What former participants say about House 2. Mikhailovsky left for good reason

Since the first days of the existence of the television project House 2, rumors have not subsided about the presence of a script for a reality show, in which all the actions of the participants are planned in advance. Recently we came across an interesting article written by students of one of the Moscow universities who watch House 2 and analyze the behavior of its characters. Below you can read this publication.

This question has already set the teeth on edge, but in the comments we still come across such statements, which, in our opinion, are not based on anything. Those who claim that everything in House 2 was staged did not actually watch it.

With this note we would like to put an end to the discussion of this issue on this site. Now those who ask or declare that in House 2 everything is done according to the script will be referred to this note so as not to answer the same thing every time.

We believe that House 2 was not completely staged, but only partially. And the directing that takes place is not as simple as many people think. So, first we will lay out our arguments in favor of the fact that the participants do not live strictly according to the script.

1. None of the participants are actors. They simply would not have been able to play many emotional scenes.
2. Most of the participants' reactions are quite natural. There is no need to direct the natural course of events - it will happen by itself.

Regarding the first point. If you watched House 2 in lately, then you couldn’t help but notice the constant advertising of certain goods and services by project participants. Have you noticed how fake it looks? And just imagine that all the events would have played out exactly the same way as these advertising campaigns... This would have caused nothing but laughter and no one would have looked at it for a long time. And now regarding the second point. Indeed, why point out to, say, a boy that he should be interested in beautiful girl who will come to the project if he is already interested in her - that’s how boys are made, they like girls. This situation can be illustrated by the words of engineer Petrov from Gennady Khazanov’s enterprise about the pigsty at the research institute: “This furrow doesn’t need any explanation! He will explain it to anyone you want!”

But, nevertheless, there is a share of directing in the project. What is it? We identify the following mechanisms of pressure on participants.

1. Project terms and conditions
2. One-on-one sessions with presenters and participants, where participants are advised on the “correct” behavior on the project.
Z. Frontal places where social pressure is exerted on participants who do not want to correct their behavior.
4. Behavior of some participants as directed by the director

We have provided a list of techniques as the pressure on the subject increases. Each subsequent technique is used if the previous one does not work or is not possible. So the rules and conditions of the project set the basic scenario that everyone must follow. Many people don’t even see any directing in this. But nevertheless, these are the first limiting frameworks that set the desired direction for the development of events. Further, if a participant behaves passively and does not follow the script, in tete-a-tete and in personal conversations, he is hinted and told in plain text that if he does not become more active, he will go out of the gate. If he is not activated, then he is kicked out at the frontal place.

Further, if a participant enters into a relationship with the opposite sex, then the pressure on the participants does not end there. Their relationship begins to be tested by those very participants who follow the instructions of the organizers, expecting active actions from them. If the actions do not follow, then again in tete-a-tete and frontal places they are prompted with the “correct” actions. Thus, the main element of directing is to push participants to take action, rather than having participants follow the director's instructions. The behavior of some participants, according to the strict instructions of the script, is not the main one, but an accompanying one, provoking the natural reactions of the participants, which are the focus of the show. In such conditions, the participants always have free will in actions, except for those mentioned in paragraph 4. Framework general scenario shows leave plenty of room for self-expression. However, excessive willfulness, as a rule, leads to leaving the project, but the free choice of participants always exists.

Over the thirteen years of existence of the scandalous television project, it would seem that everything is already known about the project “kitchen”. The public has long been aware of how much the members of House 2 earn, in what conditions they live, and by what rules they live. The topic of behind the scenes of a long-running reality show is not new, however, it still arouses interest among viewers.

Former member decided to be generous with her revelations about life on the television set; apparently, her blogs about the hunt for oligarchs have ceased to be in demand. Elina Kamiren called the video “The whole truth about House 2 - exposing the project.” Elina Kamiren dedicated her video blog primarily to those who have a desire to go to House 2.

The whole truth about the House 2 project from Elina Kamiren video:

Elina spoke about the project in a negative way; she gave the following description of the reality: “House 2 is a reflection of the decomposition of society.” Kamiren told why the popularity gained on the show is imaginary and what difficulties almost all household members have to face after leaving real life. Elina revealed the details of building her relationship on House 2.

