Three stages of female intoxication. Stages of female intoxication

Alcohol in small doses does more good than harm. If you take 100 ml of good wine every day, the risk of vascular disease is reduced by 45%. However, in this case, the process is accompanied by alcohol intoxication. And frequent and large doses of alcohol consumption shows, to put it mildly, an ugly picture of alcohol abuse.

Alcohol intoxication

The speed of onset and manifestation of a person’s intoxication depend on the physiological predisposition to alcohol, the strength of the drink and the dose of consumption. There are three stages alcohol intoxication.

During the first stage of alcohol intoxication, the drinker feels relaxed and temporarily euphoric. All obstacles on the way disappear, shyness disappears. Movements and gestures become fast and impetuous, becoming more frequent, but accuracy is maintained. In this state, many people feel that they can move mountains; their appetite and sexual desire increase. The presence of up to 1.4% alcohol in the blood does not prevent such people, from their point of view, from objectively assessing the situation. Since memory works normally at the first signs of intoxication, it seems that everything is fine with the perception of space. This is a very dangerous belief for those who drive a car or work in an enterprise with machinery. After all, concentration is significantly reduced.

The average degree of alcohol intoxication is characterized by pronounced mental and neurological abnormalities. The steps are unsteady, the gait is unbalanced, the speech is incoherent, provocative and loud. There are sudden mood swings. The perception of reality decreases, thinking deteriorates. These signs appear because the person did not stop at a small dose of alcohol, but continues to increase the level of alcohol in the blood. It reaches 2.4%.

It is at this stage that tendencies towards suicide, hooliganism and rowdy behavior often appear. Self-control decreases. Not in vain folk proverb says: “A drunkard has steps everywhere, the sea is up to his knees.” Temperature sensitivity environment decreases. IN cold weather this leads not only to hypothermia and frostbite, but also to death.

Over time, apathy and drowsiness appear. It is believed that in such a state, sleep is the best medicine. At the same time, we should not forget that a drunk can fall asleep in the most inappropriate place from the point of view of an adequate person. When such a victim wakes up, it turns out that there is no appetite, a headache, and gaps in memory.

The third stage of alcohol intoxication is considered the most severe, it is often called comatose. It is diagnosed by signs of strong mental disorders consciousness. Such a patient loses orientation with the outside world. Speech becomes incoherent and incomprehensible. There may be severe nausea and vomiting, and urinary incontinence.

Further consumption of alcoholic beverages not only leads a person into a stupor, but also into a coma. Skin undergo a sharp drop in temperature, the face becomes very red, the pulse quickens, breathing becomes slow, and blood pressure rises. The pupils of the eyes dilate and react poorly to light. Muscle tone absent, convulsions may appear. There is complete loss of memory. Such a state is dangerous not so much for others as for the drunk himself, since it can even lead to death.

Exceeding the norm when drinking alcohol, rarely does anyone think that in 60 minutes the liver healthy person can only process 9 ml of alcohol. In this case, not only one organ suffers, but the entire body.

Alcohol intoxication - symptoms

In people dependent on alcohol, doctors distinguish a stage of pathological intoxication. Regular consumption of strong drinks, even in small doses, is characterized by the development of psychosis, clouding of consciousness, delusional experiences, absolute loss of memory, and complete indifference to everything.

How to help at the first signs of alcohol intoxication?

If a person is moderately drunk, you need to empty your stomach by inducing vomiting. Then drink a solution of water and 7-9 drops of ammonia. Place a warm heating pad at your feet. If possible, try to persuade him to take a laxative.

In severe cases, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility. Only the hospital can help.

At home, in order to bring a drunk person to his senses, it is necessary to remove toxins from the body. Frequently drinking tea with honey, milk, broth, brine will help the body cope with alcohol poisoning. It is better not to offer coffee. It does not remove alcohol from the body well, it is better to use green tea. The patient should have access to fresh air so that consciousness and mental functions quickly return to normal.

Alcohol intoxication accompanies any consumption of alcoholic beverages. Holidays are often the occasion and important events in life, and sometimes just Bad mood, experienced stress. Everyone knows their norm and the body’s reaction to strong drinks. Don’t forget that wine or vodka have never made anyone in the world better or more adequate.

Do not look for adventures in this state, but try to quickly return to real life. Don't let alcohol ruin not only your health, but also your reputation. Drink wisely!

