Name of exhibitions dpi. What are the names of holiday events?

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

Center for Children and Youth Creativity

urban settlement "Workers' Village Solnechny"

Solnechny municipal district of Khabarovsk Territory


Features of organization and conduct

exhibitions of arts and crafts at the inter-district level

Naydenova Nina Anatolyevna,

additional education teacher

highest qualification category

R.p. Solar

year 2014

Bright, sometimes made from the most unexpected materials, items of decorative and applied art, especially for children, do not leave visitors to creative exhibitions indifferent.

I have repeatedly organized exhibitions of decorative and applied arts at the inter-district level in Primorye and in the Solnechny district of the Khabarovsk Territory. One of the first was held in Primorye under the name “Khanka Etudes”. Then an exhibition-fair was organized, which was timed to coincide with the celebration of Easter and became a traditional annual exhibition forum and was called “Modern and national motives on the eve of Easter.” In the Solnechny District, I and the CDYUT team organized the traditional Interdistrict Exhibition-Competition “Warmth of Children’s Hands,” which has twice been a mass forum of children’s arts and crafts (2010, 2014). In 2013, I organized an inter-district competition of children's design creativity “Magic of Style”, which covered educational institutions in the village of Solnechny and Solnechny district and the cities: Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Amursk.

In order to clearly plan and organize the competition, the first task is to draw up regulations. The work of holding such events does not consist only of writing regulations. Working out a plan for the competition schedule, finding the premises, planning and drawing up the exhibition itself, and creating a prize fund take some time and effort, given that I am a teacher and scheduled classes are never interrupted, my students are not left without attention. The beautiful, spectacular and watchable design of the exhibition allows visitors to receive the greatest spiritual pleasure, joy and warmth from contemplating creative works, especially children's works. And adults and children can express their opinions in the review journal. To create a prize fund, sponsors are being sought. Appeals to sponsors are made in the form of letters. As the final stage of the entire event, this is publication in the media, reflecting all the positive aspects of this project.

In the spring of 2010, in the Solnechny district, an interdistrict exhibition and competition of children's arts and crafts called “Warmth of Children's Hands” was held for the first time. Then, traditionally, this thematic inter-district exhibition was held in 2014. The timing of the exhibition was not chosen by chance, since the end of the school year allows teachers to present the creativity of their students to the fullest - at the end of the school year there is good work and excellent results. And you can make a better selection.

The main goal of this event is to activate creative potential, stimulate specialized self-determination of adolescents, present the creative capabilities and achievements of children's groups in the field of additional education.

The creative exhibition was attended by children not only from our considerable Solnechny district, but also from the neighboring district - Komsomolsky, as well as from the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. About four hundred exhibits were presented by students of thirty-seven teachers and demonstrated their talent. The exhibition began with a lively, theatrical, lightly improvised, festive opening, which initiated the first visitors into the secrets of handicrafts and the secrets of the exhibition halls. The closing of the exhibition and the awarding of the competition winners took place in a solemn atmosphere, where the nominees were announced and they were awarded certificates and prizes.

During the short period of existence of the inter-district exhibition, visitors did not just view the exhibits. The teachers of the Central Children's and Youth Center learned in detail about whose work and what kind of work, what complexity and in what technique were performed. Many excursions were held, which attracted more than a thousand people.

The content of the exhibition very clearly reflected its title. Indeed, the stands with various works exuded the warmth, color and comfort of children's imagination, spontaneity, cheerfulness and extraordinary ability. Products created by children's hands carry enormous positive energy. This positive charge was received by everyone who came into contact with the children’s creativity. Here one could see a variety of ideas, possibilities and ways of expressing oneself. It is characteristic that all the exhibits are made at a high level, and this was one of the main conditions for participation in the exhibition.

Receiving deep aesthetic satisfaction, children and adults gladly expressed their opinions in the album of reviews, which was called “Your Opinion.” Children also stood in line to write their impressions of the exhibition on improvised palms made of colored paper. The works of students, teachers who raised creative children, as well as the organizers of the exhibition received a lot of positive feedback. Reviews from children and adults included delightful statements, so to speak, with an exclamation point and the immediate reaction of a child, and even a poetic response about the exhibition was left in the guest book:

“Incredible work! Stunning emotions from the realization that the work was done by children's hands! Once again you are convinced that the most talented nation on Earth is children! We wish you new interesting ideas and new beautiful products. Thank you! »

“Wonderful exhibition! Indeed, “The Warmth of Children’s Hands” brings such vivid impressions.”

