How do students complete their internship? Practice is the path to a future career.

In the 4th and 5th years at the university, many students are interested in the main question of where they can do an internship and how to properly prepare for it. mandatory stage students? The issue is complex, but today it is quite solvable if you prepare for it in a timely manner, connect connections and establish contact with the dean’s office.

What is industrial practice, and why is it necessary?

Industrial practice– this is an experience for the student and a real opportunity to personally experience the production process.

A student, attending lectures, passing exams and performing practical and laboratory tasks, does not quite understand what awaits him in a real job, for which he will subsequently receive honestly earned money.

However, in his fourth year, he has a chance to experience this personally by going on a practical training course and plunging into a completely unknown previously world called “work.”

Let's try to determine in more detail what practice gives, and how significant is it in the educational process of each university?

1. Traditional set - skill, experience, skill;

2. The opportunity to finally decide on a future profession;

3. Understand the relevance and proximity of the chosen specialty, its prospects;

4. It is possible that already at the institute you will find your first job, where you can work successfully even after graduation;

5. Study the production process from the inside, so to speak;

6. Acquire new connections and necessary acquaintances;

7. Prepare a high-quality diploma project in your specialty.

In general, every student full-time training can feel all the hardships and deprivations of a working person; to understand for himself whether he chose the right path in life or whether he made a mistake with his choice.

Practice is also graded, as are credit exams; and the grade received can save or, conversely, drown the scholarship. In addition, this is a chance to extend the session to an average score of “4”, which means that the required monthly payments will continue in the next semester.

What does a student need to know about industrial practice?

So, production practice provides for two periods. First - first summer month after passing the session in the fourth year; and the second is the second semester of the fifth year, that is, the period immediately before defending the diploma.

At this time, the student must necessarily visit production, keep a special diary of industrial practice, collect all the necessary practical part for his future diploma and, of course, leave the most positive impression of himself in the work team.

This is very important, you never know, soon you will have to return to the same enterprise as young specialist.

The student is assigned a supervisor of practical training, who then gives a description of his new employee, makes notes in his diary and gives a final assessment on the volume and quality of work performed.

The student must understand that the manager is his main boss and personal consultant, therefore it is with him that he individually coordinates his attendance, the amount of work and the time of arrival and departure for work.

It is advisable to attend industrial practice in person in order to have at least some idea about your future diploma work, and at least become a little familiar with the work team.

But now we need to move on to the actual main topic, which worries all students, where can you do an internship?

A short excursion into history

If you rewind one decade, then there are problems with industrial practice the students of that time did not have this problem. The university allocated places, and informed all its students at which enterprise they would practice.

There was no choice as such, and there was no need for it, because the dean’s office knew better where to begin the student’s introduction into the production process.

Today everything is different, and the legislation of the Russian Federation does not oblige universities to officially employ their students. Even state universities do not provide places for practical training, giving students complete freedom of choice.

Students have to go out on their own to search, and wherever they are accepted, they go there to gain tremendous work experience.

What is the determining factor when choosing a place for internship?

So, one way or another, one will have to go through this stage of life, but each student must take the maximum benefit and prospects from his new, still temporary, place of work.

This will help him in the future decide on his desired profession and, perhaps, “stake out” a vacant position in advance.

Do not confuse the specialty, for example, it’s time for future engineers to go to production and listen to the work of the working class; whereas lawyers can safely knock on the door of law offices and personally observe the work of guardians of the law and representatives of law and order.

If a student did an internship not in his specialty, it is possible that as a result it will not be counted.

Most likely, the dean's office will oblige him to accelerated mode find a place in your specialty and submit a report on industrial practice, according to the specialty you chose in your first year.

So here it is best not to wobble and not to succumb to dangerous experiments, which are of no use anyway before release.

How to search correctly and quickly find a place for future practice?

If the curriculum requires practical training, the search for a job must begin in advance. There are several real options, each of them works in practice and has already helped to employ not a single university student.

Option one. If the student is on good standing in the dean’s office, and the teachers know him as a responsible, decent and diligent student, then you can safely contact the dean’s office and find out if there is an opportunity to get a referral for practical training based on a recommendation.

