Teaching practice is included. Why does a student need educational practice?


The article analyzes the conditions for organizing and conducting educational practice as an integral part of the program. higher education and forms of the educational process in the first or second year of university. It consists of practical training of a future specialist and consolidates the acquired theoretical knowledge. The educational internship is organized by the university according to the approved program, which determines specific goals and tasks of practice. The practice is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the university and a third-party organization. The procedure for conducting educational practice is developed by the university department in strict accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Its terms are set according to the curriculum and schedule of the educational process. The purpose of educational practice is to acquire primary professional experience. Unlike industrial practice, educational practice does not involve independent work, but familiarization with the future profession and acquiring the first skills in research activities. Educational practice is divided into three types: familiarization (basically, these are various excursions to the enterprises of your future profession); substantive and methodological (this may include lectures and conversations); practice to acquire initial professional skills - for example, educational practice in kindergarten or at school.

independent work

practice manager

types of practice

basic disciplines


technical university students

educational practice

educational program

1. Velsh A.V., Rostovtseva V.M. System of work with young scientists at national research universities of Russia // Izvestia of Samara scientific center Russian Academy Sci. –– 2012. –– T. 14. –– No. 2 (5). –– pp. 1128-1133.

2. Glukhiy Ya. A., Kachalov Ya. N., Kachalova O. I. Formation and development of pedagogy as a science // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. –– 2013. –– No. 9(137). –– pp. 13-17.

3. Zhirkova Z.S. Teaching practice students – preparation for the main types professional activity // Basic Research. –– 2012. –– No. 6 (2). –– P. 360-364.

4. Integrated geological survey practice: Textbook. manual for universities / A.A. Bakirov, E.A. Bakirov, M.V. Bordovskaya and others – 20th ed., revised. and additional –– M.: Nedra, 1989. –– 215 p.: ill.

5. Soboleva N.P. Summer geoecological educational practice as a means of developing students' skills independent work// Collection of materials from the university scientific and methodological conference “Improving the content and technology of the educational process” (February 12–13, 2010) –– Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, 2010. –– P. 56-57.

6. Enterprise standard STO TPU 2.3.04-2008 “System of educational standards. Training and production practices. General requirements to organization and implementation."

Educational practice, as is known, being in higher professional education integral part Its main educational program has one of its tasks: consolidating the knowledge acquired by students during their studies at the university. It can be characterized as a sphere educational activities, allowing students to implement acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, demonstrate the level of mastery of the content of the educational program, and “try” themselves in situations that are actually correlated with their future professional activities.

In the process of preparing and conducting practice, all participants play an important role: both subjects of education and specialists in the relevant industry. The subjects of education are considered to be students and teaching staff. In relation to the conditions of educational practice, these will be, respectively, students and teachers who organize the practice. The head of practice, appointed by the department, certainly plays a big role. At the same time, representatives of the organization participating in its implementation make a great contribution to the success of educational practice, since the quality of students’ internship also depends on how the reception is organized on site. The procedure for conducting educational practice is developed by the university department in strict accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Its terms are set according to the curriculum and schedule of the educational process. The educational internship is organized by the university according to an approved program, which defines the specific goals and objectives of the internship. The practice is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the university and a third-party organization.

The purpose of educational practice is to acquire primary professional experience. The implementation of this goal involves: general familiarity with the activities of the enterprise, its structure, management system and legal form; studying the functions of enterprise departments; study of regulatory documents related to management issues and legislative acts that regulate the activities of the enterprise; practical acquaintance with your specialty and its features; collecting materials for writing coursework. Unlike industrial practice, educational practice does not involve independent work, but familiarization with a future profession and acquiring the first skills in research activities.

Educational practice is represented by three types:

1) introductory, presented mainly by various excursions to the enterprises of your future profession;

2) subject-methodological, which may include lectures and conversations;

3) practice to acquire initial professional skills - for example, educational practice in kindergarten or school.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to determine the conditions for organizing and conducting educational practice for students of a technical university.

