Test to determine the schizoid type. Psychotypes of personality and character accentuations

Psychological test. I found a description of it in N. Kozlov’s book “The True Truth, or a Textbook for a Psychologist on Life” M., “Ast-Press” 1999. A series of questions are asked, after which the result is shown in the form of a graph of the distribution of your predispositions across 9 accentuations. Their description and recommendations are displayed for positive and negative manifestations of a particular accentuation.

Type Recommendations
Hysteroid 8 (-) (+) 8
Schizoid 8 (-) (+) 8
Paranoid 5 (-) (+) 5
Epileptoid 7 (-) (+) 7
Asthenic 5 (-) (+) 5
Excited optimist 5 (-) (+) 5
-1 (-) (+) -1
Anxiously responsible 0 (-) (+) 0


From childhood, I am amazed by the child who likes to play alone, is not attracted to peers, avoids noisy fun, prefers to stay among adults, and sometimes silently listens to their conversations for a long time. To this is sometimes added some kind of coldness and childish restraint. A sedentary, seemingly frozen face... This is a schizoid.

For a schizoid, nature has frozen out the feelings and inserted only intellect, and, as a rule, without guidelines. The vague and dense world of experiences, the shadow of premonitions and the flame of passions, the joy and shame of sensuality, everything that is so close to poets and women - all this is not his world. He may be interested in it, but he assimilates it only as a foreign language. His world is the world of concepts, diagrams and calculations.

And what should he do with this among people, that is, what is not calculated?

He can decompose and analyze. And to seduce and seduce is as impossible for him as walking through a wall after a house ghost: he has nothing to do it with, he simply does not have the organs for this. He lacks intuition, and it is difficult for him in company, as well as in company with him, where he is always a “black sheep” and almost always “inappropriate.” He cannot catch “subtle things” in relationships: when to say what or remain silent, when to leave or stay.

Therefore, as a rule, he leaves.

As a result, this is a person who seems to be always fenced off from those around him by some kind of invisible, as if glass, wall. He cannot, and rarely wants, to open up his loneliness and go out to people, to himself. inner world lets in extremely reluctantly. A schizoid is a hermit person, a person “not of this world.” Most often he is taciturn (“I don’t know what else to talk about”), but from half a turn he “loads” a suitable interlocutor with his theories, for example, about the structure of the world. Schizoids are great theorists. Unable to support the most basic social chatter, they deeply systematize and generalize the communication process; in life they will simply be fooled, but they will write a work on the psychology and philosophy of human relationships. In life they are helpless, but in theory they are omnipotent.

A scientific works they are called something like this: “The Most General Theory of Everything.”

If the schizoid is not touched, he is completely harmless, but at the same time he cannot be tamed and remains a “thing in itself.” People close to him are calm, but uncomfortable: the schizoid will not give them warmth, love or gratitude, and some of his actions may look cruel. In fact, he is not cruel, but simply analytical, and his coldness is rather an inability to feel the soul of another, a lack of emotional resonance. Nevertheless, he is still a person, and if his “shell” cracks, he reveals a vulnerability unexpected for those around him.


A schizoid poorly reads the messages he receives from the outside world and does not clearly detect impulses coming from the depths of his inner world. He is poorly aware of his inner life. Therefore, tests based on self-examination are not suitable for him. But this test can be successfully applied by another person, an observer.

