Yesenia is a diminutive. Famous personalities bearing the name Yesenia

The origin of the name Yesenia has several versions. Among the Slavs, it is assumed that it could be formed from the male counterpart Yeseniy. And also its basis cannot be excluded from the word “autumn, autumn.” After playing a little with rearranging the letters, we got such a beautiful feminine name. It was believed that the name Yesenia was given to a girl born in autumn period. Further, a completely opposite option is considered, where Yesenia is referred to as “spring”.

There is also a variation of the formation of the name Yesenia from the surname of the famous poet Sergei Yesenin. The name also has Greek roots, according to which it is interpreted as “a foreigner who came to stay.” There is also an Arabic version of education, the meaning of the name Yesenia is interpreted as “beautiful, good”, and it is based on the reincarnation from male name Hassan. On the territory of the village. In the Soviet space, the name became widespread in 1975, when a film of the same name “Yesenia” was released.

What the name Yesenia means for a little girl is that she stands out sharply from the bulk of children. At the same time, our heroine does not scream, does not play mischief, does not have fun, but simply observes the games of other children from the sidelines. In the process of such contemplation, Yesenia stands detached, and her thoughts are occupied with something completely different.

Little dreamer often dreams, her dreams are quite lofty and practically unrealizable. The growing up of a girl with the name Yesenia happens quickly and it happens not because of her transformation into a woman, but because our heroine is inquisitive and not childishly sensible and smart.

The wisdom of her judgment sometimes surprises not only parents, but also teachers. The girl knows how to make friends, her peers are drawn to her. Over time, she becomes a leader both in the class and in the company.

Such circumstances in no way affect the academic performance of the bearer of the name Yesenia. But with her knowledge and skills she gives impetus to other friends to study. In addition to school, the girl attends various sections and clubs.

You can rely on Yesenia, she will always come to the rescue. There is also a small minus in the girl’s characterization, this is the quick forgiveness of insults to her offenders. But at the same time, Yesenia does not feel disadvantaged in any way, because she is practical and a little nosy.

Full description of the name

The internal state of the name Yesenia is calm. She will not be hysterical and cry, be it a trifle or a more significant problem. Balance and endurance do not leave our heroine, under any circumstances. You rarely meet people who perceive even negative information so calmly and calmly.

Our heroine has plenty of intelligence and talent, and she not only uses them, but also constantly develops and improves them.

  • In all kinds of situations, Yesenia’s reason prevails over impulse and feelings.
  • Before implementing anything, she will weigh the pros and cons.
  • A girl named Yesenia is reliable and responsible, you can always rely on her.
  • In disputes, she always tries to find a compromise; wisdom and calmness help her in this. Such characteristics accompany Yesenia throughout her life.
  • After the first minutes of meeting our heroine, the interlocutor begins to feel the warmth emanating from Yesenia.
  • She is friendly and kind, smiling even at people who are unpleasant to her. This behavior is not at all the result of our heroine trying to present herself and embellish herself, this is her natural state of mind.

Yesenia can be called good psychologist. Her powers of observation and intuition allow her to highlight the shortcomings and subtleties of people. Based on them, she draws a conclusion and, based on it, looks for an approach to everyone. There is also uncertainty in Yesenia’s characterization, but this happens extremely rarely.

Our heroine is a selective person in relation to her friends. She has many female acquaintances, the girl gets along well with them, but she will only allow one in her heart.

The long-term choice of her friend is justified; our heroine acquires a sincere person with whom she can share both sorrow and joy.

Professional affiliation and career

More from school years a girl named Yesenia begins to understand the importance of a good education, so she begins to strive for it from school. Her desire in life is independence. It is she who pushes our heroine to start earning money while still studying.

By the end of the university, Yesenia completely supports herself, thereby removing the burden from her parents' shoulders. Our heroine begins to move smoothly, step by step. career ladder, experiencing all the pros and cons of workers at different levels.

Yesenia Butorina (young gymnast showing great promise)

  • Our heroine occupies a leadership position in at a young age. Management begins by freeing their subordinates from unnecessary responsibilities and adding necessary elements to the process itself.
  • The gentleness in the character of the named Yesenia does not at all interfere with managing and organizing, but on the contrary, brings her closer to the team.
  • Restraint and leisurely decision-making leads to the fact that everything produced under the signature of our heroine becomes successful and brings profit.
  • The presence of intelligence, supported by education, will bring a girl named Yesenia success in any professional field.
  • She will make an excellent entrepreneur; all projects started by Yesenia are doomed to success.
  • Medicine and education are also her path. In them she will show her professionalism and leadership qualities.
  • Yesenia also successfully organizes holidays and celebrations. In them she will be able to express herself and introduce new elements into the style.
  • If he has talent, he can become a dancer or choreography teacher.

Love and family relationships

The meaning of the name Yesenia is revealed by the seasons, spring and autumn. This is how our heroine is characterized, warm, but at the same time cold-blooded. Early marriage is unacceptable for her. Only after financial situation will be on top, Yesenia will think about marriage.

