Photo gallery of people who proved that beauty is a terrible force. Photo gallery of people who proved that beauty is a terrible force Myra Hills before surgery

We open the Friday parade of freaks in the "Mosaic of Oddities". For these people, beauty is the most terrible force. Your strange ideas about perfect forms they bring it into reality with the help of plastic and artisanal surgery. Injections with sealants, injections with cement, injection of superglue, removal of ribs, disproportionately large silicone implants, lengthening of limbs - their methods of dealing with the imperfections of their own body. For the sake of mythical beauty, they end up in intensive care, deprived of normal sleep and suffer from chronic pain in their mutilated body. But this does not scare them, because beauty, as we know, requires sacrifice...

Myra Hills

A 28-year-old resident of Germany has always dreamed of a huge bust. Now she doesn’t even remember exactly where her obsession with silicone curvaceous forms began. Several plastic surgeries made dreams come true. On at the moment in Europe she is the owner of the largest silicone breasts.

Myra really believes that after the operation she began to look damn attractive and sexy. Moreover, the girl is not going to stop there and wants to increase her bust even more.

The largest artificial breasts in America

The record holder for the number of breast enlargement operations is currently 30-year-old Brazilian Sheyla Hershey - in total, the housewife underwent 9 plastic procedures.

The largest artificial breasts in Russia

31-year-old socialite Irene Ferrari (real name Irina Matsyno) had her breasts enlarged twice. The girl cannot name the exact size of her bust: from 7 (G) to 9 (I).

In pursuit of ideal hips

30-year-old American Vanity Wonder spent more than $15 thousand on new hips and buttocks, making a total of about 100 illegal injections.

Last year, Morris was accused of operating an illegal clinic. plastic surgery, awarded the girl who approached him with a request to correct the shape of her buttocks in May 2010 with pneumonia and a severe infection.

As it turned out, the secret of the injections, the cost of which did not exceed $700, lay in their composition - Morris filled the client's body parts with a mixture of cement, superglue and car sealant, which is usually used to seal punctured tires.

It is worth noting that several years earlier, the transvestite tried the “miracle composition” on his buttocks, after which he began performing unlicensed operations. IN quality The court sentenced Morris to imprisonment and a fine of $7.5 thousand.

Between 2006 and 2008, the false doctor performed several implantations on the woman, in particular in the breasts and buttocks. IN quality For “filler” he used the same mixture of cement, superglue and sealant. The patient is currently undergoing reconstructive plastic surgery.

Christina Ray

24-year-old resident of St. Petersburg Christina Ray was noted last year in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the largest artificial lips in the world - the girl made more than 100 injections, on which she spent more than $6,000.

The narrowest waist in the world

Cathie Jung is a woman who was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the woman with the smallest waist.

Incredible facts

Valeria Lukyanova

The 29-year-old girl was the first whose appearance resembles a Barbie doll. The world learned about her after posting photos on the Internet. The Ukrainian model insists that her appearance is 100% natural, except for breast implants.

To look like this, Valeria needs a lot of money, including daily exercises in gym and special diets.

In 2014, she began practicing breatharianism, which supposedly allows a person to live without water or food, breathing only air. But as she herself admits, it doesn’t work.

Hairy man

Yu Zhenhuan

A Chinese man is officially the hairiest man in the world. 96% his body is covered with black hair. Surely he doesn't worry about sweaters in winter.

Biggest breasts

Mayra Hills

German adult model wears bra size 32Z. These are the largest breast implants on the planet. Myra Hills claims that she has no health problems, in particular with her back. Currently, the girl is 27 years old. But what will she say when she's 40?

Most tattooed woman

Julia Gnuse

96% This girl's body is covered with tattoos. She started getting tattoos to cover up her skin problems and couldn't stop. Julia holds the title of the most tattooed woman in the world.