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1. Smart girl

This stage occurs when you suddenly become an expert in all areas of knowledge. You are simply an endless source of information and want to demonstrate your knowledge to everyone who will listen. Besides, at this stage you are always right. Well, the person you are talking to is, of course, completely wrong. You spend hours trying to convince this person that you are right. The situation can develop even more interestingly if you both have reached the “smart guy” stage. Two people are trying to convincingly convince each other that they are right, and in an area about which each of them has a very vague idea. For people (especially sober people) who listen to two such individuals, this is great entertainment.

2. Beauty

This stage occurs when you are completely convinced that you are the best beautiful girl in the area, and everyone is just looking for you. You start winking at everyone passing by handsome guys and ask them to dance with you, since they haven't taken their eyes off you all evening. You are the center of everyone's attention, the eyes of all people around are directed only at you, since you are the most beautiful creature all over the Earth. Now let's remember that you are also smart, so you can talk to a person who admires you about almost any problem existing on our planet.

3. Rich girl

This is when you suddenly become the richest person in the world. You buy drinks for everyone at the bar and ask them to put it on your account because you have a truck full of money parked nearby. And, of course, you are ready to argue with anyone that this truck is standing right behind the bar building. And we must not forget that you know everything in the world and can win any argument. It is quite natural that you are not worried about how much money to bet on a bet, since you don’t have chickens pecking at it anyway. It is at this stage that you start buying drinks for all the people in the bar who admire you because you are the smartest, most beautiful and richest person in the world.

4. Bulletproof

Now you can deal with all the people with whom you argued for money, since no one can harm you in any way. At this stage, you can approach the girl of the guy who admired you all evening and challenge her to a showdown for money. You don't have to worry about losing because you know everything, you have all the money in the world, and you will clearly win this argument.

5. Invisible

This last stage intoxication. At this stage, you can do absolutely anything, since no one will see you anyway. You can climb on the table and dance, you can strip down to your underwear to impress those people who have been admiring you all evening, since the rest of the people in the room simply cannot see you. In addition, those people with whom you previously started a showdown cannot see you. You can walk through the streets and scream songs at the top of your lungs (since you are still the smartest and know this melody very well), and no one thinks anything about you, because they cannot see you. All your social complexes have disappeared. You can do whatever you want because no one will know anything about it. And you, of course, won’t remember anything about it...

Today on the agenda are the stages of intoxication in men and women. Even here there is little in common. But it's fun.

Male stages of alcohol intoxication

Well, with men it’s not so difficult.

The smartest

At this stage, the man becomes the most intelligent and educated. He is able to answer any question and even if no one asks him anything, on his own initiative he shares his inexhaustible knowledge with others.

He is always right, and if suddenly there is another man at the table who is in the same stage of intoxication, a lively discussion ensues on a political, social, fishing, football or any other topic. And since both interlocutors consider themselves the smartest, their conversation leads nowhere and, as a rule, ends after taking the next dose of alcohol, when the next stage begins.

The most charming and attractive

At this stage, the man suddenly realizes that he not only looks the best in the company, but that everyone, without exception, likes him.

He begins to flirt with ladies, and in the absence of any, he boldly approaches strangers and starts a conversation with them, being sure that everyone is crazy about wanting to communicate with him. And since somewhere in the depths of the subconscious he remains the smartest, he continues to enter into conversations on any topic, but at the same time, unlike the previous stage, he smiles complacently and does not seek to prove that he is right by any means, but only looks condescendingly at his interlocutors - not as smart and not as attractive as him.

If a man continues to drink after the two previous stages, then he reaches a stage that is beneficial for the people around him - he becomes the richest, if not in the world, then certainly among those present. Is it true, family men who drink accompanied by their wife, rarely manage to enjoy their “immeasurable wealth” to their fullest, since this stage of intoxication is not familiar to women and by hook or by crook they try to stop the generosity of their spouse, taking his wallet and convincing him that he got so drunk that he lost everything money.

But if his wife or girlfriend is not around, then the man wastes money left and right, treating the whole company to drinks. But he is not limited to this: if the party takes place in a bar, then the man in the “wealth stage” orders alcohol for the company at the next table (after all, he is the most charming and all strangers dream of drinking with him), as well as for the service staff and musicians. In addition, often at this stage the man makes a bet for any amount, since he is still the smartest and will definitely win the argument.