Material and research methods

The research material involved the results of educational practice of first- and second-year students studying in the areas of “Earth Sciences” and “Geoecology” at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (NI TPU).

Research results

Among all types of practice of students studying in specialties related to the direction of “Earth Sciences”, special place undertake field internships, during which students have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in their future profession. This type of practice, in particular, is included in the educational program of the specialty “Geoecology”, which is taught within the walls of NI TPU at the Department of Geoecology and Geochemistry. IN curriculum in this specialty, the content of lectures in relevant disciplines necessarily includes issues of the impact of regional enterprises on environment. The technical knowledge that students gain from these lectures and deepens during execution laboratory work, subsequently must be systematically consolidated in the process of educational field practices, as prescribed by the state educational standard.

For this purpose, the curriculum provides for geoecological practice lasting three weeks. A group of students studying in the specialty "Geoecology" after the second year is sent to summer period to the NI TPU training ground on the basis of the Center for Educational Geological Practices in the Republic of Khakassia. The purpose of educational geoecological practice is to identify the main geoecological problems associated with production activities region. It is carried out after students have mastered the basic geological disciplines: general ecology, geology, geography, hydrogeology, mineralogy and mapping.

The problems of organizing such practice are given close attention in the departments providing the specialty “Geoecology”. In particular, its content is being clarified and even expanded. For example, N.P. Soboleva believes that the main means of achieving this goal of educational practice is inspection and familiarization with mining production facilities, using the example of which geo-ecological problems associated with the activities of these enterprises are considered. During such practice, students’ attention, as a rule, is mainly drawn to geoecological issues, which are closely related to the geological features of all objects in the region, thereby simultaneously becoming familiar with their mineralogy and petrography.

In fact, the presence of practice in the curriculum does not yet indicate its effectiveness in helping students acquire skills that are significant for their future specialty. In this matter, the process of its implementation and how it is prepared plays an important role. Therefore, considering this issue from a pedagogical position, it is advisable to talk about certain stages of organizing practice, among which we can highlight: the stage of preparation for practice, the stage of actually conducting the practice and the final stage. Of these, the first and third are carried out on the basis of Tomsk Polytechnic University, and the second - at the training ground, which is determined according to the program and capabilities of the department.

As a rule, before leaving for practice, the department of geoecology and geochemistry holds a meeting with students, where, together with the head of the department and the head of practice from the department, the practice program is discussed, safety instructions are given, and the rules of labor protection, sanitation and fire safety. Individual assignments are also given to students here.

It is known that practice implies familiarization with the specialty, introducing students to everything new and, of course, interesting. For this purpose, in our opinion, an appropriate form of organizing educational practice when traveling and working on site is chosen - an “excursion”. This nature of practice is professionally justified and interesting for a particular specialty. Route and excursion nature of the organization educational training lies in the necessity and advisability of visiting both mining enterprises and various mineral deposits. Students acquire skills in teamwork, independent work, and reporting.

During educational geoecological practice, students both travel along specially designed routes and work on the territory of a geological test site. Thus, students are given the opportunity, on the one hand, to become familiar with unique mineralogical, petrological, geological formations, landscapes and biocenoses. On the other hand, knowledge in previously studied disciplines, such as “ General ecology", "Geography", "Mineralogy", etc., are consolidated through the use pedagogical technique"excursion". Note that during the practice period, interdisciplinary connections are intensified in order to ensure further integration of the acquired knowledge into educational process and their systematization through the organization of independent work of students in the form of preparing and writing a report on the results of practice.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of a student’s educational practice is influenced by various factors. On the one hand, this is the level of general training of students in the specialty “Geoecology” and knowledge of specific material in the relevant discipline, with which the student enters practice. On the other hand, important are such personal factors as the student’s responsibility, the ability to work independently, his attentiveness, the ability to listen and extract valuable information from what he hears. In addition, it is important for a future geoecologist to have an interest in practice, a desire to gain knowledge and master the skills that the opportunity to undergo internship provides him with. Here, not only the role of the student himself as a subject of education is important, but also the role of the head of practice from the department.

