What is compulsory pension insurance and social insurance? What is snils: decoding, why is it needed

Employed citizens and pensioners know well what SNILS is, since it is directly related to the pension contributions of a citizen insured in the pension insurance system. This document must be completed not only in order to form pension savings, but also in order to be able to use some government services.

What does it look like

Now let's take a closer look at what is hidden behind the acronym SNILS, what kind of document it is and what it looks like. This abbreviation stands for: Insurance Number of a citizen’s Individual Personal Account in the compulsory pension insurance system, to which the employer transfers insurance contributions. All information about potential and current pensioners, as well as their pension contributions and work experience, is stored in the database of the Russian Pension Fund, and the citizen has a certificate in which these figures are indicated.

It is worth amending the statement that the pension certificate and SNILS are one and the same.

The pension certificate, or more precisely, the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (CISOPS), is a light green laminated card measuring 11.5×8 cm, which confirms registration in the unified database of Compulsory Pension Insurance (OPI) and which contains elements of protection against counterfeiting and some personal information about its owner.

The certificate is often mistakenly called SNILS, although the latter is only a digital code and not the document itself.

Those who believe that the SNILS number is indicated in the pension book are also mistaken. Since 2015, forms of this document, which contained information about the date of appointment, amount and type of pension, have ceased to be published, since it played a minor role in social life pensioners, and the costs of its production were covered by funds from the state budget. Instead of a pension certificate, when assigning a pension, Pension Fund employees issue a certificate of receipt of a pension, or, as they say in everyday life, a SNILS certificate. This certificate is issued on a regular A4 sheet and, in addition to the digital code of the individual account, it contains the following information:

  • personal data of the pensioner – full name, date of birth;
  • type of pension (old age, survivor, disability);
  • pension amount;
  • the period during which the pension is paid;
  • which authorities issue the certificate (PFR).

If you are interested in how the concept of SNILS is correctly deciphered individual, then there is nothing new here; its decoding has already been given above: the insurance number of an individual personal account. The main document containing this information, is an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance. It can be replaced in case of a change in surname or, but the personal account number itself remains unchanged, since it is issued to a person once and is assigned to him for life.

Very rarely, but still found on the Internet, something like the following request is found: “SNILS number of a legal entity, what is it and where to get it,” users most likely confused SNILS and TIN. It is worth saying that SNILS for legal entities does not exist as such, since it only identifies the individual in whose name it is issued.

What does the digital code mean?

Anyone who has received a pension insurance certificate has probably at least once wondered what the 12 digits of the SNILS code mean. The numbers on the pension insurance certificate are the personal account number itself to which the employer transfers contributions for pension savings. For some reason, many people mistakenly believe that the insurance account code has 12 digits, although in fact there are 11.

Some particularly meticulous citizens are trying to figure out what size and font format the SNILS card is in 2019. This question is difficult to answer, since information about technical requirements is not indicated anywhere for registration of the certificate. Only professionals who understand fonts can say this. One thing can be said: probably to avoid errors, all data is typed in capital letters.

What information is included in the insurance certificate?

The document contains the following mandatory information:

  • date of issue of SNILS, that is, date of registration / registration with the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • date of birth of the insured person;
  • personal data – last name, first name and patronymic;
  • gender of the citizen;
  • place of birth of the insured person;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account.

If you notice that there is no registration date on SNILS, or there is an error in the full name, date or place of birth, do not rush to panic, you just need to come to the Pension Fund office for an appointment, the employees will enter the correct information into the unified personalized accounting database and issue new card. But you shouldn’t delay the exchange.

Perhaps there are those who do not yet know where the number and series of the SNILS document are written. Immediately under the inscription “Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance” there is a number; the document does not have a series; a digital code is used to identify it. But this code, as mentioned above, means not only the document number, but also the account number through which pension contributions are made by the employer.

Earlier it was said how many digits are in the SNILS number of an individual, as well as the fact that it is individual and unchanged throughout the life of the insured. The numbers in the insurance number are exactly 11, the first 9 can be any number, but the last 2 are the control number. Using special algorithms, the authenticity of the document is determined using the first 9 digits and a check number. Special resources have been created for this, which will be discussed later.