At this stage the man feels national hero. He looks down on everyone and is ready to fight those who have anything against him. Special attention the man turns to those with whom he made a bet. At the same time, the main argument that he is right is strength - he is a hero and is ready to throw his fists not only at a detachment of armed soldiers, but even at tank division. Being in this stage, a man tries to find the root of the world's evil, discusses political topics with burning eyes, tries by phone to book a plane ticket to a country where at the moment are happening fighting, because without his help, including material (he is the richest), naturally, peace will not be restored there.

In this state, a man is drawn to heroic deeds: he suddenly notices that, for example, the waiters are polite and courteous only to him, because he is the most charming, but they have a different attitude towards his friends - they do not refill their alcohol, bring them stale snacks and etc. Of course, the man strives to restore justice and deals with the service personnel “in his own way.” And most importantly, he believes that no one has the right to object to his actions, because he is the smartest of all those present.

The Invisible Man

This is the last stage of intoxication. In this state, the man becomes invisible and can do absolutely anything: dance on the table, swing on the chandelier and break dishes (he is still the richest and is able to compensate the owners for any loss), fight and be rude (he is still a hero), pester other people's wives (he's still the most charming). But most importantly, he can scream songs at the top of his lungs, because, of course, he is the smartest and knows the words to all the songs in the world.

Female stages of alcohol intoxication

Female intoxication is as insidious and unpredictable as women themselves. Often, sober representatives of the fairer sex do not know what they want and what they will do next. Tipsy women are like a box with a popping devil whose spring is stuck. Who knows when it will pop out. It will be unexpected. Nevertheless, humanity has accumulated a small list of phrases by which one can determine the stage of female intoxication. Despite the fact that they are all unique and inimitable, under the fly they tend to utter the same banal phrases.

Oh how drunk I am

After this phrase, those around you should be alert. After all, this is the first stage of female intoxication. Her head was already spinning. And the brain begins to remember the ex, the handbag stolen from under the nose at the sale and Masha’s shoes from the accounting department. Do not under any circumstances hint to her that it is time to stop. You risk being heard

Who's drunk? Am I drunk?

If you did hear it, you should know that this is the second stage. Call her a taxi and run. Then it's the taxi driver's problem.

Why the problems? The taxi driver will probably ask the lady where to go. For this he will get hit on the head with a handbag and will hear "None of your business, Beast!"Then he realizes that a princess in the third stage of alcoholic intoxication got into his car.

The severity of alcohol intoxication can manifest itself in different ways. This may depend on many unrelated reasons. The most important of them is individual characteristics each specific person. Previous illnesses are of considerable importance, especially for pathologies of an organic nature. They often cause extremely rapid or

The effects of alcohol and the development of intoxication

People's ability to drink alcohol varies greatly. In addition, it is important for what purpose and in what mood alcohol is taken. If this happens at a holiday celebration, then obvious intoxication can set in quite quickly.

If the average user consciously tries to continue to control the situation, then he can significantly delay the moment of intoxication. The type of drink consumed and the percentage of sugar and alcohol in it have a significant impact on its depth and speed of development.

A person’s state before starting to drink, both physical and mental, also plays a certain role. People suffering from alcoholism often experience atypical intoxication - dysphoric or mixed. It is quite difficult for them to identify signs and degrees of alcohol intoxication.

Stages of intoxication

There are various stages of intoxication, differing in the sensations of a person and external manifestations his behavior. At first, the alcohol-containing drink causes a pleasant feeling of lightness and euphoria, gives a feeling of joy and high spirits, relieves fatigue and relaxes. As the amount of drinking increases, these sensations often change to others, much less pleasant. This can be irritation and anger, hypertrophied grievances, aggression and loss of control over one’s own behavior.

How stronger drink, the faster the symptoms of altered consciousness appear. An empty stomach also helps a lot. If there is at least some food in it and the drink consumed is of low strength, then the process of developing intoxication does not occur so quickly. The manifestation of the degree of intoxication of an object directly depends on its mass, individual susceptibility and state at the current moment. When a person has clearly expressed neuropsychic stress, alcohol has a less pronounced effect. This is due to the initial overvoltage of the central nervous system.

