Let's find out the meaning and character of the name Fedor. What does fate have in store for its owners? Fedor, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys

Short form named Fedor. Fedya, Fedenka, Fedyunya, Fedyusha, Fedyukha, Fedyasha, Fedulya, Fedunya, Fedusya, Dusya, Fedyuka, Fedyulya, Fedyusya, Theo, Toda, Ted, Dor, Dorel, Teddy, Dorus.
Synonyms for the name Fedor. Fedor, Theodore, Theodore, Tudor, Todor, Teudur, Teuvo, Teodoro, Tivadar, Tiadar, Thiodor, Fedar, Theodorus, Thedor, Fedar.
Origin of the name Fedor. The name Fedor is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Theodore is of Greek origin, the modern form of the name Theodoros (Theodoros, Theodoros), which is formed from two semantic parts “theos, feos” (“god, deity”) and “doron” (“gift, gift”). Therefore, the name Fedor in translation means “given by God,” “God’s gift.” The ecclesiastical form of the name is Theodore.

The name Fedor (Theodore) is considered Christian, as it began to be used as a personal name among the first Christians. But in fact, the name Theodore was borne, for example, by the ancient Greek mathematician Theodore of Cyrene, who lived at the end of the fifth - beginning of the sixth centuries BC. Many monarchs and spiritual figures bore the name Fedor.

From male name Fedor educated female name– Theodora (Fedora). IN European countries sounds like Teodora, Tudora, Tadora.

Other names formed from the same two semantic parts have a similar translation and very similar interpretations. These are the names Dorofey - Dorothea (Dorothea, Dorothy), Theodotus (Fedot, Theodot) - Theodota (Theodota), Theodosius (Fedos, Theodosius) - Theodosiya (Fedosya, Teodosia), Dosifei (Dositey) - Dosithea.

Semantic similarities with the name Fedor can also be found in the Hebrew names Nathanael, Jonathan and, in modern times, the name Matvey. Also, do not forget about the Slavic name Bogdan, which is a literal translation of the name Fedor. Among Serbs and Bulgarians, the name Bogdan sounds like Bozhidar.

It is very difficult to be offended by Fedor, because even with superficial communication with him, it immediately becomes clear that his main trait is philanthropy. In addition, by nature Fyodor is a philosopher who believes that the most important thing in life is friendship.

At the same time, it cannot be said that Fedor has an easy character. A man with this name is very closed and contradictory. His life can only develop within two scenarios. According to the first, Fedor occupies one of the lowest steps of the social ladder, does odd jobs, is often deprived of his corner, and has troubles with the law. The second scenario is much more positive, but less likely. According to him, Fedor achieves power through struggle, but there are still a lot of defeats in his life.

Little Fedya is a silent and stubborn boy. He does not become the ringleader in children's games; he often plays away from other children. Unlike most boys his age, Fyodor is neat and keeps his clothes and belongings in order. He always does his homework himself and is reluctant to share it with his classmates.

Also in subsequent years, Fedor strives to achieve everything on his own. He is able to create a wealthy home and give his children a start in life. At the same time, the man remains always dissatisfied with his life. He doesn't get along well with others mutual language, does not know how to change his behavior depending on the circumstances.

Fedor’s soul is not like a man’s, subtle and sensitive. In addition, the man is gifted with developed intuition and has a good sense of upcoming events. Fedya's mentality is rather synthetic, but quite developed.

Fedor makes a good friend. He knows how to listen patiently and attentively, is able to give good advice. However, over the years, advice begins to be given without reason, and the man himself becomes too suspicious. As a result, Fedor often lives out his life alone.

Fedor is in no hurry to start family life. The glory of the hero-lover is not about him. He needs spiritual unity with his partner. Only if there is mutual love will Fedor be able to start a family.

Fyodor is looking for a hard-working woman as his wife, he chooses for a long time and takes a long time to become convinced of the correctness of his choice. Becomes for the wife ideal husband, but is very sensitive to even the slightest hint of betrayal. Once he suspects his wife of cheating, he breaks up with her on the same day, without listening to any explanations. Fyodor always keeps any experiences to himself.

Fedor is very attached to his family and children. Possibility to start casual connection on the side for this man is very small.

Fedor can be called a real craftsman. He can make everything: from children's toys to cars. Great importance a man will come to friendship, which for him is higher than all other feelings.

In working conditions, Fyodor remains friendly and non-conflicting, but does not make close contact with his colleagues. The specialty that Fedor chooses, as a rule, does not bring him constant high earnings.

Fyodor's name day

Fedor celebrates his name day on January 4, January 9, January 24, February 1, February 5, February 10, February 12, February 17, February 21, February 27, March 2, March 4, March 5, March 7, March 10, March 18 , March 19, April 17, April 23, April 28, April 30, May 3, May 4, May 5, May 25, May 29, May 31, June 3, June 4, June 5, June 6, June 7, 18 June, June 20, June 21, June 28, July 4, July 6, July 8, July 17, July 19, July 22, July 25, July 27, July 29, August 2, August 3, August 8, August 14, August 21, August 24, August 25, August 27, September 2, September 4, September 5, September 10, September 15, September 17, September 18, September 25, October 2, October 3, October 11, October 15, November 2 , November 3, November 13, November 14, November 16, November 20, November 24, November 27, November 29, December 2, December 5, December 6, December 10, December 11, December 12, December 16, December 31.

