, in her opinion, should reach 180 thousand rubles per month. Despite the fact that the divorce process has ended, the order of meetings between the father and his son Dobrynya has not been determined. The ex-wife prevents Nikita from communicating with his child. Once, who helped him survive his wife’s betrayal, ex-wife started plotting: calling his girlfriend, her mother and telling him what he’s like bad person. As a result, Nikita decided to communicate with Lada only through a lawyer.

The name of Yuri Galtsev, one of the most popular comedians modern Russia, brings a smile even to people who are not very cheerful. This is not surprising, since the actor, in addition to his rather eccentric appearance and extraordinary sense of humor, has a charm that attracts people of all ages from different social classes.

Childhood and family of Yuri Galtsev

Yuri Galtsev's birthday miraculously coincided with one of the most significant dates for the whole world - Yuri Gagarin's first flight into space. The epochal event symbolically reflected on the fate of an ordinary boy from a simple Soviet family- Galtsev achieved everything himself, without outside help.

The comedian fondly recalls his childhood, in which there was no place for violent hooliganism and endless hanging around with his yard friends. According to Galtsev, he simply did not have time for street entertainment. The boy studied in two schools - general education and music, in the accordion class.

Subsequently, he learned to play the guitar. Music still occupies an important place in his life. Nikolai Afanasyevich, the actor’s father, a builder by profession, devoted himself entirely to raising his son. He took Yura with him to work, took him hunting and fishing, taught with my own hands make all kinds of hunting and fishing “wisdom”: wads for cartridges, stuffed animals, boats.

The boy was interested in modeling, and later in technology. The first mopeds in the area, and then motorcycles, appeared at Yuri’s place. Looking back, the artist admits that thanks to his parents, he had a very interesting, exciting childhood, unlike most of his courtyard peers.

The work of Yuri Galtsev, monologues and theater

In 1978, Galtsev graduated from school and entered the Kurgan Engineering Institute. Student years flew by unnoticed: the extraordinary young man had enough time for both study and creativity. He sang and played in a vocal-instrumental ensemble and headed the student propaganda theater.

Wow, we left Yu Galtsev Bay

Creativity is addictive... After graduating from college, Galtsev left for Leningrad, whom he met two years before this event.

The actor recalls: “I first came to St. Petersburg in 1981. It was early-early summer, heat. I looked around and my heart skipped a beat. I realized that this is my city. Like love at first sight. Today, better than any native St. Petersburg resident, I will take you through the gateways where Rasputin walked. While studying at LGITMiK, I went to the Hermitage every other day. They say it is impossible to get around this museum, but it seems to me that I have walked around everything in the Hermitage."

In the Northern capital, the young engineer entered the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, where he studied on the course of the famous Isaac Shtokbant. In his second year, Galtsev became an actor at the Buff Theater. Having received his diploma in 1988, Yuri Nikolaevich served for many years in Leningrad theaters, among which were Farces and the legendary Litsedey.

He played roles in the plays “Ball of Thieves”, “Nadezhda Station”, “Striptease”, “Black Cat”, “Ah, Cabaret”, “The Three Musketeers”, “Catastrophe” and many others. The artist’s unusual facial expressions received a worthy award at the World Clown Festival in France in 1995, when Galtsev was awarded the title “Rubber Face.”

Interview with Yuri Galtsev

Gradually, the actor began to gain popularity not only in the circles of St. Petersburg theatergoers. Working on stage was easily combined with filming and participating in television shows. Galtsev is always easy-going and extremely active. In the late 90s, he, together with Gennady Vetrov, became a regular on popular humorous television programs such as “Funny Panorama”, “Vetrovik, or Royale in the Bushes”, “Jurmalina”, “Izmailovsky Park”, “Full House”. He worked on the same stage with such comedians as Evgeny Petrosyan, Klara Novikova, Efim Shifrin, Elena Stepanenko and others.

In Riga, Galtsev's comedic gift was rewarded with the international clown prize "Golden Nose". Other achievements include the Gold Medal and Arkady Raikin Cup of the “Sea of ​​Laughter” festival of satire and humor, the prize of the “Golden Ostap” festival, the title “ Best Actor of the Year" in 2000 in Moscow and 2001 in St. Petersburg.