Currently, regulatory documents are used on the organization of educational practice, which clearly define functional responsibilities practice manager. Let us illustrate this with the example of NI TPU, which has an Enterprise Standard STO TPU 2.3.04-2008, which defines the goals, objectives and requirements for the organization of educational and production practices, prescribing the powers and responsibilities of the practice manager from both the department and the enterprise. This standard also lists the responsibilities of the student, which is an important organizational factor in his educational activities.

We consider it important to specify the requirements that are presented to students during this practice, conducted in the form of an excursion. The student must perform a whole range of responsibilities. First of all, during the internship they include the implementation of the internship program and the individual assignment of the supervisor from the department and the enterprise. Along with this, the student is required to keep a diary and write a report on the results of the internship, formatting it in accordance with the requirements given in section 6.2.6 of STO TPU 2.3.04-2008, as well as ensure timely submission of the report to the internship supervisor from the department. The procedure for completing the report and analyzing the results achieved by students strengthens their existing educational basis, while being the basis for the formation of professional competence of geoecologists. The defense of the report is carried out at the department upon arrival during training sessions.

One of the sections of the TPU STO clearly defines the procedure for appointing a head from the department and his responsibilities. Thus, to manage the practice of students organized on the basis of the university, a practice leader is appointed from among the teachers or researchers of the relevant graduating departments. Of course, he must be an expert in his field. In general, we can say that the responsibilities of the head of practice from the department are to control and direct the formation professional competencies future specialists during training practice. In addition, we note that the heads of field practice from the department, in fact, carry out methodological manual practice, provide normal life collective, performing mainly economic and supply functions.

According to the standard, the head of the practice from the department ensures the implementation of the practice at all stages of its implementation. At the first stage, he, together with the head of the department, establishes connections with enterprises, enters into contracts for practical training, draws up an order, and carries out organizational measures before sending students to practical training. Of course, the department has already established traditional connections with enterprises. However, in a number of cases, a search for new contacts is carried out, despite the difficult economic situation. Additionally, the head of practice from the organization, together with the head of practice appointed from the department, clarifies the calendar plan for implementation and the specific content of the practice program, and also develops the topics of individual assignments. During practice, he monitors students’ compliance with the daily routine, compliance with discipline, if necessary, conducts educational work with students, is responsible for their compliance with safety rules and, being a representative of the department when collecting materials for the upcoming report and students completing all individual tasks, provides them with methodological assistance. help. At the end of the internship, the supervisor from the department evaluates the results of the students’ individual assignments and the report.

In accordance with the terms of the internship agreement concluded between Tomsk Polytechnic University and the enterprise, in accordance with the order of the enterprise, a supervisor from among highly qualified engineering workers is appointed to organize and conduct student internships.

In the conditions of educational geoecological practice, which is excursion in nature, in addition to familiarization with the practice program at its initial stage, the role of the enterprise manager at the stage of the practice itself comes down to the following:

Meet a group of students led by a leader from the university and provide them with access to the enterprise;

Conduct an excursion to familiarize students with the structure of the enterprise, the features of its activities, its departments, tasks, plans and measures for their implementation;

During the excursion, answer students’ questions about the functioning and activities of the enterprise;

During field excursion practice, the supervisor from the organization does not participate in checking student reports. However, if the company is interested in any of the trainees, then assistance is possible.

So, we have justified that in order to provide students with the proper level of internship, professional qualification The leader from the department should be high, since in the field he acts as the first and only mentor for students. This role is certainly difficult, since the students of 10-20 people in a group are completely different. In this regard, the importance of an individual approach increases, the presence of such personal qualities as perseverance, tolerance in communicating with students for three weeks, and organizational qualities, first of all, in relation to establishing and maintaining discipline in the team. As Z.S. rightly notes. Zhirkov, in practice conditions the quality of a student’s preparation is tested in a real situation.

