Dmitry Peskov: three marriages, five children from different wives - we are fighting for fertility with all our might! Dmitry Peskov reunited with his ex-wife. Who is Katya Peskovaya’s new friend?

19 January 2017, 18:07

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, the ex-wife of Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of Vladimir Putin, was born in 1976, in the family of a diplomat.

This woman belongs to the category of those who were lucky from birth. Since childhood, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya never had to think about fighting for status and earning a reputation through bitter tears and hard work. She was born into the family of a diplomat, and the roots of her family go back centuries to the noble family of Schlegel. From the first days of her life, the daughter of the Turkish ambassador had high status, which she mentioned several times in interviews. However, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya does not boast of this status, but rather uses it as one of the reasons for her position in life.

From girl to wife

It is worth noting that Catherine was brought up not just in the family of a diplomat, but in an intelligent family of a diplomat. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya claims that all her relatives were educated at Moscow state institute international relations. In addition, a representative of a noble family was not isolated from society, which means she received comprehensive development.

It is also worth noting that Ekaterina Solotsinskaya managed to meet her husband Dmitry in quite early age precisely because her father worked for the good of the country in the embassy.

When Katya turned 14, Dmitry Peskov, a graduate of the Institute of Asian and African Countries, arrived at the embassy to work.

By recognition Solotsinskaya, love overtook her immediately at 14 - Peskov was 23, his first wife was then giving birth. The husband deprived Catherine of her virginity, after which he declared: “No matter what happens, let’s swear to each other to be honest.”

Solotsinsky Sr. then worked as the head of the 4th and 3rd Asian Departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the year of the wedding, Peskov Jr. was transferred to the 3rd Department of Asia, where he took the position of first and then second secretary.

Catherine’s husband, press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, comes from a secret family. Official life path his late father is stated in the documents of the Russian Foreign Ministry extremely succinctly. Sergei Peskov was born in 1948, graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University in 1972, and in 1987 he wanted to enter the diplomatic service. Despite his age, he found himself in high positions in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was ambassador to Pakistan and the Sultanate of Oman.

In what institutions Peskov Sr. served the Motherland until he was 39 years old remains a mystery. A similar style is typical for most biographies of KGB foreign intelligence officers who worked under diplomatic cover.

Dmitry Peskov joined the press service of the Presidential Administration almost simultaneously with Vladimir Putin’s move to the Kremlin. Before that, the son of Sergei Peskov was also listed as a diplomat, but colleagues, acquaintances and members of the presidential journalistic pool persistently suspected young man a native of the state security agencies.

Dmitry Peskov's first marriage was to Anastasia Budyonny, the granddaughter of Marshal Semyon Budyonny and the daughter of a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Mikhail Budyonny, and also the president of the Russian Equestrian Federation.


His wife was the same age as Peskov; in 1990, their son Nikolai was born.


And at this time, Dmitry just had a fateful meeting with Catherine.

After the wedding with young Katenka, for some reason, difficult times suddenly came for the newlyweds.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, without any embarrassment, says that while the friends of the newlyweds were building their own businesses, Peskov and his student wife were forced to work at night as private cab drivers, depriving themselves of the pleasure of having any kind of entertainment. Dmitry and Ekaterina earned 35 rubles per night in order to be able to somehow stay afloat during this difficult time.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya. Everyday life of a diplomat's wife

Upon completion of her studies at the Department of Philology of Moscow State University, Ekaterina returns to Turkey. However, she returns as the wife of a diplomat, and not as the daughter of an ambassador. This event became the starting point in the harsh everyday life of our heroine, which was not as joyful as it might seem to an ordinary person. It is worth noting that Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was not flattered to spend her days and evenings languidly waiting for her husband, who, due to busy schedule work could not often be at home.
The young wife missed warmth, joint evenings when the whole family got together, and children's parties. As Ekaterina says, she did not get married in order to gain status, but in order to enjoy watching her children grow up with her husband in a cozy family atmosphere.

Return to Moscow

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya managed to return to Moscow. This happened after the diplomat’s wife worked in Ankara for 10 years, teaching Russian. Upon their return, the family purchases a house on Rublevka, striking in its luxury, as well as a business and an expensive car, but as an addition to wealth and its indicators. At that time, the Peskovs were raising three children - daughter Elizaveta and two sons - Mick and Denis.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya did not sit idle in the capital. Together with her friend Lena, the woman opens a beauty salon called “Kale”.

