Weather in mineral waters in November. Weather in Mineralnye Vody in November Cafes and restaurants in Mineralnye Vody

According to our observations, as well as reviews of tourists who have visited Russia, we can say that the weather in Kemer in September is expected to be quite good. The average daily air temperature in November is 8.2 °C, while the night air temperature will be 2.3 °C.

Weather in November

Is it worth going to Mineralnye Vody on vacation in November?


Taking into account all available weather data in Mineralnye Vody ah in November (air and water temperature, amount and intensity of rain, cloud cover, day length and wind strength), we calculated the level of comfort at this resort, which was 57.0 %. Please also note that the comfort level in December will be lower and will be 49.9 %

Comfort level by month

On the graph below you can see the comfort level in Mineralnye Vody calculated by us for each month. The most comfortable months The months for holidays in Mineralnye Vody are July, August and September. The months with the minimum level of comfort are May, December and January.

Weather comparison in Mineralnye Vody by month

Select the month you are interested in from the list below if you want to get detailed information about the weather in Mineralnye Vody at another time.

Air temperature in Mineralnye Vody in November

During the day, the air temperature in November ranges from 4.0°C to 14.5°C, at night from -2.5°C to -2.5°C, respectively. The average air temperature is 8.2 °C during the day, and 2.3 °C at night. The difference between day and night air temperatures on average per month reaches 5.9°C.

Rainy days and precipitation in November

On average in November in Mineralnye Vody it falls 31 mm of precipitation, as a rule, about 2 rainy days. In terms of precipitation, November is one of the driest months. According to our observations and Gismeteo data, the probability rainy weather amounts to 8.9 %. In this case, most often it will be light drizzling rain.

Sunny, cloudy and cloudy days

In Mineralnye Vody in November there are usually about 10 sunny, 5 cloudy and 15 cloudy days. Length daylight hours(dawn to sunset) is 9 hours and 38 minutes. The number of sunny hours when the sun's rays reach the surface of the earth, taking into account the average cloudiness for the month, is 4 hours and 41 minutes per day.

Wind in Mineralnye Vody in November

The graph below shows the likelihood of winds of varying strengths throughout the month. At the same time average speed wind in Mineralnye Vody in November is 12.5 m/s.

Weather in November at other Russian resorts

We bring to your attention brief information about the weather at other popular resorts in Russia in November. Select the resort you are interested in to get more detailed information.

Name Temperature
air during the day
air at night
Rainy days
Sochi 14.9 °C 8.7 °C 3 days (89 mm) 45.5 %
Anapa 11.4 °C 7.6 °C 3 days (32 mm) 44.9 %
Adler 15.0 °C 8.7 °C 3 days (89 mm) 45.6 %
Gelendzhik 12.2 °C 7.8 °C 3 days (44 mm) 45.2 %
Moscow 0.2 °C -2.6 °C 3 days (39 mm) 47.1 %

Mineralnye Vody is my hometown. Only a native resident can tell all the most important nuances necessary for a future traveler planning to visit this city in November. Stay with me, it will be interesting.

Mineralnye Vody - cool autumn weather

November can hardly be called a hot month. Daytime temperature is only 6-7 degrees. Sometimes the weather indulges in fine days. 15°C - great opportunity enjoy the warmth. Every year there are very cold days. The temperature drops below zero degrees. Night frosts occur periodically.

There is virtually no rain throughout the entire month. Cloudy days alternate with sunny ones, so you have time to bask a little under the gentle rays. I can’t promise a tan, but my mood will definitely improve. Plan your walks during the daytime. In autumn it gets dark early. At night it is better to stay in a hotel room or go to a cafe, because the thermometer shows 0-1°C.

Packing your suitcase for a trip

I advise you to carefully consider your wardrobe. The most best solution:

  • down jacket;
  • light jacket;
  • winter boots (insulated sneakers are an option);
  • jeans;
  • sweater;
  • gloves.

For hiking in the mountains you will need a small backpack that frees up your hands well. It is not necessary to take a first aid kit with you. There are no problems with buying medicine in the city. Prices are the same everywhere.

Things to do

The city is famous interesting places, capable of attracting any tourist. So:

  • stud farm;
  • memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory";
  • museum aviation technology;
  • house of the writer Bibik.

Mineralnye Vody is known for its natural attractions. I advise you to admire Mount Snake, located almost within the city limits. The easiest way is to take a taxi, which will quickly take you to your destination. Wear comfortable shoes to prevent your feet from getting tired from walking for a long time.