Thus, educational practice takes great place in the implementation of the educational program in accordance with the standard in the specialty “Geoecology”. Based on the results of pedagogical observations of the process of conducting educational practices in this specialty, we came to the conclusion that a significant role at all stages of field geoecological practice in its organization, conduct and summing up belongs to the head of the department. Therefore, it is advisable to pose the following question: what qualities should the head of practice from the department have in order for this work to be successful? These include professional and personal characteristics. Professional characteristics, of course, should include professional competence, experience working with students, and knowledge of the subject of practice itself. Personal characteristics We divide them into a subgroup of professionally significant ones, including willingness to cooperate with students and knowledge of psychology, and into personal qualities characteristic of a modern teacher - these, in our opinion, are tolerance, responsibility, exactingness, as well as goodwill and correctness. This is an approximate “portrait” of a practice manager.

Thus, during educational practice, which takes place under the guidance of experienced teachers from the department and representatives of the organization, the foundations necessary for further theoretical and industrial training of the future specialist are laid, therefore, the preparation of students for independent creative work in production and in scientific institutions.


Sokolova I.Yu., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Engineering Pedagogy, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk;

Baryshnikov N.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department foreign languages Energy Institute of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk.

Bibliographic link

Kachalov N.A., Borodin A.A., Velsh A.V. ORGANIZATION AND CONDUCT OF TRAINING PRACTICE FOR TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2014. – No. 6.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=16453 (access date: 03/29/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Educational practice is a mandatory element of monitoring knowledge and experience in its application for students who have already begun studying professional disciplines. Most often, it is introduced into the second-year curriculum of secondary specialized educational institutions and the third - in higher educational institutions. Why does a student need educational practice?

The purpose of educational practice is to deepen the acquired theoretical concepts, more detailed specialization, and gain practical experience (in real conditions or its models within the framework of educational practice within the walls of a university, college, or technical school).

Program and methodology of educational practice

The standard scheme involves issuing assignments to students in certain blocks. If pre-diploma practice most often covers the entire course of knowledge, then academic practice in the discipline concerns individual sections and topics. So-called modular blocks are possible, in which tasks are developed according to several adjacent profiles, complementing and specifying each other. In the process of completing them, students:

Evaluate the correctness of approaches and their understanding of the subject;
- learn to implement the learned theory for practical purposes;
- analyze the results obtained;
- draw conclusions, systematize and formalize the collected material.

As a rule, such tasks involve further protection. That is, answers to questions from teachers/commission about the work done. In order to cope with this task, it is advisable to draw up short description main points. These are accents and conclusions, presented in a concise form on the most significant aspects of the work. This “home preparation” will allow you to easily cope with the protection stage.

Difficulties encountered by students

They depend on the discipline, specialization, profession. But there are also general points that all students, without exception, pay attention to. This:

1. Formal requirements. That is, the direct rules for preparing a report. It is especially difficult for students mastering creative or blue-collar professions to comply with all the limits.
2. Compliance with the logical structure, formation and emphasis on the relationships between theory and practice.
3.Usage formal business style in creating documents.

To understand the essence of what is required and easily cope with the task, it is advisable to evaluate how professionals do it. A lot of useful information and ready-made solutions are located at https://www.napishem.by/zakaz/otchet-po-praktike.html, the affordable cost of the practice report on this resource made it popular among students.

It is not necessary to use the finished work, you can take it as a sample, clear example, guaranteeing successful completion of the test and obtaining a high result.

It is no secret that even well-structured theoretical training is not capable of replacing the skills and knowledge acquired as a result of real activities, acquired through trial and error. In order to improve the qualifications of graduates and their value in the labor market, internships are organized at the enterprise for students. The obligation to carry it out is regulated by law, and the rules and methods of implementation are prescribed by the educational institution based on the characteristics of the educational programs being implemented.

