Biography of Dmitry Guberniev, the most extravagant presenter of Russian television. Bogoslovskaya Olga Mikhailovna: biography and personal life Dmitry Guberniev biography personal life

The voice of Olga Bogoslovskaya is familiar to all athletics fans. For many years now, the 1993 world champion and 1992 Olympic silver medalist in the 4x100 m relay has been reporting on sports. The famous athlete and TV commentator was born in the Babushkinsky district, and now lives in Northern Medvedkovo.


Zvezdny Boulevard dossier: Olga Bogoslovskaya was born on May 20, 1964 in Moscow. Honored Master of Sports. 1993 world champion in the 4x100 meter relay. Silver medalist at the 1992 Summer Olympics as part of the combined team in the 4x100 meter relay.

I came to the sport... for a nice suit

— How did you get into athletics?

— In our time, there were many enthusiastic coaches who visited schools and tracked young talents. One such highly qualified specialist and wonderful person, Albina Ivanovna Lyuzina, invited me to the athletics section.

Before that, I tried my hand at artistic gymnastics and figure skating. But for some reason the world of big-time sports scared me.

I remember I arrived at the Znamensky Brothers Stadium in Sokolniki, looked at the arena... and went home. For some reason I decided that I didn’t need athletics. Besides, I was already an adult girl, studying in the 9th grade. But Albina Ivanovna was persistent. She called me and finally persuaded me to come again. I noticed that several girls were running around in chic woolen dark blue tracksuits, with “Spartak” written in bold red on the back. I asked Albina Ivanovna who these rich people were. She explained that such a suit can be obtained by fulfilling the standard for a candidate for master of sports. And for this you need to run 60 meters in a certain time. I answered: “When can I start training?” Soon I had this gorgeous suit!

— Victory at the 1993 World Championships in the 4x100 relay is your most great success in your career?

- Not only. Despite the fact that in 1992 at the Olympic Games in Barcelona we lost to the Americans in the same discipline, I consider silver to be our great victory. Just before the start, a very bad thing happened to us. unpleasant episode. When we began to warm up, the leader of our four, Ira Privalova, discovered that she had forgotten one of her spikes in the Olympic village.

It was a complete shock for all of us.

There was only one way out - to ask for spikes from our guys, who were supposed to start after us. One of them had spare ones, but they were all broken, and from a different company. But according to the contract with the sponsors, this was not possible. Therefore, when I was already standing at the start of the first stage, Ira was frantically wrapping all these labels on spikes. She only had 40 seconds! The Americans didn’t understand what was happening at all and looked at us like we were crazy. Can you imagine how stressed we were all, especially Ira! And what eventually became silver medalists, a huge success.

I tell my son: “Don’t talk about being Guberniev!”

— After finishing your career as an athlete, you became a commentator. How did this happen?

— Sergei Portugalov, who was responsible for medical support in our team, encouraged me to take up sports journalism. He once told me: “Lala, you read a lot and speak well. You need to become a journalist." Well, I decided to try it.

I walked to Ostankino on bent legs, shaking like a leaf.

I thought that there was a queue of many kilometers long of those who dreamed of working on TV. But everything turned out to be not so scary, and I was given a chance to try my hand at Channel One. Took for 3 months from probationary period. And after 10 days they hired me.

— What professional rules or taboos should a sports commentator have?

- Certainly! You need to watch your speech so as not to accidentally swear on air or say something unnecessary. Not always and not everyone succeeds.

For example, my ex-husband Dmitry Guberniev sometimes sins with this.

That’s why he sometimes gets into stories like the one that happened between him and Zenit goalkeeper Malafeev. I even jokingly tell our son Misha, who bears his father’s last name: “Don’t talk too much about being Guberniev, otherwise they’ll hit you on the neck.” (Laughs.)

Big sport is associated with corruption...

— Is your whole life connected with NEAD?

- Yes. My childhood was spent in a five-story building on Raduzhnaya Street. As I remember now, our house was then surrounded by small private wooden buildings. There were places here that when the ice thawed in the spring, you could fall waist-deep. I successfully got there and failed. (Laughs.) From morning to evening I spent with friends in the yard.

I could with eyes closed go around the entire area, which was popularly called Oblaevka.

