How to correctly describe a job or production instruction. Standard production instructions: description of the technological process, fire safety, labor protection at the enterprise


Reflect the occupational safety requirements in the main part of the document, before the job description. Here you can provide links to existing instructions for, sanitary standards and regulations, or compose the text of specific requirements. Please indicate the means used here. personal protection, safety requirements for components, assembly units, etc.

Describe the technological sequence of actions and operations. Describe the processes in simple phrases, indicating an action on an object, accompanied by an indication of the parameters (if necessary). Record information about the required process mode, i.e. parameters of temperature, pressure, power, etc. required during the operation.

Indicate what equipment is involved in the technological process. Indicate the names of devices, tools and measuring instruments in accordance with the technological documentation for them. By assigning a letter code to tools and accessories, you can shorten the text of the description of operations.

Write a description of the operation of the equipment in the form of a list or sequence of actions of the personnel servicing it. There may be clauses about the responsibilities of personnel during preparation of equipment for work, during its operation, breakdown and emergency situations, as well as upon completion of work on the equipment. In addition, the responsibility of personnel when servicing and working on mechanisms is required.

Break large text into sections and subsections. Number the paragraphs and subparagraphs. Provide tables or graphic illustrations if necessary.

On the first sheet of the instructions, indicate its name (at the top), the industry to which the production belongs. Below on the right there should be a signature confirming the approval of the instructions, the position and date of the approver. Next, place the main text of the instructions, which, if necessary, transfer to subsequent pages. On the right and below, in a separate field, indicate the composition of its performers and the last name, name of the developer and controller.


  • GOST 3.1105-84 " one system technological documentation. Forms and rules for preparing general-purpose documents"

Each product group must have instructions By operation, which contains key points And specifications. For the consumer, such instructions will serve as a hint for correct handling, which serves as the key to long-term operation while maintaining all the qualities of the product.

If before starting operation The device must be assembled, indicate the diagram in the drawings. Each detail of the drawing must be numbered. If the device or thing is completely disassembled, then the assembly diagram must be described in a separate brochure.

In fact, there is no generally accepted definition of the term Production Instruction. Everyone defines it to the extent of their depravity or awareness.

Rather, it is a collective image.

So I came to the conclusion that every engineer or other high-ranking official from health and safety comes up with the rules for maintaining documentation himself. We have, in principle, an HSE standard, but it is also not correctly defined in terms of the specific content and number of instructions. There's like a list recommended OT magazines by department. Also exists too recommended list concerning technical documentation- There’s nothing specific in it either. Based on all this, for some reason OT believes that it depends on the quantity recommended there should be at least twice as many instructions and logs:80: . I agree that EVERYTHING needs to be written down and signed for signing:shok: . So that later you could say, but we warned you... we told you about it... and you: fool: - and responsibility has been removed from us == COMPLETE NONSNESS == A person is simply not able to “absorb” such an amount of information; it’s not realistic !

I think there should be reasonable instructions brief - generalized and relating only to the narrow specific activities of the worker. Foreman and mechanics must conduct repeated brief instructions directly on the type of daily activity and the main responsibilities of their brigade or service personnel. But all kinds of classes, meetings - an hour of safety, conversations on lessons learned from incidents, additional training on civil defense and emergency situations and everything that indirectly concerns workers and for full compliance they must be familiarized - should be carried out by health and safety specialists.

We have already made, at the direction of OT, a list of instructions, the instructions themselves, indicated the points of instructions during briefings (it looks so competent!!!)............... The “auditor” arrived and asked senior master: How many people do you have in your unit???... how long does it take to give instructions to everyone??? === and when are you engaged in production???......!!! :unknw: .......... Power changes, new lists, different briefings, we write down a lot of paper again.... The “Senior Auditor” arrives = everything changes again - this needs to be excluded......, here add......, this is to enter..... but this is to output....... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr It turns out infinity!

Behind indication ofOST 64-02-003-2002 Thank you! but he's the same on approval of technological production regulations medicines and their intermediate products... but we seem to be more involved in the engineering and oil industries. If they refer to it, they can say that this is not about us.................. Maybe there is something (from the OSTs) that is more specific!?








    a common part

1.1. Admission to the maintenance and repair of gas pipelines and gas equipment of the boiler room is granted to managers, specialists and workers who are trained in the technology of carrying out gas hazardous work, the rules for using personal protective equipment (gas masks and life belts), methods of providing first (pre-medical) aid, who are certified and have passed the test of knowledge in the field industrial safety in the scope of the “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems” of Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation.