The subtleties of organizing practical training for university students are prescribed in the Regulations on Practice, adopted by Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1154 of 2003. The document protects the legitimate interests of students and the right to receive a high-quality theoretical and practical basis. It highlights the following points that the design of production practice must meet:

  • During its completion, students are required to receive a stipend. It does not matter whether they receive a salary at the place of temporary employment.
  • The practice is organized on the basis of agreements concluded by universities, colleges and technical schools with companies of a certain type of activity and industry focus.
  • If the internship involves leaving the region where the educational institution is located, the university is obliged to reimburse its student the full cost of round-trip tickets and pay travel allowances for days of absence in the amount of 50% of the norm established by law for employees of enterprises.

The “rules of the game” for colleges and technical schools organizing internships are established by Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1991 of 1999. They are similar to the principles in force for universities.

How does educational practice differ from industrial practice?

Practice, organized to strengthen and deepen theoretical knowledge, is possible in three formats:

  • Educational – aims to strengthen the theoretical basis acquired by students, instill skills in independent and research work, introduce you to modern equipment. Such programs are developed for junior students. The main activities for their implementation are excursions to production, observation of the company’s work, consultations with its specialists, and practical activities in the workplace.
  • Training and production – most often carried out in the 3rd-4th year. Its goal is to introduce the student to the content of the future profession. To do this, he goes to the enterprise, where he plays the role of assistant to the main specialist (for example, assistant accountant, assistant marketing specialist, etc.).
  • Production – intended for senior students. They become fully involved in work at a specific site within the chosen specialty, learn management and control according to a plan and schedule drawn up in advance. The knowledge and skills acquired during practice can later be used when writing a thesis.

As a rule, any type of practice is preceded by a meeting-conference with the supervisor, at which the purpose of the upcoming event, its meaning and schedule are brought to the attention of students. At the end of the cycle, students prepare and submit reports to teachers describing the acquired knowledge and experience.

What is the difference between industrial practice and pre-graduation?

Conclusions drawn during practical training can be used to write a final work for a master's or bachelor's degree. However, it is not always final for the educational cycle and therefore is not always called pre-diploma.

One of the main tasks of the pre-diploma cycle is to conduct analytics and research, draw conclusions on the basis of which a diploma will subsequently be written. The cycle is intended to be a logical conclusion training, an impetus for the student into a successful professional life.

The tasks of the cycle are:

  • consolidate the knowledge and experience gained during industrial practice;
  • collect empirical information that will form the basis for writing a thesis.

Registration of internship for students: example

The legislation provides for two options for registration of internship: in the form of a contract between the student and a temporary employer or (suz) and a company ready to hire young personnel. You can use any of these formats.

According to current legislation, the organization of practice provided for by the educational program is carried out on the basis of agreements between a university or secondary educational institution and companies of the corresponding profile.

Organizations that take students under their wing are required to enter into employment contracts with them only if there are vacant positions. The law allows for the possibility of registering a student as a member of an organization’s staff only if the position offered to him corresponds to the internship program.

The company has no right to enter into an employment agreement with a student for an indefinite period. It must be urgent and justify the need for employment. For example, the document states: “The agreement was concluded for three months for the purpose of pre-graduation internship.”

A large number of nuances when registering students traditionally raises questions and ambiguities among “urgent” employers. Let's look at the subtleties of formalizing emerging legal relations using examples.

Situation 1

Student Ivanov A.B. asks to join the Romashka company for free internship. He needs to gain knowledge and experience to write thesis. Is it necessary to conclude a fixed-term employment contract with him?

According to Art. 37 of the Russian Constitution, any work must be paid no less than the minimum level established by law. This means that you cannot enter into an employment agreement that involves working for free.

The law does not oblige Romashka to sign an agreement with an intern. He can undergo training at the company without this document.

Situation 2

There are no open vacancies at Gamma. The company takes on internships for university and technical school students. Should she formalize her pre-graduate internship with employment contracts? What should be included in the admission order?

Since the organization does not have open positions, it is not obliged to enter into employment contracts with students. They can work on the basis of an order. In the latter, it is unacceptable to use the wording “Hire without admission to the staff.” The best option is to indicate that the person is being accepted for industrial (pre-graduation) internship.

