Vomiting due to alcohol poisoning: what to do. How to provide first aid for alcohol poisoning

There are many reasons that can lead to the development of alcohol poisoning. This condition is very dangerous for humans and can lead to severe disruptions in work internal organs and systems. In this article, we looked at what to drink in case of alcohol poisoning, the main drugs for providing first aid when this serious condition occurs.

Causes of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication can be caused by many factors. The main causes of alcohol poisoning:

  • drinking alcohol in large quantities, in which its concentration in the body increases sharply;
  • combining alcohol with medicines or drugs. Particularly severe alcohol intoxication develops when alcohol is combined with antipsychotics, antidepressants, sleeping pills, and narcotic painkillers;
  • poisoning with alcohol substitutes. These substances are poisonous to humans. They are found in counterfeit alcohol. They are added to drinks to reduce the cost of the product;
  • a binge drinker, a person who drinks frequently is more prone to poisoning. His liver is unable to effectively neutralize alcohol.

Why is alcohol poisoning dangerous?

Alcohol in large doses is potent poison for the body. Alcohol poisoning develops when the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases to 2.5-3 g/l. At this concentration, alcohol suppresses the functioning of the central nervous system and poisons all organs and systems of the body. It can lead to the following serious consequences:

  • development of acute renal failure. This pathology occurs when consuming alcohol substitutes;
  • bleeding from the vessels of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. People suffering from chronic gastritis are more prone to this pathology. peptic ulcer, liver cirrhosis;
  • acute pancreatitis, which develops due to high alcohol intoxication. This disease is treated surgically;
  • dehydration is a serious condition of the body that develops due to the loss of large amounts of fluid along with vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration leads to thickening of the blood, disruption of the heart, and an increase in blood levels. blood pressure;
  • severe disruption of the central nervous system. With severe alcohol intoxication, a person falls into a deep coma;
  • irreversible blindness that develops from methyl alcohol poisoning;
  • development of alcoholic hepatitis (liver inflammation). This pathology often develops in drinking people, alcoholics who often fall into a state of binge drinking.

Remember that complications of alcohol intoxication can be avoided by promptly seeking medical help.

Where and by whom is alcohol poisoning treated?

Alcohol poisoning should be treated by a medical professional. It is prohibited to treat it yourself at home with drugs or folk remedies. When the first symptoms develop, you should call ambulance. List the symptoms and give the exact home address to the dispatcher.

At alcohol poisoning at home, you can only provide first aid, thanks to which the patient’s condition will improve slightly.

Medicines for first aid

Before giving a patient pills for alcohol poisoning, you should cleanse his digestive system of alcohol residues as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to perform a gastric lavage and a cleansing enema.

Gastric lavage is necessary to remove alcohol that has not yet been absorbed into the bloodstream. It helps with alcohol intoxication and is necessary for the health of the patient. In order to rinse your stomach yourself, you need to drink a liter of water in one gulp. room temperature and induce vomiting.

Please note what is folk remedy, like potassium permanganate, is not recommended for acute alcohol intoxication. A person in a state of severe intoxication has impaired swallowing reflexes. He may choke and inhale this solution. You can also be poisoned by potassium permanganate due to improper dilution.

A cleansing enema is made using simple boiled water at room temperature. This procedure can be repeated several times until clean intestinal rinses are obtained. An enema speeds up the removal of alcohol intoxication.

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After you have cleared the stomach and intestines of alcohol toxins, you can give the patient some medications for alcohol poisoning. Only a few drugs are allowed to be taken at the pre-medical stage.

What tablets and medications can be given to the patient independently are described below.


Sorbents are drugs that can be taken independently. Due to their structure, they bind, neutralize and remove toxins and alcohol residues from the intestines. In case of alcohol intoxication, you can give the patient any sorbents that you find in your home medicine cabinet.

Remember that before taking them, you should carefully study the instructions and check the expiration date of the medication. The dosage of some sorbents is calculated by weight, while others are calculated by age.

Examples of drugs:

  • Activated carbon;
  • white coal;
  • enterosgel;
  • sorbex;
  • smecta;
  • atoxyl.


Regidron is a drug for regulating water and electrolyte balance in the body. It helps combat dehydration. This drug is a component of many home first aid kits. It is produced in portioned packaged form.

One sachet of rehydron is diluted with a liter of water and given to the patient. In order not to provoke repeated vomiting attacks, you should drink little and often.

In pharmacies in Lately Many analogues of rehydron have appeared (hydrovit, trihydron, reosolan). The method of breeding them may differ. Read the instructions carefully before using them.

If you don't have these medications at home, don't worry. At the stage of providing first aid, they can be replaced with tableware or alkaline mineral water. The drink should not be carbonated, too cold or hot. It is best to drink drinks at room temperature.