Galtsev played his first film role in 1986 in the film “Jack Vosmerkin - “American”. Then there were roles in numerous films and television series: “Schizophrenia”, “About Freaks and People”, “Racket”, “Deadly Force”, “Streets” broken lanterns", "Agent national security", "Black Raven", "The Tale of Fyodor the Archer", "Keys to Death". The works created by the actor were greeted with delight by the audience vivid images in the TV stories "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", " gold fish", "The New Adventures of Aladdin", "Morozko", "Little Red Riding Hood". Now Galtsev continues to actively work on television and teaches at the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg. In 2008, he became the artistic director of the Arkady Raikin Variety Theater.

Personal life of Yuri Galtsev

The talented, charismatic Yuri Galtsev has been extremely popular among women from a young age. He married at the age of nineteen, but the marriage broke up shortly after the birth of his son Mikhail. Actress Irina Rakshina became his wife in 1987.

Yuri Nikolaevich says that he met his betrothed in Kazakhstan, where he worked in a construction team. According to the comedian, at that time he was surprisingly handsome, and Irina did not cause much admiration for her appearance. Tall, slender, handsome guy with a lush mane thick hair(which is hard to believe now!) was pursued in droves by seductive young ladies, but at first sight he fell in love with the quiet Ira.

The object of the girl’s dreams proposed, but the girl did not give up right away - Galtsev at that time had a reputation as an incorrigible womanizer. However, the stubborn rake did not back down and eventually won Irina’s favor. When Yuri first brought his chosen one to meet his parents, they were at first confused, since the girl did not at all live up to their expectations. However, Irina quickly managed to break the ice and win the love of her future father-in-law and mother-in-law. Rooted with life

Galtsev ended the playboy logo forever - the couple are together to this day. In 1990, daughter Masha was born. The family still lives in St. Petersburg in a spacious two-room apartment, which the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation was able to buy quite recently. In 2003, Galtsev became a grandfather - a son, Yuri, was born to the eldest Mikhail in Kurgan.

The famous comedian and showman Yuri Galtsev has been married to his wife Irina Rakshina for almost 30 years. However, strong marriage ties do not prevent the Honored Artist of Russia from appearing on social events with his ward Maria Nasyrova. The 24-year-old girl works in St. Petersburg in the theater directed by Galtsev, and also plays in the popular comedy show “Full House.”

The 55-year-old artist and the 24-year-old aspiring actress appeared together at the birthday party of Vyacheslav Manucharov. As journalists found out, the man introduces the young girl as his chosen one. Yuri and Maria stayed close all evening, sometimes leaving the hall. The couple behaved with restraint and did not allow themselves to show any feelings towards each other. Galtsev invited Nasyrova to a slow dance, which they performed in front of all the guests. Appearance married man in the company of a young lady aroused genuine public interest.

The girl herself is from Perm, but spends a lot of time in St. Petersburg, where she works at the Variety Theater named after. A. Raikin. On Maria’s social networks, photographs of the famous comedian appear regularly. The girl is proud to work with the famous artist and tries to be in Galtsev’s company as often as possible, not only during work.

For a birthday famous artist Maria prepared a surprise and came to the party with a bunch of balloons. Then the birthday boy went to river walk in the company of young wards of her theater, among whom was Nasyrova. On the page in social network the girl shared photographs in which all of Galtsev’s charges looked happy.

In December 2008, Galtsev was appointed artistic director of the Variety Theater. A. Raikin in St. Petersburg. The artist has two adult heirs - a son, Mikhail, who now lives in Kurgan, as well as a 26-year-old daughter, Maria, from his marriage to Irina Rakshina.

According to, Galtseva and Nasyrova have been seen together for almost a year. The young actress spends a lot of time with the famous showman.

Yuri Nikolaevich Galtsev. Born on April 12, 1961 in Kurgan. Russian artist stage and clownery, TV presenter, parodist, singer, theater and film actor. Honored Artist Russian Federation (2003).

Yuri Galtsev was born on April 12, 1961 in Kurgan - the day he flew into space. That is why he was named Yuri - in honor of the planet's first cosmonaut.

From famous family. His great-great-grandfather owned stud farms; the last name of Galtsev’s ancestors was Goltsev.

Mother - Raisa Grigorievna Galtseva.

Father - Nikolai Afanasyevich Galtsev, Honored Builder of the USSR, student orphanage. According to the actor’s story, his father once gave him a large rocket, which he had carved out of a huge log at the factory: “Even the compartments were provided, I couldn’t get enough of this rocket. In the evening, my dad and I wrote “USSR” on it and began to draw portholes In the very first one, my head was visible. Dad drew his own next to us. We looked at ourselves in the rocket, dad hugged me, and we felt indescribable happiness! take our other relatives with us. And my dad was an actor!”