Early independence prevents a girl from adapting and getting used to her chosen one. At the same time, she will never sit at home and live at the expense of her husband. Financial independence remains important to him. The name Yesenia suggests order in everything, this also applies to the home. Her apartment is always clean and tidy.

Our heroine is an excellent housewife, wife and mother.

After the adjustment with her husband occurs and the storm subsides, fate will give the woman named Yesenia a happy family life. But she will never give up on her only and faithful friend, and will continue to maintain a close relationship with her.

The meaning of the name Yesenia: This girl's name means "clear sky."

Origin of the name Yesenia: Old Slavonic.

Diminutive form of name: Enya, Yesya, Yesenka, Senya, Senia, Yesi.

What does the name Yesenia mean? Yesenia's name has several possible origins. One version suggests that the Slavs previously had a male analogue - Yesenya. IN explanatory dictionary V.I. Dahl also has information according to which “esen” is translated as “autumn”, and therefore, quite possibly, corresponds to a child who was born in the autumn period. Another version of the origin of the name completely contradicts the previous one. The name could have come from the Slavic word “Spring”, when the born girl was affectionately called “spring”.

Interestingly, there is even a version according to which the name Yesenia was invented during the NEP years in Russia. And it was formed from the name of Sergei Yesenin, a famous poet.

Historians also talk about the Greek origin of the name, which translates as “distant wanderer”, “guest”. The history of the formation of the word can be found as an analogue of the male version of “Hasan” - in translation it means “beautiful”, “good”. It must be said that in 1975 the film “Yesenia” was released, after which given name has gained great popularity.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Yesenia does not mark a name day.

Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius

Characteristics of the name Yesenia

Positive features: The meaning can be determined through numerology. So, Yesenia’s patron is the number 8, which “helps” the girl to conduct big business and get big money.

Negative features: For Yesya, the material issue is very important. Moreover, she even chooses her friends taking this fact into account. But at the same time, she cannot be called insensitive and mercantile. A girl with this name is always ready to help a person in trouble. She Yesenia is able to forgive mistakes and even betrayal. But at the same time, she herself is resourceful and practical.

Character of the name Yesenia: She Yesenia loves animals, and therefore often strives to have a cat or a dog. However, she tries to shift the care of the pet onto the shoulders of other family members.

She is careful in friendship. The girl chooses her friend for a long time and carefully. However, if she finds her, then even if she is married, she will always communicate and support good relationship with a friend.

Yesenia and her personal life

Love and marriage: As a rule, Yesya enters into an early marriage because she strives for independence from her parents. By the way, she is usually happy with her husband. Has for her special meaning family. A woman named Yesenia leaves her job and devotes herself to her children and husband. At the same time, a man should know that Yesya is touchy and is easily hurt by words.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Attaches great importance to career. Such people, as a rule, having achieved success in one thing, take on the next. But it is very important not to dissipate your attention on trifles - if Yesenia occupies leadership position, you should delegate minor tasks to your subordinates and concentrate on global issues. Both character and willpower come into play here. A girl with this name helps you to boldly try your hand at politics, business and other similar fields.

Business and career: She Yesenia is always looking forward and achieving her goals. Obstacles and obstacles always inspire and motivate Yesenia. A woman named Yesenia is able to captivate other people with an idea and lead them with her - she has well-developed administrative abilities.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Yesenia: Much in Yesya’s character depends on the day of her birth. For example, “winter” ones are more irritable and hot-tempered, while “summer” ones with the same name are fragile, timid, and prone to depression.

The fate of Yesenia in history

What does the name Yesenia mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Yesenia Volzhankina is a Latvian track and field athlete.
  2. Yesenia Butorina is a young Russian gymnast.
  3. That was the name of the gypsy woman, the main character of the Mexican melodrama film of the same name.

The meaning of the name Yesenia does not have an unambiguous interpretation. Yesenia is translated from Arabic as “jasmine flower”, from Greek – “foreigner”.

Origin of the name

According to one opinion, the name Yesenia comes from Arabic, others believe that this name is Greek, others believe that it is Spanish. Some believe that the meaning of the name Yesenia is connected with the surname of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, others think that it is Russian name, derived from the word “autumn”.

Characteristics of the name

Yesenia – enough rare name, which was once popular in ancient Rus'. When pronouncing the name Yesenia, associations arise associated with something warm and tender. However, Yesenia’s character is distinguished by waywardness and obstinacy.


Yesenia is growing up as a sweet, sociable and independent girl who has many friends. From the very early age she easily makes new acquaintances. In children's games, Yesenia was always the leader and leader. From an early age he respects honesty and justice in everything.

A girl named Yesenia is a good student, but she is rarely an excellent student.


With age, Yesenia changes little. Almost always she grows up to be an independent person who does not expect or accept help from anyone. She herself helps her parents and relatives a lot. For this reason, she gets married quite late, only when she gets firmly on her feet. But this does not prevent her from becoming a good mother and housewife.

Possesses natural charm, communication skills, power of persuasion. She easily charms her interlocutor of any gender. Yesenia gets along well with people, is friendly and absolutely non-confrontational.

