Why do women have many gynecological diseases? Female gynecological diseases of the uterus

Gynecology(Greek gyne, gynaik - woman + logos - teaching) - a field of clinical medicine that studies the normal activity and diseases of the woman’s body associated with the function of the reproductive system in all periods of life, from childhood to old age, as well as developing methods for the prevention and treatment of these diseases . Physiological and pathological processes associated with conception, pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period are studied by obstetrics.

Gynecology is usually divided into general and private. General gynecology studies the symptomatology and diagnosis of gynecological diseases, methods of their prevention and therapy, private gynecology - certain types of diseases of the female reproductive system, features of their pathology, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and therapy.

Gynecology traces its history back to ancient times.

Descriptions of some female diseases are found in written monuments of India, Ancient Egypt, Greece and in medical books of the Slavic peoples. The Indian Vedas report uterine displacement, amenorrhea, and condylomas. The Egyptian “gynecological” papyrus contains a description of methods for treating uterine displacement, amenorrhea, itching and ulcers of the external genitalia. In the “Hippocratic Collection,” one of the chapters (“On Women’s Diseases”) is devoted to a description of the symptoms and diagnosis of displacement and inflammation of the uterus and vagina, fibroids and uterine cancer. In addition to a description of drug therapy, it provides information on the use of pessaries, surgical interventions (removal of a tumor from the uterus using forceps, a knife and a hot iron); Along with local treatment, measures affecting the woman’s body as a whole are recommended.

Ibn Sina in the “Canon of Medical Science” describes a number of female diseases and their treatment.
In the work of Zoya, the granddaughter of Vladimir Monomakh (XII century), “Ointments,” in addition to the obstetric section, there are two chapters devoted to gynecological issues.

In the 16th century, the first extensive guide to women's diseases appeared by Professor Mercado from the University of Toledo.

Until the 19th century, gynecology was part of obstetrics. At the same time, gynecology began to emerge as an independent discipline.

In Russia, the first gynecological department was opened at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy (1842).

By the 70s of the 19th century, both abroad and in Russia, a special medical specialty appeared - gynecologist.

At the moment, gynecology studies many female diseases, the main ones of which are presented in the relevant sections of our website. After reading the information prepared by our specialists, you will be able to learn many important points related to the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. An important point is advice on providing yourself with first aid in case of unforeseen situations, as well as consultations with our obstetrician-gynecologist on all issues that interest you.

Women's diseases and their symptoms - we talk about this in detail on our website. Well, now we will present to your attention a short overview of the most common female diseases.

In the modern world, in caring for their family, women often stop paying attention to their women's health. The asymptomatic course of some female diseases and untimely access to a doctor can play a fatal role in the future, and medical care may no longer be effective. Therefore, while caring for her family, a woman should not stop thinking about herself, showing the same concern for her women's health. In medicine, problems of the female genital area are dealt with by gynecologists, who recommend that women undergo regular preventive examinations for the purpose of early detection and treatment of a particular disease.

Most women's diseases may have one of three main symptoms as they progress:

  • -menstrual dysfunction (absence of menstruation, irregular menstruation, prolonged menstrual bleeding, pathological menstruation, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, etc.),
  • - pathological vaginal discharge,
  • - pain in the lower abdomen.

Each of these signs, and even more so their combination, indicates the need to visit a doctor. Based on these symptoms, we will consider the most common diseases of the female genital area.

1. Uterine fibroids.

Myoma is a benign tumor of the muscle fibers of the uterus. Its size can range from several millimeters to several centimeters, which can give rise to different clinical manifestations, but the main symptom with which people consult a gynecologist is excessively heavy and prolonged menstruation.

The main cause is considered to be an increased level of female sex hormones (estrogens) and chlamydia, which occurs in every fourth woman on the planet aged 16 to 45 years. Depending on the size of the tumor, menstrual-like bleeding may occur 2 or several times a month. Constant and significant blood loss leads to the development of anemia, which is manifested by pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, increased fatigue and weakness. Only very large or multiple fibroids cause pain.

2. Cervical erosion (endocervicosis).

It is one of the most common diseases among the female population. Almost 40% of all women experience erosion, of which 55% are women under the age of 25. Cervical erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane of the outer part of the cervix, the triggering point of which is most often an infectious inflammatory process.

