Gosha Kutsenko biography personal life family children. Brilliant actor Gosha Kutsenko and his wife Irina Skrinichenko

Every Russian and not only probably knows about Gosha Kutsenko. Charismatic actor, singer, producer, screenwriter and just talented person. He plays the roles of both mafiosi and “modest nerds” equally well. His roles in films capture the attention of television viewers. He never acts in uninteresting scripts; he deliberately chooses films that become sales leaders.


The childhood and teenage years of the charming Kutsenko

Yuri (Gosha) Kutsenko was born on a May day in 1967 in Zaporozhye. This is where he spent his childhood. Due to the transfer of the boy's father to another job, the family moved to Lviv. There, Yuri entered school, and in parallel with his studies, he was engaged in professional wrestling. The actor’s highlight is that he got his hooked nose just in time. sports career. However, fans of the actor do not consider his nose a flaw; rather, on the contrary, they call it a sign of masculinity.

Gosha in childhood and now

By the way, the boy received his name in honor of the famous cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

After graduating from school, the young man entered Lviv Polytechnical Institute, but he failed to finish it. Gosha was drafted into the army, but after demobilization he did not return to Lvov. Father Yuri was transferred to Moscow due to duty and Gosha followed his family after the army.

Gosha remembers his childhood in Ukraine with warmth, and most often associates it with the bounty of the region - mulberries, cherries, summer swimming on the Dnieper.

The young man’s parents were difficult people; in Moscow, his father held the position of Deputy Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR, his mother was in charge of the X-ray room in a hospital. At first, Yuri decided to remember the lecture course at the Polytechnic and entered the Moscow Institute of Technology. However, after studying there for two years, the guy realized that he was not interested. His dreams were connected with acting in films, and after leaving the technological Gosha, he decided to take the theatrical one by storm.

In an interview, his mother says that she dreamed of her son becoming a diplomat and writer, and her husband even tried to prevent her son from entering the theater.

But, the young man, meanwhile, had already conquered the examination committee led by Oleg Tabakov with his originality.

Gosha Kutsenko's first wife - Maria Poroshina

The guy met his first wife in his third year at the Moscow Art Theater. Maria Poroshina became his common-law wife. Marriage star couple did not last long, only five years. However, in this union the famous actor had a daughter, Polina. The girl can often be seen in photos now. Together with her father and his children from her second marriage, she attends celebrity parties and goes on vacation to foreign countries. After her divorce from Gosha, Maria Poroshina married Ilya Drevnova and realized herself both in creativity and in motherhood; the woman has four children.

With his common-law wife Maria Poroshina

Gosha’s second marriage – official wife Irina Skrinichenko

In 2012 famous actor tied the knot with Irina Skrinichenko, actress and fashion model. The couple legalized their relationship ten years after they met. Kutsenko's wife is thirteen years younger than him. She said goodbye to her career as a fashion model; she has children in her marriage to the actor - two daughters Evgenia and Svetlana.

The actor is happily married to his wife Irina

Daughters of Gosha Kutsenko

Eldest daughter The actor decided to follow in her father’s footsteps. After preparatory courses at the Moscow Art Theater, she tried to enter GITIS, but did not pass the competition. Now she is studying at the Shchukinsky Theater and has already managed to star in several films.

Eldest daughter Polina

The actor’s second daughter Evgenia is also artistic and very similar to her dad. She began her career at the age of one and a half years, starring in his video. The youngest daughter of the actor Svetlana, a gift to her dad for his 50th birthday. The girl was born in June 2017. The personal life of the actor and his family is now full of pleasant surprises. Gosha manages to work at the Kinotavr festival and spend time with his family. In means mass media Photos of Gosha Kutsenko and his family often flash, which testifies to their friendship and cohesion.

Gosha Kutsenko at a photo shoot

Gosha Kutsenko is a Russian filmmaker, director, producer and screenwriter. In 2013 he received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. He became famous thanks to such films as “Antikiller”, “Savages”, “Mother Don’t Cry”, “Exercises in Beauty”, “Night Watch”.

Happy and carefree childhood

Gosha Kutsenko was born on May 20, 1967 in Zaporozhye (Ukraine). The parents of the future celebrity had nothing to do with filmmaking: his father worked at the Ministry of Radio Industry, his mother was a doctor in a hospital.

But Gosha once had hair...

