How to punch harder. What you need to know about a street fight How to hit hurts but not seriously

Hello friends. How to knock down a person who is stronger and bigger than you? After all, such a need may arise unexpectedly, for example on the street. And what is the best way to act in such a situation?

The opponent has more mass and height

How to knock down a person who is taller and heavier than you? Often the parameters are of great importance. How to defeat such an opponent? Option one is to simply not contact him, leave or run away. Such a fight, by definition, will not bring you any benefit. The key to victory is to prevent conflict. But if a fight is inevitable, fear becomes your second opponent. It is very important to overcome it. All your attacking actions need to be properly coordinated. Good defense is also required.

How to knock down a person if he is bigger than you? When a conflict with this opponent turns into a duel, be sure to maintain composure and avoid rash actions.

The first step for a good result is skillful organization of defense. Be sure to protect your head with raised hands. The forearms are in a vertical position. Keep them parallel to each other. The palms, slightly clenched into a fist, are close to the cheeks. You are expecting a retaliatory attack. Bend a little, lower your elbows to the center of your body. This will create protection for the ribs and abdomen.

During defensive actions, the whole body is tense. Hands are held in the indicated positions. Otherwise, the enemy boarding will quickly penetrate you.

These are the main tenets of protection. And if you can hold it, you will be able to wear down your massive opponent. Will there be a great chance for a counterattack and to knock out a person with one blow? This type of assault involves a fist or elbow.

In terms of parameters, your opponent is much superior to you. He will actively attack you. And his actions should not be met with blocks. He will crush them without any problems. In such a situation, the best techniques to bring a person down are dodging and constant movements. This way the opponent will be provoked into pursuit and will spend a lot of energy. He will start to miss and make mistakes. If conditions do not allow you to move to a comfortable distance, move your head away from the attack. As soon as he makes a mistake and misses, hit him immediately. This is an excellent option in the dilemma of how to knock a person to the floor with one blow.

You can take down the big guy, and quickly. These are basic superficial treatises if you need to take someone down quickly.


If you engage in a contact fight with such a powerful opponent, you are doomed to defeat. You shouldn't take any risks here. Also guard against grabs. The key to victory is maintaining the required distance. How to strike first and where at the right moment? Ideally - in the lower jaw or head. How - quickly and sharply. You can even use your palm. After the attack, immediately retreat and build a defense, and retreat to a comfortable distance.

If you can knock down a person with one blow with such a boarding, you can do this:

  1. Finish him off right away. If he is squatting and holding his face, you can drop your opponent with a kick. If only he didn't catch her.
  2. Wait for his reaction and act according to the situation. After all, it may turn out that you have a real chance to defeat an enemy higher and stronger than you. But when attacked, he will skillfully catch and punish. And if he doesn’t get up for a while, the fight may end or the opponent will come to his senses and become thoroughly angry. If he is led by emotions and rushes to attack, you can immediately knock such an opponent to the ground with a sharp blow to the face.
  3. Just leave. There is a variation that he will catch up and hit from behind. But there is an option that he will apologize and the fight will end. If he catches up with you, being confident in the surprise of his attack, you can trip the man to the ground. Here it is important to quickly and unexpectedly turn around and carry out a sweep. This is an effective method to easily knock a person to the ground. The main thing is to act faster than him.

These are all alignments in your favor. There is no guarantee that you will be able to implement these techniques efficiently. And it’s even more difficult to win a fight if you’re weaker, and even knocked to the ground.

In such circumstances, you lose:

  • control over the battle,
  • accuracy, coherence and dynamics of attacks.

In such a situation, it is important to get up quickly and in an organized manner, and immediately evade the attack. This will be a surprise for the enemy. Your task is to carry out a quick and devastating boarding attack on his jaw. So, with one blow, knock down a person who was already convinced of his total superiority.

In such a meeting you will probably get some injuries. No matter how skillfully you try to act. The key aspect is the protection of critical areas:

  • jaws,
  • nose,
  • temples,
  • solar plexus,
  • ribs

Elbows and shoulders are used for defense. Rearward shifts are also needed. This is a way to soften the blow.

The enemy is bigger, but you are smarter

If a fight with a massive, tall opponent takes place on the street, you have a lot of room to coordinate the distance. And where is the best place to hit in a fight on the street? The targets do not change: the jaw, the head, or at least the body, the liver area. If your opponent is tall and massive, and even fat, you can seriously increase your chances of winning with a skillful blow to the liver.