Where does the name come from? Previously, a single-track road ran from Beringov Proezd railway. And when the first train was launched along it, all the local dogs barked at it in unison... And now I live on Shirokaya Street.

— Tell us about your family.

- I have two sons. Egor is 20 years old, he is already married. The second son, Mikhail, is 10 years old. To be honest, I never wanted my sons to become professional athletes. Egor once dreamed of athletics, but it didn’t work out. But Mishka loves football and dreams of a professional career. But no one can guarantee that he will be able to reach great heights here. In addition, big sport, especially now, is associated with corruption and scandals. It’s better to let all this dirt pass by my children...

Bogoslovskaya Olga Mikhailovna was born on May 20, 1964 in Russia (Moscow). The famous athlete is 54 years old, height - 166 cm. She is an Honored Master of Sports in Russia in 100 and 200 m running, as well as track and field. Marital status: divorced. There are two sons - Mikhail (born in 2002) and Egor (son from a previous marriage, born in 1990).

Biography and photo of Olga Mikhailovna Bogoslovskaya

Little Olya has shown since childhood great success in sports. Later, the talented girl decided to get an education at the Institute of Engineering in Moscow, specializing in “ Civil aviation" However, the athlete did not work for a day in her specialty. All this happened because of the love of sports. She completely devoted herself to this matter and decided to devote her whole life to sports.

The girl’s sports career started after she was noticed by professional coach Albina Lyuzina. She searched all schools for children who excelled in physical education classes or sports sections. It was there that the coach saw Olga and invited her to the section on athletics. It is worth noting that the young athlete has already tried herself in the field figure skating And rhythmic gymnastics. However, the girl was afraid to “throw herself” into big sports.

Soon Olga Bogoslovskaya became the owner of a silver medal at the Summer Olympic Games, which took place in 1992. A year later, she won the world champion title in running competitions. After Olga completed her sports career, she was invited to work on a TV channel to comment on various competitions and championships in athletics.

Personal life of Olga Mikhailovna

Previously, fans were especially interested in the personal lives of Olga Mikhailovna Bogoslovskaya and Dmitry Guberniev. However, the former athlete did not show off her life: she spoke little to the press or omitted moments of her personal life in interviews. All her colleagues know her as an outstanding master of sports and an excellent television commentator. But they also noted that Olga cannot be called an exemplary keeper of the family hearth.

They also say about her husband Dmitry that he is not a homebody, as he is very absorbed in his profession. But what’s interesting is that the world champion could not become the lady of his heart for life. And the couple decided to divorce.

The reason for the breakdown of the family lies in one thing: a man who considers himself the main breadwinner in the family needed a woman who would wait for him at home after work, warm food for dinner and give her incredible care. The honored athlete Olga did not succeed in becoming such a wife for Dmitry.

But it is worth noting that, despite the great desire to become a world champion in sports and not realizing herself as an exemplary wife, Olga became excellent and caring mother. For Olga Mikhailovna Bogoslovskaya, children are the meaning of life. She raised two sons who are certainly above any career in sports, or in any other field.

Professional activities

As mentioned earlier, after finishing sports career Olga Bogoslovskaya began working on television sports commentator. However, before accepting this position, she rejected many similar offers. Olga Bogoslovskaya wanted to comment only on the sport she loved - athletics. The thing is that she believed that you need to comment on exactly what you are good at.

Many fans, relatives and friends admire her endurance. After all, sitting in one place for 12 hours and voicing competitions is not an easy task. And even in such conditions, the former athlete manages to comment on sports without a single mistake or reservation. Olga herself admits that she tries not to think about the fact that many people are listening to her and imagines that she is talking to herself.

Many of Olga’s fans see in her such qualities as professionalism and experience. Thanks to it, people who follow competitions receive interesting and reliable information. In addition, Holguin enjoys watching sports. positive attitude And pleasant voice.

Detailed history of the commentator's work

At first young girl was obsessed with athletics, but did not strive to join the ranks of successful athletes. As it turned out later, I didn’t want to be a coach either. And at that carefree time, the girl had another favorite hobby - reading. She did not like going to any parties or dances with her friends.

