Kurban Omarov: biography, occupation. What is Borodina's husband famous for? How Borodina's husband runs Instagram

Under the nickname Zimamoskou, businessman Kurban Omarov, who is known general public as the husband of Ksenia Borodina.

From his biography it is known that the guy was born in Dagestan in 1980. After graduating from school, he moved to the capital, where he opened his own business. Now considered one of the largest owners own business in Moscow and beyond.

I met Ksenia Borodina at a party thrown by Stepan Menshchikov in honor of his birthday. And already in 2015, the couple had a luxurious wedding. After some time, Ksyusha made her chosen one happy with the birth of her daughter. Moreover, both are already in their second marriage, and each has their own children: Ksenia has a daughter, Marusya, and Zimamoskou has a son, Omar. It’s interesting, but all the children now live in new family Kurbanov-Borodin.

Zimamoskou started Instagram not so long ago. And we have to think. That for the sake of his missus. The husband of a popular TV presenter cannot remain on the sidelines, especially since Kurban himself often accompanies Borodina to social parties and appears on the screen quite often.

How Borodina's husband runs Instagram

Mine official blog On Instagram, Zimamoskou conducts himself in a very unique way: masculine, reserved, but very romantic and family-like. Perhaps his entire page on the Internet can safely be called a family chronicle of the Kurbanov-Borodin family. There are many photos of the account owner himself with his wife, on a walk with the children, photos at home, or photo reports from another family trip or holiday.

Instagram zimamoscow rarely fills out, as his busyness with his main job affects: providing such big family- it's not an easy matter. But even 600 publications have already brought Kurban a certain amount of popularity: his blog claims almost 500 thousand subscribers.

Zimamoskov updates Instagram infrequently, but always tries to leave a detailed comment, sincerely admires his wife and is very proud of his children. Maybe. Therefore, most of his publications are dedicated specifically to children.

If you want to find out how the personal life of one of the most popular TV presenters is going, feel free to look for Zimamoskou’s blog on Instagram. There is a lot of humor, creativity and good mood here.

Having become the husband of Ksenia Borodina, Kurban Omarov, it seems, could not even imagine what he was facing new status. The man has found himself the center of increased attention, and this attention sometimes turns into a stream of harsh criticism. Now every step of Kurban is examined by Internet users meticulously and closely. Well, if Borodina’s husband makes some kind of mistake, there will be no mercy: for weeks Internet users will savor the man’s mistakes.

Thanks to the popularity that has fallen on him, Kurban Omarov has already acquired 1.5 million subscribers on his blog. However, the increased attention seems to be depressing the TV presenter's husband, and some of the comments are driving him crazy. For the last few months, discussions have been disabled on Kurban Omarov’s Instagram.

However, such preventive measures did not stop critics - they leave their comments about Omarov on Borodina’s microblog and in various antique groups.

Kurban Omarov responded to criticism in an original way

The internet has been buzzing for the past two months. Fans and envious people of Ksenia Borodina’s family cannot calm down. The fact is that the TV star’s husband has changed outwardly, not for the better: followers are haunted by Kurban Omarov’s goatee and mustache, which, according to most, does not suit him at all.

Omarov’s mustache is discussed daily on Borodina’s microblog, calling on the Dom-2 host to somehow influence her husband. It also goes to Kurban himself, whose personal account was flooded with critical remarks from subscribers.

In the end, the patience of the imperturbable Winter (Zima is Kurban’s old nickname) ran out, and instead of banning all critics, he opened comments, giving everyone the opportunity to speak. At the same time, one cannot help but admire the calmness of the man, who ironically noted that he is not a handsome man:

I am very pleased that people are so not indifferent to me. Thank you for not passing by. I'll leave the comments open so you can have your say. Please don't be shy. handsome man it's not me)))

Note that in just less than an hour, almost 1,000 comments appeared under Kurban Omarov’s post, turning the discussions into a battleground for followers.

I wonder if, after such pressure, Kurban Omarov will still shave his mustache?

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  • why Borodina divorced Kurban
  • who is Nastasya Samburskaya
  • and what role did Grisha Zhuzhin play in the divorce of Borodina and Omarov?

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov

The relationship between the popular Russian TV star from “House-2” Ksenia Borodina and Dagestan businessman Kurban Omarov developed rapidly. After several months of relationship, Ksenia Borodina and Kurban amazed everyone with the news of their wedding. And although Borodina’s wedding was similar to a winter fairy tale, many suspected that it was not in vain that the couple made a hasty decision to get married. Ksenia Borodina denied that pregnancy was the reason for the rush, saying that she received a marriage proposal long before she found out about the pregnancy. In any case, last December Borodina and Kurban became parents to their daughter Teona. But still, the relationship did not work out and Ksenia Borodina celebrated her wedding anniversary alone.