Rublevsky everyday life

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was not too happy living on Rublyovka. Firstly, there is an urgent need to attend a huge number of parties and similar events. The diplomat's ex-wife says that invitations to the Ruble training camp came in batches. It was inconvenient to refuse, but I also didn’t want to leave the children with my mother. In addition, life on Rublyovka also affected Catherine’s character.
The woman has become a lady without empathy, unapologetic, domineering and difficult. At some point, the woman’s mother could not stand it and reproached her daughter for the fact that after the move it became almost impossible to communicate with her normally. However, this didn't last too long.

The marriage of Catherine and Dmitry lasted 18 years, until 2012.

The media note that Ekaterina Solotsinskaya herself initiated the divorce from her husband. The reason for the divorce was the diplomat's betrayal. The woman learned that her action - to devote her life to her husband entirely and completely - was not accepted and appreciated by her husband. Unable to bear this, Catherine could not forgive her husband and insisted on a divorce.

Rebirth from the Ashes

After the divorce, Catherine did not forget that she had to live, no matter what. That is why the woman continues to be famous and purposeful. Today, she is known not because of her husband’s fame, but because of her own achievements.

Catherine decided to do charity work. In addition, her energy is enough to live in two houses, one of which is in France. The main reason for this is children - Elizabeth, eldest daughter Catherine, receives an education at MGIMO, continuing family tradition mother's family, sons are also in Moscow. Ekaterina spends most of the week in the Russian capital in order not to lose the thread of communication with the children and not disappear from their lives.

She spends her weekends in Paris in the company of her new, and this time real, friends.

Therapy with France

After Ekaterina moved to the “ex” category for Dmitry Peskov, she moved to France. Today she lives in a luxurious apartment, the windows of which allow you to see the Bois de Boulogne and the famous Champs Elysees. In this country, Catherine unexpectedly became close to the fourth generation of Russian emigrants, among whom are descendants of such famous genera, like the Obolenskys, Uvarovs and Trubetskoys. Communication with the intelligent and noble descendants of the nobles of Russia awakened in Solotsinskaya the desire to restore her title - Countess Schlegel. The woman herself repeatedly joked about the sound of the noble title, declaring that it was not bad. Catherine found the strength and desire to become a member of the Franco-Russian Dialogue. The French side in it is supervised by Prince Trubetskoy, and the Russian side is supervised by Vladimir Yakunin.

Learning from your own mistakes

Life as the wife of a famous diplomat and rotation in the hell of Rublyovka among the same famous wives and their idols allowed Catherine to learn several useful lessons for herself. Thanks to Rublev etiquette, when you are interesting only when you have status, the woman firmly decided to start life in France from scratch. And, having moved to Paris, she introduced herself to everyone she met quite simply and ordinaryly - “Katya from Moscow, I don’t do anything”. Despite this, Catherine’s entourage very quickly began to consist of poets, descendants of Russian nobles, who, unlike Rublev’s “friends”, were not interested in her status, but in that rich inner world and the intelligence that Solotsinskaya is endowed with. In today's interviews, a woman boldly declares that France is the place where you can regenerate your soul in the best possible way and breathe deeply again. As Ekaterina says, France is a country where people start living after forty. And if a woman from Russia was run over by the asphalt paver of fate, then Paris will become the most valuable and most effective medicine for mental wounds.

“We have new girls,” the society ladies whispered at the Chopard party at the Cristal Room Baccarat restaurant. Some meant Chopard perfumes, but others had something completely different (hee hee hee)

Apparently these observant ladies were talking about the young companion of Ekaterina Peskova. And the most attentive ones remembered that a young man in an impeccable suit had already been seen once in the company of Catherine - at the premiere of the play “Audience” at the Theater of Nations. However, then the identity of the mysterious brown-haired man remained unclassified, and besides, the secular public did not have sufficient grounds to claim that Catherine’s companion was her lover.

However, if the first time is an accident, then the second is no, not a coincidence, but a new secular couple

new socialite couple

-What are you doing?

-I? nothing, sir.

-And I’m okay too. It’s boring to do nothing alone, but together it’s more fun.

- How can it be, sir, it’s much more fun!

-Do you want to get together?

The second joint outing can hardly be considered an accident from the “we ended up in the same place at the same time” series. At the Chopard evening, Ekaterina and Andrey willingly posed together.

However, the intrigue still remained. Katya was in no hurry to talk about how he achieved her favor. And she even reluctantly revealed the name of her chosen one. And the young companion's name is Andrey.

