Dream Interpretation white leather chair. Dream for a man

American dream book

Chair - your position or position. The place where you are in relation to events or phenomena.

Rocking chair - may indicate an out-of-body experience or the accumulation of psychic energy.

Family dream book

A rocking chair seen in a dream brings to real life friendly warmth, a feeling of confidence and peace.

If you dreamed of your mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, extraordinary earthly joys await you.

An empty rocking chair portends loneliness.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Chair - the need to remember something (someone).

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you see the Armchair in a dream?

A chair seen in a dream is a harbinger of a happy and calm time, an opportunity to relax and think about plans for the future.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The chair is the place you sit on that corresponds to your position or position.

Rocking chair - may indicate the approach of similar experiences or the accumulation of psychic energy.

A rocking chair can also represent a subconscious connection with memories early childhood, if you were rocked on a rocking chair.

Dream book for a bitch

Sitting in a chair is joy, satisfaction.

Seeing in a dream or sitting in a rocking chair - good rest after long and difficult work.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Chair in a dream -

Seeing someone you know sitting in a comfortable chair speaks of the strength of his position. If in reality you are having some kind of argument with this person, the dream warns you that you will not be able to prevail in it.

Sitting on your own in a comfortable chair is very good sign. There is no threat to your position in the near future.

A rocking chair is a sign that you are wasting your time and not taking full advantage of your position. Beware: your current situation is actually not as stable as it may seem!

A broken, holey chair is a warning that your position is under threat.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Rocking in a chair means your health is unstable; sitting in it means long-term illness or disability; with torn upholstery and protruding springs - to a conflict, stressful situation.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Buying a new chair means new things.

Seeing yourself sitting in a rocking chair while your mother is cleaning the apartment is a reproach to your conscience.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a very comfortable chair in a dream and sitting in it means comfort in a home created by your own hands.

If in a dream you are rocking in a rocking chair, this indicates the instability of your consciousness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Chair in a dream?

Sitting in a chair is a lingering illness; to have luxury is wealth; straw - you business man; on wheels and swinging in it - unstable health; tattered or dirty - home peace will be disturbed; soft - get strong defense.

Miller's Dream Book

A rocking chair that you dreamed about will bring you friendly warmth and a feeling of confidence and peace in any environment.

If you dream of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, it means that you are promised the sweetest earthly joys.

If you dream of empty rocking chairs, this is a prediction of bereavement and loneliness. The one who dreams similar dream, undoubtedly some misfortune will befall.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Chair in a dream?

Seeing a chair in a dream means that in reality you will indulge in nostalgic memories of the past and sweet dreams of the future. Dozing in a chair in front of the fireplace means the illness threatens to drag on for a long time. A carved antique chair speaks of unattainable wealth and luxury in your dreams and disappointment in reality from the monotony of existence and the fragility of love relationships.

A wicker chair speaks of your great potential and far from realized business abilities that are waiting in the wings.

A chair on wheels - portends a deterioration in well-being and bad premonitions that will not come true thanks to the timely intervention of a medical luminary.

A deep and soft leather chair into which you sink like into a feather bed - in reality you will find strong defenders from attacks on your property. An old, falling apart or tattered chair is a harbinger of domestic troubles that will briefly but seriously disturb your family peace.

Rocking chair - portends short-term joy from communicating with friends and like-minded people in a warm, friendly atmosphere and an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. Sitting and rocking in it means instability in business.

Seeing relatives sitting in a chair in a dream - portends them for many years life and your constant joy in your soul from communicating with them.

Seeing a child curled up and asleep in a chair is a sign of a lonely and lonely existence in old age, abandonment and sadness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: A chair according to the dream book?

The armchair is a calm period of life, sometimes associated with grandparents and the feelings associated with them.

Ukrainian dream book

Having a chair is a reward.

A soft chair, sitting in it means having protection, patronage.

Rocking chair - unstable health.

Tattered or dirty - disruption of home peace.

Gypsy dream book

It doesn’t matter whether you see an empty chair or sit in it yourself - this dream means that you have a strong reputation and no one will be able to displace you without your permission.

Soft chair - you have worked very hard and deserve a rest.


Why do you dream about a chair?

Therefore, the question itself: “Why dream of a chair?” - is not important, the main thing is what quality characteristics this chair has and who sits in it. For example, if you dream that your wife or mistress is sitting in a beautiful chair, this means a high probability of receiving pleasant worldly pleasures in the near future. It’s much worse if you dream about a rocking chair or a wheelchair. It’s really bad if a relative or a person who had such a dream sits in such a chair. Naturally, one should expect a deterioration in health.

The life of most people is subject to a certain fate, which practically cannot be changed, but its destiny can be slightly recognized. Many of us can learn more about our destiny if we remember and correctly interpret the dreams that we have almost every day. It is impossible to clarify the interpretation of all dreams within the framework of one article; we will dwell on what it means to see a chair in a dream.

There are many different interpreters and interpretations of this dream. The most important thing is to remember what kind of chair you dream about, that is, its characteristics and how a person sits or positions himself in it. If the characteristics of the chair seen in a dream are positive, then such a dream does not bode well. For example, in the dream book edited by O Smurov, seeing a good-quality and comfortable chair in a dream is a harbinger family well-being and peace, material prosperity and good health.

If you dream of an expensive antique armchair or armchair large sizes, this will portend significant material wealth and wealth, a significant change in life for the better. However, there may be a completely different situation when a person has a dream: the chair is fragile and unstable - in this case, one should expect either deterioration financial situation, or anxiety related to work or earning money.

You should also be wary if a person dreams that he is sitting in such an unreliable chair. Such a dream should be projected specifically onto him, that is, specifically from this person Both financial and health problems may arise. It also does not bode well to see a broken and dirty chair in a dream - such a dream is a harbinger of material problems and family discord.

As a wish, the reader can be advised not to worry about the inevitable. You can't run away from fate, even if you dream bad dream, you need to think about what can be done to prevent the situation and do it. And if everything possible has been done and nothing depends on the person, you should relax and live, getting maximum pleasure from life.


Why do you dream about a Chair, dream book What does it mean to see a Chair in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Chair in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see an Armchair - If you are sitting in a wicker armchair or a rocking chair, then such a dream promises you the protection and patronage of dignitaries. If you see an old and broken chair and at the same time try to sit in it, then this dream foretells you sadness due to an inept and irrational attitude towards your own life. And empty chairs, like empty chairs standing alone in a room, portend a serious illness.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about the Chair:

Armchair - Seeing a very comfortable chair in a dream and sitting in it means comfort in a home created by your own hands.

Autumn dream book

If you dream about a Chair, what is it for:

Armchair - Buy a new armchair - for new things.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Chair:

Chair - to a stable position in the service.

Adaskin's Dream Book

The Dream Interpretation of the Chair is interpreted as follows:

What does it mean to see a Chair in a dream? You may even be at risk of falling out with your loved ones because of this. Sitting in an old chair means getting a promotion and feeling the envy of others, and if such a chair is empty, giving up your intentions related to a successful career. Offering someone a chair means predicting the machinations of opponents and stopping their ability to act.


Gynecological chair

Dream Interpretation Gynecological Chair dreamed of why you dream about a gynecological chair? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a gynecological chair in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair in a dream is a symbol of health, family, and life. Seeing a soft, high-quality, expensive chair in a dream is a sign of prosperity, family well-being, good health, and peace. Seeing a wicker, unstable, fragile chair in a dream is a harbinger of anxiety, the need to think about tomorrow due to lack of funds. Sometimes such a dream predicts the need to work hard to live. If you dream that you are sitting in such a chair, then your health will deteriorate. The same thing means a dream in which you see a wheelchair or rocking chair. A broken, dirty, falling apart chair in a dream foreshadows poverty, discord in the family, the breakdown of life's foundations, and loss of peace. Seeing a very large chair with huge soft pillows in a dream means that your situation will change for the better. There will be a person who will take upon himself to protect your interests and take care of your well-being. A strange chair in a dream means that you will find yourself in unusual place or get a strange offer and it will surprise you. A dream in which you saw that such a chair was brought into your home means that you will put yourself in an extraordinary position and great luck awaits you. Seeing a rocking chair in a dream foretells relaxation, a cozy home, harmony in the house. See interpretation: throne.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means living a peaceful, but boring, monotonous life.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Always symbolizes stability and stability of the situation.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Broken means discord in the family.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

An armchair - a friendly atmosphere, warmth and comfort in the house.


Ride on a chair

Dream Interpretation Ride on a chair dreamed of why in a dream you dream of riding on a chair? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Riding on a chair in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means that in reality you will indulge in nostalgic memories of the past and sweet dreams of the future. Dozing in a chair in front of the fireplace means the illness threatens to drag on for a long time. A carved antique chair speaks of unattainable wealth and luxury in your dreams and disappointment in reality from the monotony of existence and the fragility of love relationships.

A wicker chair speaks of your great potential and far from realized business abilities that are waiting in the wings.

A chair on wheels portends a deterioration in well-being and bad premonitions that will not be justified thanks to the timely intervention of a medical luminary.

