Dmitry Malikov and other Russian stars whose children were born by surrogate mothers. Dmitry Malikov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Dmitry Malikov had a second child

The singer announced the joyful event almost a week later - on his birthday, and chose the child’s name two months later. From the first days, persistent fans asked the singer to show them the baby, but Dmitry either photographed the baby from the back, or so far away that it was impossible to see the face. And only five months later, the happy father finally decided that his son was ready to meet the fans. The singer introduced Mark to the public in an original way. At the end of the video for the song “ The Last Romantic“Dmitry took his five-month-old son in his arms and showed his face close-up.

Today Malikov decided to show off the grown-up Mark in all his glory on his microblog on Instagram. The singer chose a significant date to publish the photo: his son turned six months old. “Thank you for congratulating Mark on his six-month anniversary!” - Dmitry Malikov wrote under the photo (the spelling and punctuation of the authors hereinafter are given without changes. - Note ed.). The singer’s fans immediately began to wish the baby health, noting his serious look beyond his years: « Well, how can you not love this angel!!! Miracle)))», « A serious boy is growing up, good luck and good health to him! Don’t pay any attention to spiteful critics, you have a wonderful family!», « Such a meaningful look! as if I knew the meaning of life», « What a serious man! Beautiful eyes like dad's. Happiness and joy to your family».

48-year-old Dmitry Malikov showed his grown-up son

By the way, for the public, the birth of the Malikovs’ son came as an absolute surprise, because the couple did not hint at any impending addition to the family. Moreover, it turned out that even some of Dmitry and Elena’s friends found out about this the day before the birth. For Dmitry's parents. Although the elder Malikovs knew about the upcoming replenishment, they were not informed about the date of birth. The eldest daughter Stefania was shocked by her parents' desire to have another child. “It was a shock. But then I realized that this was the best gift for my father’s birthday and for my upcoming 18th birthday. The baby is a real doll, one can only dream of such things,” shared Stesha Malikova.

Dmitry Malikov with his family

Let us remind you that yesterday Dmitry Malikov provoked a scandal with his unexpected statement on Twitter. The artist published a post in which he insulted all representatives of show business. Malikov said: to succeed in show business, you need to be either a homosexual (the singer used another expression - unprintable), or a Jew, and even better - a Jew with a non-traditional sexual orientation. True, after a barrage of negativity addressed to

A new addition to the family of famous musicians, artists and simply talented people is always a big event, especially when it happens completely unexpectedly. Just yesterday it became known that the famous musician and beloved singer Dmitry Malikov had a son. Now the happy new dad is accepting congratulations.

This event simply shocked the entire community. The fact is that Dmitry is recently preparing to celebrate his 48th birthday, and his wife, Elena Malikova, is 7 years older than the singer. The couple have been together for more than 25 years, although they did not formalize the relationship right away.

The couple has already raised 17-year-old Stefania. The girl is very popular on the Internet, has her own fans and envious people, and often finds herself at the center of scandals. In addition, Elena has a daughter from a previous marriage, Olga Izakson, with whom the composer has an excellent relationship. But the musician always dreamed of a son.

And now his dream came true. A surrogate mother helped the baby to be born. Pregnancy management and childbirth took place in the elite clinic of St. Petersburg “Ava-Peter”. The clinic takes care of its impeccable reputation and does not disclose its clients, but as reports, many famous Russian people are clients of this assisted reproductive technologies clinic.

The cost of carrying out procedures, if there is a need to resort to the services of a surrogate mother, costs more than 2 million rubles, starting from the IVF procedure and ending with childbirth. Moreover, the services of a surrogate mother cost at least 1 million rubles. The clinic staff takes upon themselves the responsibility to take care of the health of the surrogate mother and baby and carry out all the necessary procedures.

Dmitry Malikov does not deny the birth of his baby. “Thank you, but I don’t want to comment yet. I need a little time,” Super quotes the artist. The musician does not comment on information about the surrogate mother.

The singer's fans cautiously congratulate him on the appearance of an heir, still doubting the veracity of the news. “I can’t even believe it... But congratulations in any case”, “Did you really manage to become parents again?”, “What a great fellow, your daughter has grown up, now you can take care of your son!”

We hope that soon Dmitry Malikov and his wife will lift the veil of secrecy and officially talk about the birth of an heir.