Yesenia is quite lucky in life, she is always lucky. But to achieve results, she herself puts in a lot of effort, without relying on luck. She is in good health, watches her diet, and plays sports. Owners of this name are predisposed to diabetes.


She is practical in her work and makes informed and balanced decisions. Any of her decisions are carefully thought out and she rarely changes them. Yesenia often reaches the top in her career, becoming a good entrepreneur, teacher, doctor, architect, designer or event organizer. Yesenia is a leader with a strong-willed character, organizational skills and resistance to stress.

Name compatibility

Most of all, the name Yesenia is suitable for a girl born under the sign of Taurus or Virgo.

For Yesenia, suitable patronymics are Arkadyevna, Adolfovna, Pavlovna, Viktorovna, Dmitrievna, Igorevna.

Good compatibility with male names Andrey, Victor, Pavel, Philip. May not stack up well family relationships cArkady, Dmitry and Igor.

Name day

Yesenia’s name is not in the church calendar or calendar, so she does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people

The name Yesenia was glorified by the athlete Yesenia Volzhankina, the actress Yesenia Adame, and the actress Yesenia Medina.

What does the name Yesenia mean? clear sky, clear (the name Yesenia is of Slavic origin).

The name Yesenia has several origins. One version suggests that the Slavs previously had a male analogue of this name - Yesenya. It is quite possible that it was formed from him female name Yesenia. In the explanatory dictionary V.I. Dahl also has information according to which “even” is translated as “autumn,” and therefore it is quite possible that the meaning of the name Yesenia corresponds to the name of a child who was born in the autumn period.

Another version of the origin of the name Yesenia completely contradicts the previous one. So, Yesenia is a name that could come from the Slavic word “Spring”, when the born girl was affectionately called “spring”.

Interestingly, there is even a version according to which the name Yesenia was invented during the NEP years in Russia. And it was formed from the name of Sergei Yesenin, a famous poet.

Historians also talk about the Greek origin of the name Yesenia, which is translated as “distant wanderer”, “guest”. The history of the formation of the name may be found as an analogue of the male version of “Hasan” - translated this means “beautiful”, “good”.

It must be said that in 1975 the film “Yesenia” was released, after which this name gained great popularity.

Short meaning of the name Yesenia: Enya, Yesya, Yesenka, Senya, Senia, Yesi.

Angel Yesenia Day: The name Yesenia does not mark a name day:

Zodiac named after Yesenia: Capricorn, Aquarius

Character of the name Yesenia: What does the name Yesenia mean? The meaning of the name Yesenia can be determined through numerology. So, the patron of the owner of this name is the number 8, which “helps” Yesenia conduct big business and receive big money. Such people, as a rule, having achieved success in one thing, take on the next. But it is very important not to dissipate your attention on trifles - if the name Yesenia occupies a leadership position, it is worth transferring minor assignments to your subordinates and concentrating on global issues. As a rule, the name Yesenia always strives forward and achieves her goals. Both character and willpower come into play here. Obstacles and obstacles always inspire and motivate Yesenia. She is able to captivate other people with an idea and lead them with her - she has well-developed administrative abilities. Therefore, the meaning of the name can safely try its hand at politics, business and other similar areas.

For the name Yesenia, the material issue is very important. Moreover, she even chooses her friends taking this fact into account. But at the same time, she cannot be called insensitive and mercantile. For example, the name Yesenia is always ready to help a person in trouble. She is able to forgive mistakes and even betrayal. But at the same time, she herself is resourceful and practical.

Yesenia loves animals, and therefore often strives to have a cat or dog. However, she tries to shift the care of the pet onto the shoulders of other family members.

Much in Yesenia’s character depends on the day of her birth. For example, “winter” owners of this name are more irritable and hot-tempered, while “summer” ones are fragile, timid, and diligent.

As a rule, the name Yesenia enters into early marriage because she strives for independence from her parents. By the way, she is usually happy with her husband. Yesenia often leaves work and devotes herself to her family. At the same time, a man should know that Yesenia is touchy and is easily hurt by words.

Yesenia is careful in friendship. A girl named Yesenia takes a long time and carefully chooses her friend. However, if she finds her, then even if she is married, she will always communicate and maintain a good relationship with her friend.

The fate of the name Yesenia in history:

  1. Yesenia Volzhankina is a Latvian track and field athlete.
  2. Yesenia Butorina is a young Russian gymnast.
  3. Yesenia is a gypsy main character Mexican melodrama film of the same name.

What does the name Yesenia mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Sociable Kind Friendly

Yesenia Butorina, Russian gymnast

  • Name meaning
  • Impact on the child

Origin of the name: Slavic

When you're lucky: Wednesday

When there are problems: Monday

Important years of life: 20.34

Zodiac sign: Virgo

lucky number: 8

What does the name Yesenia mean?

The name Yesenia creates an impression of joy, freshness and newness. This word is easy to hear and evokes pleasant emotions. The meaning of the name Yesenia, at first glance, seems unclear, but if you look at it, it does not cause any confusion.

There is an assumption that fans and lovers of Russian poetry at the beginning of the 20th century gave this name to their daughters in honor of the great poet Sergei Yesenin.