Nastasya Samburskaya and Kurban Omarov

For the first time, fans realized that something was wrong in the family of the Russian TV presenter Borodina and Kurban after the fact that cute people stopped appearing on Ksenia Borodina’s Instagram family photos couples with touching declarations of love, and then the Russian TV star completely deleted the account. Everyone decided that Ksyusha did this because of constant questions about her husband. But having restored the page, new details began to appear in the divorce situation. So, Borodina left the business, which she owned together with Kurban Omarov, and subscribers switched to another topic. These are Samburskaya and Omarov. The couple Kurban Omarov and Samburskaya became a source of discussion after they went on vacation together in Spain. Consciously or not, they made sure everyone knew about their stay together at a resort in Spain. So, a photo appeared on Samburskaya Instagram at a table in one of the cafes. On the table were men's glasses and mobile phone With recognizable name"Winter" on the cover. A photo tagged in Spain also appeared on Kurban's Instagram. Consequently, attentive subscribers immediately guessed that Samburskaya and Kurban were spending time together.

Borodina divorced Kurban

Rumors that Borodina had divorced Kurban circulated online for almost two months. But after discussion love triangle Borodina, Omarov and Samburskaya, Ksyusha Borodina made an official statement on Instagram about her divorce from her husband. Apparently, the story with Samburskaya was the last straw on this scale. From the words of Ksenia Borodina, it became clear who Grisha Zhuzhin was and what role he played in the couple’s relationship.

After the official confession of the divorce of a popular star in Russia and Ukraine, 33-year-old Ksenia Borodina, she was condemned by her homewrecker, 29-year-old actress Nastasya Samburskaya, insulting the “House-2” star in every possible way. Unable to withstand the intensity of passions, her friend, pregnant Aiza Anokhina, stood up for the humiliated Borodina. This is what Samburskaya, whose biography is full of scandalous facts, wrote on her Instagram page.

Instagram of Kurban Omarov

As Ksenia Borodina wrote earlier, her unfaithful husband Kurban Omarov did not miss the opportunity to show himself with the best side and commented on her divorce application. After those words, many fans of the couple began to respect Kurban for his courage to realize his mistake and behave with dignity in this situation. Many people know that Omarov uses Instagram as an opportunity to show himself in better light. Just look at his touching experiences about his daughter or Kurban Omarov’s photos with the children with whom he spends time on neutral territory.

Ksenia Borodina and Mikhail Terekhin

By the way, in connection with the divorce of Borodina and Kurban, the ex-lover Ksyusha Mikhail Terekhin, with whom she dated for several years and it almost came to marriage. Recently, Mikhail Terekhin said on Periscope that he would not mind getting back together with Kyusha again and he is very sorry that everything happened like this for her. But he doesn't hold out hope that this will ever happen.

But who will take me back? I wanted to call her, but she blocked my number. This is actually strange, in 1.5 years I could have already unblocked it. But no, apparently she doesn’t need my support. Yes, and you can’t act, people are still officially husband and wife, maybe they will reconcile. Does she have two children? Yes, I’ll accept it with at least four.

We will monitor the situation. Read last news from the life of celebrities on WANT.ua.

Ksenia Borodina is one of the brightest Russian TV presenters, who is the permanent “hostess” of the longest-running reality show on Russian television, “Dom-2”.

Over the years of working on TV, Ksyusha has gained unprecedented popularity in society. The successes, achievements and personal life of the TV star are widely discussed today by her many fans, who tirelessly follow all the news about Borodina.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina was born in Moscow on International Women's Day, March 8, 1983, into a wealthy Armenian family. According to the zodiac sign Pisces. At birth, she received her father's surname - Amoeva, which she changed to her mother's maiden name upon reaching adulthood. This decision was a consequence of the fact that even in the first year of her life, her parents separated, and Ksyusha’s father no longer took part in raising the girl, not even appearing on her 18th birthday.

After the divorce, Ksyusha’s mother married an Italian architect and moved to his homeland, the island of Capri. She entrusted the upbringing of her daughter to her grandparents, so the future TV star spent her childhood in the Kuntsevo district of Moscow, where she grew up with street children under Soviet-era conditions.

Ksenia made frequent visits to sunny Italy, but her attachment to Russia again brought her back to Moscow. Until the 9th grade, Ksyusha attended Moscow school No. 749, and in the 9th grade she transferred to a private lyceum specializing in in-depth study foreign languages, which she graduated with success.

At the age of 17, Borodina continued her education at the Multilingual English summer school, living in the family of a simple builder and nurse. But at that time she already had her first love in Moscow - the boy Sasha from the next door. Therefore, the month spent abroad without Alexander seemed terrible to the future star, and the girl firmly decided to return to the Russian capital, despite the persuasion of her parents.

