The name Yaroslav in different languages ​​of the world. Name Yaroslav origin and meaning

According to phonosemantic analysis, the name Yaroslav is associated with something majestic, light, bright. These characteristics fully correspond to the owner of the name, who gives the impression of a self-sufficient, decisive and strong-willed person.

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A man knows how to make a positive impression on others, strives to attract attention and stand out from the crowd. He endures life's adversities with steadfastness and quickly adapts to new circumstances. Thanks to courage, ambition and determination, he reaches unprecedented career heights. Yaroslav is emotional, sensitive and friendly, but can turn into a tough tyrant if someone offends his dignity. When faced with frequent disappointments, he puts on a mask of coldness and indifference so as not to feel vulnerable.

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    Meaning and origin of the name

    Linguists studying the mystery of the name Yaroslav are inclined to believe that it is of Slavic origin. The concept of “yar” (the first part of the name) in pagan Rus' meant “fertility, life-giving power,” and “slav” is translated as “glory.” It was believed that life-giving power should be dosed - then it will turn into creative energy. Otherwise, the force will become destructive: it is not for nothing that the particle “yar” is the basis of the noun “rage”.

    According to this interpretation, the meaning of the name is “one who is famous for vitality.”

    There is an assumption that “yar” is translated as “strong”, “hot”, “energetic”, “bright”. In this case, the name can be interpreted as “fierce”, “possessing strength”, “having glory”, “bright glory”, “glorious and strong”. It is quite possible that male name is a direct reference to Slavic god The sun, the most revered and respected by pagan ancestors, and means “glorifying Yarila.”

    The most common forms of the name: Yarik, Yaroslavka, Yarechek, Yarus, Yaroslavchik, Yaroslavushka, Yarechka, Rostik, Slavunya, Slavusya, Slava, Rosya, Slavochka, Yarosh, Yara, Yarka, Yarda, Jarek, Yarko. Derived patronymics: Yaroslavovich, YaroslavichloYaroslavovnalavich; Yaroslavovna, Yaroslavna. Female equivalent: Yaroslava.

    The ancient address Jaros is still common in Poland and the Czech Republic. The names of the cities Yaroslavl (Russia) and Yaroslav (Poland) came from the name of Grand Duke Yaroslav.

    Famous people who glorified the name Yaroslav:

    • artists Krestovsky, Mogutin;
    • writers and poets Ivashkevich, Rymkevich, Galan, Hasek, Smelyakov;
    • actors Boyko, Baryshev, Garnaev, Zhalnin;
    • athletes Khabarov, Shpachek, Martynyuk, Shaitar, Rakitsky, Rybakov, Irzhik;
    • Belarusian singer Evdokimov;
    • Polish-French military leader Dombrowski;
    • Soviet and Russian journalist Golovanov;
    • famous Czech violinist and composer Pekelsky.

    Astrology and numerology

    Name Astrology:

    • planet – Sun, Pluto;
    • element – ​​Air;
    • metal - tin;
    • the corresponding zodiac sign is Leo, Gemini.

    TO magical symbols and talismans include:

    • Number – 4.
    • Color – green, scarlet, white, brown.
    • The plant is nettle.
    • Tree - oak.
    • The totem animal is the pheasant.
    • Talisman stone – marble, agate, amber.
    • A lucky day of the week is Sunday.
    • Happy time of year - winter, summer.
    • Significant years of life – 31, 54.

    In numerology, the name corresponds to the number 4. A man with such a destiny number is hardy, hardworking, persistent, decisive, unshakable in his principles and judgments, has realistic views on the world around us. He does not like chaos and change, values ​​stability and predictability. He knows exactly what he wants from life, and also understands how to achieve his goals. Doesn't have his head in the clouds and doesn't waste time on empty talk.

    A guy with such a destiny number is rational, pragmatic, practical, and relies on himself and his own strengths in everything. Believes that any award should be deserved.

    By nature he is a monogamous man, but may seem callous and dry to his chosen one. Emotional coldness is more than compensated by the man’s reliability and devotion, so any girl will feel like she’s behind a stone wall with him. Character flaws include stubbornness, tediousness, and sluggishness. The person zealously defends his point of view, does not know how to trust people and looks overly suspicious. Often he cannot relax because he considers any entertainment a waste of time.

    Such a man is created for a family business or a “family” profession (he can continue the dynasty of doctors, teachers, etc.). Likes methodical work that requires performing the same cycle. Monotony and routine do not frighten him at all. He often becomes a highly qualified specialist in his chosen industry.

    Since full form the name consists of 7 letters, this indicates the guy’s constancy, his desire to live in accordance with the rules, established by society or vaccinated parents.

    Letter decoding:

    • I am a romantic person with a rich imagination. A person who knows his worth craves fame and recognition.
    • R – extraordinary thinking, responsibility, developed intuition. In love he is authoritarian, but prefers partnerships.
    • O – cheerfulness, optimism, hard work, creativity. Such a man communicates only with those people whom he completely trusts.
    • S – stubbornness, unpredictability, desire for material well-being, capriciousness, excessive demands on a partner.
    • L – artistry, logical thinking, sometimes narcissism and disregard for others.
    • A – activity, energy, desire for leadership, mental and physical harmony.
    • B – optimism, sociability, love of art. Such a man is a monogamist, so he usually marries once and for life.

