The coolest grandmothers in the world: this is what you should look like in retirement! New Russian grandmothers - Parnushka (2008) Old fat grandmothers.

Remember the common phrase that after fifty life is just beginning? We absolutely agree with her, especially when there are so many colorful examples before our eyes.

(Total 15 photos and 5 videos)

85-year-old woman who likes to take matters into her own hands

Elena Nikolaevna lives in Moscow. She has two children, eight grandchildren and already eight great-grandchildren. This incredible woman never sits still: she has traveled half the world, does yoga, swimming and... goes to sex training.

Elena Nikolaevna has a man, and he is 20 years younger than her. It seems, what can young coaches teach if they already have vast experience behind them? The lady is confident that she will improve her skills, be it foreign language or the same sex, necessary. In an interview with the media, Elena Nikolaevna said that modern men lack skills, which is why they have to take everything into their own hands. Including accessories for sex, which are discussed in detail during the training. Last time Elena Nikolaevna visited the Sex.RF training center - she took the “” course. Don’t think that such events are the height of vulgarity: much more attention is paid during trainings than to “toys” sexual health and how to properly lead an intimate life at age.

Sexologists say that sex is not just a natural pleasure, but also a way to keep fit and increase life expectancy. Now the center is holding a promotion - all pensioners are provided with the training “Sex at a beautiful age”

Gone are the days when grannies sat in front of the TV, baked pies and knitted socks. Modern grandmothers play drums, play sports and fight wolves. Such grannies will give anyone a head start!

Drummer grandmother (63 years old)

This was the name of one elderly woman who constantly came to the Coalition Drum store (Wisconsin). Videos of her simply flooded the Internet. Sixty-three-year-old Maria Hvisda began playing drums when she was 15 years old, and from the age of 16 she performed with various groups. In 1990, she ended her “career” as a musician.

Grandmother-athlete (90 years old)

A 90-year-old great-grandmother from Australia is confidently winning the respect of gym regulars half her age. Edna Shepherd is a regular customer at the Broadmeadows Leisure Center in Melbourne. She enjoys attending aerobics classes, tai chi, and even goes to exercise machines.
She attends water gymnastics classes every other day, and meanwhile goes to ballet class to dance. Her fitness schedule is amazing. She says that playing sports is as natural for her as knitting socks for her peers - but, unfortunately, she doesn’t have much time for this. When she's not at the gym, she takes private, dedicated dance classes, and she also walks a marathon every Wednesday with a group of other walkers.
No one can argue that she is old enough to decide to get a tattoo. 101-year-old Mimi Rosenthal left her wand at the entrance to the salon and sat down in the black leather chair. Being one and a half meters tall, her feet did not touch the floor, and to get her third tattoo she wanted to get comfortable. "Let's find something for your feet," said tattoo artist Michelle Gallo-Kohlas, a longtime family friend who was given the honor of tattooing Rosenthal's arm.

Grandma with tattoos (101 years old)

At the age of 99, Rosenthal decided to get her first tattoo, a tiny blue butterfly the size of a 10 cent coin. Gallo-Colas remembers Rosenthal looking at her finished tattoo and saying it was too small. When she turned 100, Rosenthal tried again, this time deciding to get a tattoo larger size on the other leg. She liked the flower, the size of a $1 coin, much better, but she had to lift her pant leg to show it off. Next time she decided to get a tattoo on her arm.

Grandma tractor (73 years old)

Her name is Wang Xiaobei and she is 73 years old. This granny lives in the city of Jinan in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong Province. In 2006, when she was 72 years old, this Chinese granny was pulling (with her teeth!) a 4-ton truck loaded with people. The next year she outdid herself and pulled two trucks with her teeth, total mass 5 tons.

Highest ranking judo coach (99 years old)

Keiko Fukuda was the first female judo wrestling coach to earn the rank of 10th black belt and the honor of being the very first woman to achieve that rank in judo. She began to practice judo back when her peers had to learn the Japanese tea ceremony and calligraphy.
When Fukuda turned 21, Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, invited her to join the newly formed Kodokan division, the first judo school. Fukuda trained women in judo and later opened her own dojo.
Fukuda died on February 9, 2013 in San Francisco at the age of 99. She taught the art of judo until the last weeks of her life.

Granny parachutist (93 years old)

A 93-year-old woman has deservedly earned the title of Britain's oldest female skydiver. Great-grandmother Pat Oakes won this title from the previous record holder, who was only 60 years old, by jumping from a plane from a height of 3048 meters.
Pat, originally from Solihull in the West Midlands, has been a lifelong thrill seeker. Thirteen years before the parachute jump, she, along with her grandson, participated in a charity rappel. Her grandson fell on his head from a height of 15 meters and lay in a coma for eight days. But when he fully recovered, they made another rappel.

