What payments are due to a young specialist? Payments to young professionals

Young specialists– employees who have completed a full training course in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. It should be added to this definition that a representative of this category first entered a paid position in his specialty. This status is valid only for a certain period - a year after receiving the diploma.

Legally, belonging to this category provides special guarantees and obligations in relation to other employees. But in practice, not every organization is ready to provide young specialists with a full social package. Many graduates are deprived of the opportunity to obtain the status in question because they prefer to find a job on their own.

Status validity period

Federal legislation, including the Labor Code, does not establish a definition of the concept of “young specialist”.

Regional regulations indicate that this status can be assigned up to 35 years, in some areas - 30 years.

The status is valid for 3 years (starting date is the conclusion of an employment contract); it is not assigned again.

In some cases given period can be extended up to 6 years:

  • completion of urgent military (alternative) service;
  • full-time postgraduate studies (postgraduate studies);
  • stay on maternity leave by a pregnant woman caring for a child.

Conditions for obtaining status

In order for a graduate of the above-mentioned institutions to be recognized as a young specialist, he must study exclusively full-time. Another mandatory condition is that funds for his education are allocated from the regional/federal budget.

To obtain this status, a graduate must, after passing through the final certification, receive a diploma state standard. Finally, he must have a direction to occupy a position according to distribution. If even one condition is not met, the graduate will not receive the status of a young specialist.

The relationship between a young specialist and the head of an organization is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, Art. 70 of this legislative act prohibits the employer from appointing for such a person probation.

The Labor Code allows the dismissal of such workers only in certain cases (liquidation of an enterprise, temporary disability, health condition that prevents the performance of work).

Measures to support this category of citizens

There are currently no nationwide measures to support this social category; assistance is provided only for regional level. The following guarantees are usually provided:

  • one-time payments upon employment;
  • compensation for transportation costs;
  • preferential loans, subsidies for the purchase (construction) of housing or the provision of corporate housing;
  • interest-free loan for renovation;
  • reimbursement (partial or full) of payment expenses preschool institutions for children.

The priority areas in this direction are education and healthcare.

Information on social support for beginning teachers in a certain region is provided by the territorial division of the Department of Education.

If there is a lack of funds in the local budget, the person applying for payments has no right to refuse for this reason.

Lifting for young professionals

In 2012, government decree number 821, dated June 22, was issued. His idea is to draft a bill in support of a person taking his first steps in his profession. According to this legal act, compensation payment must be made in the first month following the signing of the employment contract. This money is called lift money. The size of the payment is affected by the specialty and place of work. It does not take into account how many days of rest the employee was able to take advantage of. A month has passed since the resolution was issued, and the corresponding law was adopted by the lower house of parliament. Main goal this project– encourage young specialists to start working in their specialty.

In case of relocation, payment is not provided. If the graduate is a participant in the targeted distribution program, permanent place residence is determined by the city/village where he lived while still an applicant.

List of documents

To apply for an allowance, a young specialist, when applying for a job, writes a corresponding application. The employer draws up an order for payments and notifies the employee about it. The latter familiarizes himself with the document and signs it.

The following registration procedure is provided: the employer attaches to the employee’s application a copy of his diploma + a certified copy of the work book. This confirms the time from which the employee was hired at this organization. The list of these documents allows you to process payments to beginning specialists, as provided by law.

Payments to young professionals

A young specialist can count on a one-time payment. Thus, a teacher (teacher) is usually entitled to a monthly salary increase for 3 years.

Russian legislation provides for another option for making social payments: upon expiration of the term of the employment contract.

Lifting allowances began to be provided in 2012 to young people who received a specialist diploma in the previous (2011) and subsequent years.

Financial support for getting a job is provided at a time. This amount ranges from 20,000-100,000 rubles. Largest size Moscow teachers are entitled to lifting allowances - approximately 100,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg the amount is set at 50,592 rubles.

Return of payments to the state

An important point: if a specialist leaves due to at will, he will have to return to the organization the allowances previously received from its budget.

Young specialist who concluded employment contract, must work as assigned for at least 2 years. Otherwise, he will have to reimburse the state for the money spent on his preparation.