Russian population of the entire former Soviet Union turned to this name after the appearance in 1975 of the melodrama of the same name by Alfred B. Crevenny. “Yesenia” is a telenovela that broke all records for the number of views and even surpassed such hits as “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” and “Pirates of the 20th Century.”

If you choose this name for your daughter, you will ensure that she will be a kind, sympathetic and purposeful person. And the diminutive forms of the name sound very pleasant: Enya, Yesya, Yesenka, Senya, Senia, Yesi.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

What the name Yesenia means is not so easy to understand for a reason large quantity variants of its origin. Everyone has the right to choose the version they like, but none of them can be called uninteresting.

So, the first and most common. It is believed that the name originated from the Slavic masculine form Yeseniy. The great researcher of the Russian language V.I. Dahl, in his explanatory dictionary, interprets the word “autumn” as “autumn.” From this it follows that Yesenia is the name of a girl born in the fall.

The second meaning is the complete opposite of the first. There are suggestions that it came from Slavic name Spring, later the girls began to be called “spring”, and even later – Yesenia.

The third version is the Greek origin of the name Yesenia. Supporters of this hypothesis are inclined to believe that in translation from Greek it means “distant”, “stranger” and in this case is interpreted in the same way as the name Ksenia.

And finally, the fourth is Arabic. There is an opinion that Yesenia is female uniform the male equivalent is Hasan, which linguists translate as "good" and "handsome".

Forms of the name Simple: SenyaFull: YeseniaAncient: YeseniaTender: Yesenka

The main characteristics of Yesenia can be determined by the number 8, which patronizes her and assists her in major matters and running a business. People influenced by this number never stop there. Having achieved good results in one task, they immediately take on a new one.

The biggest challenge is not to get bogged down in the little things. If Yesenia manages to take a leadership position, she should learn to give instructions to subordinates and deal with the most important problems herself.

The secret of the name Yesenia is that he is a very purposeful person. For her, the main task in life is to achieve her goals. Willpower and persistent character are her constant helpers.

The description of Yesenia depends on the time of year in which she was born. “Winter” owners of this name will have a tendency to irritability, nervousness and hot temper. “Summer” ones will surprise everyone with their timidity, diligence and fragility.

Taurus and Virgo are the zodiac signs that are most suitable for Yesenia. She will be patronized by the planet Mercury, stones: agate and emerald. Animal mascots will be: a lark and a monkey. Her clothes should be dominated by variegated colors of different shades. Luck will be with Yesenia on Wednesday.

The material issue plays a big role in Yesenia’s life. Even the choice of friends does not take place without taking this factor into account. However, this is far from a soulless and insensitive person. She will never refuse help, you don’t even need to ask her. No matter how difficult it is, she has the power to forgive mistakes and miscalculations.

Another characteristic of the name Yesenia is that she is a woman for whom friendship plays a big role in life. She will spend a lot of time finding a friend she can completely trust. But if she meets someone like that, nothing will force her to break off relations with her.

Yesenia is a very friendly and open woman. She never seems to stop smiling. Even if a girl dislikes someone, she will never show it in her behavior.

She displays an incredible craving for all kinds of rituals. Yesenia is very devout, regularly attends church, gives alms, and gets great pleasure from attending weddings and christenings. But it is possible that she will try to do everything possible to hide these hobbies.

Yesenia is not devoid of observation skills. The girl has well-developed intuition and can easily recognize a person’s character, which will help her establish the communication process. But there are situations when she loses confidence in her abilities.

Character Traits Kindness Responsiveness Reliability Sociability Loyalty Touchiness Shyness Capriciousness Nervousness Uncertainty

Yesenia’s independence and self-sufficiency is also reflected in family life. The thought of financial or moral dependence on her parents and husband is simply hateful to her. Before she gets married she will get good education and take at least the first steps in his career.

Good and bad couples Arkady Gennady Veniamin Vsevolod Eduard Vitaly Vladimir Ivan Kirill Yuri

“Beautiful” is what the name Yesenia means, according to the Arabic version. Therefore, she will, without hesitation, give all her not only external, but also spiritual beauty to her chosen one, becoming a loving and faithful wife.

Respect and trust are the foundation on which her family will be built.

At the same time, Yesenia will not give up the role of leader. The husband should still remember that she is very vulnerable and can easily be offended by words.

The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl

The meaning of the name Yesenia is ambiguous. Some researchers believe that it is of Arabic origin and is translated into Russian as a jasmine flower. Others believe that its homeland is Spain, where a plant with that name can be found. Still others believe it is a Greek word that means “foreigner.”

This name is wonderful suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Taurus. Once under its influence, the girl’s character will remain virtually unchanged. She will become a reliable, strong-standing, practical woman who values ​​comfort and coziness.

If you choose this name for your baby, few will be able to resist this little one's smile. In her appearance, she will be very similar to her mother, and it will be very easy for her to find mutual understanding.

Process of adaptation to kindergarten Yesenia’s treatment goes quickly and painlessly. She loves communicating with peers and will not mind participating in joint games. If he sees that someone is being offended, he will always come to his defense.

