Biography of Anetta Orlova. Anetta Orlova psychologist

The famous TV presenter and psychologist talks about why people get divorced, as well as why love must be protected

I wonder if the characters in the program “Love 911” on REN TV are real people or actors?

A.O.:“These are completely ordinary people, each with their own story,” says Anetta Orlova. “Many people really manage to change their lives and after this project the relationship improves, but for some it helps only for a while, and then these people continue to write to me so that I can help them in some other situations. But the most important thing is that the program gives you the opportunity to look at your relationship from the outside. We have a certain map in our heads, certain routes and stereotypes, and, having seen one particular trait of a person, no matter whether positive or negative, we, without straining our brain, immediately try to simply transfer our first emotions to the entire personality.

“TV Guide”: — Why do you think marriages break up so often now and divorce has almost become the norm?

A.O.:- Why fight if you can cross everything out and move on? This is a distinctive touch of our time. When we start living together, we shift all our past experience with all the negative aspects, difficulties and expectations onto the person who is nearby, and evaluate him exclusively through the prism of our past experience. And very often past experience overshadows the uniqueness and individuality of this particular person. In many families there is a pathological struggle for power. Moreover, women are not at all behind men, I would even say that they prevail in this. This is largely due to the fact that we have always been dictated by the cult of property, the cult of glamor, where I consume, but am not ready to give anything in return. And this balance of give and take is greatly disturbed. If before marriage they had a lot of positive emotions, then when people start living together, they only have common problems.

“TV Guide”: - Well, probably, one of the main reasons for divorces is infidelity?

A.O.:- Cheating is not a cause, but a result. The main reason is that our people do not know how to listen to each other. By the way, if we take the average statistics, then men do not always go for young girls. Nowadays, in general, men look at older women. There is a certain infantilization of men, and they want to be close to women with whom they feel warm and comfortable.

A.O.:“We even construct love ourselves.” When we meet a person, we first evaluate him, and then we give ourselves permission to love him. And if suddenly a person does something that does not fit into our ideas, and we have already decided that we love him, we begin to work as an advocate for our feelings, trying to identify all the advantages in him and focus on them. That is why there are parameters by which we determine a partner. The first filter is age, the second is nationality, the third is appearance, etc. That is, before we fall in love, we must answer several questions for ourselves. And then we give ourselves permission to do it.

Anetta Orlova: I know what hell is

Anetta Orlova: "I know what it is<<ад>>. I was able to get through it."

Today she is a loving and beloved wife, mother, daughter... She does what she loves. She is successful and famous. She has a great desire to develop and develop. It is about people like her that they say: “lights from within.” But few people know what pain, fears and hopelessness she had to go through before feeling like a truly happy woman.

For you, dear readers, a frank interview with Anetta Orlova.

— Anetta, my first question may surprise you... Many people are interested in where you got such an unusual name “Anetta”? Maybe there is some story connected with it?

— Becoming a psychologist, and a famous one at that, is it a fulfilled childhood dream or a more conscious adult choice?

— So, after all, the craving for psychology is rooted in childhood?

“I really have always been interested in knowing myself and people. While still at school, in high school we had, let’s say, a hobby group. It was called “Annushka’s Wednesdays.” We had 4 guys there, and later another girl joined. And there we talked about everything in the world, prepared together for entering universities. It was an interesting time... I was a girl with a lot of complexes, but I desperately fought them. I took part in all school events, KVN... I even remember that I won a beauty contest and took an honorable second place, although I was small and fragile then - in a word, no match for the other contestants, who were 175 tall. But the boys chose, and they chose me.

— How did you end up getting your education as a psychologist? Did you go against your parents' beliefs?

- No... I was brought into psychology by severe necessity and even misfortune. I was 26 years old. By this time, I had already successfully worked as the head of an enterprise, winning awards and titles, defended my dissertation at the sociological faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. The topic of my dissertation is “Sociocultural aspects of beauty.”

— The ways of the Lord are truly inscrutable... Tell me, when and how did you end up on TV? How did your path to fame begin? After all, now you are a frequent guest of many top programs on federal channels and major radio stations.