Olga Mikhailovna Bogoslovskaya shared with her audience that she was the first to give her the idea of ​​work sports journalism Sergey Portugalov. The man at that time worked as a doctor in the Russian national team. One day she had the opportunity to carry out her plans, and Olga went to Ostankino.

The woman was noticeably worried, but those present did not notice it, or pretended to. The workers gave her an excellent chance to prove herself in this profession; they signed an agreement with her with a probationary period of three months. However, after ten days, after excellent performance, she was added to the permanent staff.

Sports achievements of Bogoslovskaya Olga

The athlete showed her highest achievements in athletics at three distances - 60, 100 and 200 meters. The first records were set in 1992, at the very beginning of Olga Bogoslovskaya’s sports career. She set her second personal record in 1993 in France in the city of Villeneuve-d’Asque. The runner received her third success in competitions in Canada (Toronto), also in 1993.

This shows that only two years in the life of the young athlete turned out to be the most productive and successful. In addition, Olga Bogoslovskaya became the world champion in the 4x100 relay. All her mentors considered Olga a person who was stubbornly focused on results, and a dizzying career awaited her. But in 1994, the famous athlete was expelled from the track and field team. She was caught using illegal steroids.

Despite her excellent success in sports, Olga was afraid of big sports. Once she told the following story: Olga arrived at the stadium in Sokolniki and her legs gave way from the impressive scale of the arena’s construction. Then she turned around and ran away, saying that she didn’t need athletics. But, thanks to her first coach Albina Lyuzina, she returned to the sport and continued to achieve success.

TV presenter Dmitry Guberniev, beloved by Russians, has been awarded orders and honorary awards for his work. The wonderful Russian journalist not only makes comments about sports, but also talks about events in the world. Dmitry Guberniev’s wife, Olga Mikhailovna Bogoslovskaya, is an Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation in athletics.

Personal life of Dmitry Guberniev

Dmitry Guberniev (1874) was married to Olga Bogoslovskaya (1964), nee Naumkina, for five years, starting in the year 2000. And in 2002, he had an heir - Guberniev Mikhail. Before starting his career as a TV presenter, Dmitry won the title of Master of Sports in rowing, which he began to do at the age of eleven, under the guidance of the honored coach Lyudmila Nikolaevna Boltruk. Our hero was a repeated winner of international competitions and national championship competitions.

Dima's meeting with his future wife occurred in 1996. First, he graduated from an advanced training institute specifically for television and radio employees, and starting in 1997, he began to build his career on TV. At the same time (1997-1999), Olga Bogoslovskaya worked on TV-6 as a sports commentator for the then popular “Television News Service”. Listening to her reports, Dmitry imagined how he himself would find himself in the commentator’s chair.

In 2000, Olga met Dmitry Guberniev. At first they were just friends. Olga and Dima had their own affections at that time. They lived not far from each other, so Olga often drove Dima to work in her car. They came to work at VGRK at the same time. This was a new sports editorial office, so the athletes had to constantly communicate on various issues, and that’s how they became close. After this, Dmitry Guberniev’s personal life changed dramatically.

Family and children of Dmitry Guberniev

We got married, and then, in 2002, Misha was born. Olga’s father is Mikhail, and Guberniev’s is friend and colleague Misha Zelensky. So they decided to give the guy the name Mikhail. Olya’s first son from a previous marriage, Yegor, turned 12 at the time and was temporarily in the care of his grandmother. The problem was that Dmitry Guberniev’s beloved wife had to fight for his health from the first days of Misha’s birth: when he was only seven days old, the child had to undergo major surgery due to congenital Ledd disease. The surgeons performed the operation, and then found another disease - an intracellular bacterium.

This illness did not allow Olga to take her eldest son home. Guberniev was good father, however, his sports activities, appearance, regime, lifestyle required a colossal amount of time and attention, including Olgin’s. And since Olga Bogoslovskaya had both children and work, a situation inevitably arose when the woman had to make her choice. Gradually their marriage fell apart. However, the divorce did not affect the relationship between father and son, despite the fact that, according to Olya, work always comes first for Dima, and family and children come second.

