Tatyana Navka: biography, personal life, children, husband (photo). Famous husbands of Tatyana Navka Tatyana Navka who is she

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka. Born on April 13, 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk. Soviet, Belarusian and Russian figure skater. Three-time Russian champion (2003, 2004, 2006), three-time European champion (2004-2006), two-time world champion (2004, 2005), Olympic champion (2006) in ice dancing paired with Roman Kostomarov. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2004).

Father - Alexander Petrovich Navka, engineer.

Mother - Raisa Anatolyevna, economist.

Has younger sister Natalya.

Her parents played sports in their youth, so they rejoiced at their daughter’s passion for figure skating, which she developed after she saw Elena Vodorezova’s performance on TV.

First, Tatyana was bought roller skates, and she learned to skate on them, and in 1980, at the age of five, the future champion went on the ice for the first time. Her first coaches were Tamara Yarchevskaya and Alexander Rozhin. Navka was the champion of Ukraine among juniors.

In 1987, Tatyana grew 14 cm over the summer, which led to her jumping technique going wrong. After this, the coaches advised Tatiana’s mother to transfer her daughter to ice dancing.

In 1988, the 14-year-old figure skater moved to Moscow to Natalia Dubova’s group (Moskvich sports club), who chose her among many young athletes and paired her with Samvel Gezalyan. They trained first at the Ice Palace in Sokolniki, then the couple was selected by Dubova, who signed a contract in the USA, to train in North America. So Navka ended up in New Jersey; she lived in the USA for more than 15 years.

In 1991, this couple joined the USSR national team and won major international tournaments Skate America and Nations Cup. After the breakup Soviet Union Tatyana and Samvel competed for Belarus and represented this country at Olympic Games in Lillehamer, where they ended up eleventh. They took fifth place at the World Championships (1994) and fourth place at the European Championships (1995).

From 1996 to 1998, Navka was a partner. This couple also represented Belarus, won the Karl Schaefer Memorial, and participated in the Olympic Games in Nagano.

In 1996, in the USA, Tatyana came to the attention of a new coach - the idol of her youth, ex-world champion Alexander Zhulin, whom she met back in 1993 at his golden World Championships in Prague. Soon, despite the difference of 12 years, a romantic relationship broke out between them, hidden from the eyes of others.

Since 1998, Navka has competed for Russia together with Roman Kostomarov. A promising partner, 2 years younger than Tatyana, was chosen by Zhulin.

The skaters had perfect combination height data: Tatiana Navka - 170 cm, - 182 cm.

At first they trained in the group of Natalya Linichuk, who, however, soon recommended Kostomarov to change his partner, preferring Anna Semenovich. At that moment, Kostomarov did not dare to disobey his highly experienced mentor.

In the 1999-2000 season, Tatyana, who was left without a partner, was pregnant with her first daughter, but in the summer, when she went on the ice, she accepted Roman’s apology and started skating with him again. Since 2000, they trained under the leadership of Zhulin, after the end of his career, Navka noted his outstanding coaching and pedagogical gift.

Since 2000, dark-haired Tatyana has finally adopted the image of a blonde on the ice, making an exception, however, in 2008 for an exhibition performance on “Schindler’s List.” IN different times future Olympic champions Elena Tchaikovskaya and Tatyana Tarasova also advised.

The first major success came to the skaters in 2003, when Navka / Kostomarov became Russian Champions for the first time. In the same year, they took a prize for the first time at the European Championships in Sweden, winning bronze medals. A year later, the rapidly progressing couple no longer left the highest step of the pedestal.

Navka and Kostomarov approached the 2006 Olympics in Turin as undisputed favorites: since 2004, they have not lost a single start at the Russian, European and World Championships, taking gold everywhere.

The skaters' main emphasis was on the free program with the dance "Carmen", choreographed by Tatyana Druchinina, 1987 world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. As Navka admitted, when preparing the Spanish dance, she was “inspired by the image of the brilliant ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.”

On the eve of the Olympics, the program was well received by the French public at the European Championships in Lyon. The Olympic start was not easy: by the time the dancers entered the competition, the Russian team already had two gold medals in pair skating and for men.

After the compulsory dance, the hosts of the Olympics, 2001 world champions Barbara Fusar-Poli and Maurizio Margaglio, were in the lead. In the original dance, the Italian made a grave mistake, falling while performing simple element, and the Russians took the lead, with a margin of less than one and a half points over the Americans Tanith Belbin/Benjamin Agosto. In the decisive, free dance American figure skaters made two mistakes, while Navka and Kostomarov, according to Elena Vaitsekhovskaya, showed “outstanding performance.” The judge's score was more moderate - 101.37 points, which is lower than the pair's record (113.17), but it was quite enough for Olympic gold.

“Tears of happiness flowed down Carmen’s face,” wrote enthusiastic newspapers.