“Bright! Colorful! Soulful and warm! As if there is only children's goodness on earth! Live, create, dream and create!”

“It’s great that there are such enthusiastic teachers who can teach children to see beauty in simple things, and from these simple things to make beautiful crafts that, frankly, touch the soul.”

"Wow! - I said when I came here. Seaside style house – super! I really want to play in it!” It's simply heartwarming.

“Thank you to the organizers of the exhibition! Everything we see is admirable, all the work is good. Works made from beads evoke a feeling of delight.

May today bring a lot of light and warmth.

The joy of meetings and love of words will forever remain in my soul.

Thank you!"

Emotional, positive, delightful words from visitors to the exhibition are a huge creative stimulus for children - participants in the exhibition and teachers - their mentors.

Man-made miracles in the city of Kolpashevo
As part of the “Man-Made Miracle” project, exhibitions of works by local craftsmen are organized in the libraries of the municipal institution “Biblioteka”. For the past five years, on the eve of City Day, libraries have been transformed into exhibition halls, where you can see the most diverse works, get acquainted with various genres, techniques, literature on handicrafts, attend master classes, meet craftsmen whose creativity we present in our walls. This year the exhibitions ran from November 18 to December 2.

A surge of interest in decoupage creativity in our country arose at the beginning of the 21st century. And today many Kolpashevo residents show interest in it, because it is a simple but very original way to decorate home furnishings. O. A. Nevinskaya has been working in this technique for 2 years and is a regular participant in exhibitions in libraries and conducts interesting master classes. At the exhibition in branch library No. 3 one could see glass bottles covered with rice paper, painted bracelets, and boxes trimmed with photographic paper. Olga Alexandrovna conducted a master class for students of the Cadet Corps. From a simple candle, with the help of napkins and paint with glitter, the children created their own little masterpieces.

The exhibition "Foam Extravaganza" was organized within the walls of the Central Library. Sculptures made of polyurethane foam were exhibited here. All works were provided by T. A. Zhikhareva, additional education teacher at MDOU No. 19. Tatyana Anatolyevna, a person who already knows many different techniques, did not miss the opportunity to try her hand at this new form of creativity for our city. The exhibition featured 9 works, which delighted all library visitors for two weeks. And everyone asked the question: “How can such beauty be made from ordinary polyurethane foam?”

Kolpashevo residents had the opportunity to become acquainted with the art of quilling by visiting the exhibition “Secrets of Paper Lace” in the Central Children's Library. The works of E. V. Devyatkina, a primary school teacher at secondary school No. 5, were exhibited here; T. A. Zhikhareva, teacher of preschool educational institution No. 19; members of the children's association of the Children's and Youth Center "City of Masters"; E. A. Shakhalova. As well as creative works by beginning “masters” of preschool age: Sashenka Korshunova, Katyusha Garbuz and Alika Lakhno. On November 20, Sunday, anyone could try themselves in this type of creativity. Master class prepared by E.V. Devyatkina, was attended by more than 30 adults and children.

Isothread is an original type of decorative and applied art, which stands for “drawing with thread.” To be more precise: isothread or thread graphics is a graphic design made with threads stretched in a certain order on a solid base. About forty works made in this technique were presented at the exhibition “Magic Isothread” in the branch library No. 1 in Matyanga. The works of V. Kh. Fateeva, students of E. A. Ivannikova (MOU "DYuTs"), E. A. Novikova (MOU "Secondary School No. 4"), M. P. Sterzhanova (OSU "TsSPSD") attracted the attention of library visitors , forced me to stop and say with admiration: “What a beauty!” Funny animals came to life in the paintings of many masters: “Dog”, “Turtle”, “Chicken”, “Cow at the Stack”, “Horse” (collective works of students of the OSU “TsSPSD”), “Hare” and “Cat” by Balandina Alina and Bakulina Irina (MOU DOD "DYUTS"). Isothreading classes are exciting and useful. The hand gains confidence and accuracy. Imaginative thinking develops. A love for beauty created with one's own hands is instilled. The children from the 4th "A" class of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 4" were convinced of this in practice, who, under the guidance of Ekaterina Anatolyevna Ivannikova, a teacher at the Municipal Educational Institution of Kindergarten Educational Institution "Youth and Youth Center", made a postcard with their own hands as a gift to their mother.