Most tattooed man

Lucky Diamond Rich

And this is the man with the most tattooed body, and the tattoo is covered 100% the surface of his skin. He has tattoos on his eyelids, mouth and even his genitals.

Some people love themselves so much that they sometimes get carried away with over-improving their appearance. What does this mean for him? At best, they will constantly point a finger at you and laugh at you; at worst, a person may lose his health. Here are some of the most known cases excessive love for plastic surgery.

1. New York rapper Derick Walters was recently hospitalized after getting a tattoo on his eyeballs. After the procedure, during which special ink was injected under the protein membrane, the 19-year-old singer's vision became blurred and he felt a burning sensation. I had to see doctors, and he was prescribed a two-week drug treatment.

2. One of the most famous “living Barbies” is Ukrainian Valeria Lukyanova. She explains her amazing resemblance to the doll using special makeup and lenses (and the main difference between a doll and a person is that the doll has no brains). Recognizes only one plastic surgery - breast augmentation. Valeria's parameters: 86-47-86 centimeters.

3. The winner of the competition for the most appetizing butt in Brazil in 2012, 27-year-old Andressa Urach recently found herself on the verge of life and death after an unsuccessful operation to inject filler to increase the volume of her hips. The inflammatory process was accompanied by severe pain and even tissue rotting; it turned out to be so strong that doctors had to save the beauty who had fallen into a coma in intensive care.

4. New Yorker 34-year-old Justin Jedlica subjected himself to 145 different operations to become like plastic handsome Ken. Behind his extended shoulder implants are five rhinoplasties, changes in the shape of the brow ridges, cheeks, lips, and chin. He had gel filler injected into his buttocks and biceps.

5. Korean woman Hang Mioku became hooked on cosmetic surgery at the age of 28. Filler injections made a perfectly pleasant face monstrously bloated and shapeless. Many doctors refused her services, but there were always people who not only agreed to give injections, but also gave fillers “to go.” Sometimes Hang injected herself with the usual vegetable oil. After removing 60 grams of filler from the face and 200 from the neck, Mioku’s face was “blown away.”

6. Jordan Park - 23-year-old UK resident spent more than 95 thousand pounds on plastic surgery to become like Kim Kardashian. He changed the shape of his lips and cheeks, removed facial and body hair with a laser, tattooed his eyebrows and received several Botox injections - a total of 50 different ones. cosmetic procedures and surgical interventions. The man working as a makeup artist was pleased with the result.

7. Here is a woman with the world's largest fake breasts. 31-year-old German native Myra Hills, known as Beshine, increased her bust from size zero to 26. Each breast weighs nine kilograms. Hills feels great and is very happy with her appearance.

Photo gallery of people who proved that beauty is a terrible force.

What are the dangers of abusing “improving”?” Alas, this does not end well. At best, you can be branded a freak, at worst, you can lose your health. The most famous cases of non-reciprocal love for plastic surgery are in this photo gallery.

1. Derick Walters (Mace)

The other day it became known that New York rapper Derick Walters was hospitalized after getting a tattoo on his eyeballs. The performer, nicknamed Mace, originally from Jamaica, decided to undergo the procedure, succumbing to fashion.

After the procedure, during which special ink was injected under the protein membrane, the 19-year-old singer's vision became blurred and he felt a burning sensation. He had to see doctors, and he was prescribed two weeks of medication. After some time, Mace said that his vision began to recover and he did not regret getting the tattoo at all.

2. Valeria Lukyanova

Some women try to achieve the appearance of a Barbie doll through plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures. As a rule, the final result of their efforts gives a shiver, especially if the resemblance to the doll is really obvious. One of the most famous “living Barbies” is Ukrainian Valeria Lukyanova.

She explains her amazing resemblance to the doll using special makeup and lenses. Recognizes only one plastic surgery - breast augmentation. Valeria's parameters: 86-47-86 centimeters. Not only the Ukrainian and Russian, but also the English-language press regularly writes about her. In July 2013, the British magazine Vice even released a short film, Space Barbie, dedicated to Valeria.