1. He has high intelligence.

2. He is aware of his intellectual superiority over others.

3. He constantly conducts an intellectual search.

4. He is often brilliantly, encyclopedically educated.

5. He has a keen sense of poetry, music, painting, and intellectual cinema.

6. He has an extremely inaccurate understanding of the life around him.

7. It is difficult for us to understand what he is thinking about.

8. He does not understand the feelings of others well.

9. He doesn't notice important changes in the lives of those around him, in the environment around him.

10. He doesn’t care much about how other people live.

11. He is cold and not inclined to show warm feelings.

12. He becomes talkative only with a select few and can be sociable among them.

13. He loves solitude.

14. It is difficult and uninteresting for him to maintain small talk.

15. He doesn't like to visit.

16. When visiting, he is usually silent.

17. His ideas about people are often naive and out of touch with life.

18. He is helpless in the face of intrigue.

19. Despite his powerful intellect, he can be a toy in the hands of a manipulator.

20. He can easily agree with the interlocutor, as long as he is left alone.

21. He has difficulty setting boundaries in relationships with others and easily breaks them.

22. He responds to intrusion into his inner world with protest and anger.

23. He cannot stand criticism of his ideas and hates his opponents.

24. He doesn’t say hello to his neighbors.

25. He doesn't like to be the center of attention or doesn't notice the situation.

26. He calmly and calmly accepts criticism on everyday issues, raising children, relationships with his wife, often without even hearing what they say to him.

27. He forgets about holidays, birthdays, and forgets to give gifts on their occasion.

28. He does not have a developed need to belong to any group of people.

29. He has no need to take care of anyone.

30. He does not favor others with his attention.

31. His tactless or rude statements to others are dictated by his inability to understand the feelings of others.

32. As a child, his parents noted that he could play alone for a long time.

33. It was always difficult for him to communicate with his peers; he kept to himself and kindergarten, and at school.

34. At school he studied well and surpassed his peers in intelligence.

35. At school, his peers did not like him, making him an object of ridicule and even bullying.

36. He denies the need for symmetrical relationships and any contribution to the relationship.

37. He tries not to take responsibility for the destinies of other people.

38. If one of his family members is sick, he may not notice it.

39. He can choose a partner who is outwardly uninteresting, but intelligent.

40. He is not adapted to everyday life.

41. His inadequacy at home forces his wife to play the role of mother and housekeeper.

42. Because of his everyday helplessness, he needs a support system.

43. He needs his family first of all to protect him from solving everyday problems.

44. He is a poor support for his wife and children and does not spoil them with his attention.

45. He doesn't like to discuss family problems, but suddenly can show interest in them in the most unpredictable form.

46. ​​He does not notice the life of the family.