- So. It is clear that today you are a strong-willed, successful person who has realized himself in the profession. How did women realize themselves?

— You and your husband have two small children. Do you have time for them in such a busy work schedule?

— As a daughter and as a wife, I feel 100% fulfilled, but as a mother... so far only 70 percent. Still, I devote a lot of time to work and I cannot say that I give my children as much as, for example, my mom gave it to me. Moreover, the disease has not completely gone away. I continue to fight it. And it is precisely in this struggle that my work helps me. Television and radio work for me, despite the endless preparations for broadcasts, is a real relaxation. By giving, I open up many resources for moving forward.

— As far as I know, in addition to broadcasting, you constantly receive clients, write books...

— You also teach master classes. How do you evaluate this area of ​​your work?

— Master classes are my outlet. Honestly! Every time I prepare like it’s the first time. I review something and add something. And for me there is no greater reward than realizing that people come to me more than once, that they continue to move with me, opening up for themselves more and more opportunities for self-knowledge, growth, success and harmony. My task is to give a person such tools so that he can fully use them in life. Believe me, this is not a naked theory and certainly not idle talk.

— I heard that your first online seminar will take place soon. Are you keeping up with the times?

— Yes, indeed, in mid-December I plan to hold my first online seminar, where I will share with women the secrets of female magnetism and talk about the art of being loved. I traveled a lot, got acquainted with ancient knowledge. I definitely have something to tell (smiles). Why did you decide to conduct it online... It’s all simple. There are many who want (which is gratifying!) to attend my master classes, but do not have the opportunity to do so. For a number of reasons: they do not live in Moscow, lack of time, desire to acquire knowledge, but at the same time remain “behind the screen”. So I decided to become more accessible, go online and try to help even more people. (

— Anetta (I already want to call you “Annushka”), do you manage to find time for yourself, your beloved, in this mode?

— Good question... I am a person of study. I'm constantly learning. And I really like it. Not so long ago, by the way, I found out that I am a fifth generation teacher, and there are also two priests in my family. That is, “to recognize” and “to know” is mine. Of course, I pay attention to myself. I do my hair three times a week, because I can’t handle my curls on my own. Manicure, massage once a week. Honestly, I do fitness, but not regularly. However, I always have a card to the club with me (laughs). I prefer walking. I manage to do this three times a week for half an hour.

— Do you have any hobbies besides your favorite profession?

- Certainly! I really love photography, so I am a frequent visitor to various exhibitions. I love dancing - especially Arabic and Indian. I'm fascinated by stories about sacred geometry. Plus I have two small beauty salons - this is both a hobby and a business. Well, traveling is my thing. Wherever I have been. I really love Mexico, Europe, and the countries of the East. I used to go to New York often. He knows how to charge with activity. Nowadays it’s not often possible to go somewhere, but soon, I think, I’ll go to Irkutsk. I will conduct my master classes, and at the same time I will discover Baikal for myself.

— New Year is coming soon... For each of us, this is a holiday when you especially believe in miracles. Can you give some advice to our readers on how to prepare themselves for this fabulous holiday?

- With Gratitude for Prosperity! This motto was formulated not by me, but by my teacher, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alekseychik A.E. Only by “giving thanks” can you find this same benefit in return.

— What, in your opinion, is the most valuable thing in life and what would you wish for the readers of Prelestya?

— The most valuable thing and the one that plays a decisive role on the path to happiness, success, well-being is optimism, adequate self-esteem, love for people and the world, generosity, the ability to be grateful, the ability to overcome defeats and fears with dignity... Well, and healthy adventurism. And I sincerely wish everyone who is reading this now not to be afraid to know themselves, accept themselves and learn to think in a positive way. Thoughts are material. I know that for sure.

More information about Anetta Orlova:

The conversation was conducted by Natalya Zhuravleva for the Women's magazine "Prelest"

Marina Kalinina: Well, we move on to the first topic of our evening broadcast. We will talk about loneliness and how to avoid it.