A deep and soft leather chair into which you sink like into a feather bed - in reality you will find strong defenders from attacks on your property. An old, falling apart or tattered chair is a harbinger of domestic troubles that will briefly but seriously disturb your family peace.

A rocking chair foreshadows the short-term joy of communicating with friends and like-minded people in a warm, friendly atmosphere and an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. Sitting and rocking in it means instability in business.

Seeing relatives sitting in a chair in a dream foretells them many years of life and your constant joy in your soul from communicating with them.

Seeing a child curled up and asleep in a chair is a sign of a lonely and lonely existence in old age, abandonment and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means living a peaceful, but boring, monotonous life.

You may even be at risk of falling out with your loved ones because of this.

Sitting in an old chair means getting a promotion and feeling the envy of others, and if such a chair is empty, giving up your intentions related to a successful career.

Offering someone a chair means predicting the machinations of opponents and stopping their ability to act.

A rocking chair is a sign of friendly support and intimate joys.

Seeing your wife or lover in a dream in such a chair is a very good dream.

If you dreamed of empty wheelchairs, expect some kind of misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair is a chair and to have is a reward. A soft chair, sitting in it means having protection, patronage. Rocking chair - unstable health. Tattered or dirty - disruption of home peace.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A confident and calm life awaits you. Rocking chair - friendly participation will bring success to your business. Seeing your relatives in the chair means a happy family life. A comfortable chair - nothing threatens your career growth. Buy - pleasant changes in family life. Soft - you will receive strong protection. Wicker - your efforts will give tangible results in business. Luxurious and expensive - your financial situation will improve.

Imagine that you are sitting in a chair in your own home, warming yourself by the fireplace, you feel good and calm.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Always symbolizes stability and stability of the situation.

Seeing someone you know sitting in a comfortable chair speaks of the strength of his position.

If in reality you are having some kind of argument with this person, the dream warns you that you will not be able to prevail in it.

Sitting in a comfortable chair yourself is a very good sign. There is no threat to your position in the near future.

Rocking chair: a sign that you are wasting your time and not taking full advantage of your position. Beware: your current situation is actually not as stable as it may seem!

A broken, holey chair: a warning that your position is at risk.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

The rocking chair you dreamed about will bring you friendly warmth and a feeling of confidence and peace in any environment.

If you dream of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, it means. You are promised the sweetest earthly joys.

If you dream of empty rocking chairs, this is a prediction of bereavement and loneliness. Anyone who has such a dream will undoubtedly suffer some misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

A rocking chair seen in a dream brings friendly warmth, a feeling of confidence and peace into real life.

If you dreamed of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, then extraordinary earthly joys await you. An empty rocking chair foretells loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

To see a beautiful chair - a happy time will come; peace, rest.

Broken means discord in the family.

Sitting quietly in a chair is a disease.

A chair in a dream - can symbolize a grandfather or grandmother / a hug that will kindle but not satisfy.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

An armchair - a friendly atmosphere, warmth and comfort in the house.

Sitting in a chair is joy, satisfaction.

Seeing in a dream or sitting in a rocking chair is a good rest after a long and difficult work.


Desk chair

Dream Interpretation Working chair dreamed of why you dream about a work chair in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a work chair in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair in a dream is a symbol of health, family, and life. Seeing a soft, high-quality, expensive chair in a dream is a sign of prosperity, family well-being, good health, and peace. Seeing a wicker, unstable, fragile chair in a dream is a harbinger of anxiety, the need to think about tomorrow due to lack of funds. Sometimes such a dream predicts the need to work hard to live. If you dream that you are sitting in such a chair, then your health will deteriorate. The same thing means a dream in which you see a wheelchair or rocking chair. A broken, dirty, falling apart chair in a dream foreshadows poverty, discord in the family, the breakdown of life's foundations, and loss of peace. Seeing a very large chair with huge soft pillows in a dream means that your situation will change for the better. There will be a person who will take upon himself to protect your interests and take care of your well-being. A strange chair in a dream means that you will find yourself in an unusual place or receive a strange proposal that will surprise you. A dream in which you saw that such a chair was brought into your home means that you will put yourself in an extraordinary position and great luck awaits you. Seeing a rocking chair in a dream foretells relaxation, a cozy home, harmony in the house. See interpretation: throne.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means that in reality you will indulge in nostalgic memories of the past and sweet dreams of the future. Dozing in a chair in front of the fireplace means the illness threatens to drag on for a long time. A carved antique chair speaks of unattainable wealth and luxury in your dreams and disappointment in reality from the monotony of existence and the fragility of love relationships.

A wicker chair speaks of your great potential and far from realized business abilities that are waiting in the wings.

A chair on wheels portends a deterioration in well-being and bad premonitions that will not be justified thanks to the timely intervention of a medical luminary.

A deep and soft leather chair into which you sink like into a feather bed - in reality you will find strong defenders from attacks on your property. An old, falling apart or tattered chair is a harbinger of domestic troubles that will briefly but seriously disturb your family peace.

A rocking chair foreshadows the short-term joy of communicating with friends and like-minded people in a warm, friendly atmosphere and an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. Sitting and rocking in it means instability in business.

Seeing relatives sitting in a chair in a dream foretells them many years of life and your constant joy in your soul from communicating with them.

Seeing a child curled up and asleep in a chair is a sign of a lonely and lonely existence in old age, abandonment and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means living a peaceful, but boring, monotonous life.

You may even be at risk of falling out with your loved ones because of this.

Sitting in an old chair means getting a promotion and feeling the envy of others, and if such a chair is empty, giving up your intentions related to a successful career.

Offering someone a chair means predicting the machinations of opponents and stopping their ability to act.

A rocking chair is a sign of friendly support and intimate joys.

Seeing your wife or lover in a dream in such a chair is a very good dream.

If you dreamed of empty wheelchairs, expect some kind of misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair is a chair and to have is a reward. A soft chair, sitting in it means having protection, patronage. Rocking chair - unstable health. Tattered or dirty - disruption of home peace.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A confident and calm life awaits you. Rocking chair - friendly participation will bring success to your business. Seeing your relatives in the chair means a happy family life. A comfortable chair - nothing threatens your career growth. Buying is a pleasant change in family life. Soft - you will receive strong protection. Wicker - your efforts will give tangible results in business. Luxurious and expensive - your financial situation will improve.

Imagine that you are sitting in a chair in your own home, warming yourself by the fireplace, you feel good and calm.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Always symbolizes stability and stability of the situation.

Seeing someone you know sitting in a comfortable chair speaks of the strength of his position.

If in reality you are having some kind of argument with this person, the dream warns you that you will not be able to prevail in it.

Sitting in a comfortable chair yourself is a very good sign. There is no threat to your position in the near future.

Rocking chair: a sign that you are wasting your time and not taking full advantage of your position. Beware: your current situation is actually not as stable as it may seem!

A broken, holey chair: a warning that your position is at risk.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

The rocking chair you dreamed about will bring you friendly warmth and a feeling of confidence and peace in any environment.

If you dream of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, it means. You are promised the sweetest earthly joys.

If you dream of empty rocking chairs, this is a prediction of bereavement and loneliness. Anyone who has such a dream will undoubtedly suffer some misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

A rocking chair seen in a dream brings friendly warmth, a feeling of confidence and peace into real life.

If you dreamed of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, then extraordinary earthly joys await you. An empty rocking chair foretells loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

To see a beautiful chair - a happy time will come; peace, rest.

Broken means discord in the family.

Sitting quietly in a chair is a disease.

A chair in a dream - can symbolize a grandfather or grandmother / a hug that will kindle but not satisfy.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

An armchair - a friendly atmosphere, warmth and comfort in the house.

Sitting in a chair is joy, satisfaction.

Seeing in a dream or sitting in a rocking chair is a good rest after a long and difficult work.


Empty chair

Dream Interpretation Empty chair dreamed of why you dream about an empty chair? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Empty Chair in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair in a dream is a symbol of health, family, and life. Seeing a soft, high-quality, expensive chair in a dream is a sign of prosperity, family well-being, good health, and peace. Seeing a wicker, unstable, fragile chair in a dream is a harbinger of anxiety, the need to think about tomorrow due to lack of funds. Sometimes such a dream predicts the need to work hard to live. If you dream that you are sitting in such a chair, then your health will deteriorate. The same thing means a dream in which you see a wheelchair or rocking chair. A broken, dirty, falling apart chair in a dream foreshadows poverty, discord in the family, the breakdown of life's foundations, and loss of peace. Seeing a very large chair with huge soft pillows in a dream means that your situation will change for the better. There will be a person who will take upon himself to protect your interests and take care of your well-being. A strange chair in a dream means that you will find yourself in an unusual place or receive a strange proposal that will surprise you. A dream in which you saw that such a chair was brought into your home means that you will put yourself in an extraordinary position and great luck awaits you. Seeing a rocking chair in a dream foretells relaxation, a cozy home, harmony in the house. See interpretation: throne.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means that in reality you will indulge in nostalgic memories of the past and sweet dreams of the future. Dozing in a chair in front of the fireplace means the illness threatens to drag on for a long time. A carved antique chair speaks of unattainable wealth and luxury in your dreams and disappointment in reality from the monotony of existence and the fragility of love relationships.