Yesenia usually has good health, but there is a predisposition to diabetes mellitus Therefore, it is recommended to conduct regular examinations.

What will Yesenia achieve success in? Yesenia will make wide use of her natural abilities in professional activities. Sociability, the ability to persuade, a tendency to think carefully - these are the qualities that will help her achieve success. The professions of a doctor, teacher, event organizer, and entrepreneur will be ideal for your girl.

Your diligent and diligent child will be an excellent student in school. Moreover, neither you nor she will need to make any extra efforts. She will not refuse to perform at a concert, will play in a school play, or dance in an ensemble. In a word, the girl will be an indispensable assistant to her classmates and teachers.

Don't deceive your daughter. The concepts of honesty and fairness are very important to your girl.

Her independence will only grow over the years. Growing up, she will not only cope with all the problems herself, but will also lend a helping hand to her parents, brothers and sisters.

What games will Yesenia like? Yesenia, a lover of communication, however, will not get bored alone. She will find something she likes. In group games, your child will like the leadership position. She won't mind having a cat or dog in the house, but the process of caring for them won't cause much interest.

When is the name day?

Yesenia’s name day is not celebrated, since this name is not on the church calendars. © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Yesenia: the meaning of the name and character

In the new century, girls are named after models, actresses or literary heroes. Fashion for simple names It goes by very quickly, and in order to distinguish their child from Nastya, Katya and Mash, parents are looking for original options for their favorite. By naming the girl Yesenia, you will certainly be able to create a happy future for her.

A person’s name – is it really that important?

Ancient people named a newborn child consciously. They believed that the name influenced his fate, so they tried to endow him with certain character traits from the first days of his life. Often children were named after animals, gods or natural phenomena. Today, astrologers study names and their influence on personality. They found that the combination of vowels and consonants has a direct impact on a person’s fate and character, so parents name their children euphoniously, for example, Maximilian, Dementy, Ulyana, Christina, Yesenia.

The meaning of the name is very important: they say that a person hears the name about one and a half million times in his entire life! Parents should name their child consciously so that his fate turns out happily.

Name Yesenia: origin and meaning for a girl

There are several points of view on the origin of the name. Some believe that girls began to be called this in honor of the great Russian poet of the Silver Age, who worked at the beginning of the twentieth century, Sergei Yesenin. The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl growing up in Russia is very great: it would seem that there is no doubt about its Slavic origin. However, the researchers found reverse side this statement. In their opinion, Yesenia is a modified form Arabic name Hasan, which means "beautiful". Parents name the girl based on these two versions of origin, but do not forget that her behavior will also depend on the season in which she was born.

Yesenia: the meaning of the name, the character of its owner

Even before the birth of a child, parents think about what to name their child so that good luck accompanies him all his life. Astrologers compose horoscopes and predictions in order to make this task easier for inexperienced mothers and fathers. Girls named Yesenia, as a rule, grow up to be very kind and sympathetic. Good observation and intuition allows them to understand people. The meaning of the name Yesenia for a child is great: by calling your daughter this way, you will raise yourself a real assistant, a smart girl and an excellent student who will surprise you with her wise thoughts and unconventional outlook on life. By adulthood, a girl begins to look for a partner for whom she will be an honest and faithful wife.

There are situations when Yesenia does not show the best character traits. Sometimes she loses confidence in her abilities and takes a long time to concentrate. Yesenia can be capricious and nervous when something or someone starts to interfere with her in achieving her goal. She is very touchy and can easily harbor a grudge against her husband, especially when he says rude words to her.

Autumn and winter Yesenia

In the explanatory dictionary of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, published in the nineteenth century, you can find many dialects, archaisms and historicisms. For example, the noun "esen" in modern language began to sound like “autumn,” so girls born in September, October or November were called Yesenia. The meaning of the name is also very important for children born in winter: according to observations, winter Yesenias are very hot-tempered and rude. They love to take part in debates and everyday disputes, interrupting others, but often cannot express their own point of view. Despite this, the girl grows up to be a very religious person, goes to church and helps the poor, but tries not to show it. She is kind to others and often gives out alms. In general, she is a fragile, gentle, beautiful and energetic girl who can be calculating and obstinate.

Spring and summer Yesenia

The character of a child directly depends on the time of year when he was born. Usually the name Yesenia is given to girls born from the twentieth of April to mid-May, who correspond to the zodiac sign Taurus. Translated, it means "spring". It is believed that the name is perfect for beauties with the Virgo zodiac sign. Summer girls very fragile, dreamy, diligent, so this is why they differ from born in winter. They are very stylish, take care of themselves and prefer colorful colors in their clothes. Yesenia usually does not celebrate her name day: the meaning of the name (church) is absent in Orthodox traditions. However, this does not stop mothers from calling their daughters this way.