Granny yoga instructor (83 years old)

Yoga instructor Bette Calman may be 83 years old, but she's still able to make the bridge to reach as many people as possible. more people benefit from the ancient Indian discipline. The nimble granny pulls off incredible tricks, and her hairstyle and pearl earrings give her the glamorous look of Greta Garbo in a pink tracksuit. An Australian wonder granny who taught yoga for 40 years is living proof that a dedication to yoga will help you stay as flexible as rubber.

Grandma-high school graduate (98 years old)

Eighty years ago, Josephine Belasco was forced to drop out of school to care for her sick sister and help support her family. Her only regret in life was that she never finished school. However, in 2006, the grandmother of three finally received her high school diploma. She worked as an accountant for 36 years and lived a long and happy marriage. She has a son, three grandchildren, her own top-floor apartment in Nob Hill and still goes into town with her girlfriends to chat over a couple of cocktails.

Dressed in a white cap and gown and holding a rose, just like all the other girls, Mrs. Belasco finally graduated high school Galileo (Galileo High School) – 80 years later.

Granny who killed the wolf (56 years old)

A grandmother from Russia told how she killed a wolf with her bare hands and an ax after it attacked a calf. Aishat Maksudova said she was caring for her cattle and herd of sheep when a wolf attacked their village of Novy Biryuzyak in Dagestan. The 56-year-old woman was able to save the calf, but the wolf attacked her, closing its jaws around her hand.

Sitting in hospital with her arm in a bandage, Aishat Maksudova said she was “not scared at all” during the wolf attack. The brave woman explained how she wanted to strangle the wolf but was forced to resort to using an ax when she couldn't open the animal's jaws.

Old grandmothers have no one to love. Nobody needs them. The times of stormy youth are over, the passions are over, and the most exciting thing in their life now is baking pies.

They say that old grandmothers never grow old at heart. There is enthusiasm in the wrinkled body, as if they were seventeen again. A typical example is Dmitry Dibrov, the lisping host of a pseudo-intellectual show on Channel One:


Masked, as is customary among them, he is a Cossack in medals, a libertine and a parasite.

Old grandmother Dima loves a young girl. Well, so what, he has the right, because it is not prohibited by law. Having jumped off one young wife, he immediately jumps onto the second.



Why does the difference of three decades and the 17-year age of the bride not confuse the old grandmother? Yes, because Polina is his happiness. And happiness is like a bird, and as long as grandma is sexually healthy, love strikes like lightning!

The old grandmother is unable to calm down. All she can do is just to continue her family line. And for this you need genetic material with boobs:

“Something inside us scans the oncoming person and the body is given a command: this person may have genetic benefits for procreation. This is what he then recognizes as love.”


The old grandmother is a realist. She is sure that she is not corrupting the young girl, but saving her life:

"There is, of course, happiest women. Those whose life consists of a calling. But this is not the case with Polina.
The wife is obliged to look after the house. If only everyone treated their family the way Polina and I do. If you believe that the birth and upbringing of educated and noble Russian people is the main hope of Russia, in 30 years all of Russia will be like our family.”


It’s scary to imagine a Russia in which the husband is a grandmother, and the wife is a stupid granddaughter. However, that's not all. Our old grandmother is very wise in our family:

“The intelligence in a woman is, of course, important to me. You know exactly what your partner wants - well, you know, for sure! - but it’s just that some kind of infection inside you doesn’t allow you to do what you need to do.
Out of spite? This is bestiality! Polechka, at 22 years old, is very wise in this sense - she knows what I need and does it without considering it humiliating for herself.”

Does grandma want sex? The wise granddaughter does not consider this humiliating for herself, even if she does not want to. This is real happy family life, you can't say anything! Polechka do what grandma wants, don’t be a nasty girl who spoils her husband’s instinct out of spite!

And finally, another quote:

Is it clear to you? You are the scoundrels, not the old grandmother. And grandma is great because she lives the way she wants. Reproduces its genetic material, threatening to populate all of Russia, sings and dances. And his wife is not mean. Does what she's told.

What am I talking about? Oh, yes: happy holiday to you, guys! Don't let yourself turn into an old grandmother, always remain men!

What do you think about marriages now? big difference aged? Do you like them?