Gosha's parents paid him a lot of attention. The guy studied well and rarely received even a B. The only problematic subject was chemistry. The boy combined school with sports. After studying, Kutsenko attended the wrestling section. By the way, Gosha often got into all sorts of fights and showdowns. Kutsenko studied in Zaporozhye for several years, and then moved to Lviv because of his father’s work. There he entered the Polytechnic Institute, but did not have time to complete his studies because he was called to serve his homeland.

The actor himself has said more than once that his childhood was incredibly happy. However, he realized this already as a mature man.

Life in Moscow

In 1988, Gosha’s dad became Deputy Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR. The whole family was forced to move to Moscow. In the capital, Gosha entered the Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. After some time, the student realized that he wanted to become a theater actor. That’s how he came up with the idea of ​​entering the Moscow Art Theater School.. The parents were, to put it mildly, “shocked” by such a wonderful choice of their son. My father immediately called the theater dean’s office and demanded that they not dare hire such a “burring idiot.” But even such threats from his father did not prevent Gosha from passing all the exams with excellent marks, which allowed him to begin training as an aspiring actor.

First works

Kutsenko received his first role in the film three years later (in 1991) after the start of his studies. Then he played in one episode of the film “The Man from Team Alpha.” After a short period of time, the actor, together with his classmates, starred in the title role of the film “Mummy from a Suitcase.” In 1992, Gosha graduated from the university, but he did not expect that he would soon be disappointed. Theaters simply did not want to hire novice filmmakers. Kutsenko continued to play minor roles in films. Thus, he starred in the parable “Children of the Cast Iron Gods,” the crime film “Nocturne for Drum and Motorcycle,” as well as the drama “Hammer and Sickle.”

Still from the movie “Hammer and Sickle”

In 1995, the actor was invited to television. He began hosting a program called “Party Zone” on the TV-6 channel. However, the future celebrity became tired of this type of activity after two years. Gosha began to feel depressed. For 40 days he sat at home and did absolutely nothing except play computer games.

The glory of "Antikiller"

Kutsenko in the film "Antikiller"

Popularity came to George completely unexpectedly. The action film of his friend Kostya Murzenko “April”, where Kutsenko performed main role, almost no one noticed. But in 2002, Yegor Konchalovsky, thanks to his “Antikiller,” made Gosha a real star.

Many famous actors played in the film. Kutsenko in this film was entrusted with the role of a former criminal investigation officer nicknamed “Fox”. This character was far from a positive hero. He was released to begin to implement his rules and laws into reality. Gosha's performance was noted by several famous critics, and the film collected quite an impressive amount at the box office.

Popularity, recognition and latest films

After the film "Antikiller" Kutsenko became a real celebrity. Gaucher immediately received several tempting offers that he could not refuse. The actor starred in the 2002 thriller “Loneliness of Blood” and the film “The Road.” He also tried himself in the image of the killer Smurov in the series “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts.” By the way, Gosha has repeatedly noted that he does not like to act in TV series and made exceptions only a few times.

Still from the film “Loneliness of Blood”

Well, then one of the main films in the actor’s career came out. We are talking about a 2004 blockbuster called “Night Watch”. Despite the fact that in this film Kutsenko played a minor role - an elegant seductive wig, his image was noticed and highlighted and was well appreciated by both critics and viewers.

After this, the actor starred in the TV series “Yesenin” in 2005, where he got the role of the poet’s killer.

In 2006, Kutsenko played the main role in the adventure comedy “Savages”, which grossed 1 million 600 thousand dollars at the box office (with a budget of 800 thousand). Well, in 2007, Kutsenko appeared together with Kristina Orbakaite in another comedy called “Carrot Love,” which literally won the audience’s sympathy.

Gosha Kutsenko as a savage

Almost everything latest movies, where Gosha Kutsenko starred, belong to the comedy genre. For example, in 2012 he played in the films “Gentlemen, Good Luck!” and “That Carlson!”, and in 2014 appeared in the film “Unreal Love”, the plot of which is based on the life of Moscow beauties who conquer men’s hearts.

Gosha in the film "Gentlemen, Good Luck!"

Personal life

In his third year of study at the university in Moscow, Gosha met Maria Porshina. She was also an actress and had just entered the studio school. Soon the couple got married and had a daughter, Polina.