Yesenia in childhood

Girls named by this name will amaze their parents with their mental abilities and rapid development. Yesenia is very independent, but home girl, for whom family is her greatest treasure. As a child, she differs from her peers in that she prefers to observe their play process without directly participating in it. The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl is important: in adolescence she often becomes a leader and is a role model for both her peers and older children. She enjoys studying in the creative studio and at the same time manages to study well. Having grown up, Yesenia continues to keep her dolls in memory of happy childhood. Say nice words to your daughter and don't skimp on praise. She loves when they affectionately call her Enya, Enka, Yesya, Yesenka, Enechka, Yesyusha.

Career comes first

A thirst for knowledge is what distinguishes Yesenia from her peers since school. The hardest working girls graduate educational institution with a gold medal, the less diligent ones are among the good ones.

If you want to give your daughter the name Yesenia, find out its origin and meaning in advance, because by naming her that way, you are obviously imbuing her with certain abilities. Women most often become psychologists or teachers, and sometimes choose a creative field of activity. In the future, they may become artists or writers, since society will be attracted by the internal energy of the owners of this rare name. In a promising position, they quickly achieve heights and win over their superiors and colleagues. Yesenias believe that first of all they need to establish themselves in life. They take a leadership position early and work hard, and then they start thinking about family, so they get married late.

Choosing a life partner

Yesenia is a purposeful woman who, since childhood, has been distinguished by her desire to obtain good knowledge, therefore she prefers to get married after graduating from university. Representatives of the fair sex with such an unusual name are not looking for simple partners. Such is the clever and beautiful Yesenia.

The meaning of this woman's husband's name is extremely important to her. She will choose her life partners among the Edwards, Vsevolods, Veniamins. She will also pay attention to unusual Russian names that were common in the Soviet Union: these are Arkady, Gennady. Yesenia is a very beautiful and faithful woman, for whom love and trust in the family are above all. However, she will make a bad match for men with the names Kirill, Ivan, Vladimir, Yuri, Vitaly.

What will bring happiness to Yesenia

Astrologers believe that girls named by this name are protected by the planet Mercury. From precious stones They are advised to pay attention to emerald and agate: jewelry made from them will give energy and lift their spirits. Animal mascots for Yesenia are a monkey and a lark. Joyful events and pleasant surprises will occur in the middle of the week, namely on Wednesday. Monday is the hardest day on which it is better not to deal with complex issues.

The sacred number 8 is important for many people, and Yesenia should pay special attention to this number. The meaning of the name certainly plays an important role for its owner, but girls should attract good luck on their own. Astrologers are sure that Yesenia is protected by the number 8 in the conduct of large affairs and business.

Famous personalities named by this name

Girls began to be called Yesenia after the release of the film of the same name in 1975. The melodrama about a gypsy, played by Jacqueline Andere, shocked Soviet viewers. The female name Yesenia, the meaning of which is known to few of us, is especially suitable bright personalities. As a rule, its owners are successful in show business. For example, Yesenia Butorina is the young pride of Russia, a professional gymnast from Murmansk; Yesenia Volzhankina is an athlete from Latvia. If you call your daughter this name, perhaps she will find her calling in musical world. Singer Yesenia, who appeared on Russian stage several years ago, she amazed fans not only with her unusual hoarse voice and chanson-style compositions, but also with her stage name.

The meaning of the male name Yeseniy

This is the name given to boys who are of predominantly Slavic origin. The lucky number is 4, which will bring him success in his career, especially if Yeseniy prefers the field of science and technology. The meaning of a name (masculine) is usually of little interest to its owners, since men to a greater extent skeptics and do not believe predictions. But parents who want to arrange a happy destiny for their child should definitely pay attention to all the details. The boy Yeseniy has been very independent since childhood, so he mature age he does not get lost in emergency situations and is not afraid of difficulties. Thanks to his unusual name he will be able to achieve success in show business and will attract the attention of women.

Yesenia: the meaning of the name, the role of the name in fate

The origins of the name go back to the distant past. Some sources claim that the meaning of the name Yesenia comes from the Arabic Yasmin, which means “beautiful.” Others say that the word Yesenia (the meaning of the name) originates from the ancient Greek language, and in translated it sounds like “stranger”. The secret of a name determines character, habits, family life and even future profession person. Yesenias are beautiful, but no one even pays close attention to their appearance, since these people have strong energy.


What is the character of the girl called Yesenia? The meaning of this rare name determined such traits in her character as smiling, affable, and to some extent kind-hearted. She will always try to come to the aid of anyone, even a stranger, and will provide him with support. You can always rely on her; she is a responsible employee at work. Often such people reach the top of the career ladder and become good leaders. A leader with clearly expressed strong-willed qualities, organizational skills, and resistance to stress is Yesenia. The meaning of the name obliges these people to clearly think through the situation and their actions, which is why they become the leaders of the team.

Family life

The same qualities of a leader are manifested in family life. However, this is caring and loving wife with a vulnerable soul. Being open by nature, she cannot stand rudeness from her husband, this upsets her and greatly offends her. Yesenia, the meaning of the name clearly speaks of this, is independent in all manifestations. He does not strive for early marriage, prefers to graduate from college, start working and earning money, and only then start a family, and tries to live separately from his parents. Since Yesenia is a good housewife, there is comfort and order in the house, she is a skilled cook, clean, although she likes to sleep for a long time. However, she is happy in marriage if her betrothed understands that she will not change and will always remain the way he loved her.