47. He doesn't like small children.

48. He bad parent, is poorly informed about children's problems.

49. He shows interest in children when they grow up and he can talk to them about smart things.

50. He is a man of extremes.

51. He pays little attention to clothes or, conversely, is hyperaesthetic.

52. He eats anything, or, conversely, he is a sophisticated gourmet.

53. It is difficult for him to express his feelings and put them into words.

54. He often has excellent mechanical memory.

55. He has had excellent sleep since childhood.

56. He is a light sleeper and may need 4–5 hours of sleep.

57. He has a bizarre hobby to which he devotes himself with all passion.

58. There is chaos around him, and he doesn’t notice it.

59. He is absent-minded, loses his glasses and documents.

60. He always has difficulties with financial documentation.

61. He forgets to pay bills on time. Keeping financial records makes him feel irritated and angry.

62. He designs tax return later than everyone else, does it poorly and loses money.

63. He prefers single sports.

64. If he commits a crime, then only alone.

65. He has a powerful sexuality.

66. He does not understand his wife’s feelings well, and they are not particularly interesting to him.

67. He willingly discusses his extramarital affairs with his wife.

68. He has frequent conflicts at work, the reasons for which he does not understand.

69. He has poor relationships at work, except in situations where his intelligence is valued.

70. He is unsuitable for leading people, with the exception of the position of a scientific supervisor.

71. He can work long and hard.

72. He does not notice the passage of time well and is often late.

73. He is not vindictive and easily forgets an insult if it concerns everyday life.

74. He loses easily, unless it concerns losing in an intellectual area that is significant to him.

75. He easily initiates projects in the field of intelligence, but refuses to do so in everyday matters.

76. He likes to travel alone.

77. He often prefers the company of a dog to the company of people.

78. He is in excellent health.

79. He almost never experiences anxiety or fear.

80. He often likes exotic diets and non-standard methods health promotion.

81. He doesn't like going to doctors.

82. He gets sick a little and remains in excellent health until old age.

83. He has a strong nervous system.

84. He copes well with any overload.

85. He tries not to change his environment.

86. It is difficult for him to settle into a new environment.

87. He has good stress resistance in relation to the stresses of the surrounding world, since he does not notice them.

88. He is extremely sensitive to intrusion into his internal schemes.

89. He can simultaneously solve several problems in the intellectual, but not in the everyday area.

90. He carefully analyzes mistakes in the intellectual field, but does not learn from mistakes in everyday life.

91. He is not inclined to admit his mistakes regarding relationships with others.

92. Under the influence of stress, his unsociability and taciturnity increases, and his ability to notice others and understand their lives decreases.

93. It is difficult for him to plan a budget, spend money wisely, or save it.

94. He understands that money legalizes his right to oddities, eccentricities, and originality.

95. He is an abstract humanist, but is not able to direct the flow of warmth and care to a specific person.

96. He cannot behave correctly in the simplest social games.

97. Schizoid women are almost always bad housewives.

98. Schizoid women often make brilliant professional careers.

99. As a rule, they are cold mothers who do not understand the child’s problems.

100. Schizoids are suitable for activities that realize their bright intellectual potential and involve limited communication.

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... Probably because I’m not a schizoid. And who? - I asked myself a question, and today I went to the Internet to look for a description and a test.

I found a fairly clear and simple test for determining a psychotype, published in 1999 by the Ast-Press publishing house (who doesn’t know - the publishing house is not the last on the market) in the book “The True Truth, or a Textbook for a Psychologist on Life.”
Link to the test.
I recommend it.

While the first one inside me screams every morning “forward, to the tanks!”, the second one (a representative of dependent personality disorder), even from the simple incontinence of loved ones (not to mention the screaming, swearing, betrayal and other symptoms of the psycho hell I experienced in my marriage) dies before my eyes. a matter of weeks, or even days.

I quote the description partly from the same resource, and partly from Wikipedia (everything is explained more clearly there), but only those parts in which I really saw myself - as if I was looking at myself from the outside:

Paranoid- This is a projectile with great penetrating power. Energetic, never doubting that he is right and that everyone who hesitates is wrong, he rushes like a tank, and resistance only strengthens his pressure.
In ordinary life, he is simply a purposeful and confident person who knows what he needs. If he has a “highly valuable idea,” everything is subordinated to this, and he goes straight to it, sweeping away everything in his path and not paying attention to the little things and details - for example, to people.
He does not like to chat and philosophize for a long time, he is a man of action, although if he needs to convince you of something, he will not spare either his or your time for this. If you are in the same business with him, you can rely on him: he is reliable, firmly adheres to the program and fulfills agreements. However, if you have left the sphere of his interests, do not rely on past friendship and feelings of affection: you remain in his past, and he is not inclined to remember the past.
A paranoid person is not sentimental, and appealing to his feelings is like playing the flute in front of a rushing herd of bison: it is possible, but it is useless. As a person who is “on his own,” he is quite distrustful and more often sees the bad in people.
Oddly enough, most often he turns out to be right.
He seems to have a bit of a kick for power, and his usual lifestyle is wrestling. Of course, he always fights for the best and for justice, and almost always this turns out to be a defense of his interests: apparently because he personifies everything that is best for himself.
He calls it “I respect myself,” others call it “delusions of grandeur.”
It’s difficult with him in the family - he’s always at work, he’s demanding around his loved ones (and children), it’s not easy to discuss anything with him - he knows the solution right away and is categorical in his judgments. He is easily triggered by objections, responds to barbs with rudeness and, most importantly, is very heavy with jealousy.
We owe all the best and all the worst in life to paranoids.

