Statement of the established form for admission to a university. Let's go to university

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1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS FOR COMPLETING THE ADMISSION APPLICATION, QUESTIONNAIRE AND SUBMITTING DOCUMENTS IN ELECTRONIC DIGITAL FORM RECOMMENDED BROWSERS: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox ATTENTION!!! Documents in electronic digital form are accepted ONLY from citizens Russian Federation, school graduates of 2012, 2013, who do not have benefits when entering the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov and having ALL necessary Unified State Exam results on subjects of entrance examinations. 1. Registration on the admissions committee website To submit an application and documents in electronic digital form, you must go through the registration procedure. To do this, in the “Acceptance of applications and documents in electronic digital form” window, click on the “Registration” link. In the window that opens, enter your email address. EXAMPLE: Click the “Create Password” button. 1

2 The next window will show your password for logging into the admissions committee registration system. FOR EXAMPLE: To log in, enter your username and your password ee4c6052 in the appropriate fields. Click the "Login" button. The main page opens for filling out all forms for submitting documents. Forms are located inside the tabs " General information", "Address", "Set of documents". The forms must be filled out in the order of the bookmarks. To move between bookmarks, there are buttons “To the beginning”, “Back”, “Next”, “To the end”, which are located under the names of the bookmarks. In addition, any bookmark can be selected by clicking on the bookmark name. 2

3 2. Filling out the “General Information” form To enter data into the fields of the “General Information” form, click the “Change” button. In the “Change Data” window, fields marked * are required. Data in the fields “Last name”, “First name”, “Patronymic”, “Date of birth”, “Passport series”, “Passport number”, “When issued”, “Issued by” are entered strictly according to the passport in nominative case letters of the Russian alphabet and numbers. In the “Citizenship” field, select the default value “Russian Federation”. When you select the “Other” value, a message appears: “Documents in electronic digital form are accepted only from citizens of the Russian Federation.” (Citizens of other states must submit documents to the N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University in person.) In the “Passport Series” field, its series is indicated, in four digits without a space. In the “Passport number” field, indicate a number consisting of six digits. In the fields “Date of birth”, “When issued” dates are entered in the format In the fields “Home telephone number”, “Number mobile phone» codes and phone numbers without codes are entered in different fields. In the “ ” field, enter your email address that you use regularly. This address will receive important information from the admissions committee. An example of filling out the “General Information” form is given below. EXAMPLE: Click the "Save and Close" button. The entered data is saved and the form closes. 3

4 3. Filling out the “Address” form On the main page, to fill out all forms, click on the “Address” tab, click the “Change” button, the “Address” form is available for entering data. If you know the postal code of your address, then enter it in the “Change data” window in the “Zode” field, click the “Select address by zip” button. FOR EXAMPLE: In the “Select Address” window, enter the desired address and click “OK”. In the “Change Data” window, fill in the fields “House”, “Building”, “Apartment” and click the “Save and Close” button. Address entered EXAMPLE: 4

5 If you do not know the postal code of your address, then the values ​​of the fields “Russian Subject”, “District”, “City”, “ Locality", "Street" select from the drop-down lists by clicking the button to the right of the input field. By clicking on the “Russian Subject” field button, you open a list of Russian Federation subjects, from which you select what you need. You can find it by typing the first letters of the name in the top line of the “Select a name” window. By typing the first letters of the name of the subject, you find the desired EXAMPLE: subject of the Russian Federation, click the “OK” button 5

6 The values ​​of the fields “District”, “City”, “Settlement”, “Street” are entered in the same way. Enter the fields “House”, “Building”, “Apartment” manually and click the “Save and Close” button FOR EXAMPLE: If your address is not in the Russian Address Classifier (KLADR), then put a “tick” in this line and enter the address below in the field manually, click the “Save and Close” button. EXAMPLE: 6