This year, musician and famous figure of Russian culture Yuri Malikov celebrates his 75th birthday. Another program by Andrei Malakhov was dedicated to this date. Of course, during the broadcast, the guests also talked about the grandson of Yuri Malikov - the boy Mark, who was recently born to Dmitry and Elena Malikov. For many, the story about the smallest member of this friendly family became a real revelation..

The Malikovs had long dreamed of a second child, especially a boy. But all attempts to give birth to an heir were never successful. That is why the couple decided to resort to the services of a surrogate mother. The boy was born in an elite St. Petersburg clinic. All information about the birth of the child was classified. In general, the Malikov couple, despite their friendliness and sociability, are in fact one of the most private couples in show business. Even people whom many consider their friends were not aware of the upcoming addition to the family. Perhaps this news would have remained a secret altogether, but someone in the St. Petersburg maternity hospital, where the Malikov heir was born, leaked the information to the press.

“I’m actually shocked that everyone found out about this,” Elena said. “We definitely didn’t intend to announce it like this, but someone from the maternity hospital leaked this information to television people - one popular talk show on the federal channel.”
Well, when the secret became clear, Elena herself gave an interview. “We don’t want publicity: this is a long-awaited child that has been long and difficult for us. And there is no desire to talk about it idly. Height and weight are normal, he was born on time. But I wouldn’t want anyone to know these details: happiness loves silence.”

Surprisingly, even the Malikovs’ eldest daughter, Stefania, did not know until the last moment that she would have a brother. As she herself said later, she was told about the new addition to the family five days before “Day X.” “It was a shock. But then I realized that this was the best gift for my father’s birthday and for my upcoming 18th birthday. The baby is a real doll, one can only dream of such things.”

Judging by Stephanie's joyful posts on Instagram, this event became very significant for her. At least, she is the one who most often posts photos with her brother on her microblog.

And the parents of Dmitry Malikov were told about the birth of the heir a day before the important date. This is conspiracy!

Although no one specifically guessed the date of birth, it turned out that Dmitry Malikov himself, his daughter Stefania, and newborn son Mark are Aquarius according to the zodiac sign. And according to the year of birth, Mark and Dmitry are Dogs. Surprisingly, the son appeared right before Malikov’s 48th birthday, so it can be considered a birthday present.

By the way, the name Mark did not appear immediately. The couple thought for a long time what to name the newborn. “Something is spinning in my head, some options, but I don’t have a name yet,” said Elena. But then the couple, after long discussions, came to a common denominator: the name Mark is very strong, masculine, and also international. Well, plus to everything, the baby was just born on the date when Orthodox Christians honor St. Mark. It turned out that the baby lived without a name for two months. And only then did the parents finally agree that Mark was the best choice.

“It is impossible to guess the sex of a child at the time of conception.”

The Malikovs immediately wanted a boy to be born to them. But even today's advanced technologies cannot guarantee the birth of a child of a certain gender. “I’ll just say that even taking into account the colossal progress in medicine, it is impossible to guess the sex of a child at the time of conception,” said Elena. “But Dima wanted a boy for a very long time, for many years - and now God heard his prayers.”

But, of course, the couple would be happy to have a child of any gender. After all, in their opinion, children are happiness. “I was the only child in the family. Beloved, smart, beautiful, but the only one. When I turned 20, my mother suddenly died, then my father. It was my very little daughter Olya who saved me from the horror of what happened. Simply because she was. After some time, my life changed dramatically, I met Dima, thanks to him I found a wonderful family: him, his parents, sister, grandmother, aunts, nephew, our wonderful daughter and son. Family is a team! Where one is for all and all is for one! And the more young players there are, the stronger it is!”

Surprisingly, despite all his closedness from the public, Dmitry Malikov still involved his newborn son in his video. If before this the couple covered the boy’s face with emoji in all photos on Instagram, then they made an exception for the video clip. In the video for the song “The Last Romantic” you can see what the Malikov heir looks like. The filming of the video took place in the very center of Moscow, in the Dostoevsky Library. Moreover, Malikov intrigued the audience in advance: “Soon! Next week! My new clip! Watch on the YouTube channel, follow the posts, a surprise awaits all romantics!” At first, not everyone understood what a surprise was in store for them, but then many people appreciated the courage of Malikov, who finally decided to show his son!