When you both stay in the same positions, don't collapse. Circle around it at a comfortable distance. This will just piss him off and he will launch an attack. You duck or dodge.

If you have well-honed and strong kicks, this can be used. This will help in such a confrontation.

Without a swift surprise attack and varying the distance it is impossible. It is necessary to deprive a major enemy of its advantages. You need to not make a mistake with the moment for your strike and skillfully shorten the distance. And the key point is to stay in the zone from which you get the enemy, but he doesn’t get you.

It is difficult to knock down an opponent in such a fight without dodging and imitating attacks. They should be immediately followed by rapprochement. After his boarding, the opponent withdraws his hand. And you can follow her.

It is extremely important to wear down your opponent. Yes, he has more serious dimensions. But he also spends serious amounts of energy on his attacks and runs out of steam faster.

When his momentum weakens, you gain a speed advantage. Keep the distance and execute a series of shots. This is an effective method to take down a large person in a fight.

If you have a strong heart and blood vessels, you will last longer in a fight than your opponent.

Aspects of aggression

In a duel with a giant, it is important to act quickly and suddenly. When a fight breaks out, act first. Where should you hit for a person to fall in this situation? Slash him sharply in the jaw. Hitting this zone from any direction will do. You can also give a crushing blow to the solar plexus. Put all your power into this attack. If executed correctly, knock down or knock out the tough guy. If executed incorrectly, but correctly maintaining your distance, you will not fall for menacing counterattacks.

Study the situation carefully before making a sudden attack. Think through every blow. After all, even if you hit suddenly, but not thoughtfully, you can miss or run into the defense. And in return receive a devastating attack.

In a duel with a giant, it is important to be patient, wait for the best moment and constantly move. Statics in battle is the key to defeat. Protection is formed only from slopes. Blocks are powerless against powerful attacks.

The main scheme is followed here: the enemy opens up - you attack very hard.

This is the only way to have a high chance of knocking a person down with one blow, even if he is enormous in size. The transition from defensive to offensive operations is lightning fast. This is the most disadvantageous and exhausting option for the enemy.

Fight carefully, even if you managed to carry out a good attack. Don't get carried away by emotions. They can lead to fatal errors.

Hitting the head is an effective method for winning. And if it is difficult to carry out, storm the opponent’s body. With this variation, the cherished targets are: ribs and solar plexus. If you successfully hit them, you will knock the enemy's breath away.

Ribs can be broken at a certain power. Their fracture occurs if per 1 sq. cm affects at least 1 kg.

Aim for these areas. A fight on the street does not follow the code. This is not a sport. There are no code restrictions here. You can apply pressure to hit key areas as much as possible and cause serious damage to your opponent.

Just one well-thought-out and executed blow can bring you a quick victory.

Your opponent is massive, tall, but he is also a human. And he has vulnerable points, like all people. Punching them will weaken the enemy’s consciousness for some time. You will have a comfortable interval to continue attacks or retreat defensively.

In battle, you can use a good weapon - an open palm. It should hit the following areas:

  1. Ear. This will knock the enemy off balance. The effectiveness of boarding is equal to that of a side hook.
  2. Nose. In this case, the eyes will fill with tears. The result will be temporary blindness. In these seconds, you can crush the most important vulnerable points with striking force. And instantly knock the person down.
  3. Groin. This somewhat paralyzes the opponent.

Painful techniques will also come in handy. They are especially needed when your opponent was able to knock you to the ground.

In this situation, it is difficult for you to get up. It's better to do it like this:

  1. Clamp any part of your opponent’s body and twist it strongly in order to complicate his further conduct of the fight. Here you can grab a joint, twist an arm, or perform strangulation. This will deliver powerful pain effects to the opponent. It will be easier for you to end the battle with your victory. If his arm is broken, his consciousness will float, he will be crushed.
  2. Depending on your position, grab your opponent's neck. Perform the choke for 5-15 seconds. The enemy will breathe heavily and may even lose consciousness.
  3. When gripping your hand, apply pressure to your elbow or shoulder joint. This technique is especially effective when the opponent carried out the attack slowly and left his hand after it. You will hurt his hand. And in such a situation it will be extremely difficult for him to fight.


Since usually such fights do not take place according to any rules, and the goals of the attacker may be criminal, you can act according to trash methods, that is:

  • bite,
  • attack the eyes
  • grab hair and pull it,
  • press the neck.