The state may also require the employer to reimburse the funds allocated for specialist training. For example, if the boss, before the expiration of a two-year period, dismisses an employee with the mentioned status or transfers him to a job that is not related to the specialty received.

State and regional support

A newly-trained teacher has the right to claim payments, which are issued in accordance with the requirements of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The money is issued directly by the employer, who provides the graduate with workplace. The state allowance for young professionals, designed to support new personnel, is not subject to taxation.

Participation in this program has a condition: the teaching employee must work in the acquired specialty for the next 5 years after receiving the payment. Such payments are also provided for doctors living in the village.

Social programs of this kind are also being implemented by local authorities. A priority for them is also to support young professionals planning to work in the village. The source of funding is district, city, regional budgets.

Housing benefit

An additional preference provided for young professionals is a special program for the purchase of housing. The right to take advantage of this is given to a university graduate by having five years of experience in certain organization. Improving living conditions for such an employee should be an urgent need. It is even easier to implement such a program for rural residents who want to have housing in the village. After working for 5 years, they can visit the social protection authority and submit to an employee of this authority a statement of intention to permanently reside in the village.

Procedure for obtaining housing

The first step in obtaining subsidized housing is submitting documents. The collected copies must be accompanied by papers confirming the lack of living space in the possession or the need to improve the housing situation. The disadvantage of this program is the high down payment. Its amount reaches 30% of total cost of the provided property. This could be a room, an apartment, a house. However, the employer has the right to make this contribution. Refunds will be made by deducting part of the debt from the employee’s salary or in another agreed and documented way.

Help for aspiring healthcare workers

Young doctors who moved to work in countryside, you need to pay compensation in the amount of 1 million rubles. This is how the all-Russian social program"Zemsky Doctor"

The procedure for obtaining such assistance involves concluding a contract at the place of employment. One party is the employee, the other is the local government. This body is usually the administration of the district center.

Lifting benefits are available exclusively to citizens with higher education medical education, who got a job according to their profile. A young doctor must also complete an internship in order to begin independent work.

The main condition for providing financial assistance is that the young doctor has five years of experience in the village. If he resigns early, part of the amount paid will have to be returned.

Providing housing for doctors

Along with paying money, the state must provide such citizens with housing, providing premises for living or land plot for construction. Part of the credit (loan) for the purchase of this property by a qualified physician can also be compensated.

The one-time payment to young specialists is targeted: a million rubles is intended exclusively for improving living conditions. Thus, if the state partially reimburses the loan for the purchase of housing, it is assumed that the remaining part will be repaid from the money paid under the above-mentioned program.

Lifting programs for young specialists are one of the ways to motivate graduates of vocational educational institutions to work in their specialty. How to force young man prefer a low-prestige job school teacher with all the accompanying hassle of quiet work in some office center as an assistant to an important boss? That's right: offer money!

How right is it to choose a place of employment based on purely material motives and putting aside ambitious thoughts about one’s life purpose “on the back burner” - for a lengthy discussion. If we work with the facts, we can state that now young specialists are entitled to more than decent financial support at the start of their careers.

Young specialist – who is this?

The term “young specialist” appears only once in federal legislation – in Art. 70 Labor Code, which prohibits employers from assigning internships to professionals who graduated from a university / college less than a year ago (subject to working in their profession). At the same time, the Labor Code does not specify who should be classified as a “young specialist” and who should not.

Privileges for young professionals are secured by regional laws - based on their postulates, one can judge the conditions for obtaining preferential status. These are the conditions we are talking about.

Age – up to 35 years. In some regions and for some professions, the limit is more stringent - up to 30 years.

Graduation from a full-time university/secondary institution from a state university and possession of a standard diploma. Only public-sector students can count on privileges—paying students have nothing to rely on for “bonuses” upon graduation.

The graduate was employed within 12 months from the date of receipt of the diploma in a budgetary organization.

If a graduate goes to work in private company, then he receives only those privileges that are described in the regulations of this company. Neither the state nor the region will help him.