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– this is the practical part educational process in higher or secondary specialized educational institution, occurring in organizations in real work activities. The practice is designed to consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills necessary for the assignment of qualifications and final certification of the student as a specialist. The results of practical training are assessed in accordance with the standards adopted in the educational institution and fit into the educational process.


Internship for a student it often becomes the starting point of his professional career. The most common mistake students make is to formally treat the internship process as just another learning task. To get the most out of your practice, you must have the right attitude and understand that this is a unique opportunity to “test the waters” while still being under the wing of your educational institution. Having significantly saved time and effort in this way, you will not make unnecessary moves after graduating from university and will know exactly where to go next.

What opportunities does internship give a student:

    consolidate theoretical knowledge;

    apply knowledge and skills in practice;

    navigate the real work process and see the pitfalls of the chosen specialty that are not visible in theory;

    directly contact with professional community;

    gain skills in job search and communication with employers;

    gain experience interacting with an experienced professional mentor;

    understand as early as possible that the specialty or even the field was chosen incorrectly and does not meet your requirements for the profession;

    navigate the profession and decide;

    “test” the market and understand what is in demand and what still needs to be learned;

    find yourself workplace, suitable for starting a career;

    gain initial experience, which young specialists so lack when applying for a job after training, and make their first entry in the work book;

    achieve your first successes and demonstrate your abilities in your chosen specialty to your future employer.

Students undergo practical training in their senior years at universities, when a specialty has already been chosen, and usually the topic of practical training is correlated with the knowledge and skills acquired in the semester. The internship takes place on the premises of real enterprises with which the university has a preliminary agreement. The direction of the organization's activities must correspond to the student's specialization. The student has the right to choose a practice base that suits him, and the university must provide a list possible options. If a student is already working according to his profile, then he has the right to undergo an internship at his current place of work.

During the internship, the student must keep a diary, which is signed by the supervisor of his internship. At the end of the internship, its results are assessed along with exams and tests and are noted in the grade book. Also, the student’s work is assessed by the management of the practical base where he worked and issues a reference. The direction of production practice can be technological (directly practical work, acquisition of skills) and research or pre-graduation (conducting scientific research based on practical material).

The legal side of the issue must be determined in regulatory documents University, and is also regulated by the relevant articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The working day of a student trainee from 16 to 18 years old should be no more than 36 hours per week (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and for those over 18 years of age no more than 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). During the internship period, students are subject to the rules internal regulations accepted in the organization, and general rules labor protection. If an intern is hired for the duration of the internship, he receives all the rights of an employee: the right to receive a salary, the right to paid leave, to disability benefits, etc. He is also assigned the duties corresponding to the employee.

To the employer

Despite the fact that student interns are quite a troublesome matter for an organization, industrial practice has undeniable advantages for the company. Becoming a base of practice and interacting with specialized educational institution, the organization gets the opportunity:

    “educate” young specialists to suit yourself, training them in accordance with the requirements and specifics necessary for your organization;

    adjust educational programs specialized universities, interacting with them.

The legal side of the process of registering a trainee has a number of difficulties, which, however, are completely surmountable. The main problem for personnel officers is the lack of an article clearly regulating the hiring of a trainee. The concept of an agreement between a student and an organization in the event of an internship is absent in principle. In this situation, there are two options.

1. Concluding an employment contract with a trainee. In the case of industrial practice and if there is a corresponding vacancy in the company, the student is hired on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract and enters into a contract with the organization labor Relations. The rationale for concluding an agreement can be formulated according to Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation approximately as follows: “ Employment contract is concluded for the duration of industrial practice.” If this is the first official employment for a student, then he needs to create work book and certificate pension insurance(Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). From the moment the contract is concluded, the trainee is vested with all the corresponding rights and responsibilities of a full-fledged employee.

2. Registration of an intern without admission to the staff. If the agreement between the educational institution and the employer initially stipulates that students undergo internships without official employment, and if there are no vacancies, then the student does not receive a specific job function, but is in practice more for informational purposes, and does not bear responsibility like an employee. However, the internal regulations in force at the enterprise and labor protection rules apply to it. To enroll students at the enterprise, an order is issued, which specifies all the necessary details (names of students, terms and purposes of internship, order of completion, responsible mentor, etc.).

