Zapashny Edgard Walterovich. Helen Zapashnaya (Raikhlin) - wife of circus artist Askold Zapashny: biography, nationality, children

Edgard Zapashny was born on July 11, 1976 in the city of Yalta, Republic of Crimea. His father, Walter Mikhailovich, was already one of the most respected trainers in the country. My grandparents were also circus performers. Moreover, the father of Lydia’s grandmother was the famous eccentric and clown Carl Thompson, who gave concerts in Russia under the stage name Milton.

Thus, the great-grandsons of the clown Milton: Edgard, Askold and Maritsa Zapashny did not see any other way for themselves. The festive atmosphere of the circus was absorbed with mother's milk. The children are already in early years knew that they would continue famous dynasty Zapashnykh.

Throughout his childhood, Edgard carefully watched his father’s work. He left the arena at the age of seventy. But until the end of his life he could not leave his favorite business and remained the artistic director of the Zapashny Brothers troupe.

The circus biography of Edgard Zapashny began in 1988, when he was twelve years old. This happened in Riga, where my father went on tour.

After graduating from school, the whole family went to China. It turned out to be difficult years, which are usually called the “dashing 90s”. The whole country was experiencing a crisis. Artists and circus performers were no exception. In 1991, the Chinese offered Walter a lucrative contract, which literally saved the lives of circus animals. After all, caring for them required a lot of money.

So Edgard Zapashny and his family went to a foreign land amazing country, who greeted the whole family and their charges quite warmly. A spacious summer circus was built especially for the Zapashnys in the famous Safari Park near the city of Shenzhen. To differentiate themselves from the Chinese, the brothers changed their hair color and became blonde.

After the end of the contract, the family in full force returned to her homeland. We traveled to all CIS countries on tour. We also visited many foreign countries: Japan, Mongolia, Hungary.

In 1998, a turning point occurred in the life of Edgard Zapashny and his brother: at the anniversary celebration, the father handed over to his sons the reins of the most striking and complex attraction called “Among the Predators.”

The young trainers managed not only to accept this valuable gift with dignity, but also successfully developed the family business, creating the Zapashny Brothers Circus and increasing their show programs. Stunning new circus attractions have appeared: “Colosseum”, “Camelot”, “Sadko”, “Camelot-2: Viceroy of the Gods”, “Legend”, “K.U.K.L.A.”, “ Terrible power».

Edgard Zapashny received higher education. He has a diploma from the Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law. Speaks excellent English and Chinese, which I learned during my stay in China.

Edgard has a circus act that is unique in its complexity and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This is a trick during which Zapashny stands with his loose legs on the croup of two horses moving in the arena, and two girls balance on his back. This issue was prepared for a year and a half.

In November 2012, Edgard Zapashny was appointed director of the famous Big Moscow State Circus, on Vernadsky Avenue, by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Edgard Zapashny often appears on screens in various television shows and films. In the spring and summer of 2007, he was a participant in the “King of the Ring” show, which was broadcast on Channel One. Here he managed to win six out of seven possible victories in intermediate battles, winning the final battle against Evgeniy Dyatlov.

The legendary circus performer can also be seen in the TV shows “Big Race”, “Cube”, “ Big question" and "Empire of Illusions: the Safronov brothers." Edgard Zapashny hosts his own program on the Zvezda TV channel, called “Legends of the Circus.”

Edgard also starred in films. Viewers saw the artist in several films: “Interns,” where he played himself, in “Daddy’s Daughters” and “Real Boys.”

In February 2012, Zapashny registered as a proxy of Russian Presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. In March 2014, he signed an appeal by Russian cultural figures in support of the president’s policies in Crimea and Ukraine.

At the end of November 2018, Edgard Valterovich, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia, was included in the new composition of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art.

On February 26, 2019, Edgard Zapashny became a member of the Public Council under the Russian State Duma Committee on Culture.

Awards and achievements of Edgard Zapashny

1997 - Festival Winner circus art"Golden Troika" in Yaroslavl;

1999 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation - for services in the field of art;

1999 - title of “Artist of the Year” from the Union of Circus Workers;

2001 - Winner of the Moscow Government Prize;

2002 - Laureate of the national award "Circus";

2005 - Laureate International competition circus artists in Saratov, main prize"Golden Three". A special prize for high achievements in circus art was awarded with International Prizes from the Chinese Association of Circus Arts - the Golden Lion award.

