Happy Russian Scrap Processing Industry Worker's Day! Problems of recycling scrap metal in modern Russia.

Dear partners and colleagues!

Non-profit partnership "National self-regulatory organization of recyclers of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, recycling vehicles RUSLOM.COM congratulates you on your professional holiday - Scrap Processor Day!

The industry for handling scrap and waste metals is recognized in Russian Federation and all over the world strategically important. It not only supports the raw material security of metallurgical plants, the defense complex and mechanical engineering, but also plays an important role in protecting the environment and preventing man-made disasters.

For almost hundred year history Since the approval of the official government order for the secondary metallurgy industry, significant changes have occurred in the scrap market. Scrap collection volumes, unfortunately, fell by more than a third compared to the USSR period. This is due to the fact that domestic consumption was reduced and government programs for collecting scrap, in which all citizens and enterprises of the country participated, were closed.

The modern scrap market has nevertheless become more open and international. Scrap metal, having the official status of an important product on the Russian domestic market, is an export product. Russia, which has a significant scrap fund, ranks fifth in the world in scrap exports.

Achievement required quality scrap, which is recognized both by domestic consumers and on the world market, is ensured through the use of latest technologies and best practices.

Domestic enterprises have capacities and technologies that are not inferior to foreign enterprises. Suppliers of innovations are Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, Swiss, and German partners.

With the start of implementation environmental legislation In the Russian Federation, a tendency has emerged towards the development of new areas of processing and diversification of the scrap business. Plants for processing electronic and electrical waste are being equipped, and the processing of plastic, glass, rubber, and waste paper is being developed at sites for processing scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

The key problem in the industry remains the shortage of raw materials for processing. In 2018, the Strategy for the Development of the Industrial and Consumer Waste Management Industry until 2030 was adopted, which sets the course for stimulating separate collection waste, sorting and maximum involvement of useful secondary resources into economic circulation.

NP NSRO "RUSLOM.COM" actively supports this position and recommends that authorities eliminate administrative and tax barriers in the industry, as well as continue to optimize the regulatory framework and harmonize environmental standards with international ones.

Success in achieving goals depends on our concerted actions, on building a constructive direct dialogue with authorities and international partners.
We thank you for your contribution to this important work. Right now the format is being laid new industry and its future, and you are its foundation and support.

We wish you and your business well-being, prosperity and growth! Reliable partners, profitable contracts, implementation of ideas and goals!

WITH best wishes,

About the holiday

Meaning: timed to coincide with the publication of the resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR on the establishment of the Metallotorg association on April 19, 1922.
Traditions: honoring honored employees of the scrap processing industry; classes for exchange of experience, advanced training; exhibitions

The scrap processing industry is implementing the idea of ​​waste-free production. Unclaimed metal is reused, which reduces raw material costs. In order to honor workers in this area, increase the prestige and attractiveness of their activities, it was established professional holiday.

When it passes

Who celebrates

IN festive events founders, managers, support and technical personnel of enterprises that recycle metal waste participate. Officials of the Russian government, people who have received appropriate education or worked in specialized industries, will join the celebrations.

History and traditions of the holiday

The initiators of the event are enterprises that recycle metal waste. The selected date has symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the publication of the resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR on the establishment of the Metallotorg association. It managed the collection and sale of scrap metal.

On this day, according to tradition, Russian government officials and enterprise managers honor honored employees of the scrap processing industry. They send them thank you letters, award them with certificates of honor and diplomas. Classes are held to exchange experience and improve skills. Trade union representatives talk about current problems industries and methods of their elimination. Exhibitions introduce visitors to advanced technologies, new equipment and inventions.

About the profession

Employees in the scrap recycling industry recycle scrap metal. They recycle and create products from recycled materials. The path to the profession begins with obtaining the appropriate education. The employee must master the basics of production technology, selection, transportation, and handling of objects made of steel, cast iron and other compounds. The activity is classified as hazardous to health. She is connected with harmful substances, emissions, difficult working conditions.