A wicker chair speaks of your great potential and far from realized business abilities that are waiting in the wings.

A chair on wheels portends a deterioration in well-being and bad premonitions that will not be justified thanks to the timely intervention of a medical luminary.

A deep and soft leather chair into which you sink like into a feather bed - in reality you will find strong defenders from attacks on your property. An old, falling apart or tattered chair is a harbinger of domestic troubles that will briefly but seriously disturb your family peace.

A rocking chair foreshadows the short-term joy of communicating with friends and like-minded people in a warm, friendly atmosphere and an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. Sitting and rocking in it means instability in business.

Seeing relatives sitting in a chair in a dream foretells them many years of life and your constant joy in your soul from communicating with them.

Seeing a child curled up and asleep in a chair is a sign of a lonely and lonely existence in old age, abandonment and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means living a peaceful, but boring, monotonous life.

You may even be at risk of falling out with your loved ones because of this.

Sitting in an old chair means getting a promotion and feeling the envy of others, and if such a chair is empty, giving up your intentions related to a successful career.

Offering someone a chair means predicting the machinations of opponents and stopping their ability to act.

A rocking chair is a sign of friendly support and intimate joys.

Seeing your wife or lover in a dream in such a chair is a very good dream.

If you dreamed of empty wheelchairs, expect some kind of misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair is a chair and to have is a reward. A soft chair, sitting in it means having protection, patronage. Rocking chair - unstable health. Tattered or dirty - disruption of home peace.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A confident and calm life awaits you. Rocking chair - friendly participation will bring success to your business. Seeing your relatives in the chair means a happy family life. A comfortable chair - nothing threatens your career growth. Buying is a pleasant change in family life. Soft - you will receive strong protection. Wicker - your efforts will give tangible results in business. Luxurious and expensive - your financial situation will improve.

Imagine that you are sitting in a chair in your own home, warming yourself by the fireplace, you feel good and calm.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Always symbolizes stability and stability of the situation.

Seeing someone you know sitting in a comfortable chair speaks of the strength of his position.

If in reality you are having some kind of argument with this person, the dream warns you that you will not be able to prevail in it.

Sitting in a comfortable chair yourself is a very good sign. There is no threat to your position in the near future.

Rocking chair: a sign that you are wasting your time and not taking full advantage of your position. Beware: your current situation is actually not as stable as it may seem!

A broken, holey chair: a warning that your position is at risk.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

The rocking chair you dreamed about will bring you friendly warmth and a feeling of confidence and peace in any environment.

If you dream of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, it means. You are promised the sweetest earthly joys.

If you dream of empty rocking chairs, this is a prediction of bereavement and loneliness. Anyone who has such a dream will undoubtedly suffer some misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

A rocking chair seen in a dream brings friendly warmth, a feeling of confidence and peace into real life.

If you dreamed of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, then extraordinary earthly joys await you. An empty rocking chair foretells loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

To see a beautiful chair - a happy time will come; peace, rest.

Broken means discord in the family.

Sitting quietly in a chair is a disease.

A chair in a dream - can symbolize a grandfather or grandmother / a hug that will kindle but not satisfy.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

An armchair - a friendly atmosphere, warmth and comfort in the house.

Sitting in a chair is joy, satisfaction.

Seeing in a dream or sitting in a rocking chair is a good rest after a long and difficult work.


Chair on wheels to ride

Dream Interpretation Chair on wheels to ride dreamed of why in a dream you dream of a chair on wheels to ride? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a chair on wheels riding in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair in a dream is a symbol of health, family, and life. Seeing a soft, high-quality, expensive chair in a dream is a sign of prosperity, family well-being, good health, and peace. Seeing a wicker, unstable, fragile chair in a dream is a harbinger of anxiety, the need to think about tomorrow due to lack of funds. Sometimes such a dream predicts the need to work hard to live. If you dream that you are sitting in such a chair, then your health will deteriorate. The same thing means a dream in which you see a wheelchair or rocking chair. A broken, dirty, falling apart chair in a dream foreshadows poverty, discord in the family, the breakdown of life's foundations, and loss of peace. Seeing a very large chair with huge soft pillows in a dream means that your situation will change for the better. There will be a person who will take upon himself to protect your interests and take care of your well-being. A strange chair in a dream means that you will find yourself in an unusual place or receive a strange proposal that will surprise you. A dream in which you saw that such a chair was brought into your home means that you will put yourself in an extraordinary position and great luck awaits you. Seeing a rocking chair in a dream foretells relaxation, a cozy home, harmony in the house. See interpretation: throne.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means that in reality you will indulge in nostalgic memories of the past and sweet dreams of the future. Dozing in a chair in front of the fireplace means the illness threatens to drag on for a long time. A carved antique chair speaks of unattainable wealth and luxury in your dreams and disappointment in reality from the monotony of existence and the fragility of love relationships.

A wicker chair speaks of your great potential and far from realized business abilities that are waiting in the wings.

A chair on wheels portends a deterioration in well-being and bad premonitions that will not be justified thanks to the timely intervention of a medical luminary.

A deep and soft leather chair into which you sink like into a feather bed - in reality you will find strong defenders from attacks on your property. An old, falling apart or tattered chair is a harbinger of domestic troubles that will briefly but seriously disturb your family peace.

A rocking chair foreshadows the short-term joy of communicating with friends and like-minded people in a warm, friendly atmosphere and an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. Sitting and rocking in it means instability in business.

Seeing relatives sitting in a chair in a dream foretells them many years of life and your constant joy in your soul from communicating with them.

Seeing a child curled up and asleep in a chair is a sign of a lonely and lonely existence in old age, abandonment and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means living a peaceful, but boring, monotonous life.

You may even be at risk of falling out with your loved ones because of this.

Sitting in an old chair means getting a promotion and feeling the envy of others, and if such a chair is empty, giving up your intentions related to a successful career.

Offering someone a chair means predicting the machinations of opponents and stopping their ability to act.

A rocking chair is a sign of friendly support and intimate joys.

Seeing your wife or lover in a dream in such a chair is a very good dream.

If you dreamed of empty wheelchairs, expect some kind of misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair is a chair and to have is a reward. A soft chair, sitting in it means having protection, patronage. Rocking chair - unstable health. Tattered or dirty - disruption of home peace.

Dream Interpretation - Wheel

This symbol, like everything round, was the personification of the sun and eternity, infinity, because the wheel has no beginning and end. At the same time, once the wheel was invented, it became the property of everyone and became a proverb: “to reinvent the wheel,” which means spending energy on something that does not require effort, because it is easy and accessible; try in vain; waste time.

The symbol of the wheel-sun is very ancient, has existed since pagan times and carries an abstract meaning. In a dream, it foreshadows something general, related to life in general, rather than something specific. Some peoples personify the infinity of the wheel with the infinity of life, hence the magnitude of the meanings of dreams in which there is a symbol of the wheel.

Seeing yourself on a chariot with big wheels - a dream means that they will bring you news about the person you were looking for for a long time and lost hope of finding out anything about him.

To see a dream in which you are trying to move a cart to which a horse is harnessed, but find that this is not possible because the wheels are jammed with sticks inserted between the spokes - this dream notifies you of the troubles and problems that will fall on you in In the near future, it is quite possible that those whom you previously considered good friends will take up arms against you.

Seeing in a dream a pile of parts from which you need to assemble a new device, but nothing except a wheel is assembled - means that you will be entrusted with a difficult task that no one else can do except you; unexpectedly you will be asked for help at the most inopportune moment.

Seeing a person who reminds you circus artist, because he moves along the street, pedaling a wheel that is inserted between his legs - a change in life awaits you ahead, which will greatly surprise you, the change will be associated with a powerful person who will burst into your life.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A confident and calm life awaits you. Rocking chair - friendly participation will bring success to your business. Seeing your relatives in the chair means a happy family life. A comfortable chair - nothing threatens your career growth. Buying is a pleasant change in family life. Soft - you will receive strong protection. Wicker - your efforts will give tangible results in business. Luxurious and expensive - your financial situation will improve.

Imagine that you are sitting in a chair in your own home, warming yourself by the fireplace, you feel good and calm.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Always symbolizes stability and stability of the situation.

Seeing someone you know sitting in a comfortable chair speaks of the strength of his position.

If in reality you are having some kind of argument with this person, the dream warns you that you will not be able to prevail in it.

Sitting in a comfortable chair yourself is a very good sign. There is no threat to your position in the near future.

Rocking chair: a sign that you are wasting your time and not taking full advantage of your position. Beware: your current situation is actually not as stable as it may seem!

A broken, holey chair: a warning that your position is at risk.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

The rocking chair you dreamed about will bring you friendly warmth and a feeling of confidence and peace in any environment.

If you dream of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, it means. You are promised the sweetest earthly joys.