Andrey Grigoriev, almost Apollo

Previously, Ekaterina Peskova, who gave birth to three children in marriage with Dmitry Peskov - daughter Elizaveta and sons Mika and Denis, her privacy she preferred not to advertise and did not go out with her young companions at balls.

The 18-year-old Peskov family union was officially completed in 2012, after which Ekaterina does not make herself known so often: she lives in Paris (in her own apartment), is engaged in marketing, charity, and collaborates with the Franco-Russian Dialogue Foundation.

She, the daughter and granddaughter of Soviet diplomats (maiden name Solotsinskaya), married Dmitry at the age of 18 (he was 27).

But the time has come, and the playful Cupid again shot his arrow into Catherine’s heart.

What do we know about the boy?

Andrei Grigoriev was born into a simple military family in Kubinka near Moscow, after school he entered military school(today - Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics space force). After graduation, he worked in government agencies. Andrey is 30 years old and has never been married.

Andrey Grigoriev with his sister

- Now we’ll have a feast, smoke like a rocker. And then there’s the wedding.
-The wedding is long; and he should always come to me every day...
-It’s worth talking about this. What should he do? He also runs. And now let them be here from morning to night.
-Now I have much more fun.

I sincerely hope that this time all the stars will align as they should and everything will work out for them.

One of the main tasks of the Government for the coming years is the fight for the birth rate. A lot of projects are being developed to stimulate this very birth rate.

It's no secret that, no matter how attractive government measures material point In view, any woman wants to give birth in marriage and wants to see a reliable man nearby who not only knows how to support a family, but also will not run away in search of a better life.

Every representative of the government, which fights to increase the population,is an example for people, and therefore his reputation must be impeccable . But for some reason our government officials at the highest positions neglect this. For example, Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, was married three times and has children from each marriage.

So who are they, Peskov’s chosen ones?


Dmitry Peskov connected his entire career with diplomacy, and then chose very difficult wives, so to speak, for promotion career ladder. Therefore, the reasons for his first marriage are quite clear. Peskov’s choice at one time fell on Anastasia Budyonny, the granddaughter of the famous military leader Semyon Budyonny.

The couple had a son, Nikolai, and later Anastasia, always a bright and noisy woman, began to show her hereditary character, which interfered with Peskov’s diplomatic activities. Over time, having completely lost any common ground, they divorced.

Anastasia continued to lead a controversial lifestyle, moved to England, was married several times, and gave birth to more children. Alas, on at the moment she has already passed away.


Ekaterina, the daughter of a diplomat, from an intelligent family, descended from a noble family, was an ideal match for Dmitry Peskov. Her father worked at the Turkish Embassy, ​​where she and Dmitry met. At that time, Catherine was not yet 18 years old.

The wedding took place after Catherine reached adulthood. The couple lived together for 18 years, during which time three children were born in the marriage, and Dmitry made an excellent diplomatic career, but the calm, measured life to which he escaped from his first marriage apparently bored him...

Catherine did not forgive the betrayal; it seemed to her that her husband had trampled on her intention to devote her entire life without a trace to one person.


According to the couple’s stories, they met at a mutual friend’s birthday party, although, according to Tatyana Navka, she and Dmitry Peskov could not have had anything in common before that moment; they were moving in different worlds.

However, this did not stop them from having common friends in their different worlds. Rapprochement was Peskov’s initiative, whichNavka didn’t support it at first , but then fell in love with a persistent admirer. The fact that he had a wife and already four children did not bother Tatyana, who by that time was accustomed to short novels.

Later the couple had a birth common daughter- Nadezhda. And all their many children gather in their house - it’s just an idyll.

Socialite Date of birth June 10 (Gemini) 1976 (43) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @@peskova_katerina

Ekaterina Peskova, better known as the wife of Dmitry Peskov, lived for a long time in the shadow of her famous husband. She helped him build a diplomatic career and was mainly concerned with the children and the house. New life full of pleasures and interesting activities, for her, began after 40. Having separated from her husband, Katerina learns to live for herself. She enjoys the free atmosphere of Paris, communicates with representatives of the French and Russian aristocracy, artists, writers, and public figures.

Biography of Ekaterina Peskova

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was born on June 10, 1976. Growing up in the family of a hereditary diplomat, she early years knew what it was like to move frequently and live in different countries. The girl received her secondary education in Ankara. After school she entered Moscow state university to the Faculty of Philology. In the 90s, money was tight even for employees of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Student Katya and her husband, an aspiring diplomat, had to earn extra money at night as a private driver.