Maria Porshina - the first wife of Gosha Kutsenko

After 5 years, the couple separated, but remained close friends. Maria and Gosha claim that their past relationships do not interfere with their work.

Gosha's next girlfriend was Irina Skrinichenko, with whom he signed in 2012. A magnificent wedding the couple did not arrange it. On June 23, 2014, Gosha and Irina had a daughter, Evgenia.

Gosha Kutsenko in the company of his wife Irina Skrinichenko (photo)


  • 2006, “MTV-Russia”, “Best Villain” (film “From 180 and Above”).
  • 2007, “MTV-Russia”, “Best Comedy Role” (film “Savages”).
  • 2008, “MTV-Russia”, “Best Comedy Role” (film “Love-Carrots”).


1995 Under the sign of ScorpioMaxim Peshkov
1997 Countess de MonsoreauClaude, Duke of Chevreuse
1998 Mom, don't worryArthur
1999 The good and the badAlexey Ivanovich Zhukov, criminal businessman
1999 Eight and a half dollarsIndian
2001 AprilArthur
2002 AntikillerMajor Korenev, Lis
2002 In moveguest
2002 Special ForcesSharaf Rashdi
2002 The investigation is being conducted by the Experts. Pound of goldSmurin
2003 Criminal tangopoliceman
2003 Kidnapping"Hedgehog"
2003 Golden agePrince of Wales, later King George IV
2003 Antikiller 2: AntiterrorMajor Korenev, Lis
2004 The night WatchIgnat
2004 MarsBoris Nikitin
2005 Killing Power 6: "Cape of Good Hope"Rybakov
2005 Hunting for wapitiLuchkov
2005 YeseninYakov Blyumkin
2005 HarpastumAlexander Blok
2005 Death of an EmpireGibson
2005 Turkish gambitIsmail Bey
2005 From 180 and aboveAlik
2005 Last weekendMad
2005 Mom, don't worry 2Arthur
2005 Day WatchIgnat
2006 SavagesAi-Yai
2006 Tinnaked man
2007 Love is a carrotAndrey Golubev
2007 Paragraph 78Goodwin
2007 Paragraph 78. Film twoGoodwin
2007 Daring daysCaptain of the Tortuga
2008 Kings can do anythingMax Shalnov, journalist
2008 IndigoVadim Sukhanov
2008 Carrot Love 2Andrey Golubev
2009 Inhabited islandunderground worker Vepr
2009 PresentRussian general
2009 Antikiller D.K.Major Korenev, Lis
2009 Book of MastersKoschei the Immortal
2010 The Irony of Lovegeneral
2011 Carrot Love 3Andrey Golubev
2011 Fairy tale. EatStump-cultivator
2011 2011 - PhantomMatvey
2011 Christmas trees 2actor dressed in a dragon costume
2012 August. EighthGeorgiy
2012 That's Carloson!Novitsky
2013 Fir trees 3Professor Andrey Nikolaevich
2014 Gena ConcreteGena Concrete

Interview with Gosha Kutsenko (video)

Actor Gosha Kutsenko (Gosha Kutsenko) today - personal life, actor’s wives, children
Find out all about Gosha Kutsenko Height: 1.84 m. Weight: 83 kg. Date of birth: May 20, 1967. Place of birth: Zaporozhye, USSR (Ukraine). Russian actor, singer, director, screenwriter, producer. Honored Artist of Russia (2013). Spouse: Irina Skrinichenko. Best films Gosha Kutsenko:“Turkish Gambit”, “Moms”, “Exercises in beauty”, “This is what is happening to me”. Best TV seriesGoshi Kutsenko: Yesenin, Londongrad. Know ours, Turkish Gambit, Manhunt, Death of the Empire actor

Gosha Kutsenko on Twitter: twitter.com/Goshakutsenko
Gosha Kutsenko on Instagram: instagram.com/goshakutsenko

kutsenko.ru - official website of Gosha Kutsenko
Widely known thanks to roles in films "Mom, don't worry", "Antikiller", “This is what’s happening to me”, "Love-carrot", "Savages", "Daring Days", "Kings can do anything", "Exercises in beauty".