Fans of fine art were certainly not left indifferent by the exhibition “The Magic of Painting,” which featured works by both local professional artists and art lovers. In the Togur adult library, paintings by teachers of art schools were exhibited: A. I. Matsukov, L. V. Goncharova, children-students of the Kolpashevo Children's Art School: N. Gryaznova, A. Krivosheina, O. Astakhova and R. Shchegolev. Honey watercolors by E. V. Kolmogorova and I. A. Nadezhkina attracted the attention of viewers with their colorfulness and fantasy. Among the works of T. A. Evnevich, visitors especially noted “Gifts of the Forest” and “Cyclamen”.

One could get acquainted with various types of artistic wood processing at the exhibition "Wooden Symphony" in the Togur Children's Library. Wood carving is represented by numerous works by Yu. N. Emelyanov. This is a real magical “world of animals” - tigers, bears, moose, fish. The works are so unusual and colorful that they leave no one indifferent. The unusual shelf by V.D. Demyanov was made using turning, carving, and tinting. Two works by A.P. Murzin were made using the burning technique - “The Crucifixion” and “The Cranes Are Flying” - these are real highly artistic “canvases”. Residents of the area are probably familiar with the work of V. M. Kryukov; his works have repeatedly graced exhibitions at various levels. The exhibition presents his “fairy-tale” series, made using the “wooden sculpture” technique. The works amaze with their grace, beauty and skill.

The most numerous in terms of the number of participants and works presented is the exhibition called “Rainbow of Talents”, organized in branch No. 5 (NGSS). 78 creative works by 22 authors, including: a soft toy, embroidered paintings, beaded and origami crafts, wooden kitchen sets, as well as intellectual creativity: a folding album by L. I. Babanova with photographs of her hometown and poems by fellow countrymen poets . Our city is rich in talented craftsmen, creative and enthusiastic people, for whom any material is a source of inspiration and imagination. Library workers collaborate with local artists and amateurs, and as a result of this cooperation, wonderful exhibitions are organized in libraries. Each such exhibition becomes a real event.

N. Nesterova (deputy director of the MU "Library")

How it is in our city of Kolpashevo... News from the city of Kolpashevo...

Election of the Head of the Kolpashevo district! Don't be left out!

07.12.2015 Open letter from Vladimir Zapetsky in response to the controversy on the topic "Kolpashevo Yar"


“Residents of Kolpashev watched the operation with interest. No one protested... The city lived this summer, in general, calmly. As always,” - so in its recent publications Sergey Parkhomenko presented the destruction of the burial places of victims of Stalinist repressions on the banks of the Ob River in May 1979. And he summed up: “This is a story not about Stalin’s repressions, not about the Great Terror, not about the NKVD, not about the state machine of destruction. This is a story about the Soviet man. About our fellow citizens, fellow countrymen, brothers and sisters. About the Siberian character.”

I read it and shuddered. It was a shame for the Siberian. As usual: that part of the unpleasant truth that gives the overall wrong picture. Left unnoticed were: the widespread quiet murmur, and grandmothers with icons, and memorial candles in that place, and nameless graves along the banks downstream, and indignant phone calls to government offices... This is how it looked from eyewitnesses' stories, I myself learned about this story only six years later, having accidentally ended up in those parts. Yes, not everyone was ready to open up with a visiting, curious Muscovite. Some brushed it off, some fussed, and once even encountered boorish abuse. But more often I was met with a sympathetic desire to help in collecting grains of truth.

That’s why these stories easily turned into a documentary investigative essay. By the way, “Kolpashevo Yar” is not a local toponym; the name was chosen with the clear intention of recalling Babyn Yar. And since the title of the text has become iconic, even began to be written in capital letters, this itself says that the “Siberian cotton wool” has not fallen into unconsciousness.

For me, it is not the Ligachyovs, Bortnikovs and Shutovys who define the essence and face of Siberians, but those caring people who helped then. It happened that this help came from people who were commonly called “party activists.” By the way, I heard the very first meaningful story about the erosion of the ravine from the city Komsomol leader Viktor Ishutin.

11.08.2013 The election campaign has begun!

Elections. How much meaning there is in this word... Our city, like other parts of our country and the entire “democratic world,” is no exception to the general rules. Life on the eve, before and after this event is accompanied, as a rule, by the same events, regardless of geographical location, nationality or religion. All political forces strive to invest in a given period of their public life a special meaning, a high idea, and beyond desire, accompanied by various tricks, actions, and peculiarities of their behavior, in order to achieve the main goal - to convey to the ordinary voter how to behave when choosing the most “worthy” "candidate. At the moment, principles and common sense are not important, only the goal is important, and it justifies any means... To be or not to be - that is the question, and then everything will be as it will be. Our city and region are just a small particle of a big world living according to one general law...