In Latin: Novye russkie babki - Parnushka
TV channel: Russia 1
Duration: 7 min
Availability: free to watch online
Shown on air: in the program "Jurmala 2008"

The text from the issue of Russian grandmothers is about how one goes to take a steam bath and calls it a boy, and the second thought that she starred in films with such content

Oh, great friend. Where are you coming from? You can barely breathe!
- I’m going with the girl, what’s her name, from the boy!
- Did you watch it?
- Why did I watch it and participate! Actively! We have a group! All fans of this business, we gather every week on Saturdays and are actively engaged!
- Don’t lie, at your age it’s harmful!
- Why are you harmful, what do the doctors say - boy good for health! The boy strengthens blood vessels, the heart, and improves mood! You know how fun it is there!
- I have no doubt!
- But for there to be an effect, you have to wait for the sweat to break through! I do this, boy, for 10 minutes, then I lie down for 5 minutes, rest, and come to my senses.
- Well, I see..
- Then again there and so on for ten approaches for 15 minutes.
- 10 approaches means 15 minutes each!
- No less!
- you'll fall apart!
- Why, on the contrary, I’ll look younger! We have one old woman who has been walking for 102 years.
- Father, where is she going!
- What are you talking about, she started us. It’s true that she doesn’t come, they bring her! Well, you know, purely for health reasons. Well, in general, we have very good people there, everyone loves each other!
- Hey, Flower, and you’re shouting something like this, YESHO, YESHO! Say, Give Fantastish, they say!
- No, I’m shouting something else - give up the park! Come on, fry me! Don't be sorry!
- Listen, what do you have there, a permanent partner or something?
- No, we have about 30 people there.
- 30 people each, listen, do you at least protect yourself somehow?
- Of course, I’m putting a hat on my head!
- What a hat, do you care about safety like a thread or not?
- Certainly! But of course! I take off my glasses, otherwise the glasses will burst!
- What are you doing there that makes your windows burst! Aren't you ashamed in front of your granddaughters?
- Come on, why be ashamed, I want to teach them! What are you saying, whole families come here! Wife, children, grandchildren, the whole family...
- Oh, garden and gomora!
- Oh, hilarious! I’ll tell you now how everything happens here!
- No need! I won't listen!
- So we’re soaping up..
- That's it, don't!
- And let's whip each other with brooms! I love being whipped with a broom...
- Oh, crocodiles eat me...
- Yes, I myself love to whip someone! I can't wait for you to join us!
- Oh, what else!
- What’s wrong with that, you don’t need anything there, you just need to come with your own washcloth!
- I saw it in the movies, one guy came with his washcloth, then two more washcloths joined him, I don’t have any washcloth and never will, leave me alone, it’s some kind of horror..
- How do you live without a washcloth? Every person should have a washcloth! Well, don't be upset, I'll give you mine. She's so tough and rough, you'll like it, I'll treat you!
- Do you hear, Flower, to be honest, I really like the GUY, but I also like to watch, my favorite blockbuster films are “Hot Stallions” and “The Plumber Stripper.” All my life I dreamed of participating...
- Well, write down the address of our steam room..
- Come on, just quietly... wait, what kind of steam room, you said boy
- who cares, porn, steam room... Zyablikova street, house no. 6.
- Why are you sweating there?
- What were you thinking, huh?
- This is how it is always in life, when you come close to a dream, but it disappears...
[watch the ending about the grandma in the boy online]

Thus, in the course of a study, scientists at the University of Massachusetts found that between the ages of 50 and 65, most women experience a decline in sexual activity or completely cease to be interested in sex. But after 70 years, ladies experience a real rebirth.


Scientists have found that at this very advanced age, old women stop thinking about knitting and grandchildren and begin to become increasingly interested in intimacy. Thus, during the survey, more than 50% of respondents over 70 admitted that sex is a very significant aspect of their lives.

At the same time, among ladies whose age is in the range of 55-69 years, interest in intimate life only 43% experience it. Scientists believe that the increase in libido is explained by the fact that in old age women are no longer burdened with worries about their career or family.

In addition, there is no risk of getting pregnant. Therefore, ladies focus on their own pleasures. After the bold statement of scientists, men will certainly begin to pay closer attention to old women who were previously unfairly ignored.

At the same time, scientists have found that lonely old women are the most active in sex - that is, those who do not have a partner or whose spouse is no longer capable of sexual intercourse due to age.

However, as sexologist Oleg Shevchenko notes, such scientific discoveries may negatively affect a person. "There is a need to meet the standards stated by others. In other words, if everyone around says that they are actively sex life in old age, then a particular person who is not capable of such actions and does not feel the need for them will feel a certain inferiority." - Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes the expert.

The sexologist emphasizes that the age of sexual activity is a very individual concept. Therefore, you should not risk your health and, for the sake of stereotypes, try to increase libido in some unnatural way - for example, with medication.