In what situations do you need a SNILS number?

Those interested in why and where an adult needs SNILS should know that its presence simplifies the process of providing many public services.

Here are the most common situations in which it is needed:

  • registration and further authorization on the State Services website;
  • issue ;
  • checking the status of the account in the Pension Fund;
  • drawing up applications for receiving certain social benefits;

From January 1, 2017, it is impossible to obtain a loan without SNILS in Russian banks. This document is included in the list of required papers when applying for a loan. This requirement of banks operates on the basis of the Law “On Credit Histories” dated December 30, 2004 No. 218-FZ. Thus, in order to receive a loan from a bank, you must be registered in the unified personalized accounting database of the Pension Fund of Russia.

When asked why banks require SNILS when applying for a loan, the following arguments can be given:

  • With the help of an insurance certificate, banks can easily obtain information about the client’s credit history through a single credit history bureau database;
  • lifetime assignment of an insurance number to the client provides bank employees with an easy search in the credit history bureau database if the client, for example, has changed his last name or others;
  • A pension insurance policy, or, as people often mistakenly call it, the pension insurance certificate number, is confidential information, therefore employees of the Pension Fund do not have the right to independently transfer this data to banks, which means that employees of Russian banks cannot only know the income of clients based on the amount of accumulated pension contributions.

So, what does SNILS give:

  • simplifies the process of creating pensions;
  • provides the opportunity to use government services online;
  • helps apply for benefits using the Internet;
  • reduces the number necessary documents when receiving various government services.

In addition, issuing an insurance certificate gives many advantages to minors, for example, it is required for registration in kindergarten or school.

Features of pension insurance

As we have already found out, the insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person is the number indicated on the pension insurance certificate, in abbreviated form called SNILS.

How to refuse a number

If you do not want to be identified in the general civil database by number, then you can either not issue a pension insurance certificate initially, or after receiving it, write an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a request to remove your personal number from the general civil registration and deduct savings using your passport data. A response to your request is required within 30 days in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. If you receive a letter of refusal, then send it to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Document preparation for different categories

Here we will try to figure out who can receive SNILS. You should know that this document Almost all Russian citizens and some foreigners can apply for it. In addition, for employed Russians, issuing a “light green card” is mandatory, since it is through the account specified on it that the employer will make pension contributions.

  • employed citizens;
  • unemployed citizens (housewives, etc.);
  • self-employed citizens (entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers);
  • minors (parents must write an application for children under 14 years of age);
  • employed foreigners;
  • military personnel.
  • a foreigner should not be a highly qualified specialist, who are defined by the provisions of the Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ;
  • a foreigner has entered into a contract with a Russian employer for at least 6 months or for an indefinite period.

Some are interested in knowing whether the organization has SNILS. The answer to this question is negative: an organization/company/firm cannot have an insurance certificate, since the insurance number is exclusively personal and is issued only to individuals.

A certificate is issued, whether it is an initial receipt or an exchange, regardless of what reason - due to a change in personal data or loss, error, absolutely free of charge, there is no state duty, SNILS is probably the only document for which you do not need to pay to obtain a duplicate.

Registration for minors

Children over 14 years of age can obtain an insurance certificate on their own; for children under 14 years of age, documents must be submitted along with an application to the Pension Fund office by parents. Also, the administration of the school where the minor is studying can handle the procedure for submitting documents to the Pension Fund. In addition, a special agreement can be concluded between the Pension Fund and the registry office, according to which the necessary data is transferred to the Pension Fund immediately upon registration of a newborn, in which case the document is issued automatically for the minor. In order to issue a SNILS for a child, you need to provide a passport to the Pension Fund of Russia (for children over 14 years old) and fill out an application form. For applicants under 14 years of age, a parent's civil passport is also required.