Brief information

On the territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters there are Mineralnye Vody, which is part of the group of largest resorts - Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk. The city of Mineralnye Vody is a large railway junction and railway station, an airport serving the resorts of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. Mineral Waters is quality treatment and great holiday. Mineral waters offer a wide range of services for treatment and relaxation; the very nature of KavMinVod makes your vacation memorable.


The Mineralnye Vody resort is located 170 km southeast of Stavropol, in the Ciscaucasia, on the southeastern edge of the Stavropol Upland, in the valley of the Kuma River.


Moscow time.


The population is 89,051 people.


The location of the resort area of ​​Mineralnye Vody in the foothills of the Caucasus, next to Zheleznovodsk, predetermines it natural conditions that will make your vacation unforgettable. Mineralnye Vody is located near Mount Beshtau, Medovaya, Razvalka, Ostraya, Zheleznaya. The slopes are covered deciduous forests, turning into a park on the territory of the resort (beech, poplar, ash, chestnut, alder, plane tree, elm and other trees). Artificial reservoirs have been made in the park areas.

Main healing factors

Mineral water "Novoterskaya", the pump room of which is located in the lobby of the dormitory building of the sanatorium "Mineral Waters".

Therapeutic mud of Lake Tambukan, located 15 km from the city of Pyatigorsk, which contains highly mineralized (mineralization 30-70 g/dm3) highly sulfide (FeS > 0.5%) silt mud of continental origin, is used.

Main indications for treatment

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as metabolic, respiratory, and musculoskeletal system disorders.

Additional information

The Mineralnye Vody resort was founded in 1878 in connection with the construction of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway like the village Sultanovsky. The name "Mineral Waters" was given in 1920.

Treatment Resort hotel

Available rooms

Pyatigorsk, city

average price: RUR 3,019


Available rooms

Essentuki, city

average price: 2,422 rub.


Available rooms

Essentuki, city


Available rooms


Available rooms


Available rooms


Available rooms

Pyatigorsk, city

average price: RUR 3,482


Available rooms


Available rooms


Available rooms


Available rooms


Available rooms

Available rooms

Essentuki, city

Caucasian Mineral Waters– an ecological resort region with a telling name. The lands of the Northern Ciscaucasia are indeed full mineral springs– mineral waters are not found anywhere in the world in such quantity and variety as here. In the depths of laccolith mountains, rocky ridges, terraces descending to river valleys, and in the vastness of the foothill steppes self-flowing springs of hydrogen sulfide waters, Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk narzans, gush out of the ground, drinking water type "Essentuki", "Smirnovskaya" and "Slavyanovskaya". In addition to the springs, the Caucasian Mineral Waters also has the healing mud of Lake Tambukan and vast tracts of forests.

The resorts of Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk do not need any introduction. The name of each of these cities is familiar to most from childhood from the labels of bottles with mineral water, which can be found in any pharmacy Russian city. They have become a kind of symbols of the resort business, owners of magnificent healing parks with openwork drinking galleries, ancient bath buildings and health paths, modern sanatorium complexes and a rich cultural heritage.


The ecological resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters is located in the south of the European part of Russia, on the territory Stavropol Territory, northern lands of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The region covers four resort cities - Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk.

Caucasian Mineral Waters lies at the junction of the Stavropol Upland, dissected by river valleys and gullies, and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus. Only about 50 km separates the resort region from the highest peak in Russia - the majestic Elbrus volcano, bound in ice. The relief of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is heterogeneous - resort towns lie in basins, river valleys, near ridges covered with dense deciduous forests and at the foot of cone-shaped mountains. Northern border The region is dominated by the city of Mineralnye Vody, beyond which stretch the steppes of the Northern Ciscaucasia, and in the south - the valleys of the Khasaut and Malki rivers.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is a region distinguished natural wealth. The slopes of the surrounding mountains cover endless forests. On the slopes of Pyatigorye lies the Beshtaugorsky forest park, in which ash, pedunculate oak, beech and hornbeam grow. The resort parks contain plants and trees from different corners peace alder, pine, Atlas cedar, blue spruce, thuja, Virginia juniper and red plum. Through the efforts of gardeners, the resort of Essentuki, surrounded by the steppe, has been transformed into a blooming garden city.