All this leads to the fact that the structure of the mucous membrane of the cervix changes, its multilayered epithelium at the site of damage disappears, and the surface of the mucous membrane is exposed. As a result, true erosion of the cervix is ​​formed.

Usually, after 1-3 weeks, true erosion heals or turns into pseudo-erosion of the cervix, when the stratified epithelium of the erosion is replaced by columnar epithelium from the cervical canal of the cervix.

Typically, erosion is asymptomatic and is detected during a gynecological examination; very rarely it can manifest as bloody discharge after sexual intercourse. If left untreated, erosion can develop into an oncological process.

3. Inflammation of the appendages - ovaries and fallopian tubes (oophoritis, salpingitis and salpingoophoritis, or adnexitis).

Inflammation of the uterine appendages - the ovaries and fallopian tubes - is one of the diseases that often frightens mothers of their daughters, who prefer fashionable clothes in cold weather.

According to statistics, about 60% of women consult a doctor about inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages. The main causes of the development of the inflammatory process are bacteria, especially gonococcus and streptococcus.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and there is no treatment, inflammation of the appendages can lead to complications: approximately every fifth woman suffers from infertility for this reason, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy is 5-10 times increased, and in 5-6% of cases purulent complications develop that require surgical treatment.

The disease may be asymptomatic or they may be so subtle that the woman does not pay attention to them. But most often, the main symptoms of inflammation of the appendages are pain in the lower abdomen, on the right or left, depending on the location of the inflammatory process, often radiating to the anus or sacrum.

The pain can be intermittent or constant, which disappears after taking analgesics. But the catch is that the drugs only relieve pain, but do not eliminate the cause of the disease, which is fraught with the transition of the inflammatory process to the chronic stage in the future with the development of complications. Also in the acute process, there may be an increase in body temperature up to 39C, nausea and vomiting, and pain when urinating.

4. Vaginal candidiasis, or thrush.

Vaginal candidiasis, popularly called thrush, is one of the common diseases in women, which gives them a lot of discomfort. The cause of the development of the disease is fungi of the genus Candida, which enter the human body at birth when passing through the birth canal and remain with us for life, showing their aggressiveness only when immunity decreases. Many women—about 75%—have encountered thrush at least once or several times in their lives.

The main signs of vaginal candidiasis are itching in the vaginal area, cheesy discharge and an unpleasant sour odor. In addition, women may be bothered by burning and pain after intercourse, which is why they prefer to avoid sexual relations.

Thrush can last a long time, with periods of exacerbations and remissions, so you should not put off going to the doctor. Strengthening the immune system and treatment prescribed by a doctor will help you quickly cope with such an unpleasant disease.

5. Multifollicular ovaries, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

This diagnosis is made to perhaps every fourth woman when visiting a gynecologist. According to statistics, this disease affects from 2.5 to 8% of women, mainly aged 25-30 years. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease in which the maturation of follicles is disrupted, ovulation does not occur, and the eggs that remain in them turn into numerous cysts.

Often the disease develops spontaneously, but the main cause is still considered to be a hereditary factor, in which there is an increased production of androgens (male sex hormones) with a decrease in the formation of progesterone. A predisposing factor is excess weight, so the most effective way of prevention is to normalize body weight.

The main and only symptom of this female disease is an irregular menstrual cycle. Several months may pass between periods. Recently, in the West, there has been a tendency that doctors regard this condition as a variant of the norm and are in no hurry for a woman to restore her menstrual cycle. Recent studies have concluded that PCOS is not a clear cause of infertility, as previously thought.

6. Endometriosis.

It is important to know that not only polycystic ovary syndrome is sometimes the cause of menstrual irregularities. This symptom may be a sign of another female disease, such as endometriosis.

The uterine cavity is lined with special mucous cells that make up the inner layer - the endometrium. The peculiarity of endometrial cells is that they respond to cyclic changes in hormonal levels. In particular, if the endometrium grows, thickenings appear, and blood vessels proliferate, then the uterus is thus preparing for fertilization. If this does not happen, then most of the endometrium exfoliates on certain days of the cycle, and menstrual bleeding occurs.

However, sometimes, for an unknown reason, the endometrium appears not only in the uterus, but also outside it, which is medically called endometriosis. The same changes occur in these cells as in the cells of the uterine cavity, however, the clinical manifestations of this process can be different, up to disruption of the function of a particular organ. Mostly, endometriosis occurs in women of reproductive age between 25-30 years; in postmenopause, it practically does not occur.

