Romantic dinner dessert in a glass. Beef medallions. Original meat salads on the menu for a romantic dinner at home

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about love! Namely, about the road to a man’s heart. On the eve of February 14, I, like everyone else, married girls, I’m thinking - what can I do for my beloved man, who is spoiled - spoiled by gifts and attention?..

And then a brilliant idea comes to me - to present myself in a red bow and with delicious sweet desserts. Something like oriental fairy tales.

Shrimp white radish 1 egg starch shrimp flour vegetable oil ice. On the sauce: miso paste, soy sauce. In a small bowl, bring water to a boil, stir miso paste into the bowl, mix, add some soy sauce and put it down. In a vak, let the oil warm up and in the meantime prepare the dough: place the egg in a bowl, add a spoonful of starch, flour and finally crush the ice. Peel the shrimp, cut into several places and salt.

Chocolate truffles in cocoa

Cover the dough and fry in oil for a few seconds. Drip shrimp onto paper napkin, then place it on a plate and serve with the sauce and grated white radishes. Lamb spice broth 1 tablespoon honey rosemary mint cumin ground Roman cumin 1 new spice ball bay leaf whole cinnamon pepper salt olive oil.

I suggest you think about this idea and plunge into romance right at home, filling the air with warmth, the aroma of vanilla and chocolate, which, by the way, is very inviting, uplifting and exciting.

It's amazing how tasty, beautiful and most importantly easy to prepare desserts are for a romantic dinner. Here are a few of them:

First, prepare the marinade by warming the pan and letting it sprinkle in the cumin, new spice, bay leaf and whole cinnamon. Set the cinnamon aside and add the rest to the mortar. Add ground Roman cumin, crumble and finally stir in a spoonful of honey. Peel, pepper and salt. Put on warm oil, first of all, with a large number meat. Bake on all sides and put in the oven, preheating to 160 degrees. Remove from the oven, marinade and leave for a while.

In another pan, heat the olive oil and chop the chopped onion. Then add chopped garlic, pepper, zucchini and eggplant. Season, pepper, add a sprig of thyme, tomatoes, pour out the wine and let it rest for a while. Pour in the juice and let it boil. Cut the lamb into cutlets and serve with the ratatouille and juices.

This simple recipe will not only please your man, but will also help you maintain your figure.

The jelly has very few calories, and you can use low-fat yogurt.

You will need:

  • can of canned peaches - 1 piece;
  • drinking yoghurt - 250ml;
  • gelatin - 25g;
  • whipped cream.


Dark chocolate 50g plain flour 50g brown sugar for casting 3 eggs walnuts drops butter for casting salt. For compote: 2 oranges 1 lemon balm 2 tablespoons sugar. Add a pinch of salt to the egg and melt the snow. Add brown sugar to the egg yolks and go again. Stir smooth flour, chopped nuts, drops of cognac and chocolate that you dissolved in a water bath. Finally, mix slowly snow snow. Shake the molds with oil and sprinkle with sugar.

Pour the dough into them, place them on a plate and bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Are you wondering which dish would be best for your first date? What to cook for your loved one to surprise her? Here is a proven recipe for a romantic and delicious meeting for two.

  1. Soak the gelatin in cold water for 30 min.
  2. Drain the syrup from the peaches into a glass and cut the fruit into small cubes.
  3. Dissolve the gelatin in a water bath and stir half of it with the fruit syrup.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture over the peaches and fill the mold one third of the way.
  5. Place the molds in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  6. Mix the other half of the gelatin with the yogurt.
  7. When the jelly has cooled, pour over the yogurt and put it back in the refrigerator.
  8. When the yogurt has hardened, you need to pour in the third layer - peach jelly.
  9. Place in the refrigerator until cool.
  10. Remove the cooled jelly from the mold and decorate with whipped cream.