Famous people named Fedor

  • Theodore of Cyrene ((late 5th - early 4th century BC) ancient Greek mathematician)
  • Fyodor Konyukhov ((born 1951) Russian traveler, writer, artist, priest of the Russian Orthodox Church. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR in sports tourism (1989), member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Journalists of Russia. The first Russian to visit the South and North Poles and Everest. Member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation. Author of 9 books. Completed 6 circumnavigation of the world, crossed the Atlantic 17 times, once in a rowing boat. By the age of 50, he had made more than 40 unique expeditions and ascents, expressing his vision of the world in paintings and books. Since 1998, head of the laboratory distance learning V extreme conditions(LDOEU) at the Modern Humanitarian Academy (Moscow).)
  • Theodore Stratilates ((d.319) Christian saint, revered as a great martyr)
  • Theodore Tyrone ((d.306) early Christian saint, martyr)
  • Theodore I Ioannovich, nicknamed the Blessed ((1557 - 1598) king of all Rus' and Grand Duke Moscow since March 18, 1584, the third son of Ivan IV the Terrible and Tsarina Anastasia Romanovna, the last representative of the Moscow branch of the Rurik dynasty.)
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky ((1821 - 1881) one of the most significant and famous Russian writers and thinkers in the world. A street, metro station, university in Omsk, as well as Novgorod University are named after F.M. Dostoevsky academic theater dramas in Veliky Novgorod.)
  • Fyodor Tyutchev ((1803 – 1873) Russian poet, diplomat, conservative publicist, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1857), author of the famous quatrain “Russia cannot be understood with the mind...”)
  • Theodore Roosevelt ((1858 - 1919) US President (1901-1909))
  • Theodor Mommsen ((1817 - 1903) German historian, classical philologist and lawyer, laureate Nobel Prize in literature for the work “Roman History” (1902).)
  • Fyodor Ushakov ((1745 - 1817) an outstanding Russian naval commander, admiral (1799), one of the founders of the Black Sea Fleet. The Russian Orthodox Church canonized Fyodor Ushakov as a righteous warrior.)
  • Fyodor Chaliapin ((1873 - 1938) Russian opera and chamber singer (high bass), in different time soloist of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters, as well as the Metropolitan Opera, first National artist Republic (1918-1927, title returned in 1991), in 1918-1921 - artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater. He has a reputation as an artist who has combined in his work “natural musicality, bright vocal abilities, and extraordinary acting skills.” He was also involved in painting, graphics and sculpture. He had a great influence on world opera.)
  • Fyodor Glinka (Russian poet, publicist, prose writer, Decembrist)
  • Theodore Gericault ((1791 - 1824) French artist)
  • Ernesto Teodoro Moneta ((1833 - 1918) Italian public figure pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize laureate)
  • Count Fedor Apraksin ((1661 - 1728) one of the creators of the Russian navy, associate of Peter I, title of count (from 1708))
  • Fyodor Plevako ((1842 - 1908/1909) lawyer, jurist, court orator, actual state councilor. He spoke at major political processes. He had enormous oratorical talent.))
  • Feodor Bieberstein ((1768 - 1826) real name - Friedrich August Marshall von Bieberstein; German botanist, silkworm, traveler, baron)
  • Fyodor Evtishchev, better known by his nickname "Jo-Jo" or "dog-faced boy" (Russian showman who achieved European fame in late XIX century. Fedor suffered rare disease- hypertrichosis, as a result of which his body and face were completely covered with hair. For a long time performed in shows organized by the famous American entrepreneur F.T. Barnum.)
  • Todor Zhivkov ((1911 - 1998) Bulgarian political figure, general secretary Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party)
  • Hermann Theodor Holmgren ((1842 - 1914) Swedish architect
  • Fedor (Theodor) Grinevsky ((1860 - 1932) Russian and Polish doctor, public figure, related to Alexander Green)
  • Fyodor Raskolnikov ((1892 - 1939) real name- Ilyin; Soviet military and statesman, diplomat, writer and journalist. Defector.)
  • Fyodor Podshivalov (Russian serf philosopher of the first half of the 19th century century. Working at the factory of Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky, he became a highly qualified pastry chef, which allowed him to work as a cook in France and Switzerland. Self-taught French, could read in the original. For his treatise “Heaven” he was imprisoned in the Solovetsky Monastery, since it developed the idea of ​​​​universal equality, serfdom called absolute evil, and better life could only be achieved by the revolution described in the treatise.)
  • Fedor Stukov ( Russian actor, acted as a child in many children's films)
  • Theodoro Fernandez Samrayo ((1855 - 1937) Brazilian geographer, historian and writer)
  • Tudor Vladimirescu ((1780 - 1821) national hero Romania, leader of the Wallachian Uprising of 1821)
  • Theodoros Angelopoulos ((born 1935) Greek film director)
  • Theodore Andrzej Potocki ((1664 - 1738) Polish magnate, Primate of Poland)
  • Theodore Chaikin "Ted" Sorensen ((1928 - 2010) American lawyer and writer, better known as special adviser and speechwriter to President John F. Kennedy)
  • Theodor Verhey ((1848 – 1929) full name- Theodorus Hendricus Hubertus Verhey, in Russian pre-revolutionary sources - Ferhey; Dutch composer. Author of two symphonies and a number of instrumental concerts. He also authored three operas: “The Feast of St. John in Amron” (1880), “Imilda” (1885) and “King Arpad” (1888), staged at the Deutsche Oper Rotterdam. Imilda was revived in 1923 in honor of the composer's 75th birthday, with Jacques Urlus in one of the main roles. A street in Tilburg was named after Verhey in 1969.)
  • Tudor Miclovan (Moldovan) ((1910/1900 - ?) fictional police commissioner played by the outstanding Romanian actor and film director Sergiu Nicolaescu in the films "With Clean Hands" (1972), " Last cartridge(1973), The Police Commissioner Accuses (1974), Revenge (1978), The Police Commissioner and the Baby (1981) and The Survivor (2008).
  • Fedor (Tudor) Kasapu ((born 1963) Soviet and Moldavian weightlifter, world champion (1990), Olympic champion(1992) welterweight, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR)
  • Fyodor Lukyanov ((born 1967) Russian international journalist, political scientist)
  • Fyodor Bakunin ((1898 - 1984) Soviet military leader, commander of the 61st Rifle Corps, which heroically defended Mogilev in July 1941, major general)
  • Fyodor Anchutin ((born 1979) Russian journalist, TV presenter, producer)
  • Baron Fedor Driesen ((1781 - 1851) Russian commander of the Napoleonic wars, infantry general)
  • Fyodor Chizhov ((1811 - 1877) Russian industrialist, public figure, scientist. Supporter of the Slavophiles, publisher and editor of socio-political magazines and newspapers, organizer of railway construction, philanthropist.)
  • Fyodor Vasiliev ((1850 - 1873) Russian landscape painter)
  • Theodore II Laskaris ((1221 - 1258) Byzantine emperor in 1254-1258)
  • Tewodros II, also known as Theodore or Theodore II ((1818 - 1868) Emperor of Ethiopia in 1855-1868)
  • Theodore II ((840 - 897) pope for 20 days in December 897, during the chaotic period that followed the Synod of Corpses. The brevity of his pontificate argues in favor of a violent death at the hands of the party of Pope Stephen VI (VII). During this time Theodore managed with honors to rebury the body of Formosus, removed by his predecessor from the Tiber, in the Basilica of St. Peter.)
  • Patriarch Theodore II ((born 1954) in the world - Nikolaos Choreftakis; Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa (Alexandrian Orthodox Church) since 2004)
  • Theodore II (Tawadros) ((born 1952) in the world - Vagih Subhi Baki Suleiman; 118th patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church since 2012. Author of 12 books on theology. In addition to Arabic, speaks English.)
  • Fyodor Alekseevich (III) ((1661 - 1682) Russian Tsar from 1676, from the Romanov dynasty, son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna, née Miloslavskaya, elder brother of Tsars Ivan V (full-blooded) and Peter I (half-blooded on his father’s side))