31.07.2012. Bears in the City

Recently, the number of bears in the Tomsk region has increased very sharply. Kolpashevo district was no exception. Clubfoot people feel like full-fledged residents and road users both in the city and in the countryside and are not at all afraid of cars or people.

05.12.2011. Exhibition "Man-Made Miracle" 2011.


The regional summer rural sports games “Stadium for All” were now an anniversary - they were held on July 1-3 for the twenty-fifth time. May Day residents became hospitable hosts for the competition of athletes who came from 18 districts of the region.

Our district was represented by a team of 33 people. And indeed, they showed themselves worthily; the analogy with the thirty-three fabulous heroes in this case is not just a beautiful comparison. In a bitter struggle, the Kolpashevites won an honorable third place and returned home with bronze medals, a cup and a certificate from the Governor of the Tomsk Region V. M. Kress for 100 thousand rubles.


If you are under 30 years old and you write poetry or prose, if you are ready to learn and improve the level of your work, if you want to know the opinion of professional writers and young writers about your work, if you dream of seeing your works published in magazines and collections , if you just want to meet people like you, we invite you to take part in the Seminar of Young Writers “Tomsk Class”, which will be held in the city of Tomsk from May 12 to 14, 2010 in the House of Arts on the street. Shishkova, 10.

The works selected for the competition will be reviewed at seminar sections, which will be held for you by experts: members of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation, writers, philologists. You will also be able to take part in a discussion of the work of other seminar participants. The deadline for accepting applications is no later than April 9, 2010.

Send applications by email. addresses: [email protected] And [email protected](required to both addresses), or bring it on electronic media to the address Tomsk, st. Shishkova, 10.

From the early morning of May 3, there was excitement at the Kolpashevo Children's Art School. To participate in the IV inter-district competition of performers on folk and wind instruments “Young Talents”, contestants from seven districts of the region traveled to Kolpashevo. Performers from children's art schools of Kolpashevo, Togur, Krivoshein, Volodin, Togur, Parabel, Bely Yar, Kargask, music schools of Molchanov and Podgorny, and the Children and Youth Center of Kolpashevo competed on two stages.


Units of military unit 14174 will still hold a solemn march on May 9 at the memorial to fellow countrymen in Kolpashevo. For the last time in its history and in the history of our city... The first “military parade” took place in Kolpashevo half a century ago, on May 1, 1959. We put the term “parade” in quotation marks, because, to be precise, it means the ceremonial passage of troops with military equipment. We managed without technology. But for 50 years, Kolpashevo residents have become accustomed to admiring the beautiful ceremony: columns of military personnel take steps to the accompaniment of bravura marches. The spectacle is breathtaking and lifts the spirits of the residents of the city of Kolpashevo...

The “Youth Wave” competition, which is held throughout the year by the department for culture, youth policy and sports of the Kolpashevo city administration, has completed its third stage. It was "Fun Starts". The final part of the sports and entertainment event took place last week in the gym of the city House of Culture in the city of Kolpashevo.


Who is not familiar with the situation when a good, interesting, exciting script for an event is written, an exhibition of drawings or crafts is organized, but the name cannot be thought of... But often it is a well-chosen name of the event that can arouse interest in the audience and a desire to attend it.

What should the name of the event be?

Firstly, it must be suitable.

For example, for an exhibition of decorative and applied arts such names as:

"City of masters",

"Skillful fingers ",

"Man-Made Miracles"

"Talent call".

If the exhibition is dedicated to a certain type of arts and crafts, this can also be emphasized in the title, for example:

- “Forge of Happiness”(exhibition of forged products),

- “Songs of the Potter's Wheel”(exhibition of clay products)

- “Poem about a tree”(artistic wood carving),

- “White Fairy Tale”(lace making).

If we are preparing a professional holiday, we can make sure that the profession is guessed in the name:

– for Medical Worker Day –“Emergency cult help”, “Recipe for a good mood”

– for Builder’s Day:“Foundation of Happiness”, “Home Fires”

– for Motorist Day:"Wheel of Fortune", "The Roads We Take"

– for Agricultural Workers Day:“Birch Tree Festival”, “Golden Wheat”, “Hands Smelling of Bread”, etc.