    History and religion

    The name Yaroslav became widespread in Rus' with the advent of Christianity, in the 10th-11th centuries AD. e. In history, the name is associated with the Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise, who came from a noble Rurik family. The majestic name of the legendary ruler quickly became a status one and was used mainly by the upper class, as evidenced by 15 representatives royal dynasties. Among them: Prince of Turov, Novgorod Yaroslav Izyaslavich, Prince of Pereyaslav Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Prince of Ryazan Yaroslav Alexandrovich, etc.

    After October Revolution interest in the name disappeared and was revived only after 1990. Today it ranks 18th in the ranking of the most popular in the Russian Federation.

    The main patron saint of all owners of the name is considered to be the blessed prince Yaroslav the Wise, who served his people and state with faith and truth. He managed to stop the fratricidal war, defeated the enemy army of the Pechenegs, built many churches, schools, and laid the foundation for chronicle writing. The times of his reign are considered the heyday Kievan Rus. Even the death of his beloved son at the hands of the pagans did not become a reason for revenge on the idolaters. Yaroslav built the Church of the Annunciation on the site of his death, which converted more quantity people into the Christian faith.

    Name day dates by church calendar:

    Personality formation

    The powerful energy of the name gives its owner a complex and contradictory character. In order for a child to succeed in life and learn to build harmonious relationships with others, parents need to be as frank and sincere as possible with him. In the event of quarrels and discord in the family, the boy will become withdrawn, and it will be extremely difficult to gain his trust.

    At the same time, Yaroslav should not be protected from problems and difficulties. Otherwise, he will grow up lacking initiative and indecisive.


    Little Yarik is a capricious, stubborn and wayward boy who finds it difficult to adapt to society. In appearance he resembles his mother, in character he resembles his father. Since childhood, he has become the universal favorite of numerous relatives, but cannot find common language with peers. The reason is the desire to dominate and impose your own rules on others.

    The baby gets offended when he is not listened to, becomes irritable and unrestrained. His mood and preferences change at the speed of sound: today Yarik is delighted with his new friend, and tomorrow he doesn’t even want to say hello to him.

    The boy learns to read and write early, is interested in fantasy stories and adventure novels, and often dreams of becoming a military man or a pilot. He compensates for the lack of friends by reading books, so he spends most of his time at home. It is important for a child to grow up in an atmosphere of love and warmth: then he becomes more flexible. Frequent quarrels between parents cause the child to withdraw into himself and become ruthless and tough.

    Yaroslav is easily influenced, so it will not be difficult for mom and dad to raise a worthy son.

    The owner of the name is an inquisitive, quick-witted and intelligent boy, so studying comes easily to him. The only thing that prevents you from joining the ranks of excellent students is bad behavior. It is difficult for teachers to cope with an overly independent and wayward student who does not recognize any authority and does not want to obey.


    Young Yaroslav is courageous, strong-willed and a brave guy. He endures all the hardships of life and never talks about his problems and experiences. He gives the impression of a man whose spirit cannot be broken, but in reality this is just a mask behind which hides a sensitive and vulnerable soul. It is difficult for the owner of the name to trust people, because he is terrified of disappointment and betrayal. Those close to him know him from the other side and value him for his responsiveness, kindness and ability to empathize and compassion.

    IN adolescence Yarik can hardly restrain his pride, he can be vain and is not at all ashamed of it. He often becomes a team leader: his opinion is always listened to, and his company is respected. In an unfavorable environment, he can become the ringleader of hooligans and get involved in dubious adventures, so it is better for parents not to lose contact with their son. Due to his impulsiveness and hot temper, a guy often follows the impulses of his heart, forgetting about logic, and therefore makes many mistakes. The owner of the name is vengeful and vindictive, so it is better to be friends with him than to fight.

    Adult life

    Adult Yaroslav is a brave, persistent, decisive man who always achieves his goals. Strives for material well-being, dreams of becoming the first and best in everything. Selfish, arrogant, never puts himself on the same level as others: he believes that he is superior to others both in intelligence and appearance. Has an amazing ability to get away with it: quickly adapts to new circumstances, knows how to instantly accept right decisions. He wants his talents and merits to be appreciated.

    The owner of the name knows how to make a favorable impression on others: he is smart, well-mannered, gallant, friendly and affable. His model of behavior is dictated by society: Yaroslav behaves exactly as those around him would like, because he believes that others know better from the outside. It is not surprising that thanks to such adaptability, a man easily joins any team.

    Faced with frequent betrayals from loved ones, he stops trusting people and withdraws into himself. Believes that frankness is an unaffordable luxury that leads to a broken heart. Deep down, he dreams of a reliable friend or life partner. Having not met a worthy person, he can find solace in religion and philosophy.

    Character traits and fate

    Yaroslav is a dual nature and completely incomprehensible even to those close to him. He tries to look stern, impartial and not show his best qualities so as not to appear weak. Self-confidence sometimes develops into vanity, leadership into outright dictatorship.

    A man loves nature, children, can be gentle and touching, and then instantly turn into a tough and merciless tyrant.

    It is not surprising that he has few close friends, and the owner of the name himself does not strive to make close friendships: he is quite satisfied with friendly relations. There is no point in imposing your company on Yaroslav, since he does not like it when someone tries to get into his soul. A persistent interlocutor can receive a harsh rebuff, because a man is scary when angry.

    The information presented in the table will help you better understand the owner of the name:



    Temperament type

    Phlegmatic person

    Yaroslav has a stable psyche and knows how to control his emotions. Selfishness and commercialism are hidden behind a mask of goodwill and openness. Sometimes he can be too cruel and stubborn

    Intelligence, thinking

    The owner of the name is a subtle analyst who knows how to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Considers the situation as a whole, without getting hung up on details. Quickly separates the important from the unimportant


    The guy has a well-developed intuition, but he never listens to inner voice preferring to use common sense


    Yaroslav demands that those around him observe moral standards, but he gives himself many concessions and often compromises with his conscience. The guy believes that everyone should live in accordance with their worldview


    Wisdom, energy, determination, firmness, self-confidence, perseverance


    Irony, vanity, cynicism, secrecy

    Yaroslav’s favorite hobby is traveling: the guy loves new emotions and impressions. Free time prefers to spend time alone or in a narrow family circle, avoids noisy companies. Loves animals and has several pets. Enjoys gardening.

    Connection with the seasons

    Character traits are directly influenced by the time of year when the owner of the name was born.


    “Winter” Yaroslav has an analytical mind, good memory, and the ability to predict the outcome of a project. He is meticulous, scrupulous, strives to get to the bottom of the problem, and will pester those around him with questions until he finds answers to them. He is conflict-free, avoids gossip and intrigue, knows how to listen, and quickly adapts to new circumstances.

    Character flaws include isolation and silence. The guy is interested in natural sciences, has a literary gift and good musical abilities.


    The owner of the name, born in spring, is a sincere, generous, generous and compassionate man, capable of empathy and compassion. He will never refuse help or leave you in trouble; he firmly believes that good begets good. He does a lot for friends and relatives, but demands the same complete dedication from them. Thanks to his cheerful and easy-going disposition, sociability and openness, he is loved and welcomed in any company.

    "Spring" Yaroslav is incredibly talented. Best of luck will be able to achieve in the creative field: journalism, directing, acting, choreography.


    “Summer” Yaroslav is an emotional, sensitive, vulnerable and kind guy who easily succumbs to the influence of others. Loves children and animals very much. The formation of his personality is influenced by the environment and parental upbringing, so adults need to monitor the child and control his connections.

    In critical situations, he shows persistence and stubbornness, suddenly becoming tough and merciless. Difficulties in relationships with others arise due to the suspiciousness and touchiness of the owner of the name. For the same reason, it is difficult for him to build a career.


    The owner of the name “Autumn” is a nature with a fine mental organization, impressionable and vulnerable. This spiritual man is interested in issues of the universe on a planetary scale, so it is likely that he can become a clergyman.

    Yaroslav firmly believes in his beliefs, but modesty and isolation hinder his career growth. The man is diplomatic, correct, will always listen and give practical advice, so people often turn to him for help. Patient, prudent, does not make hasty decisions, carefully considers his every step.


    Yaroslav has good health, so all he can do is keep his body in good shape: exercise, watch his diet, and follow a daily routine.

    Vulnerable places: pancreas and stomach. It is not recommended to abuse fatty and high-calorie foods. It is advisable to periodically undergo a full medical examination in order to prevent the development of possible diseases.

    Work and career

    Nature has awarded Yaroslav with many talents, so he can succeed in any field of activity, be it creativity, show business, science or religion. The man is fearless, ambitious, full of determination and confidence in own strength, therefore, has all the prerequisites for rapid career advancement.

    Yaroslav is respected by his colleagues and superiors, knows how to work in a team, and gets along with people easily.

    Suitable professions:

    • writer;
    • artist;
    • trainer;
    • translator;
    • medical worker;
    • teacher;
    • engineer;
    • musician;
    • builder;
    • carpenter;
    • auto mechanic;
    • clergyman.

    Compatibility in the business sphere is observed with Yana, Zlata, Alina, Alisa, Vasilisa, Ekaterina, Maria, Daria. Lack of mutual understanding is possible with Natalya, Nadezhda, Amina, Marina, Anna, Victoria, Elena, Ksenia, Ulyana, Diana. A successful tandem will be with Christina, Margarita, Valeria, Veronica, Yulia, Vera, Alena, Eva, Olga.