If a student is already working, and the profile of his work corresponds to the specialty for which he is studying, then he can do an internship at his place of work, providing the appropriate certificate to the university.

Thus, internship is a mutually beneficial event for both students and employers, helping them get to know each other and begin professional interaction.

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In any university, during their studies, students need to undergo an internship in order to consolidate their theoretical knowledge and gain practical work skills. During the entire period of study, they undergo introductory (educational) and pre-diploma internships. Completion of the internship requires writing a report, which is accompanied by a diary and a description of the internship. To write a practice report yourself, you need to know the features of each type of practice.

Educational or introductory practice becomes the first test for students. It is taken in the 1st or 2nd year. The goal is to consolidate general theoretical knowledge acquired during the study process, as well as to obtain general ideas about the chosen specialty. During the internship, students are given the opportunity to become familiar with the work of the enterprise through lectures and excursions, as well as watch the work of employees of the specialization you have chosen.

Internship takes place in the 3-4th year and is next step in mastering the profession. Trainees are given the opportunity to study the work of the enterprise from the inside under the supervision of a curator, study and analyze documentation, and collect materials.

Undergraduate practice is the final stage of training. Based on the information received at the enterprise, it will be necessary. The report on pre-diploma practice is often the second chapter of the diploma and represents an analysis of the work of the enterprise.

The report on the work of the enterprise must comply with the requirements of the internship program of your university (See also:), as a rule, it contains:

- calendar plan;

- diary;

- characteristics from the place of internship

- introduction;

- main part;

- conclusion;

- bibliography;

- applications

Title page drawn up according to the model from the guidelines. The title page contains information about the name of the university, type of practice (educational, introductory, industrial, pre-graduation), topic of practice, specialty, student, supervisor, place and year of writing.

Sample title page

Calendar plan is drawn up in the form of a table and contains data on the type, timing and location of the work you perform at the enterprise. Sometimes he enters the diary.

Example of a practice report schedule

Practice diary- similar to a calendar plan. The diary is the main document, along with the report, according to which the student reports on the implementation of the practice program.

The trainee notes every day what he did or studied today. Formats everything in the form of a table.

Example of filling out a practice diary

Characteristic from the place of industrial, educational or diploma internship must reflect data on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the trainee. About the level of his professional training, personal qualities, as well as about the work and assignments that the student performed during his visit to the enterprise. And, of course, the recommended rating.

The student must receive a reference letter from his supervisor and attach it to the report. But in practice, the leader shifts this responsibility to the student.

Sample characteristics from the place of internship

Sample contents of an internship report

Introduction contains:

  • information about the place of internship;
  • its goals and objectives, which are indicated in the guidelines;
  • object and subject of research;
  • assessment current state topic under study;
  • may contain the expected results of the internship.

Introduction example

Main part divided into chapters. Contains theoretical and practical parts. The practical part describes the structure and activities of the enterprise. Analysis is underway. Positive and negative sides in the work of an enterprise or institution. All calculations, graphs and tables are provided.

Conclusion written based on the material studied. Contains answers to the problems posed in the introduction. Includes all findings obtained in the main part. You can enable rating own work and give recommendations for improving the activities of the enterprise.

Sample conclusion of a practice report

Bibliography contains all the sources used in writing the work, including those indicated in. according to methodological instructions or GOST. It can include the names of documents received from the enterprise, as well as regulatory literature and Internet sources.

Applications include any data that can be referred to when writing a work in the text of the work. This could be reporting organizational structure enterprises, extracts from legislation, questionnaires, drawings, diagrams, tables. All documents that you found at the enterprise and that were useful for writing the reporting work.

Writing a practice report on your own is very interesting and informative. But if you have difficulties with writing or you were unable to complete an internship at a company, you can always turn to our specialists for help and receive qualified advice.