In this article we will look at one of the oldest male names in our country. If you want to name your son Fedor: the meaning of the name, character and fate of the boy.

Fedor: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

The name Fedor is of Greek origin. The meaning of the name is “gift of God.” The pre-revolutionary and church form of the name was as follows - Theodore. After the revolution, the name began to be written as Fedor and Fedor.

  • Short forms of the name: Fedya, Fedyusha, Fedyunya, Fedyashka;
  • The feminine form of the name is Fedora (Theodora).

What kind of character could the boy Fyodor have?

What traits are inherent in such a person? The characteristics of the name Fedor are quite interesting. The character traits of a child named Fedor are specific. As a child, the boy is closed, taciturn and firmly stands his ground, which can lead to stubbornness. Parents immediately need to pay attention to his behavior. Little Fedor is usually not a leader in the company, it is not easy for him to fit into the team, so he usually stays on the sidelines. He likes to be a little away from others.

How the origin of the name Fedor influenced its meaning

A child named Fedor tries to be neat. He keeps his room tidy, puts things in their places. Treats clothes with care, does not like them to be dirty, wrinkled or torn. Always takes care of his appearance.

He is also careful about other things. He has a negative attitude towards wrinkled notebooks or a broken pen, so he prefers not to lend his things to anyone. The boy values ​​his own and other people’s work, so he rarely lets anyone copy his work. Very practical.