It is advisable to go to such a conversation in person, so that later they will not say that you are the department’s favorite or “the smartest.” In general, the chance is real, since every teacher at a university necessarily has useful connections that he can safely use if necessary.

Option two. You can always ask your relatives if they have the opportunity to temporarily employ you at their place of work. Maybe friends have connections at an enterprise whose specialization exactly corresponds to the specialty of the student-graduate.

Very often, grandparents, mothers and fathers employ their grandchildren and children in their production facilities, having previously agreed with management and the personnel department.

This way they can not only provide help and assistance in their studies, but also leave the student under their watchful supervision during the working day.

Option three. Negotiating work experience through connections is also beneficial, since a good attitude towards the new employee will already be instilled. As a rule, such “fishing spots” are found through friends, and payment is a sign of gratitude for the attention and participation in the student’s fate.

If money is an incentive for the benefactor, then we can assume that the internship has not only been found, but has already been successfully completed.

Option four. It's time to buy a newspaper and look for companies that require new employees in your specialty.

Of course, you won't be appointed immediately highly paid position, But probation may be the same industrial practice, the evaluation of which must be included in the grade book.

Option five. Why not make a specific request to the labor exchange - the city employment center?

This is a very convenient option, since management takes on not just a trainee, but prepares a young specialist who, after graduating and receiving a diploma, can easily join the workforce and work for the benefit of his favorite enterprise.

You don’t need to pay such an intern much, but it is quite possible to see the prospect in him in a timely manner, and not end up with a “pig in a poke” in the future.

Option six. It is important not to forget about all the possibilities of the Internet, which, as you know, “knows everything in the world.”

You just need to enter the query “need industrial practice” and your city of residence into the search bar, and the system will provide a huge number of options with requirements, evaluation criteria and wishes.

There you can also find real contact information that will connect the trainee with his temporary boss and thereby provide practical training in his specialty.

Option seven. If you can’t visit the World Wide Web, the city’s address directory will help you. There you will definitely find contacts of enterprises, and by calling the HR department, you can find out what’s what and what vacancies are available in your specialty.

Here it is important to use ingenuity, because, being an engineer, there is no point in looking for industrial practice in a beauty salon, for example.

Option eight. If there are no options, then you can always submit an official request to the dean’s office, and its employees will certainly help with employment; because, whatever one may say, production practice is an integral component educational process.

The dean's office will not leave the student without help, and there, if anything happens, the trade union organization will assist in successful employment.

Conclusion: So I can give advice to all students: “You shouldn’t put off your search for practical training until tomorrow, but this issue It’s important to get there early.” So stop sitting and waiting, it's time to start fussing! Practice is just around the corner.

Now you know about where can a student do an internship?.

Best regards, site team website

P.S. In order to better understand what student practice is, I advise you to watch this live video of how students practice in the field.

Internship at a university is the key to a successful future.

Sooner or later this will affect everyone. No one has yet managed to get around it. It's about about a practice that can take any person from the ideal world to reality. When the time comes, you will already have a certain amount of theoretical knowledge, which will help you to understand well by applying it in practice.

But, unfortunately, some students, instead of practicing, arrange something like a vacation for themselves. This category of careless students during the time specially allocated for practical application accumulated knowledge, just relaxing, sitting at home. The question arises how they manage to do this. In fact, everything is elementary. In almost all universities, students are only required to submit a report on their internship, which bears the seal of the organization where, accordingly, the internship took place. practical work. Resourceful students take advantage of the fact that there are familiar entrepreneurs who are ready to help with printing, or parents who work or own one of the suitable enterprises. Having received a seal in this way, students feel confident that they deserve a vacation. Afterwards, all they have to do is prepare a report on the work allegedly done. And it seems that everyone was happy, but not everything is so simple...

Practice is an important part of the learning process. Many people naively believe that the main task is to master the theory, and they will already be taught how to apply it when entering a job. But, in this case, it turns out that you will have to study again, although you have college behind you. In addition, the employer will not waste his time on this, since he rightly assumes that the university graduate already has the necessary skills.