It is wrong to start working on an event with a name. First, you need to decide on a topic and idea, then it will be much easier to come up with a name. Let's give an example. When working on a script for a competitive game program for a children's event dedicated to International Children's Day, you first need to develop an idea for the holiday, sketch out a scenario plan, and then, based on the plan, focus on the name. For example: the idea of ​​devoting an event to introducing children to the culture of different countries: with games, proverbs and sayings, symbols, can be called “Around the World in One Summer”, “Journey to the Land of Childhood”, etc.

Secondly, it’s good if the name is figurative . Usually a person perceives an image most easily, so you can try to create a “picture” in your imagination using words. For example, in our country there is a festival called "Maypole", celebration of poetry "Chamomile Rus'", children's and youth creativity competition "Snowdrop".

Thirdly, you can create symbolic title: a symbol dictionary will provide an invaluable service here. For example, from it we learn that:

spark - symbolizes the soul;

labyrinth - mystery, mystery;

ray – creative energy;

crane - longevity, wisdom, honor;

dolphin - salvation, speed, power of the sea;

mountain – spiritual height, ascent, aspiration;

bridge - unification;

dawn - hope and youth;

candle - a lonely human soul;

lyre – poetic inspiration.

So, using the last symbol, you can select a name for a poetry competition, for example “Golden Lyre”, “I dedicated the lyre to my people” etc.

Fourthly, the name can be intriguing . In this case, it should be suitable for the event, but not “reveal all the cards.” An example would be the name of the program "Film, film, film», “It was a matter of...”

“Shake, hello!” etc.

Try playing with words, for example, replacing boring adjectives with nouns. So, if we are talking about an exhibition of lace-making masters, let it not be called “ Fabulous lace" and « Lace fairy tale"; if about an exhibition of pottery, then – not “ wonderful clay" and "Miracles potter's wheel » ; about the exhibition of embroiderers – not “ Magical threads", and "Magic at the tip of a needle."

It is important, in addition to the general name, to try to rename the form of the event itself so that it also arouses interest. Moreover, its content may not change. Remember how in Gerald Bezhanov’s film “The Most Charming and Attractive” the main character bakes a cake "Tea" but comes up with a romantic name for it "Maestro". Try to do the same and instead of the boring “competitive game programs” and “quizzes”, name the events fabulous cruise"Flying ship" or travel game"Around the world in one summer." Agree, this sounds more interesting.

Where can I find a name for an event?

1. Since the name consists of words, it is useful to seek help from word masters - poets, writers, journalists . Often a line from a poem can be used as a title. For example, for the holiday dedicated to March 8 - “And the ice melts, and the heart melts,” for Valentine's Day - “I am conquered, love, by your strength.” Line from a song "Where does childhood go" would be a good name for a school prom. Title of the film by Mark Zakharov "An Ordinary Miracle" suitable for a festival of amateur creativity for disabled people.

2. You will find many ideas in prose: fairy tales, novels, stories. It is useful to remember literary heroes or literary images, such as Scarlet Sails, Blue Bird, Scarlet Flower, Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, Lukomorye. Myths provide great scope for finding a suitable name: ancient Greek, myths of the ancient Slavs.

3. Journalists are experts at coming up with catchy headlines. Therefore, when reading articles on various cultural events, pay attention to the headlines and write down the most beautiful and interesting ones. They may be useful to you in the future.

For example: "See the world with your heart"(article about the festival of creativity for disabled children), "Fantasy Parade"(about the exhibition of decorative and applied arts), "A New Dawn of an Old Friendship"(about the holiday of national cultures),

"Heart to Heart"(about the international folk art festival), etc.

4. Next source – quotes and sayings prominent personalities: writers, politicians, teachers, philosophers, etc. Quotes are usually long, so you need to select keywords from them for the title.

For example, from the statement of P. Beranger “A mother’s heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles,” a name for a holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day can be obtained - "An inexhaustible source of miracles." And from the saying of Pliny the Elder, “Home is where your heart is” - the name of an event dedicated to family.

5. Ordinary experts can help you find names dictionaries. We are not able to keep all the words in memory; many of them are forgotten due to the fact that they are used infrequently.

6. If you urgently need to come up with a name, and only have a telephone directory at hand, I suggest you use helper words. Unfortunately, they won’t produce an original name, but it’s still better than nothing.

7. Another option is to simply substitute a hero, object or some concept (from your event) into one of the words below.

ü Visiting(we substitute the hero depending on the theme of the event - “Visiting Santa Claus”, Lesovichka, Cinderella, etc.)

ü Holiday(Russian scarf, childhood, sun, friends, books).

ü Adventure(sunny bunnies, snowman, etc.)