Easy stage

A person attracts attention thanks to high mood, cheerfulness, sociability. He tries to be pleasant and good-natured, but it becomes difficult for him to maintain the ability to concentrate. Mild degree Alcohol intoxication is characterized by somewhat loose and slow speech.

His judgments can become quite frivolous; the criticality of actions decreases, as does the perception of various troubles. The surrounding reality is distorted for a person, he is not able to assess what is happening. The instincts inherent in the object are inhibited, skills are dulled,

Often a person overestimates his own capabilities and commits actions that are unusual for him in a normal state. These changes are already observed in initial degree alcohol intoxication. They are caused by the toxic effect of alcohol on the nerve centers. But people clearly remember what happens to them and can retell it later.


This is already quite a strong intoxication. All previous symptoms worsen, new ones are added to them. A distinct odor of alcohol emanates from the person's mouth. His gait becomes shaky and unstable, and sometimes it becomes quite difficult to attract his attention. Primary signs of stupor may be observed. Disorientation in space and loss of control over one’s behavior are quite possible.

A loss of natural shyness, resulting in sexuality, incoherent speech and loud swearing, is typical at this stage. Increased excitability with reduced self-control easily provokes quarrels, disputes and even fights. The average degree of alcohol intoxication is characterized by memory lapses: complete loss individual fragments of what happened the day before. The next morning a person may not remember everything that happened to him.

At this stage there are often various shapes deep disorder of consciousness. Typically the subject is unable to stand on its own. It is very difficult to attract his attention. It is almost impossible to contact a person; he is inarticulate: he mutters something unintelligible, repeats meaningless phrases and words.

His condition can be different: he can be inhibited and lethargic or, on the contrary, overly excited. The reaction to painful stimuli is significantly reduced. The person is unable to write, he cannot use a familiar skill.

Deep intoxication against the background of severe intoxication of the body can turn into a coma, but the prognosis is not always favorable. Not everyone is able to reach this level of alcohol intoxication; for many, the body’s protective reflexes are triggered - nausea and vomiting prevent further consumption.

The presence of various stages of intoxication is of interest to many citizens. For example, the ability to drive vehicles depends on this. Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to find out exactly how drunk or sober the target is. To do this, indicators of the degree of alcohol intoxication in ppm are calculated. A special device is successfully used, which is actively used by police services, doctors and ordinary citizens.

So how are the quantitative content of alcohol in the blood and the degree of intoxication related?

  • 0.3-0.5% - slight influence of alcohol.
  • 0.5-1.5% - slight intoxication.
  • 1.5-2.5% - average intoxication.
  • 2.5-3% - severe intoxication.
  • 3-5% - deep intoxication, alcohol poisoning, possible death.
  • Over 5% - severe fatal poisoning.

Intoxication: modified forms

If the subject has certain psychological disorders or special individual traits, his intoxication can take various atypical forms. It could be:

  • Dysphoric. Even with a small amount of use, a person, bypassing the high mood, demonstrates depression and aggressiveness, usually typical of more severe stages. This form of manifestation is typical for those suffering from chronic alcoholism.
  • Hebephrenic. Expressed in excessive foolishness, ostentatious gaiety, often turning into violence. It is observed in various latent schizophrenic disorders. Occurs in teenagers.
  • Paranoid. A person becomes suspicious and suspicious; he inadequately interprets the intentions and actions of others. This form occurs in some types mental disorders, especially in the presence of alcoholism.
  • Hysterical. This form is observed in people of a special type, self-centered, with high self-esteem. It manifests itself as an imitation of madness; there are frequent threats of suicide and demonstration attempts at suicide.

The harm of alcohol

Regardless of the amount drunk and the degree of alcohol intoxication, alcohol always has a pathological effect on the body. Alcohol is officially recognized dangerous drug, capable of causing irreparable harm health and addictive. Among other things, alcohol has negative impact on the brain, which regulates the activity of all organs, influencing the harmonious functioning of all body systems.

The negative effects of alcohol are caused by a disruption in the supply of oxygen to nerve cells which begin to gradually die off. This affects primarily intellectual abilities individual. Against the background of damage to the cerebral cortex and a decrease in brain activity, the behavior of the drinker gradually changes not in better side. An obvious change in the behavior, hobbies and addictions of the addict becomes noticeable.

How to determine the degree of intoxication?