First aid

More extensive first aid is provided by doctors who arrive on call. After collecting anamnesis, examining the patient, checking his pulse, blood pressure, respiration and saturation, they will begin treatment. Below are its components. Droppers with solutions that help reduce intoxication and establish water and electrolyte balance. The following drugs can be used:

  • trisol;
  • saline;
  • glucose with vitamin C;
  • disol;
  • rheopolyglucin;
  • rheosorbilact;
  • anti-nausea medications. Vomiting is controlled using metoclopramide, cerucal or sturgeon. These medications affect the vomiting center located in the brain. They are administered intramuscularly. The urge to vomit goes away within 10-15 minutes.
  • Head medications are necessary to eliminate severe headaches and dizziness. Doctors can administer analgin or ketanov intramuscularly.
  • antispasmodics (nosh-pa, drotaverine) - eliminate abdominal pain and relieve vascular spasms.

During transport to the hospital, the patient is put on an oxygen mask and the solutions continue to drip. Hospitalization is carried out in intensive care unit, where treatment continues and examination is carried out.

Treatment in hospital

Treatment in the hospital begins within the first minutes after hospitalization. At the same time, the patient is examined. It's taken from him general analysis blood, the concentration of alcohol in the blood is determined.

The length of hospital stay depends on the severity of the patient's condition. Treatment may consist of the components described below.

  • Hemodialysis. This procedure is aimed at cleansing the blood of toxins. It is carried out in case of poisoning with alcohol substitutes (ethylene glycol, methyl alcohol).
  • Administration of an antidote (ethyl alcohol) for methyl intoxication. Thanks to this procedure, the development of total blindness can be prevented. Although in severe cases it is not possible to completely restore vision.
  • Massive intravenous administration solutions to replenish water and electrolyte losses. Diuretics can be added to the droppers to provide forced diuresis.
  • Diet. In the first days of treatment, the patient is on a strict diet. During this period, he can only eat liquid rice water or oatmeal. A decoction of flax seeds is also given; it protects and restores the gastric mucosa.
  • Enzymes are drugs that improve digestion.
  • Surgery that is indicated for the development of acute pancreatitis or internal bleeding.

Alcohol poisoning is treated in hospital. When its first symptoms develop, you must call an ambulance. Some medications can be given to the patient at home before doctors arrive. You can also perform gastric and intestinal lavage at home. The length of hospital stay depends on the severity of the patient’s condition and the timeliness of seeking medical help. Do not self-medicate this disease, it can lead to disability and death.

Alcohol poisoning is the intoxication of the body with ethyl alcohol. This condition should be taken seriously, as it can cause various disorders and even provoke an alcoholic coma. First aid for alcohol poisoning is often provided at home.

Excessive alcohol consumption causes intoxication of the body with ethyl alcohol, which can cause various disorders, including alcoholic coma.


Alcoholic drinks are considered poisonous to humans because they contain ethanol. If you drink alcohol rarely and in small quantities, the liver can cope with the toxic effects of ethyl alcohol. With regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, the load on the liver increases sharply, which leads to impaired liver function. This leads to the accumulation of metabolic and decomposition products in the body. These include:

  • acetaldehyde;
  • lactic acid;
  • acetic acid.

Disruption of metabolic processes causes acid-base imbalance. In addition, an excess of toxins enters the brain, which harms the central nervous system.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

At severe poisoning a person complains of the following symptoms:

  • general deterioration of health;
  • vomit;
  • breathing and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • severe hangover in the morning.

Experts distinguish 3 stages of alcohol intoxication:

  1. Easy. The level of ethanol in the body is no more than 1.4%. At this stage, a person feels euphoria, his pupils dilate, and the skin on his face turns red.
  2. Average. The alcohol concentration ranges from 1.5-2.4%, which causes minor symptoms of neurological disorders. This could be vomiting or uneven breathing. There is also a violation of motor coordination.
  3. Heavy. The ethyl alcohol level exceeds 2.5%. This stage is characterized by disruption of activity various systems and organs, which can lead to human death. He experiences severe vomiting, convulsions, and slows down his breathing and heart rate. Body temperature drops below 36 °C, the skin turns pale, and mental disorders are observed.

Note! In the most severe case, an alcoholic coma overtakes a person. Only doctors can provide assistance.

People around you often confuse alcoholic coma with normal sleep. You can check the condition of the poisoned person using a light beam. If the pupil of a drunken person reacts to light, then he is sleeping; if there is no reaction, then a coma has occurred.

Experts identify another type of complication in a person after heavy drinking - the appearance of wheezing, intermittent breathing and severe paleness. skin. If you do not provide first aid to a drunk, he may stop breathing altogether due to damage to the central nervous system, retraction of the tongue, or penetration of vomit into the organs. respiratory system.

Important! Excessive alcohol consumption also negatively affects the functioning of the heart. In addition, the water-salt balance in a poisoned person is disturbed. Ethyl alcohol leads to excessive functioning of the kidneys and urinary system.

How to provide first aid?

