Is it stuffy or cold in the office? Whose side are you on? Reducing working hours due to heat - Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

"The temperature conditions in the office are regulated by the system of labor safety standards GOST 12.1.005-88 "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area" and SanPiN 2.24.548-96 "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises." Sanitary rules and norms establish the maximum And minimum temperature, in which workers can freely perform their duties during an 8-hour working day.

During the warm season, the optimal office temperature for knowledge workers should be 22-24 °C. The maximum permissible temperature at a permanent workplace should not exceed 28 degrees Celsius. If the temperature in your office exceeds 28.5 degrees Celsius, you can leave work an hour earlier based on sanitary and hygiene requirements. If the thermometer shows 29 degrees Celsius, work 6 hours instead of the standard 8 hours. At 29.5 degrees Celsius, the working day should be reduced to 5.5 hours, at 30 degrees - to 5 hours. 30.5 degrees allows you to work only 4 hours a day, and 31 degrees allows you to work for 3 hours. If the temperature in the office has risen to 32°C, you can work for 2 hours, and above 32.5°C, you can require your employer to work only 1 hour a day. These rules are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations."
That is, you and your employees can contact the district sanitary and epidemiological inspection service where your office is located.

Explain to the director that he has no right to violate your rights to safe working conditions that meet the requirements of labor legislation regarding worker safety. Contact State inspection labor, if you have a trade union in your organization, then to the trade union committee, as well as to the prosecutor's office, sanitary and epidemiological station.

Silly suggestion: dress appropriately for the temperature. Swimsuit, shorts, T-shirts, pareos... Not satisfied? Create normal conditions for work. Threatened with dismissal? And for what reason? There is nothing unrealistic about this in principle :)

Everyone knows that in our capital everything always happens unexpectedly: snow with the onset of winter, and heat in the middle of summer...

Legislation Russian Federation obliges every employer to ensure that employees are provided with comfortable working conditions. People should be protected as much as possible from the adverse effects of not only production, but also climatic factors. In other words, the enterprise must maintain optimal air temperature and humidity levels for humans.

Unfortunately, many employers simply do not take into account this norm and do not fulfill the duties assigned to them - in this case, each employee of the enterprise has every reason to independently take care of his own safety and simply refuse to perform work under conditions that are dangerous to his health.

As for the temperature norm itself adopted in the Russian Federation, it depends on the time of year and general conditions labor. Exists general rule, according to which the temperature indicator directly depends on how much energy is consumed by the employee when carrying out specific work at the enterprise. In total, in hot weather the microclimate should meet the following indicators:

  • For office workers– from 23 to 25 degrees Celsius;
  • For persons whose work involves little physical activity - from 22 to 24 degrees Celsius;
  • If the work requires little physical effort and walking - from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius;
  • If increased physical activity is required to perform work - from 19 to 21 degrees Celsius;
  • At high physical activity at work - from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius.

Compliance with these indicators will provide the most productive conditions for the employee to perform his duties.

Changing working hours in hot weather

The microclimate at the enterprise must be established in accordance with special sanitary rules, which clearly indicate the requirements for office or industrial premises. If in summer time the air temperature in the room does not meet established standards, the employer has the opportunity to correct the situation by installing an air conditioner, organizing additional rest rooms for staff, air showers and similar measures.

The temperature in the room will be considered critical if its value differs from the norm by 5 degrees - in one direction or the other. If you apply special means to maintain an optimal microclimate in the room is not possible, the employer has every right to reduce his staff working hours. Working hours can be reduced by 1 hour if temperature regime differs slightly from the norm. If the difference is 5 degrees or more, a reduction in time of more than 1 hour is allowed. To do this, the employer must issue a corresponding order.

Reducing working hours due to heat - Labor Code of the Russian Federation

What should an employee do if his employer completely ignores the temperature rise and does not take any action to normalize the current situation? In this case, each employee of the enterprise has every right to file complaints with the appropriate authorities: the trade union, the sanitary and epidemiological station and the prosecutor's office. After the complaint is accepted for consideration, temperature measurements at the enterprise will be taken within 10 days to record the violation. After this, management will be held accountable in accordance with legislative framework RF.

