Age is not a barrier. Vitorgan, Krasko and other adult young fathers

Not so long ago . And the other day he visited as a guest in the studio of the program “The Fate of a Man” with, where he spoke about the death of his second wife, about suicidal thoughts and plans for the near future.

The artist was married three times. But he had a special relationship with his second wife. They met in St. Petersburg and played in the same play.

“I suffocated. There is such a feeling when you meet a person. You can't breathe when there's no answer. Allochka was very careful about my feelings for her. At first she tried to persuade me not to leave my family. But I couldn't stay", - Emmanuel shared his memories.

According to the actor, Alla did not want to be a homewrecker, because he was then married to. As a result, Vitorgan left the family and lost the opportunity to communicate with his daughter Ksenia.

“I was not allowed to see her. Maybe if they had allowed it, she wouldn’t have developed White hair five years. The family decided that I should not see her. This went on for a huge number of years. Then they even suggested that we move to Moscow so as not to injure our daughter.”, - the artist admitted.

He lived with Alla Balter for 30 years until death separated them. She was diagnosed with cancer. For three years, Emmanuel did everything to save his wife. But, unfortunately, it was not possible.

“When I found out about her illness, I thought I would get her out. Three years. We fought every year. It seemed that everything was in order, but then the disease came again. We started working again. For me, this pile of my sin also includes the fact that I could not pull it out into life. In those days, when I went into my wife’s hospital room and then came out, I banged my head against the wall.”, - said Vitorgan.

“She never allowed herself to relax. She smiled, although she was in great pain. I could go into the toilet and bang on the wall there. She knew that there were people nearby who should not be upset. And that there is hope."

According to the artist, when Alla passed away, he lost the meaning of his own existence: “After Allochka left, I thought that I did not need to return to the air. I was very serious about this. Leave this life. Already grown. It doesn't get better or even the same. I pulled out the phone and didn’t let anyone into the apartment.”, - admitted Emmanuel.

In 2003, Vitorgan married again. Many condemned him, including his son Maxim. He didn't go to his father's wedding Irina Mlodik.

However, the couple did not despair, and not so long ago, 78-year-old Vitorgan and his 56-year-old wife had a daughter, Ethel: “Allochka gave me Maxim. Irisha gave me a daughter. I can't live without her. She is wonderful, such a wonderful girl. Doesn't scream, doesn't cry. Moreover, we are preparing for the arrival of a brother. They need to be friends and help each other.", said the actor.

The 55-year-old wife of the national artist gave birth to a child, who became his third and her first.

Emmanuel Vitorgan with his wife Irina a month before the birth of their daughter Ethel. Photo:

Before the country had time to discuss it (Dmitry and his 54-year-old wife Elena admitted that a surrogate mother gave birth to their son), a child was born to another older couple. This time . The woman claims that she carried and gave birth to a daughter herself. "TV program" answers the most current issues about new parents and their heiress.

Who gave birth?

The most obvious version, which immediately began to be discussed: the daughter of Vitorgan and Mlodik was carried by a surrogate mother. But the Woman explained that she and her husband had wanted a child for a long time, but it took her 20 years to solve her health problems.

How is it possible to become a mother for the first time at 55? The doctors explained to us that it is now fashionable for women at a certain age (preferably under 40, but possible up to 45) to freeze their eggs. This method is called cryopreservation - eggs obtained during the IVF program are frozen and stored in the clinic. This is how a delayed pregnancy is planned. You can bear a child at 55, but only if the woman is in good health. And you can get pregnant on your own at the age of 55 if the woman’s cycle continues. But even in the most advanced medical centers such cases are rare. We repeat: pregnancy and childbearing depend on general condition woman's health. But Irina Mlodik admitted that serious problems She had problems with her health already in her youth - in addition to traditional treatment, she even turned to the healer Juna for help. By the way, Mlodik’s mother was an obstetrician.

On February 21, an advertisement for a nanny appeared on Vitorgan’s Facebook page. And on February 26, the actor became a father for the third time.

An interesting detail - Irina Mlodik appeared at events shortly before the birth of the baby, but no one noticed her pregnancy. Although Irina wore loose clothes that easily disguised her belly. But during pregnancy at this age, women tend to lead a less active lifestyle. By the way, on February 26, on their daughter’s birthday, the Vitorgan couple appeared in the evening at their “Vitorgan Club”, where, judging by the video, they sang and danced at their friends’ birthday party.