Now the whole friendly family simply adores tiny Mark. The head of the family, Yuri Malikov, also likes to walk with him. According to him, the boy is literally like everyone else. Some say about father Dmitry Malikov, some say about mother Elena Malikova. And someone claims that it was his grandfather. And this fact especially warms the hero of the day Yuri Malikov.

January 27, 2018

more on the topic

Surrogacy is becoming fashionable: which stars are next in lineDmitry and Elena Malikov are the main newsmakers of the last week: the couple became parents again thanks to surrogacy. This reproductive technology has long ceased to be a curiosity for show business stars: artists are no longer afraid to admit exactly how their heirs were born. the site recalls which celebrities turned to a surrogate mother before others, and suggests who could soon be among the happy parents.

The son of 47-year-old Dmitry Malikov and his wife Elena (she is 7 years older than her husband) was born at the Ava-Peter clinic in St. Petersburg. The elite reproductive medicine clinic has an impeccable reputation - IVF programs are held here, including surrogate mothers who bear children for wealthy families. The medical institution has created all security measures that make it possible to keep the names of people who visit the clinic secret.

The Malikovs had a son

The heir to Dmitry Malikov was born on January 24, and now dad is very happy twice. But he is in no hurry to share details about the newborn. Here's what we found out. The clinic in St. Petersburg was not chosen by chance. The reason is not only that the medical institution is international and its specialists are trained in the best European clinics. An important fact was that in St. Petersburg the Malikov family was able to keep an important event secret from outsiders for longer.

Dmitry and Elena Malikov are an ideal couple: they have been together for 25 years.

No betrayal, public quarrels or showdowns. The couple raised a 17-year-old daughter, Stefania, who is now a first-year student at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. The girl is smart, beautiful, she passed the Unified State Exam with high scores and entered the university without using money or family connections. Stefania has a boyfriend (who is equally successful and from a good, wealthy family), her parents bought her daughter an apartment... In general, they raised her, put her on her feet... It’s time to live for yourself. But the Malikovs decided otherwise.

There is a new addition to the friendly Malikov family (Elena, Dmitry, Stefania). Photo: Instagram.

“I want a son, and we are actively working on this,” Dmitry Malikov said back in the fall of 2016 in the TV program “Secret to a Million.” A year and a half passed and the musician’s dream came true: Dmitry admitted that his son, heir, was his dream. Modern medical technologies now make it possible to fulfill the innermost desires of many couples. It should be noted that the wife of the famous musician has always supported her husband in everything: she manages her husband’s affairs, her main assistant and adviser in all his affairs. Elena has an adult daughter from a previous marriage (photographer Olga Izakson), who recently made her a grandmother. Elena Malikova initiates many of her husband’s projects; recently Dmitry has worked a lot in different genres. He traveled around the country with a project for children, infiltrated youth culture - he judged a rap battle, recorded a video with video blogger and rapper Yuri Khovansky: in general, he tried in every possible way to keep up with life, realizing that you can’t make money only on instrumental music and hits of the last century . “This success has caused a surge of interest from advertisers - I am being offered contracts by firms and companies that are interested in promoting online,” Malikov recently told us in an interview. But it turns out that Dmitry needs to be fashionable and modern also because he was planning a baby.

Now the new dad is accepting congratulations and reliving the emotions that he first experienced 17 years ago. This coming weekend, the new family will go home, where everything is ready for the newborn.

Surrogacy is becoming more and more popular

The cost of services for a surrogate mother, including legal support for the procedure, IVF for a surrogate mother, her remuneration (700 - 800 thousand rubles), monthly maintenance, medical support for pregnancy and childbirth can cost an average of 2 million rubles. Naturally, the Malikovs did not skimp on medical services for the surrogate mother. The birth took place in comfortable conditions, the baby’s parents were nearby. Everyone now trusts well-known companies to choose a surrogate mother after conducting an interview.

Nowadays, many couples have the opportunity to become parents at any age. Some people find cryopreservation helpful. Eggs can be stored without any damage to the cell. Modern technologies guarantee almost one hundred percent survival rate of biomaterial, allowing it to be preserved for a long time. Thanks to this, programs using vitrified oocytes (vitrification, unlike cryopreservation, allows the material to be stored for a longer period) give the same results in terms of the number of fertilizations and pregnancy rates as replantation without prior freezing of the material. The procedure itself costs from 50 to 70 thousand rubles. Storage is about 10 thousand rubles per year.