The main feature of psychopathic personalities in this circle is the tendency to form extremely valuable ideas, which are formed by the age of 20-25. However, already from childhood they are characterized by such character traits as stubbornness, straightforwardness, one-sided interests and hobbies. They are touchy, vindictive, self-confident and very sensitive to others ignoring their opinions. The constant desire for self-affirmation, categorical judgments and actions, selfishness and extreme self-confidence create the ground for conflicts with others. Personality traits usually increase with age. Getting stuck on certain thoughts and grievances, rigidity, conservatism, “the fight for justice” are the basis for the formation of dominant (overvalued) ideas regarding emotionally significant experiences. Highly valuable ideas, unlike delusional ones, are based on real facts and events and are specific in content, but judgments are based on subjective logic, a superficial and one-sided assessment of reality, corresponding to confirmation of one’s own point of view. The content of highly valuable ideas can be invention and reform. Failure to recognize the merits and merits of a paranoid person leads to clashes with others, conflicts, which, in turn, can become a real basis for litigious behavior. The “struggle for justice” in such cases consists of endless complaints, letters to various authorities, and legal proceedings. The patient’s activity and perseverance in this struggle cannot be broken by requests, convictions, or even threats. Ideas of jealousy and hypochondriacal ideas (fixation on one’s own health with constant visits to medical institutions demanding additional consultations, examinations, the latest methods treatments that have no real justification).

Asthenic. If you were once very mentally tired - so that everything was getting on your nerves, when any caustic word from someone cut you to the quick and your only desire was for everyone to leave you behind - then you were asthenic.
We all are asthenics, it’s just that asthenics are more likely to be asthenic.
Due to the fact that his emotions are so unstable, an asthenic could be called a person of mood, but in fact they are very different - they have different content emotions. In a person’s mood, due to a change in mood, the overall picture changes, but in an asthenic person, all experiences revolve around his personal successes or failures. A person of mood feels like a part of huge world, the asthenic is its center.
More precisely, a wedge on which the white light converged. When living is so painful, so painful, you begin to value yourself...

Psychopathic individuals in this circle are characterized by increased timidity from childhood, shyness, indecisiveness, impressionability. They are especially lost in unfamiliar surroundings and new conditions, while experiencing a feeling of their own inferiority. Increased sensitivity manifests itself both in relation to mental stimuli and physical activity. Quite often they cannot stand the sight of blood, sudden changes in temperature, and react painfully to rudeness and tactlessness, but their reaction of dissatisfaction can be expressed in silent resentment or grumbling. They often have various autonomic disorders: headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, bad dream. They are quickly depleted.

pss The topic is subject to further study

Did they try to manipulate you? Surely yes, and you are unlikely to enjoy it. And what good is there when they try to control you using your weaknesses, shortcomings, and vulnerabilities.

Of course, every person has their own weak points, and those who try to control and manipulate people, first of all, try to study them well in order to find the best way impact.

There are about twenty human psychotypes; we will tell you about the five main psychotypes. Psychotypes: hysteroid, schizoid, epileptoid, asthenic, hyperthymic are most often found in people. Brief characteristics these psychotypes will help you understand what psychotype you yourself belong to, what are your vulnerabilities, weak points, what inferiority complexes you have. Knowing this, you will no longer be a toy in the hands of others and will be able to resist those who are trying to manipulate you.

And having an idea about those with whom we communicate on a daily basis will also help to better organize interactions. So, human psychotypes!

Psychotype hysteroid

A person belonging to this psychotype is contactable, sociable, and easily gains trust. And he knows how to perfectly manipulate others. The hysteroid is selfish, loves to work in public in order to show off his extraordinary abilities on occasion. As a rule, such people choose a profession in journalism, electronic media or show business.