Behavior at school

He is usually not one of the favorite students class teacher. An obedient student, he is not fooled around in class. He is calm and methodical. Fedor, for all his difficulty in communicating with people, is characterized by friendliness. Guys usually accept him or are neutral towards him, but he doesn't get close to many. At the same time, friendship means a lot to him. He puts her first, because for him the most enjoyable activity is communicating with people close to him. Fedya is a very sensitive and attentive interlocutor, ready to support and listen to his comrade. Sometimes he can get too carried away and give out advice on business or without cause. At such moments it needs to be gently corrected.

You can call his main feature - love for people. It may not be noticeable at first, but it is true.

What fate awaits Fedor?

Let's see what life has in store for a person named Fedor as an adult, and how the meaning of the name will affect his destiny.

Fedor is a person you can always rely on. He takes things seriously and thoroughly. In life he achieves everything on his own. Usually he has a strong income, a wife who loves and knows how to work just like he does, children with a promising future, in which he tries to help them. However, sometimes he is dissatisfied with his life, something is missing. There may be periods when he does not get along with the people around him. He may not behave appropriately to the situation. His attitude and outlook on life hardly change over time.


At work he always shows his good qualities and can be included in the list of the best and respected employees. He carries out assignments slowly, efficiently and conscientiously, and most importantly, he always meets deadlines and never misses a deadline. Usually does not enter into conflicts with colleagues, tries to be friendly. At the same time, he prefers to leave these relationships at work, without transferring them into his personal life. Rarely does he invite guests to his place, only in special cases. He himself also doesn’t like going to someone’s house for tea, he’s a homebody.

A man named Fedor has a heightened sense of self-esteem. Sometimes this really prevents him from achieving career heights, but more often he does not strive for this.

It is rare that he becomes a boss; he is more of a performer by nature. The professional field is selected taking into account its characteristic features. He becomes a driver, pastry chef, milling machine operator, financier, and sometimes an artist. Fedor has good taste and ability for art, but usually he either ignores them or is skeptical. In order to develop these inclinations, favorable circumstances are needed.


The man, named Fedor, is very attached to the house, economical. After a working day he immediately goes straight home. After all, here he has many activities that give him pleasure: arrangement, car, garden, etc. He is especially attracted to cars. He is the only one who takes care of his “swallow”; he doesn’t trust anyone. As a rule, he contains it in in perfect order. Fedor is an excellent driver. He strictly follows the rules traffic. But he doesn’t intend to ride just like that. The car is used only for business purposes: to the store for groceries or clothes, to a business meeting, etc.


As a life partner, a man named Fedor usually chooses a woman who is similar to him: responsible, economical. An impetuous, uncontrollable girl who rushes headlong into the pool will not interest him. He thinks for a long time before taking the first step. Therefore, he does not find his happiness quickly. Fedor prefers to “measure seven times”, think through and calculate, and, as a rule, he is not mistaken.

Fedor makes an excellent husband, a caring head of the family, and a kind father. He feels responsible for his loved ones and tries to teach this to his children. He treats his mother-in-law with respect, listens and accepts her opinion on many issues, but it is better for them to live in separate houses.

Characteristics of the name Fedor, character traits and fate


As for health, in childhood Fedor can be a very sickly child, but after 20 years he becomes stronger and more resistant to disease. He may have problems with the nervous system, so he should stop in time, avoiding overload at work. It is useful for him to do yoga and martial arts, and relax with the help of music.

What will the child named Fedor be like?

Choosing a name for a child is an important task for parents. Before choosing the name Fedor, you need to find out the meaning of the name for a boy.

Little Fedor is usually aloof from the company. He is unique, on his own mind. At the same time, he values ​​friendship very much. He shows himself as a friend as a reliable and good-natured person. Fedor is calm and confident. Problems in the company may arise for him because of his name. It is not so common today, so clashes with other children are possible. But Fedor is not vindictive, he quickly moves away. Here parents need to support him.

A boy named Fedor will not have any special problems at school. It will not be difficult for him to prepare for lessons and do homework on his own.

Advantages and disadvantages

From positive qualities a child can be called organized, assertive and honest. Fedor has a wide range of interests; he wants to learn as much as possible about the world. Tirelessly studies others and himself. He has an inquisitive mind and constantly uses it to learn new things. Fedya knows how to adapt to people, but this comes to him as he grows up. Does not tolerate injustice, can protect younger ones.

The boy Fyodor is negatively affected by his irritability. He can be quite aggressive if he doesn't like something or if provoked. May be risk-averse. He should be under the strict supervision of his parents, but he will not tolerate too much care and will begin to resist by any means.

Fedor really likes to do things with his own hands. Parents should notice this and enroll him in a craft club.

The boy is inclined to viral diseases. The weak point is the eyes. From a young age, you need to try to protect Fedor’s vision.

Fedor's character also depends on what time of year he was born.

  • “Winter” Fedor is calm, knows and clearly sees his goal, and is balanced;
  • "Autumn" - good comrade, does not like to rush things, is serious;
  • “Summer” – conscientious, friendly, non-conflicting;
  • “Spring” Fyodor – often falls in love, he likes to be praised.