Who is helping?

A week before the baby’s appearance, Emmanuel Vitorgan published in in social networks advertisement for a babysitter. They found a nanny. In mid-March, the new parents are planning a three-day tour of the Emmanuel Vitorgan Cultural Center in Baden-Baden. So now there is someone to leave the girl with. Irina devotes maximum time to the baby. The name Ethel was chosen for the newborn (translated from German as “noble”). The girl is calm: she eats and sleeps, she cries a little. Mlodik has already said that Ethel Vitorgan looks like her father: the baby’s nose, lips, high forehead are exactly like Emmanuil Gedeonovich’s. For the actor, Ethel is the third child. From his first marriage he has a daughter, Ksenia, and from his second, a son, Maxim. National artist Russia is not only a grandfather, but also a great-grandfather - two great-grandchildren were given to him by Ksenia's daughter Alexandra.

Emmanuel Vitorgan with youngest grandson Plato. Photo:

Where does the money come from?

A child needs not only to be raised. The appearance of an heir in the family involves serious expenses. Just on surrogate mother(if there was one, of course) we spent over 2 million rubles. And now money will be needed constantly. However, Emmanuil Gedeonovich and Irina Mikhailovna are wealthy people. Firstly, they have the Emmanuel Vitorgan Cultural Center, which tours with performances, organizes and hosts creative evenings and holidays. Emmanuil Gedeonovich is in the forefront of the creative ranks here, and his wife took on all managerial functions. All our artists have known Mlodik for a long time - she had her own theatrical agency. Secondly, the family opened a chain of dry cleaners. In addition, Irina has another business.

Love story

Irina and Emmanuel met back in 1993 in Sochi at the Kinotavr film festival. It was a friendly acquaintance, both were happy in their families. Vitorgan lived with his second wife Alla Balter for thirty years: his wife helped him defeat cancer, but, alas, she herself could not cope with the disease. Irina Mlodik supported Emmanuel Vitorgan during a difficult period, so the friendship gradually grew into a relationship. Emmanuel and Irina got married in 2003. Vitorgan’s son Maxim did not come to his father’s wedding; at first he did not communicate with his father’s chosen one. But then, seeing how Irina takes care of her husband, he understood and accepted his father’s choice. Next to his wife, the artist looked 20 years younger, because Irina is a successful, energetic and very positive woman.

“We hardly quarrel,” says Mlodik. “Some kind of clash is possible, but to quarrel, not talk to each other, or, God forbid, to offend, insult... I don’t even understand how this can be.” Emmanuil Gedeonovich sometimes goes crazy at home, and he makes it so funny that he himself starts laughing with me. He's generally very funny."

IN Russian media information appeared that 78-year-old actor Emmanuel Vitorgan and his 56-year-old wife Irina Mlodik had a mysterious post on Emmanuel Vitorgan’s Facebook page on February 21, announcing the birth of a child. The actor’s wife turned to her friends with a request to find a nanny. It turned out that the couple actually had a daughter, and the “young” parents had already stated that she looked like their grandson -

Just as black and shaggy. She has the same nose, lips and forehead as Emmochka (her forehead is the same as her nephew Platon’s - we noticed this on the ultrasound), - said Irina, who became a mother for the first time.


A little later it became known that the baby was named Ethel, a German name that means “noble.” Irina claims that she gave birth herself. Allegedly, she had been preparing to become a mother for about 20 years—medical reasons had previously prevented her from doing so.

“Emmochka and I have been dreaming and thinking about having a child for a long time,” Irina told reporters. “But first I had to overcome problems with my health. We had to wait almost 20 years to solve them.

“My daughter is very calm and well-mannered: she practically doesn’t cry—she eats and sleeps,” the mother shared. “When they took her from the maternity hospital, she cried only once and quickly calmed down. Of course, we are infinitely happy.

Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents got through to Irina to clarify whether she really carried the child herself, and not surrogate mother. Tired of the attention, a woman with the voice of Irina Mlodik reported that “Irina has moved away.” Nevertheless, she answered the journalists' question.

“I gave birth myself, sorry,” the newspaper quotes the answer.

Neither Ksenia Sobchak nor Maxim Viktorgan commented on the new addition to their family. Irina Mlodik became the third wife of Emmanuel Vitorgan. In his interviews, Emmanuel Gedeonovich has repeatedly said that he has real feelings for Irina Mlodik.