If you dream of empty rocking chairs, this is a prediction of bereavement and loneliness. Anyone who has such a dream will undoubtedly suffer some misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Wheel

Seeing a stationary wheel in a dream is a sign of well-being and prosperity. Quickly spinning wheels indicate that you will quickly achieve your goal, being prudent, energetic in business and charming in relationships with people around you.

A broken wheel foreshadows difficulties in matters related to your personal life. A flat tire, or even worse, a punctured tire, indicates the departure of one of your friends or the death of one of your relatives.

A mill wheel seen in a dream foreshadows true love and happy marriage. Hear the noise from his work - in reality you will receive the desired profit from your investment.

Slowly but non-stop rotating wheels - start some kind of business, the completion of which will be constantly moving away. A wheel that comes off and falls portends a loss of money, which you will painlessly make up from another source. Rolling the wheel means unexpectedly receiving a task that will just as unexpectedly be canceled as soon as you begin to complete it.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

A rocking chair seen in a dream brings friendly warmth, a feeling of confidence and peace into real life.

If you dreamed of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, then extraordinary earthly joys await you. An empty rocking chair foretells loneliness.


Chair see

Dream Interpretation Chair see dreamed of why you dream about seeing a chair in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Chair in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair in a dream is a symbol of health, family, and life. Seeing a soft, high-quality, expensive chair in a dream is a sign of prosperity, family well-being, good health, and peace. Seeing a wicker, unstable, fragile chair in a dream is a harbinger of anxiety, the need to think about tomorrow due to lack of funds. Sometimes such a dream predicts the need to work hard to live. If you dream that you are sitting in such a chair, then your health will deteriorate. The same thing means a dream in which you see a wheelchair or rocking chair. A broken, dirty, falling apart chair in a dream foreshadows poverty, discord in the family, the breakdown of life's foundations, and loss of peace. Seeing a very large chair with huge soft pillows in a dream means that your situation will change for the better. There will be a person who will take upon himself to protect your interests and take care of your well-being. A strange chair in a dream means that you will find yourself in an unusual place or receive a strange proposal that will surprise you. A dream in which you saw that such a chair was brought into your home means that you will put yourself in an extraordinary position and great luck awaits you. Seeing a rocking chair in a dream foretells relaxation, a cozy home, harmony in the house. See interpretation: throne.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means that in reality you will indulge in nostalgic memories of the past and sweet dreams of the future. Dozing in a chair in front of the fireplace means the illness threatens to drag on for a long time. A carved antique chair speaks of unattainable wealth and luxury in your dreams and disappointment in reality from the monotony of existence and the fragility of love relationships.

A wicker chair speaks of your great potential and far from realized business abilities that are waiting in the wings.

A chair on wheels portends a deterioration in well-being and bad premonitions that will not be justified thanks to the timely intervention of a medical luminary.

A deep and soft leather chair into which you sink like into a feather bed - in reality you will find strong defenders from attacks on your property. An old, falling apart or tattered chair is a harbinger of domestic troubles that will briefly but seriously disturb your family peace.

A rocking chair foreshadows the short-term joy of communicating with friends and like-minded people in a warm, friendly atmosphere and an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. Sitting and rocking in it means instability in business.

Seeing relatives sitting in a chair in a dream foretells them many years of life and your constant joy in your soul from communicating with them.

Seeing a child curled up and asleep in a chair is a sign of a lonely and lonely existence in old age, abandonment and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means living a peaceful, but boring, monotonous life.

You may even be at risk of falling out with your loved ones because of this.

Sitting in an old chair means getting a promotion and feeling the envy of others, and if such a chair is empty, giving up your intentions related to a successful career.

Offering someone a chair means predicting the machinations of opponents and stopping their ability to act.

A rocking chair is a sign of friendly support and intimate joys.

Seeing your wife or lover in a dream in such a chair is a very good dream.

If you dreamed of empty wheelchairs, expect some kind of misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair is a chair and to have is a reward. A soft chair, sitting in it means having protection, patronage. Rocking chair - unstable health. Tattered or dirty - disruption of home peace.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A confident and calm life awaits you. Rocking chair - friendly participation will bring success to your business. Seeing your relatives in the chair means a happy family life. A comfortable chair - nothing threatens your career growth. Buying is a pleasant change in family life. Soft - you will receive strong protection. Wicker - your efforts will give tangible results in business. Luxurious and expensive - your financial situation will improve.

Imagine that you are sitting in a chair in your own home, warming yourself by the fireplace, you feel good and calm.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Always symbolizes stability and stability of the situation.

Seeing someone you know sitting in a comfortable chair speaks of the strength of his position.

If in reality you are having some kind of argument with this person, the dream warns you that you will not be able to prevail in it.

Sitting in a comfortable chair yourself is a very good sign. There is no threat to your position in the near future.

Rocking chair: a sign that you are wasting your time and not taking full advantage of your position. Beware: your current situation is actually not as stable as it may seem!

A broken, holey chair: a warning that your position is at risk.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

The rocking chair you dreamed about will bring you friendly warmth and a feeling of confidence and peace in any environment.

If you dream of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, it means. You are promised the sweetest earthly joys.

If you dream of empty rocking chairs, this is a prediction of bereavement and loneliness. Anyone who has such a dream will undoubtedly suffer some misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

A rocking chair seen in a dream brings friendly warmth, a feeling of confidence and peace into real life.

If you dreamed of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, then extraordinary earthly joys await you. An empty rocking chair foretells loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

To see a beautiful chair - a happy time will come; peace, rest.

Broken means discord in the family.

Sitting quietly in a chair is a disease.

A chair in a dream - can symbolize a grandfather or grandmother / a hug that will kindle but not satisfy.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

An armchair - a friendly atmosphere, warmth and comfort in the house.

Sitting in a chair is joy, satisfaction.

Seeing in a dream or sitting in a rocking chair is a good rest after a long and difficult work.


Armchairs in a dream


To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a Chair mean, or what it means to see a Chair in a dream.

A new chair was given as a gift in a dream

One chair for two in a dream

Then I’m already on the street, walking along the sidewalk, approaching pedestrian crossing. in my hand plastic bottle with water, I opened the bottle, drank, closed it, it was very warm outside. While I’m standing at the crossing, to my left I see the following picture: people are attacking a sales tent, everyone wants to buy water in large bottles. People literally climb on top of each other to get them. And ahead across the road there is a multi-storey building facing me, and from the roof on thick ropes along the wall they are slowly lowering (probably some people, I don’t see who) large bottles of water. There are several of them. A very strange sight. Just like people need water. I'm glad I have water.

About a wheelchair in a dream

Waves outside the window in a dream

Roller coaster in a dream

I sit in the cart of the roller coaster, a small handrail is lowered on me and, looking at the roller coaster itself, I think how can I not fly out of the cart on such steep turns. We set off, at the turn I fly off the chair, but I hold on to that handrail with my hands and don’t fly off...

Described in the story Chela in a Dream

Lead in a dream

I only remember a part of the dream. I see myself from the back, sitting on the veranda in a rocking chair. The area around is reminiscent of the wild west. Desert. I myself am in the shadows. It seems like I’m sitting and waiting for my granddaughter in this chair. There’s some kind of roar and 7 bullets fly at me. 6 of them in the back and one in left hand. I go to bed, bleeding, and lie down on the bed. A wave of despair rolls over me, I take a piece of paper and a pen and begin to write a letter in clumsy handwriting to that same granddaughter who has not yet arrived. I wrote to her that I love her, and that I no longer have the strength to fight, I give up. Then everything was in a fog. She comes and reads the letter, but I don’t react in any way to her tears and screams. And every minute I feel like I’m aging even more. But suddenly, as if an insight came to me, I stood up and began to pull these bullets out of myself. At the same time, I don’t feel pain. I feel only soft flesh, and it’s as if I see it. I pulled out all the bullets - the girl-granddaughter disappeared, and I became what I am now, in terms of returning.

I'm at home. I see a mother and a big baby boy, but this boy is mentally retarded. Sitting silently on the sofa. In a dream, I know that it was my mother who gave birth to another child, and he turned out to be sick. But I reason that the child is not a complete idiot, that his understanding is not completely impaired.

And why am I dreaming about all this?

Gynecologist in a dream

Hello. Today I dreamed that I went to the gynecologist, although I did not intend to. There was a gynecological chair in the office, but I didn’t sit in it. The gynecologist didn’t want to see me for a long time, and there were a lot of people in the office, both men and women, which was not pleasant for me. Then I dreamed that I was alone, without my parents, I went somewhere and didn’t take a phone charger with me, no solution for lenses, nothing... I regretted it in my dream.

Red cat in a dream

I dreamed that I was visiting friends or in my own house, sitting on an armchair, and a ginger cat, light red in color, more like a grown-up kitten, was spinning on the carpet, so cute and gentle, it only makes me happy and evokes pleasant feelings, I stroke him with pleasure. There are also friends around me and they are also petting their grown kittens.

Oh, I think, I finally have my own ginger cat!

Please tell me the meaning of the dream Red cat!