If you do not have the skills, your job competitor who is ready to work will receive the vacancy. And then bewilderment arises, how did this happen? And the chance to get a promising workplace has already been lost due to neglect of practice. An unscrupulous attitude towards one’s own education will make itself felt in the future, resulting in unpleasant problems. It is for this reason that one should approach the issue of training with full responsibility, both at a university and at secondary level. educational institution.

What do young students, who recently listened to lectures at their desks, get when they start working in real conditions?

For a long time you have been in a familiar environment within the walls of your educational institution. For the most part, learning represents something ideal - a world full of ideas, schools, concepts. During the learning process, you get the feeling that everything has already been done, many questions have already been answered by scientists, and with all this amount of knowledge you are on the path to improving the world. But once you find yourself in a real production facility for the first time, the created picture simply falls apart and your idea of ​​the world changes. It becomes abundantly clear how real life more difficult than any theorem or formula. It no longer has the unambiguity that can be found in textbooks.

That is why practice is a kind of school of life, where the student undergoes adaptation to real conditions waiting for him upon graduation. Having practical experience, you will not be shocked when you apply for your first job, realizing that many problems in life cannot be solved according to scientific laws. How to relate to this state of affairs is a separate topic, which we may touch on in future articles, on at the moment It is only worth understanding that in life everything needs to be treated with understanding and calm. And practice will help to develop these qualities, which are still in their infancy.

Secrets of successful internship

Tip #1: Find a reliable employer in advance.

Even a year before the start of your practical activity, it would be a good idea to take care of the place where it will take place in order to be sure of its productivity. You should not have high hopes that the university will assign you to a suitable enterprise, of course, if the placement does not take place in accordance with the agreement between the institute and the company.

How can this be done? Here it is permissible to take the help of parents, other relatives or friends and ask them. Most likely, there will be someone who can provide assistance and recommend a good company. It is important to take into account some of the nuances of this issue. Firstly, you should not be shy about talking about this topic with your loved ones and friends. Secondly, you need to understand that if a person agreed to help and vouched for you, then you bear additional responsibility for a worthy internship, which, among other things, will preserve and good relationship with relatives.

Tip #2: You should be mentally prepared for everyday work.

If you previously had no experience in any work and were only studying, then it is important to understand that the first days in practice will not be easy. Even if you have some work experience, new responsibilities will be difficult at first. Therefore, in order not to fall into complete confusion, it is worth at least preparing yourself mentally for work. It will be useful to get to know your position and profession better, using information from the Internet that will help you gradually get used to it. new role. Your environment can also be a source true stories about the rules of life in the work collective. Sometimes it is these subtleties that become a problem for young students.

Tip #3: It’s better not to go to someone else’s monastery with your own charter.

At first, you should exercise restraint in practice. Too much initiative can be harmful. Having plunged from theory into reality, it will seem to you that everything around you is being done wrong and it’s time to fix it. It is quite possible that you will even be right in assessing the company’s affairs with your fresh eyes, but, as a person coming from the outside, you should not immediately give advice to everyone around you. It is important to remain calm in any situation.

Your primary task is not at all to carry out global reforms at the enterprise, but to familiarize yourself with the main work matters and settings. Remember that you are still only a student who must learn on his own and not teach others. By taking into account all the main requirements for your work and conscientiously fulfilling your duties as a trainee, after some time you will definitely win the trust of your superiors and a respectful attitude towards yourself.

Thus, gradually you will have the opportunity to express your opinion on improving the efficiency of this company. If you managed to get an internship in good department, then his boss will be able to manage your reasonable suggestions and wishes, which can improve the work of his department. After all, any adequate person will be glad to receive help.

These three simple tips will be your guide to a successful internship. We hope that you will leave the company where you gained practical skills with pride and will be happy to write a thorough report on the work done. Pay due attention to practice, as it plays a significant role in preparing a highly qualified specialist.

Every student must undergo industrial, educational and pre-graduate practice. This is an integral part of the educational process, one might say, a testing stage of applying the acquired knowledge in practice in an educational institution. After the first internship, students gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of their chosen profession, delving into the details of the production process itself.

The bases for student internships can be: different organizations that are related in any way to their future professional activity. If a student works and studies on the job, then he can undergo an internship at his place of work, but only if the organization has a department corresponding to the specialty in which the student is studying.

How is student internship organized?

Heads of departments are appointed from the teaching staff of the educational institution, who, in coordination with the enterprise, develop a plan for students to undergo internships. The travel time and number of hours are calculated, and all the features of the enterprise are taken into account.

The nature of the work to which the trainee will be involved must correspond to the chosen specialty, as well as his scientific work. A student can submit a personal application to the department from an organization that is ready to take him on for internship; such an application is reviewed by the department and approved if an appropriate decision is made at the meeting.

If a student will undergo an internship at his place of work, he must submit a certificate from his place of work to the department along with his application.

After compiling lists of students indicating recommendations on the place of internship, this document is approved by a meeting of the department and submitted to the dean’s office. According to the data in the dean's office, students are given directions for internship. The institution or organization serving as a practice base is approved by order of the faculty for each student.

Documents for internship

Before starting practice, you need to know what documents a student needs for practice. You should prepare:

  1. internship program
  2. direction from the dean's office
  3. internship schedule.

Practice reporting

At the end of the internship, you must submit a report on the internship to the educational institution. The student must bring the following documents about internship:

  1. program execution report
  2. practice diary
  3. characteristics with feedback on the practice report, which is compiled by the head of the organization or enterprise.

Report is built in accordance with individual plan student for practice and should be compiled during the internship. It analyzes and summarizes the results of the work, in which the student must demonstrate his knowledge and skills in conducting research.

The report must contain complete answers to the questions provided for in the internship program. It may be accompanied by copies of documents, reporting and accounting documentation, tables, illustrations, diagrams, photographs.

In the report, the student must describe how he studied the task assigned to him, what additional sources of information he used.

The practice diary can be provided to the student by the educational institution in the form of a ready-made form that needs to be filled out during the practice, but very often the student has to compile it independently.

Practice diary filled out every day, it includes a listing of the work performed by the student, which is entered as they are completed. There must be a work number, date, title, summary, a place for the manager’s comments on practice from the enterprise, his signature. The diary is certified by the seal of the organization or enterprise, and at the end of the diary the supervisor of the trainee from the educational institution puts his signature.

The title page of the diary must contain the following information: name of the educational institution, name of the faculty, course, specialty, full name of the student, type of internship and timing of its completion.

Characteristics of the trainee written by the head of the institution on a separate sheet and certified by his signature and seal. It should contain a reasonable recommended assessment of the work done.

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Theory of student practice

Educational programs of primary professional, secondary and higher vocational education provide for the inclusion of practical training in the learning process (clause 6.1 of Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation on Education of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1). The internship procedure is regulated by:

For university students - the Regulations approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 25, 2003 No. 1154 (hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 1154);

For students (students, cadets) of vocational educational institutions of secondary vocational education - Regulations approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 26, 2009 No. 673.

Unfortunately, named regulations do not take into account all possible features of the student’s industrial practice, and some things are completely left to the institutes and companies (entrepreneurs) that provide places for internship. But the firms (entrepreneurs) themselves do not need to draw up anything when attracting students. Educational institutions independently develop requirements for general organization practices, establish regulations for the student’s actions, reports that the trainee must draw up based on the results of the practice.

Agreement with educational institution

A company or individual entrepreneur who decides to attract students must contact an educational institution (institute, college) that corresponds to their profile of activity and conclude an agreement. Upon assignment, trainees will be sent to you as agreed.

A student may independently contact you with a request for a place for practical training. In this case, you need to contact the university and conclude an agreement. Typically, the university provides ready-made template. If there is none, but the university, for its part, is ready to sign your version of the agreement, then draw up the document yourself. It needs to reflect the following points:

The period during which the student will undergo internship;

The procedure for registering a student (for example, the need to conclude an employment contract or admit a student on the basis of this agreement with the university, etc.);

Time (working hours, number of hours per week, weekends);

Payment (if any is provided);

Appointment of a curator (head) of practice. As a rule, the head is appointed by the institute. If a curator (manager) from the organization is needed, this will entail the need to make an additional payment for the implementation additional functions, reflect the relevant requirements in job description, i.e. fix the procedure for such supervision on the part of the company (entrepreneur) providing the place for practice.

Documents that will document the results of the internship, and who will compile them (diary, report, testimonial of the trainee);

Of course, the contract specifies the name of the company ( individual entrepreneur) and her details, full name. student, place of study (institute).

A student can be registered without an agreement with the educational institution by concluding an agreement with the trainee himself. But in this case, at a minimum, it is necessary to request a certificate from the university stating that the student is undergoing training and must undergo practical training at a certain period. That is, you must have a document confirming the fact that the student is a student and is undergoing internship. However, in such a situation, an agreement should be concluded with the student himself so that there is a document regulating the relationship between the organization (entrepreneur) and the trainee.

Types of internship

There are two types of student internship: educational and industrial. This point is important for student registration. Let us immediately note that industrial practice will require drawing up an employment contract with the student.

Educational (or introductory) practice does not involve performing any functions. It only involves familiarizing the student with the production process, acquiring some general professional skills, and performing simple actions.

Industrial (or labor) practice, as a rule, implies the student’s participation in the production process, that is, actually performing certain functions as an employee.

Educational institutions independently develop and approve internship programs for their students. A list of stages included in each practice, including depending on the profile of training, is developed by the university. Thus, if you accept a student, there is no need to draw up any provisions about the specifics of the work, about what and how you will teach the student. Relevant information should be requested from the university and if provided, it should be followed.

Agreement with the intern

Is it necessary to conclude any independent agreement with the student? The answer depends on the terms of the contract with the institute and the nature of the practice.

In most cases, a contract with an educational institution is sufficient to admit a student. It indicates that the student is being sent to practice, and the basic rights and responsibilities are prescribed. By the way, the agreement can be tripartite, i.e. concluded between the institute, organization (entrepreneur) and the student.

A separate agreement with the student will be needed in the cases listed in Table 1. From the list, attention should be paid to the case when the student is not undergoing a student internship, but an industrial practice, or when the trainee actually performs the duties of an employee. In these cases, it is necessary to conclude an employment contract with the student.

In addition, if there is no agreement with the university or it stipulates the need for a separate agreement with the student, or the student performs work for which a vacant position is provided (that is, actually performs the functions of a full-fledged employee), then an agreement must be concluded with him. Next, we will decide what kind of agreement to conclude with the student.

Table 1.

Cases when it is necessary to conclude a separate agreement with a student undergoing internship




1 This is expressly stated in the agreement with the university.The standard form of the institute may contain a reference to the fact that the relationship between the trainee and the organization (entrepreneur) providing the place for internship is regulated by a separate agreement, which is drawn up by the party providing the place for internship
2 Any conditions related to the internship are not specified in the agreement with the educational institution.For example, there is no indication of the need for the student to comply with the internal rules of the organization, the time and mode of work of the student, or other conditions necessary for the company (entrepreneur) providing a place for internship
3 There is no agreement with the universityIt is quite possible that the educational institution will not provide any agreement and will refuse to sign your version of the agreement. Teachers will only need a student’s report based on the results of the internship. In such a situation, it is necessary to sign an agreement with the student that will regulate the actions of the trainee and establish his rights and obligations.
4 The student performs work for which a vacant position is providedThis case is prescribed in Regulation No. 1154. When a student not only studies the activities of an organization (entrepreneur), but performs certain functions provided for by the vacant position, then you need to conclude an employment contract. That is, if the position is provided staffing table, but there is no employee yet, including when the trainee replaces a temporarily absent employee and fully performs the duties of the employee, an employment contract must be concluded with him. Moreover, if for some reason you do not sign the agreement, this will be a violation Labor Code.

The point is that labor relations between an employee and an employer arise not only after signing an employment contract, but also in the case when an employee, with the knowledge or on behalf of the employer (his representative), is actually allowed to work (Article 16 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If a student is allowed to work, then he is, with the knowledge of the organization, enrolled in the staff, and, therefore, it is necessary to sign an employment contract

5 The student undergoes not a student, but an industrial internshipIt is sometimes called labor. In fact, this situation repeats the one mentioned above. Namely: the trainee is allowed to participate in the production process, performs certain functions as an employee, that is, he is allowed to work with the knowledge of the employer. By the way, in this situation it is not necessary to have a vacant position in the staffing table.

It should be clarified that practice outside the walls of the institute or its structural unit, that is, the study of work at an enterprise, in organizations, as a rule, is considered production (clause 7 of Regulation No. 1154). It turns out that the very fact of a student’s arrival means that an agreement needs to be concluded with him. This is wrong. If industrial practice actually means only that the student studies production processes and does not directly participate in them, such involvement of the student will not require drawing up an agreement with him, since it does not go beyond the scope of educational practice. Therefore, it is advisable to request a program from the institute that describes the student’s actions during the internship. Or, if you can’t get one, draw up an internal document stipulating that the student is involved only for studying production processes(no agreement with the student is required) or to participate in the work (then you need to sign a separate agreement)

6 The organization (entrepreneur) independently decides to enter into an agreement with the traineeIf it is more convenient for a company (entrepreneur) to formalize the relationship with an intern with a separate agreement - this can always be done, even if the agreement with the university does not stipulate the need for a separate agreement and provides all the necessary conditions
Employment contract

Above, we outlined cases when only an employment contract is drawn up, namely: the terms of the contract with a university, the trainee performing the functions of an ordinary employee, or other direct participation in the production process.

As a rule, if a student is accepted under an employment contract, a fixed-term employment contract is drawn up. This will make it easier to part ways at the end of the practice. If you decide to leave the trainee, then the employee will simply continue working. The condition on the fixed-term nature of the employment contract loses force if neither party demands termination of the contract and the employee continues to work (Article 58 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Or you can sign a new open-ended employment contract.

In the employment contract, it is advisable to indicate that the employee is being hired for an internship and to fix the number of months for which the student is hired.

Registration of a trainee under an employment contract is no different from hiring a regular employee and involves the preparation of all those documents that are drawn up when registering and dismissing employees.

After signing the contract, you need to issue an order for employment (forms No. T-1 or No. T-1a, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1). You can use a unified form; you can additionally indicate in it that a trainee is applying for a job. Entering additional information into the order is not prohibited; the main thing is not to delete the lines provided there from the standard form. Next, you should make an entry in work book. If the student does not have it, then it needs to be issued. Don't forget about the mandatory certificate pension insurance. When an employee does not have one, obtaining a certificate is the employer's responsibility.

At the end of the employment contract, if you do not continue the employment relationship, then separation from the employee is formalized according to the usual rules, that is, a dismissal order is drawn up and an entry is made in the work book. Of course, a salary is accrued for work under a contract, and upon dismissal it is necessary to pay compensation for unused vacation.

If an employment contract is concluded with a student, this means that all the rules in force in the organization (entrepreneur), in particular, the rules on bonuses, additional payments and allowances, financial incentives, vacations, apply to the trainee employee.

Contract agreement

You can conclude with a trainee civil contract(contract, provision of services, performance of work). The advantages of this option, in comparison with an employment contract - the student will not be considered a full-time employee, which means the company (entrepreneur) will not have to pay him benefits in case of illness, at the end of the contract there is no need to calculate compensation for unused vacation, there will be no need to draw up a work book or pension certificate, as well as all personnel documents accompanying the hiring and dismissal of an employee.

Certain remuneration, of course, will need to be provided. However, certain difficulties arise when drawing up a contract.

Firstly, the subject of the contract. It is necessary to specify exactly what work the employee must perform. After all, a contract involves the performance of a specific task, and practice is difficult to classify as such. The agreement can specify the types of work included in the internship program, indicating that during a certain period, the performer (student) will perform certain functions for a certain period.

Secondly, acceptance of the result of the work established by the contract. Under the contract, the customer undertakes to accept and pay for the result of the work, which is documented in a document. In this case, the result of the student’s activities can be recorded in the report on the results of the practice. The official signing of this document may mean the completion of work under a contract. The company (entrepreneur) can keep a copy of this report as confirmation of the student’s performance of work under the contract

Payment for student internship

During the internship period, the student retains the right to receive a scholarship. In this case, it does not matter whether the student is paid a salary or other remuneration at the place of internship (clause 19 of Regulation No. 1154).

Thus, if you have not concluded an employment or other agreement with the student, and there is no such condition in the agreement with the university, then you do not need to pay the remuneration (salary) to the intern.

Drawing up an employment contract gives the student, like any employee, the right to receive salaries, bonuses, and other remunerations provided by the organization (entrepreneur). It is also necessary to pay remuneration under a contract. Of course, remuneration is also due for performing work under a civil contract (contract).

Student restrictions

Of course, when concluding an employment contract with a trainee, all internal labor regulations apply to him by default. He must observe safety precautions and comply with all local regulations.

But even in the absence of an employment or other contract, the student must comply with internal rules. This is stated in paragraph 14 of Regulation No. 1154. Thus, from the moment students are enrolled as trainees, they are subject to labor protection rules and regulations internal regulations, operating in the organization.

Another point concerns accidents that can happen at work. Regardless of whether there is a contract with the student (employment or otherwise), completing an internship, studying the activities of an organization, performing certain tasks to gain experience, makes the student a “participant production activities employer" (Article 227 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that the trainee in any case must comply with all internal labor regulations and labor safety rules. In the event of an incident, an accident that occurred at the enterprise not only with employees, but also with other persons, including trainees, is subject to investigation. Moreover, in case of illness (injury, poisoning) of a student during the internship period, he is issued a certificate of incapacity for work on a general basis, and the company will have to pay benefits. The presence or absence of an agreement with the student does not matter. But this only applies to industrial accidents. A student is entitled to benefits for temporary disability (ordinary illness) only if an employment contract has been concluded with him, that is, as an ordinary employee.

Conditions of practice

The only thing that is stated in Regulation No. 1154 regarding the conditions of practice is the duration of working hours. More precisely, the document contains references to the norms of the Labor Code (Table 2).

Table 2.

Duration of student working hours.

At the same time, there are other requirements regarding the activities of minors that should be remembered, especially when an employment contract is concluded with a trainee. So, if a student is under 18 years old, in addition to the rules on a shortened working day, it should be remembered that the employee cannot be involved in work at night (Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), attracted on weekends and holidays(Article 268 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), overtime work(Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), work with hazardous workers, work with hazardous or hazardous conditions labor (Article 265 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), other work that may harm the health and development of the student (for example, work in nightclubs, transportation and sale of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products etc.).

In addition, when concluding an employment contract with a person under 18 years of age, the employee must undergo a mandatory medical examination at the expense of the employer (Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Disputed service agreements

Another possible option for registering a student is a service agreement concluded with the university. An educational institution enters into an agreement with an organization (entrepreneur), according to which it undertakes to carry out certain work using its students. The list of such works (services) coincides with the list of functions that the student must master during the internship. In turn, the company (entrepreneur) transfers a certain remuneration to the university for the service provided (i.e., the provision of student services). Such contracts can be long-term and students whom the university offers to earn money can be sent not only during the internship period, but also throughout the year, for example, during the holidays. Payment for services performed is transferred directly to the institute. And the formalization of contractual relations with students falls on the shoulders of the educational institution. These can be both employment contracts and contract agreements.

From a legal point of view, this option is questionable, but in practice it occurs, and no disputes regarding such agreements could be found. However, if the school offers you this option, you should refuse it.

Another option is to draw up an agreement not with the university, but with the student. Under the contract, it is not the trainee who performs certain work (services) for the organization (entrepreneur), but, on the contrary, the company provides the trainee with a service by providing him with a place for internship. In this case, the subject of the contract is “organization of industrial practice.” Of course, there can be no payments to the student under such an agreement. In fact, this is a contract for the provision of paid services - the student performs certain functions, the company provides a place for practice. This option is more acceptable than an agreement with a university, and it does not require payment of remuneration to the intern. But such transactions are not common in practice, and it is difficult to say in advance how inspectors will look at them. It is possible that inspectors will see a hidden contract or employment contract in such an agreement and demand that the student be paid a certain remuneration for the actions he performs.

– this is the practical part educational process in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, occurring in organizations in real work activities. The practice is designed to consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills necessary for the assignment of qualifications and final certification of the student as a specialist. The results of practical training are assessed in accordance with the standards adopted by the educational institution and fit into the educational process.


Industrial practice for a student often becomes the starting point of his professional career. The most common mistake students make is to formally treat the internship process as just another learning task. To get the most out of your practice, you must have the right attitude and understand that this is a unique opportunity to “test the waters” while still being under the wing of your educational institution. Having significantly saved time and effort in this way, you will not make unnecessary moves after graduating from university and will know exactly where to go next.

What opportunities does internship give a student:

    consolidate theoretical knowledge;

    apply knowledge and skills in practice;

    navigate the real work process and see the pitfalls of the chosen specialty that are not visible in theory;

    directly contact with professional community;

    gain skills in job search and communication with employers;

    gain experience interacting with an experienced professional mentor;

    understand as early as possible that the specialty or even the field is chosen incorrectly and does not meet your requirements for the profession;

    navigate the profession and decide;

    “test” the market and understand what is in demand and what still needs to be learned;

    find a workplace suitable for starting a career;

    gain initial experience, which young specialists so lack when applying for a job after training, and make their first entry in the work book;

    achieve your first successes and demonstrate your abilities in your chosen specialty to your future employer.

Students undergo practical training in their senior years at universities, when a specialty has already been chosen, and usually the topic of practical training is correlated with the knowledge and skills acquired in the semester. The internship takes place on the premises of real enterprises with which the university has a preliminary agreement. The direction of the organization's activities must correspond to the student's specialization. The student has the right to choose a practice base that suits him, and the university must provide a list possible options. If a student is already working according to his profile, then he has the right to undergo an internship at his current place of work.

During the internship, the student must keep a diary, which is signed by the supervisor of his internship. At the end of the internship, its results are assessed along with exams and tests and are noted in the grade book. Also, the student’s work is assessed by the management of the practical base where he worked and issues a reference. The direction of practical training can be technological (direct practical work, acquisition of skills) and research or pre-graduation (conducting scientific research on practical material).

The legal side of the issue must be determined in regulatory documents University, and is also regulated by the relevant articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The working day of a student trainee from 16 to 18 years old should be no more than 36 hours per week (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and for those over 18 years of age no more than 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). During the internship period, students are subject to the internal regulations adopted by the organization, and general rules labor protection. If an intern is hired for the duration of the internship, he receives all the rights of an employee: the right to receive a salary, the right to paid leave, to disability benefits, etc. He is also assigned the duties corresponding to the employee.

To the employer

Despite the fact that student interns are quite a troublesome matter for an organization, industrial practice has undeniable advantages for the company. Becoming a base of practice and interacting with specialized educational institution, the organization gets the opportunity:

    “educate” young specialists to suit yourself, training them in accordance with the requirements and specifics necessary for your organization;

    adjust educational programs specialized universities, interacting with them.

The legal side of the process of registering a trainee has a number of difficulties, which, however, are quite surmountable. The main problem for personnel officers is the lack of an article clearly regulating the hiring of a trainee. The concept of an agreement between a student and an organization in the event of an internship is absent in principle. In this situation, there are two options.

1. Concluding an employment contract with a trainee. In the case of industrial practice and if there is a corresponding vacancy in the company, the student is hired on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract and enters into labor relations with the organization. The rationale for concluding an agreement can be formulated in accordance with Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation approximately as follows: “An employment contract is concluded for the duration of industrial practice.” If this is the first official employment for a student, then he needs to have a work record book and a certificate of pension insurance (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). From the moment the contract is concluded, the trainee is vested with all the corresponding rights and responsibilities of a full-fledged employee.

2. Registration of an intern without admission to the staff. If the agreement between the educational institution and the employer initially stipulates that students undergo internships without official employment, and if there are no vacancies, then the student does not receive a specific job function, but is in practice more for informational purposes, and does not bear responsibility like an employee. However, the internal regulations in force at the enterprise and labor protection rules apply to it. To enroll students in an enterprise, an order is issued, which specifies all the necessary details (names of students, terms and purposes of internship, order of completion, responsible mentor, etc.).

If a student is already working, and the profile of his work corresponds to the specialty for which he is studying, then he can do an internship at his place of work, providing the appropriate certificate to the university.

Thus, internship is a mutually beneficial event for both students and employers, helping them get to know each other and begin professional interaction.

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