In addition, according to labor legislation, each employee has the right to independently reduce the period of stay at work if there are temperature violations. To do this, he must draw up a statement of refusal to work and address it to the company management.

Reducing working hours in hot weather - maximum period

The basis for reducing working hours during hot weather can be a protocol drawn up by a special commission, which should reflect exact indicators temperature. The data obtained is compared with standard data, after which the commission makes its conclusion about whether there is a need to reduce the time spent at the workplace. If the temperature is exceeded, management is obliged to take measures in accordance with SanPiN standards. For this purpose, a separate order is issued, which must be familiarized to the employees of the enterprise. A work schedule during the hot period is also drawn up.

According to the Federal Law “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”, the duration of working hours at an enterprise is compiled on the basis of such regulatory documents, How collective agreement, industry act and employer order. If the temperature in an office or enterprise exceeds 28.5 degrees, employees have the right, guided by sanitary and hygienic requirements, to leave their workplace 1 hour earlier. If the thermometer is 29 degrees, instead of 8 hours, you can work 2 hours less. At a temperature of 29.5 degrees, the working day is reduced to 5.5 hours; if the temperature remains at 30 degrees, the working time is reduced to 5 hours. At a temperature of 30.5 degrees, you can work no more than 4 hours a day; at 31 degrees, working time is reduced to 3 hours. If the thermometer shows a temperature of 32 degrees, you can work no more than 2 hours; at a temperature of 32.5 degrees, you can require the employer to reduce working hours to 1 hour a day. During this period, remuneration is made for the actual time worked.

Order on working hours in hot weather

Each document has its own deadlines for reducing labor time, depending on the temperature at the enterprise. It should also contain references to relevant articles of legislation.

Warm days are coming and the hotter it gets outside, the more difficult it is to be at work. Of course, if the employer takes care of his subordinates and the office has air conditioning and the ventilation works properly, then no heat will interfere with the work process. In this case, employees, on the contrary, rush to the workplace to hide from the sultry summer day. But what to do if there is no air conditioning and the ventilation is working extremely poorly? Opening the windows does not help, since warm air from the street only warms the room. Only a draft can be a salvation from the heat, but if it saves you from the heat, it certainly won’t save you from a cold...

Being in a stuffy office, the question immediately arises: what temperature standards should be in the workplace and where are these norms written? Regulates temperature standards in the workroom SanPiN (Sanitary Rules and Norms), and the sanitary rules and norms specified in the document apply to microclimate indicators in workplaces of all types of industrial premises and are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations. Thus, for violation of existing sanitary rules, including violation of the temperature regime in the workplace at legal entity a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles may be imposed. or activities are suspended for up to 90 days (Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Temperature standards in the workplace

For office workers who mainly work while sitting and have little physical stress(category Ia), the air temperature in the room should be within 22.2-26.4°C.

As the temperature in the workplace increases or decreases, the working day must be shortened, as presented in the tables.

Time spent at workplaces at air temperatures above permissible values

Stay time, no more for categories of work, hours
32,5 1
32,0 2
31,5 2,5
31,0 3
30,5 4
30,0 5
29,5 5,5
29,0 6
28,5 7
28,0 8

Time spent at workplaces at air temperatures below acceptable values

Air temperature at the workplace, °C Stay time, no more, for categories of work, hours
13 1
14 2
15 3
16 4
17 5
18 6
19 7
20 8

Where to complain if the workplace is hot or cold

Special government agency, which deals with temperature control in production premises(including in offices) - no. However, it is possible to find justice for an irresponsible employer. It is best to contact the State Labor Inspectorate of Moscow with complaints about non-compliance with the temperature regime; they will either take care of this issue themselves or advise where to go next.

One of the main tasks of the employer can be considered to ensure a favorable microclimate in the workplace.

However, many employers do not comply with temperature requirements, thereby violating the law.

What should be the temperature in the room according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

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Is the employer obligated to monitor the room temperature?

This question can be answered by Article 212, according to which the employer will be held administratively liable for sanitary work not carried out on time.

The list of these measures also includes compliance with the temperature regime established by Sanitary Norms and Rules (SanPiN), as it is too low or vice versa high temperature can lead to a decrease in energy levels and, as a result, its performance.