It is also wise to use things that come to hand in the attack. These are glass bottles, stones, fittings, furniture legs, etc. It is possible that your opponent, seeing your aggression, will refuse the fight altogether and leave, considering you to be mentally ill.

If the collision occurs in winter, then your main task is to knock the person down into the snow. After which you can immediately run away. You can apply any of the previously mentioned methods. You can just ignore this guy and walk away. You can sharply and unexpectedly mow him down with a football tackle or a fighting trip. You can throw a stone, a glass bottle, some piece of iron at him, or pierce his legs with a stick (preferably an iron one). It will collapse quickly.

If you are a girl and such a big guy is rushing at you, and you don’t do martial arts, run away immediately. If you fail to escape, immediately sharply punch him in an intimate place, preferably twice. And then add a stone to the head. These are proven techniques for girls. But you can’t fight him on earth.

In a fight with someone who is much larger and taller than you, the most important criteria are:

  1. Constant visual control over your opponent. This will make it easier for you to dodge and carry out counterattacks.
  2. From a long distance, kick the knee or groin. On average, hit the head or body with your fist. On the near side - connect your knees and elbows.
  3. When the enemy attacks with an uppercut, protect your chin and tilt your head forward.


Don't conflict with giants. And if the battle passes, use the indicated methods.

During a street fight, you only have a few seconds - then the outcome will be decided. Before the attacker ties you up, you must do everything possible to free yourself, while trying to save energy. Now is not the time for nobility. Either you are him, or he is you. Therefore, hit the most vulnerable places - the eyes, nose, ears, neck, groin, knees and legs.

Self-defense instructor Sifu Numrich is all about the technique of hitting pressure points, which will help you defend and escape. Here is the first information you need:

1) Where you should hit and with what depends on the position of the attacker and the distance between you. For example, you should not deliberately approach the aggressor in order to hit him in the nose with your hand if you can hit his knee with a kick.

2) If you hit the upper half of the body, hit only with your arm. An effective strike can be delivered with the outer edge of a straight palm, the heel of the palm, the knuckles (on soft tissue), or a tightly clenched fist.

And with the main pain points you need to do this:


As you can imagine, poking the eyes with fingers or knuckles can be very effective. In addition to severe pain, they will at least temporarily impair the attacker's vision, which may allow you to escape.

If the attacker is directly in front of you, strike the nose from below with the heel of your hand, putting all your body weight into him to cause maximum pain and force him to retreat. If he's behind you, you can hit him in the nose with your elbow (from the side or directly). Either way, aim for the nasal bones.

The main target is the side of the neck, where the carotid artery and jugular vein are located. The attacker can be temporarily stunned by using the edge of the palm (fingers straight and together, thumb slightly tucked) on the side of the neck. To cause maximum damage, you can elbow your opponent in the throat while shifting your body weight forward.


Sifu Numrich believes that knee strikes are ideal for self-defense. You can hit them from any angle without the risk of someone grabbing your leg. A blow to the side of the knee will temporarily incapacitate the attacker. A direct hit to the knee will cause more damage, but is less likely to cause the opponent to lose balance.

How to deal maximum damage

Hit with elbows, knees, head

We have listed the most vulnerable areas above. Now let's move on to those parts of the body with which you can hit most effectively, causing maximum damage - these are the knees, elbows and head (your natural bone weapon). Here is a video in which Sifu Numrich shows how to defend against three common attacks.

Use objects that come to hand

Ordinary surrounding objects and even the contents of your pockets can serve as weapons. When walking home in the dark, just in case, hold your pen or keys between your middle and index fingers. If the attack takes place in the open air, you can throw dirt or sand in the eyes of the attacker. Women are often advised to spray perfume or hairspray into their eyes. Use any available items for more effective protection (you can turn to the works of Jackie Chan for inspiration).

Use your weight

No matter how much you weigh, how tall you are, or how strong you are compared to your opponent, you can always protect yourself by positioning your body correctly and using the simple laws of physics. This principle is the basis of martial arts such as jujitsu and other systems that can be used to defeat a larger opponent.

Tim Larkin trains using his own combat system “Focus on Target”, he teaches that a strike is not just a swing with a fist or a leg, the main thing in a strike is the use of body weight. You will not stand like in the ring, exchanging hooks and kicks with your opponent; in a real clash, it is extremely important to quickly incapacitate him with targeted and effective blows. Hit the pressure points listed above, putting your entire body weight into each blow. (The video is quite long, it is, in principle, worth watching in its entirety, but if you are only interested in the technique of hitting pressure points using body weight described above, start watching from the fourth minute. Keep in mind that this technique, which is also used by police, can cause serious injury to the attacker).