Gosha Kutsenko - photo

The first common-law husband and father of her daughter was the iconic and incredibly charismatic actor Gosha Kutsenko. At that time he was a third-year student at the Moscow Art Theater, older than Maria for six years. But this did not stop young people from falling in love, moving in together and having a child. This marriage lasted five years and resulted in the daughter Polina, a copy of her father. Maria says she respects her very much ex-husband and I am happy that for some period of my life I was his family. The actors managed to maintain so much friendly relations that they have no problem starring in films together. And Gosha admitted not so long ago that he really regrets that breakup.

45-year-old Gosha Kutsenko unexpectedly announced in an interview with one of the glossy magazines that he again said goodbye to his bachelor status and got married! Who is she - the chosen one of the popular actor?

Gosha Kutsenko married model Irina Skrinichenko - photo

“I have news. I got married!"- he happily said in an interview with OK! Gosha Kutsenko. His chosen one was 32-year-old fashion model and actress Irina Skrinichenko. The couple's relationship has lasted for about 10 years. They first started talking about their wedding in 2010, when the actor confirmed that he had proposed marriage to his beloved. She agreed and began planning the wedding. However, the cherished celebration never took place. The couple began to be seen less and less often together. There were rumors that Gosha and Irina decided to temporarily live separately. What caused this is unknown.
In 2011, Kutsenko was accused of having an affair with singer Irina Zabiyaka (lead singer of the group “Chi-Li”). Gosha even gave her a ring, which some media mistook for an engagement ring. When it became known that Irina was expecting a child, there was no talk about them romantic relationships with Kutsenko it became even more. True, there was no evidence that the couple was dating, other than their rare joint appearances.
Read also:

For the sake of Irina Zabiyaka, Gosha Kutsenko became blonde
* Gosha Kutsenko is getting married!

At the end of this summer, the paparazzi photographed Gosha Kutsenko in the company of Irina Skrinichenko. The couple was having fun in a restaurant with friends. Apparently, by that time the lovers had gotten back together. And the other day they got married. Kutsenko did not disclose the details of the celebration.

Let us remember that this was the second marriage for the actor. Before that, he was married to his colleague Maria Poroshina. They have a 16-year-old daughter, Polina.


Born in Zaporozhye (Ukrainian SSR) in the family of Georgy Pavlovich Kutsenko, who worked at the Ministry of Radio Industry, and radiologist Svetlana Vasilievna Kutsenko (nee Nazimova). Paternal grandmother was opera singer.

Then he and his family moved to Lviv. He graduated from Lviv school No. 56 (now LUGG). He entered the Lvov Polytechnic Institute, but did not finish his studies and was drafted into the Soviet Army.

In 1988 he moved to Moscow. Entered MIREA. Two years later he entered the Moscow Art Theater School (graduated in 1992). Works at the theater. Mossovet. Invited to the jury of the KVN Major League.

IN Lately participates in the play “The Game of Truth” directed by Viktor Shamirov, together with Irina Apeksimova, Dmitry Maryanov, Konstantin Yushkevich.

Personal life
First wife - Maria Poroshina, were not officially married.
Daughter - Polina Kutsenko(born 1996).

Second Wife— Irina Mikhailovna Skrinichenko(born June 11, 1980) - fashion model of the Fashion Group agency, acted in films.
Daughter - Evgenia(born June 23, 2014).

Daughter - Svetlana Kutsenko(born 2017)