The status of a young specialist is assigned to a citizen only once for a period of up to 3 years. The period can be extended to 6 years if a citizen, for example, is drafted into the ranks Russian army or went to maternity leave.

What payments are due?

Young professionals can count on such privileges.

Lifting for young professionals. This is the amount that is paid to a new employee as a lump sum upon joining the staff. You can find out how much allowance for young specialists you pay by reading the regional regulations - the amount depends on the region and the profession.

Supplement to wages. The bonus is paid monthly for the entire period while the young specialist’s status is valid. The actual amount of the bonus depends on the salary; its relative size is, as a rule, 40% for ordinary specialists, 50% for graduates who have taken the trouble to obtain a diploma.

Mortgage for preferential terms. A young specialist has the right to expect that 30% of the cost of the housing he takes out on a mortgage will be paid by the municipality.

A graduate who finds employment in a region other than the one where he lived receives other compensation.

For moving.

For transportation of furniture and personal belongings.

Daily allowance for each day spent on the road.

Benefits for young teachers

About 100 thousand rubles are provided as allowances to young teachers from the capital. Also, Moscow teachers receive a monthly bonus of 40-50%. The exact amount of the bonus depends on the color of the diploma.

In St. Petersburg, the size of the lump sum payment depends on the color of the diploma. Excellent students will immediately receive more than 67 thousand rubles, and specialists who have completed their studies with blue diplomas will receive 50 thousand rubles. Teachers from the Northern capital are not entitled to a monthly bonus, but they have the right to claim compensation for half of the cost of travel on public transport.

The issuance of allowances is also practiced in provincial cities, but there we are talking about much less significant amounts - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. The best conditions are offered in Irkutsk. In this city, young teachers are paid a lump sum of 50 thousand rubles plus a bonus of 60% of their salary during the first year. In the second and third years of work, the teacher is also paid extra, but less - 36% and 24%, respectively.

Benefits for young doctors

The amount of allowance for young medical specialists is approximately 3 salaries. Also, young doctors receive a monthly supplement of 30-40% of their salary. Some regions begin paying bonuses to young doctors before they successfully defend their diploma. This is customary, in particular, in the region - in the Don, aspiring doctors are given an additional scholarship from the 4th to the 6th year of university. Interns in Rostov receive 5 thousand rubles above the basic salary.

The largest bonuses are awarded to young doctors who agree to move to rural areas as part of the Zemsky Doctor program. They are given a one-time payment of 1 million rubles! However, a newly minted rural doctor will not be able to squander his million in online roulette - the allowances for young specialists in rural areas are strictly targeted. The money can be spent exclusively on improving your own living conditions. For a million, for example, you can build a house on a plot that will be provided to the zemstvo doctor for construction completely free of charge.

A prerequisite for receiving a lump sum payment for work in the village is the doctor signing a 5-year contract. If a young specialist decides to quit without completing his five-year plan, he will have to return part of his allowance.

How to get lifting tickets?

The procedure for getting allowances for a young specialist is quite standard and does not require a lot of effort from the applicant - you just need to collect a package of documents, transfer it to the organization and wait for the money. Teachers should contact regional office Ministry of Education, doctors - to the local Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Required documents to obtain a lift include:

Original diploma plus a copy.

Employment contract.

Application for payment.

The application form will be provided to the young specialist at the organization where he applied.

young specialist benefits for teachers

Young specialists are graduates of various universities who must work exclusively in their specialty in government agencies. They can be sent to rural areas for employment, which allows them to count on various preferences from the state. At the same time, lifting allowances are assigned to young specialists. They are represented by certain payments that allow optimal conditions life in a new place.

Who is a young specialist?

The definition is contained in Art. 7 TK. It indicates that the young specialist is represented by a citizen who completed his studies at a university less than a year ago. The employer assigns him an internship.

The main requirements for young specialists include:

No allowances are paid to young specialists-students on a contract form of study.

Rules for obtaining status

The status is assigned only once for a period of three years. It is possible to extend this period by 6 months if there are compelling reasons. Extension is possible if there are significant reasons presented by military service, going on maternity leave or registration academic leave in the presence of illness or disabled relatives.