People belonging to this psychotype dress flashily, even extravagantly, and love bright colors and shiny accessories. They know how to speak beautifully and have a soulful, intonationally convincing voice. And graceful gestures and rich facial expressions complement the portrait of this psychotype. The hobbies of hysterics are, as a rule, unusual, in the light of new trends. Such a person loves to be original in everything and to emphasize his own merits.

Hysteroid complexes: exaggerated sense of superiority over others, greed, excessive curiosity.

Psychotype asthenic

Asthenic is neat, efficient, but lacks initiative. A person of this psychotype is easy to communicate and easy to manage. He can be a conscientious, careful worker and, as a rule, chooses professions associated with a minimum of communication, calmness, and lack of risk. Distinctive Features asthenics - modesty, perseverance, decency. He has quiet, calm hobbies - chess, crosswords, reading smart books. An asthenic person has a quiet voice and slurred speech. He dresses discreetly and modestly.

Asthenic complexes: fear, guilt, uncertainty, pity.

Psychotype hypertim

Hyperthym is hardy, can sleep little, is energetic, enterprising, prone to risk, loves to do many things at the same time, and succeeds in many ways. Hypertim's voice is expressive, his speech is lively, his gestures are energetic. A person of this psychotype is usually the life of the party with a wonderful sense of humor. Hyperthym prefers to be the center of attention and needs an entourage.

By nature, he is a clear leader, so he cannot be an ordinary official. As a rule, hyperteam chooses professions that involve intense communication. Wherever he works, he becomes a leader. The hobbies of people of this psychotype are very diverse - sports, restaurants, casinos, bathhouses, hippodrome. Hypertims dress fashionably, but not extravagantly, demonstrating good taste.

Hyperthymic complexes: demonstrated superiority at all costs, fear of showing that in fact such a person is incompetent in some way or cannot cope with the assigned task.

Psychotype schizoid

The distinctive features of the schizoid psychotype are constancy and increased responsibility. He lives in a world of his own illusions and unrealistic hopes. As a rule, he chooses the profession of a programmer, scientist, accountant, archaeologist, archivist, or finds application in some very rare profession. A schizoid's circle of friends is limited, but reliable. In communication, such a person is dry and formal, does not like to talk about himself, and always keeps his distance. People of this psychotype do not particularly follow fashion - they wear what they like and find comfortable. The schizoid's movements are angular, his voice is monotonous, his speech is abrupt, and his facial expressions are practically absent.

Schizoid complexes: shame, fear, guilt, hypertrophied curiosity, inappropriate pity.


The epileptoid is neat, conservative, pedantic, always balanced, punctual and hardworking, reliable and prudent. The speech of people of this psychotype is calm and thorough. When it comes to clothing, they prefer a classic style.

When choosing a profession, an epileptoid is guided by a clear workday routine, understandable job descriptions, not implying the occurrence of any emergency situations. As a rule, he becomes a good official or lawyer, and can be a good military man, unconditionally following the orders of the commander. The epileptoid's hobbies are practical, for example, collecting things of practical importance.

Epileptoid complexes: greed and an exaggerated sense of superiority over other people.

Of course, in a short article it is not possible to list all the psychotypes that exist, especially since mixed psychotypes are most often found. But you got an idea of ​​the main types of human psychotypes. If you are interested in this topic, you have a starting point for further self-exploration. Why is this required? The answer is simple: study and try to determine which psychotype you belong to. And, remembering your weaknesses and vulnerable places, you will be able to resist if they try to manipulate you. Educate yourself - do not put weapons against yourself into the hands of manipulators.

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a feeling familiar to absolutely every person. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from our distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction “Flight or fight.” In other words, anxiety does not arise out of nowhere, but has an evolutionary basis. If at a time when a person was constantly in danger of attack saber tooth tiger or the invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in the history of mankind. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but a mechanism developed by evolution that is no longer relevant in life. modern conditions. Anxious impulses, once necessary for survival, have now lost their expediency, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the lives of anxious people.