For a late child, choose the name Fedor. This will help him achieve his goals.

Linguists claim that the name Fedor is of Greek origin. It is believed that it came from Greek name Theodoros (Θεόδωρος), which consists of two roots, θεός - God and δῶρον - gift. If this is true, then the meaning of the name Fedor is “gifted by God” or “God’s gift”. It is worth noting that such Russian names as Fedot and Bogdan originated from the name Theodoros. Moreover, the name Bogdan is a calque name, that is, it is not phonetically similar, but completely identical in meaning.

The meaning of the name Fedor for a child

Little Fedor is a quiet, well-mannered child and a serious child. He rarely plays pranks, and his friendliness makes it easy for him to find company. The boy has no special leadership qualities, but will not suffer from loneliness either. Fedor has a great understanding of people already in childhood, which allows him to understand the motivations of people’s actions. Despite good communication with peers, Fedor rarely allows intrusion into the space of personal experiences. This trait makes him a little mysterious and will accompany him throughout his life.

Fedor usually studies well. His seriousness and thoroughness are clearly demonstrated in his studies. Fyodor either learns a lesson or is completely unprepared. His calmness and confidence are often discordant with the behavior of most excellent students. Sometimes this even results in lower scores, but he doesn't get upset. Fedor has a negative attitude towards his favorites, since they often know the subject much worse than him.

The boy's health is usually good, and his attitude towards preventive measures beyond all praise. Fedor often begins to toughen up or play sports intensively, and does this without external influence. It is worth noting Fedor’s endurance. Endurance, although not high vitality, but it allows Fedor to do more than others. Fedor is endowed with a very high ability to work. Weak point Fedor's health often becomes worse in his eyes. However, if he pays attention to this in time, problems will be avoided.

Short name Fedor

Fedya, Fedka, Fedyukha, Ted (Ted), Teddy (Teddy).

Diminutive pet names

Fedenka, Fedyushka, Fedyushka, Fedyusha, Fedyulya, Fedyunya, Fedunya, Fedyasha.

Children's middle names

Fedorovich and Fedorovna. It has no established colloquial forms.

Name Fedor in English

IN English language The name Fedor is written as Theodore, but read as Theodor.

Name Fedor for international passport- FEDOR.

Translation of the name Fedor into other languages

in Armenian - Թոդորոս
in Belarusian - Khvedar
in Bulgarian - Todor
in Hungarian - Tivadar
in Greek - Θεόδωρος
in Georgian - თევდორე
in Danish - Theodoor
in Spanish - Teodoro
in Italian - Teodoro
in Latin - Theodorus
in German - Theodor
in Polish - Teodor
in Romanian - Teodor
in Serbian - Teodor
in Ukrainian - Fedir
in French - Théodore
in Finnish - Teutori
in Czech - Teodor

Church name Fedor(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Fedor.

Characteristics of the name Fedor

Adult Fedor is still as serious as he was in childhood. True, he becomes more open, but again this is only an external manifestation. Fedor rarely shares his innermost thoughts, although few of us do this often. So Fedor has quite a lot of comrades, and some even consider him their friend. He is still as calm and balanced as before, which attracts more people to him. more people. Many consider calmness to be Fedor's main trait. What surprises many is his creative streak. He is endowed with good creative abilities and everyday ingenuity.

The creative component is characteristic of Fedor in his work. He finds unusual and effective solutions many complex tasks. This makes him quite successful, although he treats success with a certain disdain. It is important for Fedor to realize the usefulness of his work, and for this he does not need someone else's assessment. He himself perfectly understands the importance or uselessness of what he is doing. Very often he chooses a profession related to technology, which does not at all interfere with his creative research. He can also be a successful writer or journalist.

Fedor's family affairs are going very well. He is an enviable man, and his serious attitude to life appeals to many. This allows him to find the one with whom he will be happy. This is usually a slow process, but Fedor is in no hurry. He is very caring towards his family, and the warmth of his attitude towards his wife remains throughout their life together. It is worth noting that Fedor is an excellent house owner who can do almost everything.

The secret of the name Fedor

The secret of Fedor can be called his ability to lose his temper. This happens so rarely that many people think it is impossible. However, this still happens. And God forbid you run into Fedor in a rage.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Totem animal- Chafer.

Name color- Yellow.

Tree- Nut.

Plant- Peony.

Stone- Topaz.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Fedor, Theodore- gift of God (ancient Greek).
Fedor is a Russian form of Teodor. Since the middle of the 20th century, the name has become rare. Now the city intelligentsia, following the old fashion, gives this name to children.
Zodiac name: Scorpion.
Planet: Pluto.
Name color: yellow.
Talisman stone: topaz.
Auspicious plant: walnut, peony.
Patron name: Chafer.
Happy day: Tuesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: unpretentiousness, self-esteem, thoroughness.