Chocolate truffles in cocoa

To prepare magical, delicious candies for your loved one you will need:

Chocolate fondue with fruits

It should be fresh, sensual and promising. Let him know that Justina likes to eat before a meeting. Best easy appetizer and sweet dessert. For a starter, for example, an elegant salad, even one with avocado. The crab sticks are thawed, unwrapped from foil and scalded with boiling water on a sieve. Grind, separating individual fibers along the length. Cut the pineapples into small pieces. Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes. Wash the avocado, cut it, remove the stone. Adjust the pulp with a spoon, leaving a half-inch layer inside the shell.

  • dark chocolate - 200g;
  • cream 35% - 200g;
  • butter - 30g;
  • cognac or brandy - 20ml;
  • cocoa - 20g.


  1. Grind into small pieces.
  2. Bring the cream to a boil.
  3. Pour hot cream over chocolate and, without stirring, leave for 3 minutes.
  4. Then mix the mixture thoroughly, turning it into a homogeneous mass until the consistency of thick sour cream.
  5. You need to cut the butter into small pieces and add it to the chocolate milk mixture, mix thoroughly.
  6. Add cognac.
  7. Mix well, cover cling film and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens.
  8. From the already frozen mass we form balls and envelop them in cocoa. We put it in the refrigerator.

When you form the balls, it is better to wear gloves so that the chocolate does not melt in your hands. You can use coconut flakes, seeds, etc. for decoration.

Sprinkle the interior with lemon juice. Slice the avocado pulp with a fork and add lemon juice. Gently mix all salad ingredients and add avocado to shells. It should be something light and sensual, made with ingredients that Justyna likes. For example, our recipe for pasta with mushrooms.

Fruit dessert: salad with liqueur and whipped cream

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Cut the mushrooms into quarters and the cherry tomatoes into halves. Finely chop the parsley. Place pasta in boiling water, cook al dente and then drain. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a skillet and fry the ham until crisp and brown. Place onions and mushrooms in a frying pan and fry for about 4 minutes while stirring.

It is better to remove from the refrigerator before serving.

Chocolate Ice Cream

We need:

  • yolks - 7 pcs;
  • sugar - 160g;
  • chocolate - 200g;
  • milk - 600ml;
  • coconut flakes or any topping of your choice.

1 - Separate the whites from the yolks, we only need the yolks.

Step-by-step preparation of dessert for lovers

Press the garlic through a press and add the mushrooms. Pour in the wine and simmer over low heat until half the liquid has evaporated. Add cream to sauce, season with salt and pepper. Wrap the ham and add to the sauce along with the chopped parsley. Place the pasta in the sauce, mix and apply to the bowls.

Before the guest arrives, you must vacate the apartment, light candles, and arrange flowers in vases. Let the Lord put one bouquet of fragrant flowers and candles in the bathroom, the woman will be pleasantly surprised. It doesn't matter whether aphrodisiacs rule your kitchen or you're a stickler for Polish, regional ingredients. We'll reward you with a great lunch for two!

2 - Mix the yolks with sugar and grind them thoroughly until the sugar dissolves.

3 - Cut the chocolate into small cubes.

4 - Bring milk to a boil and remove from heat.

5 - Dissolve chocolate in it.

6 - Combine the mixture of yolk and sugar with chocolate milk.

7 - Beat well and, stirring, bring to a boil. You need to make sure it doesn’t burn; it’s better to use non-enamelware.

Wholemeal spaghetti with duck in teriyaki sauce in Asia

Through the stomach to the heart - this rule will work exceptionally well on Boy's Day. We advise you to prepare lunch! A romantic dinner that doesn't require a lot of time in the kitchen, like the one we offer here, is a big hit. What are the rules for Lads' Day? Aromatic and filling, infused with the flavors of orange spaghetti with Asian duck and smooth, creamy white chocolate mousse with caramelized nectarine.