His dad played many musical instruments. They often went hunting and fishing together, went on hikes, did homemade boats and catamarans.

He has younger brother Nikolai.

“My childhood was terribly interesting, cheerful and exuberant, many might even envy this,” he said. He grew up as an energetic boy and was a hooligan.

In my youth I was a music lover, I bought Queen records, The Beatles, Chicago, Nazareth and especially Yes, he earned money on records from the age of thirteen: “I installed a lock - it earned a C, I installed a window, tinted it - another one and a half to two rubles,” he recalled.

I learned to play first a seven-string and then a six-string guitar, and wrote my first song in the 9th grade. He graduated from a music school in accordion class.

He studied at Kurgan school No. 31. He dreamed of becoming an astronaut and wanted to enter a flight school, but did not pass the medical examination.

Served in the army. There he showed himself as an actor: “Then for the first time I managed to demonstrate a “special feminine beauty" Now everyone knows that female images- my strong point. And then... it was getting closer New Year, all the soldiers and officers were preparing for it with rapture, only we didn’t have the Snow Maiden, and there was nowhere to invite her. Then I had to put on makeup, put on a wig, work on the female figure... Everyone was having fun: soldiers, officers, and officers’ wives - Santa Claus and I were a very funny couple,” said Yuri Nikolaevich.

In 1978-1983 he studied at the Kurgan Mechanical Engineering Institute with a degree in Automotive Engineering.

As a student, he headed the agitation theater, played and sang in the VIA “Truvery”. Having received an engineering education, he decided to pursue a creative career.

In 1988 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography with a specialization in Musical and Speech Variety, course I.R. Shtokbanta. At the institute, he met and became friends with Gennady Vetrov and Sergei Selin. Later, he and Gennady Vetrov worked at the Buff Theater; in 1993, Elena Lebenbaum, now known as Elena Vorobey, came to work at the theater.

In 1989-1995 he worked at the Buff Theater. He played in the variety plays “Gahan and his friends”, “Black Cat”, “Hello, comrades, or your exit, actor!”, “Nadezhda Station”, “Ah, cabaret!” and the play “Ball of Thieves” (Peter Bono).

In 1993-1995 he was an actor at the Farces Theater, playing in the plays “Fantasies, or Six Characters Waiting for the Wind,” “Striptease,” and “The Three Musketeers.”

In 1995-1998 he worked at the Litsedei Theater, was involved in the productions of “Doctor Pirogoff” (Sailor), “Assistant Revue” (Clown), “Catastrophe” (Fireman).

In 1999, he organized his own theater: “UTYUG” - the Universal Theater of Yuri Galtsev, where he played in the plays “Virtuosi of the Neva”, “Yura from St. Petersburg”, “Funny Pictures”.

His broadcasts brought him wide fame "Jurmalina" And "Full house", where Galtsev often worked together with Gennady Vetrov.

In 2000, he won the Cup at the international festival “MORE SMEHA” in Riga. The only laureate in the history of the festival to receive the Arkady Raikin Cup from the hands of .

In December 2008, he was appointed artistic director of the St. Petersburg Variety Theater. He taught at the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts.

Since November 2010, together with his creative partner Gennady Vetrov, he became the host of the humorous television show “Two Cheerful Geese”. Together with his pop colleagues he holds the Midsummer arts festival in Kurgan.

Participated in TV shows on central channels. For example, in 2014 he took part in the transformation show “Exactly the Same”. He was a member of the jury of the Variety Theater show.

He played many roles in films and television series. As a rule, these are small, but characteristic roles that are memorable to the audience.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policies of the President of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and Crimea.

“I have a special sign: if I don’t get a drop of sweat before the performance, then the performance will go poorly. I definitely need to warm up so much that I sweat. I do all sorts of exercises - obligatory push-ups, tongue twisters. If I come out calm, it will be just a slug, not a performance", - said the artist.

Yuri Galtsev. Wow - we're out of the bay

Yuri Galtsev's height: 183 centimeters.

Personal life of Yuri Galtsev:

Married for the first time at the age of 19. The couple had a son, Mikhail. Soon he and his wife separated. Mikhail has a family, son Yuri (born 2003) - named after the actor.