Theodore of Alexandria, Archbishop, Hieromartyr, December 16 (3).
Theodore of Alexandria, bishop, martyr, September 25 (12).
Theodore of Ammore (Phrygian), martyr, March 19 (6).
Theodore of Antioch, Confessor, December 6 (November 23).
Theodore of Apamea, martyr, March 7 (February 22).
Theodore Africanus, martyr, April 23 (10).
Theodore Varyag, Kiev, Russian First Martyr, July 25 (12).
Theodor Vasilievich Ostrozhsky, Pechersky, prince, monk, in the Far (Feodosiev) caves, August 24 (11), September 10 (August 28).
Theodore of Galatia, martyr, June 6 (May 24).
Theodore of Edessa, bishop, July 22 (9).
Theodore of Jordan, Rev., June 18 (5).
Theodor Kandavlsky, Nicomedia, martyr, September 17 (4).
Theodore of Constantinople, Nicomedia, martyr, September 18 (5).
Theodore of Constantinople, Patriarch, January 9 (December 27).
Theodor Melitinsky, martyr, November 20 (7).
Theodor Muromsky, Prince, June 3 (May 21).
Theodore the Inscribed, Constantinople, venerable, confessor, January 9 (December 27).
Theodor Novgorodsky, Fool for Christ's sake, February 1 (January 19).
Theodore the Sanctified, abbot, May 29 (16).
Theodore of Pentapolsky, bishop, martyr, July 17 (4).
Theodore of Perga (Pamphylian), martyr, May 4 (April 21).
Theodor Pechersky, Silent, in the Far (Feodosiev) Caves, March 2 (February 17), September 10 (August 28).
Theodor Pechorsky, Venerable Martyr, in the Near (Antonie) Caves, August 24 (11), October 11 (September 28).
Theodor Rostislavich Cherny, Smolensky, Yaroslavl, prince, March 18 (5), June 5 (May 23), October 2 (September 19).
Theodor of Rostov and Suzdal, Bishop, June 5.
Theodore Sikeot, Anastasiopolis, bishop, May 5 (April 22), June 28 (15).
Theodore Stratelates, Heraclean, great martyr. He spread the faith of Christ among the inhabitants of his city, for which, after great torment, he was beheaded (IV century), February 21 (8), June 21 (8).
Theodor Studite Abbot, confessor. He was the abbot of the Judaic monastery in Constantinople, defended the veneration of holy icons, wrote many edifying books and church hymns (IX century), February 8 (January 26), November 24 (11).
Teodor Trikhina ("hair shirt"), Rev., May 3 (April 20).
Theodor Chernigovsky, martyr, boyar of the martyr Mikhail of Chernigov, 27 (February 14) October 3 (September 20).
Theodor Yaroslavich Novgorodsky, Prince, June 18 (5).
Theodor Rostovsky, Archbishop, December 11 (November 28). Saint Theodore was a nephew St. Sergius Radonezh, who, foreseeing the future ascetic life of his relative, tonsured him into monasticism at the age of twelve. With the blessing of St. Sergius, Saint Theodore founded the Simonov Monastery in Moscow. With his virtuous life and strict asceticism, he gained fame in Moscow; the noble prince Dimitry Donskoy chose him as his confessor. In 1387, Saint Theodore was elevated to the rank of Archbishop of Rostov. Despite being busy with general church affairs, Saint Theodore unflaggingly led monastic life and trained many glorious ascetics among his disciples. The blessed death of the saint occurred in 1394.
Theodore Tyrone (young warrior), Great Martyr, March 2 (February 17). During the persecution of Christians in the 4th century, around 306, for which, after great torment, he was burned at the stake. Half a century after his death, Emperor Julian the Apostate, wishing to ridicule the faith of Christ and outrage Christians, in the first week of Great Lent, ordered that all products in the markets be sprinkled with the blood of animals sacrificed to pagan idols. And then the Holy Great Martyr Theodore appeared in a dream to Archbishop Eudoxius and ordered to announce in all markets that Christians should not buy defiled products, but rather eat kolivo - boiled wheat with honey. It is in memory of this event that on Saturday of the first week of Great Lent, kolivo is blessed and distributed to believers in churches, in memory of the Great Martyr Fyodor Tiron.


They prayed to Fyodor Tiron to find the stolen things.
On Fyodor, May 3, the dead yearn for the earth. On this day, cemeteries are visited, lamentations and calls to parents take place in the graveyard.
Fyodor Stratelates is rich in thunderstorms. If you hear thunder during a thunderstorm, expect prolonged bad weather.
Since Fyodor the Studite the earth is angry.
Fyodor is chilling the winter.


Little Fyodor is gloomy, silent and stubborn, and can “strike a pose.” Parents need to pay Special attention to this property of his. Fedya is not the ringleader of children's games, he finds it difficult to get involved in them, and likes to be on the sidelines. He is very neat - all things are folded in a pile, he cannot stand torn buttons and untied shoelaces / He cannot stand it when they return a broken ruler or a soiled notebook, so he does not like to borrow. He never gets into the ranks of teachers' favorites, but he doesn't get mischievous either; he has a calm confidence and self-esteem. But Fedya does not fence himself off from children's group, he has good nature and friendliness. Children respect him, but he usually does not have close friendships.