Scrap is divided into 3 types: black (steel, cast iron), non-ferrous, precious (gold, silver).

Recycling reduces energy consumption and reduces the production of iron ore and other mineral deposits.

For remelting, an open-hearth and arc steel-smelting furnace are used. Open hearth furnace is used with XIX century. Steelmaking is more modern. It uses high electric current.

Do you want to hand over a large shipment of scrap metal in Moscow? Are you looking for a place to sell your metal waste at a high price? Looking for a reliable scrap partner? Trust the Metal-Snab production company. Spend just a few minutes communicating with our operator and make sure that we offer the most favorable conditions.

We accept non-ferrous and ferrous metals in Moscow around the clock, 7 days a week. Production bases operate without breaks, weekends and holidays. In other words, you can hand over metal waste at absolutely any time. We are glad to cooperate not only with large enterprises, but also with private distributors. Want to make sure? Call us yourself or request a call back on the website.

Our prices for ferrous metal reception

What is the advantage of 24/7 scrap collection?

Our company believes that nothing is impossible. We understand that the quality of service provided to clients is the key successful work companies. Any step towards improving delivery conditions will be important, since the activity of the population and enterprises plays a huge role in the development of the economy and ecology of the country as a whole. Taking into account the fact that not every person has the opportunity to hand over scrap metal during the day, we decided to open the reception on a 24-hour basis.

Now acceptance of cast iron in Moscow, as well as other types of scrap, is possible at any time. Even the busiest deliverer will be able to find a free hour during the day to visit our collection point. Oddly enough, with the advent of this opportunity, the amount of scrap metal we receive increased by 30%, which really justifies the idea.

We have wide network reception bases. You can easily find the closest location for you. All addresses can be found in the “Contacts” section.

Conditions of 24-hour reception

Since such a service is quite specific, it was decided to establish a number of conditions for delivery:

  • dismantling and cutting services are not provided at night;
  • To order a transport vehicle, you must agree in advance on the date and time by telephone;
  • Night acceptance of scrap metal is necessarily accompanied by expert weighing and evaluation of raw materials.

After receiving the scrap, payment of its cost in full is made by any in a convenient way for the client.

To ensure that the process of loading and transporting metal goes quickly and smoothly, we recommend contacting us at least 12 hours before the expected meeting.

Why us?

Selling scrap metal is fast, easy and safe. Our advantages will help you make sure of this:

  • We have our own vehicle fleet. We organize transportation of scrap in any quantity using modern equipped equipment. You don't have to rent cars or hire movers.
  • Large base of regular customers. Over the years of work in the field of scrap metal acceptance, we have acquired a huge number of regular deliverers. It doesn’t matter to us how often you bring metal. We offer best conditions for one-time and wholesale clients.
  • There is always money in the cash register. By cooperating with us, you are guaranteed to receive the full amount of the reward in your hands.
  • Full information support. An experienced consultant will tell you in detail about the scheme for further interaction. By contact number you will receive all necessary information regarding the acceptance of scrap metal.

The Metal-Snab production company is ready to adapt to your schedule and satisfy all your needs and wishes. Are you interested in our scrap metal collection service? Contact us in a convenient way. We will always find a compromise.

The Soviet era was extremely rich in traditions: for example, participation in festive demonstrations on May 1st Workers' Day, or assessing a person's intelligence level by the size and contents of his home library. And those people whose childhood and adolescence were spent on the territory of the USSR, no, no, will remember how after school they often went with the whole class to collect scrap metal. These events had a very noble goal - to give the old hardware a second life, which was fully consistent with the spirit of Soviet times: waste-free production they tried to introduce it into many areas of life - from industry to cooking. Currently, this trend has been preserved, but developed to a lesser extent. Nevertheless, on April 19, Russians congratulate workers in the scrap processing industry on their professional holiday. You will learn more about this event from today's article.