1.2. Before being allowed to independently perform gas-hazardous work (after testing knowledge), everyone must undergo an internship during the first ten work shifts under the supervision of an experienced worker. Internship and permission to independently perform gas-hazardous work are formalized by a decision of the enterprise.

1.3. Persons who have the right to issue work permits to perform gas-hazardous work are appointed by order of the enterprise from among management employees and specialists certified in accordance with the requirements of the “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems” of Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation.

1.4. All work on the maintenance and repair of gas pipelines and gas equipment of the boiler room must be carried out in accordance with these instructions, the “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems” of Rostekhnadzor of Russia within the time limits provided for by schedules approved by the technical manager of the enterprise.

1.5. The enterprise must have (if necessary) agreements with organizations performing maintenance and repair work on gas pipelines and gas boiler room equipment, which must define the scope of maintenance and repair work and regulate obligations to ensure safe and reliable operating conditions. Schedules (plans) for maintenance and repair are approved by the technical manager of the owner organization and agreed upon with the performing organization when concluding a service contract

    Operation of gas pipelines and gas boiler room equipment

Gas pipelines and gas equipment of the boiler room accepted for operation must have:

Technical passport, which presents the main technical characteristics, as well as data on the repair work carried out. The certificate and permit number of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation is also entered in the passport technical devices.

When operating gas pipelines and gas equipment of a boiler room, the following types of work must be performed:



Emergency recovery work;

Major repairs;

Disabling inactive equipment.

2.1. The operating mode of gasified units must comply with the maps approved by the technical manager of the enterprise. Regime cards must be posted near the units and brought to the attention of operating personnel. Regime cards must be adjusted once every three years, as well as after equipment repair.


2.2. Maintenance is carried out according to a schedule approved by the technical manager of the enterprise. In this case, the following work is carried out:

Inspection technical condition(bypass) internal gas pipelines of the boiler room and boilers (at least once a month);

Checking the operation of safety and safety-locking devices and automatic control and safety devices (checking should be carried out at least once a month);

Checking the tightness of flanged, threaded and welded joints gas pipelines, stuffing box fittings using instruments or soap emulsion (at least once every six months);

Monitoring air pollution in the boiler room (at least once per shift), checking the functionality of automatic gas pollution alarms in the boiler room (at least once a month with a control mixture);

Re-stuffing (tightening) of valve seals, cleaning if necessary (at least once every six months);

Purge of impulse lines of measuring instruments (at least once every six months).

Maintenance must be carried out by two workers and recorded in a special log indicating the start and end times of work. Organizations that have licenses to perform this work may be involved in carrying out maintenance.


2.3. Current repairs of gas pipelines and gas equipment of the boiler room are carried out according to a schedule approved by the technical manager of the enterprise. In this case, the following work is performed:

Elimination of deflection, replacement and restoration of fasteners (at least once a year);

Repair of shut-off devices (shut-off valves) - at least once a year:

Cleaning the fittings, accelerating the worm and lubricating it, stuffing the oil seal;

Dismantling of shut-off valves that do not provide a tight closure with lapping of sealing surfaces;

Checking the tightening (fastening) of flange connections, replacing worn and damaged bolts and gaskets;

Control pressure testing of gas equipment (control pressure testing of the internal gas pipelines of the boiler room should be carried out at a pressure of 0.01 MPa (1000 mm water column), the pressure drop should not exceed 60 daPa (60 mm water column) in one hour);

Painting of gas pipelines and fittings (at least once every five years);

Checking the tightness of connections and eliminating defects identified during inspection of the technical condition (at least once a year);

After completion of work, gas pipelines must be tested for density. Tests must be carried out by personnel of the organization performing the repair. The test results are entered into the gas pipeline passport. All work performed during the repair of gas equipment is recorded in a journal.

Emergency recovery work

2.4. Emergency shutdown of gas pipelines and gas equipment must be carried out in cases of rupture of welded joints, corrosion and mechanical damage to the gas pipeline and fittings with gas release, as well as in the event of an explosion or fire that directly threatens gas pipelines and gas equipment. Emergency recovery work is classified as unscheduled. This work must be carried out immediately. If gas contamination is detected, work must be suspended, measures must be taken to detect the cause and eliminate the gas leak and carry out measures in accordance with the Localization and Elimination of Emergency Situations Plan, and, if necessary, the Interaction Plan between services of various departments. Persons not participating in emergency recovery operations must be removed from the danger zone. After emergency work is completed, the gas supply to gas-using equipment is resumed in compliance with the rules established for starting gas with the issuance of a permit for gas-hazardous work.