Climate resort region Caucasian Mineral Waters is distinguished by its diversity. Depending on geographical latitude and there are several heights climatic zones– low-mountain and foothill climate steppe zone, highland climate on the slopes of the Greater Caucasus. Resort towns are located in the foothill climate zone, which is one of the main healing factors of the region, due to geographical features Each resort has its own climatic characteristics.

Winter at the resorts of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is moderately warm and dry. The first frosts come in November. Average temperature the coldest month, January, is -3 °C. At this time of year, thaws and fogs are common.

Summer is moderately warm, not hot, sunny and long. The average July temperature at the resorts of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is 19-22 °C.

The number of hours of sunshine is 1900-2200 per year.

The average annual precipitation decreases with distance from the Greater Caucasus. In Kislovodsk the amount of precipitation is about 600 mm per year, in Pyatigorsk - about 470 mm.

In general, the region is characterized by weather conditions favorable for relaxation at any time of the year.


Caucasian Mineral Waters live according to Moscow time. Time zone – MSK (UTC+3).


The population of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody resort region is 952,646 people. Russians, Armenians, Karachais, Ukrainians, Abazas, Georgians, Ossetians and representatives of other peoples of the Caucasus live in resort towns.

Types of tourism

Basics tourist destination resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters – spa treatment And wellness holiday.

Caucasian Mineral Waters have powerful natural healing resources. The region is the owner of various types of mineral waters, medicinal mud, climatic conditions, ideal for wellness treatments. In terms of the volume of medicinal resources concentrated in the region, Caucasian Mineral Waters has no analogues in Russia and in the world.

There are 24 mineral water deposits on the territory of the ecological resort region, including Essentukskoye, Zheleznovodskoye, Kislovodskoye and Pyatigorskoye. Here there are sources of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and radon waters, drinking mineral waters of the Essentuki type, nitrogen-methane waters and narzans. Mineral waters are used for drinking treatment and balneological procedures in the treatment of various organs and systems - from diseases of the digestive system to diseases genitourinary system.

On the territory of the resort region there is Lake Tambukan, which is a source of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium brine, as well as therapeutic sulfide-silt mud. The silts of Lake Tambukan in the form of applications and wraps are used in sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Kislovodsk, as well as in health resorts in different regions of Russia.

The climate of the foothills is distinguished not only by the special purity of the air and the absence of allergens, but also by its rarefaction. Low partial pressure of oxygen provokes rapid breathing, saturation of blood, tissues and organs with oxygen. This effect is especially beneficial for people with respiratory diseases.

The complex terrain of the resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters creates favorable conditions for a health path - therapeutic walking with elevation changes for training. cardiovascular system. Besides, natural landscapes The region and resort parks create a favorable psychological environment, increasing the effectiveness of spa treatment.

The natural abundance of the region contributed to the development of the resort business. KavMinVody is one of the oldest resort regions in Russia. The first baths, drinking galleries, and alleys of healing parks were opened at the beginning of the 19th century. Today, the region has a developed network of sanatorium and resort institutions, as well as general resort health resorts - clinics, baths, drinking galleries with pump rooms.

The main indications for recreational recreation and sanatorium-resort treatment at the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters are:

  • Diseases of the respiratory and ENT organs
  • Diseases digestive system
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Diseases nervous system
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Active leisure is also widely developed and popular in the resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters. First of all, hiking; the surroundings of the resorts are cut through with health trails and tourist routes leading to the peaks of the surrounding mountains, lakes, and waterfalls. In addition, guests of the resorts are offered horseback riding and cycling, river rafting, visiting caves - caving tourism. Do not forget that Caucasian Mineral Waters is located a short car trip from Dombay, Teberda, Elbrus, Cheget, Arkhyz, where tourists can enjoy alpine skiing, mountain tourism, mountaineering and even hang gliding.

Excursion tourism. Caucasian Mineral Waters has something to surprise even experienced travelers. There are many preserved here architectural monuments– from buildings of baths and mud baths, small architectural forms of resort parks to noble mansions and villas, magnificent garden and park ensembles, natural attractions. The history of resorts is associated with names prominent figures arts - in the cities of the resort region there are many house museums and historical places. The resorts of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody are also attractive because you can get to know many of the sights on your own on foot. Excursion bureaus of sanatoriums and boarding houses offer their guests trips to Dombay, Elbrus and Arkhyz.