Films with the participation of actor Gosha Kutsenko - Wikipedia

Filmography - movie roles
1991 - Man from Team Alpha
1991 - Mummy from a suitcase
1993 - Dreams - tailor Shtokman
1993 - Children of the cast iron gods - Fedor
1993 - Against all odds
1994 - Nocturne for drum and motorcycle
1994 - Rat Funeral - new priest (priest)
1995 - Under the sign of Scorpio - Maxim Peshkov
1996 - Funny things - family matters
1997 - Countess de Monsoreau - Claude, Duc de Chevreuse
1998 - Stop
1998 - Mom, don't worry - Arthur
1999 - The Good and the Bad - Alexey Ivanovich Zhukov, criminal businessman
1999 - Zigzag
1999 - Eight and a half dollars - Indian
2000 — 33 square meters(Series “Seconds decide everything”) - Yuri Georgievich, teacher at MSTU. Bauman, Andrey Zvezdunov's physics tutor
2001 - April - Arthur
2002 - Mixer
2002 - Road
2002 - Antikiller - Major Korenev, Lis
2002 - Loneliness of Blood - Vladimir
2002 - On the Move - guest
2002 - Special Forces - Sharaf Rashdi
2002 - The investigation is conducted by the Experts. Pound of gold - Smurin
2003 - Criminal tango - policeman
2003 - Kidnapping - “Hedgehog”
2003 - Golden Age - Prince of Wales, later King George IV
2003 - Antikiller 2: Anti-terror - Major Korenev, Lis
2003 - The Fourth Wish - Morozov
2004 - Night Watch - Ignat
2004 - Mars - Boris Nikitin
2005 - Lethal force-6: “Cape of Good Hope” - Rybakov
2005 - Narrow Bridge
2005 - Hunting for red deer - Luchkov
2005 - Yesenin - Yakov Blumkin
2005 - Garpastum - Alexander Blok
2005 - Death of an Empire - Gibson
2005 - Turkish Gambit - Ismail Bey
2005 - From 180 and above - Alik
2005 - Last weekend - Crazy
2005 - Mom, don't worry 2 - Arthur
2005 - Day Watch - Ignat
2006 - Savages - Ay-Yay
2006 - Tin - naked man
2007 - Carrot Love - Andrey Golubev
2007 - Paragraph 78 - Goodwin
2007 - Paragraph 78. Film two - Goodwin
2007 - Daring days - captain of Tortuga
2007 - Gloss
2008 - Kings can do anything - Max Shalnov, journalist
2008 - Indigo - Vadim Sukhanov
2008 - Thirteen months
2008 - Carrot Love 2 - Andrey Golubev / Gleb Golubev
2009 - Inhabited Island - underground fighter Vepr
2009 - Gift - Russian general
2009 - Antikiller D.K. - Major Korenev, Lis
2009 - Book of Masters - Kashchei the Immortal
2010 - Jerk
2010 - Diamond Arm-2 - Lyolik
2010 - The Irony of Love - General
2010 - Compensation - Sergey Mikhailovich Maltsev
2011 - Carrot Love 3 - Andrey Golubev
2011 - Fairy tale. Yes - Stump-cultivator
2011 - Tour
2011 - Phantom - Matvey
2011 - Manipulator

2011 - Yolki 2 - actor in a “dragon” costume
2011 - My boyfriend is an angel - Professor Volyntsev
2012 - Suicides - Mitus
2012 - August. Eighth - actor Georgy (cameo)
2012 - That Carloson! — Novitsky
2012 - Moms (short story “Operation March 8”) - father
— Artyom
2012 — Gentlemen, good luck! — Connecting rod
2013 - Conversation - Boris
2013 - Courier from "Paradise" - Egor Glazunov
2013 - Treasures of O.K. — Ivan the Terrible, caretaker of the Syuyumbike tower
2013 — Fir trees 3— Professor Andrey Nikolaevich
2013 - Game of Truth - Tolya
2013 - Raiders - Nikolai Alexandrovich
2013 - Unreal love
2014 - Neformat - Roman Arsenyev
2014 - Gena Beton - Gena Beton
2014 - Entertaining ethology - Novel
2014 - Pola Negri - Ernst Lubitsch
2015 - Londongrad - Sanya Khanin
2015 — Sniper: Resistance Hero— Volokhov
2015 — The last man t — Alexey Divov

* 2015 - Oz - Novel
* 2015 - Depth - Leonid / Strelok
* 2015 - Graphomafia
* 2016 - Doctor - Yum
* 2016 — Fir trees 5

1994 - Hammer and Sickle - Evdokim Kuznetsov (Alexey Serebryakov)
2003 - Oldboy - Lee Woo-jin (Yoo Ji-tae)
2006 - Forest Tale - RJ (Bruce Willis)
2008 - Wanted - Mr. X (David O'Hara)
2009 - Bugai - Bugai (Pablo Echarri)
2011 - Happy Feet 2 - Mumble (Elijah Wood)
2011 - Phantom - Matvey (voicing his hero)
2014 - Lego. Movie - Bruce Wayne / Batman (Will Arnett)

Voice acting
2013 - Return of Pinocchio - the bear
2014 - Alice knows what to do! (Episode 11) — Zdob
2015 - Three heroes. Knight's move - Potanya

2009 - Antikiller D.K: Love without memory
2011 — Exercises in beauty
2012 - This is what happens to me
2013 - Game of truth

2006 - Savages
2011 — Exercises in beauty
2012 - This is what happens to me
2013 - Game of truth
Gosha Kutsenko from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Musical activities

Kutsenko at the presentation of his album “My World” in Rostov-on-Don, 2011
The rock band, whose lead singer was once Gosha Kutsenko, was called “Lamb-97”. The first performances began with this group.