Wife in a dream

Mine comes to my house ex-wife declaring that she has returned. He walks into the living room and sits down in a chair and, as if nothing had happened, starts talking, laughing and stuff like that... My mother was also in the apartment, cooking something at the stove (the living room and kitchen are combined, one huge room) and my wife begins advise on how to cook, what to add, etc. I am completely at a loss: how can you come just like that and without saying a word about what happened to us, declare that she has returned)) and the conversations continue for some time, the table is set and the three of us sit down to dinner.

As always, I huddle at the head of the table (the table is long for 8 people), and she, in my opinion right hand, kisses me on the cheek and asks me to move to her because he wants to sit next to me. And then I ask her to explain why she came back (I don’t remember the answer), I get up from the table and start pushing her out of the apartment, I open the door front door and I push her out, she clings to the doorposts and tries with all her might to stay in the apartment, no matter how hard I tried, she ran into the apartment again... And I woke up!

We separated 1/5 month ago, but are not divorced yet. Reason: her betrayal. After the quarrel, she remained in the Russian Federation, and I returned to our home in Italy. During this time we never heard from her. And the strangest thing is that I dream about this 3 times a week. The essence of the dreams is the same - she comes, I try to see her off, push her out, not communicate, but she really wants to stay in the apartment.

Dolls in a dream

I was sitting in a chair, at my computer, in my room. When I turned back, there were dolls behind me, in ascending order, there were 3 of them, the dolls were brightly dressed, brightly made up, but their faces were dirty different colors like clowns.

I put them away, I don’t remember where, I sat down again, and when I turned around they were there again, I screamed, a woman came running, I don’t remember her face, but in the dream she seemed familiar to me, and she put these dolls away, but when I sat down and turned around , the dolls stood there.

I was very scared, they were looking straight at me and were very close.


Wheelchair in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Wheelchair. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to a dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a Wheelchair mean, or what it means to see a Wheelchair in a dream.

About a wheelchair in a dream

I dreamed about an acquaintance, in real life healthy person. In a dream - the whole dream he was in wheelchair on wheels, looked at me and was silent all this time. I began to find out from other people why he was in a wheelchair, he was healthy. Someone answered me that one leg is growing by 12 cm, and the other is normal. And so that his leg does not grow, he needs to constantly massage his leg, but no one does it for him, so he sits in a wheelchair. I think to myself that I could massage his leg if I had the opportunity. But in the dream it seemed impossible that I could help him. This is such an absurd dream, but I remember it clearly.

A new chair was given as a gift in a dream

I saw a new chair in a dream, as if it had been given to me, or given as a gift. The chair is very large, leather, soft and comfortable. I was glad to see it, I really like it. And she also wiped it with a cloth. What is this for?

One chair for two in a dream

I dream about my husband and he is driving a car that is unfamiliar to me! And suddenly I know that my legs are lying on the seat where he is sitting, but I look around and realize that I am sitting next to him on the same seat on the left side and my husband begins to move to make me more comfortable! And I say: “Don’t move, it’s convenient for me!”

A friend in a wheelchair in a dream

In the middle of the hall there is a tall white staircase and I stand at the very top of this staircase and look down. An acquaintance of mine is sitting at the bottom of the stairs. wheelchair. (in reality, we go to a poetry club in the library and his poems are published. He is a friend of my friend. In fact, he is healthy).

I shout to him from above:

Can I ask you? Won't you be offended?

He answers - no, I won’t be offended. Can.

I'm asking -

Why are you in a wheelchair? What's happened?

I got frostbitten feet last year.

I was surprised and woke up.

Burning a wheelchair in a dream

I dreamed that I was looking for my husband in a dream, I found where he lived, went up to a beautiful hostel, the bottom was red, I went there, but did not ask what apartment my husband lived in, I knew that I would find him anyway, for some reason in the dream, the burn was number 3. I left there in a wheelchair, knowing that I could walk, and I rode it with pleasure, then I got up and went to another dorm, and met a friend with whom I had been together in kindergarten, she said that she could not become a mother and together they left the other dorm.

Strange chair and many bottles of water in a dream

I'm in a hotel room. People come to me, congratulate me, give me something. I don’t remember who came first. And the second group came three guys: one young, the second older than 25 years, the third even older. They say some words of gratitude (I don’t remember in detail), the middle one spoke and blushed. They presented a package, I unwrapped it, and there was a large red beautiful package made of thick material with a white lock on top. I put my hand inside and say that this is a packaging bag, how beautiful it is and thank them. But the package expands, a bulge appears at the bottom, and it takes on the shape of a chair. The material from which it is made is the same, there is still a white unfastened lock on top, and there is now a design (large flowers) on a red background. I am happily surprised, oh, it turns out to be a chair. The guys tell me that yes, it's a rocking chair. The thought arises that it is probably inflatable or what? Then I bother looking for a pump that would inflate this chair, but I can’t find it and don’t think about it anymore. The chair to the side is unbuttoned and resembles an open, empty bag. There is a woman and her daughters in the room. There are six of them in total. Everyone is very beautiful. But three of them are very similar to each other, with big eyes, European type, and the other three, also very similar to each other, have a little Asian. They smile.

Then I’m already on the street, walking along the sidewalk, approaching the pedestrian crossing. I have a plastic bottle of water in my hand, I opened the bottle, drank, closed it, it was very warm outside. While I’m standing at the crossing, to my left I see the following picture: people are attacking a sales tent, everyone wants to buy water in large bottles. People literally climb on top of each other to get them. And ahead across the road there is a multi-storey building facing me, and from the roof on thick ropes along the wall they are slowly lowering (probably some people, I don’t see who) large bottles of water. There are several of them. A very strange sight. Just like people need water. I'm glad I have water.

Sleeping with a disabled person

I’m sitting with my friends and acquaintances in the dining room and eating, suddenly a man appears next to me with

Who has a lot to do with it, and he is in a wheelchair, but seems healthy..

As always, we smile at each other, look into each other’s eyes... We flirt.. Then everyone left, and we were left alone with him.

I put my legs on his lap and we hold hands but look different sides...Into the void.

And in my head I have thoughts: now I will need to take him to the office, but how will I lift this wheelchair up the stairs? And in the dream I was very worried about him, because I have feelings for him, but we are not together... And here he is in a stroller.

I don’t understand this dream, please explain.

Aqua slides in a dream

I dreamed that I was in a wheelchair, and then there was no wheelchair and I was riding on a water slide, flying high and droplets right in front of my eyes and falling into clean water. And I regret that I don’t have time to take a ride on the ship, it has already sailed. Everything is so natural.

An incident in a hospital in a dream

Somehow I ended up in the hospital with my grandmother, stepfather, aunt and mother, we were standing chatting and suddenly the door opened and I saw Sardor (my boyfriend) in a wheelchair! He has no legs! There are a bunch of people next to him, probably a family. I run up and want to hug him, but he turns away without saying anything and wants to drive away from me. I cry, I scream his name, I cry more and more, and meanwhile my family is twisting their heads and talking among themselves." why does she need such a disabled person! ""haha, she's completely crazy""they're trying to take me away from him, I break free and literally fall to the floor, suddenly the scene changes, the door opens again and I see Sardor, but with only one leg. he silently does not let me near him, a woman doctor comes up to me and asks “do you love him?” “do you really need him?” I answer yes, the woman answers “then we’ll figure something out, we promise”

And that's it, I woke up

Ex-boyfriend in a dream

Dream about it quite often ex-boyfriend, although they broke up more than five years ago. And in my dreams with him, for some reason I always experience strong feelings and emotions, while in reality there is nothing. I had a dream on the night of Christmas Eve, January 6: I accidentally met my ex, we go and communicate peacefully, I don’t experience any negativity or resentment in the dream, rather the opposite. We are supposed to go home in one direction, on the same road. The road is beautifully illuminated by the morning beckoning sunlight. But I need to get things from the wardrobe. I cherish the hope that we will travel together and communicate some more, because we are on the same path. But he politely and absolutely calmly says goodbye, kisses me carefully on the cheek and gets ready to go without me. Here I can’t stand it and ask: “Don’t you have any time?” He answers softly and indifferently: “I have free time, but I don’t want to wait, I’ll go.” I silently and disappointedly look after him for a while, for some reason in a dream even my heart sank because of his detachment and coldness (funny, because we broke up a long time ago). I’m offended and why - I really want to go with him. But I can’t, and he doesn’t need it at all, as it seems in the dream. After walking a little, he turns around and looks at me, or maybe he’s checking if I’m offended... I turn around and I go in the opposite direction to get my things... I take my things to the school cloakroom and try to go through the turnstiles of the access system... And I notice that for some reason I am in a wheelchair... And I forgot my pass at home, a friend helps me out by letting me through. my pass. Having gone through the system, I find myself without a wheelchair. My friends and I are looking for the office where our lesson is taking place (by the way, school ended many years ago)). I really need this lesson. After thinking about it, I turn around and leave.

Described in the story Chela in a Dream

The boy in the looking glass was thin, black-haired, with cheekbones sloping towards a narrow chin and was so unlike him, Gavru, that the mature husband recoiled from geology, strangely not bothering the reflection in the least. The motionless velvet of the night from under the eyebrows elongated to the temples continued to study him from the looking glass without a shadow of embarrassment, thoughtfully detached. Gavrya was frankly confused. Finally, interest appeared in the black depths of the “non-reflection” pupils...