    Yaroslav has business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit, so he can become a successful businessman. The ability to act clearly and make quick decisions will help you survive in the face of serious competition and promote your idea or project. Thanks to purposefulness, determination, responsibility, and hard work, a man will complete the work he has begun and achieve the best results.

    The owner of the name does not tend to stop there, so it is likely that he will be able to bring the business to new level. Unlike many other entrepreneurs, Yaroslav uses the chances that fate gives him and takes only justifiable risks.

    Love and sexuality

    The owner of the name is by nature a monogamist, so he is not inclined to change partners often. He is passionate, temperamental, jealous, but forgives his soulmate a lot, even betrayal and deception. Capable of deep feelings, he can become attached to a woman for a long time.

    Yaroslav is attracted to extravagant and self-confident young ladies who take a long time to achieve. The more unapproachable a girl is, the more interest she will arouse. Being a hunter by nature, he strives to subjugate his chosen one, achieves submission and obedience from her. He wants to be respected and feared at the same time.

    Yaroslav – sexy strong man, perceives intimacy as one of the greatest pleasures. He dominates in bed and takes the initiative himself. He gets excited when a woman becomes weak and submissive in his arms. He loves to make love for a long time, so a partner as temperamental as himself can completely satisfy the owner of the name. Not feeling the fullness of feelings and emotions, the guy hides his dissatisfaction, fearing to offend his chosen one.

    Family and marriage

    Yaroslav treats women as fragile creatures who need to be cared for, cherished and protected, but he himself demands maximum return from his chosen one. Usually he marries late because he does not want to part with freedom and independence. The first marriage most often fails, but after the divorce the man still continues to experience tender romantic feelings for his ex-wife and involuntarily compares her with his new passions. Such behavior negatively affects subsequent relationships with women.

    Yaroslav's wife becomes a soft and patient girl who does not pretend to be a leader in the family and is ready to obey her husband unquestioningly in everything. The owner of the name loves his wife and children, but rarely expresses his feelings openly. Emotional coldness is compensated by the stability and reliability of a man. Romantic impulses are not characteristic of him, but he is able to financially provide for his family.


    Information about the compatibility of Yaroslav with female names will help you find a worthy life partner.

    The chances of success are high with the bearers of the following names:

    • Anna. In this union there is passion, love, friendship, and mutually beneficial partnership. Lovers value spiritual comfort, while the material aspect fades into the background.
    • Elena. Partners have common life goals and values, so they move in the same direction. The lack of passion is compensated by reliability and confidence in the future.
    • Julia. This is a tandem of two equal partners, each of whom works for the benefit of the family. Relationships are built on trust and mutual respect.
    • Catherine. The lovers harmoniously complement each other, as if they were halves of a whole. They are united by common family values ​​and goals.
    • Natalia. Partners are interested in spending time together: they love to travel, discuss books they have read, avoid noisy companies, enjoying each other’s company. For both, family is the basis of life.
    • Maria. The couple reigns complete harmony and idyll. Lovers are inseparable, work together for the good of the family, avoid quarrels and conflicts.
    • Inna. Partners have high sexual compatibility, common interests and hobbies, so the marriage promises to be strong and long.

    Difficulties in relationships may arise with owners of the following names:

    • Olga. The girl dreams of stability, and the guy lives for today. Nobody wants to compromise, so a breakup is inevitable.
    • Anastasia. A passionate and stormy romance is possible, but marriage is unlikely, since each partner values ​​personal freedom and independence above all.
    • Marina. Light and casual romantic relationship rarely end in marriage. The girl is ready to start a family, and the man is still in search of the ideal life partner.
    • Christina. Partners have different life values, priorities, interests and aspirations, so there is no mutual understanding in their union. Even deep feelings will not save a marriage.
    • Hope. A serious and practical girl cannot come to terms with the fact that her chosen one does not want to take responsibility for the family, so she considers him frivolous and flighty.
    • Irina. Temperamental and freedom-loving partners fall in love with each other at first sight. When the passion passes, it turns out that none of them is ready for a family relationship.
    • Lyudmila. The girl is extremely emotional, subject to frequent mood swings, and the guy has no desire to indulge his beloved’s whims. He is much more interested in his own person, so marriage is unlikely.

    Astrological characteristics

    Compose a more complete psychological portrait will help astrological characteristic in accordance with the zodiac sign to which one or another name owner belongs:

    • Aries. Honest, hardworking, sincere, consistent in actions and deeds. Passionate in love, but strives for leadership.
    • Taurus. An affable and charming guy with an iron willpower. He enjoys success with women and demands complete obedience from his partner.
    • Twins. Hides greedy interests behind a mask of friendliness. He is fickle in love and is known as a conqueror of women's hearts.
    • Cancer. Proud, intelligent, knows how to make an impression, inspires trust. I am committed to long-term relationships.
    • Lion. An arrogant and vain guy, he strives to impose his opinion on others. Having achieved a woman, he immediately loses interest in her.
    • Virgo. A proud, but insecure and reserved man. Doesn't know how to make independent decisions. All his life he has been searching for the ideal woman.
    • Scales. A gentle, romantic, vulnerable, charismatic person. It is very popular among girls.
    • Scorpion. Powerful and energetic, a leader by nature. He loves passionately and is very jealous.
    • Sagittarius. A sociable, good-natured, sympathetic, intelligent man who lives in harmony with himself and the world around him.
    • Capricorn. Thoughtful, reasonable, prefers solitude. Loving, but not capable of deep feelings.
    • Aquarius. A persistent and stubborn guy, he lives by his own interests. Marries late.
    • Fish. A generous, cheerful, cheerful man, the life of the party. He is in love, but does not want to get married.

