Where to hit a person to break something. Basics of self-defense: how and where to hit so that the blow is serious

Wanting to protect themselves in the event of an attack, many want to know how to knock someone out with a blow. However, it must be remembered that in order to “knock out” an enemy, that is, to deprive him of consciousness, you need to know exactly where on his body to hit. In addition, you need to have a strong blow and be prepared to injure the enemy not only physically, but also psychologically.

How to knock someone out with one hit

Martial arts define areas on the human body, a blow to which can instantly incapacitate an opponent:

  • groin area;
  • liver zone (on the stomach on the right);
  • solar plexus area;
  • heart area;
  • temporal area of ​​the head.

Of course, knowledge of vulnerable spots does not always help in a fight, since only the right blow will help to knock out a person for a while. Such a blow is called a knockout blow, this is the most effective remedy self-defense. Once you master it, you can quickly end the fight. Naturally, best way To learn a knockout blow, and how to knock a person out with its help, is to go to the boxing section. However, with due diligence and regular training, you can learn it at home.

Knockout punch training

To learn a knockout blow, it is necessary not only to develop certain muscle groups, but, above all, to develop dexterity, accuracy and speed of reaction. You can train your punch using a hanging punching bag, but it is equally important to practice your punches in sparring. Of course, in order to knock out a person with one blow, you will need self-confidence, the ability to quickly concentrate, act meaningfully, without wasting energy. The knockout blow must be unexpected and sharp, it must be applied towards you so that it is difficult to dodge it. During training, all these skills must be brought to automaticity so as not to get confused during a fight.

So, the main characteristics of a knockout blow are:

  • strength;
  • speed;
  • factor of surprise;
  • counter factor.

Only the combination of these factors will help knock out a person with one blow.

How to knock someone out

Almost any of the objects around us can be used as an improvised weapon for self-defense. For example, with an ordinary stick (or an object similar to it) you can deliver a knockout blow, “like a butt.”

Various household objects can be used both to strike and to throw them at the enemy. Such items can be: a mobile phone, bottles of perfume, a bunch of keys, a cup, a can of canned food and even a handful of small change. Even if it is not possible to knock out a person with their help, there may be a chance to disorient the enemy and gain time.

Large and flat objects, such as a bag, book, chair, are best used as a shield. In addition, you can also attack with such a shield: push with its plane, hit with its edge and corner. If you have such a “shield” in your hands, then in combination with a kick to the opponent’s stomach, knee or groin, you can continue the attack with a blow with the edge of the “shield”.

A blow to the head with a heavy object can also knock a person out for a while, but there is a great danger of not calculating the force of the blow and causing a fatal injury to the opponent, which is certainly not desirable. Without certain skills in handling edged weapons, you should also not use sharp objects in self-defense, such as knitting needles, screwdrivers, etc. Since this creates a danger of causing serious injury not only to the enemy, but also to yourself.

Self-defense skills will help save life in case of real danger, but at the slightest chance to escape a fight and resolve the conflict peacefully, you must take advantage of it. If the attacker commits illegal actions that threaten your life, you must call the police for help at the first opportunity that arises.

If at the end of a street fight you are standing and your opponent is down, it’s too early to rejoice. It is quite possible that you inflicted injuries on him for which in our country he is tried and imprisoned. Here is a text that will help you not to kill a person out of stupidity and not make him disabled.

To send an enemy with your bare hands to a place from which they never return, you don’t have to be Nikolai Valuev or Fedor Emelianenko, it’s enough for a person to be unsuccessful in hitting a certain point. We talked with Leonid Gatovsky about these “hot spots”. Shouldn't he know? Leonid is a world champion and finalist of the European Championship in grappling, champion of the CIS and finalist of the European Cup in jiu-jitsu, champion of Moscow in Thai boxing and pankration, champion in martial arts (MMA), vice-president of the Russian Grappling Federation, president of ADCC Russia, and the owner of the Lyon sports club.

NAPE - dangerous place, a favorite point of application for hired killers. There is a particularly vulnerable cerebellum, the danger of death is very great. If you need to stop your opponent with a blow to the head during a street fight, then you definitely shouldn’t hit him from behind. Most safe way- strike with the palm of your hand to the forehead slightly from below. If you hit it correctly, the head will fall back and the enemy will fly away.