The causes of endometriosis are still not fully known; it is common to think about genetic mutations, changes at the level of cellular enzymes and hormone receptors. Risk factors include surgical manipulation of a woman's genital organs. Endometriosis can be genital, within the genital organs, and extragenital, in other areas of the body.

Genital endometriosis is characterized by the growth of endometrial cells on the ovaries, outside the uterus, in the cervix or cervical canal. A typical symptom is spotting that appears a few days before menstruation, which may continue for some time after the cessation of menstruation. The second most common symptom is pain in the pelvic area, which can be constant, intensify before menstruation, after going to the toilet, sexual intercourse, and sometimes for no apparent reason.

Extragenital endometriosis is difficult to diagnose because it may have no signs or be disguised as another disease, depending on the area where the endometrial cells are located. The only sign that helps in diagnosis may be pain and exacerbation of the condition depending on the day of the menstrual cycle.

7. Colpitis (vaginitis).

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, caused by a bacterial infection - staphylococcus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonococcus, hemophilus influenzae, etc. Colpitis (vaginitis) is one of the most common diseases of the female genital organs, affecting mainly women of reproductive age who are sexually active, especially with frequent changes of sexual partners.

Typical symptoms of colpitis are mucous, mucopurulent, sometimes bloody discharge in large quantities from the vagina with an unpleasant odor, itching and burning in the genital area, pain when urinating, swelling and redness of the external genitalia.

In a chronic process, the symptoms may not be clearly expressed, and the process itself is sluggish. Lack of timely treatment can contribute to the spread of the inflammatory process upward and lead to inflammation of the uterine cavity (endometritis), fallopian tubes (salpingitis) and ovaries (oophoritis). Therefore, you should not postpone treatment until later, and consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

8. Menstrual irregularities.

Menstrual irregularities in themselves are not a disease. This is primarily a symptom indicating that there are certain problems in a woman’s body.

The normal menstrual cycle is characterized by regular menstruation, which occurs every 21-35 days and lasts 3-8 days. If the menstrual cycle is too short or long, and the periods themselves are scanty (less than 20 ml) or heavy (blood loss more than 150 ml), or last 1-2 days, then they speak of a violation. If menstruation is absent for 6 months or more, then they talk about amenorrhea.

There can be quite a few reasons for menstrual irregularities, ranging from gynecological problems to disruption of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, or constant stress experienced by a woman. Depending on the causes, treatment will also vary, but in no case should you ignore menstrual irregularities, since malignant diseases may be hidden behind this condition.

9. Mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland).

Inflammation of the mammary gland, or mastitis, occurs mainly during breastfeeding; at other times it is extremely rare. In most cases, women of reproductive age - 30-50 years are affected. The incidence is 1-16% depending on the region, of which 85% are primiparous women.

The reasons for the development of the inflammatory process in the mammary gland in nursing mothers is lactostasis (milk stagnation), which creates ideal conditions for the proliferation of bacteria. In other cases, the cause is also a bacterial infection, most often staphylococcus.

Mastitis is characterized by redness, swelling and a feeling of tension in the mammary gland on the affected side, an increase in body temperature up to 39C. At the same time, there is a risk of developing an abscess or fistula in the affected area. As a rule, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, treatment brings quick results.

10. Breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor of the glandular tissue. Worldwide, it is one of the most common forms of cancer among women, affecting 1/3 to 1/9 of women aged 13–90 years. Among all cancers, it ranks second after lung cancer. According to WHO data, from 8 thousand to 1 million new cases of the disease are registered annually in the world. It also ranks second in terms of cancer deaths in women.

The risk of developing breast cancer after age 65 is almost 6 times higher than before that age, and 150 times higher than before age 30.

Among the main causes of this female disease is a hereditary predisposition to the development of the disease. Predisposing risk factors are quite diverse - lack of pregnancy and childbirth, lack of breastfeeding or too short a period of breastfeeding, obesity, smoking, diabetes, early onset of menstruation (before 12 years) and late menopause (over 55 years), arterial hypertension, alcohol abuse and other.

As a rule, in the initial stages the disease is asymptomatic and is diagnosed during self-examination in the form of a lump in the mammary gland or during an X-ray examination of the gland (mammography).