True, acquaintances of the couple do not remember Irina being noticed pregnant. TV presenter Oleg Marusev initially reacted to the news about the birth of a child with disbelief, saying that he “didn’t see Irochka in a position,” but then he confirmed that his friends had a daughter.

“I didn’t know that they were preparing to become parents, because these people never bring their personal life to the forefront... A daughter is a gift that they received for their love,” he said.

Gynecologists say that it is quite possible to give birth on your own at 56 years old. The main thing is that the woman maintains her cycle and that the ovaries produce enough follicles and hormones. However, even if there is a shortage of the latter, hormone replacement therapy will help.

Carrying a child to term at 56 years old is real. In our department, even a 67-year-old woman became a mother,” says gynecologist-reproductologist Maria Milyutina. - Probably, the eggs of a 56-year-old woman were stored (frozen) in advance. Although in 99 percent of such cases a donor egg is used.

The Internet reacted differently to the news. Fans of the couple are sincerely happy for Vitorgan and his wife, others believe that having a child at an old age is frivolous. Many do not understand why Vitorgan and his wife are looking for a nanny: “To buy a child for themselves, and then give him to be raised by a nanny!” However, after a barrage of attacks, the 78-year-old actor deleted his post from Facebook.

IN recent months many discussed the news that the 78-year-old artist Emmanuel V-itorgan became a father for the third time. This caused mixed emotions. For example, TV presenter Yana Poplavskaya stated that a child at that age is a toy for parents. E-mmanuel Gedeonovich himself for a long time declined to comment. But AiF famous actor told me about my feelings.

“My daughter’s appetite is probably like her mother’s”

Olga Shablinskaya, AiF: Emmanuel Gedeonovich, there is such a concept as “Jewish m-ama” - sacred to everyone Jewish boy. How do you remember your mother, Chaya Blekhman?

Emmanuel V-itorgan: My mother passed away a long time ago - in 1980. But I still feel her touch, I smell my mother’s body. Amazing! Until now... It remains forever. Dad was busy from morning to night, working hard at work. And my mother raised and fed three men - my older brother, me and my dad. So I can talk about my mother endlessly, because I, perhaps, have almost never experienced greater pleasure than communicating with her. I say “almost” because now I have my daughter! (Smiles, with a trembling voice.)

At my age, with a little help from me, I gave birth to a wonderful girl. It's a pity that I utter some banal words. But I really am incredibly happy. Crazy! I hardly react to anything, I’m in a hurry to get home as quickly as possible. The birth of a daughter is like a miracle. I didn’t even hope for such a gift of fate at my age. Although, of course, all these years Ira and I dreamed of having a child. Irochka turned out to be a wonderful mother. She didn’t have her own children for a long time, but motherhood was always in her - she always treated my son and my grandchildren with genius.

From your first marriage to actress Tamara Rumyantseva, you have a daughter, Ksyusha. With your beauty and second wife, Alla Balter, you have a son, Maxim Vitorgan, now a famous actor. Who did you want this time? Precisely the daughter?

No no no. You know, we were just waiting: whoever will be will be.

- Do you remember how you felt when you first saw newborn Ethel?

I can’t talk about feelings, otherwise I’ll start dancing, yelling, screaming! Feelings - they are all inside...

And I always want to dance when I hear Jewish music. I would like to remember all my relatives - I am a pure-blooded Jew. All my relatives, of whom there were a huge number - uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters - lived in Odessa. Now there is almost no one left there. But at least half of the Odessa cemetery are my relatives.

Often a child is not only a joy, but also a restructuring of the entire family routine. And the baby becomes stressful for people with established lives.

Come on! The birth of a daughter is such happiness that I can’t even think about any inconveniences or changes in the regime. However, nothing much has changed. Ethel is a surprisingly calm girl, waking up only once at night to feed. Here - yes, she is demanding, she loves to eat. (Laughs.) If he doesn’t get what he wants for a minute, he declares his desire to eat publicly.

Here, she’s probably more like her mother; Irochka has a good appetite. And I am more reserved in matters of nutrition.

-Who does the girl look like?

Oh, this is interesting! It changes every day. The day is a copy of Irochka, the day is mine. But if we talk about character, I can say one thing: it’s already clear that Irochkin’s daughter has energy.

We have already traveled with Ethel to Israel - she surprisingly easily endured both the flight and the climate change. The artist's daughter! (Laughs.) I, too, was constantly running around.