The TEMPORAL BONE is so thin that it breaks easily, and then the fragments can get into the brain. A person is designed in such a way that his side is less protected (heavyweight boxers sometimes even deliberately take blows to the forehead). Any blows to the head from the side are also dangerous because with them the brain in the skull is shaken more strongly than with direct blows, and hemorrhage can occur.

NOSE Strikes with the palm from below in an upward direction, which drive into the nose, are very dangerous. With a powerful blow, you can pierce the bridge of the nose, and then its bones will go deep into the skull. The consequences depend on the force of the blow. If the difference in weight is large and in favor of the batter, the injury will be up to fatal outcome. Bumps to the side of the nose mean misalignment, huge dark bags under the eyes, and possibly a few weeks in a plaster mask.

JAW A blow to the jaw is dangerous because a person may be knocked out. This is good for winning, but a deep (silent) knockout means a concussion, the risk of facial injury and other serious consequences. A broken jaw means a couple of months of life with special medical supports and a diet of liquid food. In addition, if it does not heal properly, there will be problems for the rest of your life. In short, in legal parlance, “grievous bodily harm.”

Adam's apple A blow to the Adam's apple can cause a person to suffocate and damage their trachea. If they hit the side of the neck, pinching, fractures, and fainting (if they hit the carotid artery) are possible. It is doubly dangerous if it is the neck of a person who has spent his entire life sitting in front of a computer - his bone and muscle structure is weakened, his body is susceptible to scoliosis and osteochondrosis. If he misses such a blow, he may remain disabled for life.

KIDNEYS A clear, concentrated blow to the kidneys leads to the fact that a person dies - the kidney fails or breaks off, and hemorrhage occurs. Blows to the lower part of the abdominal cavity are also dangerous - there is the spleen and liver. If you hit them with your knee or just your foot, you can also kill them. Of course, if the blow is delivered.

INTERNAL SURFACES The inner sides of the arms and legs are very sensitive to blows (however, they are relatively safe for both participants in the fight - you cannot kill a person with such a blow). On the outside we have strong armor - muscles, while on the inside there are veins and arteries running close to the skin. Therefore, blows, for example, on the outside of the shoulder or thigh are relatively painless, but on the inside they are quite noticeable. Impacts to relaxed muscles are also painful.


We asked lawyer Anatoly Tkachenko from the Shcheglov and Partners law office to talk about what “serious harm to health” is from the point of view of the law.

“Minor harm is either injuries that disappear in a period of less than 21 days, or injuries, the consequences of which remain forever, but they are not very significant: knocked out teeth, slight (no more than 5%) impairment of vision or hearing, fractures of small bones and, oddly enough, loss of a finger (except for the thumb and index finger). The penalty for this is a fine of up to 40,000 rubles. or in size wages convicted for three months, correctional labor for up to one year, or arrest for a term of two to four months. “Severe bodily injuries” are life-threatening injuries, loss of vision, speech, hearing or any organ, termination of pregnancy, mental disorder, drug addiction or substance abuse, permanent facial disfigurement... For this they can get from two to eight years or from five to fifteen if the victim dies as a result of injuries. Read more about the consequences of street fights in Articles 111, 112 and 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation"

Today we will look at several vulnerable points on human body and answer some of your questions. Where should you hit a person in order to inflict various injuries on him and where is it better not to hit so as not to kill him!

The following information will be useful to you and you can use it in case of self-defense or in a regular street fight. So let's begin....

Where to hit in a fight?


This is where you need to hit to knock a person out. Even a weak blow knocks out a boar. When hit in the jaw, the brain is very strongly concussed and the enemy either begins to swim or is knocked out for several minutes. And now you can try it yourself! Grit your teeth and lightly hit the side of your chin and you will feel everything yourself. By the way, it is very convenient to hit the jaw with your palm. In general, a palm strike is very effective when correct use much more powerful than a punch. It is in vain that many people underestimate him.


This is probably the most dangerous place, which often leads to death. The temporal bone is very fragile, it breaks and pierces the brain. Therefore, when you hit the temple, you can not only knock out the enemy, but also kill him. Therefore, if you are not going to kill anyone, then try not to purposefully hit the temporal bone, especially with your elbow, but rather hit the jaw :)

Back of the head

A blow to the back of the head causes loss of orientation in space, the person begins to swim or loses consciousness for a short period of time. A strong blow may cause a concussion and fracture of the cervical vertebrae.


Well, in general the eyes are enough good goal for a blow, they are not protected in any way, and with damaged eyes the enemy will not be able to do anything to you. You won’t be able to hit the eye directly with your fist, so you need to either hit with a poke with closed fingers, or deliver a sharp blow with your hand, with your fingertips. You can also press on the eye with your thumb. If you get into a fight with your enemy and start rolling on the ground, then start pressing your finger straight into the eyeball, I’m sure your enemy won’t like it very much :) In general, train your hands, this will be very useful to you.


Also a vulnerable part in the human body, a blow to the throat causes severe pain, sometimes vomiting, and with a powerful blow, loss of consciousness and sometimes even death.
In principle, you can hit in a very different way, but the most convenient way is with the edge of the palm or the so-called “fork” - this is the place between the thumb and the rest of the fingers.


It is very good to hit the ears with two palms at once. Hit at the same time and quickly. Such a blow causes a painful shock and loss of orientation. With a strong impact, the membranes sometimes even burst. You can also press your thumb on the parotid cavity. You can look for it behind your ear from below and try to apply pressure. The feeling is not the most pleasant. Of course, it is better to do such pressing techniques on the ears and eyes when you are on the ground with your opponent.


Well, the groin is not at all masculine... Although, all these moral principles throw aside. Especially if you didn’t have a mutual desire to fight with someone one-on-one. You can hit him in the groin with anything and any way you want. Any blows are very painful and dangerous. After a missed blow to the groin, all you want to do is lie curled up on the floor, the desire to do something else immediately disappears.

Well, perhaps we have looked at the most dangerous and vulnerable points on the human body; there are, of course, many more places where you can and should hit. For example, a blow to the shin, to the solar plexus, to the bridge of the nose, to the liver will also cause a lot of pain and trouble. But I think that the above methods are quite enough. So run out into the street today, insult someone in a drunken campaign and try all these techniques in practice so as not to forget and reinforce them :) Good luck.

Unfortunately, there are situations in life when you are in serious danger, and not only is your opponent several times superior in strength, but he is also aggressive. And the fight that begins can end not only in bruises and abrasions, but also in the death of one of its participants.

How to knock someone out with one hit?

It is at such moments that you need to defend yourself in all possible and impossible ways. When you find yourself in such a situation, the question involuntarily arises: how to knock out a person with one blow? There are several ways to unbalance a person. Let's start with the most vulnerable area of ​​a person - the eyes. By hitting your opponent diagonally from bottom to top with your palm facing you, you will not cause severe injuries, because you only need to stop the fight, but pain and injury to the eyelids and upper covers of the eyeball are guaranteed. There is even a chance that the attacker will lose consciousness and you will have time to escape.

It is very important not to miss, otherwise all your attempts will end in tragedy for you. The blows must be fast, accurate and unexpected, otherwise how else can you knock out with one blow a person who is aggressive and physically stronger than you?

Hitting the enemy's nose is very painful. Direct contact with the respiratory system leads to short-term shock. But if you hit a little higher with the base of your palm, then this shock will be much stronger and longer lasting. Don't forget the famous movie trick, hitting your head in the nose. If you are a prepared person or have experience of fighting behind you, then it will not be difficult for you to do it. This method will result in or be knocked out.

There is another wonderful technique for knocking out an enemy with one blow, you probably already guessed where - this is the groin area. It is very sensitive and is the main target because it is the most exposed area male body. In the beginning of a fight, an accurate blow to the manhood, which is capable of plunging a person into unconsciousness.

How to knock someone out with one hit? As you continue to search for solutions, consider another part of the body where a crushing blow can cause significant injury. Of course it's the ears. This is a wonderful target for attack. Accurately and simultaneously in both ears will lead to rupture of the eardrums, as well as bleeding in the nasal cavity, ear, throat and

John Gilbey's book "Secrets of the Martial Arts of the World" talks about a Russian wrestler named Slimansky. He served in the authorities for a long time state security. And he describes hitting the ear with cupped palms. The fingers are pressed tightly against each other. As a result, the enemy receives a middle ear injury and is lost in space. The blow should be delivered in such a way that the palm of the hand rests on the shell.

Even if you hit only one ear, and you fail to stun, the enemy will receive a lot of damage in any case discomfort from a blow to the cartilage. And you will have two options for the development of events: to finish off your opponent or to quickly escape from the scene of the brawl. This option is not considered when the opponent is two meters tall.

Hit to the temple

How to knock someone out with one hit? Continuing to study the enemy’s weaknesses and memorize methods of fighting, you need to remember that the skull has different thicknesses over its entire area, in front it is 5 mm, and in the frontal part it is almost a centimeter. Only in the temporal part of the human skull the thickness is only two, or even one millimeter. As you already understood, this area is quite vulnerable to attacks.

Just under no circumstances strike with the bones of your fist, this can lead to the death of your opponent, and this is very undesirable. Hit with your palm only. Although this method can also lead to the death of a person. If your palm is placed in such a way that your blow can hit the eye, then this is considered a combined blow.

Where to hit?

The head is a truly unique organ that combines many things. How to knock out a person with one blow? Let's look at one more place to hit. This option is the jaw. A blow to the lower jaw requires accuracy, sharpness, correct trajectory and strong fist. If you combine all this, you will knock out the enemy with one blow.

How does this happen? A blow to the jaw must be applied straight from the bottom up, this will cause the head to make a sharp jerk, and the brain, which obeys the laws of physics, will hit the skull. This leads to a temporary loss of consciousness, that is, to a knockout.

Just hit him so as not to hit him in the teeth. Hitting a person's teeth can damage your hand. Such injuries are accompanied by infections, inflammation, and suppuration.


There are many more ways to disable the human body. But, if you find yourself in such a situation, it is better to resolve everything peacefully, without starting a fight.

As self-defense instructors say, the perfect fight is the one that doesn't happen. In this article we will touch on the opposite situation, when it was still not possible to avoid a fight. What to do in this case? It's good if you have experience in martial arts. Then your reaction and refinement of movements will help you emerge victorious in such a situation. But regardless of your level of training, you must know where to target your blows in order to neutralize your opponent with the highest probability. We have listed these places below. Just keep in mind that hitting these areas can cause significant damage to your opponent. Therefore, they can only be used in cases where your life is in danger and the only way to escape is to incapacitate the attacker.

1. Base of the neck(also known as the back of the head) - quite vulnerable spot. A blow to this area can cause damage to the spinal cord. Therefore, you need to hit there only in case of emergency.

2. Kidneys: successful strike into this organ causes severe nagging pain in the back and abdominal area. This is not always sporty, but it is effective.

3. Liver- a very vulnerable place. A precise hit to the liver can cause slight paralysis of the respiratory tract, after which the opponent is unlikely to stand on his feet. But before you hit this organ, you need to know where it is. The liver is located in the upper right part of the abdomen. Accordingly, you should have a good left hand.

4. Coccyx- This is a small, sensitive bone. If you hit it with the hard toe of a boot at a right angle, the opponent will feel severe pain in the lower back and legs. Depending on the force of the blow, the tailbone may even break.

5. Jaw (chin): Hitting this area of ​​the face will usually end the fight in an instant as it hits the brain the hardest.

6. Base of the throat (trachea)- one of the most sensitive areas on the body and should be treated as such. Even a light blow to this area can cause an opponent to choke. Therefore, you only need to hit there exceptional cases self-defense.

7. Solar plexus- a sunken area between the lower chest and upper abdomen. Swipe into the solar plexus will block the opponent’s breathing and neutralize him for some time.

8. Knees: The ligaments and tendons that support the knees are quite vulnerable to impacts to this area. A blow to the knee can lead to their rupture, which will stop the aggressive fuse of your offender.

9. Ankles: A strong blow to this area can also easily damage ligaments or break a joint, especially if you are wearing heavy shoes.

10. Groin: we know that this is not according to the rules; We know that for a man this is the most vulnerable place. But if the question is about survival, then to hell with manners!

11. Temple: A hit to this area can cause severe brain injury and render the opponent unconscious.

12. Nose: It's not difficult to get there, considering that the nose is in the very center of the face. A strong blow to the nose will surely stop your opponent. Firstly, it is very painful; secondly, a damaged nose will activate a person's tear ducts, which will cause even greater disorientation for the enemy.

13. Eyes- this is an extreme measure, especially if you roughly handle them with your hands. This may damage your opponent's vision. Although even slight pressure on the eyes can temporarily deprive him of the ability to see.