In 2004, he became friends with the ideologist and creator of the TOKiO group, Yaroslav Maly, and starred in two video clips of the group: “Moscow” and “I am a Star.”

In 2004, the tandem “Gosha Kutsenko & Anatomy of Soul” was born, which, laying the foundation for the beginning of the musical activity of the famous actor, lasted for four years. During this time, the musicians gave several dozen concerts in different cities Russia and took part in major festivals “Invasion”, “Emmaus”, “Old New Rock” and others. Songs from that period were included in the soundtracks of the films “Mars”, “The Fourth Wish”, “Kings Can Do Anything”, “Savages”. A video clip was shot for the song “Drops”.

In 2008, Kutsenko united a new team around himself talented musicians and began rehearsals and studio recording. The result was a work that combined several musical directions. Gosha Kutsenko’s debut album “My World”, released by Mazai Communications in 2010, was presented in Moscow on the eve of the actor’s birthday - May 19 at the Gusyatnikoff restaurant.

In 2010, the actor played the main role in the video “Magician” by the group “King and the Jester”, as well as in the video of the group “Casta” “Hot Time”.

In 2012, the single “I want to break the dishes” by Gosha Kutsenko and the group “Chi-Li” was released.

In November 2014, at the “Artist” club, Gosha presented his new album “Music”, where he spoke from the stage about his understanding of the current situation in Ukraine and his desire to leave cinema.

Parents: Svetlana Kutsenko, Georgy Pavlovich Kutsenko

Gosha's children Kutsenko: Polina Kutsenko. Daughter - Evgenia (born June 23, 2014). Daughter - Svetlana Kutsenko (born 2017)

Party: United Russia

View free photo biography and personal life of actor Gosha Kutsenko website. Everything about Gosha Kutsenko, theater and film actor, is available on mobile phones online.

Kutsenko Yuri Georgievich was born on May 20, 1967 in the city of Zaporozhye in southern Ukraine. He is married to the famous actress and fashion model Irina Skrinichenko, who is 13 years younger than her chosen one. It's about about the actor Gosha Kutsenko, whose charisma, talent and success today can be the envy of many modern artists.

Actor biography

Honored Artist Russian Federation, theater actor, director, producer, singer, composer, sex symbol and simply a favorite of the audience - all these credentials today belong to Gosha Kutsenko. And no matter how old this wonderful actor is, and no matter what heights of fame he occupies today, Gosha always speaks with special trepidation about his childhood.

Yura Kutsenko's childhood

A boy was born into an ordinary Ukrainian family. His mother, Svetlana Vasilievna Kutsenko, worked as a radiologist, and his father, Georgy Pavlovich Kutsenko, held a position in the Ministry of Radio Industry all his life. And only my grandmother (she was an opera singer) had anything to do with the world of art. It was probably from her that the genes of acting talent and love for the stage were passed on to the boy.

Parents named their son after Yuri Gagarin, but little Kutsenko really liked it when his mother called him Gosha, since the tricky letter “r”, which was present in his official name, was very difficult for the boy.

Their early years in his native Zaporozhye, the actor remembers with incredible warmth, talking in many interviews about summer swimming in the Dnieper, juicy cherries along the roads and sweet mulberries, which he and other boys ate straight from the trees. However, the family did not live long in this picturesque region, since the eldest Kutsenko was transferred to work in Lvov. There the boy continued his studies at school.

Yura grew up in an atmosphere of attention and was always considered a very flexible child, but at the same time he was never a “mama’s boy.” Despite his workload, the father devoted a lot of time to the boy, cultivating in him real masculine qualities and the ability to stand up for himself in any situation. The wrestling sports section also left its mark on the formation of the younger Kutsenko’s character.

Having finished school well, Kutsenko entered the Lviv Polytechnic Institute. However, he never managed to finish his studies - the guy was drafted into the army, where he served as a signalman.