For many, you are an example of perseverance and love of life. But there were very difficult periods in your life. What do you think, if a person has trouble, where should he look for strength?

I don’t want to speak too optimistically when answering your question, but it seems to me that a person should try to fight and not become sour. I had different periods, I was sour too, and then I realized that I still needed to live. Again, for the same reason: you must try to live to the limit that is not set by you, you should not manage your life. Because there are people nearby - both your loved ones and just people. I don’t want to say at all that oh, how good this world is, how beautiful all these people are. No, no, unfortunately, too many nasty things happen in it. And I am convinced that this is punishable - any meanness, any terrible thing that you do towards another person. If not with you personally, then with your family, with someone, something will definitely happen in response.

I don’t want to look like that - ah! - an optimist, but Ira and I really like that we live, just live, that we have a family, a daughter, that we have the opportunity to say to people who come to us: “Guys, let’s talk some more!” If you want to love, then you have to love, if you want to be next to a person, then you have to be nearby, if you don’t want to be there, don’t be. Just do this without violating anyone - neither yourself nor those around you. It would seem so simple, but how many lives have been lost because of this...

- When did you realize that Irina Mikhailovna was the woman of your life?

It’s difficult to talk about feelings, but everything from the very beginning was absolutely sincere and direct, and no goals were pursued on either side. Irochka has an amazing purity of soul. I am more than 20 years older than her. But her and my desires to be close were aligned. And in all these years we have not had a single quarrel. I won’t say that she is an angel, but in a universal human sense, Irochka is amazing a kind person. I don't know anyone who would say a bad word about her.

- Maybe it’s not only about the woman, but also about the man?

You know, I tell women that they are beautiful. And if suddenly some woman thinks that she is somehow ugly, then it is our fault, men, it is we who brought this woman to such a state. I know this for sure, really! Because any woman, no matter how she is built, no matter how she looks, is the basis of everything. And it is important that the children born by her know about this.

- By the way, how did Maxim perceive the birth of his sister?

Amazing. After all, she and Ksyusha themselves recently had a child. So they call us, asking about the baby. They can even give advice to us, young parents. (Laughs.) They have recent, fresh experience.

Emmanuel Gedeonovich, I will ask a question that is being discussed on the Internet - do the Vitorgan couple want a second child?

You are putting me in an awkward position. Is it possible to make such a wish?

On Friday, information appeared on the Internet that 78-year-old Emmanuel Vitorgan and his 56-year-old wife Irina Mlodik had their first common child. According to some reports, the couple had a daughter. A little later it became known that the baby was named Ethel - English name, which means "noble".

On February 21, a mysterious post appeared on Emmanuel Vitorgan’s Facebook page, announcing the birth of a child. The actor’s wife turned to her friends with a request to find a nanny. “StarHit” contacted the wife of the famous artist so that she would comment on the rumors about the appearance of the baby.

“Yes, we had a child,” Irina Vitorgan confirmed to StarHit. - Thank you for your congratulations".

Emmanuil Vitorgan and Irina Mlodik did not inform the public that they were preparing for a new addition to the family. Currently, Internet users are congratulating the couple on the birth of their daughter. It is quite possible that the couple decided to resort to surrogacy, following the example of other stars. So, in January of this year, Dmitry Malikov’s son was born in one of the St. Petersburg clinics specializing in reproductive medicine.

Later, journalists contacted Irina Mlodik with a request to comment on the information that had received wide publicity on the Internet. Emmanuel Gedeonovich’s wife did not confirm the information about the planned addition to the family. During a conversation with reporters, Mlodik disowned rumors about her interesting position, calling them “nonsense.”

In turn, Lera Kudryavtseva also denied rumors about phrases allegedly uttered to her. The presenter said that she was misunderstood.

Irina Mlodik became the third wife of Emmanuel Vitorgan. In his first marriage to Tamara Rumyantseva, the artist had a daughter, Ksenia. The celebrity’s second wife was Alla Butler, who passed away in 2000. Her son is Maxim Vitorgan.

In his interviews, Emmanuel Gedeonovich has repeatedly said that he has real feelings for Irina Mlodik. Fans of the couple admire the harmony that reigns in their relationship. Therefore, they joyfully received the news that the couple had a daughter. Irina Mikhailovna always dreamed of children, and her mother worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist.