Sample report on completed work. Drawing up a report on the work done at enterprises from officials and for different periods of time

Women are erotic creatures. Until the 19th century, it was believed that a woman's orgasm was a necessary condition conception. Procreation is a good reason to “do it beautifully.”

Many historical documents indicate that in ancient times sex education was widespread and passed on from woman to woman. Non-European cultures, such as India and China, had real love schools in which women learned to give and receive pleasure.

Sex education in the family was probably also widespread: the mother initiated her daughter into secrets love relationship. Men taught boys, and only after both sexes had gained enough knowledge about love could there be talk of forming couples.

Today, all children learn about sexual relations before they are supposed to know it, after all, we live in enlightened times.However, not only young girls, but also experienced women have many unresolved questions about their sex life. Indeed, there is still a lot to learn: to learn about how individual all women look in the intimate sphere; how different sexual encounters can be; how much pleasure depends on features anatomical structure etc.

Knowledge is very important. Life offers its pleasures. And if sex is not one of them, then what is? There are many reasons why you should have an active sex life.

  • Orgasm energizes the body and helps to activate the vitality of all cells.
  • Fluctuations in the energy of orgasm bring body and soul closer together and harmonize the environment in which a person lives.
  • Orgasm promotes the development of intelligence and creativity.
  • Orgasm makes a person happy.
  • Just like chocolate, laughter and sunlight, sex promotes the release of so-called endorphins, special hormones that promote good mood, balance, disappearance of pain, etc.
  • Sexual ecstasy reveals the same brain current patterns as deep meditation, it makes us merge not only with our partner, but also with nature, with the deity within us, with the entire universe. Increased blood circulation in the pelvic area and subsequent relaxation prevent energy from stagnating.


  • Know yourself and your body.
  • Learn to satisfy yourself on your own.
  • Love your body the way it is.
  • Make your pelvis dance.
  • Determine the conditions under which you could give yourself completely to love.
  • Make sure that all emotional wounds heal.
  • Talk to your partner.
  • Use medicinal plants that excite and relax.

What organs or organ systems are involved in sexuality? Of course, this is the skin, chest, groin and, last but not least, the brain. Women can be well stimulated through the skin, they like to be touched, even not necessarily with sexual intentions. Therefore, a massage can be a great step along the way. Good to use for him quality oils or creams with arousing sexual scents, such as ylang-ylang, jasmine, rose oil.

You can increase the sensitivity of your skin by lovingly caring for her after her bath, soul, performing a morning ritual or in the evening before going to bed. Take your time, involve your whole body in the process, not forgetting your chest. Try everything and find out what you like the most. Stroke, rub, pat your body, be gentle with yourself.

The female groin from the point of view of childbirth has been an object of study since time immemorial, but only in our time have scientists seriously begun to study the female organs from the point of view of female sexuality. The clitoris as the main organ of sexual stimulation known for a long time, but only in lately His important role is truly appreciated. On the pearl of the clitoris, its outer visible part, nerve endings are located with unprecedented density, like no other part of the body.

The cavernous tissue of the urethra (urethra) contains mucous glands. Some women release a kind of “female ejaculate” during orgasm. This part of the cavernous tissue of the urethra is referred to in some books as the “G spot”, named after the gynecologist Grafenberg, who first described this zone in 1950. The localization of this point is given differently, sometimes closer to the entrance to the vagina, sometimes further from it. However, always on the upper side of the vagina. For the purpose of self-knowledge, it is worth exploring the area inside the vagina and finding out its most sensitive areas.

The different parts of the clitoris are expressed very differently in women, which explains the fact that some women prefer external stimulation, others prefer vaginal stimulation, and the third - both.

The path to your own sexuality lies through movement, or rather through dance. If you want to explore all the secret corners of your sexuality, you need to start dancing. In many cultures, there are dances through which women strengthen their female organs, stimulate them and arouse their sexual desire. In African countries, girls dance by actively moving their pelvis, thereby attracting a partner. In the East they dance belly dance, girls learn to dance it already in early age. Fifteen minutes of daily exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles will awaken desires and passion.

At the core many women's diseases lies the injury, preventing a person from revealing his own sexuality. If achieving sexual satisfaction seems incomprehensible to you, remember how past events - long-forgotten experiences of childhood, adolescence or youth - may have had an impact on this. You may have some suspicions, but the incident itself now seems completely unimportant. Take the problem seriously. If you cannot cope with it on your own, contact an experienced psychologist, psychotherapist or.

Conversation during lovemaking are a strong stimulant. Women sometimes find it very difficult to express their sexual desires. But sometimes precise instructions would be a big relief.

We wish you that your sexual desires find a worthy place in your life!

Orgasm is not a luxury: a sexologist told how to get maximum pleasure in bed...

Psychologist, sexologist, celebrity consultant Valentin Denisov-Melnikov told how you can solve your intimate problems, learn to get true pleasure and enjoy sex one hundred percent. Nothing is impossible, you just have to want it.

“Every year people are becoming more and more interested in sex and want to improve the quality of their intimate life. And because Since this sphere is thin and fragile, more than 80 percent of people face problems in sex. True, women want to improve the quality of their intimate lives more than men. This does not mean that everything is fine with men, they just are more often satisfied with everything.

Women have more difficulty orgasming. Men have fewer such problems. They have other problems - insufficient erection and premature ejaculation, but men, as a rule, experience orgasm. Maybe that’s why they are more often satisfied with everything. And only the most reasonable and worthy (from the point of view of their partners) strive for new sexual heights. But the female orgasm is not so stable. 20-22% of women do not experience any orgasm at all. Many experience only clitoral orgasm, and even then not always. This is the question that women turn to sexologists with.

Most of those 80% of women who do not always experience orgasm or do not experience it at all, according to one of my teachers, candidate of medical sciences and sexologist Professor A.M. Poleeva, psychologists and sexologists can and should help. All women who have pleasure from sex, attraction and desire, but no orgasm, and they rightly want to receive release and improve the quality of their sexual life, can be helped by good, competent psychologists and sexologists.

There is, however, a very small percentage of girls and women who do not receive any pleasant sensations from sex. They have insensitive genitals. There is no arousal or pre-orgasmic state. This, according to the definition of Professor Alexander Poleev, is silent vagina syndrome. These are the women who need a sexologist. But there are few of them. Less than 10%. Another thing is that in my practice I come across the fact that both men and women ask: “How can I fix everything myself?”

And here it must be said that the desire to improve the quality of your sex life is certainly commendable, but it is unlikely that you will be able to do this on your own. If only because the level of knowledge, beliefs and understanding that a particular person has has already led him to the point that he is dissatisfied with his sex life and wants to improve and correct it.

But how can he correct this himself if he still has the same level of knowledge, the same beliefs and attitudes? I'm afraid that doesn't happen. This is where you need a competent psychologist-sexologist who will help you understand the problem. He will also tell you what to do not only with the psychological limitations that prevent you from receiving satisfaction, but will also advise you on what to do in bed in order to activate the ability to receive a vaginal orgasm.

Yes, you need someone who will explain, guide, help. Almost all of us think we know everything about sex. And this is absolutely not true. Even psychologists and doctors will not be able to help you improve your intimate life if they themselves do not have sexological training. Only by undergoing advanced training in sexology can you provide competent assistance to those who are dissatisfied with their sex life. So hoping to fix everything on your own is somewhat naive. Even psychologists and doctors, after advanced training in sexology, understand that they knew little about the sexual life of people and the mechanisms of the sexual sphere.

Please note that you even learned to drive a car for many months under the guidance of instructors and teachers. We read books, took exams, gained experience. And here you want to understand in 10 minutes how to do everything yourself. Ask yourself the question, what is more difficult - driving a car or the structure and functioning of the psyche and sexual sphere?! Now it becomes obvious that the desire to set everything up on your own and a real improvement in your intimate life are incompatible requests? How far would you go if your driving instructor told you where the pedals were and said you were good to go?! I think a 10 minute tutorial would result in a very short trip. If you would move at all.

So yes, people are turning to sex psychologists more and more often, but so far 90% of requests are requests for magical advice that will solve everything at once sexual problems, accumulated over decades. But the understanding that this does not happen is gradually growing. And those who really want powerful and regular orgasms and a vibrant intimate life go to specialists. And the rest hope that everything will appear on its own. In vain. You are wasting your time. It is easier to learn to have an orgasm at the age of 25-27. Well, at 30. Then everything is possible, but more time and sessions will be required.

It’s good that people are starting to gradually seek real, serious help. In this case, as a rule, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of sex and the level of pleasure received. And yes, I know from experience that improvements come after the very first sessions of working with a client. The main thing is to understand that the “Do it yourself” principle does not work in the intimate sphere. This means that you should not be embarrassed to contact a psychologist-sexologist. It’s better to gradually move step by step towards success, orgasm and pleasure than to quickly, lightningly and independently mark time,” summed up

Passivity in sex, to the great sorrow of the author of the Kama Sutra, is a common occurrence for couples who have been together for several years. This is understandable: since there is no longer any need to wriggle like a snake and prove that you are the best lover in the area, you over and over again perform win-win numbers that once delighted the male, and calmly go to bed.

However, a man, like any living person, does not like monotony. And if you not only don’t try, but also support his initiative sluggishly, there is a high chance that your joint game will sooner or later end in a sad draw.

What to do: Are you sure you have chosen the right “ optimal program"for both of you? Or are you just not interested in trying something like that with this guy? Never don’t be afraid to admit to yourself that relationships and sex in particular no longer bring you joy. Fortunately, this is not a reason to bury you as a couple, but a hint - it’s time to reanimate your feelings before they completely become stale.

Remember how long ago you became a boring lover? Maybe it was quite abrupt change for an objective reason? You quarreled, and after reconciliation you were left with a residue of resentment. You, without realizing it, are still angry with your man and cannot relax next to him.

Keeping grievances to yourself, especially ancient and long-rotten ones, is not best solution. And although men least of all like showdowns and playing at home psychotherapist, try as delicately as possible, without wringing your hands or taking a serious tone, to tell him that you just can’t forget his vile prank. “You know, I still remember how you yelled at me at a party,” such a confession can become a revelation and a hint for a gentleman, because he forgot to think about that day.

But more often the cause is simple fatigue. Agree to spend the evening without TV, social networks and long conversations about brainless colleagues– and the chances of completing it in the bedroom will increase many times over. Good old romantic dinner(preferably not with navy-style pasta, but with something more piquant) wouldn’t hurt either. (What to cook for a romantic dinner.)

At the same time, there will be time to tell your chosen one about the beautiful lingerie that you are wearing, or the crazy sex toys that you saw on the Internet. But be prepared for the fact that a man will offer to try everything at once, so if toys, in your opinion, are really too much, it is better not to mention them at night.

It's your fault

You wanted to impress him so badly at the beginning of your romance that you went all out. The man, of course, was impressed and since then he doesn’t even want to hear your cowardly: “Let’s just lie down.”

The ability to openly talk about your desires in bed is worth a lot, but the habit of being interested in your partner’s desires is even more valuable. Your boyfriend doesn’t even try to do this, and he constantly cums before you? We'll drop all charges against you except one: it looks like you've messed with the wrong person. But what if you just don't give him a chance to woo you? literally jumping out of your pants for his pleasure? We don’t argue that it’s very pleasant to bring joy to your loved one, but receiving your own orgasms is no less great. Worth a try.

What to do: Constantly courting your boyfriend, showing off new sex techniques, is a little ridiculous. At the very least, it looks like you are unsure of your desires or yourself. Do you constantly need confirmation that you are a good lover? Are you afraid that you won't be able to keep a man without showing your passion? Believe me, the best thing about your sex for him will be the moment when he feels like a hero, because it’s flattering for a man to be next to someone who is delighted with his sexual capabilities. You've long since exceeded your quota, so lie back and relax.

Comparison with ex is to blame

What to do: First, take a time out and stop rushing at people in search of the ideal. Be alone and think about why your ex is so firmly stuck in your head.. Let's say he was your first. What if you waited a month or two, and your first was brown-eyed Misha from the sports club? If you think about it, he’s not that bad, and he’s even better at doing pull-ups.

The situation is more serious if your ex was the first person you truly loved. This feeling does not go away without a trace, and sometimes it does not go away at all. But still, try to starve out your former passion by eliminating from your everyday life everything that hints to you about the past. And a memorable candy wrapper, and a sapphire ring given in honor of the name day - be kind enough not to spare anything.

And even more often agree to offers and get involved in new adventures in order to kill the stagnant aftertaste from ex-man. But don’t throw yourself into the pool of sex, which doesn’t bring pleasure, but heal your nerves and mend a broken heart. Psychologist, friends, meditation – everyone has something to choose from.

Attitude to sex is to blame

Everyone around, even your favorite magazine, only talks about sex: pleasant, fun and healthy. But, unfortunately, you cannot share the general delight, because for you sex is rather something tiresome, awkward and guilt-inducing.

What to do: It is difficult to take and immediately forget those sanctimonious instructions that were broadcast in childhood class teachers or authoritarian parents. All these seemingly absurd attitudes about “debauchery” and “ good girls“still make themselves felt in adulthood. But you understand that your mother’s words were just an inept attempt to protect you from mistakes? It’s unlikely that anyone in their right mind would recommend that you “stay away from lustful men.”

Everyone will be only happy if you arrange your personal life. But doing this does not mean contacting a decent-looking guy and quickly visiting the registry office so that everything is “like people do.” Don’t be shy about “sorting through” even from a small number of suitors in search of someone with whom it will be pleasant to treat your fear of sex.

Voltage is to blame

You don't think about your ex, you don't think about bad things, you don't think about childhood traumas, but you still think constantly! Are your breasts sagging, is your stomach swollen, are you moving rhythmically enough, and how ridiculous do you look during oral sex? You're paranoid, my friend.

What to do: Remember those poses, actions and touches that are most pleasant to you, and concentrate on them - this will make it easier to relax. And also ask a man at what moments he likes you the most. Be prepared for him to name your least favorite position. This is a great reason to work on technique together and... get used to each other even more tightly. Although you can work on yourself outside the bedroom. Yoga, Pilates, spa - all this teaches you to relax and free your head from thoughts when necessary.

Photo: Alexander Savchenko/

Every day we are in a hurry, fussing, doing a lot of things. In the whirlwind of days, we forget that we need to not only work, but also rejoice. But a life that does not bring joy is boring and gray. You simply don't notice that you are living. And small and big joys give us strength and charge us with energy. Therefore, we must learn to enjoy life. How to do this?

Action plan

First you need to stop, look around, sit down and think. It is very important to decide whether you want some or not. Most likely, such a desire will arise. This means it is necessary to take decisive action.

First of all, write down everything that brings you joy. It could be a beautiful song, relaxation in nature, a massage or a delicious cake. It is necessary to write down everything - from unusual and big to very small and simple pleasures. Write everything that comes to mind, because sometimes even the smallest joy is enough to make the day not in vain.

After that, keep a notebook or notebook in which you will write down the pleasures that you received during the day. Write down even the little things, this is also very important. Don't forget to re-read them periodically. This will charge you with optimism and set you in a positive mood.

It is important to re-read the list of pleasures you have written down several times a week. This may give you an idea of ​​what to please yourself with today. If there is something new that brings you joy and pleasure, you should add it to the list.

After all the preparations, you should proceed to action. We need to start living in a new way. Don’t be lazy, you need to follow the advice regularly, only then will your life really change. You won't even notice it right away, but everything will be different.

How to have fun

Every day you have to think how. Look for any opportunities. Start in the morning. In order not to be late for work or school, take your time, get up twenty to thirty minutes earlier. It seems that this time is very little, but it is enough to slowly do all your morning chores. For example, morning exercises or have a cup of coffee. It is very good to walk sometimes, if the weather permits. you will breathe fresh air, it will give you energy. If you don’t have such an opportunity, and you have to travel in stuffy, crowded transport, try to bring yourself joy here too. Download your favorite music or audiobook to your phone, this will help you avoid wasting a piece of your life on dissatisfaction.

Next, work awaits you. Much has already been said about unloved work. Everyone knows that it only brings grief. So fix it! Can be found new job or a part-time job that will bring you joy. Or you can see in an old unloved job something from which you get pleasure. For example, good salary– this is a big plus. Or maybe you enjoy interacting with wonderful colleagues.

How to get maximum pleasure from work? The answer is very simple - combine your hobby and work. In this case, every day will really bring a lot of positive emotions.

Returning home from work in itself brings pleasure - because you will have a rest. Of course, one could argue that there are urgent matters waiting at home. Yes, that's true. This is where you need to show your imagination and find joy in household chores. For example, find pleasure in cooking have a delicious dinner for your beloved family. Prepare something new, fantasize and enjoy the result. Or wipe off the dust with pleasure, rejoice, thinking that your home is becoming cleaner and fresher. Play with your children not under compulsion, but enjoying every minute spent with your loved one. Try it, remembering your childhood, have fun from the heart. And after finishing your work, relax with a book or your favorite movie.

When the weekend comes, you can carefully plan how to get the most out of it. It's all up to you. Go with the whole family to nature or on an excursion, go shopping or indulge in your hobby. Look at your list of pleasures, it will help you. It is important to do exactly what you want, not what you need.

Every night before going to bed, re-read your notes about your dreams, this will fill you with enthusiasm and give you strength. If you can't be happy today, be sure to do it tomorrow. How more joy you find in every day, the easier and more fun your life will be.

Don't forget to stop and look around from time to time. Birds singing, dawn, blooming flowers, starry sky, communication with good people– all this fills our lives with unique meaning and joy. The most important thing is to remember that everyone only has one life and you shouldn’t waste it on things that don’t bring you joy.

Now there are almost no closed topics. We can and should talk about sex. So we’ll start a conversation about how a woman can learn to enjoy sex and what to do if orgasm does not always occur.

Lack of female orgasm is not a diagnosis

If a man does not receive sexual satisfaction, then he will have to seek help medical care. But if a lady is sometimes unable to reach orgasm, then you should not treat yourself like a patient.

The absence of a female orgasm in itself is not an unconditional diagnosis, and if a woman does not enjoy sex, best assistant she may be the one in this problem.

Everything in the world is programmed and planned by nature.

After all, if you mourn yourself, remain silent and wait for mercy from natural environment, then you may never experience orgasm.

Why doesn't a woman achieve orgasm?

Want to know why some women don't have orgasms and why a woman might not enjoy sex? The answers to these questions are surprisingly simple.

You need to want an orgasm!

In search of a convenient way out of the situation, it is important to understand that the occurrence of orgasm depends primarily on the woman herself, on her desire to receive complete satisfaction from intimate contact. As simple as it sounds, you need to want to have an orgasm.

Yes, there is nothing terrible in the absence of an orgasm, a woman simply enjoys erotic caresses and passionate touches, you feel pleasure even without an orgasm. But think for yourself, will you be satisfied with life if you eat only bland dishes, if you do not know the full depth of the peak of pleasure. Why should the female orgasm pass you by?

No one will force you to have an orgasm, but if it exists, then you need to try to taste the desired joy. Only your desire will help you start a conversation with a loved one, help you relax and get distracted.

Women's fear in bed

Another reason for the lack of orgasm in women is fear. Fear fetters muscles and thoughts and prevents liberation. If you are afraid that you are in vain dreaming of reaching the desired end, that your body is not capable of final surges, then your panicky thoughts will lead to what you are afraid of.

Try it first, and then you will regret it. Without tasting the pulp of the fruit, you will not understand its taste.

Leave your feminine fear behind you; it is not needed at all in bed and love scenes.

How can a woman learn to enjoy sex?

Let's discuss the main points of how a woman can enjoy sex and how to learn to experience an orgasm while doing so.

Erogenous zones and female orgasm

In the question of how to learn to have an orgasm for a woman, the first thing you need to remember is: erogenous zones and a woman's orgasm are closely interrelated.

Get to know and reveal all the points responsible for your libido.

Once you know your erogenous zones, you can tell your lover about them, and he won’t just have to guess, he will act the way you like.

It’s easy to recognize your erogenous zones - listen to yourself when your partner caresses you, remember what causes sexual excitement in you.

Don't rush. Everything is achieved over time. Don't expect immediate results. The more you expect, the less you get. Just give yourself over to the joys of love, then you yourself will be surprised that you waited for the enchanting peak.

Studying yourself as a loved one allows you to understand not only your desires, but also learn to understand the opposite sex.

Tell your man about your sexual desires

It’s not enough to know all your erotic corners, you also need to tell your man about them. Yes, not everyone knows how to speak openly about intimate topics, but if you just remain silent and endure, then he will never be able to fulfill your desires.

Don't be afraid to tell your man about your sexual desires. Otherwise, how will he figure out what makes you tremble with pleasure during sex, and what causes you pain or just nothing?

Your goal is to put it in the head of your beloved man necessary information about your sexual preferences, then all you have to do is completely relax and not think about what to eat for breakfast or how to get to work.

We need to discover our femininity, and not expect that a man should do everything. Women and men exchange their energy in order to fill each other with strength.

Women's mistakes in sex

Some women's mistakes in sex prevent them from having an orgasm, and sometimes negate all the pleasure from sex.

Sometimes leave your favorite bed and move your sexual games to more exotic places to add vibrancy to your sexual relationship and enhance the pleasure of sex.

You don't have to have sex in an elevator or car, you can just move to the bathroom or kitchen. This way you diversify your intimate life and toss some pepper into the sexy dish.

Get rid of your feminine mistakes and misconceptions. To enjoy sex, don't think about how you look now in bed. He has no time to look at your wrinkles or folds of fat. If he communicates with you, it means that you are his conscious choice, it means that he likes you, and he loves you all, and not in pieces.

In moments of passion, a man is fixated on sexual intercourse and his masculine abilities, rather than observing the size of your hips or breasts.

Feminine and sensual ladies bloom like buds in the sun. And those ladies who are convinced that their companions owe them something often remain dissatisfied and unloved.

Love and the female orgasm

It is so arranged by nature that love and the female orgasm have a strong relationship.

Whatever advice is suggested to be followed or considered, but if your sex is far from love or at least affection and warm feelings, then it can often happen that intimate intimacy ends without a female orgasm.

With love in a relationship, it is easier to talk about any topic, it is easier to relax and disconnect from everyday worries.

If a man experiences true love, then he himself will try to do everything to make his significant other happy in sex.

Our whole life is a continuous teaching. You can learn everything, even enjoy sex. Maybe you don't wonder what to do if you don't always have an orgasm. You may feel good without an orgasm, but since a woman is given such joy, then you definitely need to try such an intimate dessert and learn to experience a female orgasm.

Think about what might be stopping you, what mistakes you are making, how you treat yourself and your man, and once you figure it out, then the gates of sexual paradise will open for you.

Other articles on our portal can help you in resolving these issues, for example, about, and, just in case,.