Admission to the Moscow Art Theater

Having been demobilized in 1988, Yuri went to Moscow, where his father, who had received a promotion, had already been transferred at that time. The elder Kutsenko, who became Deputy Minister of Radio Industry, made every effort to ensure that his son followed in his footsteps, but the guy was increasingly drawn to the stage. Nevertheless, Yuri still agreed with his father’s will and went to study at the Moscow University of Radio Engineering. For two years, the guy diligently attended classes, but the thought of choosing the wrong profession increasingly haunted him.

As a result, Kutsenko dropped out of university and planned to enter the Moscow Art Theater School, which he had been dreaming about for several years. Unfortunately, the parents did not approve of this choice of their son, and the father even tried in every possible way to prevent him, including his business connections. But the younger Kutsenko was so unshakable that no intrigues became an obstacle in his way.

The exam for the theater school turned out to be very funny: a guy with a clear Ukrainian accent and a strong burr could not pronounce his official name, but as a result, without being confused, he called himself Gosha. As it turned out later, speech deficiencies and resourcefulness played into Yuri’s hands, and the chairman of the commission, Oleg Tabakov, who saw individuality in the guy, decided to enroll him as a student.

So it began creative path actor Gosha Kutsenko, in whose biography and personal life everything could have turned out completely differently if he had not once gone against the will of his father.

Beginning of acting career

The aspiring actor received his first roles back in student years. In 1991, he made his debut in the film “The Man from Alpha Team,” where he played a cameo role. Soon there was a leading role in the comedy “Mummy from a Suitcase”.

Kutsenko graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in 1992. It seemed to him that now the whole world would be at his feet, but harsh reality I didn’t greet the aspiring actor as warmly as he would have liked. Moreover, it turned out that all the doors to a successful stage life were simply closed to the young talent.

Throughout the nineties, Kutsenko tried many times to find his refuge: he played a little in theater and cinema, tried himself as a TV presenter and even starred in commercials. However, all the roles that were offered to him were only episodic, and such work not only could not feed the actor, but also did not bring him any moral satisfaction.

Almost disillusioned with his chosen profession, Gosha stopped going on stage and took up teaching.

Creative takeoff

Ten years of tossing and turning did not go unnoticed, and fate finally turned its face to the man who had been waiting so long for his lucky break. In 2001, for the first time in for a long time Gosha was invited to the main role. And although the film called “April” was not very popular with the viewer, it became for the actor a kind of first sign, with which a happy streak began in Kutsenko’s career.

Well, real fame came to the actor already in 2002. It was the film “Antikiller” directed by Yegor Konchalovsky. In it, Gosha Kutsenko played the role that became a turning point in his career. The viewer highly appreciated the talented cast and the brilliant performance of the main character, instantly raising him to the very heights of fame.

Since then, the flow of offers has increased at breakneck speed, and soon the actor’s piggy bank was replenished with dozens of main and minor roles. Among the most popular paintings with Kutsenko’s participation we can especially highlight:

  • "Antikiller" - 2002;
  • “Night Watch” - 2004;
  • “Day Watch” - 2005;
  • “Turkish Gambit” - 2005;
  • “Savages” - 2006;
  • “Love-Carrot” - 2007;
  • “Inhabited Island” - 2009;
  • “Game of Truth” - 2013;
  • “Exercises in beauty” - 2013

Many of the films listed above were so loved by the audience that they even received their own sequels.

The actor admits that he doesn’t really like TV series, but successful multi-part films are increasingly appearing in his collection, which only add to his audience’s sympathy.

TV series in which the actor starred:

  • "Special Forces" (2002);
  • “The investigation is being conducted by experts: A pound of gold” (2003);
  • “Hunting for the Red Deer” (2005);
  • "The Fall of an Empire" (2005);
  • "Turkish Gambit" (2006);
  • "Informal" (2014);
  • “The Last Cop” (2014);
  • "Emergency" (2018).

The actor is not limited to just filming films: in the music community he is known as a wonderful singer and rock musician. Kutsenko’s passion for music began during a period of creative crisis. It was then that he and several of his friends founded a rock band with the mysterious name “Lamb-97”, in which Gosha was the lead singer.

From 2004 to 2008, Kutsenko performed in tandem with the musical group “Anatomy of Soul”. The lineup took part in many festivals and at the same time gave dozens of concerts in various cities of Russia.

Actor and singer Gosha Kutsenko has two solo albums:

  • "My World" - 2010;
  • "Music" - 2014

Today, the actor has no shortage of work: he continues to act in films, writes music, and is also involved in directing and producing.