Learn punching techniques to punch harder. You won't succeed with bad technique. And the correct technique will not only make your strike stronger, but also more effective, that is, you will spend less energy on its execution.

Place your feet and legs correctly. Your legs and feet are the anchors of your weight. They should not only help you maintain balance, but also allow you to transfer the energy of the blow from your hips to your upper part, all the way to your fist. Here are some simple tips:

  • Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. If in doubt, set them even a little wider.
  • Lift the heel of your back foot off the floor and keep it elevated.
  • Point your toes where you are going to hit. If your toes don't point in the direction of your target, your kick will be significantly weaker.
  • Keep your knees bent. When you punch, you can straighten your knees, giving your punch extra power.
  • Use your hips and core for extra power. Try hitting something while keeping your hips or torso still. You won't get a strong hit. Now try rotating your hips and torso at the same time as the punch. This blow will be at least twice as powerful as the first. This technique is used by professional golf, tennis, and baseball players. They use their hips and torso to amplify the blow. And nothing stops you from doing the same.

    • Use your hips to push your torso back. Imagine that you are cocking a gun. Then begin moving your hips in the opposite direction, twisting your torso toward the target.
  • Exhale before striking. By exhaling, you can relax your muscles just before your fist hits the target. If you can't do it correctly, then exhale noisily during the impact.

    As you strike, tilt your head slightly, tuck your chin, and look at your target. You will need to lower your head and tuck your chin to protect yourself during the counterattack. .Keep your opponent in sight so you can see where to hit.

  • Let the hand and fist be as one. In addition to knowing how to use your hips to punch, you also need to know how to use your arm and fist correctly. Here are some tips you can use to ensure you get the most effective shot possible.

    • Keep your hand and fist relaxed just before contact. As soon as you touch the opponent, tighten your fist. A relaxed hand and fist will give speed, and a clenched fist during a strike will give power.
    • Hit in a straight line, not in an arc. It would be very tempting to hit it in an arc, but don't do it. Remember that the power of the punch comes from your hips and torso, not from the trajectory of your arm.
    • Don't pull your hand or fist back. This will show your opponent what you are going to do.
  • Experts have different opinions about the number of vulnerable points. The Chinese, for example, counted about two hundred of them. Our experts are much more modest in their calculations. On average, they indicate about thirty such points. This is not without reason, since most of the points counted by Chinese masters are covered with clothing, and, frankly speaking, it is not easy to break through such “protection” with your fingers. In addition, to successfully hit the points, you need to have trained fingers, otherwise you risk breaking them. In addition, during a fight it is difficult to “aim” well at the desired point. Therefore, it is better to hit not at them, but at vulnerable areas of the body. Let's go through them in more detail.


    The crown is affected by the muscular part of the fist, i.e. its lower part from the side of the little finger. It’s also a good idea to hit him on the crown with your elbow, and if your opponent gave you such a gift that he bent over, then God himself ordered that you hit him on the crown with your toe. As a result, your action will cause shock, loss of consciousness, and possibly a concussion.

    Temporal region.

    Everyone knows that blows to the temple are very dangerous. Such a blow can cause shock and loss of consciousness. A strong blow can cause death to the opponent, as the temporal bone pierces the brain and major blood vessels. Therefore, if you do not set out to kill the enemy, be careful with this blow. The blow is delivered with a fist, elbow, or, if the opponent is bent over or lying on the ground, then with the toe of the foot. The blow is delivered at close range.


    The enemy's eyes are an excellent target for a strike. To defeat them, great force is not required, and the effect is excellent (for you) - the enemy loses orientation, is in a state of shock, and possible loss of consciousness. Such blows are not life-threatening, but they are perfectly incapacitating. Try fighting when you can't see anything! Moreover, such a blow is by no means painless. The difficulty is that it is not always possible to hit the eyes accurately.

    The blow is applied by poking closed fingers (the so-called beak), you can simply press on them. In addition, you can deliver a whipping blow with your fingertips. If you are not very experienced in hitting the eyes, do not hit the eyes with a “goat”, that is, with two fingers outstretched.

    bridge of the nose

    You can hit the bridge of your nose with anything. It is best to hit with your fist or the edge of your palm. Elbows and head will also work quite well. Blows to the bridge of the nose cause bleeding and shock. Possible loss of consciousness. If you hit it very hard, the nasal bone and cartilage will pierce the brain and this means instant death. Action heroes love such blows in the final battles.