If you promptly help a person with alcohol intoxication, you can prevent the occurrence of complications. First you need to call an ambulance, and before the doctors arrive, do the following:

  1. If a drunk person is in a conscious state, then his stomach should be cleared of alcohol. The best option is artificial vomiting. After the procedure, gastric lavage is necessary. To do this, use 1 liter of water with salt dissolved in it.
  2. If a poisoned person is unconscious, he should be turned to his side and breathing easier. First, it is advisable to check whether there is vomit in the upper respiratory tract. Then make sure that there is no retraction of the tongue. You can restore consciousness to the victim using ammonia.

To relieve alcohol intoxication, the following methods are provided:

  1. Administration of vitamin B6 intramuscularly. Improvement should occur 7-9 minutes after the injection.
  2. Ingestion of a warm solution of phenamine or corazol. Feeling better after 20-30 minutes.
  3. To reduce the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood, you will need to take a 40% glucose solution in a dosage of 20 ml, a solution ascorbic acid in an amount of 15 ml and 1% Nicotinamide in a dosage of 1 ml.

When providing care at home without the participation of doctors, it is prohibited to perform the following actions:

  1. Drinking any alcoholic beverages.
  2. Pouring the victim cold water.
  3. Taking medications that have a sedative and hypnotic effect.
  4. Drinking strong tea or coffee.

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning at home?

Treatment of alcohol intoxication consists of several stages:

  1. Cleansing the digestive system from ethyl alcohol and metabolic products.
  2. Restoration of water-salt balance.
  3. Improving intestinal microflora.
  4. Removal of other painful signs.

Cleansing the digestive tract in case of alcohol poisoning

You can cleanse the stomach of toxic substances using artificial or natural vomiting. If a person experiences vomiting with blood, it can lead to the body. In this case, you will need to take antiemetic medications. At home, you can make an ice compress on your temples and take the drug Regidron for alcohol poisoning, which helps restore the acid-base balance.

Enterosgel – removes toxins and remnants of ethanol breakdown products from the body

Toxins and remnants of ethanol breakdown products can be removed from the body using enterosorbents. The most effective are the following drugs:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Carbolene;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Lignosorb;
  • Polysorb;
  • Polyphepan.

One common remedy is activated carbon. It is less effective than other drugs, but is more available in pharmacies and is considered a harmless medicine. The dosage is calculated taking into account the body weight of a person who has been poisoned by alcohol - 1 tablet of coal for every 10 kg.

Restoring water-salt balance after binge drinking

To restore the water balance in the body, it is customary to use rehydrating solutions, which include chlorides, potassium, sodium, etc. The most common drugs are Hydrovit and Regidron. In case of severe poisoning, the patient is prescribed IVs. The following medications are used for this:

  • Hemodez;
  • Disol;
  • Acesol;
  • 5% ascorbic acid solution;
  • 5-10% glucose solution.

In some cases, doctors prescribe magnesia and nicotinic acid.

In case of alcohol poisoning, it is necessary to restore the body’s water balance; for this, rehydrating solutions are used; in case of severe poisoning, the patient is prescribed IVs

Intestinal microflora can be normalized with the help of preparations containing lactobacilli:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Probifor;
  • Bifiform;
  • Linux;
  • Enterol.

Homeopathy in the fight against alcohol poisoning

One of the safe and effective therapeutic treatments hangover syndrome is taking homeopathic remedies. Using natural medicines will strengthen the body's natural immune functions and speed up the recovery process.

The drug Anti-E will help cope with moderate alcohol poisoning. The dosage is 5 drops diluted in 1 tbsp. l water. The optimal number of medication doses per day is from 4 to 6.

No less popular homeopathic drug Proproten-100. It is usually taken every hour, 1 tablet. On the second and subsequent days of treatment, the number of doses should be reduced to 4-6.

Homeopathic remedies can be used to prevent alcohol abuse.

How to treat a hangover?

In case of poisoning, one of the unpleasant symptoms is a severe hangover. To eliminate it, the following drugs are provided:

  • Zorex;
  • Methionine;
  • Naxon;
  • Limontar;
  • Biotredin;
  • Metadoxyl and others.

It is useful to drink when the body is poisoned honey water. It is enough to dissolve not a large number of honey in water. Throughout the day you need to drink at least 0.5 liters of honey water.


To avoid alcohol intoxication, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. When purchasing alcoholic beverages, check the shelf life and availability of excise stamps.
  2. Do not mix alcohol of different strengths.
  3. You should not drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach.
  4. Consume juices, tea and fruit drinks.

The question to narcologists about what to do when intoxicated is often asked by spouses dependent people. Lack of awareness of the problem, degradation of the alcoholic’s personality under the influence of toxic ethanol substitutes does not allow contacting a specialist due to denial of the disease.

Classic remedies used by a person with an addiction to alcoholic beverages are cerucal (for vomiting), activated charcoal (for cleansing the intestines). When toxic metabolites accumulate, such medications cannot cure addiction. Under the influence of poisons, pathology of internal organs develops, and irreversible changes in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys gradually develop. Organ failure causes death. Alcoholics die young!