The adult Fedor is a reliable and thorough person. At work - one of the best, without haste, will conscientiously complete everything that is necessary, on time and with high quality. Fyodor is most often an economist, a driver, a milling machine operator, a baker, and sometimes an icon painter and priest. His self-esteem does not allow him to persistently advance in his career, but in other cases he can become a chief engineer or plant director. Fyodor is distrustful of his artistic inclinations; a happy coincidence of circumstances is necessary for them to develop.

Fedor is a thrifty and homely person. After work he immediately goes home, where he has a lot of things to do that he enjoys doing: repairs, a garden, organizing his workshop, a car. He only takes care of the car himself, it is always in perfect order, but he will not drive “uselessly”, only when he needs to bring something, go somewhere far away for clothes or groceries. The rules of the street are unquestioning for him, he never breaks them.

Fyodor chooses a wife to match himself, a business and economic one. He chooses thoroughly, slowly. An impatient woman, accustomed to easy victories and ardent confessions, will not have success with Fedor. Fedor has been searching for his happiness for a long time. The expression “measure seven times” is just right for him, and he is not mistaken, finally cutting off this one time.

He is a faithful husband, a wonderful owner, caring father. He feels like a continuator of the family and strives to pass on the same feeling to his children. Fyodor gets along with his mother-in-law, she respects his opinion, but both prefer to live in different houses.

At work with colleagues, Fyodor is friendly and does not enter into conflicts, but relationships are limited to the scope of his official duties. He rarely invites you to visit him, only when special holidays, treats you with bread and salt. They rarely visit themselves either; Fyodor and his wife are homebodies. Fyodor's marriage will be especially happy with Anna, Varvara, Claudia, Lydia, Lyubov, Maria, Natalya, Raisa, Svetlana.

Surname: Fedorovich, Fedorovna.


Fyodor Vasilyevich Rostopchin (1765-1826), the first count of this noble family, the son of the Oryol landowner Captain Vasily Fedorovich. In his youth, he traveled abroad a lot and attended lectures at the University of Leipzig. Rostopchin had a brilliant mind and rare wit, acquired education and external polish abroad, spoke beautifully, knew how to notice in a person, and then reproduce everything funny. This created his reputation in St. Petersburg society as a man with enormous statesmanship. He was the chamberlain of the Gatching court, “amused and entertained with his inventions” the bored Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich and managed to earn his favor, did not lose connections through the maid of honor Protasova at the Great Court.

On the first day of Paul's reign, Rostopchin was appointed adjutant general and enjoyed the unlimited trust of the emperor. Soon he became a real Privy Councilor, Count Russian Empire, a member of the College of Foreign Affairs, and then the first present in it and a member of the Emperor’s council. During his service at the court of Paul I, he was completely immersed in court intrigues and at the end of Paul's reign he was dismissed from all posts.

Fyodor Vasilyevich Rostopchin left for Moscow. The day before Patriotic War was appointed commander in chief. However, in this post he showed neither statesmanship nor administrative abilities.

In the autumn of 1812, Moscow, which had been burning regularly for centuries, completely helpless in terms of fire prevention, was deserted in last time burned almost to the ground.

Rumor, confirmed by the bulletins of Napoleon himself, attributed the burning of Moscow to the wisdom and energy of the commander-in-chief. Rostopchin for a long time confirmed or did not tacitly reject this patriotic act, even hinted at it in letters to the emperor. In 1814, he was dismissed from the post of commander-in-chief and appointed a member of the State Council.

Offended and, in his opinion, not rewarded enough, Rostopchin went abroad and settled in Paris, where he surprised the French with his wit and erudition. When he went back to Russia, he took with him a wonderful collection of paintings and art objects. He also wrote a brochure “The Truth about the Fire of Moscow” that was pleasing to the French, in which he assured that the fire of Moscow was a matter of chance, arson, a whirlwind, and that now he “told the truth, and only the truth!” Speaking about the Moscow fire, the author writes: “I always present to posterity and history as the inventor of such an incident, which, according to the generally accepted opinion, was the main reason the extermination of enemy armies, the fall of Napoleon, the salvation of Russia and the liberation of Europe. Without a doubt, there is something to be proud of from such beautiful names; but never appropriating the rights of another and getting bored of hearing the same fable, I decide to tell the truth, which alone should guide history. It would be unfair not to believe this, for I am abandoning the most beautiful role of the era and I myself am destroying the building of my celebrity."

home The mystery of the name Fedor Here's the thing: royal since ancient times, over the years it has become very down-to-earth. Fedors today do not expect special privileges for themselves; they stand firmly on their feet, trusting their own minds and hands more than castles in the air.

A reliable, strong name allows Fedor to confidently solve everyday problems and cope with difficulties. Moreover, these character traits begin to be traced from childhood.