ü In the kingdom(flora and fauna, fantasies, spring, love)

ü ABC(health, soldier, parents)

ü Journey(on an airplane carpet, to the country of childhood, etc.)

ü Gold(aya, oh) (“Golden Thread” - a competition for fashion designers, “Golden Pen” - for poets, writers, journalists)

ü Music, melody(summer, love, soul, heart, nature)

ü Fairy tale(s)(forests, seas, winter fairy tale)

8. If you have a lot of time, try using association method .

For example, you come up with names for the holiday of March 8th. What do you associate it with? Write down everything that comes to mind.

warm bouquet beauty heart care music

perfection feelings tenderness

When your imagination is exhausted, try to make up a name from the written words.

For example:

1. A bouquet of the most tender feelings

2. If spring lives in your heart

3. Oh, women, your name is perfection!

The more associative chains you create, the greater the choice of words for the name. During this work, you can ask various questions: “What do women like,” “What are their main qualities,” etc. Write down the answers.

Useful tips

1. Avoid cliched names such as

o “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”

o “Bread is the head of everything”

o “My years are my wealth”

o “All ages are submissive to love”

o “Say no to drugs”

o “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” etc.

These names themselves are good, but they are used so often that they have lost their novelty.

2. It is better if the name does not begin with prepositions. For example, in our region, theatrical and concert programs were held: “And the song also fought,” “And for the sake of life on earth.” The title should be short. Don't make it too long.

3. The name should contain some idea; avoid names that don’t say anything, for example, “At My Russia” (Russian Unity Day). This begs the question: “What exactly does my Russia have?”

4. Don’t forget to separate the titles with commas: “Walk , Cossack", "Hello , nice little village."

5. You should not use the well-known truths “Sport is health”, “Drunkenness is poison!”

6. Do not focus on a negative word in the title, for example, “Narcotic dope.” In the title, good must triumph over evil - "I choose life."

Examples of successful and unsuccessful names

Good names:

o Children's fairy tale performance "Ice Fairy Fairy"

o Children's drawing competition “Frost draws patterns”

o Evening meeting with WWII veterans - Ogonyok “Through the eyes of those who were in battle”

o Literary and musical composition “No, the war has not gone into legend”

o Children's theatrical Easter program “Rejoice, O Earth!”

o Children’s gatherings “Children are walking during the winter holidays”

o Poetry evening “In the labyrinths of the soul”

Bad names:

· Thematic program “Touch the feat with your heart”

· Sports and game program “Family Duel”

· Game program for children “Snowy Winter”

· New Year's performance "Wrong Fairy Tale"

· New Year's entertainment program “Sing with us”

· Children's game program "Epiphany Day"

· Theme evening “We are friends and we sing - we live without drugs”

· Competitive and entertainment program “My second mother”

· Children's entertainment program “Let's have fun from the heart”

· Oral journal “On beer alcoholism”

From October 1 to October 15 in the library named after A.P. Chekhov will host an exhibition of arts and crafts from area residents dedicated to the Day of the Elderly.

Do you like to sew, knit, embroider, or make soft toys? Do you have a rich collection of various crafts at home that you would like to show people? Are you already thinking that it’s time to expand your creative potential, but don’t know what new to try? Do you have ideas about trying out a new crafting technique, but are you afraid to start because you don’t know what it looks like in practice? Then you should definitely visit the exhibition “Our Craftswomen”!

And you can also become a full participant in this exposition: any resident of the city who knows how and loves to create, invent, and try can take part in the exhibition. Embroidery and knitting, crafts made from natural materials and homemade soft toys, products using original techniques and cute little things that add comfort to any home - we are happy to take part in all this. Bring your works so everyone can see what artists and masters you are! And we guarantee the safety of your crafts.

For those who want to refresh and replenish their creative treasury, there will be book exhibitions “City of Masters” and “World of Hobbies”, where everyone will find something useful among books, magazines and booklets dedicated to handicrafts and decorative arts.

Based on the results of the exhibition, people's choice prizes will be awarded, so be prepared to vote for your favorite product!

This exposition was organized and prepared with the support and participation of the deputy of the regional Duma of the Yaroslavl region Sergei Balabaev and his assistants.

By the way, there is a club for handicraft lovers at the library. The next lesson will take place on October 8 at 14.00, we will make bouquets of autumn leaves. Join our masters!