2006 - Together with his brother, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest leap of a lion with a man on his back.

2007 - winner of the boxing show among the stars “King of the Ring”.

2007 - Laureate of the International Circus Art Festival-Competition in Izhevsk. - Main award “Golden Bear”.

2008 - Honorary title " People's Artist Udmurtia".

2011 - Winner of the International Circus Art Festival-Competition in Moscow. Special prize from the Mongolian State Circus and from the Great Circus Mundial (Spain). Also has Community Awards from the Governor Kemerovo region, governor Bryansk region and the governor of the Novosibirsk region.

2011 - Included in the Guinness Book of Records for the second time for the record stunt “The highest column of 3 people on a running pair of horses.”

2012 - Laureate of the International Festival-Competition of Circus Arts in Izhevsk and for the second time the Golden Bear award for the performance of the equestrian act “Hellas”.

03/21/2012 - Honorary title “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation” - for great achievements in the field of circus art.

On August 31, 2012, the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, awarded Edgard and Askold Zapashny the highest award of the Kemerovo region - the Order of the Key of Friendship, for high professionalism, dedication and fidelity to your work. And their mother, Tatyana Vasilievna Zapashnaya, received the “Maternal Valor” medal.

On November 20, 2012, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation appointed him to the position of director of the Great Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Avenue.

since 2013 - Producer and presenter of the International Circus Festival in Moscow “IDOL”.

2014 - Torchbearers at the Olympic torch relay.

2014 - Awarded a commemorative medal and letter of thanks from Dmitry Medvedev “For his great contribution to the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Games winter games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.”

January 20, 2015 - Awarded a letter of gratitude from Kolokoltsev, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, “For active work in preparing and carrying out a set of events in 2014 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the line of duty, and disabled people due to war injuries »

2016 - Awarded a certificate of honor from V. Kolokoltsev, Minister of Internal Affairs, “For active work in preparing and carrying out a set of events in 2015 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the line of duty, and disabled people due to military trauma. »

2017 - Princess of Monaco, Stephanie, presented the prize “For services to the development of the Russian Circus”.

2017 - Silver Clown Award at the 41st International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The brothers expressed disagreement with the results of the jury's vote.

2018 - According to the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 2018 was declared the Year of the Volunteer. Edgard Zapashny, together with his brother Askold Zapashny, became his ambassadors.

Creativity of Edgard Zapashny

Together with his brother, he created the “Zapashny Brothers Circus”, as well as many circus shows, including (“Colosseum” (2007), “Camelot” (2008), “Sadko” (2009), “Camelot-2: Deputy of the Gods” (2010 ), “Legend” (2011), “K.U.K.L.A.” (2012), “Terrible Force” (2013) and others).

2008 - Together with his brother and Anastasia Takki, author of the book “Intrigue.”
2008 - Together with his brother, author of the book “How We Train Dogs.”
2009 - Together with his brother, author of the book “Camelot. Fragments of Legends."
2011 - Author of the children's book “My Tiger Friends.”

Participation in television projects

“City of Temptations” - Vlad, Masha Svetlova’s boyfriend, husband
2007 - Channel One TV show “King of the Ring.” He became the winner, having won 6 victories out of 7 possible in intermediate battles. Won the final fight with Evgeny Dyatlov on points (with a minimal advantage)
Sports and entertainment show “Big Races” - participant together with Askold Zapashny.
Guest of the humorous show “Comedy Woman”, episode 32
Clip of the group “Kipelov” (song “Babylon”)
Video of singer Vinky (song “Stupid trick”)
Episode in the comedy television series “Interns” (2010, episode 33).
Episode in the sitcom " Daddy's girls" - Kazimir Topazov, circus trainer (2011, episode 365)
Episode in the TV series “Real Boys” (2011, season 3).
Video of singer Eva (song “Don’t be silent”, 2011)
TV show “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” 2012 - guest star in the competition “STEM with a Star” of the KVN team of Pyatigorsk “City of Pyatigorsk”.
TV show “Cube” 2013 - passed 6 out of 7 tests, winnings amounted to 1,500,000 rubles.
Clip of the group “Disco Crash” “Doll”.
In 2011, Zapashny starred in Yuli Gusman’s film “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you!” 1919" in the role of student San Sanych (played by Lev Durov).
HB - cameo
Episode in the television series "Family Business".
Program “Big Question” (participant, aired November 16, 2014)
In one of the episodes of the program “Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers,” Edgard appeared as an illusionist (broadcast on February 28, 2015).
Since 2014 - author of the idea, host and general producer of the program “Circus Legends with Edgard Zapashny” on the Zvezda TV channel.
2016 - author of the idea for the film “Margarita Nazarova”. He also played one of the supporting roles in the film. The Zapashny Brothers Circus participated in staging scenes with tigers in the series

Family of Edgard Zapashny

Civil marriage - Elena Petrikova, circus performer.