History of the holiday Scrap Processing Industry Worker's Day

If you try to find a professional holiday for a scrap metal recycling specialist in the official list of such events in the Russian Federation, you will not succeed. But the workers of metal waste recycling enterprises themselves decided that this arrangement was unfair, because their occupation brings enormous benefits to society and the environment. Therefore, they took the initiative and began to celebrate their holiday annually on April 19, Scrap Processing Industry Worker Day. The date is selected according to the data provided historical sources: Exactly 91 years ago on this spring day, the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR decided that from now on the activities of a specific industry engaged in the collection, processing and supply of scrap metal will be controlled by new organization"Metaltorg".

Scrap recycling industry

The “dirty work” itself, that is, the actual disposal of metal waste, was carried out by the Soyuzvtorchermet production association. In essence, it was a centralized scrap recycling system, consisting of segments - city and regional Vtormet enterprises, each of which had numerous metal collection points scattered throughout the Soviet Union. At that moment, recycling specialists clearly distinguished between the types of metal residues: the terms “waste” and “scrap, raw materials” did not mean the same thing. Accordingly, the State Standard, created in order to maintain the quality of scrap metal processing processes at the proper level, contained an amendment to “scrap and waste”. There were no private enterprises then, and therefore strict adherence to the standard was mandatory for everyone. In general, the recycling system worked at 5+, showing improved results year after year.

When Soviet Union ceased to exist as single state, the well-oiled mechanism of the scrap metal processing industry, functioning almost like a clock, was broken in an instant. This did not happen spontaneously; the main reasons for the country’s loss of a centralized recycling system were the following factors:

  • The state has ceased to exercise control over the activities of this industry;
  • Funding for scrap metal recycling businesses has dropped significantly;
  • Soyuzvtorchmet lost the transport necessary for transporting waste;
  • The country's economy has undergone a correction, which has adversely affected the state of the scrap processing industry. In particular, to replace cash payment came non-cash, which hampered the development and functioning of the metal recycling system.

In the end, private property appeared in Russia, and the process of recycling scrap turned from a useful activity into another way of obtaining monetary benefits. This situation is still relevant today.

Features of scrap metal recycling

What is metal waste? These are three types of scrap: ferrous (for example, cast iron), non-ferrous - aluminum, copper, technical alloy - and precious metals. If we talk about the content of the term, and not about the quality of waste, then we have two types of metal waste. The first, through the efforts of Russian residents - you and me - finds itself in conditions that deprive scrap metal of the opportunity to again benefit people: it is resting in landfills under open air trash exposed negative factors external environment and, as a result, deteriorating during the corrosion process. The second one ends up at metal collection points or waste processing plants and automatically falls into the category of lucky ones, because after certain operations will again serve society faithfully.

Disposal of scrap metal is a rather lengthy process consisting of a number of procedures. In principle, it is possible to characterize the entire path of waste from collection points to the final authority using a short algorithm:

  • Sorting of scrap metal using an electromagnet.
  • Cleaning waste from contaminants in special containers.
  • Sorting by type of metal.
  • Remelting in furnaces to a liquid state.
  • Metal forming (rods, sheets, wires).
  • Implementation.

Unfortunately, the metal obtained and ready for new use is in the vast majority of cases sent abroad, for example, to the USA or Japan. And after a certain time it returns in a “polished” state, that is, in the form of equipment, technology, etc. to my homeland. The reason for this scattering of domestic resources, even secondary ones, lies in the amount of revenue - foreign buyers pay much more than Russian partners. Business is business...

This important holiday April 19 is the Day of the Scrap Processing Industry Worker, we cannot help but touch upon the problem of recycling scrap metal. Meanwhile, it is more serious than ever on Russian territory. Approximate quantity waste deposited on Russian lands annually amounts to more than 2.5 billion tons/year. Only 35% are recycled. Everything else continues to clog environment. This state of affairs is not explained by the lack of opportunities for high-quality, full-fledged scrap processing within the country, but by the unprofitability of the processes. And proper state control over the recycling of scrap metal, as was the case in Soviet times, No. As a result, today we have about 100 billion tons per year of unprocessed scrap.