Try something different than usual to celebrate the occasion that is baby boy day. Recipes delicious dishes will definitely help you. Asian style wholemeal spaghetti with duck and teriyaki sauce. We marinated the duck in the middle with teriyaki sauce, then seared the skin until the fat melted. Turn and fry the other side. Place in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

8 - Cook for 10 minutes. on low heat. Do not let it boil and stir constantly.

9 - Remove from heat and cool.

10 – Freeze, stirring every 15 minutes.

Our dessert for two is ready. You can form the ice cream into a heart-shaped cake or balls and place it in beautiful shape. Serve with banana, chocolate topping or coconut. It all depends on how far your imagination takes you.

Cut vegetables into sticks and fry in hot fat. Once softened a little, add the pasta and pour the remaining sauce over it. We plated it and topped it with slices of sliced ​​roasted duck breast. Prepare the cream sauce - beat two yolks with two tablespoons of sugar until the mixture turns bright yellow. Fry 50ml of fondant in a pan and warm it gently without boiling. We harden beaten egg yolks in preheated cream to compensate for the temperature of the ingredients.

The hardened egg mass is added to the rest of the heated fondant. Everything is strained through a sieve. Pour the hot melted chocolate over the mixture and stir until the chocolate is completely melted. We whip the rest of the cream. We add a spoonful of whipped cream to the chocolate mixture and mix gently. Then add the remaining whipped cream. The finished mousse is placed in cups and cooled for one hour in the refrigerator.

Heart-shaped lace pancakes

If on Valentine's Day you were surrounded by bustle and a mountain of completely unromantic things to do, there was no time for a restaurant or going to the cinema, but you still want to please your loved one in the evening, then the question arises - what to cook?

Cut the nectarines into quarters and fry them in oil. Place two quarters of nectarine on the chilled dessert and sprinkle with crushed flakes. If you haven't already thought about recipes as you prepare for Valentine's Day, we've done it for you. Today we offer three menu ideas. Impeccable chocolate, of course.

Menu for diabetics - Aperitif: Hot spinach, parmesan and white beans. Preparation: In a large, cold pot, mix sugar with sour cream and vanilla. Place the blackish dishes in two glasses, tall and clear. Cover the fruit, then ice cream and whipped cream. There is another layer of blackberries, fruit, ice cream and whipped cream. Serve immediately or refrigerate for 4 hours.

These pancakes will save your day and lift your spirits. They are very quick to prepare.


  • Flour - 400g;
  • Water - 450ml;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 pinch.

All ingredients need to be mixed as for regular pancakes. Then pour the dough into a pastry bag; if there is no bag, you need to pour the dough into a plastic bottle, on the lid of which you need to make a hole.

Light salads with shrimp for a meeting of lovers

As for drinks, we recommend. Tiramisu is a delicious Italian dessert. This cake contains many renewing aphrodisiac ingredients, making it an ideal choice for a romantic dinner. The preparation is super easy because it doesn't require any baking or cooking. Try our recipe and surprise your boyfriend!

Tiramisu with strawberries for two people

In a bowl, add mascarpone cheese, a cup of sugar and coffee liqueur. Mix them well with a medium speed mixer. Place 6 baskets on a plate and charm them with a teaspoon of cold espresso, then spread each layer of previously prepared creams. Repeat with other flavors, following the same order: espresso, strawberry cream and cream cheese.

Squeeze the dough from the bag (bottle) into the frying pan, drawing a heart, and in the middle of it we also draw different patterns. Be sure to fry on both sides. Can be served with different types toppings.

Chocolate fondue with fruits

The most tempting and light dessert, for which it is better to purchase a special fondue pot. If you cook using a regular steam bath in a saucepan, the dessert will have to be eaten very quickly as the chocolate cools, and this can distract attention from the main event.

For decoration, prepare another cream cream and two teaspoons of sugar. Mix the ingredients with a mixer with average speed for 2, 3 minutes, then spread the cream onto the pizza. Press cocoa with filter and place two big strawberries in the middle.