Civil marriage - Olga Denisova, a fitness instructor, whom he met while visiting a gym in Voronezh.
During this time, Olga gave birth to Edgard's daughters Stefania (2011) and Gloria (2013).

The common-law wife is Yaroslava, an administrator who works at the Zapashny Brothers Circus as an administrator.
Son - Daniel (August 28, 2017).

This dynasty dates back to pre-revolutionary Russia. The showman's parents are Tatyana and Walter Zapashny, who specialize in training wild animals. Older brother Edgard also works in the field of circus arts. Askold Zapashny spent his childhood behind the scenes of the circus and at the age of 10 he could work with lions and enter their cage.


The artist was born on September 27, 1977 in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. He is a representative of the famous circus dynasty, which has many famous trainers.

All photos 6

When the brothers graduated from school, their parents decided to temporarily move to China, where a summer arena was built for their performances in the city of Shenzhen. It was 1991, when the country was going through difficult times. Touring in an Asian country allowed the family to save animals from certain death, because there was nothing to feed them, and their maintenance required impressive amounts of money. Since then, the brothers decided to go blonde to stand out among the dark-haired Chinese.

The Zapashny brothers took over the baton of family success. They have traveled almost all over the world with their shows. The artists visited Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Japan, and Belarus. Despite his hectic touring activities in Russia and abroad, Askold managed to graduate from GITIS and received a diploma with honors. He speaks fluent English and Chinese.

Zapashny began his career in the circus with a relatively prime numbers: juggling on a horse, performances with trained monkeys. Askold Valterovich masters many other types of circus arts, such as tightrope walking and acrobatics. He has been performing with wild animals for many years; in 1998, his father gave his sons the “Among Predators” act. The artist honed his skills so much that he managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records by performing the longest jump on a lion. This number is considered deadly.

The Zapashnys turned out to be successful producers; they own the Zapashny Brothers Circus enterprise. Their list includes many shows that have gone down in the history of Russian show business. Askold Zapashny himself became the owner of the titles “Honored Artist of Russia” (1999) and “People’s Artist of Russia” (2012). For some time now he has been the artistic director of the Great Moscow State Circus. The Zapashny Brothers Circus prepares a variety of performances for spectators, which include performances by tightrope walkers, acrobats, clowns and trapeze artists. However, numbers with trained lions and tigers are the trademark of their enterprise. However, in the show programs of this circus there are also other animals: parrots, dogs and horses.

One of the areas of career development for Askold Zapashny is television. He often stars in popular shows, participates in television competitions and games. Askold starred in the Channel One program “ Ice age– 4”, where he studied figure skating, working in tandem with athlete Maria Petrova.

The artist is an active participant in social and political life Russia, is one of the confidants of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He can often be seen among celebrities signing petitions and appeals to citizens and various politicians in the country.

Personal life

Since 2009, the artist has been married to a woman named Helen. He has two daughters: Eva and Elsa. Zapashny does not like to talk about his personal life; he rarely gives interviews in which he talks about his wife and children. The reason for this state of affairs is the threats from fans that his family periodically receives. Teenage girls in love with the trainer sometimes promise to throw acid on his wife. Askold Zapashny even told reporters about the fact of his marriage after the wedding took place. The couple’s relationship developed rather slowly; at first, the artist was not sure that he had found his soul mate.

At the time of meeting her future husband, Helen was a citizen of Israel and was studying at the University of Minsk to become a doctor. She served in israeli army, tried to work as a model, worked part-time in stores. After the wedding, the artist’s wife began to take care of her family and children.

Askold is one and a half years younger than Edgar, and his daughters were also born with a slight time difference. Eva is a little more than a year older than Elsa. The artist admits that he dreamed that his children would have a small age difference. But he did not try to put pressure on his wife in this matter; Helen herself went towards his dream. He hopes that someday his daughters will continue the dynasty, and is already thinking through acts for the future “Circus of the Zapashny Sisters.” The happy dad himself chose his daughters' names, trying to make them sonorous and beautiful. After all, in the world of show business, such things are of great importance. And Zapashny Jr., like his entire family, has plans to raise and educate the heirs of his circus empire.