Tatyana Navka is grateful to the ex-wife of Dmitry Peskov

“Thank you for life!”: stars celebrated Mother’s Day

Personal life of Ekaterina Peskova

After graduating from university, she returned to Turkey, where she taught Russian at a school at the diplomatic mission for four years. In June 2000, the Peskovs returned to Moscow and bought a mansion on Rublyovka. her husband was rapidly moving up the career ladder, wealth in the house was growing, but she herself felt deprived. She lacked her husband’s attention and self-realization. As a result, the woman, taking a friend as a companion, opened her own business - the Katya and Lena beauty salon.

Latest news about Ekaterina Peskova

After the divorce, Ekaterina Peskova began to live in two houses. She saved good relationship with her husband, but she felt uncomfortable in Russia. The woman spent most of her time in Moscow with her children, and went to Paris on weekends. Recent years Ekaterina lives mainly in France. There she is involved in charity and marketing, and heads the Franco-Russian Dialogue Foundation.

Solotsinskaya enjoys attending receptions organized by people from noble families who emigrated to France at the beginning of the last century.

Catherine belongs to the old noble family of Schlegel. Her father, Vladimir Solotsinsky, is a famous Soviet and Russian diplomat who headed the Asia Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the 90s he served as ambassador to Turkey. It was there, in Ankara, that 14-year-old Katya met Dmitry Peskov.

At that time, the newly arrived embassy employee was 23. But neither a serious age difference nor marital status Peskova (Dmitry was already married to Anastasia Budennaya and was expecting his first child) could not stop the young people. The whirlwind romance lasted four years. In 1994, Ekaterina and Dmitry got married. The couple have three children together: Elizaveta, Miku, Denis. In 2012, the Peskovs’ marriage broke up. The divorce was initiated by Katya, who learned about her husband’s infidelities.

In the spring of 2017, Ekaterina began going out in public, accompanied by a mysterious brown-haired man. She was seen with her new boyfriend at the Theater of Nations at the play “Audience”, at the Crystal Room Baccarat restaurant. It is known that Peskova’s companion’s name is Andrei Grigoriev.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. She has been next to the famous for more than one year Russian official, while the details of her life remained practically unknown to most. But she mother of many children, which is in lately found new love after breaking up with his famous husband. But first things first.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was born in 1976. She was born in Moscow. Not much is known about her family. My father was the Russian ambassador to Turkey, and in 2013 he took a high post in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Grandfather was also a diplomat. Before the revolution, the ancestors of Catherine Solotsinskaya were nobles who bore the surname Shegel. Therefore, she was brought up and grew up in a cultured and educated family.

Almost all of her relatives are MGIMO graduates. Katya also received a comprehensive education, for which her parents never spared money.

Meeting with my future husband

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya first met Dmitry Peskov when she was only 14 years old. At that time, Peskov was already married.

When Katya became an adult, Peskov began to look after her beautifully, gave bouquets, and talked about his feelings. By that time, he had already separated from his first wife, and from that marriage he had a son named Nikolai.

As soon as she turned 18, Dmitry made her a marriage proposal, which she immediately accepted, because she had been waiting for this for a long time. Peskov is 9 years older than her.

The newlyweds got married in 1994. The couple's parents tried to do everything possible to ensure that the celebration took place as smoothly as possible. top level. The bride, as many guests noted, was pure and naive, but her groom already had serious life experience.

Married life

Soon after the end of the honeymoon, the newlyweds' life began to return to normal. The holidays were replaced by everyday work, which immediately began to require patience and effort from the newlyweds. At first Dmitry showed himself exclusively with the best side. He was polite, courteous and romantic, constantly taking care of his young wife, treating her with great attention.

His wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya decided to slightly change the family tradition by going to study not at MGIMO, but at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Philology. It is noteworthy that from the very beginning the young family decided not to ask for support from their parents, but to achieve everything on their own.

It was the 90s, it was a difficult time, many people were sorely short of money, so young people often worked part-time even at night.

Now Peskov’s wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya does not hesitate to remember this, saying that under the cover of darkness they worked as taxi drivers, receiving 30-40 rubles per night. But this was significant financial support at that time. At the same time, Peskov was already working as Putin’s secretary, but at that time he was not yet thinking about big incomes.

Now many doubt that Dmitry Peskov’s wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya actually lived so modestly with her husband at the beginning of their marriage, but there are confirmed facts. Catherine herself admits that it was very difficult at that time, but soon this stage was over, replaced by luxurious life.