Why did we decide to talk about this today? Because there is a reason for this. The head of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, Tamara Pletneva, proposed banning Internet sites and mobile dating applications. A meeting with an unfamiliar person from the Internet can result in unpredictable events, the parliamentarian believes. At the same time, the number of marriages in Russia is decreasing: for example, over 7 months of this year, 12% fewer couples got married in Russia than during the same period last year. In the West, loneliness is called the tragedy of modern man, and in the UK they even created a Ministry to Combat Loneliness.

Konstantin Churikov: This is despite the fact that dating sites have not yet been banned in the West.

Let's look at the statistics. Here, psychologists at the University of Chicago say that marriages in which acquaintance began online turned out to be happier and stronger than those when they met in real life. The likelihood of divorce among those who met in real life was 7.6% versus 5.9% online.

And also regarding the loneliness of Russians. According to the 2002 census, there were almost 12 million single adults in Russia, but as for the 2010 census, look, the statistics have increased - already 14 million are alone, completely alone.

Well, let's talk about this with our guest and with you. Tell us, dear viewers, how you met your current spouse, your wife, how it was. And let’s immediately start an SMS poll: do you think it’s possible to find a husband or wife on the Internet? “Yes” or “no” are the wording of the answers, 5445 our SMS portal.

Marina Kalinina: Well, yes, and in less than half an hour we will sum up the results of this vote.

Konstantin Churikov: Well, in our studio we have Anetta Orlova, psychologist, candidate of sociological sciences. Hello Anetta.

Anetta Orlova: Hello.

Marina Kalinina: Hello.

Konstantin Churikov: First of all, I want to figure out: what is the age of loneliness in our country and mainly what gender? Are they single women, single men?

Anetta Orlova: Most of them are still single women. Why? Because demographically...

Marina Kalinina: Because there are more of us?

Anetta Orlova: Yes, there are simply more women. But in fact, today, even among men, the number of single people is growing. Another conversation is what we call single, and what we call that a person is alone, not in a couple, because these are not identical concepts after all. Sociologically, yes, a person can be listed as lonely, but in fact there are people who really worry when they are alone, and there are those for whom this is, in principle, a way of life.

Konstantin Churikov: Are we talking about some confirmed bachelors?

Anetta Orlova: We are saying that at the moment, in general, what is happening in principle in the global trend is a rather dangerous trend. Why? Because there is a certain interest in selling more and more, and it is necessary to somehow increase this market all the time. And here it turns out that if people form a family... Previously, in order to survive, a person needed a family, because people spend less together, people earn more together, they can raise children, and so on. We are currently...

Marina Kalinina: So they are more partners, helping each other survive?

Anetta Orlova: Well, at least one of the functions was like this. Of course, everyone else joined her: this, naturally, is love, one of the best motives for marriage, but then all this was complemented. In recent years, a huge number of opportunities have appeared and many family functions that were previously necessary are now being outsourced. That is, today you can eat somewhere outside the home, today you can invite a woman to clean up. And it turns out that it is very important that people treat each other with understanding and love, but little by little this skill is being lost. And here we get this, you know, story: everyone wants to get married, everyone wants to get married, but being a wife is a little different. When the question arises, what are you ready to give to another person, the number of women who want to get married far exceeds the number of those who are ready to give something.

Konstantin Churikov: Anetta, who do you think was the first to respond to our topic of loneliness today?

Anetta Orlova: Man.

Marina Kalinina: Yes, you are absolutly right.

Konstantin Churikov: Man. Igor from Bashkiria, good evening. Hello.

Viewer: Hello. My story is like this. I was 20 years old, I fell in love with a girl, “babysit” her for 7 years...

Konstantin Churikov:"Babysitting"?

Viewer: Well, yes, you know our girls, you have to tinker with them, “babysit” them. In the end, I was tired, I was sick of, you know, young girls, we have to constantly defend them, protect them...

Konstantin Churikov: Still look after them, yes.

Viewer: Not even so much looking after. I generally took care of everything, everything is beautiful, restaurants, cars. But for some reason they always want more.

Marina Kalinina: What more do you want, tell me? What did the woman demand from you that you were tired of it all?

Viewer: Well, she needs it like in the James Bond movie, so that every day is like the last, right?

Konstantin Churikov: So.

