Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov showed his son for the first time. Figure skaters Domnina and Kostomarov had a son. What temptations did you have on the side?

Roman Kostomarov - Russian figure skater, master of sports of international class. Roman Kostomarov has 13 gold, 6 silver and 4 bronze medals.

Today, the skater left international competitions and became the star of sports television shows. Kostomarov has repeatedly won the competition " Ice age"and appeared in other sports and dance programs.

Childhood and youth

Roman Kostomarov is a native Muscovite. He was born on February 8, 1977 under the zodiac sign of Aquarius in private Soviet family. Roman's parents had nothing to do with big sports. The future skater’s mother worked as a cook, his father as an electrician. The Kostomarovs lived in Tekstilshchiki. In addition to Roma, he was raised in the family younger brother, whose name is unknown.

The boy took his first steps in figure skating at the age of 9 - chance helped. A family friend worked as a doctor at the AZLK Ice Palace, and she suggested that Roma take up figure skating. The woman knew that the boy dreamed of sports, but the child was not accepted into gymnastics because of his age, and into swimming - without any explanation at all.

Roman Kostomarov enthusiastically took up training and within a few months he was performing in New Year's performances. After a couple of years of training, the boy was noticed by Lidia Karavaeva, Roma’s first coach. She invited him to ride together with her daughter Katya Davydova. Karavaeva looked after the novice skater as own son: invited me to lunch in between workouts, accompanied me to the metro after classes.

Further biography Romana Kostomarova is inextricably linked with figure skating. He graduated from the Moscow Academy of Physical Education, for a long time trained and lived in America.

In his youth, the young man took one liberty - he pierced his ear. Roma did this because the guy’s idol, figure skater Sergei Ponomarenko, walked this way.

Figure skating

Kostomarov left Russia at the age of 21. He went into the unknown - without money or connections. In Delaware, the skater lived in a small rented villa with colleagues and received $150 a month. Daily training took up time; the skater had no energy left for part-time work. Roman ate at the university canteen or at McDonald's. Often he had to walk to the sports complex - half an hour there and back.

The coaches did not see Kostomarov as a champion, so they paid little attention to him. There was no mutual understanding with my then ice partner; training sessions often ended in conflicts. At 23, the Semenovich-Kostomarov couple broke up, and Roman moved to New Jersey. I wandered around friends’ apartments, had to spend the night in attics and sleep on an air mattress, and lived in rented apartments without a bed or TV. That period became the period of Kostomarov’s formation as a skater and as a person.

In 2000, Roman Kostomarov began skating with. The athletes found perfect combination height data (Navka 170/51, Kostomarov 182/75). In 2002, in Salt Lake City, the couple took 10th place, and two years later the long-awaited victory came to the skaters. At the 2004 World Championships, held in Dortmund, Germany, they became first.

The cherished goal of Roman Kostomarov and his partner was a medal at the Olympic Games. They recorded victory after victory - in three seasons the skaters had only one defeat. The triumph of the couple was the Olympics in Turin in 2006, when the Navka-Kostomarov couple won Olympic gold.

Roman Kostomarov and Tatyana Navka - Olympics in Turin

The victory for the duet of Kostomarov and Navka was brought by the musical number “Carmen”, combining classical elements and fiery Latin movements. The video of the performance that brought gold to Russia is still in demand among viewers and collects new views on YouTube. After the Olympics, the couple returned to Russia.

Returning to Russia from Turin, the couple did not break up. Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov took part in the “Stars on Ice” show. At that time ice project was one of the most successful and entertaining shows on television.

After Stars on Ice, skaters began to be invited to other shows. In 2007, Kostomarov participated in “Ice Age”: his ice partner turned out to be. This duo became the winner of the project.

A year later, the skater became a participant in the second season of the sports television show “Ice Age.” Kostomarov performed in tandem with the actress and reached the finals. The following year, the athlete appeared again in this television competition and this time won again: the pair of Kostomarov and the singer took first place.

In the fall of 2007, the skater was offered to try himself in films. The series “Hot Ice” was filmed at the request of Channel One and was released on January 3, 2009. Roman played in the series main role. The plot of the film was close to him, as it was about the fierce struggle of figure skaters for the right to be first. In 2010, Roman Kostomarov starred in the films “Close Enemy” and “Betrayed.”