Brief information about Askold Zapashny is as follows. He was born on September 27, 1977 in Ukraine, in Kharkov. He is one of the representatives of the famous circus dynasty in the fourth generation, People's Artist of Russia. He performs in the circus as a predator trainer, tightrope walker, juggler, acrobat, and vaulter. Next, Askold Valterovich Zapashny will be discussed in more detail.

Famous family

Starting the story about the biography of Askold Zapashny, one cannot help but mention his famous family spanning four generations. Not only his parents worked in the circus, but also his grandmother, grandfather and great-grandfather. The last one was Carl Thompson. He came from a German family, was an eccentric clown and performed in Russia under the pseudonym Milton.

Then the Zapashny family began to specialize in training wild animals. Walter and Tatyana Zapashny, parents of Askold and his older brother Edgard, were constantly on tour. Edgard was born in Yalta in 1976, and Askold in Kharkov in 1977.

School years

The brothers, despite the year difference in age, studied in the same class. Father dreamed of their circus future. Since the family was constantly traveling around the cities, the boys had to change many schools.

However, this did not give them the right to perform poorly; their father strictly monitored this. Despite being very busy, he always found opportunities to raise his sons.

Start of a career

Askold began his circus biography back in early age. He took part in his first circus act at the age of 10, and his official debut took place at the age of 11. Then the family toured in Riga, where their number “Time Machine” was warmly received by the audience.

When Askold graduated from school in 1991, his family entered into a lucrative contract under which she could perform in China. This made it possible to save animals in the hungry 90s. For the Zapashnys, the Chinese side built a summer circus near the city of Shenzhen, in the Safari Park.


Askold Zapashny, during his stay in China and later, acquired many circus professions. He learned to walk on a tightrope, juggle on the back of a horse, became an excellent vaulting acrobat, and began to train not only large predators, but also monkeys.

In this type of training, the Zapashny brothers reached great heights. At the 1st All-Russian Festival of Circus Arts, held in 1997 in Yaroslavl, they received the first prize - “Golden Three”.

After the Chinese contract was completed, the family returned to Moscow. In 1998, while celebrating his own anniversary, their father, Walter Zapashny, handed over an attraction called “Among the Predators” to his sons.

The brothers went on tour in many countries. Such as China, Monaco, Italy, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Japan, Hungary, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus.

The path to the heights of excellence

Askold Zapashny and his brother Edgard adopted the wisdom of training predators from their father and developed them. For example, Askold was included in the Guinness Book of Records for performing his own trick, which is the longest jump performed on the back of a lion.

In 1999, A. Zapashny became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2012 - People's Artist. And in 2012, he received the position of artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus, where he works to this day, without stopping artistic performances.

Zapashny graduated from GITIS with honors. With his brother, he organized the Zapashny Brothers Circus. He is the director and scriptwriter of many circus shows, including: “Colosseum”, “Camelot”, “Sadko”, “Legend”, “Terrible Force”, “Mistress of the Dead Lake”.

These shows always attract a lot of viewers, who are very enthusiastic about them.

Personal life of Askold Zapashny

For a long time, the famous trainer went to eligible bachelors. Which is no wonder given his prominent appearance, height of 177 cm, fame and wealth. According to his entourage, many beauties were hunting for the artist.

However, at one point they were disappointed, as it became known that Askold had finally found his chosen one. They got married and gave birth to two charming daughters. It should be noted that they were given very sonorous names - Eva and Elsa - in accordance with the traditions of the famous circus family.

Meeting with Helen

Askold Zapashny met her during a tour in Minsk. She is Jewish by nationality and has Israeli citizenship. When they met, Askold was 27 years old. By that time, he had broken up with circus artist Elena Baranenko, with whom he had lived for eight years. civil marriage, never deciding to legitimize it.

Helen's birthplace is Belarus, but while still a child she and her parents left for Israel. The girl came to the circus with Askold’s friend and immediately liked the artist. She was distinguished by her beauty, charm, and ability to conduct a conversation. In addition to the fact that Helen Reichlin was interesting personality, she also intrigued Askold because before the meeting she knew nothing about him and his work. This was new for Zapashny, since he was spoiled by the attention of women, but did not find it here.