Opening of the exhibition of arts and crafts

(Against the background of the melody of the song “Fair” from the repertoire of V. Leontyev, the words of Skomorokh Thomas are heard in the recording.)
Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is starting!
Make yourself at home, don't be shy
Take a walk through our fair!
Go right - it will be fun!
If you go to the left, there will be a lot of laughter and noise!
You will have time to relax and shop,
While the guests are gathering.
Come in, honest people,
The peddler is calling everyone!
(On the street there is a fair and sale of handicrafts of arts and crafts from the studios of the House of Creativity, students of the vocational school; at the guests' disposal there is a photo studio, an ice cream parlor, car rides, a buffet.)
(The words of the Buffoon are replaced by barkers.)
1.Hey, craftswomen,
Hurry to us as soon as possible.
Disassemble everything you need
Don't be sorry for the little money.
Everything for the kitchen,
Don't look, buy.
Everything you buy will come in handy
And it will last for a long time.
2.Hey, fashionistas - beauties
Here, here quickly...
You'll like it
Buy quickly:
Wallets, caskets,
Beads and earrings,
Rings and bracelets.
We'll like everything here
Put it on now.
3. Honey bagels,
Pood pies,
Swoop in and push
Hurry up and take out your pennies!
4. And here are the sudari balls,
5. Red, blue - choose any!
6. For children's amusement,
For men to laugh!
5.Children's gifts,
Beautiful and bright!
Come on, choose
6.Honey gingerbread! Buy it, buy it!
Afanasy Nikitin also praised!
If you have teeth, gnaw them yourself,
If not, ask your neighbor!
7. Don’t pass us by
Look at the crafts.
All crafts are top class,
They will surprise you today!
Choose, take it!
The fair is closing.
Time for business, time for fun!
I invite you to the exhibition!
(In front of the entrance to the House of Creativity, the children of the folklore ensemble perform a song.)
Dear people!
The exhibition has been waiting for you for a long time.
Everyone follow me
And bring your friends with you.
(Music sounds. The buffoon accompanies the guests to the steps to the foyer, where they are met by Marya the Artisan with her retinue, children with bread and salt.)
Marya the Mistress:
Hello, good people,
Guests are invited and welcome!
I, Marya the Artisan, patroness of all craftsmen, welcome you to the opening of the exhibition “Carousel of Craftsmen”.
We, guests, welcome you all
With a white, fluffy loaf.
It's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel.
We also bring salt,
Bowing, we ask you to taste.
Our dear guest and friend,
Take the bread from your hands.
(Marya the artist passes the bread from the hands of the children to the hands of the guests. A song is performed by the children of the folklore ensemble.)
Marya the Mistress:
Kind people!
Let me introduce you to the owner of the House of Creativity... (full name of the director). She had the great honor of saying good words to our craftsmen and opening the exhibition.
(Speech by the director of the House of Creativity. Fanfare. Ceremonial cutting of the ribbon.)
Marya the Mistress:
Dear guests!
Now you can view the exhibition of our craftsmen and meet the creators of beautiful drawings. These include landscapes, still lifes, and fairy-tale scenes beloved by the studio students, made by the children of the fine arts studio together with the director... (full name). This year they mastered a new type of work - making homemade books. Each of them is unique. Everything from creating the form and choosing the font is the imagination and creativity of the guys themselves.
The key to successful creative activity lies in the stability of this team, in the ability of the guys to work harmoniously in one team.
Yes, I won’t get tired of repeating,
The studio should give it a "five"
For this miracle of miracles,
(to guests)
But here is a question for you.
Let's listen carefully,
We will answer everything diligently.
Who is the youngest participant in the exhibition?
Who can find the answer in the picture?
He will receive a prize from the bag.
(A melody sounds. View the works of the art studio.)
Come on in, kids! It's time to win the prize! Is there anyone brave among you? Who will give me the answer now? (Answers. Rewarding. If there are several correct answers, the buffoon takes out of his bag a strip of paper on which “applause” is written)
Marya the Artisan: Well, the work is a sight for sore eyes, to the surprise of everyone. This is the beginning of the exhibition, because we have a lot of works.
It's time to look at her.
Marya the Mistress:
Well, friends, let's continue on our way.
But I think first
We will delight our guests
Songs that are more fun.
(The song is performed by studio members.)
Thank you for the song,
And we are in a hurry to the exhibition.
(They go up to the 2nd floor, where Kuzya the Little Brownie meets and greets them.)
Hello, Maryushka - girl!