The scrap processing industry is implementing the idea of ​​waste-free production. Unclaimed metal is reused, which reduces raw material costs. To honor workers in this area, increase the prestige and attractiveness of their activities, a professional holiday was established.

Who celebrates

The founders, managers, support and technical staff of enterprises that recycle metal waste participate in the festive events. Officials of the Russian government, people who have received appropriate education or worked in specialized industries, will join the celebrations.

History and traditions of the holiday

The initiators of the event are enterprises that recycle metal waste. The date chosen has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the publication of the resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR on the establishment of the Metallotorg association. It managed the collection and sale of scrap metal.

On this day, according to tradition, Russian government officials and enterprise managers honor honored employees of the scrap processing industry. They send them letters of gratitude and award them certificates of honor and diplomas. Classes are held to exchange experience and improve skills. Representatives of trade unions talk about current problems in the industry and methods for eliminating them. Exhibitions introduce visitors to advanced technologies, new equipment and inventions.

About the profession

Employees in the scrap recycling industry recycle scrap metal. They recycle and create products from recycled materials. The path to the profession begins with obtaining the appropriate education. The employee must know the basics of production technology, selection, transportation, and handling of objects made of steel, cast iron and other compounds. The activity is classified as hazardous to health. It is associated with harmful substances, emissions, and difficult working conditions.

Scrap is divided into 3 types: black (steel, cast iron), non-ferrous, precious (gold, silver).

Recycling reduces energy consumption and reduces the production of iron ore and other mineral deposits.

For remelting, an open-hearth and arc steel-smelting furnace are used. Open hearth furnace has been used since the 19th century. Steelmaking is more modern. It uses high electric current.

Human life is hardly possible without any kind of waste - people left them back in the Stone Age, although all the property could then be counted on one hand. Of course, that waste was organic - until humanity learned to process metals - then the first scrap metal appeared.

Probably, metal recycling arose at the same time as scrap metal dumps, only those dumps were small - not at all what they are now. Today, metal thrown into landfills lies there and is destroyed under the influence of natural environment: changes in temperature and humidity, sun, wind - this happens for years, and such metal can no longer be restored. However, metals do not completely decompose - this is evidenced by many archaeological finds - and they harm nature, so people should recycle them: this will make it easier for nature and easier for people.

The solution to the problem is metal recycling

All we have to do is stop throwing used metal items into landfills and start sending them to scrap recycling plants, and we can once again get excellent metal, from which everything we want is made these days.

There is a scrap processing industry in Russia, and its work is very necessary - after the collapse of the USSR, the problem of metal processing was very acute. There is no official holiday for workers in this industry, but scrap processing enterprises themselves established it, choosing April 19 - on this day in 1922 the Metallotorg association was created.

It must be said that in the USSR the recycling of scrap metal was well organized, and all waste was divided into categories. “Soyuzvtorchermet” was engaged in this: “Vtormet” subordinated to it, existing in cities and regions, and equipped special equipment, equipment, and everything that is required for processing metal waste. After disposal, this waste was put back into production - that’s how everything was organized. The economy in the USSR was planned, and this had a beneficial effect on the development of the industry: every enterprise had to have a state standard - institutes worked for this, so the scrap processing industry expanded and strengthened.

What is the scrap processing industry and what does it do?

And yet, when and how could the scrap processing industry arise?

People began to use iron a long time ago, and we will not retell the history textbook here, but on the territory of Russia, factory production of metal originated in the 1st half of the 17th century. Before this for melting iron ore Cheese furnaces were used: round pits, the walls of which were coated with clay, were supplied with channels - air was pumped through them, and a conical structure, also coated with clay, was installed above the pit. Such forges appeared thousands of years ago, but in Rus' they were used until the 9th century, and then furnaces with manual bellows were invented - metals were smelted in them, which seems incredible to us today. At that time there were many wars, iron was constantly needed: it is clear that there was no problem with waste - there simply wasn’t any. In 1632, not far from the city of Tula, the first metallurgical plant was built: it smelted cast iron - up to 120 poods per day, and used a blast furnace for this, also the first in Russia - in Europe such furnaces began to be built about 300 years earlier. However, having started smelting metals, Russian state The metallurgical industry quickly began to develop, and by the middle of the 18th century it occupied 1st place in the world in the production of cast iron.