Yaroslav is a personal masculine treatment with primordial Slavic roots, defining its bearer as a man glorious in rage and vitality. “Rage and glory”, “glorifying Yarila” - these are the versions of the interpretation of the nickname.

Origin of the name

According to one of the theories of the emergence of a powerful, energetically strong princely name, it was intended to endow its owner with the anger, rage and unwavering decisions needed to control people. However, it is possible that the basis of the appeal is not “rage”, but “yar” - a word denoting life-giving force, fertility, that is, giving the will to live.

The third, pagan version suggests that this was the name of the zealous admirer of the glorious God Yarila, because in those days one could hear everywhere: “Yarilo, glory!” One thing is certain that the name Yaroslav, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is dear as the Slavic heritage, can have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby and can endow his character with strong-willed qualities.

General characteristics

Yarik grows up as a smart and ambitious boy. From fairy tales and films about superheroes, he strives to adopt only the positive qualities of his favorite characters, and tries to be closer to his movie idol through good deeds.
A boy with a rich inner world always has a house full of friends; together they have fun, acting out scenes from their favorite cartoons, telling each other entertaining stories.

The little dreamer has many hobbies; even when he is alone, he will never get bored. Parents should support their son's interests and help him choose the right hobbies so as not to waste energy and time.

Slava shows extraordinary abilities in his studies, but he is in no hurry to become an excellent student, because he does not need increased interest from annoying adults. The boy's talent is multifaceted - no matter what Yarushka takes on, he does it well.
So that the person bearing the name Yaroslav - the meaning of the name for a child emphasizes parental attention! – confidently walked towards the intended goals, he constantly needs to be encouraged and controlled, trying not to cross the line of personal space and without causing harm inner world beloved child.

Positive character traits

Yaroslavka is a caring child who even takes care of indoor plants. He always takes care of younger kids. If he has younger brothers or sisters, it will be doubly easier for parents to look after them. And, God forbid, if mom gets sick, the boy will be the first to volunteer to go to the pharmacy and store, without hesitation he will take on her household chores. Having matured, Yarik continues to take care of all family members, considering it his duty.

The young man knows how to remain calm in stressful situation, it is impossible to piss him off; he always understands what he is doing and most often does the right thing. Wherever Slavushkina’s childhood timidity and uncertainty disappear, this guy invariably attracts the attention of those around him and clearly understands what he wants.

Negative character traits

Yaroslav is vain. He is quite capable, having gained trust in a person, to use him for his own personal purposes. Promoted modern society permissiveness causes in the owner of the name an irresistible feeling to rise above the world and bask in the rays of glory, and the winner does not care what price must be paid for this.

Yaroslav does not know how to trust people. He carefully hides his true feelings and thoughts so that no one can guess about them. Sometimes it’s really hard for a man, because even in his beloved one he sees a potential threat to the realization of his goals and plans.

Zodiac sign

Glorious qualities of character - organization, determination, the will to win, rigor and hard work - will be embodied in the bearer of the name, born in the sign of Leo.
The patron planet for Yaroslav will be the warm, majestic Sun.
The scarlet color is rightfully considered a symbol of the name.
Sunny, semi-precious amber in the jewelry worn by Yaroslav will bring him good luck and give him peace of mind.


Yarik, Yaroslavka, Yaroslavchik, Slava, Slavka, Slavik, Yaroslavushka, Yarosya, Slavushka.

Name options

Yaroslav, Yaslav.

Historical figures

978 – 1054 – Kyiv prince Yaroslav the Wise.
1883 – 1923 – Czech writer and journalist Jaroslav Hasek.
1898 – 1978 – Czech violinist Jaroslav Pekelsky.
1942 – 2013 – Soviet, Russian actor Yaroslav Baryshev.
1946 – singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Yaroslav Evdokimov.
Born 1948 - Czech football player Jaroslav Grzebik.
Born 1949 – Polish politician Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
Born 1970 – Russian politician Yaroslav Ternovsky.
Born 1970 - Russian actor Yaroslav Boyko.
Born 1974 – Czech hockey player Jaroslav Spaček.
Born 1974 – Russian artist and writer Yaroslav Mogutin.
Born 1980 - Russian track and field athlete Yaroslav Rybakov.
Born 1982 – Czech football player Jaroslav Plašil.
Born 1989 – Ukrainian football player Yaroslav Rakitsky.
Born 1989 – Russian hockey player Yaroslav Khabarov.