Galtsev's second wife was actress Irina Rakshina. They met when, after their first year, they worked in a construction team in Kazakhstan.

The actor said about the circumstances of their acquaintance: “We arrived, settled in, on the very first day in the kitchen I noticed Irina - a little girl with mischievous eyes. I began to find out from the guys who she was. It turned out that she was studying in the drama department, and I was in the pop department , that’s why we didn’t meet her at the institute... In the end, I decided to go for the ram. I asked Irina: “Are you single?” She replied that she was free. And then I sighed with relief: “Ugh, at least I was lucky for once in my life!” Irina asked: “What is it?” I confidently told her: “You will be my wife!” She then looked at me very surprised: “Are you a fool? They’ve already told me that you’re a womanizer, and in general there’s a herd of girls following you around. So don’t even come near me. I’m a modest girl, so I want you to.” I had modest husband, not an actor. And you need to look for a model. So sorry, you came to the wrong place. Nothing will happen!" But I listened to all this and said: “Okay. But in general, how do you want to live: decently, with money, or in poverty?” She replies: “Of course, decently.” To which I tell her: “Then your husband is me. You must make up your mind!” She thought about it, but when I came on the second day and the third, she gave up.”

In 1990, the couple had a daughter, Masha.

In the fall of 2016, rumors appeared about which younger than the actor for 30 years.

Yuri Galtsev and Maria Nasyrova

Discography of Yuri Galtsev:

2000 - Wow and other adventures of Yurik

Filmography of Yuri Galtsev:

1986 - Jack Vosmerkin - “American” - communard
1989 - Philip Traum - traveling actor
1992 - Beautiful Stranger - Newlywed
1992 - Racket - drug courier Syruliev
1997 - The story about Richard, Milord and the beautiful Firebird - the first buyer of the flag
1997 - Schizophrenia - truck driver rapist
1998 - Love is evil... - butcher
1998 - About freaks and people - impresario
1998 - Streets of Broken Lanterns (series “Setup”) - Yurik (credited as Valera)
1999 - National Security Agent-1 (Episode 12 “Transit”) - Trunk
1999 - New adventures of the cops (series “Sasha was walking along the highway...”) - Sergei Serdyuk
2000 - Lethal force - expert Yuri
2000 - Streets of Broken Lights. Cops-3 - vocals
2000 - House of Hope - German
2000 - Empire under attack - A. I. Frank, privat-docent
2001 - Lethal force 2 - Yuri, expert
2001 - Black Raven - Eduard Borisovich, labukh
2001 - Vitsmundir - Razgildyaev
2001 - Keys to Death - Timofey Prokopchik
2001 - Russian horror stories - Lev Venediktov
2001-2003 - Kyshkin House - Useless
2002 - The Tale of Fedot the Archer - Spanish Ambassador
2002 - Lord of the Puddles - Epashka, Dr. Smaug’s assistant
2003 - Happy New Year! With new happiness! - Apokin
2003 - Dancer - theater director
2004 - Timur and his commandos - commando
2004 - Sorochinskaya Fair - pop
2005 - Twelve Chairs - Father Fedor
2005 - Zhmurki - Seryoga (voice)
2005 - New Year's killer - Rupchinsky
2005 - Problem solving - Elena Ilyinichna / Lenya Kolokolnikov
2005 - All the gold in the world
2006 - Russian money - Lynyaev
2006 - Yeralash (issue No. 217 “Thirst for Knowledge”) - history teacher
2006 - Poor baby - toad
2007 - Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors - Prime Minister Abaj
2007 - Return of the Prodigal Husband - Anton Mikhailovich
2008 - Hitler is kaput! - Muller
2009 - Goldfish - old woman
2009 - Golden Key - Pinocchio
2009 - Most best movie 2 - herald
2009 - Bankrupt - Podkhalyuzin
2010 - The Man from Capuchin Boulevard - Mayor
2010 - Happiness Club - Ilya Maksimovich, club owner
2010 - Morozko - Tsar
2011 - New Adventures of Aladdin - Sultan
2012 - Rzhevsky against Napoleon - mayor
2012 - Little Red Riding Hood - the naked king
2012 - Streets of Broken Lanterns-12 - Eduard Zaslavsky, informant
2014 - Three heroes - Dobrynya Nikitich
2014 - The Brave Little Tailor and the Secret of the Princesses - master of ceremonies
2015 - 12 months. New fairy tale- October
2015 - Divorce at will- Gennady