The Caucasian Mineral Waters resort group includes four cities: Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk.

Zheleznovodsk- a balneological and mud resort, the most modest in size of the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The hot springs of Zheleznovodsk have been known since ancient times, and the first serious studies of the waters were carried out at the end of the 18th century. Outstanding architects and gardeners worked on the construction and arrangement of the resort; the plans of the best European resorts were used as the basis. From the very foundation of the resort, the health resorts were headed by prominent scientists who made a significant contribution to the development of the resort business in the Caucasus.

Kislovodsk- one of the most famous balneological and climatic resorts in Russia, the birthplace of Narzan mineral waters and, perhaps, the most attractive city of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The development of resort medicine in Kislovodsk is associated with the names of outstanding domestic clinicians and balneologists; it was here that many physiotherapeutic techniques used in sanatoriums and health centers throughout Russia were developed.

Pyatigorsk- a famous balneological and mud resort, part of the Caucasian Mineral Waters resort group. Due to its wealth of natural mineral springs, Pyatigorsk is often called the “natural gallery of mineral waters,” and its elegant architecture and magnificent parks attracted an aristocratic public to the resort back in the 19th century. It is believed that it was in Pyatigorsk that domestic balneology as a science was born - in 1863 the Russian Balneological Society was founded in the city, uniting the best doctors and scientists of his time.


1. Federal Law No. 214-FZ of July 29, 2017 “On conducting an experiment on the development of resort infrastructure in the Republic of Crimea, Altai Territory, Krasnodar region and Stavropol Territory."

2. Law of the Stavropol Territory No. 130-kz dated December 8, 2017 “On some issues of conducting an experiment on the development of resort infrastructure in the Stavropol Territory.”

RESORT FEE: 50 rubles per person.

The experiment territory includes the territories of the following municipalities Stavropol Territory:

  • resort town of Essentuki;
  • resort town of Zheleznovodsk;
  • resort city of Kislovodsk;
  • resort city of Pyatigorsk.

PAYERS OF THE RESORT FEE: individuals who have reached the age of majority and are staying in accommodation facilities for more than 24 hours.


1) persons awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union, Hero Russian Federation or who are full holders of the Order of Glory;

2) persons awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor or Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees;

3) participants of the Great Patriotic War;

4) combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 Federal Law dated January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ “On Veterans”; 5) persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;

6) persons who worked at facilities during the Great Patriotic War air defense, local air defense, in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear boundaries of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, in front-line areas of railways and highways, as well as crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states;

7) war invalids;

8) family members of fallen (deceased) war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans, family members of those killed in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War persons from among the personnel of self-defense groups of facility and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as members of the families of deceased workers of hospitals and clinics in the city of Leningrad;

9) persons exposed to radiation as a result of a disaster in Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, and persons equated to them;

10) disabled people of groups I and II;

11) persons accompanying disabled people of group I and disabled children in accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ “On State social assistance";

12) low-income families, low-income citizens living alone and other categories of citizens provided for by Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”, who have an average per capita income below living wage established at the place of their residence in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation; 13) persons who arrived in the experiment territory in order to receive specialized, including high-tech, medical care or medical rehabilitation after the provision of specialized, including high-tech, medical care in the conditions of sanatorium-resort organizations, as well as an accompanying person if the patient is a child under the age of 18 years;

14) patients with tuberculosis;

15) persons under the age of 24 years studying in full-time training in educational organizations located on the territory of the experiment;

16) persons permanently working on the territory of the experiment on the basis employment contract or service contract;

17) persons who have a place of residence in the experiment territory;

18) persons who have the right of ownership of residential buildings (shares in the ownership of them) and (or) residential premises (shares in the ownership of them) on the territory of the experiment;

19) athletes, coaches, sports judges, as well as other specialists in the field of physical education and sports who arrived to participate in official sports events in the experiment territory.

Exemption from payment of the resort fee is carried out upon presentation to the resort fee operator of the original document confirming the right to exemption from payment of the resort fee, or a duly certified copy thereof. Exemption from paying the resort fee for the persons specified in paragraph 11 may also be carried out on the basis of a written application from the accompanied person or his legal representative.


1. The amount of the resort fee payable is calculated as the product of the number of days the resort fee payer actually stays at the accommodation facility, excluding the day of arrival, and the corresponding amount of the resort fee. However, the amount of the resort fee payable is not included in the cost of your stay.