Yaroslav is a male name of Slavic origin, consisting of two stems. It has two roots: “yar” (bright) and “slav” (glory). The literal meaning of the name Yaroslav is “bright glory.” Given name- one of the few Slavic languages ​​accepted by the Russian Orthodox Church. To date, it has become widespread in five countries: Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. Two cities were named in honor of Prince Yaroslav the Wise: Yaroslavl and Yaroslav.

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      Name day

      During the year, a person named Yaroslav has name days according to the church calendar three times:

      • March 5 (in a leap year - March 4) is the memorial day of Prince Yaroslav the Wise.
      • June 3 is the memorial day of Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich of Murom.
      • February 11 or December 8 is the memorial day of the holy martyr Archpriest Yaroslav Savitsky.
      • This is interesting! Until 2005, the name Yaroslav had name days only twice: June 3 and February 11 (December 8). Only on December 8, 2005, when His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II blessed the name of Prince Yaroslav the Wise and it was included in the calendar, the third ones appeared (March 4-5).

        Character and destiny

        Among children his age, Yaroslav has a difficult, even somewhat stubborn character. During his childhood, he is very energetic, which is why he cannot sit in one place for a long time. But, even if you manage to keep an eye on him at home, the boy will still do something at school, for which teachers will often complain about him. Since childhood, he strives to show independence and does not want to follow the rules established by other people.

        Yaroslav is a sporty person. In martial arts he will be able to reveal his full potential. High concentration and the desire to win will help him in this. In order to achieve the goal set for him, he is ready to use all his skills.

        Even though slowness in Yaroslav’s character may initially be noticeable, one cannot help but notice perseverance and firmness in the person. He is a secretive person who does not at all like to share his thoughts and feelings with anyone. When communicating with him, you should not take all his statements to heart. In his irony, Yaroslav sometimes goes too far, but in reality he is more friendly than everyone seems at the first meeting.

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        Position in society

        In a team, the boy always tries to show himself as courageous and persistent. If he has any difficulties, he usually deals with them on his own, without complaining to anyone. His spirit is so strong that it will not break even if serious pressure is put on him. Often others believe that Yaroslav lacks weak points. He is very susceptible to compliments.

        In a team, the boy’s leadership qualities often manifest themselves. Among friends, who are usually robbers like himself, Yaroslav feels comfortable. Vanity is no stranger to him, and he sees nothing shameful in this. In fact, since junior classes he manages to earn good authority. In any company, his opinion will always not be in last place.

        The owner of this name usually places himself above others. He is often selfish and considers himself the best in the team. Whatever the situation the guy finds himself in, he manages to avoid unpleasant consequences. He succeeds because he quickly reacts to a rapidly changing situation, and, if necessary, applies tough measures. Such character qualities will turn out to be indispensable if a guy in the future wants to connect his fate with entrepreneurial activity.

        Yaroslav is successful in almost any field of activity. He has a lot of talents. In the future, professions related to art (acting or artistic activity), because he needs fame and recognition. Thanks to perseverance, determination and innate abilities, he will quickly reach the top career ladder. Management and colleagues usually respect him.

        Yaroslav will try to do everything possible to never need money. He sets goals for himself and achieves them, no matter how difficult it may be. A person with this name is always ready to act, to conquer new heights, due to which his reputation is steadily growing.

        In a circle of comrades, Yaroslav is able to attract everyone’s attention at any moment. His nature is such that he simply needs to be looked at and listened to. Yaroslav loves when the attention of others is paid to him. Let it be appearance The guy is tough, he tries to show kindness and tolerance if necessary.

        Behavior in friendship and family

        Boys named Yaroslav find it difficult to build friendships. Such a child is hindered in this by his complex character. Few will be able to find something in common with him in terms of interests and communication, so there is no need to force yourself on him. It’s also not worth arguing with a guy, since he is characterized by vindictiveness and rancor. At the same time, he is always honest and able to act fairly.

        In terms of family relationships, Yaroslav can only be described on the good side. He is always honest with his loved ones, and his wife and child are invariably in first place. He is in no hurry to start a family. Before he proposes to a girl, he must understand that he can trust her. Therefore, people with this name strong marriage and happy family life.


        The child, who was named Yaroslav, quickly gets used to the situation in the house. He has a good appetite and sleeps. Stomach problems often occur in infancy. The baby's immune system largely depends on the month and time of birth. So, if he was born during the day, his immunity will be much weaker than if he was born at night. As a teenager, Yaroslav's health improves. IN winter time year, a boy named Yaroslav often suffers from tonsillitis.

        The time of year when Yaroslav was born is also of great importance.

        Yaroslav has a predisposition to heart disease. Such a child early age strict rules must be followed nap mandatory for him. The child has a predisposition to nephritis. If there is an opportunity to take him to the sea every summer, you should not miss it, but there he is forbidden to be in the sun. You need to come to the beach with Yaroslav after sixteen hours. Since he has a weak stomach, you should consult a nutritionist and follow all his recommendations.