Personal life and family

Gosha admits that in his youth he had many love affairs, and this is not surprising, because tall and stately, women always liked him. He is wary of love, because several times he was so madly in love that he simply completely lost his head. He says that this condition did not bring him anything good.

Once in one of his interviews in 2011, Kutsenko said that he understood too little about family relationships. Nevertheless, today the actor already has two family lives and perhaps now he looks at his experience in this area differently.

First family

The actor's first marriage was unofficial and short-lived. Gosha Kutsenko's first wife's name is Maria Poroshina. She is also a famous actress and just beautiful woman. The young people met within the walls of the Moscow Art Theater studio when Gosha was already in his third year and Maria was just taking her entrance exams. Something broke out between a guy and a girl great love, and soon they, without signing, began to live together. In 1996, they had a daughter, who was named Polina. Unfortunately, when the baby was only two years old, disagreements began between her parents, after which Kutsenko left the family.

Now the former spouses maintain a wonderful relationship and see each other often, and the daughter of Gosha Kutsenko and Maria Poroshina has followed in the footsteps of her parents and is already acting in films. In 2016, she even starred with her father in the series “The Last Cop.” Commenting on this event, Gosha admitted that he was very happy to film with his daughter, since this is a great opportunity for him to see her more often.

Second marriage

The actor and his current wife- Irina Mikhailovna Skrinichenko’s relationship has been developing for more than one year. The couple did not advertise their relationship for a long time and carefully hid it from the press. And only in 2012 Gosha officially announced that he was married. The wedding took place without unnecessary pathos: the newlyweds got married almost secretly, and only the closest people were present at the celebration.

Two years later, the couple had a girl. Now little Evgenia (that’s what the couple named their daughter) is already three years old. She is very similar to her father and is already showing her innate artistic qualities. At the age of one and a half, little Zhenya even starred in her dad’s video. In the song “Such Love” she played the role of a kind of “gift from outer space” that arrived to make her parents happy.

In 2017 it became known that The 50-year-old actor will become a dad for the third time. There have been rumors for a long time in the journalistic community that Gosha and Irina will soon have a son, but such expectations were not confirmed, and the couple had another daughter, Svetlana.

Today the actor admits that he feels like an absolutely happy person.

And indeed, he has everything he needs to complete harmony: three beautiful daughters, decent job, and most importantly - his beloved family, which Gosha Kutsenko puts in first place today.

Attention, TODAY only!

Gosha Kutsenko's ex-wife Maria Poroshina speaks very warmly about his current soulmate Irina. The marriage of Maria and Gosha lasted more than five years, they gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Polina, and when they separated, they managed to avoid scandals and mutual accusations. Both ex-spouses started new families, but for the sake of their daughter they continue to communicate closely and support warm relations. Recently, both of the actor’s wives, former and current, starred in a joint film. During its filming, they became so close that they even started visiting each other.

According to Maria, Gosha Kutsenko’s new wife, Irina Skrinichenko, turned out to be an interesting, educated and friendly woman. When their daughter Evgenia was born, Maria was one of the first to congratulate the young parents on this significant event. Poroshina also noted that Irina made a wonderful mother who treats little Zhenechka very tenderly and caringly.

Girls of Gosha Kutsenko

Such a warm relationship between ex-spouses provide closeness between their children, even from different marriages. Polina adores her half-sister, and Poroshina’s daughters from her marriage to Ilya Drevnov simply dote on her. At the end of June, Evgenia turned one year old, and the whole family gathered to celebrate her birthday. Unfortunately, that day Gosha himself was far from home on the set of his next film, and the party turned out to be a real bachelorette party. At the same time, Gosha tries to devote as much time as possible to the baby, and as soon as he has a free minute, he walks with Zhenechka in the fresh air.

This has the most positive effect on appearance young father. Your excellent physical fitness he demonstrated in the video for the song “Naked,” which immediately raised a wave of indignation among opponents, and real admiration among Gosha’s fans. In response to attacks from ill-wishers, Kutsenko posted a photo on social networks in which he walks the streets in broad daylight wearing only a kitchen apron. The photo clearly shows the actor’s excellent physical shape, which his fans immediately noticed. In their opinion, the actor lost at least ten kilos, and the reason for this, most likely, was his recent fatherhood.

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