Major renovation

2.5. The standard service life of gas equipment is established in accordance with the manufacturer’s passports; for internal gas pipelines this period is 30 years. Upon expiration of the standard service life, the technical condition of gas pipelines and equipment should be diagnosed in order to determine the residual resource with the development of measures to ensure safe operation for the entire life cycle extension, or to justify the need for replacement.

Major repairs of gas pipelines and gas equipment are prescribed based on the results of technical diagnostics. For gas pipelines subject to major repairs (replacement), design documentation must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements for new construction. Major repairs of internal gas pipelines and gas equipment should be combined. Information about major repairs must be entered in the gas pipeline passport.

2.6. Before gas-using installations, including seasonal ones, are put into operation, the following must be ensured:

Testing knowledge of instructions by service personnel in accordance with the requirements of the “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems” of Rostechnadzor of the Russian Federation;

Current repair of gas equipment and automation systems;

Carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance of gasified installations and auxiliary equipment;

Checking the serviceability of industrial ventilation and smoke exhaust systems;

Compliance with the requirements of regulatory technical documents on the design and safe operation of boilers, approved by the State Mining and Technical Supervision Authority of Russia.

Removing the plug and starting the gas is permitted if there are documents confirming the completion of the specified work.

    Safe methods and techniques for performing work

3.1. Industrial premises in which gas pipelines are laid and gas-using installations and fittings are installed must be accessible for maintenance and repair, and also comply with the design.

3.2. Checking the technical condition of industrial smoke removal devices (gas ducts and chimneys) should be carried out after their repair, as well as before the start-up of seasonal installations and in the event of a draft failure.

3.3. When starting gas, gas pipelines to gas-using installations must be purged with gas until all air is displaced, for a period of at least 10 minutes. The end of purging is determined by analyzing the oxygen content in the gas pipelines. If the oxygen content is more than 1% by volume, ignition of the burners is not allowed. Gas pipelines must have a system of purge gas pipelines with shut-off devices and fittings for sampling in places determined by the design. Blowing gas pipelines through safety pipelines and gas burners is not allowed.

3.4. Fireboxes and flues must be ventilated before starting up gas-using installations.

3.5. If, when igniting the burner or during the regulation process, the flame comes off, flashes or goes out, the gas supply to the burner and the safety-ignition device must be stopped immediately. Re-ignition can be started after the cause of the problem has been eliminated, the firebox and flues have been ventilated for at least 10 minutes, and the shut-off valve in front of the burner has been checked for tightness.

3.6. The shut-off valves on the safety gas pipelines must be in the open position after shutting down the installation.

3.7. Before repairing gas equipment, inspecting and repairing furnaces or gas ducts, as well as when taking seasonal installations out of operation, gas equipment and ignition pipelines must be disconnected from the gas pipelines with plugs installed after the shut-off valves. Gas ducts of gas-using units taken out for repairs must be disconnected from the general hog using dampers or blind partitions. Gas pipelines must be cleared of gas by purging with inert gas or compressed air

3.8. Premises with gas-using equipment installed in them must be equipped with an air monitoring system for the content of carbon monoxide and methane.

3.9. When performing repair work in a gas-filled environment, tools made of non-ferrous metal should be used to prevent the possibility of sparking. The working part of ferrous metal tools should be generously lubricated with grease or other lubricant. Workers and specialists performing gas-hazardous work must wear shoes without steel shoes and nails.

3.10. Do not leave tools or other metal objects on the equipment to prevent it from falling and causing a spark.

3.11. Testing the tightness of gas pipelines and fittings by fire is prohibited.

3.12. When searching for gas leaks, the use of open flame is strictly prohibited. “No smoking” and “No fire” posters should be posted.

3.13. In the event of a gas ignition due to a leak from a gas pipeline, extinguishing the flame, depending on the nature of the source, should be done in one of the following ways.

The production instructions must be clear, accurate and contain algorithms for actions in different situations in order to ensure maximum labor safety. In this article we will explain how to prepare such a document.

From the article you will learn:

What is a production instruction


Production instructions (hereinafter referred to as PI) – This is a document regulating the performance of official duties by service personnel of the hazardous production facility. Strict adherence to the instructions allows you not to deviate from technological process, obtain the required result and ensure maximum level industrial safety.

The main difference between a PI and an equipment operating manual is that it is developed at the enterprise, taking into account the specifics and specific risk factors. The PI is not a reference book on a product or technological process, but a direct algorithm of actions, including in case of accidents or breakdowns.