In the 19th century, Russia fell behind again, and metal production was a weak sector of the economy: at the beginning of the 20th century, metals and equipment were bought abroad - in England, France, Germany, the USA and other countries. Then there were the First world war, revolution and Civil war– metal production decreased even more. The restoration of the industry began in the 20s: old factories were restored, new ones were built, and five-year plans were implemented. At the same time, the processing industry also developed: metal waste was processed almost completely, and there was always enough secondary raw materials for metallurgy.

Difficult 90s

In the mid-80s, the industry was strong and prosperous, but from the beginning of the 90s everything began to quickly collapse: the planned economy ceased to exist, the coordinating center disappeared, and the disposal of metal waste ceased to be controlled. It was unprofitable for the factories to hand them over to Vtorchermet, and they were not obliged to process them themselves - due to environmental legislation, as in Western countries, not in Russia. The state stopped funding the economy, including metallurgical and scrap processing plants, and they almost stopped: there were no funds for recycling, no transport to transport waste. The volume of metal waste recycling in the country has sharply decreased, and the enterprises of the former Soyuzvtorchermet began to go bankrupt.

And then intermediaries entered the market, wanting to make more money from the collapse of the country’s economy - there were several types of them. Firms have appeared in Russian ports that buy metal waste and sell it abroad. They bought up the best waste, but they did not pay attention to those that required processing costs.

Other companies bought waste in order to resell it on the Russian market - they also chose less expensive types of scrap.

Third type - individuals, collecting metals “wherever necessary” and handing them over to reseller firms; sometimes they handed over metal to the enterprises of the former Vtorchermet. In those years, the percentage of thefts of non-ferrous metals in production increased sharply.

The market was “flooded” with non-recycled metal waste, and its quality could not be controlled - speculation flourished, and this negatively affected the work of enterprises involved in professional scrap metal processing. These enterprises could not withstand the competition of spontaneously emerging intermediary reseller companies, and were “dragged” into the crisis, but the companies buying metal waste could not dispose of it - chaos ensued in the metal recycling market.

Problems of recycling scrap metal in modern Russia

By the end of the 90s Russian government, concerned about the situation in the waste disposal industry, adopts the Law “On Waste”, which gives priority to professional enterprises, including those recycling metal waste.

Then a fairly high duty was established on the export of metal scrap to other countries - 15% of the value of the exported goods, and licensing was also introduced for working with metal waste. The rights of citizens to collect and deliver scrap metal were limited, and the market for enterprises professionally recycling metal began to form again - this time at the state level.

Now many experts say that this market is forming very slowly, although large metallurgical enterprises have found a way out: they have different cities Russia has its own organizations that collect metal waste for their needs.

At first it seemed that everything had stabilized, but market research shows that this is not the case. IN recent years scrap consumption in the country decreased by 26%, but today the services of scrap processing enterprises are needed by new industries emerging in the metallurgical industry.

There are many reasons hindering the work of the industry, and it is not even clear which of them is the main one. Transport goods across railway It has become more difficult and expensive, and metalworking enterprises often began to suffer losses - raw materials for work in this case remain unclaimed.

The volume of electric steelmaking production is still growing, and the available scrap reserves are decreasing - this sounds strange, but now it has become not as profitable to collect and hand over scrap as in the 90s, because its export is strictly limited, and no one wants to work on a sense of patriotism .

In 2000, the “Coordination Council of the Scrap Recycling Industry” was created to unite enterprises and improve the efficiency of the entire industry - this organization believes that the restriction on the export of scrap should be lifted - in this case, the industry will begin to function normally.

We are not experts in this field, but we understand that the scrap processing industry is necessary for the normal development of the entire industry of the Russian Federation, and we wish its employees success in work and business, prosperity, health and personal happiness!

Gataulina Galina
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