Prenatal pedagogy as a new branch of pedagogical knowledge. Perinatal pedagogy as a branch of perinatology 4 main provisions of prenatal pedagogy and psychology

Tolokneeva Elena Ivanovna

Stavropol State University, Stavropol

The last decades of the 20th century and the beginning of the 11th century were marked by increased interest in the problems of perinatology (the science that studies the perinatal period: peri (Greek) - around, around; natus (Latin) - birth; logos (Latin) - teaching). Currently, people are increasingly talking about prenatal psychology, prenatal pedagogy and prenatal education (raising a child before birth). Many scientists, teachers and psychologists (V.V. Abramchenko, I.V. Dobryakov, N.P. Kovalenko, E.V. Mogilevskaya, R.V. Ovcharova, N.D. Podobed, etc.) confirmed the importance of prenatal development the child as the basis for his future upbringing, education and full, creative inclusion in human culture.

More than a hundred years ago, scientists noticed that in the brain of newborn children there is a significant number of atrophied neurons and the assumption arose that they atrophy during the child’s intrauterine development due to their lack of demand. By this time, there was already enough reliable information that the intelligence of the unborn child largely depends on the number of nerve cells in the brain. In this regard, in the late seventies and early eighties of the 20th century, first in Europe and then in America, ideas about the upbringing and development of a child in the prenatal period appeared, new special branches of psychology and pedagogy appeared - prenatal psychology(peri-around, around; natalis-relating to birth), which studies how events occurring during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period affect the formation of the adult psyche and prenatal pedagogy, that is, pedagogy of prenatal development and child upbringing.

Prenatal pedagogy represents a complex impact (through music, aesthetic impressions, positive emotions) on the pregnant woman, the fetus, and the family system as a whole, in order to optimize the child’s intrauterine development.

In the 20th century, a number of studies were conducted that proved the reality of the development and education of prenates (unborn, developing children). This is possible both through direct influence on their tactile and auditory analyzers, and indirectly through the mother’s body. With systematic and targeted stimulation of analyzers, neurons are activated, the process of formation of interneuron connections is stimulated (Bertin A.M., Verni T., Komova M.E., Chicherina N.A., etc.). T. Verny states that “the fetus sees, hears, tastes, gains experience and even learns in utero.”

A presentation by the International Organization of Associations for Perinatal Education (OMAEP) suggests that widespread adoption of prenatal education can have a range of beneficial effects. For a child, it is a fundamental prevention of non-genetically determined somatic and mental disorders, and contributes to the formation of a healthy, balanced, creative and open person. Prenatal education facilitates the subsequent education of the child, and then the teenager, thanks to the early formed connections between him and his parents.

The identification of the field of perinatal pedagogy in perinatology was due, on the one hand, to the development of science and the receipt of numerous facts indicating that the fetus develops mental functions early and the possibility of establishing feedback with it. On the other hand, an understanding has emerged that the prevention of complications during various stages of the reproductive process can largely be based on providing women and men with carefully selected information about this, which reduces anxiety in front of the unknown, on their mastery of a number of skills, and on the development of behavioral stereotypes.

The process of training and education mainly occurs due to:

  • providing information, familiarizing with it and assimilating it;

  • communicating with others and imitating them;

  • gaining your own experience.
Prenatal education promotes the personal growth of parents, strengthens their relationships, ensures a normal pregnancy, lived in full communication with the prenate, and an easy delivery. In this regard, there is no doubt that training potential parents (before conception and during pregnancy) is of great importance and is possible by obtaining new information, acquiring new skills and experience.

However, at the same time, the widespread use of parent training, while certainly a positive phenomenon, also has its downside. If training is carried out by insufficiently competent specialists, a large number of negative consequences may occur, including the formation of unhealthy ambitions in parents, expressed in the desire for untimely early development of children. Inflated claims and demands on prenates and young children, incorrect educational attitudes lead to overexertion, the development of neuropsychic disorders in children, etc. In this regard, the problem of organizing high-quality methodological developments for parents, training qualified teachers, and establishing a licensing system for the programs they offer becomes especially urgent.

Currently, in our country, the importance and effectiveness of perinatal pedagogy is recognized and is a mandatory section of the activities of medical workers in medical institutions for the protection of motherhood and childhood, where “Schools of Maternity”, “Schools of Young Mothers”, etc. are created. However, prenatal pedagogy has not found sufficient distribution in educational institutions. Although young people should also be a category that receives prenatal education, including for the purpose of preventing abortions, the number of which, despite the abundance of methods existing today to prevent unwanted pregnancies, in our country continues to remain at a high level (especially among young people). Often, precisely because of ignorance of the peculiarities of intrauterine development of a child, modern research and discoveries in this area, the solution to the issue of maintaining pregnancy is inclined towards its artificial termination. Therefore, prenatal education in general and prenatal pedagogy in particular can be an effective means of preventing this phenomenon.

Thus, prenatal pedagogy prevents artificial abortion, develops a sense of parenthood through the formation of a spiritual connection between parents and the unborn child, promotes the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of healthy, desired children, strengthens families, making them more harmonious and stable, and, therefore, has great importance for the development of society as a whole.


  1. Belogay K.N. Introduction to perinatal psychology: Textbook. – Tomsk: TPGU, 2008.

  2. Verni T. Birth and violence // The phenomenon of violence (from domestic to global): a view from the position of prenatal and perinatal psychology and medicine / Ed. prof. G.I. Brekhman and prof. P.G. Fedor-Freiberga. – St. Petersburg, 2005.

  3. Dobryakov I.V. Perinatal psychology. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010.

  4. Podobed N.D. Intrauterine education of the fetus // Perinatal psychology and obstetrics: Textbook / Ed. prof. N.A. Zharkina. – Volgograd: Volgograd Medical Academy, 2001.

  5. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On improving obstetric and gynecological care in outpatient clinics” dated February 10, 2003 - No. 50.


"Prenatal (antenatal) pedagogy"

What do expectant parents need to know about prenatal pedagogy and prenatal education?