Overcoming obstacles

Their meetings lasted three years, which were almost episodic, since the girl could not stop receiving higher education, and the famous trainer could not cancel the tour.

In addition, the opinion of representatives of both families also became an obstacle to the development of relations. Relatives were not enthusiastic about the possible union of young people. The girl’s parents dreamed of a Jewish son-in-law who was a doctor, and the trainer’s family wanted to see him as future wife representative of the circus circle. After all, in their opinion, only such a person could understand and share the artist’s unusual lifestyle.

But true love helped overcome obstacles, and the marriage took place. The daughters born strengthened him. Relatives also radically changed their opinion. So, in one of the interviews, Zapashny’s mother recalled that at first she treated her daughter-in-law rather coldly, but over time she accepted her and fell in love with her. She told her son that even if he and Helen separated, she would remain part of the family.

In 2016, Elsa and Eva performed in the circus for the first time together with People's Artists of the Russian Federation Askold Zapashny and Edgard Zapashny - with their father and uncle.

Accident and operations

In 2010, the Zapashny brothers, when returning to Bryansk to begin rehearsals for a new circus program, had an accident. Their car, having hit the curb and losing two axles, stopped just 10 cm from the tree. Fortunately, none of the brothers were hurt. Askold and Edgard were miraculously saved thanks to their seat belts and deployed airbags.

In 2014, Askold Zapashny suffered three the most complex operations on the spine, which were carried out in Germany. Disorders in the artist’s spine occurred as a result of his performance of acrobatic acts and complex stunts. Later in an interview, he recalled this with a smile, but noted that if he had not gone to the doctors on time, he could have remained disabled for life.

Participation in social and political life

In addition to circus activities and participation in numerous shows, Askold Zapashny takes active participation in the socio-political life of the country. Here are some examples:

  • 2011 - signing of an appeal against pressure on judicial system in connection with the Yukos oil company case.
  • 2012 - confidant of V.V. Putin.
  • 2014 - signing of an appeal supporting the position of the President of the Russian Federation on Crimea and Ukraine.
  • 2016 - confidant of United Russia in the Duma elections and confidant of S.S. Sobyanin, mayor of Moscow.

Edgard Zapashny is known to his fans as a headstrong and unbending person. What other character should a trainer have, and even on whose shoulders lies the responsibility for leading the circus? Strong and self-sufficient, he prefers to enjoy solitude, in which, however, he is never left alone.

Edgard lived with his first serious love, circus performer Elena Petrikova, for 13 years. The fact that the trainer was living with someone in a de facto marriage was known only in his closest circle - about a dozen people. According to rumors, Lena made the decision to separate.

She realized that in her strict Edgard there would always live a boy who was not growing up, who would not allow him to finally admit that he had grown up and was ready to start a family. We parted well. In one of his interviews, Zapashny admitted that he still maintains friendly relations with Lena.


There was a little more information about the next novel. Edgard brought fitness trainer Olga Denisova into the world when it became known that the couple was expecting a child. Romantic story It’s simple: Zapashny met the slender beauty on tour in Voronezh, and a romance began. Later short time the girl moved to Moscow due to professional needs, and in the capital the romance flared up with renewed vigor.

It is known that Zapashny did not want to cohabit with Olga. He says that their characters are not entirely similar, calling the girl jealous and referring to the horoscope: Olga is an Aries, and Aries are very stubborn!


However, the stars did not prevent the lovers from having one child first - little Stesha, who is already trying herself in the circus. Edgard admits that with the birth of his first child, he understood that a little more responsibility appeared in his life, but did not fully realize that he was now a father, the head of the family.

When the baby turned one year old, Zapashny invited his beloved to relax in Venice. The couple spent a wonderful vacation there, and when Olga returned, she realized that she was pregnant again. Edgard says that she was happy: she always wanted to have a family. His job was to support. The lovers had a second daughter, who was named Gloria.

The trainer admits that Gloria inherited him complex character, and you need to look for the key to her, whereas Stesha is flexible and flexible. Of course, both girls bear his last name.

The trainer admits that Gloria has inherited his complex character, and you need to look for the key to her, while Stesha is flexible and flexible. Of course, both girls bear his last name.

In addition, in one of the interviews, he admitted that Olga, since she became pregnant with her first child, stopped working - Zapashny took upon himself to provide for the family. He planned to give Olga and the girls a big gift - to give away his Moscow three-room apartment.