Alcohol poisoning: symptoms and syndromes

The problem is aggravated by the high cost of alcoholic beverages. With absence Money replacement of the next dose of alcohol is required. To compensate for the deficiency, alcohol-containing products are used: colognes, perfumes, medicinal tinctures, lotions. When consuming alkaline polishes, alcohol varnishes, and BF adhesives, life-threatening poisoning occurs.

The lethal dose of ethyl alcohol is 300-400 mg. This concentration is achieved by drinking 2-3 bottles of vodka per day with a break after 1-2 hours.

A decrease in the body's resistance in chronic alcoholics is accompanied by a certain degree of failure of internal organs. Against this background, mortality increases not from alcohol substitutes, but from exacerbation of secondary diseases.

Main symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • Mild degree – nausea, vomiting, intestinal disorders;
  • Medium degree – disruption of cardio-vascular system, change in coordination, gait;
  • Severe – alcoholic coma with loss of pain and temperature sensitivity.

Due to the body’s high adaptation to alcohol surrogates, the comatose state of an alcoholic is not lethal. After a few hours the condition is restored.

The danger is severe injuries, bedsores, gangrene of the extremities with prolonged immobility of a person. Disruption of local blood supply, hypothermia occurs at an ambient temperature of about 12 degrees Celsius. Gradually it decreases to 31-32 degrees. Reduction of heart rate to 30-60 beats per minute. Respiratory depression - up to 8 breaths per minute. These conditions lead to death directly from respiratory failure (in the first day) or from dangerous complications in the future (pneumonia, lung gangrene).

Alcohol poisoning is a set of signs characterizing the intoxication of the body, in which the main toxic factor is ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products. In addition to ethyl alcohol, poisoning can be caused by methylene, butylene and isopropyl, but they are less likely to enter the human body.

The cause of alcohol poisoning is most often an overdose caused by excessive consumption of strong alcoholic beverages or their low-quality analogues. If symptoms of poisoning are observed when consuming low-alcohol drinks or alcohol substitutes, they cannot always be attributed to alcohol intoxication. Since such products contain foreign substances toxic to the body (acetone, methylene, etc.). It is worth noting that it is under the influence of this type of drink that happens greatest number poisoning

The intensity with which symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear depends on the level of ethyl alcohol in the patient’s blood. As a rule, signs are detected gradually, intensifying over time. The general group of symptoms of alcohol poisoning can be divided into primary and secondary signs, according to which the severity of intoxication, first aid measures and further treatment.

Primary signs of the effects of alcohol

Primary signs include changes in the patient's behavior and appearance. In fact, it is precisely due to the manifestation of this group of symptoms that alcohol has become so popular among the masses. When drinking alcohol, a person undergoes the following changes:

  • signs of emotional arousal appear;
  • there is a liveliness in movements;
  • experiences a feeling of euphoria (distance from pressing problems, relaxation);
  • loquaciousness appears, and categoricalness appears in speech;
  • the skin (in some places or completely) turns red from a rush of blood;
  • pupils dilate;
  • sweating increases.

A list of primary symptoms can be observed in a person who has consumed even a small amount of alcohol. This is not a cause for serious concern until secondary signs of poisoning are added to the existing symptoms.

Secondary signs of alcohol intoxication

When drinking a significant amount of alcohol, alcohol and its metabolic products are absorbed into the blood through the walls of the stomach. This has a serious impact on the central nervous system, which, first of all, provokes brain poisoning with alcohol and affects the control and regulatory functions of the brain.

This is reflected in behavior as a transition to the instinctive level. Under the influence of a large amount of alcoholic drinks, a person begins to behave with overt aggression or sexuality, and the level of intelligence noticeably decreases. It is difficult for a drunk to coordinate the movements of his own body, which is manifested in a corresponding gait and other signs.

Symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning in severe form occurs when there are disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system (respiratory center). Thus, when a severe stage of intoxication occurs, communication and coordination are lost in speech and movements, hearing deteriorates, and a person stops responding to most external stimuli. A further increase in blood alcohol concentration is fraught with the onset of more severe conditions, such as alcoholic coma.

Types of alcohol surrogates

Since poisoning with alcohol surrogates is the most common type of household intoxication, it is worth understanding what types of such drinks exist. Alcohol surrogates mean drinks and other liquids, which, in addition to ethyl alcohol, include non-food additives and highly toxic alcohols. The most common surrogates consumed as drinks are:

  • BF glue;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • hygiene products (lotion, cologne, etc.);
  • wood alcohol;
  • ethanol;
  • antifreeze;
  • brake fluid.

This list concerns industrially produced products. However, in addition to those listed, there are also handicraft-produced drinks, the so-called “scorched vodka”. This is alcohol produced under conditions that do not meet the technological requirements for obtaining a quality product. Can be sold even under the guise of well-known brands. The level of fusel oils, which provoke intoxication, in such products significantly exceeds the norm, which leads to alcohol poisoning.