Life is getting faster, raising and educating children begins earlier and earlier - this is one of the signs of our time. Modern parents are more passionate than ever about a wide variety of early development methods: we teach children to read from the age of 2, from the age of 3 we begin to learn English, etc. Scientists have gone even further; they strongly suggest that children begin their education in the womb. A special science of prenatal education and child rearing has emerged - prenatal pedagogy.

From the history of prenatal pedagogy

Father and mother came to the sage and asked:

- Our baby is already five days old, please advise when should we start raising him?
The sage replied:
- You are nine months and five days late!

Procreation is one of the most important tasks of humanity. Nations that were able to create effective systems of education, including prenatal education, flourished in ancient times and continue to flourish today. In ancient times, the main focus was onLyali , later - . At the beginning of the 20th century, an interesting fact was revealed that turned scientists’ ideas aboutessence of prenatal education and led to the emergence of a whole science -prenatal pedagogy.

The fact is that many atrophied neurons were found in the brain of newborns. Scientists have suggested that this occurs during intrauterine development due to their lack of demand, that is, the child loses part of his intelligence even before birth. As a result of further research and experiments, by the end of the 70s - early 80s. in Europe and America, the ideas of early prenatal child development were established and formedprenatal pedagogyAndprenatal psychology. There were some kinks. Future mothers and fathers are too actively involved in the process of prenatal education. It got to the point that it was fashionable among pregnant women to refuse food one day a week (and some did not eat for three days in a row) so that the child began to actively move and ask for food. For many, the passion for such physical training of the fetus ended in caesarean section.

To Russiaprenatal pedagogycame with perestroika, in the mid-90s of the 20th century, M. Lazarev’s technique, aimed at teaching the expectant mother the basics of communication with an unborn child, became widespread.

“The process of the fetus receiving sound information must be accompanied by the development of other functions, primarily motor. The information received by him is not simply remembered by neurons, as happens after birth. She literally sculpts the neural cells themselves. Hence another important point: the prenatal experience of the fetus becomes the basis of his personality, on which all subsequent education should be based” (M. Lazarev).

Prenatal pedagogy – fashion or necessity?

Prenatal pedagogy– this is a purposeful, conscious influence on a child who has not yet given birth in order to improve his intelligence, form certain personality traits, strengthen the nervous system and the healthy development of the child as a whole.

Increasingly, in books and textbooks they write not “fetus”, but “intrauterine child”. Even before birth, the child hears, distinguishes voices, feels rhythm and music. Even before birth, the formation of the child’s personality, his emotional, intellectual, mental development begins, and it is prenatal experience that in the future will become the basis of a person’s personality.

All this means is thatprenatal pedagogy- this is an objective reality, and not just another fashionable fad, and future parents need to accept it. There are official statistics confirming the effectiveness of the methodsprenatal pedagogy, their positive impact on the general psychophysiological development of children and their health.

Simple and accessible methods of prenatal pedagogy

Methods of prenatal pedagogy– these are special methods and means of the earliest influence on a child for the purpose of his development. In fact, many of the methodsprenatal pedagogy- these are simple and accessible actions that loving parents perform instinctively.

1 . The first and most important method isphysical contact with the child . This includes stroking the belly and gentle touches from mom or dad. Any child waits for these minutes, reacts to pleasant tactile sensations, and responds with movements. It’s good to start and end the day with physical contact with the child; this ritual will strengthen the emotional connection with the baby and calm him down. You've probably noticed that many expectant mothers often place one or both hands on their stomach - this is how they maintain a constant connection with the child.

2. Physical contact must be combined withspeech influence . Talk to your child, tell him what you see around him, what you are doing, how you wait for him and love him, how smart, beautiful, healthy he will be when he is born, etc. After birth, children recognize the voices of their parents and those with whom the mother often communicated during pregnancy. The songs that you will sing to the unborn baby, the fairy tales that you will read, the child will learn after birth. They will become the most beloved and will help calm the baby.

3. Musical education a child begins in the womb. Mozart, Vivaldi, Chopin and other “sunny” classics have an unusually beneficial effect on the development of children. There are also special music collections for pregnant women, built on the principles of prenatal pedagogy, pay attention to them. For example, the collection “Music of Birth” by M. Lazarev.

4. Mental exercises and creative activities for the expectant mother(drawing, modeling, singing, playing musical instruments, writing poetry, handicrafts, etc.) involve the child in the process of learning about the world around him. Live life to the fullest, go to concerts and exhibitions, visit museums, allow yourself small trips and excursions. Your impressions will become a powerful impetus for the child’s development and will create a favorable emotional background.

Sensory abilities of the fetus.

Sense organs, the corresponding centers of the fetal brain responsible for sensory perception, develop already by the third month of pregnancy. Over the next six months, they are improved and specialized in accordance with the functions they perform.

Vision, which is impossible without light, is in a state of temporary inactivity. The fetus perceives only weak orange light, and only when directly illuminated by the mother's abdomen.

The fruit's taste is already well developed; the fruit may even prefer one over the other. This was determined by adding sugar to the amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid that the fetus consumes), and then the fetus consumed a double portion of this fluid. When adding a bitter solution, the amount of liquid consumed by the fetus decreased several times. The intrauterine fluid is affected by everything the mother eats and drinks. This helps the fetus get used to the taste of the food that it will consume after birth and which is typical for the region where the parents live.

To date, sensitivity and hearing have been the most well studied. The skin of the fetus is continuously exposed to the muscles of the uterus and abdominal wall. Thus, it makes it possible to maintain close contact between father, mother and fetus through the abdominal wall. It has been noted that when a father or mother gently strokes the belly, the child feels these touches and even before birth he feels emotional calm and care from his parents, which further affects his further relationship with his parents after birth and when he becomes an older child.

The inner ear, which perceives sounds and transmits signals to the fetal brain, is formed already at the end of the sixth month of pregnancy. Sound has a huge impact on the development of not only the fetus, but also the child’s future independent life. The sounds of the mother's and father's voices differ in timbre and frequency, so it is important that both parents take part in conversations with the baby. You can simply tell how the day went, how you are waiting for his birth, you can sing a gentle song - it has been noticed that lullabies that the mother sang during pregnancy are better at calming newborns, since they have been familiar with them for a long time! These conversations establish a bond between parent and child that will last for years to come.