Unfortunately, or fortunately, the beautiful romance between Edgard and Olga ended. As with his first de facto wife, Zapashny continues to have warm, friendly relations with Olga.

When she admitted that she was dating another man, Edgard immediately invited the couple to dinner to get to know each other. After all, his daughters will live with this man. With Olga's new beloved, Zapashny managed to build good relationship, having agreed from the very beginning that for Stesha and Gloria he would only be a friend. Edgard will remain the dad.

Zapashny said more than once that he really wanted a boy and was even almost upset when he found out the gender of his first-born. His colleagues were surprised by his disorder, and one of them admitted that to a strong man You definitely need a daughter - a small, gentle creature who makes brutal heroes soft and kind, helping to relax and feel loved. Now Edgard agrees with these words.


However, his new love- Yaroslavna Demeshko gave him the gift that Edgar dreamed of. She gave him a son, Daniel.

Having started dating Yaroslavna, Zapashny suddenly admitted to the press that now that he was over 40, he felt that he was really ready to enter into a real marriage. He no longer needs lovers, adventures and new relationships. But he really needs a warm family nest where he is welcome.

However, there is no information anywhere about whether the circus artist proposed to Yaroslavna.


After graduating from school, the whole family left for China - in 1991, a difficult year for the country and the circus, the family was offered a lucrative contract for several years, which allowed them to save all their animals from starvation. Especially for the Zapashnys, the Chinese side built a large summer circus in the Safari Park, near the city of Shenzhen.


Personal life

In March 2015, it became known that Edgard Zapashny had been in a relationship for several years with fitness instructor Olga Denisova, whom he met while visiting a gym in Voronezh. During this time, Olga gave birth to Edgard's daughters Stefania (2011) and Gloria (2013).

Before this, for 13 years he was in an unregistered marriage with Honored Circus Artist Elena Petrikova.

After breaking up with Olga Denisova, he began a relationship with a girl named Yaroslavna, who became his common-law wife. They met in 2013 in the company of friends. The romance proceeded very stormily - at first the lovers spent a lot of time together, and then moved in together. Yaroslavna got a job at the Zapashny Brothers Circus as an administrator. On August 28, 2017, the couple had a son, Daniel.

Awards and achievements

  • 1997 - Winner of the Golden Troika circus arts festival in Yaroslavl;
  • 07/30/1999 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation - for services to art ;
  • 1999 - title of “Artist of the Year” from the Union of Circus Workers;
  • 2001 - Winner of the Moscow Government Prize;
  • 2002 - Laureate of the national award "Circus";
  • 2005 - Laureate of the International Circus Artists Competition in Saratov, main prize “Golden Troika”. A special prize for high achievements in circus art was awarded with International Prizes from the Chinese Association of Circus Arts - the Golden Lion award.
  • 2006 - Together with his brother, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest leap of a lion with a man on his back.
  • 2007 - winner of the boxing show among the stars “King of the Ring”.
  • 2007 - Laureate of the International Circus Art Festival-Competition in Izhevsk. - Main award “Golden Bear”.
  • 2008 - Honorary title “People’s Artist of Udmurtia.”
  • 2011 - Winner of the International Circus Art Festival-Competition in Moscow. Special prize from the Mongolian State Circus and from the Great Circus Mundial (Spain). He also has public awards from the governor of the Kemerovo region, the governor of the Bryansk region and the governor of the Novosibirsk region.
  • 2011 - Inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records for the second time for the record stunt “The highest column of 3 people on a running pair of horses.”
  • 2012 - Laureate of the International Festival-Competition of Circus Arts in Izhevsk and for the second time the Golden Bear award for the performance of the equestrian act “Hellas”.
  • 03/21/2012 - Honorary title “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation” - for great achievements in the field of circus art.
  • On August 31, 2012, the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, awarded Edgard and Askold Zapashny the highest award of the Kemerovo region - the Order of the Key of Friendship, for high professionalism, dedication and fidelity to their work. And their mother, Tatyana Vasilievna Zapashnaya, received the “Maternal Valor” medal.
  • On November 20, 2012, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation appointed him to the position of director of the Great Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Avenue.
  • since 2013 - Producer and presenter of the International Circus Festival in Moscow “IDOL”.
  • 2014 - Torchbearers at the Olympic torch relay.
  • 2014 - Awarded a commemorative medal and a letter of gratitude from Dmitry Medvedev “For his great contribution to the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.”
  • January 20, 2015 - Awarded a letter of gratitude from V. Kolokoltsev, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, “For active work in preparing and implementing a set of measures in 2014 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to war trauma."
  • 2016 - Awarded a certificate of honor from V. Kolokoltsev, Minister of Internal Affairs, “For active work in preparing and carrying out a set of events in 2015 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to military trauma. »
  • 2017 - Princess of Monaco, Stephanie, presented the prize “For services to the development of the Russian Circus”.
  • 2017 - Silver Clown Award at the 41st International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The brothers expressed disagreement with the results of the jury's vote.
  • 2018 - According to the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 2018 was declared the Year of the Volunteer. Edgard Zapashny, together with his brother Askold Zapashny, became his ambassadors.
  • 10/05/2018 - For assistance and provision of practical assistance in the preparation and implementation of a set of events aimed at social support of family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to military trauma, he was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “For Assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs " The award was presented by the First Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Lieutenant General of Police Andrey Petrovich Larionov.


