Vadim Kazachenko daughter Marianna. Vadim Kazachenko’s legal wife Olga: “If I had not defended myself, my husband would have turned my life into hell with multimillion-dollar debts

90s star Vadim Kazachenko broke up with promoter Irina Amanti more than four years ago for the sake of his fan, financier Olga Martynova. Kazachenko entered into an official marriage with Olga, new wife took his last name, but ex-wife Still, she remained close to Kazachenko - as a director.

Relations with his young wife deteriorated after Olga announced to 54-year-old Kazachenko that she was pregnant. The singer asked his wife to have an abortion. And then... he offered to divorce. A little later, 36-year-old Olga learned that her husband had returned to his former wife Irina Amanti.

Olga refused to have an abortion, turning to lawyer Ekaterina Gordon for protection. And then the singer and his director Irina Amanti brought down a hail of lawsuits on the pregnant girl with a total value of 18 million rubles. The artist declared that their marriage was fictitious, accusing his pregnant wife (Olga was then in her seventh month) of undermining his business reputation, illegal enrichment and causing him moral harm.

Part of the ships ex-wife Vadim Kazachenko Olga won and safely gave birth to a son. But, as it turned out, the story is not over yet.

"Illegal enrichment"

I have two more trials ahead,” says Olga Kazachenko. - About illegal enrichment and infliction of moral harm. While married, Vadim transferred money to me. For example, for household needs. So he calculated all these funds and filed a lawsuit against me! All checks and transfers are attached to the claim for illegal enrichment. For groceries, repairs and everything else. Vadim also filed a lawsuit alleging that, being married to him, I caused him moral harm. The amount of the latest claim is 1 million rubles. Now I, Katya Gordon and our lawyers are busy with the following story: we are trying to recognize the marriage of Vadim and Irina Amanti as fictitious. Although our marriage was recognized as genuine, the court decision was given 10 days to enter into force. It was at this moment that Vadim and Irina submitted an application to the registry office and got married. And now it turns out that Vadik is a bigamist. But I would like to reverse this decision.

- What about the child?

According to the passport, the son is Kazachenko Philip Vadimovich. This patronymic and surname were assigned to him by law. When he grows up, I'm going to tell my son about the hell that his father ended up in. Although, of course, I didn’t expect this. Vadim was a wonderful husband.

"Just some kind of bad dream"

- Has Kazachenko seen his son? Sends money for him?

He never saw his son. Doesn't send money. We are also facing a trial on this matter. Vadim's lawyers filed a lawsuit to challenge paternity. After all, in court I will be able to prove that he is the father; the court will most likely oblige him to pay child support. I think he will declare zero income so as not to pay anything. Recently, by the way, it turned out that my son has a sister, Vlada. She is the daughter of a Ukrainian fan of Vadim Kazachenko. Already old enough, a mother herself. So Vadik has not only a daughter, but also a granddaughter. Kazachenko doesn’t want to know them either...

I lived in my husband’s shadow for a long time, didn’t go anywhere, and that suited me. But now I feel like I’m living in some kind of hell. Apparently it's postpartum depression, I cry all the time.


“She is looking for ways to attract attention to herself.”

“For almost a year, Olga Martynova has been trying to drag us into public proceedings on television channels, trying to find every opportunity to film another program discussing the details of Vadim’s personal life,” Irina Amanti, director and current wife of Vadim Kazachenko, wrote on Facebook. - She claims that she receives threats from Vadim and is being harassed by him. This is a lie, because Vadim has not bothered her since September last year, either by calls or in any other way. But Martynova constantly publishes information that distorts events and provokes people to fabrications and aggression towards Vadim and me.

In January, February and March, Vadim and I “interfered” with preparing for childbirth, although preparing for the birth of a child did not prevent Martynova from appearing in TV programs, giving interviews and arranging photo shoots. After giving birth, she continued to “fear for her life.” But this “fear” did not prevent her from regularly going on TV shows, accusing us of anything - just to go on air, get money for it and say that Vadim, filing lawsuits in court, is guided only by a thirst for profit. At the same time, Olga Dmitrievna herself never bothered to bring to the attention of the public that back in December 2016 she filed a lawsuit to collect alimony from Vadim for her maintenance during pregnancy in the amount of more than 185 thousand rubles.