The reality show "Dom-2" exists on domestic television for 13 years already. During this time, only the lazy did not speak out about the project. Despite all the negativity and outright mockery, the show continues to air. And the participants make good money building love.

“From zero to 200 thousand rubles”

Serious passions are boiling on the television set, thunder is roaring and lightning is flashing. The characters who dream of building love actually not only think about lofty things, but also simply try to make money! It has long been no secret that participants live on everything ready and get paid for it wages. And these amounts clearly exceed the earnings of people who languish every day in stuffy offices from eight to eight.

According to rumors, the show's hosts receive about 2 million rubles a month. Former presenter, now happy mom Ksenia Sobchak admitted in an interview that in 2012 she earned three million for working on the project. What about ordinary “household members”?

“Work on a construction site” - now this phrase has lost its original meaning. You can earn from 30 to 200 thousand rubles on the project. Of course, per month. Moreover, taxes are also deducted from honestly earned money. So those same ardent parasites and slackers on the screens who incredibly irritate many are also respectable taxpayers.

A strict contract prohibits disclosing details, but journalists managed to find out some information. To start getting paid on the show, you need to go through probation: everything is serious, just like in life outside the perimeter. After 2-3 months, the first payments to your bank card will begin.

Olga Rapunzel, Andrey Chuev and the “TV grannies”

“Stars” who are most loved or hated by viewers receive about 150-200 thousand a month. This includes Olga Rapunzel and Andrei Chuev. Many far-sighted participants in the television production decide to include members of their family in this easy income. This is how those “TV grannies” appeared. By the way, these ladies are becoming popular on social networks, and there is no less intrigue around them than among the young ones! Thus, recently a large-scale clarification of the relationship between Tatyana Afrikantova and Irina Agibalova began on the Internet: not only provoking public accusations were used, but also TV broadcasts, although not yet from Andrei Malakhov.

Afrikantova even left the perimeter due to disagreements over her fee: “I yapped all day, but I was paid like old grandma. I took such a blow... Why did they pay me 80? I became hoarse there. Moreover, I know that the same Olga Vasilyevna Gobozova was paid 130 thousand rubles.” As a result, having not received the amount corresponding to her requests, she found nothing other than to proudly leave the project.

Tatiana Kirilyuk

You can increase your own wages not only through scandals on the site, but also on your own. For example, ex-participant Tatyana Kirilyuk told Komsomolskaya Pravda how she succeeded: “I sat in the doldrums for a very long time and got a thirty. My aunt, when she found out about this, lost her temper and called the management: “Tanya lives there sincerely, she only spends twenty on antidepressants after Bogdan, and you spend thirty on her?!”

Aliana and Alexander Gobozov

Stepan Menshchikov, one of the most popular show participants, opens up: “I haven’t been bound by a contract for a long time, so I can say: yes, the guys get money. Any work must be paid. The participant’s fee depends on who he is, what benefit he brings to the project, what authority he has, and status in the team. The amount of the fee is from zero to 200 thousand rubles. The approach to each participant is individual. You can start receiving money after a month of being on the project. The hero comes up and says: “Guys, I spent on you month of life, was a top participant, let’s conclude an employment contract...” When you start to demand, the attitude towards you changes, respect appears. But again, everything is individual. Some people go not for money, but for fame. They are ready to work for free. And if a person has not proven himself in any way on a project, then they will not pay him.”

The fees allow many participants to save up to start a business or simply purchase housing in the capital rather than in their hometown. If you manage to create a “strong” family in which hurricanes will constantly rage, then the efficiency will increase. So, Aliana and Alexander Gobozov received 500 thousand a month.

Food, plastic surgery and treatment - at the expense of the office

Pregnancy management

Daria and Sergei Pynzar, having decided to leave the show, already had a strong “safety cushion” in the form of real estate and clothing stores. At the same time, the couple managed to become parents of two children while being outside the perimeter! Of course, vitamins for pregnant women, childbirth and other very expensive events were paid for by the channel’s management.