Moving abroad

Soon after graduating from university, Ekaterina Peskova (Solotsinskaya) decided to go to Turkey, where her father was working at that time. Peskov, who had long been waiting for an opportunity to get a job as a diplomat, also went with her. The young people began a completely different life.

Their financial situation quickly improved, but new difficulties arose that they frankly did not expect. Dmitry worked a lot, devoting not as much time to his wife as before. At times he was practically never at home, but returned to his wife tired, literally falling exhausted. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, whose photo is in this article, wanted love and attention, like any young girl.

Soon they had children, but Dmitry didn’t even have time to play with them. He devoted all his time to work. Naturally, his wife was not at all happy with this state of affairs. She began to present her husband with justified claims, in her opinion, and this is how the first quarrels began, a serious discord in family life.

Peskov worked like a true workaholic, caring for family well-being justified the catastrophic lack of time to communicate with loved ones. But Dmitry’s wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was not satisfied with these explanations. She wanted little ones family holidays and home comfort.

In 1998, they had a daughter, who was named Elizaveta, and soon two more sons - Denis and Mick. At the same time, children needed practically nothing, receiving a comprehensive education.

Back to Russia

The couple had to return to Moscow after a ten-year stay in Ankara. They were able to almost immediately buy a luxurious mansion on Rublyovka, as well as a luxury car, which became worthy addition to these apartments.

The biography of Ekaterina Solotsinskaya continued to develop very successfully. She founded her own business in the capital, her business grew and developed. Together with a friend, she opened her own beauty salon, more for fun than for making money, so as not to sit alone with children within four walls. Catherine managed to escape from family troubles, quarrels and troubles.

The heroine of our article admits that she was frankly bored living in a prestigious metropolitan microdistrict. She often had to go to social parties, which she did not like, and it was inconvenient to refuse. All this played a role, and soon she turned from a young and inexperienced Katya into a real socialite. There were such dramatic changes in her that even her daughter eventually stopped recognizing her.

Final discord

This relatively favorable period of life did not last long. Soon Catherine began to suspect her husband of infidelity; her fears were confirmed.

It turned out that in 2010 Peskov met the famous Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka, a famous athlete and Olympic champion. A rather stormy romance quickly broke out between them, which they managed to hide for a relatively long time. When Catherine found out everything, the relationship had been going on for several years. Solotsinskaya was crushed, she had been faithful and devoted to her husband for so long, and he cheated on her.

Catherine immediately filed for divorce, because she believed that this the best way out from the current situation.

Free woman

The divorce was formalized in 2012. Solotsinskaya left for France almost immediately after this. Here she put things in order in her thoughts and came to her senses. She hid from new friends and acquaintances who she really was, who her ex-husband, introducing herself as an ordinary girl Katya, who came from Moscow.

But even this situation did not prevent her from having a baby soon. large number useful and new acquaintances. Catherine purchased luxury real estate overlooking the Champs Elysees, enjoying life.

Another incredible meeting awaited her in Paris. She met a family of Russian emigrants who were her relatives. Since then, she began to restore her historical surname Shegel and noble title.

Career in France

Solotsinskaya’s life in France was very successful. She even received an appointment as head of the Russian Center for Culture and Science, which is based in Paris.

By that time, her eldest daughter, Elizabeth, had graduated from a Paris boarding school where she studied marketing. After this, the girl chose to return to Russia, where she took the position of adviser to the president of the large Avanti company. True, relatively recently, due to disagreements, I terminated relations with this company, even deleted all posts in my social networks work related.

At the same time, her mother often visits her, managing to actually live in two countries. Her income is very high, so she can afford it.

And in 2014, Peskov had another daughter from his union with Tatyana Navka. In 2015, they officially legalized their relationship. Thus, the presidential press secretary currently has five children from three different wives.

New relationships

Over time, Solotsinskaya’s personal life also improved. She met the man she calls the man of her dreams. Moreover, her new lover is only 30 years old, while Ekaterina is already 41. But for them this plays practically no role; the couple claims that they love each other.

At first, Catherine was seriously worried about how her children would react to her new relationship. But everything went more than well. Both sons and daughter liked my mother’s young admirer. They go on vacation together, often have heart-to-heart conversations and have fun.

Friends and acquaintances note that Catherine literally blossomed after such changes in her life. This also affects her appearance, Solotsinskaya looks brilliant. She spends most of her free time with her beloved, whose name is Andrei Grigoriev. As it turned out, he comes from the Moscow region, although his parents are not rich, and the young man is a graduate of a military school. After that, he worked in government, but was never married and has no children.