Also, the cause of many alcohol poisoning is often moonshine, a product homemade. In its manufacture, the main goal is to obtain the highest concentration of alcohol, and not acceptable quality.

Medicines deserve special attention. In this case, we mean alcohol tinctures produced both independently and industrially. Abuse of such drugs is often also fraught with poisoning.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is an extremely dangerous condition, especially in severe form. For this reason, it is important to understand what to do at home (what to take, what pills to take, what medicine is effective) if intoxication occurs.

Help when observing alcohol poisoning includes two equally important stages: first aid and calling an ambulance. We will talk about the first stage and the prerequisites for the second stage below.

Help for alcohol poisoning at home

When providing assistance to a patient in a state of alcohol poisoning, it is important to return him to consciousness and cleanse the body. This also applies to situations when the patient is conscious, but there is general weakness of the body, a state of lethargy and drowsiness.

To clear consciousness, ammonia is used at home and in hospital settings. To achieve the goal, a cotton swab is moistened in ammonia and brought to the patient’s nose so that he feels the pungent odor of the liquid. You can also use strong tea or sobering drinks available in pharmacies for this purpose.

Cleansing the body involves removing digestive tract alcohol that has not yet been absorbed and subsequent disposal of toxins. For this purpose the following are used:

  • solution baking soda;
  • solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Baking soda solution

To prepare the solution, you will need to dissolve a teaspoon (without a slide) of baking soda in one liter of cold boiled water. The patient needs to drink the entire volume of liquid in small sips. Then, having provoked a gag reflex by pressing the spoon on the base of the tongue, you need to ensure that the consumed liquid comes out along with the remaining alcohol.

Activated carbon

Famous and widespread budgetary means combating various types of poisoning, including alcoholic ones. The usual dose of charcoal for intoxication of the body is one tablet per 10 kilograms of the patient’s weight, however, in the case of alcohol, regardless of weight, you can take up to two tablets (20 pieces). The tablets are swallowed one at a time and washed down big amount water.

Potassium permanganate solution

A liter of cold boiled water requires a few grams of potassium permanganate (at the tip of a knife). The water should take on a pale pink tint. As with the soda solution, you need to drink all the liquid and induce vomiting.

The listed remedies are relevant when the patient is at least conscious and able to control his body. If a person who has been poisoned by alcohol is unable to swallow or has completely lost consciousness, his condition must be monitored until the ambulance arrives. This implies, first of all, breathing control, including preventing the tongue from sticking in and vomit from entering the respiratory tract. Also, taking into account the fact that in case of ethyl alcohol poisoning, the human body quickly consumes heat, it is necessary to prevent hypothermia by wrapping the patient in a warm blanket before the doctors arrive.

In what cases should you call an ambulance?

Understand when qualified personnel are needed health care in case of alcohol poisoning is not always possible. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the patient’s condition, and if it worsens, immediately go to the hospital. The dynamics of the manifestation of deterioration may be different, however, if at least a few signs appear, you need to urgently call an ambulance. These signs include:

  • loss of consciousness by the patient;
  • a noticeable decrease in temperature indicators;
  • the presence of sticky cold sweat;
  • a sharp manifestation of unhealthy skin color (extreme pallor or redness);
  • poorly defined rapid pulse;
  • uncontrolled release of urine and feces;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • manifestation of muscle cramps;
  • intense headache;
  • pain in the peritoneum;
  • presence of blood in vomit and feces.

Alcohol poisoning can cause the death of a patient as a result of disruption of the heart, respiratory system, hypothermia or other symptoms. This indicates the importance of timely provision of first aid and calling doctors. Any delay can cause complications. To avoid this, it is important to take the patient’s condition seriously.

Complications of alcohol poisoning

Complications from alcohol poisoning include impairment of consciousness and vital body functions. Thus, loss of consciousness can turn into a coma if the patient is not provided with appropriate assistance in a timely manner.

Other complications from alcohol poisoning include breathing problems manifested in tongue retraction, bronchorrhea, trismus of masticatory muscles, and the consequences of vomit entering the respiratory tract (hypersalivation). Long-term intoxication also contributes to the development of acute renal failure.

Coma after drinking alcohol

As mentioned above, loss of consciousness due to alcohol poisoning can lead to a coma. There are three main stages of this state depending on their severity and manifestation: superficial coma, moderate coma, deep coma.

Superficial coma

With a superficial coma, the patient reacts to light (the pupils constrict) and the smell of ammonia (wrinkles and pushes away with his hands). At the same time, despite the actions performed, he does not regain consciousness and does not respond to other external stimuli.

To get rid of this condition, a gastric lavage procedure is performed, in which a gastric tube is used. Most often, this is enough to restore the patient's consciousness.