Rostechnadzor requires that production instructions be present at all workplaces related to:

  • with construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation,;
  • with transportation hazardous substances;
  • with electric power facilities;
  • with objects where electrical, thermal installations and networks;
  • With hydraulic structures;
  • with the manufacture, installation, adjustment, maintenance, repair of technical devices used at sites (clause 26 of the Regulations on the organization of training and testing of knowledge of working organizations supervised Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision, approved. ).

Also, requirements for the development of IP are contained in industry regulations. For example, for gas workers this is the FNP “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks.”

Standard production instructions of Rostechnadzor

The basis for local PIs can be standard industry and inter-industry ones, but they should be used taking into account the specifics production process at a particular enterprise, as well as qualification requirements or professional standards.

For example, the PI for an employee responsible for maintaining pipe-laying cranes in good condition is developed on the basis of a pipe-laying crane operator - RD 10-276-99, a slinger - etc.

How to develop a UI

The law does not regulate in any way the procedure for drawing up IP, leaving this to the discretion of the management of enterprises with public benefit organizations. This procedure is determined by the employer himself, having fixed the rules for the development of production instructions, as well as the requirements for their structure in local regulations.

Who develops IP at the enterprise

Difficulty of compiling of this document is that only competent employees can do this, and it is almost always a collective process. Managers are involved in the development structural divisions, technologists, engineers, leading specialists of production shops, sections, chief engineer service, production and technical department, etc.

If, during the validity of the IP, federal rules, regulations and other documents regulating work in the industry have changed, it is necessary to make the appropriate amendments. After this, the document is re-disclosed to the staff, and the fact is recorded in writing. This confirms that employees are aware of the effect of the new instructions.

Contents of production instructions

When developing a UI, remember: it should not only be useful for employees, but also easy to use. Therefore, please note Special attention In order for the structure to be logical and divided into sections, the language must be simple, understandable, and without ambiguous language. If necessary, use tables, diagrams, drawings with explanations.

When drawing up the PI, focus on:

  • Professional standards.
  • Standard production instructions of Rostechnadzor.
  • Departmental regulatory and technical documents.
  • Passports, instructions for equipment and other documentation from the manufacturer.

1. Title page. The name of the instruction and the industry of production are written on it. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the names of the authors, developer, controller, approver, as well as the release date.

2. Introductory part. This is a short part that describes the purpose of the instruction, the target audience(in the form of a list of positions), listed regulations, which became the basis of PI.

  • Information about the OPO. Scheme production cycle. Information about technological schemes, technological regime standards. Types and types of equipment, its main characteristics, purpose.
  • Requirements for production personnel, including.
  • Description of the workplace.
  • Responsibilities of personnel while on duty to monitor and control the operation of the production line.
  • The procedure for checking the serviceability of serviced technological lines and maintaining related equipment in working order.
  • Procedure, timing, methods for checking fittings, safety devices, automatic protection and alarm devices.
  • The procedure for starting up and stopping (terminating work) of equipment.
  • Safety precautions when working with equipment
  • Cases requiring immediate shutdown of equipment provided for by federal standards and industrial safety regulations, as well as others due to the specifics of the equipment’s operation. The procedure for emergency stop, reducing pressure to atmospheric, or, for example, gas contamination to permissible level installed depending on the specific switching circuit of the equipment and technological process.
  • . Order. Evacuation routes.
  • The procedure for maintaining a shift log (registering reception/handover of duty, checking the record by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the equipment).

4. The procedure for making changes and additions to the production instructions.

All names of components are indicated as they are called by the manufacturer. The characteristics of the products obtained as a result of the production process are described. In addition, the instructions must contain a clause on the responsibility of personnel while working on the equipment.

Production instructions for blue-collar occupations (samples)

As an example, here are production instructions for crane operators (drivers) for the safe operation of tower cranes

Download in.doc

Find the sample labor protection document you need in the Occupational Safety and Health Help System. Experts have already compiled 2506 templates!

Who approves the IP

After drawing up the PI it is necessary to approve it. This should be done either by the head of the organization or the technical manager. If any amendments are made to the instructions, most often they are put into effect as new document. In this case, the old one will have to be canceled by a special organization order.

Testing knowledge of production instructions for personnel servicing hazardous production facilities

Staff knowledge of PI is tested at least once every 12 months. Extraordinary inspections must be organized if changes have been made to federal rules and regulations, if an employee moves to another organization, an appropriate order has been issued from supervisory authorities, poor knowledge of PI has been noticed, or there has been a break in work in the specialty more than a year(in the latter case, an additional internship will be required).

Production instructions are placed at workplaces, with a spare version stored on a stand in production premises. The issuance of the PI occurs as an instruction: the employee’s personal signature in a special journal is required.