Sometimes quite painful menstruation and pain in the mammary gland due to mastopathy can be disturbing. In later stages, the tumor reaches a large size and is visible to the naked eye. The shape and structure of the gland changes. The nipple may be retracted, ulcers appear at the site of the lesion, clear or bloody discharge from the breast, lumps are noted in the armpits or above the collarbones, which indicates damage to the lymph nodes.

With timely treatment started in the early stages of the disease (0-1), the five-year survival prognosis is almost 100%, at stage 2 - 93%, at stage 3 - 72%, at stage 4 - 22%.

The list of female gynecological diseases is divided into several groups: inflammatory, pathological processes and infertility. Gynecological diseases caused by the inflammatory process include vaginitis, vulvitis, colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis, adnexitis.


Statistics indicate that every third woman has experienced and knows what kind of pain occurs with gynecological diseases. Symptoms of vaginitis that cause discomfort appear in the form of:

  • changes in vaginal discharge in character, color and smell;
  • feelings of fullness in the vagina;
  • itching and burning;
  • the appearance of pain when urinating and during sexual intercourse;
  • minor bleeding.

The nature of the discharge depends on the following factors:

  • age - in girls, in women, in the postmenstrual period;
  • time of onset and duration of the disease; vaginitis can be acute, subacute, chronic;
  • causes: abortion, childbirth, allergic reactions.

Depending on what pathogen causes the inflammation and the nature of the discharge, there is specific vaginitis (syphilitic, gonorrheal, chlamydial, trichomonas, tuberculosis) and nonspecific (bacterial, fungal).

During an exacerbation of the disease, the symptoms are more pronounced, subsiding as the disease becomes chronic.


The inflammation is localized in the area of ​​the woman’s external genitalia and can spread to the inner thigh. Manifests itself in the form of small ulcers and erosions in the labia and clitoris.

Severe swelling and redness and serous-purulent discharge may occur. If you have vulvitis, you cannot have sex due to increased pain with movement and touch.


The vaginal mucosa is affected. It manifests itself in the form of the same symptoms as other inflammatory diseases (itching, burning, pain in the lower abdomen).

Only depending on the nature of the pathogen, the appearance of copious white foamy discharge is possible. If a woman has colpitis, then the discharge has a rotten smell.

Cervicitis, endometritis and adnexitis

When cervicitis occurs, the vaginal segment of the cervix suffers. Cloudy discharge in the form of mucus appears, with the appearance of small ulcers and hemorrhages at the site of inflammation, sometimes a dull pain appearing in the lower abdomen.

With acute endometritis, women have pain in the lower abdomen, since the inflammation is localized in the uterus itself. The pain increases with palpation. There is a temperature that rises quickly and purulent discharge.

With adnexitis, the fallopian tubes become inflamed. The following types of adnexitis are distinguished: chronic, acute, subacute, depending on the side of the lesion, and bilateral.

Both women and girls may complain that the lower back and stomach hurt, and the pain is cramping. Urination becomes difficult, watery discharge appears, and symptoms of intoxication appear, as the body temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Pathological diseases of the cervix and neoplasms

Erosion can be true or pseudo-erosion. It can occur without any symptoms, only in rare cases does pinkish or brown discharge appear. Abdominal pain localized below is usually not a concern, but may occur spontaneously after sexual intercourse.

Dysplasia, leukoplakia, papillomas and cervical carcinoma. These diseases are considered precancerous; they change the cervical mucosa. Symptoms may not appear for a long time, but if bloody discharge, swelling of the lower extremities and severe pain in the lower abdomen appear, a tumor can be suspected, which requires immediate intervention. Depending on the degree of limitation of life activity with this insidious disease, disability is given.

What gynecological diseases occur with HIV? It is when the human immunodeficiency virus is detected that the risk of developing dysplasia, cervical cancer, infectious diseases and neoplasms increases markedly.

Myoma and fibromyoma

One of the most common benign formations. Depending on the location of the fibroid nodes, women may not feel pain, or, on the contrary, the fibroid becomes the cause of a serious condition. Types of uterine fibroids depending on the nodes:

  • subserous;
  • intramural;
  • submucosal nodes.

Myoma manifests itself in the form of bleeding, independent of menstruation, pain and a feeling of pressure in the pelvis. The nodes put pressure on nearby nerves, resulting in pain in the limbs, back and buttocks.

It is not difficult to determine which gynecological diseases the abdomen grows in; these include benign and malignant neoplasms, including cysts, the etiology of which is different.