Plastic surgery

On the project you can also take care of yourself by changing in better side. Numerous plastic surgeries "House-2" is a real encyclopedia of modern surgery! But all this does not cost the participants anything. Moreover, the project is a family, and if someone vitally needs help, it will be provided. So, Andrei Chuev’s legs gave out, and his treatment was paid for.

Taxi, phone, groceries

And in general, life outside the perimeter, both in Moscow and in the Seychelles, is particularly comfortable. Fresh products are purchased several times a week taking into account the wishes of household members, who can also travel by taxi for free and do not have to spend money on telephone calls. No payment utilities, air conditioners do not turn off during hot periods to save electricity... Paradise?

An additional source of income for TV show participants, like other modern public figures, is advertising on Instagram. This social network can be called a real gold mine. Depending on the number of subscribers, the cost of posts also varies. The texts themselves are presented in different sauces: sometimes it is difficult to guess that this is not good advice, but a paid recommendation.

Ksenia Borodina

The owner of the TV set apparently advertises everything that is offered to her. The presenter has 4 million subscribers, and the cost of a post is 150 thousand rubles. The presenter talks about smartphone cases, cosmetics, flowers, cookies, salons and much more.

Olga Buzova

Recently divorced Olga Buzova also did not go far from her colleague. On her Instagram, especially after breaking up with her husband, you can find advice for every taste and for the same amount. On the eve of the New Year, it became known that since the announcement of the breakup with her husband, Olga Buzova has earned... 16 million rubles from advertising! The TV presenter published photos of her new jackets and fur coats almost every day, and raffled off baby strollers and smartphones. In November, Olga placed 64 advertising posts costing about 250 thousand rubles each (prices increased noticeably after the scandalous divorce).

Victoria Bonya

Ex-participant of the “construction project” Victoria Bonya is also asking for an amount of 150 thousand. True, the number of her subscribers is still 3.5 million. Once, the common-law wife of Irish billionaire Alex Smurfit even advertised in a photo blog... a screwdriver!

Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva more often advertises cosmetics that she has tested herself, as she proudly reports. Vodonaeva’s income has long worried bloggers: many wondered where she got the funds for such luxurious life. The answer is simple: one and a half million subscribers and 100 thousand rubles per post.

Are you following the development of the reality show “Dom-2”? Share your impressions in the comments!

It only seems to viewers that everything is great with the residents of the TV set and they don’t need to worry about everyday life. As it turned out, show participants begin to be humiliated even on the approaches to the perimeter, during castings. Reporters made their way to the selection of recruits.


Potential Dom-2 stars are screened out in the building of a former bowling center on the outskirts of Moscow. Three girls represent a kind of examination committee. They don’t hesitate to say nasty things to the contestants’ faces and look at the reaction.

“You’re so boring. It’s boring with you... Everything is very sluggish,” “Why do we need you on the project?”, “What sets you apart from the crowd and makes you different?”, “What, is your penis something special? Fork it into the steering wheel.” twisted, shamrock?" – the hostesses of the casting ask questions pointedly.

Those few who survived this meat grinder and withstood the pressure are asked to record a video message to the producer and prepare to be called to filming. When the approved “lucky ones” end up on a veteran project, they begin to break them.

Over the 13 years of its existence, about two thousand participants have passed through Dom-2. Some didn’t last even a week, and some managed to get stuck on a TV set on for many years. For example, Ksenia Borodina is the permanent host of the show. And the record-breaking participants are Daria and Sergei Pynzari, who devoted about nine years of their lives to the project. They met at Dom-2, fell in love, got married, and had two children.

This amorous reality show had several hosts. According to the RBC website, for almost ten years the structures of Valery Komissarov, the creator of the famous program “My Family” and a former State Duma deputy, were responsible for the work of the project. And at the beginning of 2014, one night the show moved to the site of a new general contractor - the company of Alexander Karmanov, a famous businessman, ex-husband host of "House-2" Olga Orlova (this explains the employment of the ex-soloist of "Brilliant" in a lucrative, enviable position).