Employed citizens

A working citizen not only can have such a certificate, but also must. If he has not received it yet, then this document must be issued at the enterprise. To do this, you need to fill out a special form, after which the employer submits it to the Pension Fund along with other necessary documents. After registering in unified system For pension accounting, your employer will give you a “light green card” with a personal number.

Unemployed citizens

Is it necessary to a non-working pensioner SNILS – previously often asked, but now to a lesser extent, the question is asked by those who have completed their career. Answer to this question will be affirmative. For those in the unemployed population, it is also worth getting an insurance number as it makes it easier to use many government services. The Russian Pension Fund recommends that unemployed Russians obtain this document, although this is not a mandatory requirement.

For pensioners

To the question whether pensioners have SNILS, the answer is yes, because often after retirement they continue to work, and therefore, insurance premiums must be transferred to the personal account number indicated in the insurance certificate.

Thus, let’s summarize why a pensioner needs SNILS, whether he works or is already enjoying a well-deserved rest:

  • calculation of insurance contributions, from which the insurance and funded parts of the pension are formed;
  • receiving government services or benefits.

What can you find out from your insurance certificate number?

Using the certificate number, you can find out the status of your personal account, as well as your work experience. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund office in person or register on the State Services portal.

As for the time of registration with the Pension Fund of Russia, the date of registration by SNILS number is indicated at the bottom of the card.

All information for each insured person/number is stored in an electronic database and is confidential, so it is impossible to find out any specific information about anyone other than yourself. We hope that we have dispelled your doubts about whether SNILS is personal data, and you will treat this document more carefully.

Where to apply

Almost everyone probably knows the information about who issues SNILS, but for those who still remain in the dark, we inform you: to issue an insurance document, you must personally contact either the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or a multifunctional center at the place of permanent or temporary registration, or , if an interdepartmental agreement has been established between the Pension Fund and the MFC.

For younger citizens who feel at ease on the Internet, it would be more convenient to go to the official website to obtain SNILS, but, unfortunately, today this cannot be done online. For now, only personal appeal to the Pension Fund or MFC is provided. But some operations can still be carried out on the official website of the Pension Fund or in your personal account on the State Services portal, for example, checking the status of your personal account.

Validity period of SNILS number

Above, we focused on the fact that the SNILS number does not change throughout the life of the insured person; moreover, it remains with him even after death.

How to change a document

Exchange of the certificate is necessary in case of change of mandatory information: last name/first name/patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, date of registration - or its loss. If a document is lost, working Russians should contact the HR department, and non-working or self-employed people should contact a branch of the Russian Pension Fund or the MFC with an application for a duplicate.

If the surname or other data changes, the insurance certificate must be replaced. This is necessary to ensure that the information in the certificate matches the data specified in. When re-issuing a “green card” after loss or when changing your last name, number social insurance in Russia also remains unchanged, since it is issued once for life.

Ways to find out your insurance number

There are several ways to find out your SNILS number:

  • personal application to the Pension Fund branch;
  • the number is indicated in your pension certificate or certificate issued by the Pension Fund of Russia branch if necessary;
  • for employed citizens, the best option is to contact the human resources department; the employer can provide the necessary information.

It is easy to find out the account number if you have a passport, for which you need to contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence and present your passport.

Increasingly, Russians are interested in how they can find out SNILS on the Internet, however, due to the high security of this information, finding out the number online will not be an easy task.

In addition to the above methods, there is another option - to find out the insurance number using the taxpayer identification number.

How to check your insurance number

You can check the authenticity and correctness of the insurance number using the first nine digits and the last two – control numbers. Special algorithms have been developed for this purpose. For example, you can check the number using the Social Security Fund website. You should be careful with other resources that request this data, as you may stumble upon scammers among them.

Does SNILS apply to identity documents?

It remains to find out the last thing: is it SNILS and if so, can only it be used? Anyone who is not aware of this issue should know: the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation is confirmed only by a passport; for citizens under 14 years of age, such a document is a birth certificate. During the period of passport replacement, a citizen of the Russian Federation may be issued a temporary certificate. Thus, the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance cannot be an identity document.