A gifted television journalist, Dmitry Guberniev does not forget to call Mikhail every day and meets with him regularly. He also got along with Olga friendly relations, which sometimes, when discussing issues related to Misha’s upbringing, result in disputes. But, as Olga herself admitted, disputes between parent-athletes are always on the merits, and everything is for the benefit of their son. While working, Dmitry addresses his ex-wife as “Misha Guberniev’s mother.” Mikhail will soon turn 17. He plays sports and is thinking about working on TV.

On at the moment Dmitry is dating Elena Putintseva, she is an interior decorator and is not as keen on television and sports as her husband.

Biography pages of Dmitry Guberniev

Dima grew up in the town of Drezna, in the Moscow region. His mother is a pharmacist, and his father is a glassmaker. After school, the young man decided to study at the Academy of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation, and received a diploma with honors. Already having higher education, he planned to take part in the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, but his plans did not come true. And Dmitry decided to become a sports commentator on TV. To achieve this goal, he overcame many obstacles, and after gaining life experience, he took up sports television journalism. Archival photos from the life of Dmitry Guberniev can be seen on his website.

Sense of humor and constant readiness to overcome any undercurrent that may arise on the program, helped Guberniev to become, together with Maxim Galkin, the host of the “Star Ice” and “This is Funny” programs. Dmitry successfully comments and Olympic Games, And singing competition"Eurovision 2016". And he prepares very carefully for each of his television appearances, thinking through all the options for possible questions and answers. Permanent job over herself allowed Dmitry to become editor-in-chief of VGTRK sports channels in August 2013.

Colleagues of the popular TV presenter smashed his face

He became a master of sports in rowing, but soon realized that he would not be a world champion. However, the country still recognized Dmitry GUBERNIEV. He is called the “voice of Russian biathlon”, he sued Zenit goalkeeper Vyacheslav MALAFEEV, leads various shows. Guberniev is loved or hated, but he leaves no one indifferent.

- Dima, what are you most often criticized for?

For talking about women's hips ( laughs). Once, during a report, I noted that the German biathlete Magdalena Neuner very beautiful legs. Any decent guy will say that! But there were critics, quite a lot of them, who began to reproach me: they say, you are commenting on biathlon, not a beauty contest. Alexander Shirvindt, fortunately, took my side. He said: “In my time they also ran, but commentators did not talk about beautiful legs and who married whom. But in vain, it’s interesting.” - How did you become friends with Shirvindt?- I have always had tender feelings for the Satire Theater. “Little Comedies of the Big House”, “Figaro”, “Awake and Sing” - these are unforgettable performances, I have watched them on video cassettes more than once. I admired the way Shirvindt played the role of Count Almaviva, and never thought that I would meet such a master. And suddenly the coach Elena Chaikovskaya He tells me that Alexander Anatolyevich has been really hooked on biathlon for some time now. That he listens to my reports. I called Shirvindt, he invited me to the theater to see “Ornifle,” and after the performance, in the dressing room, he said: “You know, my wife has stupid taste - she’s your fan.”

- You often tease Nikolai Baskov. Why?

“Blue Light” brought us together. I feel very warmly towards Baskov. Such a voice, such songs... For example, with Natalie he sings, “I can’t forget your lali lalay.” This is not a text, but a masterpiece! And in general, there are few real men in show business. There are only two left - me and Kolya Baskov ( laughs).- You were an ardent opponent of the German Wolfgang Pichler, who trained our biathletes. When you meet, will you give Pichler your hand or pretend you didn’t notice? - I'll say hello. But I won’t change my opinion: Pichler- this is a rogue, he should have been fired from the Russian national team earlier! Yes, at one time he raised a Swedish girl Magdalena Forsberg, but she never became an Olympic champion. And ours Anya Bulygina I ate chips and Coca-Cola at Pichler's! How to understand this?! Victory Yurlova at the last world championship everything was put in its place. Pichler spread rot on her and did not take her to the Olympics in Sochi. Katya suffered so much because of him! When the German left, Yurlova became world champion.

Doesn't Fabio Capello remind you of a German specialist in some way? Is a contract with an Italian not a waste of money?