Moderate coma

The onset of moderate coma is characterized by relaxation muscle tissue. In this case, the patient practically does not react to the smell of ammonia and does not regain consciousness after gastric lavage.

To recover from a moderate coma, the patient must be sent to the toxicology department. Only when, under the influence of drugs, the body is cleansed of poisons, there are chances for the return of consciousness.

Deep coma

Deep coma is manifested by the absence (complete) of tendon reflexes, zero reaction of the pupils to light, and convulsive contractions of muscle tissue are observed. The reaction to ammonia, pain and other external stimuli is completely absent. As in the case of a moderate coma, it is necessary to hospitalize the patient in the toxicology department for treatment in a hospital setting.

What to do after alcohol poisoning

Treatment of alcohol poisoning includes an extensive course of rehabilitation, helping the patient to restore how physical health both memory and moral well-being. This recovery course includes three main stages:

  • stabilization of the body’s acid-base balance;
  • restoration of liver function and its further protection;
  • resumption of normal functioning of the central nervous system;
  • restoration of the peripheral nervous system.

Depending on how severe the alcohol poisoning was, recovery can be carried out on an outpatient basis or in an inpatient toxicology department. If there has been minor intoxication in the body of a non-drinker, to restore it it is enough to cleanse the body of the metabolic products of ethyl alcohol and stop drinking alcohol for the next few weeks, at least.

What's so bad? There’s no point in mixing, just drink one thing!

Alcohol poisoning is not uncommon, and most people still do not know how to act correctly in this case. A comrade who has had too much is usually simply put to bed, without thinking about what ethyl alcohol intoxication might lead to in the near future. Alcohol intoxication has insidious consequences, which in some cases are fatal.

If you feel sick in the morning from alcohol: what to do

Quickly to the pharmacy, buy sorbex and betargin. Drink 3 sorbex tablets, then dilute 1 ampoule of betargin (drinking ampoule) in half a glass of water at room temperature and drink too. Afterward, drink highly carbonated water. All symptoms will go away in 2-3 hours. I checked it myself))

Well, the most ancient way

  1. Disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract: profuse vomiting, diarrhea, cramping abdominal pain, hypersalivation;
  2. Loss of coordination of movements, accompanied by headache, severe dizziness;
  3. Damage to the blood vessels of the sclera of the eye: lacrimation, redness of the eyes, painful reaction to light;
  4. Chills, tremors of extremities, difficulty breathing;
  5. Increased blood pressure, rapid pulse.
  6. Loss of consciousness;
  7. Involuntary urination or defecation;
  8. Muffled heart sounds, severe bradycardia;
  9. Blueness of the skin, coldness of the extremities due to disruption of the functioning of the heart and normal blood flow.

Alcohol intoxication is sometimes confused with the banal alcohol intoxication, which is most often due to people's lack of awareness of the difference between them.

  • Feeling of euphoria, liberation;
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Speech becomes slurred, fast, loud;
  • A person under the influence of alcohol increases his physical and mental capabilities, gets involved in conflicts and discussions;
  • A sparkle appears in the eyes;
  • The sense of proportion is dulled.

Intoxication is a mild form of intoxication, which usually ends with a hangover and headache, but also causes enormous harm to health due to the death of nerve cells.

Acute alcohol poisoning is a serious threat to human life and therefore requires immediate treatment.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication is aimed at removing the toxic substance from the body, normalizing blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration.

Alcohol poisoning: treatment at home using traditional methods

Alcohol poisoning, treating it at home using well-known folk methods, allows you to avoid dangerous consequences toxic effects of ethyl alcohol components on the body. If you suspect alcohol poisoning, you should not put the victim to sleep, because in a dream a person can die from asphyxia by vomit, from cardiac or respiratory arrest.

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning:

  • Force the victim to drink at least a liter clean water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of table salt, then press with your fingers or a spoon on the root of the tongue, thus inducing vomiting. These activities can be stopped only after vomiting is present only clean water. This way you will help the victim get rid of toxins, which will significantly alleviate his condition;
  • If the poisoned person has severe chills, you can warm him up with a light blanket or rug;
  • If a person is unconscious, it is worth turning him on his side to prevent inhalation of vomit and tongue retraction;
  • Call an ambulance.

When alcohol poisoning occurs, the body loses water, so you need to replenish your water balance.

What to drink to prevent dehydration:

  1. Warm tea with lemon. It is undesirable to drink coffee, because caffeine leads to a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, which aggravates the process of intoxication;
  2. Mineral water;
  3. Brine (this drink has a high concentration of salt);
  4. Milk.

Treatment after alcohol poisoning is aimed at restoring normal vital functions of the body. You can’t “treat” weakly alcoholic drinks. For several days, it is advisable for the victim to sleep a lot, drink plenty of fluids and saline solutions (normohydron, rehydron). To completely remove toxins, you can use adsorbent preparations: activated carbon, smecta, enterosgel.