The other day, Olga Martynova filed a lawsuit to declare our marriage with Vadim invalid and to recover compensation for moral damage inflicted on her in the amount of one million rubles. Vadim and I have long understood that Olga Martynova’s campaigns and speeches will continue, because without stories about Vadim Kazachenko and without his name, she is of no interest to the media. Now she is looking for new ways to attract attention to herself. The main thing is that the show goes on."

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Olga Martynova: Kazachenko abandoned his newborn son so as not to pay child support. The ex-wife intends to force him to take a DNA test. Evgenia GUSEVA

Vadim Kazachenko was born on July 13, 1963 in the city of Poltava. Fame came to him in the 1990s, when Russia was in decline. Despite life difficulties, Vadim achieved stunning success, his songs were played on TV and radio.

Vadim Gennadievich, as a child, already dreamed of the stage and dreamed of becoming a professional musician. Thanks to beautiful voice and good hearing, he gathered crowds of adults in his city who listened to his songs with pleasure.

At some point, the idea came to him to realize himself in the musical direction. Vadim organized his first group called “VIA” and began performing at various youth concerts, discos and other events. Then the whole of Poltava started talking about him, success found the singer himself.

Career ladder of Vadim Kazachenko

Kazachenko began his professional career in the mid-1980s, when he changed five famous philharmonic societies. However, after several years of wandering, luck smiled on him - Vadim was invited to the Freestyle group. Over two years of working with the creative team, Kazachenko recorded four albums and large number hits.

In the early 1990s, the singer decided to independently promote himself in show business and began solo career. As a result, he reached the maximum level, recording seven albums. Moreover, he managed to attract famous composers and poets to his project, including Malezhik and Ukupnik. Personalities such as Belkin and Shaganov also collaborated with him.

Vadim Kazachenko: personal life, biography

According to Kazachenko, in the 1990s he worked extremely hard and did not even have time to rest or organize a vacation. But the whole Russian Federation heard about the singer, his hits were played in every bar, restaurant and other public places. The most striking and memorable songs were the following works: “Bless on long journey", "On a Flying Horse", "Alien" and "Cinderella".

In the 2000s, Kazachenko's popularity fell, some printed publications reported the imminent death of the singer. At that moment, a rumor was started about Vadim’s serious illness. However, he was able to survive this period and in 2005 he again shone on stage. A little later, Vadim pleased his fans with several albums: “Two Shores of One Fate,” “Superstar 2008” and “...But It Doesn’t Hurt Me.” All these tracks proved only one thing: the singer is alive, well and ready to surprise fans with his creative works.

Relationships and family of Vadim Kazachenko

Vadim Kazachenko met his love at the age of 21, the singer’s wife turned out to be Marina from Poltava. Soon they had a daughter, Marianna. It is worth noting that raising a child and making a career was very difficult, so this period of life turned out to be difficult for both parents. When the singer went to Moscow to work, he left his wife and daughter in Poltava, since he did not have the means to rent housing.

This separation led to the couple separating. But Vadim did not feel sad about this and quickly found himself new lover. He dated Zhanna for more than five years, but was never able to build a relationship with her. serious relationship, because creativity took time and effort. Kazachenko was absorbed in his work, he had to constantly tour the country, participate in events and hold meetings with fans. This lifestyle did not fit well with family responsibilities and everyday life.

He met another love in the USA, when he was in this country on tour. Irina Amanti was just a friend at first, but then Vadim suddenly proposed a wedding. The businesswoman could not keep the singer near her, and two years later they broke up. Let us remember that Irina in America was a co-owner of Russian Radio and helped the artist in every possible way with his career. Amanti was sure that everything would work out with Kazachenko, but fate decreed otherwise.

In 2014, Vadim told the media about his new relationship with Olga Martynova. That same year they got married. Despite the fact that the poetess Martynova was much younger than Kazachenko, their feelings were alive and sincere. It is known that last year, Olga announced that they had problems in their family that were interfering with their relationship. Because of this, a rumor was started that famous couple wants to file for divorce.