Upon arrival in the Russian capital, Ksenia Borodina immediately entered the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, where she was immediately accepted as a second-year student. Soon she broke up with Alexander and accepted firm decision become a TV star.


The creative biography of Ksenia Borodina dates back to her university years. The future TV star took her career seriously in order to break into harsh world show business. She regularly sent her photos and resume to various castings, and passed numerous auditions for new television projects. But conquering show business turned out to be a difficult and almost impossible task for Borodina.

Repeated failed attempts to become a TV star led Ksenia to despair, and she, giving up her hands, was about to fly to Italy to visit her parents. But during this period she unexpectedly received a call and was informed about her approval for the TV show “Dom-2”.

"Dom-2" was the debut of an aspiring star, which became fateful in future career Ksenia Borodina. With the popularity of the show and the noise growing around it, the persona of the project's host became increasingly visible to the public.

Ksenia Borodina’s co-host was a TV star, with whom it was quite difficult to compete on screen. Nevertheless, Borodina managed to gain her authority among the participants of the television project and take a worthy position as a “foreman” of a love construction site, which she has held for over 10 years.

Having reached the Olympus of television fame, Ksenia Borodina began to appear in other large-scale projects on Russian television. In 2011, the girl took part in the 11th season of “Dancing with the Stars” and the television project “Cruel Intentions”.

Twice Borodina became a participant in the intellectual and entertainment show “Where is the Logic.” The first time she came to the program with her husband, and the second time with her co-host.

Also in the period 2012-2013, Borodina hosted the show “Reboot” on the TNT channel. In 2016, after a short break, Ksyusha returned to “Reboot” and hosts the program to this day. The show's ratings are high.

The reality show “Dom-2” did not limit Ksenia Borodina. She uses her creative potential and outside the project. In 2007, Ksyusha tried her hand at being a writer - she published the book “The Laws of Love.” Ksenia promised that this would not be her only creation and spoke about plans to work in the autobiographical genre. 4 years later, in 2011, she saw the light A new book TV presenter called “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina.”

In 2008, Ksenia Borodina, together with a stylist, opened the Celebrity beauty salon. Later a short time The TV personality developed her beauty business to a serious scale, opening a network of beauty studios under her own name. Ksenia successfully combines working on a television project and running a business with speaking at all kinds of events as a guest star.

In addition to the show “Dom-2” and business, the popular TV presenter also proved herself as an actress - she starred in the film “Zaza” as the protagonist’s girlfriend. Later, Ksenia Borodina starred in the films “The Lavrova Method”, “Deffchonki” and “Happy March 8, men!”

Maria Berseneva and Ksenia Borodina in the film "Happy March 8, men!"

In 2016, rumors appeared that Ksenia Borodina was leaving Dom-2. Allegedly, she will be replaced by a former participant in the television project. But the information was not confirmed, and, as before, Ksenia remains the permanent presenter of Dom-2. True, since December 2008, Olga Buzova became her co-host.

Many believe that there is an eternal confrontation between the presenters, although Ksenia says that this conflict is far-fetched.

Personal life

The personal life of Ksenia Borodina is full of joy and sadness, and her numerous novels are widely discussed by the public. At one time, Ksyusha dated the lead singer of the Dynamite group, Leonid Nerushenko, who later died in a terrible accident. For Ksyusha, the death of her lover became a serious blow, which she experienced very hard. But time healed Borodina’s mental wounds, and she again opened her heart to love.

In 2006, the TV presenter tried to build love with Oscar Karimov, a participant in the Dom-2 project, whose relationship became “office romance No. 1” in the biography of Ksenia Borodina. This romance did not last long, and the couple broke up.

In 2008, Ksyusha married businessman Yuri Budagov. Their first meeting took place three years before the wedding on the set of the show “ Comedy Club", where the future husband and wife were present as guests. The wedding of Borodina and Budagov took place in an atmosphere unconventional for TV stars - the celebration was held according to a very modest scenario, according to which Ksyusha did not even wear White dress bride, but went to the registry office in a golden evening dress.

In the marriage of Borodina and Budagov, a daughter, Maria, was born, although more often she calls her Marusya. In honor of the birth of her daughter, Ksenia immortalized her name with a tattoo on her arm. Unfortunately, Borodina, like her parents in their time, failed to save the marriage. In 2011, the family broke up with a big scandal. According to Ksyusha, the divorce from Yuri was a consequence of his wild life and bad attitude towards her.

After a short time, Borodina again decided to arrange her personal life. She started " love affair at work No. 2" with former member"House-2".

During their romance, Borodina got into serious trouble. car accident. According to witnesses, Mikhail Terekhin was in her white Range Rover with Ksyusha. The media vied with each other to publish this news, claiming that Borodina was driving drunk. But the TV presenter said that the car was driven by her driver. She reported this to "Instagram", she also wrote there that no one was seriously injured in this incident.