Viewer: Now I gave her in marriage to someone else, now I live like a sultan myself, I enjoy life, I live like an aristocrat, I don’t have to go to work, because I’ve made a little capital for myself, it’s enough for me.

Konstantin Churikov: Igor, what about having children?

Viewer: Well, you know, I also have such an attitude towards children that... I look at other couples, children somehow... Especially in our country, this is an important point, as a family, we are immediately in poverty, right?

Konstantin Churikov: You are the one announcing our latest topic today at 20:00. Yes, thank you, James Bond Igor from Bashkiria.

Anetta Orlova: Well, it seems to me that it is very clear. At first he “babysat” one for 7 years, then he got tired of “babysitting” one, he went to “babysit” others, she got upset and got married, but he doesn’t really want to babysit children. Everything is logical.

Konstantin Churikov: Let's see how lonely Russians, those who still want to "babysit", are still looking for their other halves. Reports from Chelyabinsk, Samara and Lipetsk.

Konstantin Churikov: Let's wish the guy good luck.

5445, we are conducting a survey, do you think it is possible to find a husband or wife on the Internet? “Yes” or “no”, please answer as you think.

Marina Kalinina: You had so many comments while we were watching this story. Share with our viewers what touched or impressed you.

Anetta Orlova: I was impressed... I think that, on the contrary, it confirmed, I would say, the conclusions that already exist. Indeed, there are people for whom it will always be quite difficult to meet people on the street, and it is for this audience, precisely for those who are shy, who are afraid to make contact, who are so timid, for them the Internet option is simply magnificent. Why? Because it’s not for nothing that when you gave research data that those people who meet on the Internet and create couples there are most likely less likely to get divorced. Why? Because there people have the opportunity to first communicate with each other, and only then build further relationships. And it very often happens that over time, timid people, people who, so to speak, are anxious, are able to get to know each other better. Therefore, I am in favor of always having an Internet option. Today there are a huge number of couples who are there.

Marina Kalinina: But Anette, if a person starts lying to himself and so on...

Anetta Orlova: There are risks.

Marina Kalinina:…starting with photography and ending with your essence, as they say.

Konstantin Churikov: This is how it happens in real life.

Anetta Orlova: There are risks. Moreover, there is such a disease...

Marina Kalinina: So at least there’s some kind of intuition, but in general...

Anetta Orlova: In general, there are people who constantly say that they cannot find a partner, they endlessly talk about what is wrong here, what is wrong there, but in fact they simply suffer from addiction. They have 8-9 windows at the same time, they correspond with 8-9 people. There are such people too.

Marina Kalinina: The casting is underway.

Konstantin Churikov: Well, what's the point for them? Pleasure from what?

Anetta Orlova: Very good question, Konstantin. The fact is that those people who have low self-esteem and high hostility towards the opposite sex can use the Internet, but even more so they like to use this short date. I came across, I had people who approached me, who found themselves, in general, in unpleasant situations, when you come on this date, and there is a person who has obviously already come to assert himself. It's the same on the Internet, and in life too. These are people with complexes, who had a difficult breakup with someone, people who are not ready to build a family at all, there will be such people.

But at the same time, everyone who really wanted to find a couple and is patient about it, eventually finds one, because today there are fewer people who meet on the streets, fewer, more volume on the Internet, because there is much less fear of rejection. Walk up to a girl on the street, a man approaches a girl, can you imagine what his risks are? So she will say in front of everyone: “No, I don’t want to.” He'll be upset. Can you imagine what a reduction in investments: you sit there, you just send hearts to everyone, everyone who gave you a heart, you already have so many pairs.

Konstantin Churikov: It's like someone already likes you.

Marina Kalinina: And it seems like you already have a harem.

Anetta Orlova: Well, most of all I liked the boy who said: “Well, in small towns with up to a million people very quickly run out of people.”

Konstantin Churikov: We don’t run out of people, Mary calls us from the Rostov region, that’s exactly how she introduced herself. Mary, hello.

Viewer: Hello.

Konstantin Churikov: Please speak.