Are there any flaws in the character of the girl named Yesenia? The meaning of a name determines not only positive traits character, but also predetermines negative ones. Representatives of this rare name have a hot temper. This creates difficulties in communicating with work colleagues and loved ones. Also, self-esteem, opinion about oneself and one’s professional qualities, although perhaps it is precisely this self-confidence that leads Yesenia to the heights of her career.

Diminutive forms: Senya, Senia, Yesenka, Yesya, Enya, Yesi.

Variations on the name: Essenia, Hessenia, Hesenia, Spring.

Patron planet: Mercury.

Zodiac sign: Gemini and Virgo.

Day: Wednesday.

Stone: agate, emerald, sapphire, topaz.

The day of the angel is not listed in the calendar.

Patron animal: fox.

Amulet plant: parsley

Famous people with the rare name Yesenia

  • Yesenia (the main character of the famous Mexican melodrama, a gypsy);
  • Yesenia Volzhankina - Latvian track and field athlete;
  • Yesenia Adame, who played roles in the films Angels and Demons, Dear Doctor, CSI: Miami (TV series);
  • actress Yesenia Medina.

What does the name mean? Yesenia name what does it mean?


The meaning of the name Yesenia is “healthy, warm-hearted, distant foreigner”
Variants of the name Yesenia: Yesenia, Senia - Affectionate address for Yesenia: Yesya, Yesenka, Enya, Senya, Senyushka, Senechka, Yesenyushka, Yesenechka

Characteristics of the name Yesenia

Yesenia is like a breeze, a light breeze, a fluff carried by marshmallows (a light western warm wind). She is athletic and agile, but at the same time fragile and light. She cannot be caught: she does not run away, but slips out of her hands. Yesenia will be like this in infancy and will remain like this for the rest of her life. In this way, like a magnet, she will attract and attract people to her. She is very smart and quick-witted. He will study well at school and be interested in everything, but will not stick to anything. If she could focus on one thing, she would certainly be able to achieve success. After all, Yesenia is talented in everything. But she won't be able to do this. Sometimes it seems that she does not belong to herself, as if she is driven by an unknown force, similar to a light spring breeze. The most suitable profession for her is acting. Transforming from image to image, she will be able to become interested in this work for a long time, and with her talent she will definitely achieve fame.

Suitable middle names for the name Yesenia are Artyomovna, Andreevna

The female name Yesenia does not have a clear origin. Some believe that it has Arabic roots and means “jasmine flower”, others - that it is Greek and means “foreigner”, others - that the birthplace of this name is Spain, where a flower with that name grows. There are also options that the name Yesenia was invented in Russia in honor of the poet Sergei Yesenin, that it is a form of the male name Esen, or a Russian name meaning “autumn”.

Phonosemantically, it gives the impression of something warm and tender, but Yesenia’s character often does not correspond to this description, because in addition to balance and responsibility, she is distinguished by obstinacy. IN childhood This is a smiling, very sweet, independent girl who always needs the company of children, knows how to lead them, and can be a leader in games. Honesty and justice are very important to her, so from an early age she is offended if she is deceived. Yesenia is a good student, although not always an excellent student. As an adult, she retains almost all of her character traits, develops her independence even more, tries not to accept help from anyone, and she herself helps her parents, brothers and sisters a lot. Yesenia is always lucky in life, but she never completely relies on luck; she also makes a lot of efforts to achieve what she wants. In working relationships, she is practical, has a creative approach to solving problems, and often relies on her natural charm, sociability, and ability to persuade. All her decisions, as a rule, are carefully thought out; she is not inclined to change them under the influence of a momentary impulse. She gets along well with people and does not enter into conflicts. Usually has one best friend, which he protects very much and with whom he can open up completely.
The name Yesenia is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Taurus, that is, from April 20 to May 20. Taurus is in many ways similar to Yesenia, so under his influence she will hardly change her character, she will be the same simple, peace-loving, intellectually developed, slightly pragmatic, reliable woman who values ​​comfort and money.
What are the pros and cons of the name Yesenia? Of course, it has much more advantages than disadvantages, because it is a gentle, beautiful, rare name that goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Senya, Senechka, Yasya, Yasyushka. As a matter of fact, there are no shortcomings, as such, in him at all, given that Yesenia’s character has entirely positive qualities.
Yesenia’s health is very good. As a rule, she watches her diet, runs or goes dancing, so she maintains good health for quite a long time. physical fitness. However, she should know that some owners of this name are predisposed to diabetes, so more attention should be paid to examinations.
Yesenia, as a rule, enters into family relationships late, already when she gets on her feet. Since she is accustomed to independence, it is difficult for her to adapt to other people's interests, but over time she becomes an excellent housewife and caring mother.
As for the professional sphere, Yesenia can become a successful entrepreneur, doctor, teacher, architect, event organizer, flight attendant, pastry chef, dancer.
Yesenia’s name day is not celebrated, since this name is not on church calendars

Yesenia’s personality is multifaceted, so those around her do not immediately become acquainted with the secrets of her character. It often remains a mystery to them. When they first meet, people are captivated by the girl’s warmth and friendliness. In her company, her loved ones feel comfortable, communicating with her gives them great pleasure. Thanks to her highly developed intuition, Yesenia has an excellent understanding of people and easily gets along with them. common language. This quality in her is especially appreciated by her superiors, who value Yesenia’s work and promote her up the career ladder. Men are attracted to the girl’s femininity and her subtle mind. She can support any conversation, which delights her fans.