You can independently determine the severity of intoxication only approximately by changes in the nature of behavior. To do this, it is necessary to assess the behavior and speech of a drunk person, check his ability to coordinate movements and objectively perceive the environment.

To determine the content, it is necessary to conduct a special analysis. However, its indicators are directly related to the amount of time that has passed since drinking. The indicators will be lower the longer it has passed since its use. Not everyone is able to correctly assess their own capabilities, so you should not abuse alcohol.

The stages of intoxication are classified into several categories. They mainly appear when consumed large quantity alcohol, accompanied by other people or alone. Despite this excellent state of health in the evening, it can change dramatically the next morning: vomiting, dizziness, and constant thirst may occur. These signs are characteristic of alcohol intoxication. But such manifestations occur in several stages, which depends on the course of the disease and the amount of alcohol consumed.

Depending on the ethanol content in the body, poisoning is divided into mild, moderate and severe severity.

Severe intoxication is the most dangerous for humans, as it is accompanied by loss of consciousness, the onset of coma, and, less often, leads to death.

At the same time, 5 stages of intoxication are derived in ppm:

  • from 0.2 to 0.5 ppm - excitability increases, mood improves, a person is more susceptible to dialogue;
  • from 0.5 to 1 ppm - slight mental fog appears. Movements are unclear, speech is slightly modified;
  • from 1 to 1.5 ppm - these values ​​​​relate to the average stage of intoxication. The person becomes irritable, can provoke an argument, and speech is sometimes incomprehensible;
  • from 1.6 to 3 ppm - severe intoxication. At this moment, a change in skin color is observed - it becomes pale, speech is completely incomprehensible, aggressive behavior;
  • Values ​​exceeding 3 ppm are a dangerous stage of intoxication. Alcohol negatively affects nerves, brain activity, and heart problems develop.

Mild alcohol intoxication occurs when the ethanol level varies from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm. Distinctive feature of this state is the appearance good mood, friendliness, lack of concern for something.


  1. Concentration deteriorates and self-confidence rises. However, this phenomenon is not always true.
  2. Any problems fade into the background. At this time, stress is experienced without characteristic disturbances in the activity of the nervous system. However, conversations take place in a raised voice, which indicates a lack of sobriety.
  3. Performance during this period is undesirable, because many mistakes can be made.
  4. Movements are imprecise, and temporal and spatial perception is actually impaired. If you observe such signs, you should not drive vehicle and work in production.
  5. Sobriety of mind is maintained, but only when consumed small quantity alcohol.

It appears at certain ppm values ​​of 1.5-2.5. Occurs as a result of repeated alcohol consumption.


  1. Over time, friendliness dissipates and is replaced by aggressiveness.
  2. Symptoms of dissatisfaction, nervousness, and anger develop. In rare cases, such conditions can only get worse. Such actions can be observed in a person’s behavior and statements. During this period, rash actions are often committed, resulting from an overestimation of some committed acts under the influence of alcohol.
  3. The movements are inconsistent, most of them occur on a subconscious level. The accompanying symptoms (lethargy and drowsiness) intensify.
  4. Temperature changes, and at the same time the pain threshold weakens. Such changes can lead to dangerous consequences.

Very often, at this stage of alcohol intoxication, a person falls into a deep sleep. Upon awakening, hangover symptoms intensify. Mainly observed: thirst, changes in appetite. Also, people cannot accurately remember some events or actions that happened the day before.

The most dangerous stage of intoxication is the last, although there are only five of them. It is characterized by alcohol concentration within two values ​​- from 2.5 to 3 ppm.

It occurs immediately after the middle stage - in this case, an intoxicated person does not rest, but continues to drink alcohol.


  1. There is no way to determine the location and set the time interval of what is happening.
  2. Conversation becomes unclear and words are spoken more slowly. Also, facial expressions are partially present or absent altogether.
  3. Violations of the vestibular apparatus occur. This is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. In addition, many organ problems develop human body- with the heart, blood pressure and body temperature fluctuate, physical endurance is lost.
  4. When drinking alcoholic beverages, some changes occur in consciousness. They can be mild or progress to coma.
  5. If the previous changes are not observed, then the person falls asleep, but this is not so useful. In some cases, this happens in inappropriate places, which can lead to unexpected situations.

At this stage of alcohol intoxication, there is no control over one’s own body. This is why spontaneous urination, convulsions or paralysis are possible.