During the change of directors behind the scenes of the television production, the idea of ​​closing the show was discussed. Igor Mishin, who headed TNT in 2014 (until 2016), told reporters that at the beginning of his work the project was becoming obsolete both morally and physically. “Dom-2” was produced in the most difficult conditions, the premises had a barracks-like smell, and we had to work on old, worn-out equipment,” Mishin recalls, not without a shudder.

Former participant of “House-2” Rustam Solntsev also brought fear. “The chairs there were breaking under my ass from old age. We lived in a garbage dump, the place was uncomfortable,” the showman complained.

Former show host Ksenia Sobchak, who started together with Ksenia Borodina and left the project at the peak of its popularity, said that former owner TV projects Komissarov "saving a lot." Like, the end of his era was logical, because TNT wanted to make shows at a modern level.

It was then - from April 22 to April 23, 2014 - that an emergency night escape of the Dom-2 stars from the old (now abandoned) site to the new one took place. Several buses arrived at the television building. Project participants were forced to quickly pack their things and leave the perimeter.

The boys were transported to an area surrounded by a two-meter metal fence. There they saw modern cottages and a new, stylish “front place”. “The move was a special operation, we ran away with our trunks secretly from Komissarov,” Solntsev shared his memories. According to another star of the show, Gleb Klubnichka Zhemchugov, everything happened “abruptly”, since the project was “taken away” from the creator.

The new curator of the television production, Karmanov, made sure that the chairs no longer broke. According to estimates by RBC, about $50 million was spent on the arrangement of Polyana and City Apartments. About six months after changing the contractor, the "House-2" star found their paradise on Earth - an additional film set in the Seychelles called "Love Island".

First, project participants selected for the resort were accommodated in tents covered with reeds. There they were flooded during tropical rainstorms. Therefore, the children were moved to normal houses on the island.

Now about the rules and living conditions at Dom-2. Since the launch of the project, the television production has been led by general producer Alexey Mikhailovsky and chief editor Alexander Rastorguev, who are called “the good and evil police.”

According to one of the veterans of the show, Mikhailovsky and Rastorguev discuss their storylines with the participants of “House-2” during personal conversations, outside the television cameras. They can speed up the development of a couple’s relationship or influence certain events.

Although the project does not have a clearly defined script with the roles and actions of the characters, editors can still intervene in what is happening on the site and suggest to the participants of “House-2” which development of events will most interest the audience. However, Gleb Klubnichka assured that no one forced him to fight or build relationships.

Episodes of the filmed show are aired with a week delay. To prevent spoilers from getting onto the Internet, the stars of the project were initially prohibited from using mobile phones. According to Olga Solntse, the project leaders believed that the participants in the television production could reveal the intrigue in a conversation with relatives or friends.

“There was one landline phone, only one participant per day could call it. My turn came only in the second week after the launch of the project,” said the Sun.

According to Sobchak, it was impossible for the participants of the TV show to “live in a prison format.” Andrey Chuev also compared Dom-2 to a prison. An ex-participant of the project said that at some point the stars of the show were prohibited from traveling to the city “on business.” They had a day off once a week. Alexandra Gozias complained that the phone could only be used for an hour a day, and then only after midnight.

The guys also dispelled myths about supposedly “cosmic” earnings. The first participants of "House-2" lived in poverty. They were not paid any money at all. Having gone to Moscow for the weekend, they begged for money and cigarettes on Arbat. “People recognized us, took autographs, and we asked for money,” recalls Stepan Menshchikov. Then the channel management had to introduce monthly payments to the project stars.

The first 101 days a participant “builds love” is free. This is presented as a probationary period. And only then, if the candidate has not left during this time, TNT enters into an agreement with him and pays him for the previous period at a minimum salary of about 16-17 thousand rubles per month.

According to RBC magazine, which referred to several ex-participants of the project, the most successful stars of “House-2” in recent years earn up to 150 thousand rubles per month. Less scandalous “quiet people” and newcomers are content with 30-40 thousand rubles. Salary directly depends on activity on the site and popularity with the audience, shed light on this sensitive issue Solntsev. According to Rustam, Dom-2 has a well-thought-out system of fines. Current participants are punished for smoking on camera or returning to the “Glade” later than the agreed time.