Origin of the name

There is no single version of the origin of the name. There are several options that differ greatly from each other:

  • In Dahl's dictionary the word “esen” appears, which translated means “autumn”. According to the scientist, the name Yesenia was given to girls who were born in the fall.
  • Supporters of an alternative version believe that the name comes from the name “Spring”, which was common among the Slavs. Spring is spring, in tune with “Yesenia”.
  • Yesenia is a derivative of the male name Hasan. The name is translated from Arabic as “beautiful.”
  • The Turks had the name "Isania". From it the beautiful female name Yesenia was later formed. The meaning of the name Yesenia from the Turkic language is “healthy”.

To find out the name day date, you need to contact church calendar. IN Orthodox calendar the patroness of the name is Esiya, a student of the holy martyr Pankratios. The church celebrates her feast day on June 20.

Yesenia's character

The secret of the name lies in the duality of the girl’s character. Despite her apparent fragility, she is very independent, accustomed to achieving her goals, no matter what the cost. She is not subject to the opinions of others, so it is impossible to impose someone else’s point of view on her. Since childhood, she has been characterized by daydreaming and a love of creativity. It is important for a girl to create a comfortable environment in which she will feel comfortable and be able to reveal her potential. Books, music and drawing attract her more than playing with her peers. Free time She spends her time reading and does not like to be disturbed during this activity. Relatives must understand the child’s wishes and meet him halfway. In this case, Yesenia will be able to develop harmoniously and delight loved ones with her successes.

Since childhood, she has demonstrated a predisposition for dancing. If you develop this talent in a child, she can achieve great success. Yesenia visits with great pleasure extracurricular activities, participates in school Olympiads and intellectual competitions. She is friends only with a narrow circle of people to whom she can trust her secrets. She is sociable, but prefers to spend time not with her peers, but with her family.

Yesenia's weakness lies in her kindness and responsiveness. She cannot refuse a request for help, which is why she often acts to the detriment of her own interests.

Representatives of the name are not afraid of change, they boldly take risks and carry their friends along with them. But this does not mean that Yesenia is prone to committing reckless acts. She thinks through all her actions in advance and takes everything into account. possible consequences. She is straightforward and sincere with people, lies and hypocrisy are alien to her. Therefore, she is deeply respected by her close friends and work colleagues. Behind the girl’s femininity it is difficult to discern the strength of her character. In life she will have to overcome many obstacles, which she will cope with on her own and will not lose strength of spirit. Yesenia is an example for others. She doesn't commit immoral offenses and dreams of her family being happy. All her actions are dictated by good intentions.


Yesenia is smart, so she understands what harm is hidden in herself bad habits. D The girl is an ardent opponent of smoking and drinking alcohol. Yesenia creates a daily routine that she carefully follows. Sports and an active lifestyle help her maintain the beauty of her figure and maintain it throughout the day. great mood. It is important to mention the predisposition of representatives of the name to diabetes. For this reason, they should visit a doctor regularly to monitor their health.

Education and career

From childhood, parents tell the girl about the importance of education. Therefore, she dreams of mastering a prestigious and well-paid profession that will bring her pleasure. The girl spends a lot of time studying, reading scientific literature, tries to delve deeper into the subjects he studies at school. Independence is also manifested in the fact that Yesenia begins to work early in order to ensure financial independence from her parents. Career success she reaches pretty at a young age, this is facilitated by her subtle mind, determination and hard work.

A woman will become a good boss, thanks to her talent for finding a common language with others. She knows how to diplomatically resolve conflicts in a team and come to a compromise solution with business partners. Will not tolerate flattery from his subordinates. He has a great understanding of people, so he hires real professionals in their field. Under her sensitive and skillful leadership, the business will flourish and generate stable income.

Family and marriage

Yesenia is beautiful not only externally, but also internally, so men give her signs of attention and strive to win her affection. She takes the choice of a life partner seriously; she is not attracted to fleeting romances. She is waiting to meet a person with whom she will connect her destiny and live a long and happy life together. Yesenia is a careerist, so she gets married in adulthood. The girl's chosen one will be a man who sincerely loves her. The spouse should not limit the autonomy and independence of his beloved, in this case their union will be strong and happy.

Representatives of the name are wonderful wives. They love to cook, take care of the household, and devote a lot of time to raising children. The wife's sensitivity makes it possible to make all family members happy, especially her husband, whom she cares for reverently. But not every man will become a worthy life partner for Yesenia. A successful marriage will develop with Andrei, Eduard and Pavel. You should avoid relationships with Fedor, Ivan and Oleg.