        The boy has a predisposition to bronchitis and various infectious diseases. There is a high probability that he will get scarlet fever in childhood. After birth and during childhood, he has a very weak immune system, therefore it is important to give him all vaccinations.

        The boy has a tendency to respiratory diseases. Possible cholecystitis. Stress greatly affects the boy, so there is no point in shouting at him. There is a high likelihood of indecision in the future.

        If the owner of this name was born in the fall, then he will often suffer from a sore throat. There is no particular predisposition to other diseases.

        Over time, your health only gets better. An adult man with this name manages to maintain youth and natural attractiveness into old age. Yaroslav should not lean too heavily on alcohol, smoking and sweets. A guy shouldn’t get carried away with frequent feasts. Such a person is more prone to accidents, so caution must be exercised.

        Love and relationships

        Yaroslav is full of passion, but he does not show it to the first people he meets. He likes women who have extravagance, brightness and willpower. Even though a man chooses a girl with strong personality, he still wants to be the head of the future family. Considering that in most cases his wife will also covet this “position,” scandals are possible.

        Yaroslav is very jealous; he is characterized by controlling every step of his chosen one. Suspecting his wife of having relationships with other men, he often throws up scenes of jealousy. I am not reconciled to treason. If this happens, he will break off the relationship without hesitation.

        For Yaroslav, marriage is possible with Anastasia, Efrosinya, Elizaveta, Lada, Ekaterina, Svetlana, Elena and Mila. There are also those girls who are absolutely not suitable for such a guy. Poor compatibility of a man with the name Yaroslav with Stella, Zinaida, Clara, Inga, Dina was discovered.

        As a partner, a man with this name is reliable. It is unusual for him to constantly change girlfriends. Yaroslav is exclusively for long-term relationships. For Yaroslav, sex is one of the best pleasures that a person allows himself. Often dissatisfied with intimacy, but keeps it a secret.

        In sex, he is characterized by selflessness. He prefers to take all the initiative upon himself, literally subordinating the woman to himself. A man wants a woman to be weak and completely submissive to him at the moment of intimacy.

        Don’t think that Yaroslav is driven by lust. He perceives a woman not as a sexual object, but as a person to whom he would like to give a sea of ​​romance and tenderness. Ordinary female responsiveness is not sexual encouragement for him. He is against intimacy after the first date. Before doing this, the man will first try to find confirmation that the woman has sexual interest in Yaroslav.

Old Russian names still do not go out of fashion. These names, which were once princely, still arouse the interest of many.

The male name Yaroslav belongs to them. We will talk about its meaning and influence on the fate of the wearer later in the article.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

Always tries to provide well for his family, but sometimes forgets about simple communication, which is important for loved ones.

Meanings of all letters in the name and numerology

The letter decoding of the name Yaroslav is as follows:

“Fours” have excellent organizational skills and are good administrators. It is difficult to force such people to change their principles and beliefs; they always believe that they are right. Fours often become military or clergy.

Name Astrology

Astrology for the name Yaroslav is as follows:

  • zodiac sign - Leo;
  • patron planet - the Sun;
  • name color - scarlet;
  • tree - oak;
  • plant - nettle;
  • totem animal - pheasant;
  • talisman stone - amber. For owners of amber, for whom it is suitable according to astrology, this stone brings good luck, energizes, protects against damage, increases intuition, and promotes health. For Yaroslavs, cufflinks, keychains, and amber pins are suitable as a talisman.

Did you know? Yaroslav the Wise's baptismal name was George.

Name in history: famous and famous people

Many famous people were with the name Yaroslav. The most famous of them:

  • Yaroslav Osmomysl(years of life: presumably 1130-1187) - Prince of Galicia. He was called Osmomysl for his sharp mind and knowledge of several languages. Under his rule, Galician Russia saw great development in trade, agriculture and industry. At this time there was active trade with Bulgaria and Byzantium;

Did you know? During the First World War, Hasek went to the front in Russia on the side of Austria-Hungary. He did not want to fight and quickly surrendered, where he became a red commissar. But he did not participate in hostilities for long and went to work as a propagandist. In case of life conflicts, he had a certificate in which it was written that he was “the crazy son of a German colonist from Turkestan.”

  • Yaroslav Heyrovsky(years of life: 1890-1967) - famous Czech chemist, Laureate Nobel Prize in the field of chemistry. Creator of the first polarograph. Respected by many educational institutions, was distinguished by great efficiency and accuracy. Among his colleagues he was famous for his hospitality;

  • Yaroslav Alexandrovich Galan(1902-1949) - Ukrainian Soviet writer, an ardent and unapologetic anti-fascist, playwright and journalist. He exposed nationalists without fear and had many enemies. He accused the Vatican and foreign intelligence services of inciting Ukrainian nationalism. He was an individualist and did not hesitate to criticize shortcomings Soviet power. He was killed in 1949.
The Old Russian meaning of the name Yaroslav endows its owners with an indomitable character and a happy destiny, and is an excellent choice for a boy. It has many pleasant sounds and interesting abbreviations, including in other Slavic languages.