Speak, ask, call for communication? What was confusing was the glaring discrepancy: where the “non-reflection” was studying Gavryu, his old chair behind him, the closet, the painting “The Ninth Wave” on the wall - absolutely everything stood and hung in its usual places, except that there was no place for the person behind the frame. Gavri, as happens when you look in the mirror at a very sharp angle.

The geologist’s solar plexus responded to the unreality of what was happening with a feeling of emptiness that tickled the bottom of the lungs to the knuckles of the spine and, almost immediately, the emptiness flowed to the shoulders. Stepping away from the tattered glass piece, Gavrya sank into a chair, feeling with every cell of his body the familiar to the point of tears. home comfort, and immediately recognizing his own sleep-wrinkled appearance in the mirror, he leaned back with relief on the low back, which flowed like a wave into the short, comfortable armrests.

The feeling of weightlessness came, as always, without warning. “Weightlessness” is inaccurate and the first thing that came to mind. For example, when you jump from a ten-meter tower, the weight disappears, but the understanding that you are tumbling with a brick remains. Now everything happened differently. The emptiness behind the sternum turned into a super-subtle itch and every cell of Gavryu’s bones was drawn away from the floor, instilling in his body confidence in improbability.

“I'm flying! " Unexpectedly for himself, Gavrya saw that in his trivial chair with worn varnish on the armrests, he was hanging between the floor and the ceiling, inexplicably maintaining the lazy pose of a slacker and maintaining a state that went beyond the limits of the mind solely by the desire for free flight. The eyes, without interference from the brain, following the principle of safety, stopped the rise, eliminating the impact on the ceiling.

“I can even do a somersault! “A smooth turn head forward, followed without delay - through the back, brought Gavrya into a state of delight at the truly magical possibilities that had opened up. It’s worth imagining the direction a little... “Noch ein mal (once again) backwards...”

Gavrya had been friends with German since school, which allowed him not to feel like a fool among the Volga region settlers who settled in Kazakhstan and did not find fault with the intricacies of the literary language.

“More, more! Will it really pass? “The chair smoothly sank to the floor, with a short push forcing Gavrya to leave the comfortable bed, and already standing, he realized the fleeting doubt that forced the true miracle to disappear. “If you want to fly, there is no doubt about it! “Before the thought had time to slip through, Gavrya felt a lightness pulling upward in his bones... Yes, it always began in the chest, then flowed into the bones of the arms and shoulders... No! Similar, but different! At the very beginning, a desire for a miracle spontaneously arose, then a decision came - then the chest, the bones...

Like this! Having assumed a horizontal position, Gavrya with boyish recklessness rushed out the open window, not at all concerned with the thought of the “indelible” impression on witnesses of such a trick in broad daylight.

Waves outside the window in a dream

I'm in an apartment where lived before with parents. The large room is very clean and well furnished. I go to the window. There are 2 chairs next to the window (on both sides of the window), and the father is sitting in the right chair. The chairs are soft with large pillows. I look out the window and see how waves are raging at the window level, and a little further I can see how it is approaching the house big wave, similar to a tsunami. I open the window, take out my camera and take a few pictures of the waves. I turn away from the window and call my father to look at the waves. He comes to the window and stands next to it. I turn to the window. The window is closed. The big wave is no longer there. You can see outside the window that it's blowing hurricane wind. I turn away from the window and think about how good it is at home and how warm and cozy the room is.

Lead in a dream

I only remember a part of the dream. I see myself from the back, sitting on the veranda in a rocking chair. The area around is reminiscent of the wild west. Desert. I myself am in the shadows. It seems like I’m sitting and waiting for my granddaughter in this chair. There’s some kind of roar and 7 bullets fly at me. 6 of them in the back and one in the left hand. I go to bed, bleeding, and lie down on the bed. A wave of despair rolls over me, I take a piece of paper and a pen and begin to write a letter in clumsy handwriting to that same granddaughter who has not yet arrived. I wrote to her that I love her, and that I no longer have the strength to fight, I give up. Then everything was in a fog. She comes and reads the letter, but I don’t react in any way to her tears and screams. And every minute I feel like I’m aging even more. But suddenly, as if an insight came to me, I stood up and began to pull these bullets out of myself. At the same time, I don’t feel pain. I feel only soft flesh, and it’s as if I see it. I pulled out all the bullets - the girl-granddaughter disappeared, and I became what I am now, in terms of returning.

When I woke up my back hurt - in the area where the bullets were

Artificial insemination and a mental hospital in a dream

I see myself on a gynecological chair, the doctor is performing some kind of manipulation. I know that I was artificially inseminated. I even know who the father of my unborn child is. In a dream I know that this process takes 1 day.

I'm at home. I see a mother and a big baby boy, but this boy is mentally retarded. Sitting silently on the sofa. In a dream, I know that it was my mother who gave birth to another child, and he turned out to be sick. But I reason that the child is not a complete idiot, that his understanding is not completely impaired.

Then I went to the hospital to see my sister, the cat. Lying there with his daughter. I went into the hospital and realized that it was a psychiatric hospital, I asked where my room was (for some reason I was looking for my room, not my sister’s), I needed honey. The sister answered where to go, at this time for some reason I had a large needle in my hands. I walk along the corridor, look into the wards and look for my sister; in the wards there are half-smart children, but I realize that along with the mentally retarded, there are also normal ones here. I found my people in the corridor, I see their bed is quite narrow, I also think that it’s cramped for the two of them there. Next to the refrigerator there is bread or some kind of rolls on it. I ask when you will be discharged. He answers that it will be decided tonight.

No one is in the hospital mental illness does not suffer, and I do not plan pregnancies or artificial insemination.

I had a call from my ex in a dream

I dreamed of a call from my ex, I picked up the phone and heard him talking to a man (a parallel phone call). The ex said: “Should I give you the chair? “He refused. I thought about his old easy chair at home. Then silence. Me: “Hello” and my ex too: “Hello”. They didn't say anything more to each other.

It seemed to me that he wanted to say something, but could not. I dialed him, but didn’t get through. In response they called me, I thought the ex, but the voice was unknown man. First I asked: “Did you call me?” I was surprised? Then he started talking some nonsense (either about work, or about science).

I hung up. Some time ago I dreamed that my ex was angry with me and said: “Don’t ever call me!” Then his face changed: it became unfamiliar and unpleasant to me. What can these dreams mean? I dreamed of a call from my ex?

And why am I dreaming about all this?


Gynecologist chair injection under

Dream Interpretation Gynecologist chair injection under dreamed of why in a dream the Gynecologist chair gives an injection under? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Gynecologist’s chair in a dream under an injection by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair in a dream is a symbol of health, family, and life. Seeing a soft, high-quality, expensive chair in a dream is a sign of prosperity, family well-being, good health, and peace. Seeing a wicker, unstable, fragile chair in a dream is a harbinger of anxiety, the need to think about tomorrow due to lack of funds. Sometimes such a dream predicts the need to work hard to live. If you dream that you are sitting in such a chair, then your health will deteriorate. The same thing means a dream in which you see a wheelchair or rocking chair. A broken, dirty, falling apart chair in a dream foreshadows poverty, discord in the family, the breakdown of life's foundations, and loss of peace. Seeing a very large chair with huge soft pillows in a dream means that your situation will change for the better. There will be a person who will take upon himself to protect your interests and take care of your well-being. A strange chair in a dream means that you will find yourself in an unusual place or receive a strange proposal that will surprise you. A dream in which you saw that such a chair was brought into your home means that you will put yourself in an extraordinary position and great luck awaits you. Seeing a rocking chair in a dream foretells relaxation, a cozy home, harmony in the house. See interpretation: throne.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means that in reality you will indulge in nostalgic memories of the past and sweet dreams of the future. Dozing in a chair in front of the fireplace means the illness threatens to drag on for a long time. A carved antique chair speaks of unattainable wealth and luxury in your dreams and disappointment in reality from the monotony of existence and the fragility of love relationships.

A wicker chair speaks of your great potential and far from realized business abilities that are waiting in the wings.

A chair on wheels portends a deterioration in well-being and bad premonitions that will not be justified thanks to the timely intervention of a medical luminary.

A deep and soft leather chair into which you sink like into a feather bed - in reality you will find strong defenders from attacks on your property. An old, falling apart or tattered chair is a harbinger of domestic troubles that will briefly but seriously disturb your family peace.

A rocking chair foreshadows the short-term joy of communicating with friends and like-minded people in a warm, friendly atmosphere and an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. Sitting and rocking in it means instability in business.

Seeing relatives sitting in a chair in a dream foretells them many years of life and your constant joy in your soul from communicating with them.

Seeing a child curled up and asleep in a chair is a sign of a lonely and lonely existence in old age, abandonment and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means living a peaceful, but boring, monotonous life.

You may even be at risk of falling out with your loved ones because of this.

Sitting in an old chair means getting a promotion and feeling the envy of others, and if such a chair is empty, giving up your intentions related to a successful career.