- Capello clearly not being finalized. It will be very funny if our valiant footballers from such a group do not qualify for Euro 2016. I saw a video on the Internet like Dzagoev and the company were relaxing in a strip club. This is preparation for the most important qualifying match! This causes nothing but indignation and disgust. And what a contract Don Fabio has! Receiving 7 million euros a year, he also demanded from his employer an iPhone, an iPad, a luxury company car and 11 thousand euros a month for living in Moscow. Any whim for our money! Of course, the Italian’s lawyers did an excellent job, but Capello himself could have been more modest. - After what you said on air about Vyacheslav Malafeev, it seemed that you would be enemies with him for life. But reconciliation took place. How did you do it? - I came to Slava in St. Petersburg and apologized. I think I could have done this earlier, then there would have been no trial. The key moment was when, during filming in St. Petersburg, Malafeev’s son took me by the finger and did not let go for a long time. “You see, it’s impossible to deceive a child, bad people the children won’t come along,” I told the Zenit goalkeeper. Slava and I not only made peace, but also communicate. I now know his wife and children.

The pastry chef let me down

I recently saw a story on the “Bolshoi Sport” program. Two young guys run up to you in the studio and throw a cake in your face with all their might!

My colleagues joked about it. Our program turned two years old, and the guys decided to have some fun. Everything would be fine, but the cake had a large layer of icing, and it did not crumble upon impact. As a result, I got a black eye and my forehead was broken. These guys will be fired without severance pay. Maybe they'll become polishers or security guards.

- They say that before coming to television you worked as a security guard...- Yes, in casinos and nightclubs. These establishments no longer exist in Moscow. I am not ashamed of my past - I had to make a living somehow. Before that he was a fitness instructor. And in 1997 he came to television. You could say from the street. And he passed the competition. Now I teach students myself. - How do you like working on the same channel with ex-wife- Olga Bogoslovskaya?- We have an excellent relationship. They got married quickly and quickly separated. But she managed to give birth to my son, his name is Misha. Later Olya got married, so my son has two dads - me and dad Sasha. But it's better than none. I will add that Olga is a former runner, ex-world champion in the 4x100 meter relay. On the Russia-2 channel she comments on athletics.

- As I understand it, the son lives with his mother. Do you see him often?

Not as often as I would like. But I take him with me to the dacha, Misha communicates with my friends. Hooligan with terrible force, but he seems to be studying normally. In September Misha will be 13 years old - a difficult age begins. - Probably his dad is teaching him to row, and his mom is teaching him to do athletics?- But no. I take it with me to concerts of famous rockers. We recently went to Joe Lynn Turner, who came to Moscow. And before that we were at the concerts of “Scorpions”, “Uriah Heep”, “Nazareth”... Mishka is involved in the football section, and he also has a level in chess.

- Yours ex-wife Married. And the desire to create it yourself new family available?- Of course, I have a girlfriend. So don't worry, everything is fine. I feel free and comfortable any day. But I'm not talking about my personal life. - Are you often recognized on the streets?- Yes. In the summer I wear dark glasses. But there are also situations when you don’t know how to react. Recently, at the Sports Palace, a guy and a girl approached me. And he comes at me, and even with obscenities: they say, when I comment on hockey, our guys always lose. I answer him: listen, smart guy, you have confused me with someone. I only commentated on hockey once, and that time Russia beat the USA. Learn the materiel, otherwise the girl will leave you soon. After that, I heard a girlish laughter. I think they have already broken up. - Well-known commentator Naum Dymarsky (now deceased) told how, during a sports news broadcast, his chair began to sink lower and lower, and as a result, viewers saw only half of Dymarsky’s head. Has something similar happened to you? - Chairs fail many TV people. That's why I check everything carefully before broadcasting. I remember how we conducted the program with Yuri Tishkov, a famous football player, and suddenly the light bulbs in the studio exploded! The fragments fell right on me. Unpleasant feeling. And a few months later, Yura, who crossed the path of illegal football agents, was brutally killed. It was as if someone was warning him with light bulbs. This was in 2003. The criminals have not yet been found.

TV commentator's pearls

* Well, finally the German athlete shot himself!

*You shouldn’t expect aliens to fly in and take away two skis from Bjoerndalen at once.* Are you going to run in two days on the third? No, our football players would have died long ago from such work. And here every day! This is not for them.* He fired the last bullet with such amazement, as if the target stood up and came towards him with a bayonet at the ready.* I knock on everything wooden, on the monitor and on the head. The commentator's head replaces the tree in all situations.