Together with his brother, he created the “Zapashny Brothers Circus”, as well as many circus shows, including (“Colosseum” (2007), “Camelot” (2008), “Sadko” (2009), “Camelot-2: Deputy of the Gods” (2010 ), “Legend” (2011), “K.U.K.L.A.” (2012), “Terrible Force” (2013) and others).

  • 2008 - Together with his brother and Anastasia Takki, author of the book “Intrigue”.
  • 2008 - Together with his brother, author of the book “How We Train Dogs.”
  • 2009 - Together with his brother, author of the book “Camelot. Fragments of Legends."
  • 2011 - Author of the children's book “My Tiger Friends.”

Participation in television projects

  • "City of Temptations" - Vlad, Masha Svetlova's boyfriend, husband
  • 2007 - Channel One TV show “King of the Ring.” He became the winner, having won 6 victories out of 7 possible in intermediate battles. Won the final fight with Evgeny Dyatlov on points (with a minimal advantage)
  • Sports and entertainment show “Big Races” - participant together with Askold Zapashny.
  • Guest of the humorous show “Comedy Woman”, episode 32
  • Clip of the group “Kipelov” (song “Babylon”,)
  • Video of singer Vinky (song “Stupid trick”)
  • Episode in the comedy television series “Interns” (2010, episode 33).
  • Episode in the sitcom “Daddy's Daughters” - Kazimir Topazov, trainer from the circus (2011, episode 365)
  • Episode in the TV series “Real Boys” (2011, season 3).
  • Video of singer Eva (song “Don’t be silent”, 2011)
  • TV show “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” 2012 - guest star in the competition “STEM with a Star” of the KVN team of Pyatigorsk “City of Pyatigorsk”.
  • TV show “Cube” 2013 - passed 6 out of 7 tests, winnings amounted to 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Clip of the group “Disco Crash” “Doll”.
  • In 2011, Zapashny starred in Yuli Gusman’s film “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you!” 1919" in the role of student San Sanych (played by Lev Durov).
  • HB - cameo
  • Episode in the television series "Family Business".
  • Program “Big Question” (participant, aired November 16, 2014)
  • In one of the episodes of the program “Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers,” Edgard appeared as an illusionist (broadcast on February 28, 2015).
  • Since 2014 - author of the idea, host and general producer of the program “Circus Legends with Edgard Zapashny” on the Zvezda TV channel.
  • 2016 - author of the idea for the film “Margarita Nazarova”. He also played one of the supporting roles in the film. The Zapashny Brothers Circus participated in staging scenes with tigers in the series

Social and political activities

In 2011, together with his brother Askold, he signed an Appeal from members of the public against informational erosion of trust in the judicial system of the Russian Federation, which condemned the pressure on the judicial system against the backdrop of the second trial in the case of the leaders of the Yukos Oil Company.

On February 6, 2012, he was officially registered as a proxy of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation and now the current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

In September 2016, like his brother, he became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation and a confidant of the mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin.

Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of Russia.

On November 20, 2018, Edgard Valterovich, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia, was included in the new composition of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art.

Height 189 cm, weight 95 kg.

While performing in China, Edgard and Askold decided to go blonde to differentiate themselves from the Chinese during their daily performances.

For entertainment, he prefers billiards and bowling. .



  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1999 No. 940 “On conferring the honorary title “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation”” Archived copy dated March 28, 2014 on the Wayback Machine