2. The resort fee will be charged no later than the time of check-out from the property.

3. Repeated collection of resort fees for the same period of stay in the experiment territory is not permitted.

4. The resort fee is subject to credit to the budget of the Stavropol Territory.

5. The transfer of the resort fee to the budget of the Stavropol Territory is carried out by the operator of the resort fee after the expiration of the period of actual residence of the payer in the accommodation facility no later than the 28th day of the month, based on the results of which the resort fee is calculated, but not earlier than the expiration of the period of actual residence of the payer in the accommodation facility.

6. If it is impossible to withhold from the payer the calculated amount of the resort fee, the resort fee operator, no later than three working days from the date of departure of the payer from the accommodation facility, is obliged to notify the executive authority of the Stavropol Territory of the impossibility of withholding the resort fee from the payer and the amount of the resort fee payable , responsible for conducting the experiment (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body), according to the form established by him.


1. Operators of resort fees, in accordance with the procedure established by the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, are obliged to calculate, collect and transfer resort fees to the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2. The operator of the resort fee, when collecting from the payer of the resort fee the amount of the resort fee subject to payment, is obliged to issue the payer of the resort fee a document confirming the fact of payment.

3. Operators of resort fees, in the manner established by the authorized body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, are obliged to keep records of payers of resort fees and persons exempt from paying resort fees, in compliance with the requirements of Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

4. The resort fee operator is obliged to submit to the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation a report of the resort fee operator, prepared on the basis of accounting data, as well as the information necessary for maintaining the register of resort fee operators.

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Search for flights to Mineralnye Vody


The main public transport is buses and minibuses. Most of them depart from the railway station; the route network covers all areas of the city and nearby villages. The fare is relatively small - about 16 RUB.

The only drawback is that the transport runs until 19:00-20:00. So, if you plan to stay somewhere late, be prepared to use a taxi. The latter in Mineralnye Vody are represented by several local companies, the tariffs are low compared to Moscow - travel around the city will cost 50-150 RUB, transfer from the airport - from 150 RUB. There is also an international transfer booking service, but prices are much higher - from 600 RUB. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

Maps of Mineralnye Vody

Car rental

If you come to Mineralnye Vody for a short time and don’t plan to leave the city, then there’s probably no point in renting a car. The public transport network covers the entire territory including its suburbs, buses run frequently, and the fare is low. In case of late walks, there are taxis with fairly low tariffs. If you want to explore the surrounding area and other cities in the resort region, it would be more advisable to take a car and not depend on the schedule of trains and intercity buses.

Mineralnye Vody is a small city, and there is no such car traffic as in Moscow or St. Petersburg. The traffic is calm, but sometimes there are traffic jams. There should be no problems with parking - there are several 24-hour parking lots, paid and free. The cost per day in the open area is 100 RUB, in the parking lot at the airport - 500 RUB.

Most companies providing car rental services operate throughout the region, which allows you to rent a car in Mineralnye Vody and return it in Pyatigorsk or Essentuki. This opportunity is provided by Urentcar and Autorent-KMV. Most companies, including Avant Car and Avto Dar, accept payment bank cards. The cost of car rental, depending on the class and rental period, varies from 1000 RUB per day.

Treatment in Mineralnye Vody

The Caucasian Mineral Waters region has long been famous for its healing climate and healing natural sources. The first information about them appeared in the 17th century, and in Soviet era this resort was one of the most popular among the residents of our country. And although the springs themselves are located in neighboring cities, in the vicinity of Mineralnye Vody there are also many sanatoriums offering vacationers various health treatments.

It’s worth coming here even if you don’t have any specific diseases. Mineral and foam-licorice baths, healing mud and the healing climate of this region cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Various health resorts provide treatment for ulcers and gastritis, diabetes mellitus and obesity, liver, kidney and nervous system diseases. This is far from full list ailments that water from underground sources can help cope with. Depending on the indications and contraindications, different methods are used - drinking treatment, beneficial mineral water baths and mud therapy.

Hotels in Mineralnye Vody

When choosing a hotel in Mineralnye Vody, the first thing you need to do is decide on the purpose of the trip. The city has both regular hotels and guest houses, as well as sanatoriums offering various medical procedures. The price per day in the latter is much higher. The cost of accommodation does not depend much on the location of the hotel, in the center or on the outskirts, however, budget options It's worth looking closer to the suburbs.

Those who want to save money should pay attention to inexpensive guest houses. A night in a shared female or male room for several people will cost only 500 RUB. Prices for accommodation in a double room start from 1000 RUB.

There are three- and four-star hotels in the city, most of them are concentrated in the central part. For a day in a comfortable room with a designer interior and satellite TV you will have to pay from 2500 to 3000 RUB. It features bars, restaurants and karaoke, and evening time - entertainment program with animators.

What to bring

Since holidays in Mineralnye Vody are usually associated with treatment, something with healing properties. First of all, you should grab a few bottles of healing mineral water from nearby springs. There are none in the city itself, but “Narzans” and “Essentuki” can be found in many stores.

Any water that has a therapeutic effect should be drunk with extreme caution. When choosing a gift, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition and properties of different varieties.

Another useful souvenir is Tambukan mud, which is actively used in the treatment of skin diseases and cosmetology. Its source, Lake Tambukan, is located 30 km from the city, so you can collect some silt yourself. If this is not possible, the collected and packaged dirt, as well as cosmetics based on it, are sold in pharmacies and stores in Mineralnye Vody.

In these places there is also a souvenir that heals not the body, but the soul. The famous Praskovey cognacs are produced at the winery of the same name, located 100 km from the city, and are considered one of business cards cities.

Cafes and restaurants in Mineralnye Vody

The choice of cafes in Mineralnye Vody is not as wide as in larger tourist regions, but here you can find somewhere to have a snack or a tasty dinner. There are several excellent restaurants in the city with luxurious interiors and quality service; the menu includes dishes of Russian, European and Caucasian cuisine. The average bill is from 1000 to 2000 RUB.

Among tourists and local residents, the most famous restaurant is the Holburg restaurant, located in the building of the castle of the same name. Its main advantages are excellent cuisine, friendly staff and a medieval atmosphere.

For a quick and satisfying snack, numerous cafes are perfect, where breakfast will cost 300-500 RUB. For lovers of pizza and sushi, there are restaurants serving Italian and Japanese cuisine. A special place Among the establishments of Mineralnye Vody are kebab cafes. It is impossible to imagine Caucasian cuisine without this hot and aromatic dish. They serve real shish kebab at very reasonable prices - the cost of lunch in most cafes and restaurants in the city does not exceed 700-1000 RUB.

Guides in Mineralnye Vody

Entertainment and attractions of Mineralnye Vody

The city should not be perceived solely as a transfer station on the way to the resorts North Caucasus. Quiet and cozy, it is perfect for rest and relaxation after the frantic rhythm of big cities. In addition, there are interesting natural, historical and architectural attractions, not to mention the sanatoriums and hospitals, for which many people travel to these regions.

They say that the only thing missing in Mineralnye Vody is the sea: sights, entertainment and even mountains already exist.

Those arriving in Mineralnye Vody by train can begin exploring the sights without leaving the ticket office. The railway station is one of the most interesting and beautiful historical buildings in the city. It was built in the late 50s. last century on the site of an old building.

In front of a semicircle of white columns stands a sculpture of an eagle clutching a snake in its talons. The monument illustrates a local legend about how a proud bird managed to recover from poisonous bite using water from local healing springs.

One of the most interesting natural attractions is the magmatic mountain Zmeyka. It attracts tourists not only with its beautiful mountain landscapes and unique flora and fauna. On the slopes there are several holy springs and WWII monuments, as well as adits and quarries. You can often meet amateurs active recreation with climbing equipment.

There are several temples and cathedrals in Mineralnye Vody that will be of interest to believers and those who want to get acquainted with the history, culture and architecture of the city. The main religious attraction is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Among its shrines are the relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, the patron saint of these places.

Of the city's museums, the most interesting is the Museum of Aviation Technology, which displays military and civilian vessels. Those wishing to learn more about the history of Mineralnye Vody should look into the Museum of Local Lore.


It is better to go on vacation to Mineralnye Vody in the second half of summer or autumn. Although the city's climate is temperate continental and quite mild at any time of the year, in winter and spring there is a high risk of falling into the rainy season. Summer here begins early, in mid-May, and ends only in September, giving way to a cool, but sunny and dry autumn, but in June short but intense showers are not uncommon.

Winter in Mineralnye Vody is warm and rainy; severe frosts practically never occur. During the period of early and short spring, which comes to these regions already at the end of February - beginning of March, there is a high probability of precipitation.