Viewer: Yes, I want to say that on the Internet you can meet people and build a family. My sister met her future husband quite by accident on the Internet, they have been living together for 5 years, the 6th year, a beautiful princess is growing up, my niece, God bless her. They enjoy life, although quite by chance they also met on the Internet.

Konstantin Churikov: In this case, what do you want to say, Mary, to State Duma deputy Tamara Pletneva, who wants to ban Internet dating sites?

Viewer: So, everything is very bad for her.

Anetta Orlova: Well done, I figured it out quickly.

Konstantin Churikov: Thanks for your call.

Marina Kalinina: Well, they write us a message from the Sverdlovsk region: “I found my husband on the Internet.” From the Samara region, our viewer believes that one should meet people exclusively on the beach, in order to immediately understand...

Anetta Orlova: Without a catch, everything is visible.

Konstantin Churikov: To be sure.

Anetta Orlova: Yes.

Marina Kalinina: Another funny message from the Oryol region: “There are more single women simply because they live longer.”

Anetta Orlova: This is true.

Marina Kalinina: That is, they are mostly lonely old women.

Konstantin Churikov: I don’t know, the message, in my opinion, is not funny at all, viewer Alyosha from Veliky Ustyug writes to us, I’ll quote directly: “I’m 29 years old, I can’t find a girl because I don’t have a permanent job. I found a 66-year-old grandmother, I live with her, she supports me, but I want children.” I don't know how to comment on this.

Anetta Orlova: Need to comment?

Konstantin Churikov: Yes please.

Anetta Orlova: We are all very different, this is my comment.

Konstantin Churikov: I hope they weren't playing a joke on us. Apparently so.

Anetta Orlova: Doesn't matter. 29 years old, you understand, he found a 66-year-old grandmother, that’s what he calls her, that’s what he writes to you. Need comments? He says that she supports him. What can we advise him?

Marina Kalinina: I think there are no comments here, as they say.

Anetta Orlova: I think so too.

Marina Kalinina: Nellie from Krasnodar region. Nellie, hello.

Viewer: Hello. I listen to your program every day and today I heard a question about whether dating sites should be banned. The fact is that the sites, in my opinion, are unreliable, because I am familiar with this. In the 1990s. there was no Internet, but there were dating services, as well as advertisements in the newspaper. Only the advertisements in the newspaper are not familiar, because it is not known how many letters the author of the advertisement will receive from women, from 40 or from 4.

In the same way, on the Internet, it is unknown how many of these the other half corresponds with, while in the dating service a person came, a man, when meeting you you cannot say “show your passport”, whether you are really divorced or not. In addition, forgive me, someone who is just looking for entertainment, acquaintances, communication, he will not go to show off personal data, a passport and sign up for a dating service, and then, having learned the interests of this person, they will tell him based on his interests whether there is a their file cabinet is the other half for him. In any case, I met my first marriage through a dating service, I just couldn’t forgive because of my youth, not forgive constantly, but I just didn’t forgive once, the marriage broke up.

Then I started looking for my soul mate again. We met on the bus, I said when we met that I had set a goal to get married, in 1996 I would make an announcement, by the New Year if there was no one, I would still get married through the dating service, because only through marriage registration, through the registry office.

Konstantin Churikov: So.

Viewer: And he says: “And if I tell you, let’s go to the registry office?” I say, “Let’s go now.” My husband and I filled out the application and are still living, in 2021 there will be a silver anniversary.

Anetta Orlova: Super.

Konstantin Churikov: Super.

Viewer: Here's the scenario.

Konstantin Churikov: In general, you need to meet people on buses, we understand you.

Marina Kalinina: Good luck to you, what more can I say?

Konstantin Churikov: May you live happily ever after.

Anetta Orlova: I think it's a very good story.

You know, what would I still like to add? Still, there is a difference. I'm told that dating sites are a good place to make matches, but I think social media is a much better option. Why? Because when a woman posts her profile on a dating site, she seems to immediately, in general, declare that she is not doing well in her personal life and is in such an open search. This, to some extent, reduces her attractiveness: the man looks through, yeah, she’s looking, and so on.