What is SNILS: Video

SNILS is official document, confirming the registration of its owner in the national pension insurance system. It will be used to calculate your pension when the time comes. However, SNILS is required not only by those who have already retired. Who needs to draw up a document and when, how it looks and is deciphered, read our review.


What does SNILS look like?

The document itself is a small green plastic card that fits easily in your hand. It contains important information for official bodies:

  • 11-digit number;
  • Full name of the card owner;
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth;

Explanation of the abbreviation SNILS: insurance number of an individual personal account.

The number is calculated and assigned by the Pension Fund department issuing the official document. Moreover, the first 9 digits are the owner’s personal (unique) account on which pension contributions are accumulated, and the last two are a verification code assigned by the Pension Fund according to a certain algorithm.

Important: The SNILS number is assigned for life and cannot be changed under any circumstances. If your last name is changed or the plastic card itself is lost, a duplicate document with the same 11-digit code is issued.

On the back of the card there is background information:

  • name of the printing house that issued the certificate;
  • what to do if the card is damaged or lost;
  • how to get a duplicate and much more.

SNILS – important document: using your personal account you can find out full information on employer transfers to funds, as well as total size owner's work experience.

For what purposes is SNILS required?

Today, without a certificate of pension insurance, it is almost impossible to access a number of necessary government services. It is its number that is considered identification for the mandatory universal card, which in the future should replace most documents. Certificates are issued to persons of any age, including newborns.

For what purposes do you need a SNILS card:

  • contributions from the employer for pensions;
  • registration on Internet resources for access to a number of official services;
  • receiving certain social payments (subsidies and benefits, maternity capital and etc.);
  • release of an official universal card;
  • interaction of citizens with social authorities and medical organizations.

Note: SNILS is included in the list of mandatory and necessary documents that every citizen must have Russian Federation. In addition, foreign citizens and stateless persons who are employed in the country (regardless of the length of work) must have a card.

Today, all employed persons are required to have SNILS. It is also available to unemployed adults, adolescents, youth and children.

Procedure for registration of SNILS

There are several options for obtaining a card:

  • employed persons receive SNILS upon entering work for the first time in their lives: the employer is obliged to draw up the document independently;
  • schoolchildren, lyceum students, college students and students receive SNILS in educational institutions;
  • for an infant, parents should receive SNILS through the Pension Fund branches;
  • non-working citizens apply for a card through the local department of the Pension Fund.

The procedure for obtaining a plastic card is simple. You just need to provide your passport (sometimes an additional copy is required) and fill out an application special form. The pension fund issues a certificate within a couple of weeks from the date of receipt of the application.

Attention! The SNILS card is stored directly with the owner. It is prohibited to transfer it to third parties. To complete the documents, it is enough to provide a copy with a clearly visible number.

As you can see, SNILS is an extremely important document, which it is advisable to issue as early as possible.

Few young people think about how much money they will live on in old age. Until the very end, it seems to them that the moment of retirement will not come very soon and there is nowhere to rush, but then it turns out that time has flown by, and they need to go for old-age payments. In this article we will talk about a document confirming a citizen’s right to receive a pension.

A working citizen has the right to a pension. Currently, barring some exceptions, men in Russia can count on cash payments by old age upon reaching 60 years of age, women - from 55 years of age.

Since 2002, the future pension of Russians has been formed in the compulsory pension insurance system (OPI), which is based on insurance principles. The basis for future payments is insurance premiums, which are paid by employers for a citizen during his working life.

What is SNILS

The Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) registers all Russians (including children and teenagers), foreign citizens and stateless persons in the OPS system. From the moment of registration, a citizen is opened an individual personal account with a permanent insurance number - SNILS, and is issued a “green card”.

Important! If the certificate with the insurance number of the individual personal account is lost, it will be restored, but for this the citizen will need to apply for a duplicate.

An insurance certificate is a document that contains the following information about a citizen:

  • surname, first name, patronymic;
  • date and place of birth;
  • date of registration in the compulsory pension insurance program;
  • insurance number.

Why do you need SNILS?

SNILS number is required for

  • formation of a citizen’s future pension (it is on this account that insurance contributions paid by the employer to the Pension Fund are formed);
  • receiving state and municipal services (including electronically);
  • registration of various benefits;
  • receiving free services(treatment, training) and other things.

How to get SNILS

To receive a document with a personal account insurance number in the OPS system for the first time, a citizen must contact any territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia or a multifunctional center. You must have your passport with you. At the department, the citizen will write an application for SNILS and after 3 weeks will receive it in his hands. In some pension fund client services, you can receive a document even at the time of application.

You can also apply for SNILS through your employer when applying for your first job. In this case, upon an independent visit to the Pension Fund of Russia branch, the certificate will be issued immediately.

If you want to get SNILS for your child who is under 14 years old, you can contact the Pension Fund or MFC at your place of residence or actual residence with your own passport and birth certificate. By filling out the form there, you will receive SNILS no later than two weeks from the date of your visit to the institution.

Children over 14 years of age can apply for the document independently with their passport.

What to do if you lose your SNILS?

If you have lost your SNILS, you can easily restore it. To do this, you need to contact the HR department of the organization in which you work with an application for a duplicate or the Pension Fund branch at the place of registration (including temporary) or place of residence.

You will receive a duplicate of the “green card” within a month from the date of application.

Changed your last name - contact the Pension Fund

If you have changed your personal data (for example, changed your last name) or changed your passport, then you also need to contact the Pension Fund for a new “green card”, since the personal data indicated in the SNILS certificate must correspond to the passport data. The “old” document will need to be attached to the application when submitting documents.

Many people perceive a green pension insurance card as some kind of useless add-on to “real” documents - a passport, for example. But in the USA, a person’s insurance number is extremely important, and without the US equivalent of SNILS, it is impossible to get an official job, rent an apartment, or open a bank account. Russia is gradually moving in the same direction, albeit in zigzags. In this article we will talk about what SNILS is, what opportunities it opens up, whether it is possible to change the insurance certificate and how to get a duplicate of it if necessary.

SNILS is the Insurance Number of an Individual Personal Account. In Russia, this term refers to both the set of digits of the identification code of the insured citizen, as well as the laminated insurance certificate (so to speak, physical evidence of the existence of the account), and the actual account number to which payments are made by employers or the state throughout life. The action of SNILS is regulated federal law“On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation” (No. 167-FZ of December 15, 2001).

The SNILS format is as follows: 123-456-789-01 , the number is assigned using a special algorithm that excludes forgery and duplication.

The front side of the insurance certificate contains:

  • insurance number of an individual personal account;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the owner;
  • owner's gender
  • Date and place of birth;
  • date of registration in the pension system of the Russian Federation (in some cases different from the actual date of receipt of the certificate).

An insurance number is assigned to a person once in a lifetime. And in the future, no matter what happens to the citizen (the last name changes, he leaves the country for several years and then returns, and so on), the identification code remains the same. Registration in the pension insurance system is mandatory both for residents of the Russian Federation and for foreigners officially working in Russia.

Why do you need SNILS

SNILS was conceived as Russian analogue American Social Security Card. It was assumed that the insurance number would become one of the main documents of a citizen, which would be used to determine where and how long the citizen worked officially, what contributions were paid for him by employers, where he worked in this moment, as well as assign pensions, social benefits, benefits and provide other government services. However, the introduction of SNILS was somewhat ahead of its time: when green certificates appeared (in 1998, and then, in a modernized form, in 2003), the country did not yet have unified databases on public services, social security, and even social insurance archives were not fully translated into electronic form.

Since the mid-2000s, the situation began to change. Now the information compared with the insurance number of an individual personal account:

  • contains complete data on employers’ contributions (to the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund) for the entire period of the employee’s work experience (meaning the insurance period starting from 2002);
  • used for the formation of state registers of citizens (as part of the exchange of personal data of a citizen between various departments);
  • required for authorization on the government services portal.

It was planned that SNILS would become the basis of the universal electronic card– a means of personal identification that was going to be linked to the insurance certificate number.

UEC began to be issued on January 1, 2013. The card allowed you to log in to the State Services portal and remotely receive electronic signature and use it to certify various documents.

It served as an identification document for a pensioner, replaced a compulsory health insurance policy, was a universal travel card, had its own and performed more than 10 other functions.

However, due to foreign policy complications, the increased threat to data confidentiality and the general high cost of the UEC project, it was terminated in December 2016.

However, the Russian government has not abandoned the idea of ​​combining all possible electronic services and identifiers within the framework of the “Electronic Passport” project, but today its implementation has also been suspended.

How to apply for SNILS

Now citizens of the Russian Federation receive an insurance certificate almost immediately after birth. To do this, the mother or father with their passport and birth certificate must visit the branch of the Pension Fund or MFC at the place of residence or actual residence (in regions where MFCs provide such services).

When applying to the Pension Fund, the insurance certificate should, according to the official website of the Pension Fund, be issued immediately if you have already filled out the application form ().

Through the MFC, registration of SNILS takes 5 days. This procedure applies to all children under 14 years of age. Teenagers over this age have the right to independently apply to the Pension Fund of Russia with their passport.

Adult citizens, as well as foreigners officially employed in Russia, can obtain SNILS in two ways:

1 Upon employment.

If you are entered into an employment contract or civil contract to provide services/perform work, the employer is obliged to send your data to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation no later than 14 days later. There, within 5 days, they will assign an identification number, issue an insurance certificate, send it to the employer, and he will give it to you.

2 Independently in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or in the MFC

Here the algorithm is the same as in the case of children (only you apply with one passport). After filling out the forms, you will receive SNILS from the Pension Fund immediately, and through the MFC - within 5 days. .

Another way to obtain SNILS is to issue a notarized power of attorney and provide it to your representative, who will submit documents on your behalf and receive an insurance certificate.

What happens if you don’t fill out SNILS

According to the law, obtaining an insurance number for an individual personal account is a mandatory procedure; all people officially working in the territory of the Russian Federation must be registered - both citizens of the country and foreigners.

An identification number long time was the subject of conspiracy theories about “they counted us all” and “this is the number of the devil.” Therefore, a certain layer of people has formed in society who do not seek to receive SNILS (and are opposed to assigning it to their children) for ideological reasons.

What are the consequences of not having an insurance certificate?

Despite the fact that according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation the attitude government agencies to citizens cannot be determined by the presence or absence of any documents; it is difficult in everyday life without a green laminated card.

  • Firstly, problems will inevitably arise when trying to officially find a job. The Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” obliges both the employer and the employee to register all changes in the employee’s insurance record in the state pension insurance system. Violation of this requirement results in a fine for the employer, and who would like that?
  • Since 2016, the accounting records of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs related to personnel records management have been linked to the insurance numbers of employees’ personal accounts - you simply will not be able to receive a salary if you do not have SNILS.
  • If you don’t have an insurance certificate, you won’t be able to apply for benefits or register on the State Services Portal - which means you won’t be able to put your child on the waiting list for kindergarten, you won’t be able to make an appointment remotely with a doctor, you’ll have to collect documents in paper form and bring them to each authority separately, and so on.
  • If there is no insurance number for an individual personal account, they will big problems with the restoration of the insurance period and contributions to the Pension Fund in previous periods. You will have to run through the archives, look for enterprise reports and re-register your pension individually manually.
  • Often SNILS is the second document required when applying for loans in commercial banks. But even if you are not required to present an insurance certificate, any specialist in the credit department will be alarmed by your lack of an identification number when the information about the borrower begins to be checked.


What should I do if I lost my certificate?

If you lose your “green card” with SNILS, the identification number of the insured person does not go away, it is still assigned only to you, and the account still takes into account all contributions from employers and your length of service. However, there are situations when evidence is needed, so to speak, in kind.

Restoring the card is easy. If you are officially employed, come to the HR department and write an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate (the application form will be prompted by a HR employee).

If you individual entrepreneur, lawyer or notary, you must contact the Pension Fund yourself by filling out an application () Unemployed citizens should follow the same algorithm. If you do not live in the region where you are permanently registered, you do not need to go anywhere - the Pension Fund accepts applications at the place of temporary registration.

There is another way. Not long ago, the Pension Fund website launched a service for obtaining a duplicate online (you can submit an application through Personal Area, and then pick up the finished certificate from the territorial office of the Pension Fund).

I got married and changed my last name. Will the insurance number on the certificate change, and does the green card itself need to be changed?

A personal identification number is assigned to a person once and does not change throughout his life. But the information specified in the insurance certificate must be similar to that contained in the passport.

Therefore, after changing your last name, you need to submit an application to exchange the insurance certificate to the human resources department at your place of work or to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of Russia (or to the MFC, if this service is provided in your region). The old “green card” must be attached to the application. At the same time as when issuing a new insurance certificate, you will receive a card with a changed surname.

What should I do if my last name is written incorrectly on the insurance certificate?

The accuracy of the information reflected on the insurance certificate must be checked immediately upon receipt. If you see an error, immediately notify a HR specialist or a representative of the Pension Fund. There may be two options here:

1 The spelling of your last name is incorrect in the pension insurance data system. This can cause unpleasant consequences if, for example, you restore your experience through archives manually. An incident is possible, which in bureaucratic language is called “multiple registration of an insured person” - there will be two of your personal files in the system, with different surnames. Formally, after checking your passport, you will find yourself as a person who does not have an identification number, it will be issued, and your length of service will be taken into account in two different accounts. If everything is in order with your experience, problems will come to light already at the stage of assigning a pension, when you will have to prove that, say, Ivan Petrovich Sinyakin is you, Ivan Petrovich Sidyakin.

2 For some reason, the operator entered your name incorrectly on the form when printing the insurance certificate card. In this case, the insurance pension account number assigned to you remains yours, and all accruals are made correctly. But when presenting the document, as in the first option, there will be difficulties: if the last name is not yours, then the officials will have questions.

To avoid troubles in any of the above options, immediately contact the Pension Fund using any of the methods described above. Changes will be made both to the insurance certificate itself and, if necessary, to the registration record within the same time frame in which the new certificate is issued.


SNILS or insurance number of an individual personal account is a mandatory attribute of every citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as foreigners working officially in our country. All information about work experience and about contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, which were made by employers for the employee throughout the latter’s career. Based on this information, a person is assigned a pension, benefits are paid, and so on.

Initially, it was assumed that SNILS would become the main project of a universal electronic card, as well as several others, but now its most frequent use is as an identifier when entering the State Services Portal, which allows you to use big amount government services provided remotely.

You can obtain SNILS through your employer or at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence, as well as in many MFCs in the country. There you can restore the insurance certificate in case of loss and exchange it after changing your last name.

SNILS is assigned once in a lifetime and is valid indefinitely.

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What is SNILS?

When you first get a job Pension Fund opens a special pension account for each citizen. It is designed to accumulate insurance contributions from employers throughout the entire period labor activity. The account is assigned a permanent number - SNILS. The retirement account number remains unchanged throughout the person's life. To confirm that a person is registered in the Pension Fund system, he is provided with an insurance certificate - a laminated green card.

What does SNILS look like? It is an 11-digit digital combination. It is indicated at the top of the certificate.

Why is it needed? SNILS? It is used for identification in the Pension Fund insurance system. Using this number the fund can check pension accruals, arriving in the name of a citizen. In addition, SNILS is widely used in the provision of social and medical services. It allows you to quickly determine the amount of contributions made by the employer to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, as well as the citizen’s right to receive various types benefits and subsidies. For example, it is requested when applying for disability benefits or an electronic card for access to government services. It is expected that in the future SNILS will become a universal document for identifying citizens in social system Russia. It will replace the TIN, student ID, travel documents. Today, it can be received not only by employed persons, but also by unemployed citizens, as well as children. This allows you to significantly optimize the social services delivery system. services.

Decoding SNILS– insurance number of the individual personal account.

How to find out your SNILS?