After winning the Olympic Games in Turin in 2006, Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov decided to end their sports careers. It was immediately decided that the couple would remain together and would continue to perform in demonstration numbers and in professional shows.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov

Tatyana Navka's hobbies: music, cooking, cinema, horses, skiing.

Tatyana Navka also mentioned that she wants to try herself in acting and dreams of starring in feature film, strives to learn how to sing well. Once she already performed the song “It’s Snowing” at a concert in a duet with.

Favorite actresses of Tatyana Navka: Chulpan Khamatova and Inna Churikova.

Tatyana Navka starred for Maxim magazine

Tatyana Navka about superstitions:

“In some moments, yes, but globally, no. I even broke my traditions at the Olympic Games: I never washed things at competitions, never at all. I came and walked around for five days in only socks, in only tights. And at the Olympics Our whole training process lasted exactly ten days, and after five days I realized that it was simply impossible..

Tatyana Navka about the components of success:

“I’m sure the strongest are lucky. And first of all, the key to victory is experience, hard work, routine. Also, consistency, when you do the same thing day after day: through stress, nerves, pain, effort, injuries. And so, punching walls, you move forward. And luck... No, luck doesn’t just happen. First, work, and then, secondly, luck.

Everything that I have achieved in my profession and life, I achieved myself - with my work, efforts, and nerves. Doors have never opened for me so easily...

If we talk about sports, then, of course, the Olympics are a very significant victory for me. If about life, then the birth of a daughter. And so there were many bright small victories, which later formed the most significant and most important ones. In general, everything that is done in life is for a reason - and everything is for the better. I am convinced of this. Losing or failure can later turn into happiness.".

Zhulin himself announced this on his Instagram.

“Natalya Mikhailova is no longer Mikhailova. My beautiful wife! in September, expect the main event in our lives. The celebration is just around the corner,” he wrote.

The couple began their relationship after Zhulin divorced the 2006 Olympic champion in ice dancing Tatyana Navka, with whom he had been married for ten years. For Zhulin himself, this is already the third marriage.

In 1986, he married his partner Maya Usova, but soon broke up with the athlete and began a relationship with Navka, whose coach he was at that time. In 2000, the couple, while in the United States, got married, registering the marriage at the New York City Hall, where they had moved a year earlier.

However, ten years later, Zhulin and Navka announced their separation. The couple is survived by their daughter Alexandra. The reason for the divorce is still unknown. However, after the breakup, Navka spoke about her resentment towards Zhulin.

"Very for a long time I didn’t comment on what was happening because I was trying to save our marriage. In addition, I didn’t want this topic to be discussed, traumatizing Sasha’s and my nine-year-old daughter. And so Sasha began to comment on this matter without informing me.

I admit, I am very upset because I did not expect this from him, and I think that he acted unmanly. We had true love, but it ended"

- quotes the words of the champion of the 2006 Games “7D”.

It is noteworthy that Alexandra’s daughter was not at the wedding. At the same time, Zhulin himself expressed regret about this.

“With my youngest figurine daughter. It's a pity that the eldest Sashenka couldn't join! Sashulya, we will celebrate in September. My daughters are my main achievement in life and wealth!” — the specialist expressed his feelings.

Mikhailova achieved the highest achievement in her career under the leadership of Zhulin. Together with Sergeev, she became the silver medalist at the World Junior Championships in 2006.

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Tomorrow, August 1, Olympic champion in ice dancing Tatyana Navka will get married. A high-profile event will take place in Sochi, the celebration will last for several days. While journalists are impatiently stretching their fingers for active typing, and paparazzi are rubbing their lenses with a clean cloth, Days.Ru decided to remember the men that Tatyana was lucky (or not) to meet on her way.


Navka's first husband was a figure skater Alexander Zhulin. Their marriage broke up in 2006; by that time they had lived together for more than 14 years. Only in a recent interview did the skater admit that he still cannot understand why their union cracked. Navka responded to this like this: “And I understand. In my opinion, everyone who watched this program from beginning to end understood very well why we got divorced. At least I... Everything is very clear there, it seems to me. And then, when all this happened, I didn’t understand either, but years later everything became clear and simple for me, life put everything in its place, so I don’t regret anything, and I think that Sasha doesn’t regret anything either Each of us wonderful families. What should we regret?" Tatyana admitted.

Then a popular actor appeared in her life Marat Basharov. Their romance, as the media claim, began after the artist became a partner of a figure skater in an ice dance show." Ice age"Despite the fact that neither Navka nor Basharov ever discussed their relationship with the press, the paparazzi often caught the lovers either kissing or warmly hugging. The couple went out together, visited cafes, but their relationship did not progress beyond a dizzying romance.

However, Navka did not suffer from loneliness. Soon her partner in “Ice Age” became an actor and singer Alexey Vorobiev. Journalists still cannot decide whether Tanya and Lesha actually had an affair or whether it was just a cunningly invented PR. The fact is that the paparazzi literally went crazy trying to find evidence of the romantic background of the relationship in the couple, however, judging by the meager photographs, Tanya and Lesha did not go further than hugging, and it is not even clear what nature these hugs were.

Vorobyov assured that there was nothing between him and Navka. However, according to the artist, even his girlfriend did not believe in it. “When all these rumors about Tanya and I began to appear on the Internet, I hoped that Anya would not believe it, because she and I are colleagues (the girl is an actress of Tabakerka. - Approx. Days.Ru), and she must understand that it's just my job. But Anya couldn’t do that. And at some point I just couldn’t stand it. It was impossible to live like this any longer,” Vorobiev said in a 2010 interview.

Alexey had the most sincere feelings for Tatyana. The artist said: “And I am very grateful to Tanya. She was the only person, who supported me in difficult times. She is an excellent woman and a real person, one can only envy her chosen one. And about the fact that we live together, it’s fiction. You know, at first all this amused us, but when people began to believe the rumors, it became uneasy.”

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of the son of singer Anastasia Stotskaya and her husband Sergei - Alexander, and today the heroine of our column is Nadezhda - the daughter of the Olympic champion in figure skating Tatiana Navka and press secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin - Dmitry Peskov.

On August 21, 2014, Tatyana Navka gave birth to her second daughter in one of the private clinics near Moscow. The girl’s father was Dmitry Peskov, whom Tatyana married on August 1, 2015. For the first time, Tatyana’s friend, singer Lyubov Uspenskaya, told the public about the new addition to the family of the figure skater and civil servant. And the baby’s name was declassified eldest daughter Navka, Alexandra Zhulina, first hinting on social networks that her sister was named after the letter “N”, and then voicing the name “Nadezhda” - in honor of her grandmother.

The most valuable contribution to raising a child is right choice father! And becoming a mother is the most precious gift in a woman’s life that the Lord gave us! - Tatyana wrote on Instagram.

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Tatiana Navka with her daughter NadyaSasha Zhulina with her sister Nadezhda
Tatiana Navka with her daughter Nadya

Like a real workaholic, Tatyana Navka did not stay on maternity leave for long and a few months after giving birth she returned to training to participate in the new season of “Ice Age” on Channel One. When asked by HELLO! how she managed to get in shape so quickly, Tatyana replied:

The secret to good shape is simple - shut your mouth and return to training. I always said that anything is possible if you really want it, and I really wanted to return to the Ice Age show. I can no longer imagine my life without figure skating and as long as I have strength and health, I will skate. When I was sitting at home with my youngest daughter and watching “Ice Age” on Channel One, of course, I was bored - I really wanted to go out on the ice!

However, little Nadezhda and early childhood was accustomed to activity. For example, the girl went on her first trip when she was not even a year old. She spent the whole summer in Sochi, where her mother participated in the Carmen show, and the first Instagram photo with Nadya’s participation was taken here. "My everything!" - Navka signed a photo of her daughters, in which they posed from the back.

For the first time, social network users were able to see Nadya’s face much later, when she and her mother became guests of Philip Kirkorov’s birthday party. And here, according to tradition, the opinions of followers were divided: some concluded that Nadya was growing up as a copy of her father, while others saw in the girl many features similar to her mother’s.

Tatyana Navka with her daughter Nadya at the birthday party of Philip Kirkorov

But one thing is for sure: in her love for bright outfits, Nadya takes after both her mother, who adores the color red, and her father, whose famous red pants only the lazy have not seen on social networks. In addition to red, Nadya, like all girls, nourishes special love to pink shades, as well as noble white color, which is especially suitable for blondes. Nadya wears two types of clothes - the one in which it is comfortable to run and play, and the one in which you feel like a princess. The first category includes her quilted jumpsuits, patterned leggings, shorts and printed T-shirts." Daddy's girl", and for the second - checkered skirts, sundresses with frills and other cute sets. Recently, Nadya attended her first significant beauty procedure - a manicure, which her mother reported on Instagram:

A real woman! The main thing is that it doesn’t budge! P.S.: this is not a manicure, but simply a varnish coating, like my mother’s. And you can’t imagine how much delight, happiness and pride there was in her eyes! Don’t grumble, but rather do something nice for your child!

At the age of 14 she moved to Moscow, and at 16 she already played for the USSR national team, and she is also the owner of Olympic gold and Honored Master of Sports of Russia. In addition, Tatyana is one of the most stylish women in Russia. We will tell you how she managed to achieve such heights.

Biography of Tatiana Navka

Tatyana was born in Dnepropetrovsk in the very ordinary family. Mom, Raisa Anatolyevna, worked as an economist, dad, Alexander Petrovich, worked as an engineer.

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And although the professions of both of them are in no way connected with sports, they have always been partial to sports. And they instilled this love in their daughter.

Tatyana immediately decided that figure skating would be her life’s work. And all she saw was Elena Vodorezova’s brilliant performance on TV. And she decided that no matter what, she would dance on ice the same way, and even better.

The parents first bought roller skates for the girl, and she learned to skate on them. And at the age of five, she went on the ice for the first time. “Azam” was taught to the young athlete by Tamara Yarchevskaya and Alexander Rozhin.

Soon Navka became the champion of Ukraine among juniors.

But when the girl turned 12, she sports career was under threat. In one summer, Tatyana grew by 14 centimeters, which is why her previously brilliant jumping technique went wrong.

Then the coaches advised the young figure skater’s mother to transfer her to ice dancing.

And at the age of 14, Tatyana moved to Moscow to join Natalya Dubova’s group, who paired her with Samvel Gezalyan. Soon after this, Dubova left for America and took the boys with her for training. So Navka ended up in the States, where she spent more than 15 years.

But this did not prevent Tatyana and Samvel from entering the USSR national team in 1991.

And after the collapse of the USSR, beginners, but already famous athletes, competed for Belarus. And they represented the country at the Olympic Games in Lillehamer, where they finished eleventh.

From 1996 to 1998, Nikolai Morozov became Navka’s partner, 12 years older than her...

But at the same time, Navka pulls out his “lucky ticket”. And the new coach, the idol of his youth, Alexander Zhulin, comes into view.

And it was he who paired the 18-year-old figure skater with Roman Kostomarov, who was two years younger than her.

Needless to say, the young people suited each other perfectly. By temperament, dance style and most importantly, external appearance. While Tatyana was quite tall for a figure skater, 170 centimeters, Kostomarov was almost 15 centimeters taller than her.

The couple began training in Natalia Linichuk’s group. But soon the coach advises Roman to change Tatyana to Anna Semenovich. And Kostomarov did not dare to disobey.

And Tatiana was left without a partner for the season. Fortunately, for Navka this period occurred during her pregnancy with her first daughter.

A year later, the athlete triumphantly returned to action. She accepted Kostomarov’s apology and continued skating with him. True, she admitted that the return was not easy - Tatyana gained a lot of excess weight during her pregnancy.

From that moment on, Zhulin himself began to train the couple (by this time he had already become legal spouse Navki - editor's note). And success was not long in coming. In 2003, the skaters became Russian Champions for the first time. And after two years they became undisputed favorites. Tatyana and Roman did not lose a single competition, be it the Russian or European championship.

And in 2006 they won the coveted “gold” at the Olympics in Turin. Navka embodied one of the most passionate and sensual images of Carmen.

After a resounding victory, Vladimir Putin invited Tatyana and Roman to the Kremlin.

At the same time, Navka made a confession, which was written about in the newspapers for a long time. The Olympic champion told the head of state that “she has nowhere to live.” And soon Roman and Tatyana were provided with housing in Moscow for their sporting merits.

And although, having reached the top, both Roman and Tatyana left big sports, both continued demonstration performances, and also participated more than once in ice shows on television. In particular, the couple constantly appeared in Ilya Averbukh’s show “Ice and Fire.”

Since 2015, Tatyana, at the invitation of Tina Kandelaki, has become the host of the Match TV channel.

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

At the age of 25, Tatyana married her figure skating coach, Alexander Zhulin, who was 12 years older than her.

But it was Alexander’s experience and fame that attracted Tatyana. When the athlete was still in school, she watched his performances with bated breath. Therefore, it is not surprising that upon closer acquaintance, the couple began a relationship. In addition, Alexander’s marriage to figure skater Maya Usova was already “bursting at the seams.”

With Navka, they were perfect for each other. Both were at the peak of their popularity. And what can we say, both have been recognized more than once as “the sexiest athletes.”

The marriage produced a daughter, Alexandra. After this, the couple lived together for another 10 years. And in 2010 they confirmed the rumors about their breakup.

Over the next few years, the skater was credited with an affair with Marat Basharov and Alexei Vorobyov. But none of the couple officially confirmed the relationship.

In August 2015, Tatyana Navka married the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. The ceremony took place on the Black Sea shore in Sochi.

“He’s great – he took it with elegance and perseverance. Somehow he did everything cunningly. It seemed like he was courting, but it seemed like he wasn’t. He seemed to say that we would be together, but for a year I called him Dmitry Sergeevich and called him “you.” There was no way I could cross this line, only “you”... She didn’t call or pick up the phone. And he managed to find me through friends. And he achieved his goal. And rightly so, you couldn’t take me rudely, no way,” Navka said in an interview with Tatler magazine.

Tatyana and Dmitry had a daughter, whom they named Nadezhda.