Store the cake in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours before serving. If you'd like, if you have strawberries, you can quickly make a puree to serve with dessert. Aphrodisiacs can be found in many everyday foods - honey, figs, avocados, etc. It is a plant and animal material named after the Greek goddess of beauty and love named Aphrodite. They have earned this name because of their special characteristics - they believe that these products stimulate passion.

We need:

  • Fruits;
  • Cream - 100ml;
  • Milk chocolate-100g;
  • Cognac-2 tbsp.


1 - Cut into hearts or cubes.

2 - Crush the chocolate into small cubes and place in a container.

3 - Add cream and cognac to the chocolate.

4 - When the chocolate melts, you need to mix everything.

You can add ingredients to your taste, for example, add vanilla and omit the cognac. This dessert with orange and pear will be the most delicious.

Other unusual hot recipes on the menu for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day may be the best chance for your loved one to surprise your lunchtime passion. Romantic dinner - great gift to each other on the occasion of Valentine's Day. My advice is to enjoy all the food you make. Dinner begins with a hot drink and asparagus appetizer.

The kitchen's chef suggests starting your dinner with a hot, warming drink, which is what you need. Apple juice with spices, and which are aphrodisiacs, must be heated over low heat for half an hour before serving and add lemon zest and orange slices. If you want it more savory, you can add a small pinch of chilli or a piece of ginger root.

This is the top 5 best ideas quick romantic desserts for your loved one. I hope you liked them, and this Valentine's Day will be very bright and sweet. And I’ll go get ready and experiment.

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  • Learn to cook so that your man will be delighted with you

The romantic evening goes on as usual... A wonderfully prepared romantic dinner logically continues with an equally appetizing and “effective” dessert. Yes, yes, it’s effective... sexually! After all, ingredients such as fruits, berries and chocolate not only increase potency, but also cause sexual desire. What are you having for dessert today?

After enjoying a drink, the formal start of dinner can be a hot appetizer of asparagus and goat cheese. "If you don't have goat cheese, you can use any soft, fresh cheese," says the kitchen chef. Peel the asparagus, cut about 3 cm from the root, pour it hot water and keep for several minutes. Asparagus should be coated with flour, then on an egg plate and large, for example. Japanese banana dishes.

The prepared asparagus is cooked in oil and served with cheese and salad. Lucy Makovsky also offers a sauce that is also used as an aphrodisiac. The sauce requires a few sprigs of basil, dill, 100 ml of olive oil, cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt, ground black pepper and sugar. Shake all the herbs and garlic, add spices and mix with oil.

Romantic dessert “Juno”

A quick and easy dessert that is also “romantically” delicious!


  • Canned apricots/peaches – 70 g
  • Chocolate shortbread cookies – 30 g
  • Creamy ice cream – 2-4 tbsp.

Let's prepare romance

Let's start with peaches or apricots: grind them in a blender to a soft puree. Place the puree into glasses. Next, grind our shortbread cookies in the same blender and lay them out in the next layer. We “decorate” all this on top with one or two spoons of ice cream, sprinkle with chocolate chips and... believe me, your “crumbs” will definitely melt after such a dessert!

Strawberries and cream

It seems that this dish appeared in more than one or even two erotic films. Cream, strawberries, powdered sugar... still the “basic instinct” would not work.


  • Strawberries – 3 cups
  • Sugar – 1 glass
  • Cream (30-35%) – 2 cups
  • Powdered sugar – ¾ or 1 cup
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch.

Let's prepare romance

Place the strawberries in a colander and rinse under running water. After this, cut the strawberries into pieces and place them in vases. Next in progress is underway powdered sugar: sprinkle it on the berries (not the buttocks!) and put in the refrigerator for one hour so that our strawberries give juice. It is better to cool the cream well before whipping, and at the end you can add the remaining vanillin and powdered sugar to it. We fill our frozen strawberries with rich cream and have a wonderful and “appetizing” evening.