The name has been an integral part of any person since childhood, so it is very important to know what it means. The history of the origin of a name can play an important role in a child’s life. In this article we will talk about what the name Yaroslav means.


Only princes were called this way in Kievan Rus. The meaning of the name Yaroslav is connected precisely with this. Between the 11th and 13th centuries, many Slavic lands had rulers with this name. For example, the Prince of Novgorod, and later the Grand Duke Yaroslav the Second (Theodore) Vsevolodovich (1190-1246), about whom the chronicles say that he laid down his soul for the Russian land. In the handwritten calendar, this man is canonized. In addition, he is the father of St. Alexander Nevsky.

Also known Chernigov prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich, who died in 1129. Other famous rulers with the same name also won good fame among the people for their deeds. After the baptism of Rus' and until the second half of the 18th century, princely names were used extremely rarely for everyday use. Only during the so-called Russian Renaissance did our compatriots begin to turn to their history and remember the name Yaroslav. Despite the fact that from ancient times it was baptismal, until 1917 it was used to name children mainly in the south-west of Russia, as well as among the Western Slavs: Slovaks, Czechs, Poles. Today is princely ancient name regained its former popularity.

Yaroslav the Wise

However, the most famous owner of this name in Rus' was Yaroslav the First Vladimirovich, popularly nicknamed the Wise. His parents were representatives of the most noble families in Europe: Holy Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (Baptist) and Princess Rogneda of Polotsk. Chronicles testify that Yaroslav the Wise was lame on one leg, but was distinguished by a brilliant mind and exceptional courage on the battlefield. He contributed in every possible way to the spread of Christianity in his native country, the development of education and the training of Russian priests. The meaning of the name Yaroslav has absorbed the good fame of this prince. He spared no expense on church splendor. This great man devoted all his strength to raising the culture of his country to a new qualitative level.

Name day

Initially in orthodox calendar the name Yaroslav came about thanks to Prince Konstantin (Yaroslav) Svyatoslavovich of Murom. He was canonized as a great miracle worker. His memory is honored on June 3 (May 21).

The Day of Remembrance of Yaroslav the Wise is March 5th. He was canonized in 2005 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy reveals its owner as a complex, stubborn and energetic person. Since childhood, he has been distinguished among his peers by his active and independent disposition. IN school years Yarik will outrage teachers with his behavior. Parents will have to explain that the boy is naturally very independent and does not like to listen to other people's opinions. The meaning of the name Yaroslav gives its bearer a sociable and courageous character. A boy can quickly become part of any company. He is able to lead and lead a team, loves compliments and can be incredibly vain. Parents should make sure that their son’s strength and energy are channeled into peaceful channels.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy makes it bearer an excellent leader. However, this person's selfishness and self-confidence can irritate his subordinates. Yaroslav is able to get out of any situation, he knows how to quickly react to circumstances and act quite harshly. Entrepreneurial activity will become a native element for the owner of this name. Yarik will make every possible effort to make his life successful and comfortable. He will definitely succeed, because he is steadily moving towards the goal, while solving very difficult problems. The meaning of the name Yaroslav constantly pushes its bearer to new achievements, which creates a great reputation for him.

Personal relationships

IN family relationships a person named Yaroslav shows honesty. His children and wife always come first. At the same time, a man marries only when he is completely confident in the choice of his companion. This must be an extraordinary woman who will always support you in difficult times. Yaroslav is a wonderful husband, and his family is strong and happy.

A man's friendships are less harmonious. Not everyone can find common interests with Yaroslav. He can be arrogant and proud and does not hide it. Communication should not be forced on such a person. It’s also not worth quarreling with the owner of this name, because he can become very vindictive and vindictive. However, in general, Yaroslav is honest and knows how to make correct and fair decisions. When communicating with him, you should not react painfully to his ironic statements. In fact, he is much friendlier than he wants to appear.


Yaroslav is a keen athlete. He can perform well in martial arts. Thanks to his ability to concentrate and make lightning-fast decisions, he will win more than one glorious victory. Yaroslav is in good health. Since childhood, he has been very resilient and loves physical labor. However, over time, a man may develop problems with cardiovascular and digestive systems. In general, Yaroslav has good prospects: he will live for many years, while maintaining his vigor and positive attitude.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav suggests that its owner will have a strong alliance with Galina, Iya, Dina, Larisa, Clara, Renata, Tomila.

Yarik will have less harmonious relationships with Agnessa, Alevtina, Alla, Albina, Antonina, Vasilisa, Daria, Eva, Evgenia, Elena, Elizaveta, Inna, Zhanna, Lina, Louise, Margarita, Marina, Natalya, Rimma, Julia, Elvira.

Yaroslav is a name for a boy who is able to loudly declare himself. Having matured, he will be able to find use for his tough character and leadership qualities. Among the Yaroslavs there are many commanders, leaders and famous public figures. By naming your child this way, you will doom him to universal recognition and unconditional success.