    Base of the nose.

    Here blows are applied with the edge of the palm from bottom to top, the base of the palm, the fork of the fingers or the phalanges of the fingers. The blows cause bleeding, shock, and pain. It is best to use strikes at the base of the nose to force the opponent's throat to open for attack as he throws his head back.


    The chin is hit with a fist from the bottom up or directly (under the lower jaw), with the base of the palm or the elbow from the side and below. If possible, you should also hit with the toe. The blow causes shock, loss of consciousness, and a concussion may occur.

    Area of ​​the carotid arteries.

    When this area is hit, a person experiences shock, loss of consciousness, and experiences severe pain. You need to hit with the edge of your palm, fist or elbow. In any case, your opponent will experience a whole range of indescribable sensations.


    When striking the throat, it is best to aim for the Adam's apple. Strikes can be struck with the edge of the palm, with a fist, especially with the knuckles, or with a fork, that is, with the place between the thumb and the rest of the fingers. The blow causes severe pain. Possible vomiting, and with strong exposure, loss of consciousness and death.

    Base of the skull

    The back of the head is hit with a fist, the edge of the palm, or the heel of the palm. An elbow strike will also bring a lot of “joy” to the enemy - such strikes cause severe pain, loss of orientation in space and consciousness. Possible concussion. A strong blow can damage the cervical vertebrae.

    Ears and parotid cavities.

    Press on the parotid sockets with your thumb. This causes severe pain in the opponent if the pressure is applied with due diligence.

    As for the ears themselves, a blow to both ears at the same time has worked well, causing a painful shock and loss of orientation. You need to hit with your palms. A strong blow can cause eardrums to rupture.


    The collarbone is a very sensitive bone. Therefore, blows to it are very painful. Strike with the edge of your palm or the muscle part of your fist from top to bottom. The blows cause shock and a broken collarbone, as a result of which the opponent will not be able to put much force into the blows, this will cause him severe pain. If you hit it very hard, the collarbone will injure the lungs.

    Heart area.

    Blows are delivered with a fist, elbow, or toe. Damage to this nerve plexus causes loss of consciousness. A strong blow can cause cardiac arrest and death.

    Region of the liver and spleen.

    This area is located under the ribs. You can hit the liver and spleen with your fist, elbow, edge of your palm, or toe. The blows cause loss of consciousness. When the liver or spleen ruptures from a strong blow, there is major internal bleeding and death.

    Solar plexus.

    It is better to strike him with the elbow, knee, fist, or knuckles. The blow is especially destructive if it reaches the target while the enemy is inhaling. It will cause severe pain, respiratory arrest, suffocation and death. If you intend to kill your opponent, hit from the bottom up.

    Groin area.

    Impacts to this area are very painful. They can be applied with a fist, knee, edge of the palm or toe. A jerk of his genitals with your hand will give your opponent no less joy.

    Blows to the lower abdomen are no less painful. They cause painful shock and loss of consciousness.

    Lumbar region of the spine.

    Impacts to the spine are, generally speaking, very painful. It is recommended to hit this area of ​​the spine with a fist, elbow or toe. The blows cause painful shock and loss of consciousness.


    The sacrum should be hit with the toe. A strong blow causes shock, and it is possible that the enemy will lose consciousness.

    Sciatic nerve.

    The sciatic nerve passes under the buttocks. Impacts to it cause a painful shock and temporary limitation of motor ability. The easiest way to give it in the butt is with the toe of your foot.

    Knee joint.

    A very successful and accessible target. Hitting it causes pain in the enemy. If you apply yourself with all your might, then the enemy, at best (for him), will be guaranteed a rupture of the knee ligaments, and at worst, a fracture of the bones of the knee joint. You need to hit with your foot, specifically with your foot - toe or plantar part, whichever is more convenient for you.


    Shots to the shin are very painful because the bones are practically not covered by muscles. Therefore, any blows to them will lead your opponent “to ecstasy.” It is best to attack with the edge of the foot or the heel. A strong blow causes painful shock and loss of consciousness.

    Raising the foot.

    This place is also not protected by muscles and is very sensitive to influences. Impact it with foot strikes, especially with your heel. In addition to severe pain, such blows will cause a limitation in motor ability; in other words, your enemy will begin to move his leg much less nimbly. A strong blow crushes the bones of the foot and tears ligaments.