Offering someone a chair means predicting the machinations of opponents and stopping their ability to act.

A rocking chair is a sign of friendly support and intimate joys.

Seeing your wife or lover in a dream in such a chair is a very good dream.

If you dreamed of empty wheelchairs, expect some kind of misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Gynecologist

Seeing a gynecologist in a dream means female diseases, abortion.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A chair is a chair and to have is a reward. A soft chair, sitting in it means having protection, patronage. Rocking chair - unstable health. Tattered or dirty - disruption of home peace.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

A confident and calm life awaits you. Rocking chair - friendly participation will bring success to your business. Seeing your relatives in the chair means a happy family life. A comfortable chair - nothing threatens your career growth. Buying is a pleasant change in family life. Soft - you will receive strong protection. Wicker - your efforts will give tangible results in business. Luxurious and expensive - your financial situation will improve.

Imagine that you are sitting in a chair in your own home, warming yourself by the fireplace, you feel good and calm.

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Always symbolizes stability and stability of the situation.

Seeing someone you know sitting in a comfortable chair speaks of the strength of his position.

If in reality you are having some kind of argument with this person, the dream warns you that you will not be able to prevail in it.

Sitting in a comfortable chair yourself is a very good sign. There is no threat to your position in the near future.

Rocking chair: a sign that you are wasting your time and not taking full advantage of your position. Beware: your current situation is actually not as stable as it may seem!

A broken, holey chair: a warning that your position is at risk.

Dream Interpretation - Injection

Feel the prick: in reality you will have a hard time, as your emotions, and of a negative kind, will get out of control.

Most likely, you will be overcome by jealousy, and you will not be able to objectively evaluate the actions of loved ones, which can lead to a dramatic outcome.

Try not to allow yourself to be dominated by this monster with green eyes, as Shakespeare called jealousy, rise above suspicion, and you will see that only trust nourishes love, and jealousy destroys this wonderful feeling.

They are about to give you an injection, and you are resisting it with all your might: in reality, one of your friends will awaken your conscience, and no “sleeping pills” will help put it into hibernation.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to answer for your actions, which are not always plausible.

You pulled the hand with the syringe away from you, got rid of the injection: no amount of exhortation will awaken your conscience, but sooner or later you will all have to pay for your actions.

If you give yourself an injection or gladly accept this procedure: no one will have to awaken your conscience; it has woken up on its own and does not give you peace.

However, such behavior does not mean that you must publicly repent of all mortal sins; it is enough that you realize your sinfulness in your soul and vow not to do this again.

If you give an injection to someone: in the near future you will be exclusively occupied with awakening the conscience of your neighbors, and you will do this persistently and in extremely aggressive forms.

When you bite someone, in reality you have a secret desire to enslave the will of another person.

You are so obsessed with this idea that you are ready to literally do anything to achieve it.

Whether you will achieve your goal or not is unknown, but with absolute confidence we can say that enslaving the will of another person (even for good) will not lead to anything good and both the enslaved and the enslaver will suffer from this.

They bite you: it is you who are in danger of falling under the strong influence of another person.

If the bites are not too painful and you do not pay attention to them: in reality it will be quite difficult to lead you astray from the right path and most likely you will remain unconvinced.

But if the bites greatly disturb you and cause unbearable pain: no matter how you try to weaken the influence of another person, you will not succeed, so you will have to come to terms with this state of affairs for a while and wait for a favorable moment when you can break out of this captivity.

By the way, this captivity may turn out to be a love affair.

So, for example, you will be very passionate and for this you will make any sacrifices and recklessness, but after a while you will have the opportunity to objectively look at the subject of your passion and you will be disappointed.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

The rocking chair you dreamed about will bring you friendly warmth and a feeling of confidence and peace in any environment.

If you dream of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, it means. You are promised the sweetest earthly joys.

If you dream of empty rocking chairs, this is a prediction of bereavement and loneliness. Anyone who has such a dream will undoubtedly suffer some misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

A rocking chair seen in a dream brings friendly warmth, a feeling of confidence and peace into real life.

If you dreamed of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, then extraordinary earthly joys await you. An empty rocking chair foretells loneliness.

A chair in a dream is a symbol of health, family, and life. Seeing a soft, high-quality, expensive chair in a dream is a sign of prosperity, family well-being, good health, and peace. Seeing a wicker, unstable, fragile chair in a dream is a harbinger of anxiety, the need to think about tomorrow due to lack of funds. Sometimes such a dream predicts the need to work hard to live. If you dream that you are sitting in such a chair, then your health will deteriorate. The same thing means a dream in which you see a wheelchair or rocking chair. A broken, dirty, falling apart chair in a dream foreshadows poverty, discord in the family, the breakdown of life's foundations, and loss of peace. Seeing a very large chair with huge soft pillows in a dream means that your situation will change for the better. There will be a person who will take upon himself to protect your interests and take care of your well-being. A strange chair in a dream means that you will find yourself in an unusual place or receive a strange proposal that will surprise you. A dream in which you saw that such a chair was brought into your home means that you will put yourself in an extraordinary position and great luck awaits you. Seeing a rocking chair in a dream foretells relaxation, a cozy home, harmony in the house. See interpretation: throne.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Rocking chair

The rocking chair you dreamed about will bring you friendly warmth and a feeling of confidence and peace in any environment.

If you dream of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, it means. You are promised the sweetest earthly joys.

If you dream of empty rocking chairs, this is a prediction of bereavement and loneliness. Anyone who has such a dream will undoubtedly suffer some misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from

A rocking chair seen in a dream brings friendly warmth, a feeling of confidence and peace into real life.

If you dreamed of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair, then extraordinary earthly joys await you. An empty rocking chair foretells loneliness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Chair

Seeing a chair in a dream means that in reality you will indulge in nostalgic memories of the past and sweet dreams of the future. Dozing in a chair in front of the fireplace means the illness threatens to drag on for a long time. A carved antique chair speaks of unattainable wealth and luxury in your dreams and disappointment in reality from the monotony of existence and the fragility of love relationships.

A wicker chair speaks of your great potential and far from realized business abilities that are waiting in the wings.

A chair on wheels portends a deterioration in well-being and bad premonitions that will not be justified thanks to the timely intervention of a medical luminary.

A deep and soft leather chair into which you sink like into a feather bed - in reality you will find strong defenders from attacks on your property. An old, falling apart or tattered chair is a harbinger of domestic troubles that will briefly but seriously disturb your family peace.

A rocking chair foreshadows the short-term joy of communicating with friends and like-minded people in a warm, friendly atmosphere and an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. Sitting and rocking in it means instability in business.

Seeing relatives sitting in a chair in a dream foretells them many years of life and your constant joy in your soul from communicating with them.

Seeing a child curled up and asleep in a chair is a sign of a lonely and lonely existence in old age, abandonment and sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from

The life of most people is subject to a certain fate, which practically cannot be changed, but its destiny can be slightly recognized. Many of us can learn more about our destiny if we remember and correctly interpret the dreams that we have almost every day. It is impossible to clarify the interpretation of all dreams within the framework of one article; we will dwell on what it means to see a chair in a dream.

What if you dream about a chair?

There are many different interpreters and interpretations of this dream. The most important thing is to remember what kind of chair you dream about, that is, its characteristics and how a person sits or positions himself in it. If the characteristics of the chair seen in a dream are positive, then such a dream does not bode well. For example, in the dream book edited by Smurov O, seeing a good-quality and comfortable chair in a dream is a harbinger of family well-being and peace, material wealth and good health.

If you dream of an expensive antique chair or a large chair, this will portend significant material wealth and wealth, a significant change in life for the better. However, there may be a completely different situation when a person has a dream: the chair is fragile and unstable - in this case, one should expect either a deterioration in the financial situation, or anxiety associated with work or making money.

What does it portend?

You should also be wary if a person dreams that he is sitting in such an unreliable chair. Such a dream should be projected onto him, that is, it is this person who may have both material problems and health problems. It also does not bode well to see a broken and dirty chair in a dream - such a dream is a harbinger of material problems and family discord.

As a wish, the reader can be advised not to worry about the inevitable. You cannot run away from fate. Even if you have a bad dream, you need to think about what can be done to forestall the situation and do it. And if everything possible has been done and nothing depends on the person, you should relax and live, getting maximum pleasure from life.

The dream book explains a dreamed chair as a symbol of favorable circumstances for the sleeper: a stable position, career growth, wealth. However, there is also another interpretation: deterioration in health, trouble. Other details seen in the dream will help you understand why you dream about such a sign: was it a simple chair, or a wheelchair or gynecological one?

What does the vision promise?

Seeing a beautiful soft chair in a dream means a happy time will come soon. There is rest, peace, tranquility ahead. To sit in it yourself - according to the dream book, is a wonderful sign that speaks of the dreamer’s strong position, which is not threatened by anything.

Why does a man dream of seeing a close woman (wife, mother, beloved) resting in a rocking chair? The dreamer will experience the most pleasant pleasures and joys.