Marya the Mistress:
Hello, Kuzya the Brownie!
(points to guests)
These guests are all with me!
Come, girl, into the hall,
Look there first.
The creation of our masters:
Dolls, lace, weaving.
(Marya the artist walks into the foyer, followed by Skomorokh. Kuzya blocks his path.)
Kuzya: Are you interrupting again, Foma?
You're getting into the wrong place again!
I've been living here for many years,
But I still don’t understand you:
How do you manage here?
What if there is an owner here?
I know everyone in this house
I often meet guests here,
I hold festivals
I keep order!
Today you are just a guest,
So give up these things!
You guys wait
Stay here, don't walk.
Give me one answer:
“Did you see the safe or not?”
(to Thomas)
And this, Fomka, dear friend,
Isn't it your work?
Kuzya, friend, no need to quarrel,
We will resolve this dispute,
If we get through everything now,
Maybe we can find your safe.
(to guests)
If so, I agree,
Come on, friends.
(Music sounds. Guests enter the exhibition.)
Marya the Mistress:
Dear guests!
I am glad to see you all at our exhibition and I hasten to tell you the good news.
Today, for the first time, a sympathy bureau operates here, where you can give your preference to one direction or another. You need to receive a token and place it in a basket with the name of the direction that attracted your attention. The bureau is located on the right side of the exhibition hall.
Dear guests!
Don't forget to leave your wishes in the Guest Book.
(A song is performed by a children's folk ensemble, after which Marya the Artisan introduces the guests to the directions of the House of Creativity. Kuzya and Skomorokh walk around the exhibition with the guests. After Marya the Artisan tells about the directions of the House of Creativity, Kuzya runs onto the stage with a joyful squeal.)
Oh guys, here's my safe
I already completely forgot
That he's standing on stage...
I'll see what's in it.
(Takes out certificates from the safe.)
How many certificates and awards!
I kept them all.
And today is just right
They will read them out for you.
(Marya the artist reads out the certificates received for the year.)
Marya the Mistress:
Let it be open
All years in a row
The door of this safe
For new rewards!
(Applause. Song performed by a soloist of a folk ensemble.)
Marya the Mistress:
Dear guests!
You all visited our exhibition,
You told me your impression of her
And today we would like to know
What can you tell us about this?
I invite to the stage the head of the educational and methodological department of the Ural Center of Folk Arts and Crafts... (full name)
(Speech by the guest of honor.)
Marya the Mistress:
I wonder what the impressions are...
(full name of the guest of honor.)

(Guest speech. Fanfare sounds.)
Marya the Mistress:
The hour of joy is coming,
Today we congratulate everyone:
Who made the crafts, and who taught them this.
This teacher has limitless talents, and all his works are different from others,
We believe that success will soon await her,
In patchwork creativity he will conquer us all.
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher)! We ask you to come up on stage with your students. The director of the House of Creativity (full name) is invited to receive the award.
… (teacher’s name) is a jack of all trades,
With him you never feel bored.
He creates from skin
Something that suits everyone.
Be it earrings, necklace -
Everything is amazing.
So you should go to victory
To the glitter of praise and orchestral brass!
Marya the Mistress: .... (full name of the teacher) and his students!
... (name of teacher) - craftswoman,
Young and old know
Her merits are often talked about.
Stuffed Toys
Drives everyone crazy
Their children sew
And she herself.
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher) and her guys!
... (name of teacher)!
Your work girls
They will be elevated to feat,
After all, without costumes.
Blouses, sundresses
They won't live even five minutes
Like without bows, combs and pockets.
They thank you with all their hearts
You, masters, are promised in unison,
That everyone will definitely sew an outfit for themselves,
One that we have been dreaming about for many years.
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher) we are waiting for you on stage!
Decent growth
Kind look.
She is a master, they say.
He knows a lot about his business
And he teaches girls
Embroider on machines
And decorate outfits.
Everyone stubbornly repeats about her:
“Here is a second mother for us.”
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher) and her girls!
The design is still so new for us,
That even words are not enough.
But even this is a start
We know a lot about teachers.
They create and create comfort,
After all, this is their work.
And we are sure that macrame
And hand embroidery
We deserve all the praise on May 16th.
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher) with his students!
Attract to yourself -
... (name of teacher) a rare gift,
I'm not the only fan of her charms,
And like an artist creating a vernissage,
She shows us aerobatics.
Marya the Mistress:
... (full name of the teacher) with his stars!

1. Scissors on a tray.
2. Loaf, dish, towel, salt.
3. A strip of paper with the word “Applause” written on it.
4. Prizes,
5. Box designed as a safe.
6. Certificates.
7. Tokens, baskets with names of directions.

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