But social networks help, firstly, to create the image that you want, and secondly, this is a certain story, including men there, who, if they reacted, are not those who are constantly looking for someone. It seems to me that when choosing a mate on the Internet, you don’t need to write off social networks. Why? Because in essence, this is the same dating site, only there are acquaintances not only of a personal nature, but in principle, and there is your motive, that you are not doing very well in life and you are going to look for someone, it is a little hidden, veiled.

Marina Kalinina: You know, it’s actually funny, because viewers write to us about how they can get acquainted on our social networks in the “Reflection” program, there are already several such messages.

Konstantin Churikov: Listen, by the way, there’s a club with similar interests, people with the same outlook on life, well, different views, but in principle...

Anetta Orlova: Certainly.

Konstantin Churikov: Come on, join us in the “Reflections” groups on social networks.

And let's listen to the call, we now have Gennady in touch from Moscow. Hello.

Viewer: Yes, good evening, presenters, good evening, Anetta. I immediately express my respect to her, because the girl, of course, is smart.

Anetta Orlova: Thank you.

Viewer: What can I say about the Internet and everything else? Here’s my personal example: my brother met a girl through a dating site, they talked for a month and a half, then they got married, a daughter was born, thank God everything is fine with them. Although I am a little more, let’s say, traditional, I am, in principle, for dating, let’s say, live, that is, without the Internet, but I am older, I am still of the old school, when we still met on the street, so in this regard it is easier.

And now, if you look at the upbringing of children, they are a little out of touch with society, they are all “involved” in computerization, on the Internet, and then they have a problem communicating in person, that is, it is pronounced. And often... My work is a little so sociable, the girls themselves say that sometimes they want someone to come up to them, no matter in the subway, in a cafe, but our men are so lethargic and inactive that they cannot... Here he stands, he will look, I apologize, “lick your lips”, but it won’t come close. This now, it seems to me, is a problem of the 21st or 22nd century, it’s terribly serious. I feel sorry for the girls, guys...

Marina Kalinina: Now, in my opinion, girls are more active and are ready to come up and make acquaintances if they feel that they are being looked at and “licked.”

Viewer: Yes, yes, yes, I agree with you.

Konstantin Churikov: It was Gennady from Moscow. Thanks for your call.

You know, there’s literally a postscript, a few messages. Moscow writes: “It’s not about the site, it’s about who’s behind the keyboard.” And the Tver region writes: “It’s not scary if you’re alone, it’s scary if you’re zero.”

We talked about dating. Thank you very much.

Marina Kalinina: Thank you.

Anetta Orlova: Thank you, too.

Konstantin Churikov: In the studio we had...

Marina Kalinina:...Anetta Orlova, psychologist, candidate of sociological sciences.

Konstantin Churikov: In a couple of minutes we will continue with “Reflection”.

December 23, 2017

Anetta Orlova needs no introduction today. This is a talented specialist with great internal resources. She is invited to participate in various programs and popular TV shows: “Let Them Talk,” “Fashionable Sentence,” etc. Psychologist Anetta Orlova works with complete dedication. She is ready to invest her strength and spend a large amount of energy on the development of her own activities. A sincere desire to help the client, the desire to understand his fears and anxieties makes her work truly valuable. Let's get to know this amazing woman better.

Anetta Orlova: biography, nationality

The future psychologist was born on May 10, 1980 in Moscow. Her parents were successful people and devoted a lot of time to their daughter's development. The girl was curious and active, and her studies were easy for her. Anetta grew up in an atmosphere of love and family well-being. Her mother and father sought to fill her heart with light and joy, and to pass on their own useful skills. In general, the learning process was enjoyable: the child participated in various Olympiads and competitions and strived to learn something new.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming an actress. But the father was categorically against it; he considered the profession frivolous and unworthy of his daughter’s high potential. The girl decided to choose another activity for herself, no less exciting and interesting. She entered Moscow State Pedagogical University with a degree in Sociology, and then received additional education as a psychologist.

The biography of Anetta Orlova is quite entertaining. Family life can be called successful: a successful marriage, the birth of two children - son Edward and daughter Sofia. Surrounded by close people, she feels confident, self-sufficient and happy.