    Popliteal bend.

    The popliteal fold is affected by blows from the toe. They cause severe pain and limit the opponent's motor ability for some time. A strong blow can tear ligaments and seriously damage the joint.

    Calf muscle.

    Attacks with the toe of the foot. Causes severe pain and limits mobility.

    Achilles tendon.

    It is struck with the toe of the foot. The consequences are similar to those from blows to the calf muscle. A strong blow can rupture the tendon.

    As you can see, the human body is quite vulnerable. The main thing is to know where and how to hit. Usually the fights that almost all of us have seen do not end in death or severe injury to the combatants. This happens because few people know how to strike correctly and where to strike. Besides, in normal fights there is no point in injuring each other. However, in an extreme situation, the last thing you need to think about is the integrity and health of your opponent or opponents. When your life is at stake, there is no time for nobility. Your task is to survive. And survive by any means. You were attacked in a dark park by three wounded thugs. Just for fun. Should you expect nobility from them or demonstrate it yourself? The more so-called techniques prohibited by the sport you use, the higher your chance of preventing your opponents from using these techniques and, therefore, surviving. And your excuses that you want everything to be fair will be exactly as late as your life.

    Today we will look at several vulnerable points on the human body and answer some questions that interest us. Where should you hit a person in order to inflict various injuries on him and where is it better not to hit so as not to kill him!

    The following information will be useful to you and you can use it in the event or in a regular street fight. So let's begin...

    Where to hit in a fight?

    (module 276)


    This is where you need to hit to knock a person out. Even a weak blow knocks out a boar. When hit in the jaw, the brain is very strongly concussed and the enemy either begins to swim or is knocked out for several minutes. And now you can try it yourself! Grit your teeth and lightly hit the side of your chin and you will feel everything yourself. By the way, it is very convenient to hit the jaw with your palm. In general, a palm strike is very effective and, when used correctly, is much more powerful than a fist strike. It is in vain that many people underestimate him.


    This is probably the most dangerous place, which often leads to death. The temporal bone is very fragile, it breaks and pierces the brain. Therefore, when you hit the temple, you can not only knock out the enemy, but also kill him. Therefore, if you are not going to kill anyone, then try not to purposefully hit the temporal bone, especially with your elbow, but rather hit the jaw :)

    Back of the head

    A blow to the back of the head causes loss of orientation in space, the person begins to swim or loses consciousness for a short period of time. A strong blow may cause a concussion and fracture of the cervical vertebrae.


    Well, in general, the eyes are a good enough target for a strike, they are not protected in any way, and with damaged eyes the enemy will not be able to do anything to you. You won’t be able to hit the eye directly with your fist, so you need to either hit with a poke with closed fingers, or deliver a sharp blow with your hand, with your fingertips. You can also press on the eye with your thumb. If you get into a fight with your enemy and start rolling on the ground, then start pressing your finger straight into the eyeball, I’m sure your enemy won’t like it very much :) In general, this will be very useful to you.


    Also a vulnerable part in the human body, a blow to the throat causes severe pain, sometimes vomiting, and with a powerful blow, loss of consciousness and sometimes even death.
    In principle, you can hit in a very different way, but the most convenient way is with the edge of the palm or the so-called “fork” - this is the place between the thumb and the rest of the fingers.


    It is very good to hit the ears with two palms at once. Hit at the same time and quickly. Such a blow causes a painful shock and loss of orientation. With a strong impact, the membranes sometimes even burst. You can also press your thumb on the parotid cavity. You can look for it behind your ear from below and try to apply pressure. The feeling is not the most pleasant. Of course, such pressing techniques on the ears and eyes are best done when you are on the ground with your opponent.


    Well, in the groin, this is not at all masculine... Although, throw all these moral principles aside. Especially if you did not have a mutual desire to fight with someone one on one. You can hit him in the groin with anything and any way you want. Any blows are very painful and dangerous. After a missed blow to the groin, all you want to do is lie curled up on the floor, the desire to do something else immediately disappears.

    Well, perhaps we have looked at the most dangerous and vulnerable points on the human body; there are, of course, many more places where you can and should hit. For example, a blow to the shin, to the solar plexus, to the bridge of the nose, to the liver will also cause a lot of pain and trouble. But I think that the above methods are quite enough. So run out into the street today, insult someone in a drunken campaign and try all these techniques in practice so as not to forget and reinforce them :) Good luck.