A dream about a rocking chair can also warn: a person does not receive from his position the benefits that it provides. The dream book indicates: the omission must be corrected, since such a status is not as reliable as a person is used to thinking.

Relax while you sleep in this very comfortable item upholstered furniture– create coziness and comfort in your place exactly as you intended.

Old, full of holes, broken - something threatens the dreamer’s position, you should be careful. Did you dream that you bought a new one? In reality, you will also buy something new.


Why do you dream about a chair on wheels or a wheelchair? The vision warns of deteriorating health and unpleasant premonitions about this. However, the dream book indicates: thanks to successful timely actions good doctors such premonitions will turn out to be false.

Seeing a friend in a wheelchair in a dream - he will have serious problems with health: serious illness, surgery, long-term state of ill health. Sit in a wheelchair yourself - waiting long illness or even disability. The dream book warns: you need to take care of yourself and avoid risky actions that are fraught with injury.

A gynecological chair seen in a dream warns about possible complications with women's health. You should immediately visit a doctor in order to identify and warn them in time.

If a woman dreams that she is lying on a gynecological chair, problems associated with pregnancy are ahead. Perhaps difficulties with conception, treatment for infertility, or vice versa, unwanted pregnancy and abortion.

Career, wealth

An office chair in a dream, just seeing it or sitting on it, means: you have a strong reputation, a stable position at work. No one can push you aside without your desire.

Why do you dream of sitting in an old chair? There is career growth ahead, which can cause envy. If it is empty, the sleeper will give up his plans to achieve a successful career.

When you had a luxurious chair in a dream, it means you will gain wealth. The dream book advises: it is important to manage it correctly, to increase it in order to provide yourself and your children with a solid foundation in life.


Dreaming of a rocking chair means: the dreamer is surrounded by friendly participation. Under any circumstances, he is calm and confident. However, if it was empty in a dream, it is an unfavorable sign. A person will experience loneliness or some kind of loss.

Soft - portends strong protection for the sleeper. The dream book emphasizes: thanks to the patron, it will be possible to carry out a complex project, finish something already started, or protect your property from encroachment.

Why dream of offering it to someone? This means unraveling the insidious plans of your enemies, getting ahead of them, depriving them of the opportunity to harm you.

Old, broken - family discord is possible. The dream book recommends: try to avoid quarrels, smooth out conflict situations, because they are harmonious family relationships create not only good mood, but also the desire and readiness for new achievements and success in any field.

New family dream book

  • Rocking chair seen in a dream- brings friendly warmth, a feeling of confidence and peace into real life.
  • If you dreamed of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair- extraordinary earthly joys await you.
  • Empty rocking chair- portends loneliness.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Sit in a chair- prolonged illness; have luxury- wealth; straw- you are a business person; on wheels and swing in it- unstable health; tattered or dirty- home peace will be disturbed; soft- get strong protection.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Sitting in a chair is a lingering illness; to have luxury is wealth; straw - you are a business person; on wheels and swinging in it - unstable health; tattered or dirty - the peace of home will be disturbed. Soft - get strong protection.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Having a chair is a reward. A soft chair, sitting in it means having protection, patronage. Rocking chair - unstable health. Tattered or dirty - disruption of home peace.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Have a chair- reward.
  • Soft chair, sit in it- have protection, patronage.
  • Rocking chair- unstable health.
  • Torn or soiled- disturbance of home peace.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • To see a beautiful chair - a happy time will come; peace, rest.
  • Broken means discord in the family.
  • Sitting quietly in a chair is a disease.
  • A chair in a dream - can symbolize a grandfather or grandmother / a hug that will kindle but not satisfy.

Gypsy dream book

  • It doesn't matter whether you see an empty chair or whether you are sitting in one. This dream means that you have a strong reputation and no one will be able to displace you without your permission. Soft chair - you have worked very hard and deserve a rest.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

  • Where you sit corresponds to your position or position.
  • Often, before a person experiences out-of-body experiences, he feels some kind of internal swaying. A rocking chair may indicate the approach of similar experiences or the accumulation of psychic energy.
  • A rocking chair can also represent a subconscious connection to early childhood memories if you were rocked in a rocking chair.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

  • Your position or position. The place where you are in relation to events or phenomena.
  • A rocking chair may indicate an out-of-body experience or a buildup of psychic energy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Armchair- a calm streak of life, sometimes associated with grandparents and feelings associated with them.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • The armchair is a calm period of life, sometimes associated with grandparents and the feelings associated with them.

Dream Interpretation of Health

  • Rocking in a chair means your health is unstable; Sitting in a chair means long-term illness or disability; A chair with torn upholstery and protruding springs is a sign of a conflict, stressful situation.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Chair in a dream- always symbolizes stability and stability of the situation.
  • Seeing someone you know sitting in a comfortable chair- speaks of the strength of his position. If in reality you are having some kind of argument with this person, the dream warns you that you will not be able to prevail in it.
  • Sit yourself in a comfortable chair- a very good sign. There is no threat to your position in the near future.
  • Rocking chair- a sign that you are wasting your time and not extracting all possible benefits from your situation. Beware: your current situation is actually not as stable as it may seem!
  • Broken, holey chair- a warning that your position is at risk.

Complete dream book of the New Era

  • Armchair- the need to remember something (someone).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

  • Seeing a very comfortable chair in a dream and sitting in it- to the comfort of a home created by your own hands.
  • If in a dream you are rocking in a rocking chair- this indicates the instability of your consciousness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

  • Buy a new chair- to new things.
  • Seeing yourself sitting in a rocking chair while your mother cleans the apartment- to reproaches of conscience.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

  • Armchair- to a stable position in the service.
  • Rocking chair- your authority is shaking and falling quickly.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Seeing a chair in a dream- means that in reality you will indulge in nostalgic memories of the past and sweet dreams of the future. Dozing in a chair in front of the fireplace- the disease threatens to drag on for a long time. Carved antique chair- speaks of unattainable wealth and luxury in your dreams and disappointment in reality from the monotony of existence and the fragility of love relationships.
  • Wicker chair- speaks of your great potential and far from realized business abilities that are waiting in the wings.
  • Wheelchair- portends a deterioration in well-being and bad premonitions that will not come true thanks to the timely intervention of a medical luminary.
  • A deep and soft leather chair that makes you feel like falling into a feather bed.- in reality you will find strong defenders from attacks on your property. Old, falling apart or tattered chair- a harbinger of domestic troubles that will briefly but seriously disturb your family peace.
  • Rocking chair- portends short-term joy from communicating with friends and like-minded people in a warm, friendly atmosphere and an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. Sit and rock in it- to instability in business.
  • Seeing relatives sitting in a chair in a dream- portends them many years of life and your constant joy in your soul from communicating with them.
  • Seeing a child curled up and asleep in a chair- a sign of a lonely and lonely existence in old age, abandonment and sadness.

Or your beloved, resting in a rocking chair - this means that you are promised the sweetest earthly joys.

If you dream about empty rocking chairs- This is a prediction of bereavement and loneliness. Anyone who has such a dream will undoubtedly suffer some kind of misfortune.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Chair in a dream- always symbolizes stability and stability of the situation.

Seeing someone you know sitting in a comfortable chair- speaks of the strength of his position. If in reality you are having some kind of argument with this person, the dream warns you that you will not be able to prevail in it.

Seeing in a dream or sitting in a rocking chair- a good rest after a long and difficult work.

New family dream book

Rocking chair seen in a dream- brings friendly warmth, a feeling of confidence and peace into real life.

If you dreamed of a mother, wife or lover resting in a rocking chair- extraordinary earthly joys await you.

Empty rocking chair- portends loneliness.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Rocking chair- portends short-term joy from communicating with friends and like-minded people in a warm, friendly atmosphere and an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. Sit and rock in it- to instability in business.

Seeing relatives sitting in a chair in a dream- portends them many years of life and your constant joy in your soul from communicating with them.

Seeing a child curled up and asleep in a chair- a sign of a lonely and lonely existence in old age, abandonment and sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Armchair- the place where you sit corresponds to your position or position.

Rocking chair- may indicate the approach of similar experiences or the accumulation of psychic energy.

Rocking chair also- may represent a subconscious connection with early childhood memories if you were rocked on a rocking chair.

Dream book of the 21st century

A chair seen in a dream- a harbinger of a happy and calm time, an opportunity to relax and think about plans for the future.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Armchair- a calm streak of life, sometimes associated with grandparents and feelings associated with them.

Dream book of a gypsy

It doesn't matter whether you see an empty chair or sit in it yourself- this dream means that you have a strong reputation and no one will be able to displace you without your permission.

Soft chair- you worked very hard and deserve a rest.

Ukrainian dream book

Soft chair, sit in it- have protection, patronage.

Rocking chair- unstable health.

Torn or soiled- disturbance of home peace.

Collection of dream books

Armchair- your position or position. The place where you are in relation to events or phenomena.

Rocking chair- may indicate an out-of-body experience or the accumulation of psychic energy.

Rock in a chair- the state of health is unstable; sit in it- long-term illness or disability; with torn upholstery and protruding springs- to a conflict, stressful situation.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.