Take, for example, Uncle Fyodor from the cartoon “Vacation in Prostokvashino”: alone, without adults, he furnished a house, found like-minded friends, even small business opened!

The meaning of the name Fedor for a child

He really gift for dad and mom. He is not subject to hysterics, rarely gets capricious and cries. A little stubborn, sometimes he seems unchildishly gloomy. Very smart. They won’t call him “Masha the Confused”: he won’t forget his toys in the children’s park, and won’t share them with the children playing nearby - a kind of little owner.

Boy name

A boy with this name seems somewhat withdrawn and taciturn, but this is the first, deceptive impression. He is very friendly, and his peers are drawn to him, because he is honest and reliable, he will never betray, he will always listen and help with practical advice.

Although, for example, he will not allow a friend to write off homework, but on by and large, is this betrayal? His things and his desk are always in order. Fedor is neat and thrifty. He will perform well in sports, preferring active sports - skiing, various martial arts.

Fedor's health

Little Fedor rarely gets sick. Problems begin to appear around the age of twenty, and the reason for this is weak immunity. And here nervous system Fedor's is strong. And in general, he makes a very impression on those around him. healthy person– he just doesn’t like to complain and publicly reveal secrets about his well-being. In fact, they might harass him viral infections, eye problems occur.

Origin, name day

This name has - Greek roots, translated into Russian the name means “divine gift” (“feos” - god, “doron” - gift). The name is Christian, it was given to monarchs and clergy. Among the great saints is Fyodor the Studite, who lived in the 9th century. He is the author of church hymns and edifying books.

Fyodor's birthday- every month, and more than once:

  • January 9,
  • February 1, 8, 21,
  • March 2, 7, 18, 19,
  • April 23,
  • May 3, 4, 5, 29,
  • June 3, 6, 18, 21, 28,
  • July 17, 22, 25,
  • 24 August,
  • September 17, 18, 25,
  • October 2, 3, 5,
  • November 20, 24,
  • December 6, 11, 16.

On Angel's Day, Fyodor does not like lavish feasts; he would prefer a narrow circle of close and beloved people.

Character of people named Fedor

Fedor has a surprisingly thin internal organization : well-developed intuition, sensitive soul, analytical mind. He is a great philosopher. Fedor has a rare quality - he can listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, and then give valuable advice.

He himself is very decent in his relationships with friends and his beloved, he will not forgive betrayal: he will cut off as he will, without a scandalous showdown.

He has golden hands. His wife will be behind him, like behind a stone wall. Make repairs in an apartment, fix a car - he can handle everything himself, and very efficiently. Fedor's childish tight-fistedness will continue in mature age, and this is a very valuable quality in these times.

The character of our hero largely determines season, when he was born:

  • winter Fedor is extremely purposeful,
  • spring loves compliments and women,
  • year-old Fyodor is flexible, kind and very persistent in completing any task,
  • Autumn is distinguished by its leisurely, serious approach to all problems.

With whom is a successful alliance possible?

In love Fedor is as thorough as in any other area. He is not ready for crazy things. A passing infatuation and even sex will not mean that the choice of a companion for life has been made.

Fedor will take a long look and only then will he propose marriage. By the way, his mother-in-law will respect him and, despite big difference aged, listen to his advice.

Marriage Compatibility

Family life Fedora will go well with owners of the names Claudia, Lydia, Lyubov, Nellie, Raisa, . He will have complete understanding with them. An alliance with representatives of the fair sex named Alla, Maya, will be more problematic.

In general, Fedor is extremely attached to his home and will never cheat on his chosen one. But for complete harmony, she must be as economical as he is. She also loves her children deeply, constantly warming them with her care.

Astrologers claim that the name Fedor corresponds to representatives of the Zodiac signs Pisces, Scorpio and Taurus. The situation is worse with Virgos and Sagittarius.

The fate of people

The name Fedor practically guarantees its owners well-being in life and stability. He can handle any job thanks to his thoroughness and reliability. His colleagues respect him. He values ​​family - he will always provide his loved ones with prosperity. He can be an economist, a specialist in the field of technical sciences, a highly qualified worker, a driver, a military man, and a brilliant politician.

He's no stranger to career: he can occupy high positions and succeed in this field, as he is able to organize the work of a large team and implement large-scale projects. He treats his artistic talents with distrust, not seriously, but in vain. And here he can show himself magnificently, take, for example, the great writer Fyodor Dostoevsky, composer Fyodor Gladkov, singer Fyodor Chaliapin, wonderful actor and director Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Fedor will go through life with true friends. Moreover, over the years he will have more and more of them. Here the proverb works: you have to eat a pound of salt with a person in order to understand him. So Fedor will gradually, slowly, “discover” people living or working nearby. But this friendship will last for a long time.


  • their patron planet is Pluto,
  • amulet stone - topaz,
  • Zodiac sign – Scorpio,
  • From the world of wildlife, Fyodor is patronized by the cockchafer, the peony flower and the walnut tree.