3. Andressa Urach

Miss BumBum is an annual Brazilian competition for the title of the owner of the most beautiful and seductive buttocks. 2012 winner Andressa Urach, 27, recently found herself on the brink of death after botched surgery to inject filler to enhance her thighs.

The inflammatory process was accompanied by severe pain and even tissue rotting; it turned out to be so strong that doctors had to save the beauty who had fallen into a coma in intensive care. Horrible experience forced the girl to admit in one interview that she was driven by “stupid vanity” and is now very ashamed.

4. Justin Jedlica

Girls dream of being like Barbie, and some boys... like Ken? New York resident Justin Jedlica, 34, exposed himself to 145 different surgical interventions and cosmetic procedures, spending $168 thousand on them to become like a plastic handsome man. Behind his extended shoulder implants are five rhinoplasties, changes in the shape of the brow ridges, cheeks, lips, and chin. He had gel filler injected into his buttocks and biceps.

In short, it’s easier to say which part of the body Justin hasn’t touched yet. It would be logical to assume that “Ken” would be interested in meeting “Barbie” - Valeria Lukyanova, for example. They actually met once, but Justin didn’t like the Ukrainian woman. In addition, in her homeland, in Odessa, Lukyanova already has a legal husband.

5. Hang Mioku

Korean woman Hang Mioku became hooked on cosmetic surgery at the age of 28. Filler injections made a perfectly pleasant face monstrously bloated and shapeless. Many doctors refused her services, seeing this unhealthy hobby and its results, but there were always money-hungry craftsmen who not only agreed to give injections, but also gave fillers “to go” so that Mioku could inject herself at home.

When there were no fillers at hand, Hang injected herself with regular vegetable oil. Even her parents no longer recognized the Korean woman; she became notorious in the country - she was shown on television. TV viewers took pity and donated to bring Mioku back to human form. After removing 60 grams of filler from the face and 200 from the neck, Mioku’s face was “blown away.”

6. Pete Burns

Pete Burns, ex-British music group Dead or Alive, used to be a big fan of improving his appearance. He has had silicone lip injections, cheek implants, several rhinoplasties and many, many tattoos. Burns later admitted that one day “improving” went wrong and he had to spend all his savings, as well as a year and a half of his life, on reconstructive facial surgery.

7. Jordan Park

A UK man spent more than £95,000 on plastic surgery to look like... American TV star And socialite Kim Kardashian. Jordan Park, a 23-year-old Kardashian fan, has had his lips and cheeks reshaped, facial and body hair removed by laser, eyebrow tattooing and multiple Botox injections - a total of 50 different cosmetic procedures and surgeries.

One of the latest is a “vampire” skin tightening, which Kim Kardashian herself previously did (acupuncture and a face mask made from components of the patient’s own blood). In total, it took Park four years to change his appearance. The man working as a makeup artist was pleased with the result. And if anyone laughs, it’s because they are jealous, says Jordan.

8. Myra Hills (Bishine)

Breathe deeply! Here is a woman with the world's largest unnatural breasts. 31-year-old German native Myra Hills, known as Beshine, increased her bust from size zero to 26. Each breast weighs nine kilograms. Hills feels great and is very happy with her appearance.

9. Dennis Avner

“Cat Man” Dennis Avner performed a huge number of modifications to his own body to resemble a tiger. Avner, whose parents were descendants of the Huron and Lakota Indians, stated that giving oneself an appearance similar to one's own totem - ancient tradition Huron. He took an Indian name and turned to the tribal leader for advice.

He inspired him to “follow the path of the tiger,” after which Avner began manipulating his body. He acquired an unusual appearance, became a local celebrity and often traveled around America, giving interviews and participating in photo shoots. Dennis earned his living and subsequent modifications by working as a programmer. He died in 2012 at unclear circumstances at the age of 55 years.

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