For the second day in a row, “Let Them Talk” aired the conflict between Vadim Kazachenko and his ex-wife Olga Martynova. The woman is unhappy that the artist is suing her. At the same time, the singer himself doubts the sincerity of his ex-lover’s words and states that she is deliberately ruining his life. The 90s star appeared in the talk show studio with his current wife and director Irina Amanti.

In the previous episode of the program, Kazachenko became ill and needed medical help. Therefore, the artist spent most of the second broadcast behind the scenes, watching what was happening on the screen. There was an extremely tense atmosphere during the filming of the program. Irina Amanti and Olga Martynova raised their voices several times, trying to find out which of them was right. Host Dmitry Borisov had to stop their heated discussions. At one point, he sat on the sofa between the two women so that they would calm down and stop attacking each other.

Nevertheless, Irina Amanti expressed her readiness to sit down at the negotiating table with the opposite side. Vadim Kazachenko’s wife turned to Olga Martynova’s mother, who came to support her daughter.

“I invite the one who gave birth to her and runs through all the programs to sit down with me at the negotiating table. We want to understand what they want, how much money they want, so that I can just get rid of it. That's all she needs. This is not a circus. Find out how much money she wants for Vadim Kazachenko’s life,” said Irina.

However, Martynova’s mother was in no hurry to respond to Amanti’s proposal. Instead, she decided to talk to Kazachenko. “Dear Vadim. Answer me just one question. What did you mean when you wrote in statement of claim that my daughter disappeared in April 2015? I wish you and Irina happiness, be healthy and prosperous,” the woman said.

Behind the scenes of the program, Irina Amanti continued to share her opinion. The woman said that she was tired of Olga Martynova’s accusations. Irina and Vadim expressed their readiness to communicate with the young woman’s son if the child’s relationship with the artist is proven.

At the end of the show, an appeal was shown in the studio my own daughter singer Marianna Kazachenko. Now the young woman is in Israel. She condemned the behavior of Olga Martynova and expressed hope that the scandal that erupted around the artist would soon subside.

“Dear dad and dear Ira, as well as the whole country that can see this. I want to say that I can't understand why this is happening to my dad. I'm very sorry that a woman, I don't even want to say her name, behaves the way she does. Dad, I beg you, please hold on. I'm sure everything will return to its place. We miss you very much and hope that everything will pass and calm down. I am very proud of you and your true friends, this is Ira, whom I have known all my life,” shared Marianna.

At the time when famous singer Vadim Kazachenko can no longer continue the legal “battle” with his wife for health reasons, the women began to sort things out among themselves. After a skirmish between Olga Martynova and Irina Amanti in the studio of the show “You Won’t Believe It!” the war continues on the Internet. Women have enlisted the support of social network users and are trying to insist on their own.

History of the conflict

Honored Artist of Russia Vadim Kazachenko regularly attracts the attention of fans to his person as a provocateur and culprit scandalous stories. Quite recently, an event thundered in the news that was striking in its immorality. Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga became participants in a scandalous divorce, the latest news of which was followed by the whole country.

The artist filed for divorce when the woman was pregnant, arguing his desire to end the marriage and recognize it as fictitious.

Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga

Olga gave birth to a boy, whom she named Philip. The wife hoped that the famous artist would come to his senses and begin to improve relations with the child, but her hopes were not justified. Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga have stopped communicating, recent news and interviews indicate that he is trying to completely forget about their existence. The new father is not interested in his son and completely ignores him, refusing to participate in his upbringing.

Some friends and colleagues condemn this behavior, but Vadim remains unconvinced and cannot be convinced.

From his point of view, there is nothing immoral in ignoring his wife and child, who involved him in a huge scandal and almost ruined his life.

Vadim Kazachenko

After a long trial Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga reappeared in magazines, where the latest news and facts of divorce were revealed. It turned out that the reason for the divorce was not that Olga cheated on her husband. Everything turned out completely different. Vadim has an illegitimate daughter. The appearance in the life of the artist Vlada Romantsova, who successfully confirmed her relationship with Kazachenko using DNA analysis, became the cause of discord in the family.

Unable to withstand regular reproaches from Olga, the famous artist filed for divorce, trying to get a dissolution of the marriage. After this, a series of new conflicts between the spouses followed, the consequence of which was the deterioration of the health of the middle-aged artist.