There is a lot of debate on the Internet about what nationality Anetta can be classified as. Many attribute her to Armenian origin based on her appearance. However, the nationality of Anetta Orlova remains a mystery today. The main thing, perhaps, is completely different: she knows how to spread goodness, work with complete dedication, sparing no time and effort.

The path to psychology

It was quite difficult, full of personal struggles and aspirations. At the age of 28, something inexplicable happened to her: the woman became seriously ill. For a long time she could not understand what was happening to her. Numerous examinations did not bring the desired result, there was no relief. Then Anetta turned to her inner resources.

She was constantly looking for a way out: she visited doctors, studied psychology, and strived to realize her abilities. At some point, the realization came that we needed to take responsibility for what was happening. The path to psychology was not easy. But thanks to her own efforts, the woman was able to overcome her fears and doubts.


Any self-improvement is impossible without purposeful work on oneself. In a relatively short period of time, Anetta Orlova has become the author of numerous trainings on personal growth.

"How to be yourself"

Many people live their lives constantly trying to live up to the expectations of others. They do not notice their own preferences and do not listen to their desires. This is a fundamentally wrong position that does not allow you to achieve success. Only by cultivating individuality within oneself can one come closer to realizing one’s own infinite essence. To be yourself is the greatest blessing. As a rule, it is achieved only by strong individuals who are ready to fight to the end and not give up in the face of emerging difficulties. How to achieve this state? What steps should I take?

The psychologist in the training work leads to the idea that you first need to decide on your goals, and then implement them in order of priority. Remaining yourself means having a great advantage over those who are afraid to act and constantly hide behind other people's victories. You shouldn't stay in the shadows. You need to work towards success, make every effort to achieve what you want.

"Fighting Fears"

Every person is afraid of something: losing a job, losing peace of mind or losing loved ones. We sometimes don’t realize how much we drive ourselves into fears, thereby hindering our further development. According to the psychologist, the struggle should begin with the awareness of frightening images. It is necessary to move away from the position of a victim and begin to accumulate new experience. Positive thinking begins with acceptance. Defeating fear means stopping putting yourself in limiting frames and starting to breathe deeply. Here you need to work with self-esteem, since this component directly affects the degree to which a person accepts himself.


How often does it haunt us in life, preventing us from enjoying its benefits! Sometimes people are ready to endlessly sacrifice themselves just to avoid facing numerous difficulties. The psychologist advises to definitely work through the feeling of guilt and not let it grow in your soul. Freed from this painful feeling, a person will be able to achieve any goals that he sets for himself.

"Child-parent relationships"

This topic never loses its relevance. The relationship between parents and children can only rarely be called simple and understandable. Orlova insists that every person needs to go through a stage of forgiveness and acceptance before trying to build their own life. Child-parent experience greatly influences the building of close, trusting relationships with a partner.


The activities of a psychologist are not limited to training work. Anetta Orlova's books are an additional source of wisdom and accumulated knowledge, which she generously shares with readers. When you get acquainted with these amazing texts, you are surprised: how much spiritual purity is contained in them!

"Fears of real men"

An amazing work that women should read to learn to better understand their other halves. The book talks about what the stronger sex is really afraid of.

Where do these fears come from? How do they manifest themselves? What are effective ways to solve emerging problems? The reader will find answers to these and other questions in the book.

"The man of your dreams"

The text is filled with positive thoughts and talks about what obstacles prevent the fair half of humanity from finding a reliable and strong companion. It often happens that women create problems for themselves and push away a potential gentleman.

Meanwhile, the man of your dreams may be very close and not even suspect the possibility of an imminent fateful meeting.

"Catch him on the web"

Today, people are increasingly meeting each other via the Internet. For many, it’s easier to overcome their natural shyness and become convinced that happiness is very close. What should you do to attract a man's attention? What rules should you remember when communicating online? Answers to these and other questions can be found in this book.

"A woman in a beautiful business"

Is it possible to achieve success in activities that bring pleasure? Why is self-realization so necessary and useful for a girl? What results should you strive for and why do you need enormous patience?