7 4. Filling out the form “Selecting areas of training” On the main page, to fill out all forms, click on the “Selecting areas of training” tab, click the “Change” button, the “Selecting areas of training” form is available for entering data. In the “Change Data” window that opens, indicate (by clicking the mouse) the specialties and faculties in which you want to participate in the competition. The sequence of specialties, faculties, forms and fundamentals of education is indicated by numbers, starting from 1 and onwards, in accordance with your desire and priorities IN DESCENDING IMPORTANCE. We remind you that in 2013 you can indicate in your application options for admission to no more than three faculties of RNRMU (within three faculties you can indicate several specialties, as well as various shapes training (full-time, part-time) and the basics of training (budgetary, contractual). Click the "Save and Close" button. FOR EXAMPLE: 5. Filling out the “Unified State Examination Results” form On the main page, to fill out all forms, click on the “Unified State Examination Results” tab, click the “Change” button, the “Unified State Examination Results” form is available for entering data. In the “Change Data” window that opens, select the year you took the Unified State Exam (if you have Unified State Exam results for 2012 and 2013, in this line select: 2012,2013). ATTENTION! In the table, enter the scores (results) of the 2012 or 2013 Unified State Examination, according to which you plan to participate in competitions for the relevant specialties. Subjects of entrance examinations are indicated automatically depending on the faculties and specialties you selected on the previous tab. 7

8 The field “year of passing the Unified State Exam” is required to be filled in, the field “Number of the certificate of Unified State Exam results” is filled in if you have the appropriate certificate. If it is absent, this field remains empty. Click the "Save and Close" button. FOR EXAMPLE: 6. Filling out the “Education Information” form On the main page to fill out all forms, click on the “Education Information” tab, click the “Change” button, the “Education Information” form is available for entering data. In the “Change Data” window, fields marked * are required. In the “Graduated in year” field, select the year you graduated from school. In the “Educational Institution Type” field, select the desired value from the list. If your school type (for example, education center) is not in the drop-down list, you select “day school.” In the “Educational Institution Name” field, enter the name of the educational institution. In the “Certificate” line, in the series field, enter the series of the certificate: 2 numbers and 2 letters. In the number field, enter the 7-digit certificate number. Click the "Save and Close" button. EXAMPLE: 8

9 7. Filling out the “Other information” form On the main page, to fill out all forms, click on the “Other information” tab, click the “Change” button, the “Other information” form is available for entering data. In the “Change Data” window, if you indicate that you are a winner or prize-winner of the School Olympiad, or have special rights upon admission, or are not receiving higher education for the first time, the message “Documents in electronic digital form cannot be accepted” will appear. We invite you to personally submit your documents to the Admissions Committee.” If you need a hostel, then you should familiarize yourself with the regulations on the hostel. The admissions committee reminds that RNRMU does not provide hostel accommodation to applicants and does not guarantee the provision of hostel accommodation to students other than “ preferential categories» in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. EXAMPLE: 9

10 If your documents can be accepted in electronic digital form, then you must provide three confirmations. EXAMPLE: Click the "Save and Close" button. 8. Filling out the “Applicant Questionnaire” form On the main page, to fill out all forms, click on the “Applicant Questionnaire” tab, click the “Change” button, the “Applicant Questionnaire” form is available for entering data. In the “Change Data” window, fields marked * are required. In the gender column, select female or male. In the Nationality column, select your nationality from the list. If there is no nationality in the list, then select “other” and in the field that opens on the right, enter the nationality yourself in Russian letters. In the next line, select from the list the foreign language you studied at school, the degree of proficiency foreign language. Do you have a document confirming your level of proficiency? If yes, then indicate which document. Medical experience. A mark is made about the absence/presence of medical experience, the name of the organization is indicated last place work, position, total length of service in years and months. Make a mark in the appropriate box if you studied in a medical and biological class (if there is a supporting document or a corresponding entry in the certificate). 10