Back in 2010, the skater became a contestant in the show “Ice and Fire.” The new show was different from previous topics, which was no longer just a competition of stars in figure skating. Here, in addition to his skills as a figure skater, Roman had to demonstrate his abilities in modern dance. Paired with the singer, Kostomarov reached the final and took third place.

Roman Kostomarov and Evgenia Trofimova in the film "Close Enemy"

In the same year, the skater played the role of Maximilian in Ilya Averbukh’s ice performance “Lights big city" In 2011, the skater appeared in the TV show “Bolero”, where he performed together with a ballerina. The couple took second place.

In 2012, Kostomarov took part in the special season “Ice Age. Professional Cup". Singers, actors and other stars far from figure skating did not participate in the new episodes of Ice Age. Only figure skaters competed in the show, who, according to the terms of the competition, changed in pairs each episode. Participants accumulated points not in pairs, but individually. Roman took fourth place among men.

Natalya Osipova and Roman Kostomarov - "Bolero"

In 2013, the skater and the actress reached the finals of the fourth season of Ice Age. In 2014, Kostomarov became a participant in the fifth, where the skater was paired with a theater and film actress. The pair finished in eighth place.

Roman is still invited to participate in prestigious ice shows peace. The champion often appears in programs dedicated to figure skating and the Olympic movement.

Anzhelika Kashirina and Roman Kostomarov - "Ice Age"

In 2016, Roman again took to the ice in the show “Ice Age”. In the new season, the actress became the skater's partner. The duo delighted fans with various performances, but did not even make it into the top three. Some Internet users consider this couple to be underrated.

Then Kostomarov and Kashirina became guests of the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

Personal life

Kostomarov experienced his first serious feelings a month before his trip to America. The athlete's chosen one was figure skater Yulia Lautova. For four years, the young people communicated by phone and had a hard time with the separation: rare meetings happened at competitions or during breaks between flights. In the summer of 2004, the couple celebrated their wedding. There were many invitees, and they all believed that this relationship was forever.

Julia left big sports and moved to Roman in America. By that time, the skater could already afford separate apartments. After a year of marriage, the relationship began to crack - Yulia Lautova was not happy that her husband did not pay attention to her, thinking only about the Olympic medal. The feelings became obsolete, and the couple separated.

In 2001, the athlete met the figure skater when they toured together with Ilya Averbukh’s Ice Symphony. Oksana is originally from Kirov and lived in Moscow for six years. Roman was drawn to this fragile, caring, understanding girl, and their characters were similar.

Soon after divorcing his wife, Roman Kostomarov began living with Oksana Domnina. And four years later their daughter Anastasia was born. This couple was considered the most beautiful in show business and on ice. In 2008, the lovers became the heroes of the program “While Everyone is Home” with.

However, in 2013, the relationship between Roman and Oksana began to crack. On the show “Ice Age” the girl met the famous Russian actor, and feelings flared up between the partners.

The program “While everyone is at home” visiting Roman Kostomarov

Later, in a conversation with a journalist, Oksana admitted that her relationship with Kostomarov had fizzled out even before she met Yaglych. Domnina wanted to get married, but the man was in no hurry to propose because of his first failed marriage.

Oksana and Vladimir quickly moved in together, began appearing on magazine covers and giving joint interviews. The athlete said that she had met a kindred spirit. The artist introduced his beloved to his parents, and the girl introduced the star to her daughter. But this romance very quickly outlived its usefulness, and already at the beginning of 2014 the skater returned to Roman Kostomarov.

This time, the Olympic champion did not wait and soon proposed to Oksana, the skaters got married and got married. In 2016, the couple had a son, who was named Ilya.

The married couple of athletes is known for their dislike of commenting on events in their personal lives. The couple hid both Oksana's pregnancy and the birth of the child.

Journalists learned that there are now two children in the family from another athlete, a family friend. The skater congratulated his friends on the new addition by writing an open text on his own Instagram page.

Kostomarov himself also maintains a microblog on Instagram, where he regularly shares personal and work photos with subscribers. Frequent guests on the athlete’s account are his wife and children.

Judging by the pictures on the Internet, Roman has many sports hobbies. The family also loves to travel as a whole.

In one interview, Kostomarov shared that he sees children only in sports. Roman and Oksana have already sent their daughter Nastya to tennis. The girl works out four times a week, and she likes it. In addition to tennis, the child goes to dances at the Todes studio.

Roman is known for his free style of clothing. Even an event such as a video clip presentation is attended by the skater in a bandana or hip-hop cap. In Kostomarov they don’t even always recognize the champion of the Olympic Games.