Cysts of various origins

Hydrotax (fluid accumulation) can be observed with neoplasms in the ovaries, especially in an advanced form. The following types of cysts are distinguished:

  • follicular;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • Corpus luteum cyst.
What does a follicular cyst look like?

In addition to the most common, other types of cysts are noted:

  • endometrioma;
  • cystic adenoma;
  • dermoid;
  • paraovarian.

In various forms, there is pain and a feeling of pressure on the bladder and lower intestines, resulting in increased urination and constipation. The menstrual cycle changes when there are no periods at all, or their rare and irregular appearance.

Sex hormones begin to be produced too intensely, which leads to a change in voice and growth of facial hair. With a significant size of the cyst, asymmetry of the abdomen appears.


The psychology of women with gynecological diseases plays an important role in their lives. The question of infertility, stress, worries, possible depression and anxiety disrupt the normal course of life and change the response to the question of a woman’s sexual function. This can lead to depression and hysteria. Classification of infertility:

  • primary, secondary;
  • physiological, voluntary;
  • temporary, permanent.

The main sign of infertility is the inability to conceive a child. Further, other causes and treatment of possible concomitant diseases are clarified.

Symptoms that serve as a reason to contact a gynecologist

Diseases of the reproductive system or so-called gynecological diseases are the most common among women. Depending on the type of pathogen, they can be inflammatory, venereal and tumor-like. Not all women immediately react to the appearance of minor symptoms of gynecological diseases; many delay a visit to the gynecologist for a long time and trigger the disease.

Meanwhile, before woman consults a doctor, the greater the chance she has to completely get rid of her health problem. This is especially true in cases where the pathological process is malignant. For timely detection of gynecological disease, every woman under 30 years of age should visit a gynecologist at least once a year, and those older - once every 6 months. In addition, in order to prevent serious health problems, it is necessary to have a general understanding of the symptoms of gynecological diseases.

Most common symptoms of genital diseases in women- pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge, itching, burning and menstrual irregularities.

Let's look at each of them separately:
1. Pain in the lower abdomen. Pain in the lower abdomen caused by inflammatory diseases, as a rule, is aching, as during menstruation, and acute and paroxysmal pain signals a rupture of the fallopian tube, twisting of the cyst, ectopic pregnancy and serious problems with the ovaries. Cramping pain most often occurs during miscarriages or changes in the condition of a fibromatous node in the uterine cavity. "Gnawing" pain during sleep can be a symptom of cervical cancer, endometriosis and advanced uterine fibroids. Most women experience pain in the lower abdomen during days 1-3 of menstruation, and their nature can vary from moderate to severe. Severe menstrual pain is usually observed in girls during adolescence, when their cycles just begin. And in women over 24 years of age, severe menstrual pain is usually a symptom of hormonal imbalance in the body.

2. Vaginal discharge. In addition to the onset of menstruation, the cause of women's appearance can be inflammatory, infectious and viral diseases of the genital organs, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, cysts and the onset of menopause. The color of vaginal discharge can be white, red, brown-yellow, dark brown and gray. Normally, women should not have any vaginal discharge between menstruation, except for slight transparent leucorrhoea. And the discharge of leucorrhoea is a normal phenomenon, it is observed in every woman. Therefore, do not be upset if you find yellowish stains from discharge on your underwear. These are leucorrhoea, they do not cause any discomfort and have no odor, and before ovulation their quantity usually increases. However, an unpleasant odor and bloody vaginal discharge between periods is an alarming symptom. If they are creamy-white in color and cause itching and burning in the vulva area, then these are signs of thrush - the most common gynecological disease. But these same symptoms can also be observed with vulvovaginitis, an inflammatory disease of the genital organs.

Reason monthly bleeding Between menstruation, endometriosis and uterine fibroids most often occur, but these diseases can also be asymptomatic. Abnormal vaginal bleeding in women over 40 may indicate the onset of perimenopause. For any changes in the color, quantity, consistency and smell of vaginal discharge, you should consult a gynecologist; only he can determine its nature and prescribe treatment.

3. Itching and burning of the external genitalia. These symptoms most often occur with infectious gynecological diseases that are sexually transmitted. For example, with gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and candidiasis(). But diseases of viral etiology, such as human papillomavirus, HIV and genital herpes, can also cause itching and burning of the vulva. Sometimes discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the genitals occur due to the development of purulent-inflammatory diseases, diabetes mellitus and the onset of menopause.