Babies often recognize songs and music heard in the prenatal period, and they have a calming effect on the child and can be used by parents, for example, when the child is under severe emotional stress, as a sedative. As for rock music, metal and alternative music, all experts note that it drives the fetus into a state of rage. It begins to cause unbearable suffering to the mother, which she experiences from the rapid movement of the fetus. Such an effect on the fetus is negative and has a negative effect on its development in the womb and on the state of the psyche after birth. Children of parents who are fond of rock music are more likely to suffer from various nervous disorders. You can avoid such negative influences by listening to classical soothing music.

Emotional trace in the formation of a child’s personality

The developing fetus remembers not only sensory information, but also stores in the memory of its cells information of an emotional nature that the mother supplies it with.

The love with which a mother bears a child; thoughts associated with birth; The wealth of communication with the fetus influences the developing psyche of the fetus and its cellular memory, forming the basic personality qualities that persist throughout life.

The mother's attitude towards the fetus during pregnancy leaves lasting marks on the development of its psyche. Emotional stress is correlated with premature birth, greater child psychopathology, more frequent occurrence of schizophrenia, often with school failures, high levels of delinquency, a tendency to drug addiction and suicide attempts.

A survey of about 500 women was conducted. 1/3 of them never thought about carrying a child - the children of such mothers had below average weight at birth, and they were more likely to experience various serious disorders in the digestive tract and nervous disorders. At an early age, such children cried a lot more. Subsequently, they experienced certain difficulties in the process of adaptation to the surrounding life.

The mother’s own thoughts and feelings are the breeding ground for the formation of the child’s psyche, emotional and physical state, and the need for love and communication arises even before birth.

Thus, due to the confused attitude of mothers towards their child during pregnancy, they led to problems in both the physical and emotional state of children after birth.

One can give an example of the influence of a mother’s emotional state on an adult child. The man experienced sudden hot flashes accompanied by fear of death. The psychiatrist put him into a hypnotic state and replayed his entire previous life in reverse order. Remembering the ninth and eighth months of intrauterine development, this man felt normal. However, when the turn of the seventh month approached - his voice suddenly broke off, his face was distorted with horror, a strong fever appeared - the psychiatrist stopped working and brought the patient out of the hypnotic state. After this, a conversation was held with the man’s mother and it turned out that in the seventh month the woman was in a state of severe depression and tried to terminate the pregnancy by steaming in a hot bath. 30 years have passed since then. However, the son's cellular memory retained the sensation of excessive heat and the thought of death that was present in the mother's mind when she took excessively hot baths.

When stressed, the body, in particular the adrenal glands, begins to produce so-called stress hormones (catecholamines), which help cope with the situation. These hormones penetrate the placental barrier and affect the fetus, forming a physiological state that reflects the state of the mother. However, in the fetus it is much stronger and has greater significance, since an adult develops during his life protective reactions that are absent in the fetus.

As can be seen from this example, not only development in postnatal life influences the developing personality of a person, but also events and conditions of the prenatal period play an equally important role in the lives of adults.

There is no need to think that even the smallest sorrows affect the development of the fetus and the formation of the child as a person. We are talking only about strong and prolonged stress and experiences. For example, long-term bad relationships between spouses. In addition, it should be remembered that expectant mothers have a so-called protective shield that protects the child: love for him. It is able to protect the fetus from harmful effects even in very difficult, extreme situations.

Severe stress and negative emotions of the mother have a particular negative impact on the fetal organs and the formation of its nervous system. The result of this impact may be a violation of the intellect and social adaptation of the future person.

In order to create favorable conditions for the development of the intellect of the unborn child, a pregnant woman should do everything for her own pleasure - engage in activities related to creativity, be interested in art and improve herself in every possible way. It’s great if during pregnancy she engages in music, drawing, crafts, and attends classical music concerts and art galleries. The most prosperous and intelligent children are those of those mothers who, during pregnancy, reveal their maximum potential, and do not invent ways of training for an unborn baby, as if immediately preparing to send him to work immediately after birth.

In those cases when we experience a feeling of joy, happiness, prosperity, our brain produces endorphins - the so-called “happiness hormones”. They are able to impart feelings of peace or joy to the fetus. If he often experiences these states in the womb, then they are remembered and in a certain way color the character of the future man or woman.

Emotions and space are characterized by a very close relationship. Unhappiness and mental pain cause a feeling of compression of the heart, lack of air. Negative emotions such as fear, jealousy, and anger lead to a feeling of heaviness, poor health, and enslavement.

Joy makes our heart sing. For example, when we are in love and when the love is mutual, it is easy and good for us. It seems that wings have grown behind our backs, we are overwhelmed with energy.

It is very useful to cultivate a similar state of happiness and inner freedom in yourself, passing it on to a child who will record this feeling of unforgettable joy in his cells.

Music, singing, poetry, and art allow one to achieve this inner state and instill in a child a sense of beauty. In this process, not only the mother, but also the future father of the child plays an important role. The attitude towards his wife, pregnancy and expected child is the main factor that forms his feeling of happiness and strength, which is transmitted to him through a confident and calm mother.

Numerous surveys of mothers have shown that mothers who are expecting a child and love him even before birth have healthier and mentally stable children. Women in dysfunctional family situations or poor social conditions give birth to children who are more likely to suffer from various serious disorders of the digestive tract and nervous disorders. In addition, such children adapt worse to life in society.

The birth of a healthy and smart baby is not only the concern of his mother. There are many factors influencing the development of the fetus, for which the woman is only indirectly responsible. A friendly family climate in the family depends not only on the pregnant woman herself, but also on her husband, as well as their parents - future grandparents.

Thus, the mother’s positive emotions are needed by the child even before birth and are a very important factor in ensuring the formation of his positive experience. It is during the period of intrauterine life that he develops one or another attitude towards the outside world, which will subsequently be reflected in his future life, including his emotional and personal state.