Roman Kostomarov now

In February 2018, Roman Kostomarov performed at the premiere of Ilya Averbukh’s show “Together and Forever.” The program was timed to coincide with the Olympics in Pyeongchang 2018. Then the athletes went on tour to cities in Russia and the CIS.

In the fall, the ice performance “Romeo and Juliet” will be shown at one of the most famous venues in Europe - the Italian Arenadi Verona. The production will be the first from Russia to be shown in this arena.

Roman Kostomarov in the ice performance "Romeo and Juliet"

And they will play. got the character Mercuzzio. Alexei's rival, the formidable Tybalt, will be performed by Roman Kostomarov. and are involved in the roles of the Prince and Princess of Verona. In total, more than 100 skaters participate in the project.

On April 1, 2018, Roman became a coach and jury member on the First Channel project “Ice Age. Children".


  • 2006 - “Stars on Ice”
  • 2007 - “Ice Age”
  • 2008 - “Ice Age 2”
  • 2009 - “Ice Age 3”
  • 2010 - “Ice and Fire”
  • 2011 - “Bolero”
  • 2012 - “Ice Age. Professional Cup"
  • 2013 - “Ice Age 4”
  • 2014 - “Ice Age-5”
  • 2018 - “Ice Age. Children"


  • 1999-2000 – Russian Championship, silver
  • 2002-2003 - Russian Championship, gold
  • 2003-2004 - European Championship, gold
  • 2003-2004 - Russian Championship, gold
  • 2003-2004 - World Championship, gold
  • 2003-2004 - Grand Prix series finals, gold
  • 2004-2005 - World Championship, gold
  • 2004-2005 - European Championship, gold
  • 2004-2005 - Grand Prix series finals, gold
  • 2005-2006 - Winter Olympic Games, gold
  • 2005-2006 - European Championship, gold
  • 2005-2006 - Russian Championship, gold
  • 2005-2006 - Grand Prix series finals, gold

In the personal life of the famous figure skater there were two marriages, both with his figure skating colleagues. Roman Kostomarov's first wife, figure skater Yulia Lautova, became his life partner in 2004 and remained in this status for three years, but then ex-spouses separated, and Roman got new lover- Oksana Domnina, who once was a bridesmaid at his first wedding. Despite the fact that most often romantic relationship Happens to figure skaters with their skating partners; Roman and Oksana have never been in the same pair. Kostomarov lived and trained in the States for a long time, and Domnina played for the Moscow region.

In the photo - Roman Kostomarov with his first wife

They felt mutual sympathy when they went on tour together, arranged by Ilya Averbukh. At that time, Roman skated with Tatyana Navka, and together with her took part in the “Stars on Ice” show, and then the skater was invited to “Ice Age” and worked in Averbukh’s show “Ice Symphony”. Then he was still married to Yulia, but their marriage was already cracking at the seams, and after the divorce, the skater began dating Oksana Domnina.

After four years of marriage, Oksana gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia, but even this event did not push Roman to invite Oksana to become his official wife. After a few years of marriage, the status of a common-law spouse no longer suited Domnina, and she suggested that Roman break up. Moreover, on the show “Ice Age” Oksana began an affair with her dance partner, actor Vladimir Yaglych, and soon after that the Kostomarov-Domnina couple announced their separation.

In the photo - Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina

According to Oksana, it was not easy for both her and Roman to make such a decision, but she could no longer live in an uncertain situation, although Kostomarov did not want to let her go. Apparently, this forced Roman to reconsider his attitude towards his personal life, and soon he made an official proposal to Oksana. In addition, they had a daughter growing up, who, in his opinion, should have lived in a full-fledged happy family.

Oksana Domnina became the wife of Roman Kostomarov in 2014 after seven years of civil marriage, and they not only signed in the registry office, but also got married. They played secret wedding, close relatives and friends were among those invited, and then the couple spent their honeymoon in Sochi. Daughter Nastya, who was three years old at that time, was very happy about this holiday, and at the beginning of last year Oksana gave her husband a second child - son Ilya.

After all the trials that their family went through, the couple learned not only to listen, but also to understand each other better. Daughter Nastya, who turned six this year, does not yet know who she will be in the future, but Roman is not against her connecting her life with figure skating, so he put his daughter on skates early. And he would also like her to learn to play tennis, which he himself is partial to.

The famous figure skater Oksana Domnina, having lived for five years in civil marriage with Roman Kostomarov, but without waiting for an official marriage proposal from him, she found a replacement for him. The 29-year-old athlete exchanged the Olympic champion for actor Vladimir Yaglych, known for his role in the film “We are from the Future.”

We first met Volodya on the set of the Ice Age project. It was there, on the ice, that we gradually began to get to know each other. And naturally, daily night training brought us very close,” Oksana admitted to Heat.ru.

The other day, on October 16, the couple appeared together at the premiere of the film “Gorko” in one of the capital’s cinemas, leaving no doubt that they are connected not only friendly relations. While watching the film, Oksana kept whispering something in Vladimir’s ear, gently hugging his shoulders. Yaglych himself was not at all embarrassed by such frank behavior of his girlfriend.

Yes, we came together today,” Vladimir shared with Heat.ru. - Of course, it’s still too early to talk about the wedding. But have no doubt, our relationship is serious and, God willing, for a long time.

Just a month ago, Roman Kostomarov shared with the press that he couldn’t help but be jealous of Oksana’s charming partner Vladimir Yaglych, with whom she performed on the “Ice Age” show. To dispel his own doubts, the skater had to do all sorts of romantic things to prove to Oksana the sincerity of his feelings. However, it is unlikely that anyone from the environment ex-couple could have imagined that Domnina would soon be happy with another man.

For the sake of Yaglych, the figure skater herself was ready for feats. For example, more than once she had to give up her business in the capital and take the first flight to St. Petersburg, where the actor was filming a film. Domnina convinced everyone, and probably herself, to the last: such sacrifices are required by a project in which it is impossible to perform brilliantly without rehearsals. But it was there, in the Northern capital, that a stormy romance broke out between the ice partners, for the sake of which Oksana was ready to leave the father of her two-year-old daughter.

It is worth recalling that both partners had rich experience in their personal lives in the past. Vladimir Yaglych had a relationship with actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, but in 2010, after five years of marriage, their marriage broke up. As they wrote earlier, the reason for the discord in the family was the jealousy of the husband, who allowed himself to raise his hand against his wife from time to time. However, despite this, to the surprise of the couple’s relatives, colleagues and friends, the actor himself put an end to the relationship, having started an affair with his young partner in the film “Love is not what it seems” Anna Starshenbaum.

In Oksana’s family the picture was completely different. During their civil marriage, she and Roman had a daughter, Anastasia. After the birth of the child, Kostomarov and Domnina became even closer, but things never came to the point of formalizing the relationship. Even the figure skater’s numerous interviews did not help, in which she admitted that she dreams of finally trying on wedding dress. But Roman himself was not ready for such a serious step, and therefore could not fulfill the cherished desire of the woman he loved.

For the sake of a new feeling, Domnina had to sacrifice a long, happy married life with Kostomarov. Roman himself now prefers to remain silent and does not comment on his breakup with Oksana.

I understand why Roma doesn’t want to talk about it, even though we parted on a human basis, if, of course, I can put it that way,” the figure skater admitted to Heat.ru.

However, as Domnina assures, the break with Kostomarov will not affect their working together in the Ice Age project.

January 16, 2016

A son was born into a family of famous figure skaters. The news of the happy event was shared with subscribers on his Instagram page by a friend of the athletes, a speed skater and medalist. olympic games Ivan Skobrev. He posted a photo on social networks showing him together with Roman Kostomarov. “This is how it happens... Happy birthday close friend, and at that moment another person is born [...]

A son was born into a family of famous figure skaters

A friend of the athletes, speed skater and Olympic medalist Ivan Skobrev, told followers on his Instagram page about the happy event. He posted a photo on social networks showing him together with Roman Kostomarov. “This is how it happens... You congratulate a close friend on his birthday, and at that moment another’s son is born! Oxanio & Romario, I congratulate you with all my heart on your newborn! Health to the baby and mother! We love you!” Skobrev captioned the photo.

The skaters themselves have not yet commented on the news. It is known that spouses generally do not like to share details of their personal lives. They kept both Okasana's pregnancy and the upcoming birth a secret.

Let us remind you that Kostomarov and Domnina are already raising their daughter Anastasia, who was born on January 2, 2011. It is known that the lovers lived in a civil marriage for a long time. And in December 2013, Domnina even announced a break with the Olympic champion, citing the fact that she never received a marriage proposal from Roman. However, since February 2014, the athletes began to live together again, and on April 25, 2015, they finally got married on Kostomarov’s initiative.