11 Next, fill in the columns about parents. Last name, first name, patronymic in full, place of work, position. Service in Russian army: the corresponding mark is affixed, if “yes”, then the year of demobilization is indicated. In the line “I additionally inform you about myself,” you indicate information at your request. IF YOU DO NOT PROVIDE ANY INFORMATION, PLEASE LEAVE THE RELEVANT FIELDS BLANK. EXAMPLE: Click the "Save and Close" button. 11

12 9. Tab “Print version” On the main page to fill out all forms, click on the “Print version” tab, a message will appear indicating that a print version is being prepared. Click the "Get Printable Version" button. EXAMPLE: Click View. Next, if you click “Open”, the questionnaire will open for viewing. EXAMPLE: 12

13 If you click “Save”, a save window will appear, save the file in the location of your choice. EXAMPLE: Click "Save". In the Print Version window, click Close. The saved file must be printed, signed, scanned and sent to the admissions office. 13

14 10. Tab “Set of documents” On the main page to fill out all forms, click on the tab “Set of documents”, a message will appear about the documents, scanned copies of which need to be sent. The “Sample” column shows how the scanned document should look. To view it, click on the “Example” of the corresponding line and click “Open”. For example, a scanned certificate (page with grades) should look like this: To attach a file, click in the “Action” column “Attach file” of the corresponding document. 14

15 In the “Attach file with scan” window, click “Select files”. Find the prepared file and click "Open". FOR EXAMPLE: In the “Attach file with scan” window, click “Attach file”. After attaching all the required files, the documents must be sent to the admissions committee. After sending documents to the admissions committee, editing the entered data will not be possible. A message from the University Admissions Committee will be sent to the email address you provided. If the admissions committee has any comments on the documents you sent, you will receive a corresponding message by email. In this case, you will be able to make changes to the application and attached documents (editing the forms will be available on the website) and re-send to the admissions committee. In this case, re-registration is not necessary. 15

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An application for admission to a university is the first step towards obtaining a higher education diploma. During your studies, you will have to comply with a lot of clerical formalities, so this stage can be considered training the skill of strictly following the rules and regulations: if you fill out forms incorrectly or do not attach all the documents required by the educational institution to your application for admission to a university, your application for student status will not be refused. avoid.

How to Apply to University

Today, an applicant can submit an application for admission to a university not only in person to the admissions committee of the chosen educational institution, but also send it by regular mail or e-mail. This option is especially relevant for those who live in a city located far from the intended place of study, or are sending applications. The main thing is that all documents necessary for enrollment are received by the admissions committee within the established time frame.

The applicant must attach to the application:

  • copy of passport;
  • a copy of the certificate or diploma (for a master's degree);
  • photographs of the required format (usually 3x4);
  • medical certificate of the established form (086/у);
  • Unified State Examination results (if there are several valid ones, then indicate which year’s results are used - the federal online database (FBS Unified State Examination) stores everything starting from 2008);
  • diplomas indicating victories in university and all-Russian Olympiads;
  • documents confirming the right to benefits.

If at the time of submitting an application for admission to a university, the applicant has changed his last name or first name, then documents confirming this fact must be attached: for example, a marriage certificate.

If a package of documents is sent by mail, the attached copies should be certified and an inventory of all papers should be made.

How to write

A sample application for admission to a university must be available at the admissions committee: it is usually placed on a special stand. For those from another city by mail or via the Internet, educational institutions post forms for downloading and filling out on their official websites. Therefore, problems with writing should not arise. The main thing is not to confuse the forms for admission to a bachelor's, specialty or master's degree. It is extremely difficult not to notice the difference - the forms for admission to each level of education have a number of fundamentally different points.

The main requirement for drawing up a document is the truthfulness of the information entered and the completion of all required fields.

Sample application for admission to university

Technically, the design of the application form is different for each university, but the information entered is almost the same everywhere. You just need to carefully read the questions at each point and give accurate answers to them. Application example.

Filling example

Filling out an application for admission to a university is not difficult, but mandatory stage, which every applicant will have to go through. The main thing is to take into account all the requirements and avoid making annoying mistakes that can significantly reduce the likelihood of being accepted into the university. Download an example of filling.