After leaving the project, Maria Ilyina openly spoke about the bullying of the producers. According to the girl, she was forced to film because she was sick with a fever.

Not every person is able to hold out for a long time on the famous Dom-2 project. But thousands of Russians dream of being on the perimeter, and even more on “Love Island”. However, life there is by no means heavenly, as we all see from TV screens. Participants in the television production work hard to please the demanding and sometimes ruthless producers, because they can organize deportation home at any time.

Photo by @_mariya_ilina_

Ex-participant of the show Maria Ilyina led an active life in the Seychelles even with a temperature of 40. The girl went on dates, participated in everything she was ordered to do, and all for the sake of love! Ilyina claims that she came to the project not to play games, but to meet true love, but she was not given such an opportunity.

“The broadcasts are over, I can safely and honestly speak out. As soon as we arrived in Moscow, the presenters made it clear to us that they no longer wanted to see any of us on the project,” she said the terrible truth Marina on her social network page. - The worst thing is that we didn’t show our sides, both good and bad. But! We are not actors! Some of us have never acted at all! And many simply did not understand where they had ended up. Was it really difficult to help at least a little, instruct and show a modicum of understanding?! I'm like a spectator who watched the project for a long time, I realized that there is a wild lack of real relationships, sincerity and decency. I was 100% sure that the project needed me and everything would work out. Like, overdressed professional nets from the highway and so on. Escorts too."

It is obvious that Maria's disappointment knew no bounds. However, apparently, I wanted to stay on the project. Hope, as they say, dies last! But the producers already had their own storyline, within the framework of which Maria must leave the project, and it does not matter whether she created a couple or not.

“You don’t know what awaits you tomorrow. You can fall in love, you can give in. And tomorrow they will pick you up and send you or him home. Everyone started to have a mess in their heads. Even the strongest began to fade. We felt like guests of the island, not residents. In the end, we did not understand at all what could be done and what could not be done. We've been driven to a dead end! – the girl continues her revelation.

Apparently, what hurt Maria the most was that she was forced to work even when she was very ill. A temperature below 40 and a terrible rash were not a reason to give the girl a little break. According to the ex-participant, she was not even allowed to lie down for half an hour.

“You say I’m an amoeba? And I’ll tell you what it’s like to stand in 40-degree heat with a fever of 40 and a wild rash all over your body that itches incredibly badly. I didn’t go to the hospital and fought for Elisha in competitions, so that, God forbid, I wouldn’t miss the day of the fight. I pulled the rope with my hands, although I couldn’t even hold a spoon properly due to the rash, but I walked and fought. They don’t show tears when your nerves give out and you’re breaking your hands because you’re crazy, because they don’t let you just lie down for half an hour after taking a pill! I went out on a date all speckled and burgundy, but I went out! Do you know what is the most offensive? My sincerity on the island turned out to be of no use to anyone. And then I didn’t understand why I was invited to the project, because from the very first day I said: I’m not a player. I came for a relationship! How can you gain sympathy? Why fool the viewer and lie to yourself?” – Maria is perplexed.

Photo by @_mariya_ilina_

Let us remind you that some time ago the TNT television channel interrupted the filming of the second season of the project ahead of schedule and informed viewers about it. The news about the closure of the program was reported on the TV set’s Instagram.

“A week ago, the organizers of the show put forward an ultimatum to the participants in the second season of the show “Love Island”: either the heroes show active participation in the project and build love, or fly home. The participants promised to fulfill all demands, but did not keep their words. In this regard, the producers decided to close the second season of “Love Island” without drawing the main prize,” the message said.

Later it turned out that the project was not completely closed, but simply castled. The authors of the program removed the previous participants and sent six new couples to the island, who became Marina Afrikantova and Andrey Chuev, Ivan Barzikov and Elizaveta Polygalova, Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko, Alexandra Gozias and Konstantin Ivanov, Tata Abramson and Valery Blumenkranz, as well as Evgeny Kuzin and Alexandra Artemova.