This book will open up additional perspectives for you and help you look at the surrounding reality differently. Maybe thanks to her you will gain invaluable experience in building your own interesting business.

Life position

Anetta Orlova claims that one of the most powerful feelings is gratitude. It is difficult to disagree with this position. It is gratitude that releases in a person a huge amount of energy necessary for self-realization. Each of us has a great life resource, even if we are not aware of it. This is why a person has the ability to cope with difficulties when in difficult situations. The psychologist’s life motto is the phrase: “If someone wants to bury you, remember that you are seeds and sprout.” The main thing is to move forward and not stop halfway. Photos by Anetta Orlova confirm this idea. A truly successful person always looks good and radiates a glow of confidence and beauty.

Thus, the personality of Anetta Orlova deserves attention. Her books and trainings are very popular precisely because she found herself in an interesting profession that can benefit other people. The work of a psychologist makes it possible to improve yourself, constantly engage in personal growth and at the same time do something useful for others.

Annetta Orlova was born in Moscow on May 10, 1980, according to her horoscope she is Taurus. Orlova is a happy mother, wife and successful woman. Annetta often appears on various television shows and is the radio host of a popular program on the Mayak radio station. Orlova was able to achieve professional and family harmony. Now her advice is listened to by millions of women who want to find happiness and harmony not only in their personal lives, but also in their profession.

As a child, she wanted to become an actress, but her dad considered it a frivolous profession. Annetta did a lot of music, gymnastics, and was a creative person. The girl knew the Russian language and literature well, so she actively participated in various Olympiads. Since dad was against the acting profession, the girl decided to choose something more serious.

As a result, Orlova tried to become a student at the Financial Academy under the government of the Russian Federation, but she lacked one point. Therefore, she entered Moscow State Pedagogical University, where she received an education as a sociologist, and a little later as a psychologist.

Now Annetta Orlova is the most popular and sought-after psychologist on television. She is invited as a consultant to the programs “Let Them Talk,” “I’m Filing for Divorce,” “Fashionable Sentence” and many others. Recently, Orlova was invited to become a co-host in the “House Upside Down” program, which airs on the TV Center channel.

Annetta Orlova is a successful psychologist; she often advises her clients, solving their personal and family problems. The psychologist refuses celebrity clients, because they often have very complicated problems and situations. Behind the glitz and brilliance, as a rule, a lot of bad things are hidden.

Orlova not only hosts programs, but also writes books. At the moment, she has already written three publications in the genre of popular psychology. The latest book is “The Man of Your Dreams. Find. Attract. Tame."

Annetta Orlova is the co-host of the program “Woman's Operation Manual. Reception for personal matters" on radio "Mayak". The presenter touches on current issues of personal relationships: the role of money in relationships, whether it is necessary to demand from a man that he be a real man, etc. At the moment, more than sixty episodes have been published.

Anetta Orlova: personal life

Best of the day

Now Orlova is a happy mother of two children, although, as she says, she decided to become a mother late, which she regrets. Annette got married quite early, at twenty-two. Her husband Konstantin was already divorced by that time, and Orlova and her mother-in-law raised his son from his first marriage, Artem. At that time, Annetta did not think about her children; she wanted to be more fulfilled in her career than in motherhood.

A difficult test befell her, which completely changed the psychologist’s worldview. At the age of 28, Annetta became very ill, she lost weight to 41 kg, went through many operations, but the doctors could not find out what was wrong with her. After lengthy treatment, the girl was sent home with the words that they could no longer help. With the support of her family and friends, Orlova began to fight the disease. She and her husband traveled to all the holy places, Annetta began to study psychology more, and in the end, Orlova was able to defeat the disease and recover.

Now Annetta is a happy mother and a successful woman. Her eldest son Eduard recently turned 6 years old. Daughter Sofia turned 2 years old. Children perceive their mother's popularity well. Only two-year-old Sofia is often surprised when she sees two mothers - on TV and at home. The husband also understands popularity; he is glad that his wife has found her calling.

Annetta Orlova: bibliography

Fears of real men that every woman should know

In the fight for real men. Fears of real women

The man of your dreams. Find. Attract. Tame