Accordingly, if an employer evades fulfilling this obligation, he violates the law and must be punished.

It can be said that the employer is obliged to monitor the temperature throughout the entire working period.

Temperature conditions at different times of the year

According to the Labor Code, the room temperature in the summer should not be higher than:

  • 28 degrees Celsius for 8 hours of operation.
  • 30 degrees Celsius for 5 hours of operation.
  • 31 degrees Celsius for 3 hours of operation.
  • 32 degrees Celsius for 2 hours of operation.
  • 32.5 degrees Celsius for 1 hour of operation.

Working at temperatures exceeding 32.5 degrees is considered dangerous. The employer has several options to avoid the heat, namely: install special equipment (air conditioners, fans) in the work premises or reduce the number of working hours by special order.

Room temperature in winter time According to the Labor Code, it should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius. If it does not meet the standards, the employer must install a heater in the workroom or reduce the number of working hours. Labor Code establishes the following temporary standards at low temperatures:

  • no more than 7 hours of operation at 19 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 6 hours of operation at 18 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 5 hours of operation at 17 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 4 hours of operation at 16 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 3 hours of operation at 15 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 2 hours of operation at 14 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 1 hour of operation at 13 degrees Celsius.

Labor standards have established that working in temperatures below 13 degrees Celsius is dangerous.

Summarizing the above data, we can say that the room temperature is summer period should not exceed 28 degrees Celsius, and in winter period should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius.

What should an employee do if the employer does not comply with the temperature regime?

Salaried workers often face negligence from their employers. What to do in this case? There are several options:

  • ask the employer to normalize the temperature using equipment (air conditioning, heater)
  • demand a reduction in hours of work in accordance with regulations
  • file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor
  • contact the labor inspectorate for help

In the last two options, a special check will be carried out at the place of work, during which it will be determined whether an offense has been committed.

As a result, we can say that the employee has several legal methods of influencing.

What punishment does an employer face for non-compliance with temperature conditions?

In accordance with the Code of Administrative offenses, an employer who violates sanitary standards will be fined up to 20 thousand rubles, or his activities will be suspended for a certain period.

Summer time is always difficult time for work. Situations often arise when the room temperature exceeds the permissible limit, turning work into severe torture (and even breaks in the middle of the day help little). For employees it becomes topical issue, are there any legal requirements regarding temperature standards during working hours in the heat.

To solve this issue need to contact Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation . In one of the provisions, it prescribes the employer’s obligation to provide comfortable working conditions for each employee. Based on this legal provision, a regulation was developed regarding working hours in hot weather SanPiN .

Reduced working hours due to heat

According to established standards for office employees, the maximum permissible temperature indoors in summer should be 28 degrees. The more the actual reading exceeds this standard, the less employees should work.

Order to reduce working hours due to heat

An order to change working hours due to heat is an integral document on the basis of which the schedule is re-issued. This act is drawn up by the employer indicating the reason for the innovations. Experts, however, differ on how to indicate the reasons for changes.

A reduction in working hours due to heat can be documented as downtime either due to the fault of the employer, or due to objective circumstances beyond the control of the parties. The first case is relevant in situations where the organization does not provide adequate conditions for working on the premises. However, on the other hand, it is not always possible to provide for increased temperature conditions. As a result, the decision about the reason for such downtime rests with the employer. In both cases, according to Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the company is obliged to pay two-thirds of the wages.

It is possible to issue an order indicating objective circumstances and appropriate remuneration. In this case, its size decreases in proportion to the reduction in working time.

How to reduce working hours in hot weather - drawing up an order

An order to reduce working hours due to heat is drawn up according to the basic rules for processing documents. That is, it is similar to those regulations that relate to the issues of reducing work time due to heat.

The main provisions of this document should include:

  • establishing a new time, indicating breaks for lunch and rest;
  • an instruction on the need for all department heads to familiarize their subordinates with this order;
  • providing employees with the opportunity to take unpaid leave;
  • appointment of responsible persons who must monitor the implementation of regulations.

Subscribes this document both the manager and the designated responsible person. It may include additional requirements at the initiative of the employer. For example, the validity period of this resolution, or the provision of means of protection from heat.