Surrogacy is an assisted reproductive technology in which three people participate in the conception and birth of a child: a genetic father and mother, as well as a surrogate mother (a woman who has agreed, free of charge or for money, to bear and give birth to a child from genetic parents and in the future does not claim to the role of the child's mother). After the birth of the baby, the genetic mother and father are registered as legal parents. Surrogacy is possible when using IVF in clinics of the appropriate profile: an egg fertilized in a test tube is transferred to the surrogate mother’s uterus during the first 3 to 5 days of embryo development.

// Photo: Roman Sukhodeev /

The singer became a father for the second time on January 24: his son was born at the Ava-Peter reproductive medicine clinic in St. Petersburg. 48-year-old Dmitry and 54-year-old wife Elena have long dreamed of an heir. To implement their plan, the couple resorted to the services of a surrogate mother. “This is the main event of the past year of my life,” Dmitry admitted. “I’m absolutely happy!” Dmitry’s friends and family told StarHit about the child’s first photo shoot, Malikov’s bachelor party and the shock experienced by the artist’s daughter.

"Just a doll"

Grandparents were among the first to meet the new family member. Dmitry and Elena and their baby arrived home from St. Petersburg on the singer’s birthday - January 29, at 22:30.

“I held my grandson in my arms, shook him, and shed a tear,” Malikov’s father, Yuri Fedorovich, tells StarHit. – The boy is strong, his height and weight are normal. We also conducted the first shooting there, which lasted five minutes. Lena’s eldest daughter Olya Izakson acted as the photographer; she is a professional in this matter. The baby endured everything calmly, did not cry, and carefully looked at those around him. Then the parents put the child to bed, and we drank a glass of champagne for his health.”

For the elder Malikovs, the birth of their grandson was a surprise. “We were waiting for this event, but did not know on what day it would happen,” continues Yuri Fedorovich. “And they didn’t really ask, it’s still a personal matter.” When Dmitry and Elena told their eldest daughter Stefania about their desire to have another child, it came as a complete surprise to her.

“It was a shock,” Stesha admitted to StarHit. “But then I realized that this was the best gift for my father’s birthday and for my upcoming 18th birthday.” The baby is a real doll, one can only dream of such things.”

If earlier Stefania was the epicenter of the family’s attention, now she will have to share it with her younger brother. “I’m already past the age when jealousy can get the better of me,” continues the 17-year-old girl. – I’m sure my parents treat Olya, me and my brother the same. I imagine myself as a mother of many children. Could I love someone less and someone more? This is simply impossible."

Stesha carefully prepared for the return of Elena and Dmitry from the Northern capital. “The whole house was decorated with blue balloons and lilacs - these are my mother’s favorite flowers,” says the girl. “I also helped furnish the nursery; we chose the best.” Now my brother is too young to sing lullabies for him. For now he just sleeps, eats and walks. When he gets older, I will definitely read him fairy tales about a prince on a white horse and a princess in a blue dress. This is so great!

"It's a joke, I guess"

The actors of Dmitry Malikov’s musical play “Turn the Game” learned about the upcoming event a day before it became public knowledge. “We have a WhatsApp group where we discuss news,” Gleb Podgorodinsky tells StarHit. “When we heard about the child, at first we thought it was a prank. They decided that Dmitry was probably joking. But it turned out not. They inundated him with congratulations. He kept everything a secret, never said a word - neither at rehearsals, nor at performances.”

The artist celebrated the appearance of the heir and his birthday with a bachelor party at the Georgian restaurant “Kazbek” on January 31. The guests of the celebration were close friends, including composer Vladimir Matetsky, singer Valery Syutkin, and actor Igor Ugolnikov. Many came with gifts for the newborn.

“There were congratulations and toasts, everyone shared the feelings they experienced upon learning about Dima’s happiness,” Matetsky tells StarHit. – In principle, the birth of a child is a common thing, but surrogacy is an unusual thing. Well done Malikovs for deciding to take this step! They also talked about what profession the heir would choose and whether he would follow in his father’s footsteps. I wished my friend joy, because it is great luck to become a dad as an adult. Dima said that the boy’s name had not yet been chosen, and I, as Leonardovich’s patronymic, suggested calling my son Leonard. I don’t know if he’ll listen.”