Husband's opinion

Back in the 90s, information leaked to the press that Vadim Kazachenko had a heart condition. More than once he underwent treatment and rehabilitation rest in specialized sanatoriums. Repeatedly he ended up in the emergency clinic with mini-strokes. And against the backdrop of divorce and the appearance illegitimate daughter The Russian star’s health condition has only worsened.

V. Kazachenko

Before the divorce proceedings, Vadim Kazachenko appeared on the “Let Them Talk” program to talk about the issues that arose between him and his wife Olga conflict situations from my point of view. In the program, he said that he considered producer Irina Amanti his legal wife, but not Olga.

The consequence of such a statement was another scandal in the studio, as a result of which Vadim Kazachenko became ill, and he left the program with the help of medical workers who arrived on an urgent call.

On at the moment The artist’s fans are very interested in information about Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga and the latest news related to their divorce proceedings. The artist filed for divorce, demanding to recognize that Olga’s son Philip is not genetically his child. He also demanded compensation from his wife for moral damage in the amount of a million rubles in order to prevent enrichment at his expense. The court granted his request and in response sent Kazachenko and Philip for a DNA test, which would confirm or refute Olga’s statement that the artist is the real genetic father of the eight-month-old child.

The artist's second wife with a newborn child

Wife's arguments

Also, in an interview that the artist gave not long ago, he stated that his wife has problems with alcohol and needs urgent treatment. Against this background, there were regular scandals in their family. Kazachenko’s still official wife immediately put forward a refutation of this statement, announcing that her husband accused her of alcoholism solely against the backdrop of a divorce. After all, situations often occur when good wife with whom her interests have diverged, she becomes, in the eyes of her husband, mentally ill, a drug addict or an alcoholic.

Second wife of V. Kazachenko Olga

Olga is ready, at the request of the court, to undergo all necessary examinations and provide documents confirming the fact that she does not have addiction or mental disorders.

She states that her husband regularly threatens her with physical harm if she does not retract her testimony. She constantly has to listen to threats from him, and she fears for her life and the life of her child. Whether this is true or a farce, the court and employees of the relevant authorities who are conducting an investigation into this issue will decide.

At the moment, Olga only wants one thing: for Vadim Kazachenko to be recognized by the court as the father of the child and forced to pay child support, since she lacks funds. The woman is on maternity leave and is forced to rely solely on the help of her parents, since government payments for her and her baby are not enough to ensure a normal life.

Olga with her son

Third party

While court hearings are ongoing and the issue of paternity and alimony is being resolved, Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga do not live together, and the latest news indicates that the artist has a new woman. In the spring of 2017, Vadim Kazachenko signed with Irina Amanti and considers this marriage to be real. He demands recognition of the marital relationship with Olga Martynova as fictitious, believing that the painting in the registry office of the Russian capital with Irina was legal.

Vladimir Kazachenko with Irina Amanti

Unfortunately, in Russian Federation Bigamy is prohibited, and Kazachenko exposed himself to serious blow, openly announcing a direct violation of the law. What penalties await the artist will be known later.

Vadim Kazachenko said in an interview that Olga is a fraud and does not tell the press and the court the whole truth. According to his testimony, after the wedding, his wife never moved to live with him. They saw each other extremely rarely, and therefore he is not sure that Philip is his son.

According to the public and due to Olga’s silence about the real situation, it turns out that Kazachenko left her immediately after pregnancy.

With their wives in the program “Let Them Talk”

But in fact, he learned about the state of health of his wife, who lived in an unknown place, only when she was about to give birth. Then Olga Martynova began to threaten Vadim Kazachenko with a trial and a huge scandal in the press.

The singer reports that if he is convinced that the child is really his, he will take part in its provision and upbringing. But she will not allow Olga to manipulate herself and take money from his pocket until there is official confirmation of her words.

Kazachenko and Martynova met at a time in their lives when the artist had a strong quarrel with Irina Amanti. Olga promised Vadim that they would have the best family in the world, and he agreed to the marriage after a short relationship. But after the painting in the registry office, their relationship ceased to play any role for Olga.

V. Kazachenko

The couple continued to meet like an ordinary couple, limiting themselves to dates, but not living together. When the situation with the divorce and recognition of paternity over Philip flared up, Olga never spoke about her feelings for Vadim and what their marriage was like in reality.

It is quite natural that after some time, Kazachenko, disillusioned with his marriage to Martynova, returned to Irina Amanti, who was his real wife. And Olga, having learned about her pregnancy, decided to take advantage of the good financial situation famous artist and get as much money out of him as possible.

Development of the conflict

Also in social networks Discussions about the common-law wife of Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga began to appear regularly, against the background high-profile divorce And latest news, entering the press, Irina came under attack. Martynova’s supporters believe Amanti is guilty of causing discord in the family by preventing visits with her son Philip.

Those who support Olga’s position believe that Irina needs to stop speaking out in the press regarding Kazachenko’s official wife.

Kazachenko's wives

At the same time, Vadim Kazachenko himself is now in a pre-infarction state. According to doctors, scandalous divorce led to the artist’s heart problems getting worse. Against the backdrop of the fact that Olga Martynova began to earn money from paid interviews, which regularly appear in the press, and her lawyer Ekaterina Gordon regularly speaks, highlighting the artist’s life, Vadim’s illness worsened. At the moment, Kazachenko is extremely in serious condition, being on the verge of life and death, and the difficult divorce process does not improve his well-being.

Doctors who arrived on an urgent call report that if Irina Amanti was not next to the man, they could prepare a white shroud for him. The ambulance workers hardly brought the artist back from the dead and advised him to rest completely, prescribing a course of medications.

Vladimir Kazachenko

Irina Amanti asked journalists and the court to leave her common-law husband alone and let him recover. Unfortunately, neither Olga nor the press are in a hurry to stop the attacks and continue to flaunt the entire personal life of the singer and model.

Vadim Kazachenko is in a paralyzed state, having lost the ability to move independently and speaks very poorly. Against this background, the next court hearing will be postponed indefinitely.

Last year, the wife of the 90s star Vadim Kazachenko, Olga, came to the “Let Them Talk” program to talk about the fact that she had been married to a famous artist for a couple of years. The husband preferred to hide his wife from the general public, and then went to court to have his marriage declared fictitious. Nevertheless, he did not refuse the child that Olga was going to give birth to soon.

It became known that recently the ex-wife of Vadim Kazachenko became a mother for the first time. StarHit contacted lawyer Katya Gordon, who represents Olga’s interests in court against Vadim Kazachenko.

“As far as I know, the singer did nothing on the day his wife gave birth - he did not call and did not congratulate. But he arranged a vulgar, in my opinion, marriage proposal to his director Irina Amanti. It seems to me that a man who does this while his wife is giving birth is not very good man", says Katya.

Now Olga and Katya are waiting for it to come into force decision made court to cancel the decree recognizing the marriage of Vadim Kazachenko as fictitious. Gordon explained that at the moment a man really has every right to marry someone else. However, this will not relieve him of responsibility for the child in the future.

“I would like to contact Vadim Kazachenko. Guys, let's all give up the shameful attempt to get married. Let’s not complicate the child’s life, who, through Kazachenko’s efforts, may receive a dash in the “father” column on the birth certificate. Let's just enjoy our new life, especially since this is a great opportunity to make peace. Still, it can be done humanely. I suggest you be glad that Vadim and Olga Kazachenko had a child,” Gordon said.

Katya explained that Olga has 30 days from the moment the child is born to complete the paperwork - the question is whose name will be indicated in the “father” column. Nevertheless, the lawyer is worried that Kazachenko may file a complaint with the court in order to delay the entry into force of the court decision.

According to Katya, Olga is now trying not to think about possible troubles, but is completely absorbed in caring for her newborn baby. She accepts congratulations on the birth of her first child.

“Olya is now focused on the child, like any normal mother. It seems to me that deep down in her soul there is still a glimmer of hope that she and Vadim will make peace. In my opinion, Kazachenko is behaving somehow inhumanely. I am sure that Olya will only be happy with the father’s desire to communicate with the child. There will definitely be no obstacles on her part,” Gordon admitted to StarHit.