Raising payments to young specialists are assigned exclusively on the condition that citizens get a job in government agencies. If they choose commercial companies for employment, then they can count on benefits guaranteed by this company.

What kind of help is offered?

If a citizen obtains the status of a young specialist, he can enjoy certain benefits and concessions. They may vary slightly for different specialties, but the following preferences are offered as standard:

  • Payment of raise money to young specialists. They are represented by one-time payments transferred upon first employment after training. Only a citizen applying for a job in a government agency can count on them. The size of allowances for young specialists may vary, as it depends on the region of employment.
  • Salary supplements. This privilege is regular, and therefore is used by citizens for the entire period when they have the status of young specialists. The amount depends on various factors, which includes salary and bonuses. The standard bonus varies from 30% to 50% of a citizen’s salary. The largest percentage is used for specialists with honors diplomas.
  • Registration of a mortgage on preferential terms. The state offers young professionals a special subsidy equal to up to 30% of the cost of the chosen housing. Compensation is allocated from the regional budget.

If a citizen finds a job in another region, then he is offered preferential travel and transportation of things at the expense of the state. A daily allowance is paid for the duration of the move.

How do payments differ in regions?

Bonuses are paid to young specialists at the start of their career. Their purpose is to support optimal level life in a new city. Therefore, such payments may vary significantly in different regions.

The amount of payment is determined by regional authorities. For example, monthly allowances for a young medical specialist range from 30% to 40% of the established rate.

In Rostov, medical students, even in their final year, can count on an increased scholarship, so 5 thousand rubles are added to the regular payment.

What assistance is available to teachers?

Help for a young professional teacher is provided by the following help:

  • payment of allowances, which is a cash payment equal to 1 to 2 salaries, and this amount is paid in a lump sum upon employment, but the work must be carried out in the same city where the training took place;
  • provision of a housing subsidy, represented by a certificate or a special cash payment, with the help of which it is decided housing issue, so you can buy a home or get a mortgage, as well as build a house;
  • assignment of relocation compensation if a decision is made to move to another region.

All benefits and relaxations are assigned only on an application basis.

Help for doctors

People who choose to work in the medical field, immediately after training, can get a job in government agencies in order to be able to receive various benefits:

  • assigning allowances to young specialists, paid in a lump sum if a citizen decides to move to work in a village;
  • surcharge for citizens with honors diplomas;
  • subsidy for employment, varying from 20 to 100 thousand rubles;
  • provision of preferential mortgages, which set a low rate, and often do not require a down payment.

Such assistance really helps people settle well in a new place. Lifts for young professionals in rural areas are considered especially significant in size, since such a move is encouraged by the state. Often, citizens can count on receiving free housing for permanent residence.

Support for Russian Railways employees

If a new Russian Railways employee has the status of a young specialist, he can count on the following support measures:

  • a lump sum payment after employment, equal to one month’s salary;
  • compensation for expenses associated with relocation;
  • a week's leave is granted upon arrival;
  • expenses associated with rental housing are reimbursed.

Thanks to such lifts, it is possible to settle well in a new place of residence.

Payment amount

Every university graduate is interested in how much allowance is paid to young specialists. This payment may vary significantly in size in different regions, but there are certain average values:

  • for teachers, the payment varies from 20 to 100 thousand rubles;
  • doctors can count on an amount of 15 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles depending on the chosen region and grades in the diploma;
  • Russian Railways employees receive a payment equal to their monthly salary.

The funds received can be used by specialists for any purpose. Their main purpose is the opportunity to purchase all the necessary things when finding a job in a new region.

Regional support

Additionally, citizens with this status should find out what benefits are offered to young professionals in the city they have chosen to live and work. Local authorities try to support new workers, so additional payments and concessions are often provided.

For example, in Saratov region In the first year of work, specialists receive a one-time payment of 40 thousand rubles if they work in the field of medicine or education. For the second year, 35 thousand rubles are transferred, and after three years of work you can count on another payment in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

In the Moscow region, teachers receive a payment of 150 thousand rubles. Teachers can take out a preferential mortgage, for which a significant part of the funds is paid by municipal authorities.

Registration procedure

The process of receiving payments is the same for all citizens. The procedure is carried out on an application basis, so citizens themselves must understand how allowances are paid to young specialists. The procedure for assigning funds is as follows:

  • the graduate receives diplomas;
  • he is given a special assignment for work;
  • a search for an optimal place of employment is carried out within one year from the date of completion of training;
  • it is important to choose a job in your specialty;
  • an employment contract is concluded with the selected employer;
  • the head of the company issues an order to hire a citizen;
  • a new employee of the organization submits an application to receive allowances;
  • an application is drawn up in free form, but if a particular company has an approved sample, you will have to use it;
  • documents are submitted to the employer confirming the citizen’s right to payments;
  • an order is issued to assign payment to the young specialist;
  • funds are issued to the employee at the cash desk or transferred to his salary account.

The employer does not have the right to refuse payments if the employee has grounds for receiving them.

What documents are required?

The company employee must prove that he really has the right to the lift. For this purpose, the following documents are prepared and submitted to the place of employment:

  • diploma received after graduation;
  • a correctly drawn up application in the form of the government agency in which the citizen works;
  • work book;
  • an employment contract drawn up with the employer.

The citizen must be under 35 years of age. The benefit is not provided automatically, so if a young specialist does not draw up an application and prepare other documents, he will not be able to count on such assistance from the state.

Features of the purpose of payments

Directly at the enterprise where the specialist began working, you can find out exactly when the funds will be transferred. No more than one month should pass after submitting the documents and application. Often the money is transferred literally two days after the package of documents is handed over to the employer.

The funds are paid by the direct employer, and no tax is charged on them. Lifts can be transferred in a single amount or paid monthly in small payments. The frequency and size of such payments depends on the company’s operating policy.

What types of assistance are available for rural workers?

If a young specialist decides to get a job in a rural area, he can count on various support measures. Assistance is provided to teachers, doctors, educators, social workers and agricultural professionals.

The most significant assistance is considered to be the opportunity to receive free housing or a subsidy for the purchase of real estate. To do this, a five-year agreement is drawn up with the local administration, after which an allowance equal to 1 million rubles is transferred to the specialist. These funds are used exclusively to improve living conditions. Only doctors and teachers can use the program, so this support is not provided to nurses or other medical personnel.


Young specialists can count on allowances paid for employment in government agencies within a year after graduation. These payments are assigned by the direct employer, and personal income tax is not charged.

To receive such a measure of support, citizens must prepare a certain package of documents and draw up a special application. The size of the payment may vary significantly in different regions.

Federal and regional authorities establish benefits and social payments for young professionals. They serve as a measure to stimulate the ability to work of graduates of vocational training institutions. Let us next consider the procedure for paying young specialists amounts of financial assistance in some regions.

Subjects of law

Currently, there is no clear regulation of the status of young specialists at the federal level. Missing and general idea O benefits. Meanwhile, certain information is contained in Article 70 of the Labor Code. In accordance with the norm, an employer cannot establish a probationary period for persons who graduated from universities and secondary vocational education institutions less than a year ago. According to the Labor Code, young specialists do not have any more benefits. There is no clear definition of entities who can count on payments and other material assistance in the legislation. However, based on the analysis of regulations, it is possible to identify a number of criteria that a citizen must fall under. Payments to young professionals, in particular, can be established for citizens:

  1. Whose age is not more than 35 years. In some regions the limit is 30 years.
  2. Who graduated from a lyceum or vocational school or have higher education(received it at a university with state accreditation, full-time). In some regions, compulsory training on a budget is established as an additional requirement.
  3. Carrying out activities in an enterprise that is supported by the state, municipal or regional.

Financial assistance: general information

The provision of support measures is determined by departmental industry agreements. If we talk about non-state enterprises, payments to young specialists are carried out in accordance with local regulations. To obtain detailed information about the benefits provided when applying for a job, please read collective agreement. Some enterprises have regulations regulating the status of young specialists. Such documents stipulate in detail the conditions for carrying out activities in the organization, establish a list of support measures, and the amounts that an employee can count on. The provisions also directly regulate the mechanism for providing financial assistance.

Features of the age threshold

Payment to young specialists, as stated above, is due to citizens under 30-35 years of age. The maximum threshold is set in each region at the discretion of the authorized authorities. From the date of employment (conclusion of an agreement with the employer), the status of yesterday's student will be valid for 3 years. You cannot get it a second time. In some cases, however, it is possible to increase the duration of the status to 6 years. This is possible if the young specialist:

  1. Studying in an adjunct or postgraduate course full-time.
  2. Passes alternative or conscript service.
  3. She is on leave due to pregnancy and childbirth and childcare.

Support measures

In 2012, a government decree recommended the adoption of a law according to which an incentive payment would be assigned to young specialists in the first month from the moment of employment by an enterprise. The corresponding normative act was approved a month later. The key goal of the law is to attract citizens who have received a certain specialty to work in their profession. Currently, there are no uniform measures to support yesterday's graduates. Each region independently regulates this area and adopts relevant regulations. The main support measures today are:

  1. Provision for housing arrangement.
  2. One-time payment to young professionals.
  3. Preferential loans or In some regions, provision of corporate space is provided.
  4. Compensation of transportation costs.
  5. Reimbursement of expenses for maintaining children in a preschool educational institution. Such a payment to young professionals can partially or fully offset the costs.

Priority areas of activity

These include education and healthcare. As stated above, each region has its own conditions and rules for providing financial assistance to former graduates. For example, the Moscow City Government Decree of March 23, 2004 provides for the requirements, subject to which payments are assigned to a young specialist in education:

  1. Age up to 35 years.
  2. A diploma indicating completion of a secondary or higher educational institution.
  3. A citizen must begin working in his profession no later than 90 days after completing his studies (receiving a diploma).

In St. Petersburg, Saratov region, and a number of other regions, the age threshold is 30 years. This limit is officially established in regional regulations. To clarify information regarding the status of a young specialist, as well as the benefits provided, you should contact the territorial department of the Department of Education at the address of work or residence.

Important point

It should be taken into account that if a citizen works as a teacher without special education, and is under 35 years old, then he is considered a young specialist. Accordingly, a person has the right to expect to receive the provided benefits. For example, the subject works as a teacher and has a diploma from another profession not related to teaching. This is not a basis for depriving a citizen of the status of a young specialist.

Payments to young specialists (teachers) 2016 in St. Petersburg

Specific types of financial assistance are provided for in regional legislation. In accordance with it, the following lump sum payment to young specialists is determined:

  1. 6 basic units. Employees who have a diploma of secondary/higher vocational education are entitled to apply for such financial assistance.
  2. 8 basic units. This payment is assigned to young specialists if they graduate with honors.

The size of the base unit is established in the Budget Law. Regulatory act provides for a planned increase in its size. Accordingly, the payment to a young specialist increases (2016 - base unit 9174 rubles, 2017 - 9880 rubles, 2018 - 10572 rubles). In addition, compensation for 1/2 of transportation costs is due. This monthly payment to a young specialist is assigned according to his application. It is worth saying that compensation is due to citizens under 30 years of age and does not apply to taxis. The application should be submitted to the social security authority or to the territorial division of the education department.


The capital region also provides for payments to teachers (young professionals) upon employment. Unlike St. Petersburg, in Moscow an employee can receive a 40 percent increase in wages during the first three years of activity. If a graduate has a diploma with honors, then he is entitled to 50% on top. One thing to consider here important point. This surcharge does not apply to additional load. For example, a subject works at 1.5 times the rate. The bonus will be calculated for only one. Additionally, a young specialist can count on an additional payment of 15% of the rate to compensate for transportation costs.

Health system

In this area lifting payments young professionals and other benefits are provided only if the citizen is sent to work in In addition, Federal Law No. 326 establishes the following requirements:

  1. Age up to 35 years.
  2. The term of the contract with the employer is at least 5 years.

Financial assistance to doctors

The rules for its provision are provided for in Federal Law No. 326. The one-time payment to young professionals employed in the healthcare sector is 1 million rubles. This amount is provided for all employees who arrived in Lifting payments to young professionals are carried out within the framework of a program adopted at the federal level. It's called "Zemsky Doctor". To receive the specified amount, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the local authorities of the locality in which the work will be carried out. professional activity. specialists working in the healthcare sector are provided with a high school diploma. At the same time, the citizen must work according to his profile. The legislation establishes another condition, subject to which payment is assigned to young specialists. An order to provide financial assistance is issued only if the former graduate enters into an agreement for at least 5 years. If for some reason a citizen decides to quit, then he will have to return part of the amount he received.

Housing issue

Except cash payments, the state provides for the provision of living space for young doctors. This is done by the following provision:

  1. Apartments.
  2. Subsidies for the purchase of housing or compensation for part of the loan (mortgage).
  3. Land plot for construction.

You should also know that the amount of 1 million has a designated purpose. According to the law, it is not subject to tax. According to established rules, it should be aimed at improving living conditions. For example, they can be used to repay part of a loan taken from a bank.

Additional guarantees

In some regions, authorities provide raise payments to young professionals, in addition to those established by the federal program. For example, in the Pskov region, representatives of nursing staff are included in the list of subjects entitled to receive financial assistance. In addition to the above-mentioned lifting and other compensations, they can receive:

  1. 30 thousand rubles - paramedics and nurses, and those working in obstetric centers - 50 thousand rubles.
  2. 100 thousand rubles. - doctors.

IN Rostov region Students can count on financial assistance even before their diplomas are issued. For example, students in the 4th-6th years of a medical university receive additional amounts to their scholarships. Intern doctors, in turn, have the right to count on payments in the amount of 5 thousand monthly. This amount acts as a salary increase. This money is paid regardless of the course the student is enrolled in.

Employees from other areas

In the regions, support is provided not only to health workers. Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and Ufa have adopted programs according to which financial assistance is provided to employees in other areas once a year for three years. In these regions the following amounts are established. For the first year - 40 thousand, for the second - 35, for the third - 30 thousand rubles. IN major cities(St. Petersburg, Moscow) the amount of financial assistance is, of course, higher, since the calculation is carried out taking into account various factors. For example, the standard of living matters locality, the average income in the field in which the worker is employed. For example, a young teacher in St. Petersburg can receive more than 50 thousand rubles at a time.

Design rules

Payments to specialists who meet the above requirements are made in the manner prescribed by law. The direct provision of financial assistance is the responsibility of the employer providing the graduate with a job. Benefits aimed at stimulating the recruitment of personnel are not taxed. To take part in the target program, you must enter into an agreement with the organization for 5 years. The citizen’s field of activity must correspond to the specialty he received.

Required documents

To exercise the right to receive incentive payments and other benefits, a young specialist writes an application immediately at the time of applying for a job. After this, the standard registration procedure is carried out. The employer approves the order for hiring and assigning appropriate payments to the young specialist. By general rule, an employee hired must be familiar with local acts for painting. The young specialist attaches a copy of his diploma and employment history to the application. The latter contains the date from which the citizen is considered officially employed by the enterprise. Based on these documents, payments are made to young doctors, teachers and other specialists.


As stated above, only a framework law has been adopted at the federal level, providing for the possibility of receiving financial assistance for specialists who have graduated from educational institutions less than a year ago. The main activities for the development of specific targeted programs are carried out in regions and municipalities. It is worth noting that financial assistance can be provided to young specialists not only in budgetary organizations.

Any employer, including the head of a commercial enterprise, has the right, at its discretion, to establish support measures for hired employees. At the same time, the candidate for the position must also meet the requirements provided for by law. In particular, we are talking about age, the presence of a diploma and the duration of the contract.

Young specialists is one of the areas of internal social policy states. At the same time, at the federal level it was decided to transfer powers for the direct implementation of the program to regional and local authorities. This is due to the fact that in the subjects and municipalities the relevant authorities, when approving regulations, take into account the characteristics of the area, working conditions and other factors. This, in turn, makes it possible to develop relevant measures for a specific territory and ensure an influx of in-demand personnel. After all, young specialists of any profession can receive incentive payments.