The lovers had a rather heated relationship - they either quarreled across half the country, then reconciled again. As a result, the couple separated. Later, the TV presenter said that she could not stand Mikhail’s difficult character. According to her, he was too demanding and often limited her freedom.

On July 3, 2015, Borodina married a businessman, a Dagestani by nationality. The TV star took her husband's last name. This time the celebration was truly royal.

The wedding of Ksenia and Kurban can safely be called the event of the summer of 2015. The hall where the dinner took place resembled a winter landscape: real forest from snow-covered trees, white flowers, frozen streams of crystal chandeliers. The surprise of the evening was a four-meter cake created by the best pastry chef in Moscow. The wedding dessert was also made in a snow theme.

On December 22, Ksenia Borodina gave birth to her beloved daughter Teona in one of the elite metropolitan clinics.

In July 2016, the media was full of information about the family. Spouses who previously posted on social media joint photos with declarations of love, removed each other from friends and stopped answering questions from fans about their personal lives. The couple did not comment on this information for some time; later Borodina admitted to the press that the reason for the separation was Omarov’s infidelity.

Only the lazy did not discuss the divorce of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov, but unexpectedly for everyone, the couple reconciled after some time. On Instagram, Ksenia Borodina posted joint photos with her husband and said that her differences with her husband had been resolved. She persistently asked fans not to spread rumors about her personal life, assuring that she loved her husband and was not going to divorce him.

In addition to the reality show “Dom-2” and her vibrant personal life, Ksenia Borodina is interested in football, she is a fan of FC Lokomotiv. Also among Borodina’s hobbies there is a place for poetry. Borodin calls his favorite poets and, many of whose lyrical works he knows by heart.

Ksenia Borodina now

In 2018, the TV presenter celebrated her 35th birthday. Ksenia celebrated her anniversary with guests in Milan.

For several days after the celebration, Borodina published photographs on Instagram, which gave rise to many rumors. Despite the fact that the girl was wearing a light, tight dress, fans could see that she was almost 7 months pregnant. But, probably, the attention from the press was so intrusive that she still decided to comment on the current situation:

“It turns out that they saw me in this dress pregnant belly. Have you already decided who I am? Fat with a belly or too skinny?”

She also said that she is completely satisfied with her shape (with a height of 165 cm, her weight is 46 kg). So the rumors that the presenter is pregnant with her third child are nothing more than fan speculation.

Ksenia Borodina with daughters Marusya and Teona

By the way, Borodina approaches everything with great irony. In July 2018, she trolled her followers by posting a video where she first stroked her rounded belly, and then suddenly hit it with her hands. The caption under the post read:

“When you were congratulated on your pregnancy, and all you had to do was inflate your swimsuit.”

In July 2018, Ksenia shared good news with fans. She and her husband purchased Vacation home. It has three bedrooms, a large living and dining room, and a spacious dressing room. total area two-story mansion is 216 sq. m.


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37-year-old entrepreneur and husband of Ksenia Borodina Kurban Omarov - active user social networks. He has 1.6 million followers on Instagram alone. The young man decided to write a post that is directly related to this virtual platform.

Kurban said that if a person, especially a famous one, does not publish something on his microblog, it means that this did not happen in his life.

“What is Instagram for us today? Agree, more than just an application for communication!”

As an example, he cited his physical training. Omarov goes to the gym 4 times a week, but there he works out, not takes selfies. There are no photos of training on the social network: “My friends don’t believe that I work out regularly because it’s not on Instagram.”

“You know, I noticed such a thing...”

When in conversation we're talking about O physical fitness celebrities, Omarov always says that he has such a body by nature.

“It’s easier for people to believe.”

Ksenia Borodina’s husband is one of the few celebrities who use the social network not for empty selfies every minute. He often communicates with subscribers and gives them useful advice.

“Let's talk about children's vision?”

He has many publications, more than 1700, but almost all of them are of some benefit. Most often, the children of Kurban appear on the microblog. them in star family three - two girls and a boy.

“Children of Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina”

Fans appreciated Omarov’s “sober view” on social media. There were dozens of different comments under the post. Most of the subscribers continued the theme of excellent appearance blogger.

“I wish I had a body like this from nature! And without a mustache and beard, you, Kurban, are better off!”

There were also those who noted that Kurban Omarov was still trying to “come out of the shadow of Ksyusha Borodina and promote himself as best he could.”

"Kurban Omarov with Ksenia Borodina"

Followers note that the man is absolutely right.

"This is true. On Instagram, everyone shows only what they want.”

People started spending entire days posting content on Instagram without noticing. real life. “I wonder what percentage of the population would go crazy if this app stopped working?”