4. Menstrual irregularities. Menstrual irregularities include amenorrhea or absence of menstruation, decreased or increased cycle length, scanty periods and heavy bleeding. They can be caused by hormonal and endocrine changes in the body. And most often, menstrual irregularities are observed in women in the period preceding menopause.

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Psychosomatics of diseases of female organs

At any gynecological examination, antenatal clinic, hospital or medical institute, you will be told that diseases of the female organs arise due to the action of pathogenic microorganisms that develop as a result of decreased immunity, or a hormonal disorder that occurs due to, for example, stressful situations.

But you won’t hear a word there about the true, real causes of women’s problems. Only by looking into your own soul can you understand the language of the body, finally unravel what it wants to tell you with another inflammation and heal on your own, without the help of drugs and antibiotics.

Let's look at diseases of the main female organs, such as the uterus, mammary glands and ovaries.

THE UTERUS is the most tender and vulnerable place of a woman. That's why whenever we are offended, angry, irritated and experience other negative emotions, especially in relation to men, the uterus suffers first, absorbing all the negativity, pain, dirt in thoughts and feelings. The main diseases of the uterus are malignant and benign tumors (fibroids, fibroids), numerous polyps (endometriosis), and cervical erosion.

Tumors- these are always grievances against men, starting with the father and ending with the husband. Therefore, if you have a benign tumor of the uterus, this means that you are a good, kind person (from the word BENIGN tumor), but you cannot forgive! Resentment towards the opposite sex, towards life, towards fate has been sitting inside you for a long time, accumulating and multiplying, forming into a tumor.

Fibroid- one of the types of benign tumors, indicates that you hate some person with every fiber of your soul. Therefore, if you do not forgive him and wish him happiness from the bottom of your heart, there is a possibility that the fibroid may develop into a malignant tumor. If you already have a malignant tumor, it means that your grievances are constantly fueled by evil, unkind thoughts, anger, and perhaps even a desire for revenge.

Such a disease of the female organs as polyps- nothing more than unshed tears of self-pity. You are also offended by men, but at the same time you feel very sorry for yourself, you don’t understand why you are doing all this and why you are so unlucky. In order for healing to occur from an illness, you need to forgive those against whom you harbor a grudge and take responsibility for your life. You yourself attracted such men and such events into it, so it’s time to stop feeling sorry for yourself!

Cervical erosion is a wounded female pride. This is the first stage of future grievances against men! After erosion was discovered, 90% of women developed benign tumors in the future, which in another 30% of women turned into malignant tumors over time. This tendency applies to those women who were never able to forgive, accumulating even more grievances and negative emotions that did not work through their grievances. Therefore, if during your examination you are diagnosed with diseases of the female organs, such as cervical erosion or polyps, do not rush to cauterize them, as modern medicine advises. Do not drive the disease deep into the body, and grievances deep into your soul! Just forgive those you are offended by, and the disease will go away.

THE MAMMY GLANDS are a place in the body that symbolizes the manifestation of the maternal instinct, care, control, and upbringing. The mother feeds the baby through her breasts, takes care of him, and if you have problems with the mammary glands, it means that you are overly attached to your child, and possibly to your husband. The desire to take care of everyone, to control everything, as well as fear for your family, disrupts the harmony in your soul and manifests itself in the form of diseases of the female organs such as mastitis, mastopathy, and breast tumors. Stop controlling everything, you will not only suffocate your family with your care, but you will also end up on the operating table. Your husband is a man and he himself is able to make the right decisions, and the child was born into this world in order to learn from his mistakes and gain his own experience! When you understand this and change, the results of your diagnostic tests will also change.

OVARIES reflect a woman's ability to create. Since they perform two functions in a woman’s body - hormonal and reproductive, their condition shows how ready a woman is to realize herself as a mother and reveal her femininity. Ovarian diseases indicate that you do not use your creative potential, do not believe in yourself, and are afraid of becoming a bad mother. While you think that you are not able to do what you want and what you are intended for, you will be tormented by the presence of ovarian cysts and tumors, as well as various inflammations, called in medicine salpingitis and adnexitis.

Dear women, diseases of the female organs are not a death sentence! And having learned one of the diagnoses given above, there is no need to panic and fear that this will lead to infertility! The main thing is to work on yourself, forgive, become softer and more feminine, and then you will not only be healthy, but also happy!