First aid for alcohol poisoning, algorithm of actions

First aid for alcohol poisoning can be provided independently. To do this you will need: clean water, table salt, soda, activated carbon.

In case of alcohol poisoning, you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. Remove from the body toxic substance. To do this, induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with your fingers or a spoon;
  2. To disinfect the stomach and slow down the absorption of alcoholic products, it is worth giving the victim a saline solution (add 1 tablespoon of table salt and ½ teaspoon of soda per liter of water);
  3. Adsorb the remains of the toxic component. To do this, you should drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight;
  4. For severe headaches, apply a compress of damp cloth to the back of the head and ventilate the room well;
  5. After the activities have been completed, calm down and put the alcohol victim to sleep.

Poisoning with alcohol surrogates, how to recognize low-quality alcohol

Poisoning with alcohol substitutes is common, so you should be especially careful when choosing alcoholic beverages. For food purposes, it is relatively safe for humans to consume alcohol made from ethyl alcohol. “Underground” drinks are made from industrial alcohol (methyl alcohol), which cannot be processed by the human liver due to the lack of an enzyme that breaks it down.

It is impossible to treat poisoning with surrogate alcohol at home, so if you suspect intoxication with “scorched” alcohol, you must call an ambulance.

How to recognize low-quality alcohol:

  • A good drink cannot be cheap, so there is no need to buy alcohol online or on special offer;
  • A factory bottle must have excise taxes;
  • If you feel that you are getting drunk very quickly when drinking a questionable alcoholic drink, urgently rinse your stomach and call an ambulance;
  • It is difficult to distinguish low-quality alcohol by taste, but methyl alcohol gives off a sharp alcoholic smell. Cognac, whiskey and quality wines do not smell of alcohol.

Activated carbon for alcohol poisoning, the role of adsorbents in the treatment of alcohol intoxication

Activated carbon for alcohol poisoning is an ideal assistant for the adsorption and timely removal of the toxic substance. The use of activated carbon cannot cause harm to health and has a minimum of contraindications. Coal is in every first aid kit and is cheap, which makes this drug widely available, but no less effective.

In case of alcohol poisoning, it is advisable to take the adsorbent after gastric lavage, since activated carbon helps to weaken the urge to vomit. To achieve the desired effect, you should drink at least 5 tablets of coal.

Alcohol poisoning pills, how they work

Tablets for alcohol poisoning are divided into groups according to their ability to eliminate the symptoms of alcohol intoxication:

  • Adsorbing agents such as activated carbon, smecta, polysorb have enveloping and adsorbing properties, which helps eliminate discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract. Such medicines are sold without a doctor’s prescription, are found in almost every home, and do not have a harmful effect on the body;

  • An anti-nausea remedy is validol. Its effect is due to the high concentration of menthol, which has an inhibitory effect on the vomiting center in the brain. There are other antiemetic drugs (metoclopramide, cerucal), but they can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription;

  • Painkillers are necessary for victims of alcohol intoxication due to the development of severe headaches. Aspirin upsa (soluble effervescent tablet) is best suited for this purpose. However, this drug is contraindicated for people suffering from gastric ulcers;
  • Complex antioxidants for ethyl alcohol poisoning: zorex (is an antioxidant, hepatorotector, promotes rapid excretion of ethyl alcohol products in the urine); biotredin.

Vodka poisoning, how not to get poisoned during a celebration

Vodka poisoning most often occurs due to a person’s lack of sense of proportion. The amount of vodka that can cause alcohol intoxication is individual for each person, so it is better to adhere to the following rule: drink 50 grams of vodka per hour. This way you can avoid a hangover in the morning, and at the party you will be cheerful and at the same time remain in adequate condition.

It’s easier to get poisoned with cognac than with other alcoholic drinks, because high-quality cognac contains a small amount of methyl alcohol, which is extremely toxic to the human body. It is not advisable to consume such a drink in an evening in quantities exceeding 100 grams.

To avoid poisoning from wine, you should not mix this low-proof drink with others (vodka, beer, champagne). At a table with a lot of fruits and meat dishes, you can allow yourself about 300 grams of this noble drink and not worry about the consequences.

To be poisoned by low-quality alcohol, 50 grams will be enough. If you are not sure of the quality of an alcoholic drink, it is better not to drink it at all.

What to drink if you have alcohol poisoning to feel better

What to drink if you have alcohol poisoning to quickly recover from severe intoxication:

  1. Enterosgel is an adsorbent drug that binds toxic complexes of ethyl alcohol products and naturally removes them from the body. This product also has enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties on the stomach wall irritated by alcohol toxins;

  1. Regidron is a drug that restores the natural water-salt balance of the body. Thirst after drinking excess alcohol is caused by dehydration, which leads to alcohol consumption. Rehydron is available in powder form, which is diluted in a liter of clean water. A person who has been poisoned by alcohol should drink a rehydron solution within several hours after the first symptoms of intoxication appear.