Recording information at the cellular level.

Today, more and more scientists from different fields agree that the elementary particles that make up atoms, molecules and living cells obey not only the laws of physics, but also the laws of physiology. Thus, these particles are capable of storing memory of events, reproducing this information, and even sharing it with other particles.

In other words, each elementary particle has its own psychic or energy-informational double, and the information stored by this double determines the vibrational characteristics of the elementary particle. This fact has also been proven by scientists from the point of view of mathematical calculations. That is, the feelings, emotions, thoughts, fears, and intentions of the mother directly affect the vibrational properties of the cells of the child being formed in her.

Scientists from the UK and the USA prove the correctness of this conclusion using mathematical calculations. Information about the psyche, thoughts and feelings of the mother, received by the developing creature, determines the vibrational properties of its cells.

That is, everything that a person goes through is recorded in his chromosomes, and, more importantly, is subsequently his genetic capital. In this vein, the quality of the worldview of a pregnant and giving birth woman should be considered as determining not only for a particular child, but also for the entire family

Attitude towards the fetus during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman is the focus of variousenergies that structure matter. She carries within herself the blueprint for a new being. Therefore, the actions, thoughts and feelings of a pregnant woman cause the formation or attraction of certain types of energy. If the expectant mother tries to eliminate all negative aspects from her life, then she seems to bring positive emotions into her body and consciousness and provides the developing fetus with the best physical material and high-quality information that exists on the physical, emotional and mental levels.

    Physical layer . Let's look at the physical level using nutrition as an example. If the expectant mother experiences joy while eating, a feeling of gratitude to nature for, for example, a fresh apple, then she thereby brings great benefits to the child both emotionally and physically. In addition, she instills in him a positive attitude towards food - after birth, the child will be less capricious in the feeding process and will eat not through force and with the help of persuasion, but with pleasure. Those mothers who treat the process of eating food as an annoying necessity and do it on the go or at work risk instilling the same qualities in their unborn child, which will negatively affect his physiological and mental development.

    Mental level . At the mental level, women with a rich imagination can successfully use it in shaping the personality of the unborn child. If the mother’s imagination is directed to such categories as beauty, kindness, wisdom, etc., then it can be used during pregnancy to create the most comfortable conditions for the fetus on the mental level. For example, an expectant mother may often use different, soothing colors and decorate her home in different colors. She can look at a rainbow and imagine the colors of the rainbow flowing into her baby. The colors of the rainbow are the most optimal, as they are created by nature itself during rain and sunshine.

Also, the expectant mother can imagine the qualities that she would like to see in her child.

    Emotional level. Emotions and space are characterized by a very close relationship. Negative emotions cause a feeling of compression of the heart, lack of air, and also lead to a feeling of heaviness, poor health and enslavement.

Joy fills us with energy. It is very useful to encourage a state of happiness and inner freedom in yourself, passing it on to a child who will record this feeling of unforgettable joy in his cells.

Pregnancy by month: intrauterine development of the fetus

1 month


From the moment of conception, the body increases blood volume. This causes the heart, kidneys and lungs to work more energetically. Your figure has not changed, but your breasts have become a little puffier. You may add a few millimeters to your waist. These are the first changes in your body. At this stage, the future placenta attaches to the wall of the uterus, which can cause nausea, drowsiness and mood changes.

Your child

At the end of the first month of pregnancy, your unborn baby is an embryo that is very small, smaller than a grain of rice.

2 month


A missed period tells you that you are indeed pregnant. You can take a simple pregnancy test, which is sold at the pharmacy. The belly and breasts continue to grow. The nipples become darker, and saphenous veins may also appear on the breasts and abdomen. You may feel tired and drowsy, nausea, headaches, irritability, and frequent mood changes.

Your child

The embryo grows, enlarges from the inside, and its cells begin to separate. The outer cells grow into the baby's skin and nerves; medium - in the bones, circulatory system, kidneys, genitals, muscles; internal - into the digestive and respiratory organs. By the end of the 8th week, the formation of the rudiments of various organs and systems ends, and the embryo begins to be called a fetus.

3 month


The waist begins to increase, but a rounded tummy will appear later. Breasts are enlarged. The veins of the abdomen and legs become more pronounced. This occurs due to an increase in blood volume. You may feel constipation, nausea, bloating, fatigue and drowsiness, headaches and increased appetite

Your child

Now the brain and spinal cord, heart, sensory organs are developing and taste buds are forming in your unborn child. The genitals are developing, but it is still difficult to determine the sex of the child. The placenta and umbilical cord are already formed. The fetus takes on human characteristics.

4 month


During this period, you can gain up to 0.5 kilograms in weight. Breasts grow, a process that can be painful. Freckles and moles become darker, and a brown stripe appears on the stomach from the navel to the pubis, which will disappear only after childbirth. Your tummy becomes barely noticeable. This occurs as the uterus and baby develop

Your child

You don't feel anything yet, but your baby is already making attempts to move. The auricle continues to form, but the inner ear is already formed. Fingers and toes are formed. The formation of all organs and systems continues. The head is growing. The beginnings of teeth appear.

5 month


The breasts continue to grow. Your tummy becomes more visible and rounded. You can feel your baby's first movements. You may feel tired, increased appetite, leg cramps, leg swelling, back pain, fainting. Dental problems may also occur.

Your child

The intensity of your child's movements increases. The body length is more than 20 cm. The child’s body is protected by a lubricant, a substance similar to thick sour cream; hair begins to grow on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes appear. Using a gynecological stethoscope, you can hear the baby's heartbeat.

6 month


You gain weight quite quickly (the norm is 300 grams per week), this can affect the hips and abdomen. This can lead to pain in the spine, back, and heaviness in the legs. Choose a good set of exercises for yourself.

Your child

A child's fingers and toes can be distinguished. The child reaches a length of up to 33 cm and weighs 800 - 900 g. Now the child reacts to light, his eyes open. If a premature birth occurs, the baby may survive with very intensive medical care and care.

7 month


Various skin rashes may appear during this period. Pigment spots may appear on the face. You may experience back pain, heartburn, and increased sweating. Uterine contractions may occur.

Your child

The child continues to move, but stages of sleep and active behavior may be determined; reacts to sounds and light. Can suck thumb and distinguish between sweet and sour tastes. Remembers the voice of mom and dad.

8 month


Your belly becomes larger, your navel flattens out, and stretch marks may appear on your body, so use special creams. You may feel mild contractions, leg cramps, and shortness of breath.

Your child

The child can hear and see. Almost all systems are well developed, except the lungs. The brain grows very rapidly during this period. The baby takes a more comfortable position for future births, usually with his head down. The length of your child reaches 45 cm, and weight up to 2.5 kg.

9 month


During this period, try to make yourself as comfortable and comfortable as possible. You may feel short of breath and cannot take a deep breath. This is a consequence of the fact that the uterus presses on the diaphragm. As your uterus and belly descend, you will be able to breathe better, but the strain on your bladder will increase. You may feel tired or, conversely, imperative - this is a sign of impending labor.

Your child

The child is already fully formed. Average weight is 3 kg. The baby should take a head-down position and move less, because there is not enough space in the uterus. The child is gaining strength and preparing to go out into the world. Your meeting will soon come, you will take the child in your arms, you will be able to hug him close.

Golden rules of the expectant mother

Pregnancy is not a disease. However, it requires a number of precautions.


Of course, your excellent position is not a reason to give up your usual rhythm of life. But still, a rounded belly requires some changes in behavior and compliance with certain precautions. If pregnancy proceeds normally, an active lifestyle, housework, and work do not threaten the health of the baby and mother, but as the woman gains weight, it is better for her to learn how to move correctly. Your well-being largely depends on this.

Leaning correctly

Do you need to pick something up from the floor or the ground, but your stomach prevents you from bending down? You need to not only lean forward slightly, but first bend your knees a little and redistribute your body weight on them. Use this position if you need to clean the bathtub or make the bed on a low sofa or ottoman.

We sleep correctly

It is most comfortable for an expectant mother to sleep on her side. But to distribute the weight evenly, it is advisable to place a small pillow between your knees. For those who suffer from numbness or pain in the kidney area, you can place a pillow under your side to prevent your back from arching.

Getting up correctly

If a few months ago you only needed a slight push to quickly get out of bed, now you need slower and more gradual movements that do not overstrain your abdominal muscles. If you are lying on your back, before standing up, turn onto your side, pushing your shoulders slightly forward and bending your knees. After this, lean on your elbow and tuck your legs, which will help you move them over the edge of the bed and sit down.

We stand correctly

If a pregnant woman, due to the nature of her work, is forced to stand for a long time, this contributes to the stagnation of blood and fluid in the legs, causing swelling and varicose veins. The expectant mother needs to periodically arrange a rest for herself: sit on a chair with a low bench under her feet. Often a pregnant woman just wants to straighten her back and “pull” her stomach forward, but this leads to aching pain. For this reason, and to improve circulation when you have to stand for long periods of time, try the following: curl your toes and then relax them, stand on your tiptoes and shift your weight from one leg to the other.

We are sitting correctly

When you sit, it is very important to rest your back on the back of the chair and, if necessary, place a small pillow at the level of your kidneys. If you have a sedentary job, it would be good to interrupt it from time to time to walk a little: walking improves blood circulation and prevents the appearance of hemorrhoids.

We walk correctly

Walking is what a pregnant woman needs. They tone the leg muscles, preventing varicose veins, and strengthen the abdominal muscles. However, as soon as you feel tired, give yourself a break: sit on the nearest bench and rest for five to ten minutes. You need to walk with your body straight and your shoulders relaxed. Shoes should be low-heeled with a comfortable last.

We drive correctly

If, while pregnant, you are going on a long trip, remember that sitting in one place for several hours is harmful. Therefore, even on a train, you need to get up and walk around the car a little to stimulate blood circulation.

Traffic on trams and buses will not harm the expectant mother and baby. However, in public transport it is better to sit and approach the exit only after a complete stop: due to sudden braking, you can lose your balance and fall. And don’t be shy to ask for a seat!

In the car: you can take any position convenient for you, sit up straight, lean back and even lie down. If you are tired, stop to stretch your legs.

How should a future dad behave?

A pregnant woman is subject to outbursts of anger, mood swings, and whims, the reason for which lies in hormonal changes in the body. How should a husband behave during this difficult period for the whole family? Below are options for “bad” behavior with its corrected versions and advice from psychologists.

Don't owe anyone anything
The man is sure: he has already done everything he needs. Therefore, he does not help his wife with housework. Pregnancy is not a disease; washing floors and dishes is an exclusively female activity. He calls his wife's complaints about nausea and malaise suspiciousness and whims. He believes that he has every right to relax in front of the TV after work. Where, by the way, he plows like an ox. To feed my wife and unborn baby. Solemnly taking out the trash can is the only feat that a tired husband is capable of. Because of this behavior of the “strong half,” scandals break out in the family every now and then. When the wife has a compelling argument in the dispute - the belly has increased in size - the husband will take on the purchase of groceries.

! Psychologist's advice : you will never understand what a wife experiences during pregnancy. It is enough to realize that ordinary household chores have become too much for her. It is difficult for her to stand at the stove due to increased sensitivity to odors, and it is difficult for her to wash the floor due to the nausea rising in her throat. Cooking dinner, visiting the store or vacuuming the room will not damage your manhood.

Not enough attention
The future dad gets upset that he gets little attention and “goes into all sorts of bad things”: he drinks beer in the evenings with friends, stays late at work, and after another scandal he goes to spend the night with his mother. Sometimes another woman appears on the horizon, wanting to console the “abandoned” man. The husband makes certain demands on a pregnant wife: maintain cleanliness and comfort in the house every day, cook a three-course dinner, wear lace underwear, have a smile on her face, welcome sexual experiments, listen less to her own well-being and listen more to her husband. However, some men do not like to sort things out. Offended, they leave home without explanation.

! Psychologist's advice. A mature, strong man will experience a period of temporary cooling of his wife, caused by physiological processes. The diagram will show how little you will have to “suffer” from lack of attention. Using a compass, draw a circle with a radius of 5-7 cm. Divide it into eight equal sectors. Each sector is about 10 years of life. Paint in red the area corresponding to the duration of your wife's pregnancy plus a year or two (when the baby requires increased attention). Look what happened. If this technique does not work, consult a psychologist. A specialist will help you master your new role as a father.

You got me
Pregnant women suffer from “mother-of-pearl button disease” - they themselves do not know what they want. First, the husband tries to fulfill his wife’s wishes to the best of his ability. In the middle of the night he goes to the other end of the city to buy pickles, and when he returns, he finds out that his wife has changed her mind and needs strawberries. He treats with humor the daily searches for women's hair, lipstick marks, and the smell of other people's perfume. He tries with all his might to understand why, in moments of tenderness, his wife pulls away from him, crying and shouting “you don’t love me.” This is not an easy test for male logic. The stronger half loses patience, scandals begin in the house. The husband defends his point of view, shouts or declares a boycott. The family situation is close to “armed neutrality.” The husband rejects any, even rational, proposal from his wife.

! Psychologist's advice. The key to a successful pregnancy and a happy life together is your peace of mind. Sometimes a woman herself does not understand what is happening to her; hormones are to blame. Make sure that your spouse does not feel lonely, that she feels support, attention and care. Make it a rule to kiss your wife before leaving for work and after returning home, ask how your day went. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated in a big way, but comply with requests that you can fulfill. The best way to stop conflict is to hug your wife and tell her how much you love her.

Sexual passivity
The husband avoids intimacy with his wife at all costs. Reasons for this behavior:
- concern for the well-being of the spouse, fear of “damaging something”;
- aesthetic dissatisfaction with the wife’s appearance, selfish fear that her figure will not return to normal, and sex after childbirth will be worse than before.
Experiencing mixed feelings, a man is not inclined to discuss the problem with his wife. Sex leaves “beautifully” (“Don’t wait for me, darling, I’ll arrive late”; “Go to bed, darling, I’ll work a little more”). A man is not affected by lace underwear and his wife's inviting glances. Instead of a passionate, long kiss, he gives his wife a “controlling” kiss on the forehead. The future dad looks away and doesn’t touch his wife’s belly. The most extreme and unfavorable option is to mutter under his breath: “Well, you’ve given up, you can’t walk through the door anymore.”

! Psychologist's advice. When a man is driven by the desire not to harm the baby, the best way to dispel doubts is to read specialized literature, go with his wife to an antenatal clinic or to a training course for future parents. Accept changes in your wife's appearance as temporary. Realize, advises, that pregnancy is the best proof of your masculinity and sexual attractiveness, and a woman’s health. Complete a creative task: on a blank piece of paper, in free form, write why you love your wife, find positive changes in her appearance. Read what you wrote, and then let your spouse read these lines. Persistent rejection of the wife indicates problems in the relationship that appeared even before pregnancy. The couple is recommended to visit a family psychologist.

I want a boy!
The husband harasses his wife with requests to “give birth to a boy” (option: a daughter). Interest in the gender of the child is often fueled by close relatives (“You already have two girls, when will you have a boy?”; “You need an heir”; “Grandchildren - boys - a house full, where is the girl?”). Even if the ultrasound doctor upsets the future dad, he continues to hope for something. On the day of birth, he consoles his wife: “It’s okay, next time we’ll make a boy.” Or he shakes his head reproachfully: “And Sidorov’s wife gave birth to a boy yesterday.”

! Psychologist's advice. This behavior offends a woman, undermines her self-confidence, and instills complexes. The “order” for a child of a certain gender and the disappointment that arises if expectations are not met have a negative impact on the baby. Imagine: you go to a fun party, open the door and see the sour expressions of those present: “Vasily Petrovich... We weren’t expecting you, we need Pyotr Vasilyevich.” This is how your baby will feel in the world. Don't talk about who you would like. Rejoice equally in both the boy and the girl. Finally, the sex of the baby is determined by the sperm. Do you want to know who “did a bad job”? Look in the mirror.

False pregnancy
The father is no less concerned about the course and outcome of the pregnancy than his wife. He goes with her to the antenatal clinic, makes her take her blood pressure, fulfills all her whims, puts her on the sofa, buys soft toys and sweets. When his wife suffers from toxicosis, his company makes him feel bad. He is firmly committed to a joint birth, reads special literature, learns to breathe correctly, but he is of no use in the delivery room, because at the most crucial moment he faints.

! Psychologist's advice. The future father should be interested in his wife’s condition, support her and reassure her. But at the same time, remain a man: balanced, wise. You should not spoil your wife with sweets. If there are no appropriate doctor's recommendations, do not encourage her desire to lie on the couch. It’s better to take a walk together in a park or square. A separate issue is joint childbirth. If a man decides to attend them, he needs to undergo appropriate training. When there are doubts about the appropriateness of an action, it is better not to participate in childbirth.

Bad Dad The man is afraid of change, is not sure that he wants a child, and believes that he cannot cope with the role of a father. He shares his concerns with his wife. Does not participate in solving everyday problems (when and what kind of crib to buy, where to put it, whether a changing table is needed). He says that he trusts his wife in everything, but in fact, he avoids problems.

! Psychologist's advice. The feelings and emotions of the future father are understandable. Love for a baby will not arise immediately. To begin with, take on some of the organizational issues. The spouse chooses the crib - you provide its delivery and installation. She makes a list of necessary things - you buy them. Communicate with your child. Rub your wife’s belly every day, say “good morning” and “good night” to your baby, talk about how much fun you will play together when he is born and grows up a little.

There is an opinion about the possibility of development and upbringing of children in the womb of the expectant mother, in connection with this a science arose - prenatal pedagogy. Whether this really has an educational effect - we need to figure it out.

Prenatal pedagogy is the influence on the fetus in the womb in order to instill certain qualities.

Adherents of science claim that increasing the level of intelligence, helping the formation of certain qualities and having a strengthening effect on the nervous system must begin while the baby is in the mother’s womb.

The origin of the science of premature child rearing began with an experiment accompanied by music. The expectant mother, putting the earphone to her stomach, turned on a music track through the player in order to observe changes in the baby’s behavior, and observed the movements and rhythm of the child’s heart.

Prenatal education

After some time, prenatal training specialists began to appear, promoting their theories and methods of development.

For example, women who were pregnant were advised to sing special songs and recite exercises at the allotted time.

The result of such an experiment was expected to be joint performances of songs by mother and baby.

In order to exert influence through movements and sounds, the woman used a special musical belt that responded to the baby’s own kicks, thus starting to play a musical program.

Training before birth

When preparing the child for the lack of oxygen that occurs during childbirth, hypoxic therapy was performed on the pregnant woman. Using special equipment, we simulated the subject being in a mountainous area, with the lowest oxygen content, on a par with the usual environment. The stay procedure was carried out for half an hour over several weeks.

Methods of prenatal education are being developed and improved with particular interest; today, each area has its own education techniques and dances, fine arts, music, and many others.

All methods were created for the purpose of early development of the child in the womb of the expectant mother; supporters of prenatal development assure that classical music, which the baby hears while in the mother’s belly, has a stimulating effect on motor skills and hearing, and instills associative connections. A child, getting acquainted with musical classics while in the womb, will grow up with more developed logical thinking, more concentrated on what is happening, reasonable and calm.

Children who feel their importance for their father and mother in utero are born more independent and confident, due to their joint active exchange of information during pregnancy. They perceive information well by ear and think creatively. There is also the following belief: a pregnant woman who dances contributes to the child’s good tolerance while traveling in transport and the development of his vestibular apparatus. Or, for example, during a dance a woman makes active movements, thereby the child in her stomach receives an increased flow of oxygen. The sound of a singing woman’s voice can have a beneficial effect on a child’s immunity and brain development. An expectant mother who is actively interested in art and exhibitions, nature and its abodes, such as singing birds, increases the likelihood of instilling in her baby a love of natural beauty even before birth.

Introduction 2

Intrauterine interaction at the mother-child level 4

Sensory abilities of the fetus. 6

Emotional trace in the formation of a child’s personality 8

Recording information at the cellular level. 12

Attitude towards the fetus during pregnancy. 13

Conclusion. 15

Literature. 17


The birth of a baby is a significant event in the life of every woman, full of happy experiences. Awareness of one's new role comes as a bright, trembling feeling, filling the life of a new mother with previously unknown meaning. However, few young mothers know that raising a child should begin long before his birth, that is, almost from the first weeks of pregnancy.

A well-known parable is passed down from mouth to mouth:

Father and mother came to the sage and said:

Our baby is already five days old, please advise when should we start raising him?

To which the sage thoughtfully replied:

My dears, you are exactly nine months and five days late!

Thus, upbringing is a process that must be taken with full responsibility, even before the birth of the child.

Studies conducted by scientists of various specialties confirm the existence and indicate the importance of the relationship between certain events that occurred during pregnancy, or the mother’s well-being during this period, and some deviations, something unusual, in the opinion of the mothers themselves, in the character or behavior of the child.

In 1982, André Bertin created the National Association of Prenatal Education (NAPE). According to the creators of this association, it should become a link between ongoing research and married couples and mothers. The creation of such an organization suggests that prenatal education really has a huge impact on the emotional and personal development of a child after birth.

According to scientists of this association, prenatal education has a fundamental impact on the development of a child than raising him in the first years of life.

In ancient times, it was believed that pregnant women and young mothers were connected by an invisible energy thread to the Cosmos. During pregnancy, a woman becomes more sensitive and receptive to everything she sees and hears around her. And what the mother feels, her child also feels. This is what prenatal pedagogy does.

For ancient civilizations, the importance of the pregnancy period was an absolutely immutable truth. The Egyptians, Indians, Celts, Africans and many other peoples developed a set of laws for mothers, married couples and society as a whole, which provided the child with the best conditions for life and development.

In ancient India, temple rituals were held for pregnant women, during which women enjoyed beautiful dances and listened to melodious music.

In Ancient China, there were special institutions for pregnant women, where they could relax and admire works of art, take a walk in well-groomed gardens and parks.

Modern scientific research conducted by specialists in four different areas makes it possible to identify the most important factors that play a role in the upbringing of the fetus in the womb. These include:

    sensory (from Latin sensus - feeling, sensation.) abilities of the fetus (studied by specialists of various profiles);

    emotional trace (discovered and studied by psychologists and psychoanalysts);

    the ability of elementary particles that make up atoms, molecules and living cells to “record” information (an area of ​​interest for physicists);

    the action of morphogenetic fields (Morphogenetic field is the field in which the human body is formed), (put forward as a hypothesis by one of the English biologists).

Intrauterine interaction at the mother-child level

Education can be defined as “the provision of conditions and means capable of ensuring the formation and development of the child.” When we raise a living being, we mean by this its formation and development in the process of unfolding the movement of life within itself. This happens due to the physical, emotional, mental material that he receives from the environment.

After the birth of a child, the upbringing process is characterized by three stages:

1. absorption of information;

2. imitation;

3. personal experience of the child.

However, during the period of intrauterine development, experience and imitation are naturally absent. The absorption of information in the perinatal age is maximum and occurs at the cellular level. The newborn has already lived for nine months, absorbing information coming from the mother and from external stimuli, which largely formed the basis for its further development.

The role of prenatal development is assessed from the point of view of the formation of maternal feelings, which will subsequently determine the development of the child’s personality. There is the following pattern: everything that the mother goes through, the child also experiences. The mother is the child’s first universe, his “living raw material base” from both material and mental points of view. The role of the mother in all cases is in relation to the unborn child, which determines her emotional state during pregnancy and serves as “material” for the formation of the child’s subjective experience.

Prenatal education is based on the idea of ​​​​the need to provide the embryo and then the fetus with the best materials and conditions. This should become part of the natural process of developing all the potential, all the abilities originally inherent in the egg.

The mother is an intermediary between the outside world and the fetus. The human being forming inside the womb does not directly perceive the environment surrounding the mother, however, it continuously captures the sensations, feelings and thoughts that the world around her evokes in the mother. This creature registers and remembers the first information that can color the future personality in a certain way, in cell tissue, in organic memory and at the level of the emerging psyche.

Speaking about the problems of prenatal training in emotions, it is important to note that emotion is not only the mental state of the subject, but also the hormonal reaction of his body. During prolonged stressful conditions, an excess amount of steroid hormones is formed in the mother's blood, passing through the placental barrier and affecting the developing brain of the child. The magnitude and nature of emotional contact between mother and fetus is perhaps one of the most decisive factors influencing the developing psyche of the child, especially its emotional component.

During the perinatal period of development, the child lives practically “one life” with his mother. Today it has been proven that during stress, the mother’s adrenal hormones release catecholamines (stress hormones) into the blood, and during positive emotions (joy, calm), the hypothalamic structures produce endorphins (joy hormones), which, penetrating the placental barrier, directly affect the fetus. Consequently, mother and child are a single organism, and each of them suffers equally from the adverse influences of the external world, which are recorded in long-term memory, affecting the entire subsequent life of the child. Positive maternal emotions cause increased fetal growth, calmness and an increase in the level of sensory perception of the fetus.

Sensory abilities of the fetus.

Sense organs, the corresponding centers of the fetal brain responsible for sensory perception, develop already by the third month of pregnancy. Over the next six months, they are improved and specialized in accordance with the functions they perform.

Vision, which is impossible without light, is in a state of temporary inactivity. The fetus perceives only weak orange light, and only when directly illuminated by the mother's abdomen.

The fruit's taste is already well developed; the fruit may even prefer one over the other. This was determined by adding sugar to the amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid that the fetus consumes), and then the fetus consumed a double portion of this fluid. When adding a bitter solution, the amount of liquid consumed by the fetus decreased several times. The intrauterine fluid is affected by everything the mother eats and drinks. This helps the fetus get used to the taste of the food that it will consume after birth and which is typical for the region where the parents live.

To date, sensitivity and hearing have been the most well studied. The skin of the fetus is continuously exposed to the muscles of the uterus and abdominal wall. Thus, it makes it possible to maintain close contact between father, mother and fetus through the abdominal wall. It has been noted that when a father or mother gently strokes the belly, the child feels these touches and even before birth he feels emotional calm and care from his parents, which further affects his further relationship with his parents after birth and when he becomes an older child.

The inner ear, which perceives sounds and transmits signals to the fetal brain, is formed already at the end of the sixth month of pregnancy. Sound has a huge impact on the development of not only the fetus, but also the child’s future independent life. The sounds of the mother's and father's voices differ in timbre and frequency, so it is important that both parents take part in conversations with the baby. You can simply tell how the day went, how you are waiting for his birth, you can sing a gentle song - it has been noticed that lullabies that the mother sang during pregnancy are better at calming newborns, since they have been familiar with them for a long time! These conversations establish a bond between parent and child that will last for years to come.

Babies often recognize songs and music heard in the prenatal period, and they have a calming effect on the child and can be used by parents, for example, when the child is under severe emotional stress, as a sedative. As for rock music, metal and alternative music, all experts note that it drives the fetus into a state of rage. It begins to cause unbearable suffering to the mother, which she experiences from the rapid movement of the fetus. Such an effect on the fetus is negative and has a negative effect on its development in the womb and on the state of the psyche after birth. Children of parents who are fond of rock music are more likely to suffer from various nervous disorders. You can avoid such negative influences by listening to classical soothing music.

Are you pregnant and don't know what to do? Behave naturally, but do not forget that now you are not alone. We'll tell you what it is prenatal pedagogy, how to communicate and interact with your child and with yourself.

Say "welcome"

Just as you await the birth of a child, the fetus also asks you for permission to be born. This is a kind of two-way process of inviting each other and mutual agreement. This happens in the “dark” corners of the brain, that is, outside our consciousness. But sometimes we begin to realize that a child is indeed knocking on the door...

A child, first of all, must know and feel that he is desired. There is a theory that it is precisely because pregnant woman Doubts arose about whether she was ready to become a mother, whether she should have a child - children are born with disabilities and health problems. Do not think that the fetus does not feel anything - it feels, especially you.


A pregnant woman is connected to her child through all channels: physically, emotionally, energetically. Therefore, carefully monitor not only your actions, but also your thoughts and mood. If you want your child to be kind, do good deeds; if you want your child to be smart, read books; creative, draw, sing. It's simple. You yourself, like no one else, know “without knowing,” that is, on a subconscious level, about your connection with the baby. Think about the baby, take care of yourself, this is the way you take care of him - give up bad habits, if you have any, eat only healthy food. Talk to him, wish him “good morning” and “good night”, like a family member. In pre-Christian times of Kievan Rus, if a child died before one year old, it was believed that he left because the family into which he was born did not suit him and went to look for another. So, if you think about this belief, it means that perhaps we do not choose, but we are chosen? After all, it has not been proven and no one knows what awaits us after death and what awaited us before life. Be sure: the child hears you in every sense of the word. It is unknown when a connection with a child appears, but it is known that it remains until the end of days.

Prenatal pedagogy

The period from fertilization to birth is prenatal period. Consequently, prenatal pedagogy is education, the process of communication and interaction with the fetus. Science does not yet have enough knowledge about how to raise a child in the womb, but it has still been proven that there is a connection and we can influence the development of personality in the future with our emotions, music and worldview. Medicine has proven that on the 22nd day the heart of the embryo begins to beat, the fetal sensory organs are formed and are already functioning by the 20th week, and after the 22nd week the child is able to survive outside the mother’s womb - that is, in artificial conditions. The child is already alive!

There are different views on when a child’s character and values ​​are formed - up to 5, before 4, and the Japanese generally say up to 3. Therefore, the sooner you start your upbringing and communication with your child, the better!