Vomiting due to alcohol poisoning: why it occurs, how to stop it

Vomiting in case of alcohol poisoning is a natural protective reaction of the body aimed at cleansing the body of a toxic substance. Vomiting undigested food and alcohol should not cause you any concern. To speed up the process of cleansing the stomach, you should drink 0.5-1 liter of water with salt. If the vomiting becomes mucous, bitter, and does not stop long time, you should contact a specialized medical institution for emergency assistance. Vomiting bile indicates that alcohol consumption has disrupted the functioning of the liver and bile ducts.

How to stop vomiting in case of poisoning:

  • Wash with cold water, go out Fresh air;
  • Drink an enveloping agent such as enterosgel or smecta;
  • Place a validol tablet under your tongue;
  • Drink warm tea with lemon or milk.

If the above measures do not help, you should seek specialized help at the hospital.

Remedy for alcohol poisoning: traditional methods of treatment

After a successful holiday, many people are looking for ideal remedy from alcohol poisoning. Certainly, the best remedy from this illness sober image life. But there are some easy ones folk recipes, allowing you to relieve headaches, relieve nausea and weakness after a feast.

Traditional recipes for hangovers:

  1. Drink 1 - 1.5 liters in the morning on an empty stomach cucumber pickle, which will restore the salt balance in the body and start working digestive system, will ease headaches;
  2. Drink a raw egg, after shaking it with a few drops of vinegar and a pinch of salt;
  3. Prepare black tea with milk and sugar. Milk will relieve stomach pain and the urge to vomit, while glucose will launch mental activity and give energy;
  4. Take a cool shower, but do not wash with too cold water to avoid vasospasm.

It is better not to treat severe alcohol poisoning on your own; perhaps you have come across low-quality alcohol, the intoxication from which can only be eliminated by a specialist.

Methyl alcohol poisoning: how to recognize and treat

Poisoning with methyl alcohol is very dangerous, since, unlike ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol is a purely technical liquid, which, when consumed by a person, is converted into formic acid, which can destroy almost all organs and tissues of the body.

Externally, by color and smell, ethyl and methyl alcohols almost identical, so it is almost impossible to distinguish them. To protect yourself from drinking industrial alcohol, you should purchase only high-quality alcoholic beverages in specialized stores.

Signs of poisoning:

  1. Acute abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting;
  2. Flashing of flies before the eyes, short-term loss of vision;
  3. Rapid intoxication, aggression, which are sharply replaced by weakness, apathy and drowsiness.
  4. Increased heart rate, sharp drop in blood pressure;
  5. Excessive drooling;
  6. Loss of consciousness.

If you notice the following symptoms, you should take immediate action:

  • Call an ambulance;
  • Rinse the stomach with saline solution or clean water;
  • Drink activated carbon.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning is nothing more than banal alcohol poisoning. Intoxication can develop due to excessive consumption of alcohol or due to individual intolerance to alcohol by a certain person.

How to avoid ethanol poisoning:

  • If you drink alcohol, you should snack on oily fish or meat dishes And vegetable salads, which will allow ethyl alcohol to be absorbed more slowly;
  • Do not drink alcohol with carbonated drinks;
  • Do not mix different types alcoholic drinks (for example, champagne and vodka);
  • Don't drink alcohol if you know you have an intolerance.

Acute alcohol poisoning can be fatal, so do not think that uncontrollable vomiting, spasmodic headache or loss of consciousness is not a reason to see a doctor. You can try to eliminate unpleasant symptoms at home, but if there is no proper result, a visit to the doctor will not hurt you.

Signs of ethyl alcohol poisoning:

  • severe vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, drooling and watery eyes;
  • severe loss of coordination of movements;
  • memory loss;
  • involuntary urination and defecation;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • loss of vision, flickering of spots before the eyes;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness.

Poisoning with ammonia is quite rare, since ammonia is most often used in medical practice.

Ammonia is an irritating substance that is used to revive a patient who is losing consciousness. The pungent ammonia smell irritates the human nervous system, which brings him out of unconsciousness.

Typically, ammonia poisoning develops through prolonged inhalation of its vapors and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • burning in the throat, dry, severe cough;
  • dizziness, disorientation in space;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • lacrimation;
  • nausea, profuse vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • double vision, short-term loss of vision;
  • hallucinations;
  • hot flashes, increased sweating.

Help for ammonia poisoning:

  1. take the victim out into the fresh air or open the windows in the room;
  2. stop human contact with the toxic substance;
  3. wash your face cool water, rinse your mouth and nose with water;
  4. at in serious condition the victim, call an ambulance.

It is strictly forbidden to take ammonia orally, as it destroys the walls of the stomach and destroys cells of the liver, kidneys, and circulatory system.

If ammonia gets inside, you need to:

  1. urgently call a doctor;
  2. induce vomiting in the victim by drinking plenty of clean water;
  3. Give the patient a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Video on the topic of alcohol poisoning: