How to help with alcohol poisoning at home. Alcohol poisoning: treatment at home

Good day, dear readers!

I assume that if you start reading this article, then perhaps the time of day is not very good. But still, if you read these lines after alcohol poisoning, then everything is not so bad. You just need to adjust your health a little, and I hope you will find the rules for this adjustment for yourself - first aid for alcohol poisoning in this article.

Without delaying you any longer, let’s begin to look at the symptoms, causes and first aid for alcohol poisoning.

At the beginning, it is worth saying that alcohol intoxication is different from alcohol poisoning. Of course, in essence, intoxication is also an intoxication of the body, since the symptoms of intoxication are not the norm of its functioning, but still, let’s distinguish between these concepts.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication:

  • violation of movement coordination;
  • lethargy, impaired concentration;
  • eyes become shiny;
  • speech disorders - the voice becomes loud, speech is slurred, unclear;
  • emancipation, a person becomes overconfident in his capabilities, and often overestimates them;
  • The boundaries and measure of alcohol consumed disappear.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • abdominal pain;
  • dizziness, ;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • increased sweating, tearing and salivation;
  • red eyes due to burst blood vessels in the whites of the eyes;
  • , painful appearance.

Severe alcohol poisoning - symptoms

If alcohol enters the body after severe alcohol intoxication, severe intoxication of the body develops, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • involuntary urination and defecation;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart, the pulse becomes weak;
  • lips and skin begin to turn blue;
  • oppressed respiratory system, asthma attacks may develop;
  • Consciousness is impaired and severe dizziness occurs.

At this stage, if you do not stop the further entry of alcohol into the body, you do not provide the first medical care and do not deliver the victim to a medical facility, a coma occurs, which can be fatal.

Causes of alcohol poisoning

Among the most common reasons Alcohol poisoning is classified as:

- consumption of low-quality alcoholic drinks, the so-called “alcohol surrogate”, a small dose of which can seriously harm health;

- consumption of drinks based on ethyl alcohol (ethanol): medical alcohol diluted with water, colognes, lotions, tinctures.

- drinking alcoholic beverages in excess;

- drinking alcohol on an empty stomach;

- consumption of liquids based on butyl, amyl, methyl, propyl and other types of alcohol.

What to do if you are poisoned by alcohol? First aid for alcohol poisoning or severe alcohol intoxication includes the following recommendations:

1. Call an ambulance or try to transport the victim to a medical facility yourself. The faster this is done, the faster doctors will be able to begin the procedure of removing alcohol from the human body, and, if necessary, begin the resuscitation procedure.

2. Gastric lavage. Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to begin rinsing the stomach until the alcohol is absorbed into the blood and completely absorbed by the body.

It is advisable to call for gastric lavage. To do this, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of warm boiled water and press with 2 fingers on the root of the tongue. If the patient does not have an ulcer, you can add a little soda to the water, this will improve the overall effect. If possible, vomiting should be induced until the vomit becomes watery.

Important! For mild alcohol poisoning, rinsing with vomiting can be skipped. In this case, you can take drugs to remove alcohol from the body, as well as general drugs for alcohol poisoning (point 6), which will do their job perfectly.

3. Lay the victim down. The less the victim moves, the slower the alcohol will spread throughout the body. Just position the patient so that when he vomits, he can easily turn his head to the side, otherwise there is a risk of vomit getting into the respiratory tract. Remove tight clothing from the patient and provide free access to air. When, cover the person with a warm but light blanket.

4. Detoxification of the body. After gastric lavage, it is necessary to remove the remaining toxins or alcohol (poisoning product) from the body.

To cleanse the body of the poisoning product, you need to take an adsorbent: “Activated carbon” (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight), “Atoxil”, “Smecta”, “Enterosgel”, “Enterosorb”.

Important! You cannot give drugs to a person in case of poisoning if he is in an unconscious or inadequate state, so that he does not choke on them.

5. Drink. If the victim has severe chills, then to strengthen the body after the above procedures, he can be given sweet tea or coffee.

6. To relieve symptoms If you have a hangover or alcohol poisoning, you can take the following remedies: Biotredin, Limontar, Metadoxil, Alka-Seltzer.

7. In case of loss of consciousness. If the victim has lost consciousness, it is necessary to give him a sniff of ammonia and make sure that his tongue does not stick into the respiratory tract. In the absence of ammonia, you can rub the ears, which will provoke blood flow to the head and help awaken the patient.

8. In case of cardiac arrest. In case of cardiac arrest, begin resuscitation actions - and. In this case, every second is worth its weight in gold.

Important! If the victim has lost consciousness or has a weak pulse, or the heart has stopped, call immediately ambulance!

The most in an effective way Prevention of alcohol poisoning is a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages, except for use as prescribed by a doctor. Other methods of prevention include:

- do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, eat before drinking and have a good snack;
- know your dose and don’t drink more;
- do not purchase alcoholic drinks in dubious places, so to speak “from under the counter”;
- if you see a familiar drink at a super discount in a store, think twice, perhaps it’s a palenka that they want to get rid of quickly;
- Don’t drink alcohol with soda;
— when drinking alcohol, do not reduce the strength of the drink;
- Do not combine alcohol with smoking.

Who shouldn't drink at all?

Tragic consequences can occur if a person drinks alcohol in the following cases:

- pregnancy, as well as 90 days before planning a pregnancy;
- when taking medications;
— during rehabilitation after treatment for alcohol addiction;
- for allergy sufferers;
- children, as well as persons under 21 years of age, because At this time, the formation of the body is still taking place.

And remember, food poisoning, which ends in death, accounts for more than 50% of cases.

How did you, dear readers, manage to overcome alcohol poisoning?

Tags: alcohol poisoning symptoms, alcohol poisoning causes, what to do in case of alcohol poisoning, first aid for alcohol poisoning, remedies for alcohol poisoning, drinking in case of poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is one of the most severe and common types of acute intoxication. The severity of the patient’s condition is caused by the fact that the body is influenced not only by exogenous chemicals, but also endogenous toxins.

According to statistics, among all fatal poisonings, 60% of cases are due to intoxication with alcohol-containing drinks. The number of cases of poisoning from high doses of alcohol, its substitutes, counterfeit drinks and home-made alcohol is growing every day.

In 2016, ~330 thousand people died from alcohol poisoning in the world.

The lethal dose of ethyl-containing drinks varies and depends on:

  • the amount of ethyl alcohol consumed and its quality;
  • age group;
  • gender differences;
  • race;
  • mental state and psycho-emotional state;
  • presence of systemic diseases;
  • speed of administration and exposure time;
  • food taken before or during drinking alcohol;
  • temperature conditions;
  • the degree of adaptation of the body to certain doses of alcohol.

To acute poisoning with fatal gives a dose of ethanol of 4-8 g per kilogram of human weight. This figure is very arbitrary. Thus, some sources indicate that, for example, for a young (20-30 years old) man of average build (weight 70 kg), a fatal dose of 750 mg for strong alcoholic drinks (20-50%) and 1.5 liters of beer (300 ml of ethyl alcohol) drunk over a period of time less than 5 hours and without a snack.

These numbers are based on a person with ethanol intolerance. If there is tolerance, the dose is increased to 800 g, which is 5-13 g per 1 kg of body weight.

For children and female body these numbers are dropping significantly. Use in childhood a minimum amount of alcohol (up to 3g/kg) leads to severe poisoning due to the fact that the enzymes synthesized by liver cells involved in the biotransformation of ethanol are produced in quantities insufficient to neutralize alcohol.

In addition, in children, the nervous system is less resistant to the effects of toxins, and adaptive-compensatory mechanisms are imperfect. A fatal outcome from ethanol intoxication is most likely when its content in the bloodstream is more than 4-5 ppm.

Alcoholic beverages contain ethyl alcohol, which is moderate on the toxicity scale. toxic substance. The alcohol molecule is small in size, has a small charge and can quickly disintegrate, which determines the ability of ethanol to mix with liquids in unlimited quantities. Alcohol also dissolves in fats. These properties allow alcohol to quickly spread through the blood and lymph into all organs and penetrate cytomembranes.

From digestive system 100% of alcohol is absorbed and enters all biological fluids. The high degree of permeability of ethanol molecules through the blood-brain barrier means that its concentration in the brain is 75% higher than in blood serum. Ethanol metabolites have a toxic effect on the body. Alcohol is oxidized to acetaldehyde, which easily enters into biochemical reactions and is a very toxic substance.

By reacting with substances in the body, acetaldehyde disrupts carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in organ tissues, leading to hemorrhages, focal destructive changes, necrosis, tissue degeneration, and fibrosis. The maximum concentration of ethanol in the blood is observed, regardless of the volume drunk, 60 minutes after drinking it.

Causes of alcohol poisoning

Poisoning can occur not only when exceeding the dose of alcoholic beverages or consuming surrogates - lotions, windshield wipers, brake fluid or medicinal tinctures. Some people do not produce enough enzymes in their bodies to inactivate acetaldehyde. The Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese have few of them.

These enzymes are completely absent in the Yakuts. Among Europeans, every tenth person is highly sensitive to the toxic effects of acetaldehyde. Even a small dose of alcohol will cause poisoning in such people.

Some medications affect the absorption of alcohol. Sensitization is caused by taking Metranidazole, Disulfiram, Pyrroxan, calcium cynamide, cephalosporin and nitrofuran antibiotics. The combined effect of medications and alcohol causes a disulfiram-alcohol reaction.

Food in the stomach, especially carbohydrate and fatty foods, reduces the absorption of alcohol. Poisoning is possible when taking high doses on an empty stomach, since 50% of alcohol is absorbed within 15 minutes after drinking alcoholic beverages.

The psychoemotional state contributes to ethanol poisoning. Overwork and depression affect the sensitivity of dopamine receptors. They are depleted, and a person needs to take more alcohol than usual.

Stages of alcohol poisoning

Acute alcohol poisoning has three degrees of severity:

  • severe intoxication, which manifests itself when the blood contains 2.5 - 3 ppm of alcohol;
  • acute intoxication – toxic effect on the body of ethanol and its metabolites;
  • acute poisoning or coma (3 - 5 ppm ethanol).

A comatose state when taking a lethal dose of ethyl alcohol (5–6 ppm in the blood) lasts from 6 to 12 hours. Death occurs due to:

  • severe depression of external respiration function;
  • circulatory dysfunction;
  • renal and liver failure.

Each stage of poisoning with alcohol and its substitutes corresponds to symptom complexes of varying severity.

The central nervous system is most susceptible to the pathological effects of alcohol. In case of poisoning the following are noted:

  • euphoria and excitement;
  • lack of coordination of movements;
  • delusions, hallucinations;
  • change in speech perception;
  • hypothermia;
  • involuntary urination.

Poisoning is accompanied by dehydration of the body. The patient experiences thirst, muscle weakness, drowsiness, and indifference. The next target of ethanol is the cardiovascular system.

As a result of dehydration, blood thickening occurs. Due to the release of hormones and certain enzymes, blood vessels narrow, and vascular resistance increases at the periphery of the system.

All this leads to an increase in the load on the heart when “pushing” viscous blood through the reduced lumen of the vessels. The volume of blood circulating in the body is significantly reduced, which leads to oxygen starvation, metabolic disorders, and decreased blood pressure and volume of urine excreted. From the heart and circulatory system The following symptoms of poisoning are noted:

  • hyperemia and swelling of the face;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • rapid, uneven pulse and heartbeat;
  • dizziness:
  • dilation of the capillaries of the eyes and redness of the whites.

Alcohol intoxication manifests itself in dysfunction of external respiration:

  • frequent shallow breathing;
  • hypoxia of organs.

Respiratory failure develops both as a result of toxic damage to the respiratory center and as a result of the accumulation of stomach contents in the oral cavity and bronchial tree. Due to muscle relaxation, the airway is blocked by the tongue and overhanging epiglottis.

The initial stage of poisoning is characterized by increased fluid secretion through the kidneys, frequent urination, and impaired absorption of fluid in the gastrointestinal tract. Then the body dehydrates. A decrease in fluid volume and toxic effects on liver cells causes:

  • decreased diuresis up to complete cessation of urine output;
  • pain in the liver area;
  • yellowing skin, and in severe cases – sclera.

Progressive loss of fluid leads to impaired consciousness, convulsions, hyperthermia, and hallucinations. Depending on the degree of intoxication of the body with ethanol, alcoholic coma has its own manifestations:

  1. Stage 1– the patient is unconscious, but exhibits motor activity in response to sensory stimulation. All reflexes are weakened, inhibited or absent. There is spasm of the jaw muscles, hypothermia and increased blood pressure, muscle twitching, and dilation of the pupils of the eyes. Breathing is shallow and rapid. Reduced pain sensitivity.
  2. Stage 2- the patient is unconscious. Reflexes are significantly depressed. The pupils of the eyes are constricted and react weakly to changes in lighting. Breathing is weak, not deep. Frequent, repeated vomiting, involuntary urination, bronchospasm, blood pressure continues to drop, and tachycardia is noted (90-110 beats/min).
  3. Stage 3– the patient is unconscious, the eyeballs “float”, complete muscle relaxation, body temperature decreases. The skin is pale, cold, the earlobes and lips are cyanotic. The heart beats weakly, slowly. The pulse is weak, thread-like, intermittent. The vessels are so narrowed that intravenous administration medications requires vascular catheterization.

According to statistics, if the patient was provided with timely medical care and intensive therapy methods were used, death in acute ethanol poisoning is observed only in 1.5% of cases. At the prehospital stage, 98% of patients die.

Providing emergency assistance

In case of poisoning with alcohol or surrogates, you must immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, you must provide the patient with emergency assistance:

  • lay on a hard, flat surface on your side, placing something under your back for support;
  • cleanse the intestines of alcohol - give a weak solution of potassium permanganate or warm boiled water to drink and induce vomiting. Ideally, repeat the procedure 3-4 times until the rinsing water comes out without mucus and food residues;
  • give absorbents - to remove toxins and avoid further absorption of alcohol, it is necessary to use;
  • to normalize the water balance, give the patient a warm drink - strong tea, juice, fruit drink, mineral water without gas. Give drinks in small portions, but often, so as not to induce vomiting again;
  • clean the oral cavity of vomit, fix the tongue with improvised means;
  • If breathing and heartbeat stop, perform forced ventilation and cardiac massage.

At home, you can help a patient only in mild to moderate stages of poisoning. For headaches, the patient should be given tablets.

There is no antidote for alcohol, but you can enhance your natural detoxification mechanisms at home. In addition to cleansing the intestines through vomiting, you can increase the excretion of urine and feces to remove alcohol and metabolic products.

To do this, you can use medications or decoctions of medicinal herbs:

Target Drug name Medicinal plants
Increased diuresis Torasemide, Indapamine, Aquex, Clopamide, Lazex calamus, balsam, birch, lingonberry, heather, elecampane, oregano
Removing toxins from feces Senade, Guttalax, Regulax laxative joster, buckthorn, hay, rhubarb, anise, columbine
Boosting Metabolism Vitamin and mineral complexes stork, wild rosemary, hawthorn, black elderberry
Liver cleansing and protection Karsil, Gepabene, Silimar budra, initial letter, basilisk, hernia, smoker, tansy, ivy
Painkillers , Citramon bergenia, veronica, oregano, angustifolia fireweed, linden
To thin the blood St. John's wort, coriander, nettle, toadflax, aspen
Maintaining Heart Function Verapamil, Riboxin, Dopamine Arnica, hawthorn, lily of the valley, leuzea, sucker, lemon balm, cudweed

To increase metabolism and accelerate the breakdown of alcohol, the patient is given vitamins, but you need to make sure that the poisoning was not caused by surrogates. Accelerated metabolism of methanol and ethylene glycol will lead to the formation of very toxic metabolites.

To increase blood sugar levels, the patient is given sweet tea, juices, herbal decoctions with honey. To neutralize the effect of acetaldehyde, vitamin C and Thiamine (B1) are administered. Thiamine helps reduce the risk of developing alcoholic psychosis due to alcohol poisoning. Vitamin B1 helps restore carbohydrate metabolism, and the introduction of glucose helps normalize energy metabolism.

All activities used at home must be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. At chronic alcoholism Many drugs act differently than when treating patients without addiction, so self-medication can lead to aggravation of the condition and drug poisoning.

A hangover, well known to many, is not just poor health, but a sign of serious poisoning of the body with alcohol toxins after heavy drinking. In some cases, the body needs immediate help, otherwise serious health consequences and even death are possible. What is the danger of alcohol poisoning, and what to do at home in this case?

After drinking alcoholic beverages, ethyl alcohol spreads throughout the body, entering primarily the liver. Ethanol, which is the main component of alcoholic beverages, weakens the protective functions of the liver and begins to attack other organs, disrupting the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems. In response to the effects of alcohol, the body begins to produce alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde, substances that are extremely toxic to the brain. A high concentration of poisons resulting from the consumption and breakdown of alcohol causes symptoms that are popularly called a hangover. It has characteristic symptoms and occurs in several stages - the first and second stages do not require medical intervention, but the last is extremely dangerous for the body and requires immediate help.

If the poisoning did not occur with ordinary vodka or other alcoholic drinks, but with alcoholic surrogates (denatured alcohol, wood alcohol, moonshine, certain medications, etc.), the situation is aggravated. In addition to regular drinking alcohol, it contains many harmful substances that have a detrimental effect on the body. In this case, it is not necessary to drink to become intoxicated. large number Alcohol – a very small dose is enough.

You can get alcohol poisoning from beer

For reference: beer lovers claim that it is simply impossible to get poisoned with it, since its strength is much lower than that of vodka. In fact, the composition of the foam includes not only ethanol, but also fusel oils, preservatives, malt and other components, which in excessive quantities can increase intoxication.

Symptoms and stages of alcohol intoxication

Alcohol poisoning has three stages, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms. The first shows signs that are commonly called alcohol intoxication:

  • dilated pupils, sparkle in the eyes;
  • excessive activity and talkativeness;
  • state of relaxation or, conversely, excitement;
  • euphoria and emotional uplift;
  • categoricalness in statements;
  • difficulties with communication.

In this case, a person, as a rule, easily comes to his senses after a short rest, and may experience only slight discomfort.

The middle stage of alcohol intoxication is characterized by more pronounced manifestations. A person’s gait, coordination of movements and visual function are impaired, and instincts begin to dominate in actions - aggression, sexuality, etc. IN this state the drunk does not control his actions and cannot adequately answer for them. Sobering up is accompanied by weakness, intense headache, digestive disorders, and severe thirst.

If, after the onset of the second stage of alcohol intoxication, you continue to drink alcohol, the condition passes into the third stage. A person’s movements become erratic, statements lose meaning, and he himself completely loses control over what is happening and connection with reality. The pain sensitivity threshold decreases (the drinker can get seriously injured and not even notice it), the skin turns red, there is an increase or decrease in body temperature, reflexes are lost, and the more severe the poisoning, the stronger its manifestation.

For reference: the amount of alcohol that can provoke serious poisoning and coma is determined by the characteristics of the body (weight, age, presence chronic diseases etc.), but on average it is 300-400 g in terms of pure alcohol, or more than 3-4 ppm.

How to recognize an alcoholic coma?

The main symptom of an alcoholic coma is loss of consciousness when a person stops responding to given name and external stimuli. Last stage intoxication, in turn, also occurs in three stages, and the severity of a person’s condition is determined depending on the symptoms.

Table 1. Stages of alcoholic coma

Stage of alcoholic comaManifestations
LightweightLoss of consciousness, constriction of the pupils, bluish skin, decreased body temperature, slowed breathing and pulse. A person can be brought back to consciousness using ammonia.
AverageComplete relaxation of muscles and loss of basic reflexes, lack of reaction to severe stimuli (for example, blows to the cheeks) and the use of ammonia, but the pupils dilate when exposed to light.
DeepComplete loss of basic reflexes, lack of pupillary response to light, impaired respiratory function and cardiovascular activity.

At the first stage of a coma, it is enough to rinse the person’s stomach, after which nothing threatens his life - the consequences will be an extremely severe hangover. In other cases, a drunk person requires measures to detoxify the body, which should be carried out in a medical facility.

When should you call an ambulance?

You can determine if a drinker needs immediate medical attention by the following symptoms:

  • loss of consciousness, lack of response to external stimuli;
  • a decrease in body temperature, which can be determined even by touch, the appearance of a sticky cold film on the surface of the skin;
  • severe paleness, bluishness or redness of the skin;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • fast, weak, or thready pulse;
  • severe vomiting with bile or blood;
  • involuntary urination or bowel movements.

In this case, the person is hospitalized, detoxified with intravenous infusions of glucose and other drugs, and, if necessary, vital signs are kept normal.

Poisoning with alcohol substitutes

If there is a suspicion that the alcohol was of poor quality, or that there was drinking of medicinal tinctures, moonshine, cologne, etc., an ambulance should be called even in the absence of severe symptoms.

Signs of intoxication with low-quality alcohol include:

  • pathological changes in the sense of smell and vision (double vision, “fog” and “floaters” before the eyes);
  • tinnitus;
  • increased salivation;
  • abdominal cramps.

If you do not provide medical assistance to a person in a timely manner, the case may end in death, therefore, if it is possible to deliver the victim to a medical facility before the ambulance arrives, it should be used.

For reference: signs of alcohol intoxication after drinking surrogates are much less pronounced than when drinking high-quality alcohol - this is due to the peculiarities of the effects of substances on the human body.

First aid

While waiting for the medical team to arrive, you need to lay the person on his side, loosen the clothes on his chest, and make sure that he does not choke. own language or vomit. To bring a drunk person to consciousness, you can use ammonia or any substance with a strong aroma (vinegar, grated horseradish, etc.), rub the ears or pat the cheeks.


If alcohol intoxication does not entail a threat to life (the person regains consciousness and can respond to simple questions, basic reflexes are present), you can alleviate his condition at home by providing appropriate first aid.

After the vomiting subsides, the person should be given Regidron or another similar remedy that prevents dehydration to drink, and put to bed, and at this time someone should monitor his condition (monitor breathing, pulse, skin color, etc. .).

Attention: it is impossible to stop vomiting and diarrhea that has developed as a result of alcohol intoxication - they act as a protective reaction of the body and contribute to the rapid elimination of toxic substances.

Video - Alcohol poisoning: what to do? First aid!

What can't you do?

When providing first aid to someone who has been poisoned by alcoholic drinks, you should remember that there are a number of prohibited activities that can aggravate a person’s poor condition and harm his health. If the body is intoxicated after a heavy libation, it is not recommended to do the following:

  • induce vomiting in the absence of consciousness, so that the drunk does not choke on vomit;
  • give antiemetics or try to stop the body’s self-cleansing by any other means;
  • take sleeping pills or diuretics - they disrupt the activity of the central nervous system and kidneys, which are already “stunned” by a large dose of toxins;
  • take the victim to the steam room or pour it on cold water– sudden changes in temperature can provoke serious dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

How to relieve the effects of intoxication yourself?

After serious alcohol intoxication, a person experiences a deterioration in general health, headaches, thirst and lack of appetite, which are the consequences of poisoning. Coping with the set unpleasant symptoms can be done with simple home remedies.

  1. Drink as much fluid as possible, giving preference to herbal infusions, weak green tea, clean water with lemon juice and honey, homemade fruit drinks and compotes, preferably unsweetened.
  2. Drink liquid fermented milk products, including kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk or those that contain enzymes and acids (sauerkraut brine or cucumbers).
  3. Take a warm or contrast shower - stand under hot and cool water for 1 minute.
  4. Eat a plate of low-fat chicken soup, a salad of fresh vegetables or another light and nutritious dish, but if you have no appetite, you should not force your body and force yourself to eat.
  5. Take a walk in the fresh air.

Hangover is the worst solution for alcohol intoxication

Many people think the best remedy A hangover will help you sleep soundly, so you can lie down and sleep as a therapy. The worst solution in this case is to treat like with like, that is, to get a hangover. A person’s well-being may improve, but a weakened body will receive an additional blow, which can cause irreparable harm to health.

Medicines for hangover

In pharmacies you can purchase a number of drugs that eliminate the symptoms of a hangover and promote rapid recovery of the body.

  1. The most common hangover drug, which is available in the form of soluble tablets and contains soda, acetylsalicylic acid and citric acid. The components of the product are quickly absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate the effects of intoxication. Contraindication: ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.

  2. A product based on glucose, sodium formate and other substances that have the ability to remove from the body products formed after the breakdown of alcohol. In excessive quantities, sodium formate can also provoke intoxication, so you can resort to this remedy only in case of severe manifestations of intoxication. Prohibited for use in diabetes mellitus.

  3. An analogue of Alka-Seltzer, which has a similar composition (aspirin, soda, glycine), relieves headaches and has a calming effect on nervous system, prevents dehydration and neutralizes the effects of acetaldehyde, which is a key cause of intoxication after drinking alcohol. Contraindications include severe allergic reactions, gastrointestinal diseases, individual intolerance to components.

  4. A preparation containing acids (succinic, fumaric, ascorbic), glucose and monosodium glutamate. Suitable for both eliminating the consequences of alcohol intoxication and preventing poisoning before a feast. It differs from other medications in that it begins to act already at the moment of breakdown of ethanol and the formation of toxic compounds. Contraindicated for people with severe kidney dysfunction and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.

  5. The medicine includes succinic acid and milk thistle extract, it protects liver tissue from the negative effects of alcohol and its transformation products, and has a detoxifying effect on the body. Quickly eliminates the unpleasant manifestations of alcohol consumption.

  6. Removes toxins from the blood, accelerates the breakdown of alcohol and helps quickly eliminate the symptoms of poisoning. The product is quite effective, but compared to similar drugs it often causes allergic reactions.

  7. A natural remedy that contains extracts from different plants and acids. Tones and cleanses the body, relieves headaches, nausea and weakness. It is not used for serious disorders of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract, or for pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

  8. Buffalo. Medicine based on soda and succinic acid with antioxidant properties, removes toxins, normalizes water balance and regenerative processes in the body. It is better to take it immediately after drinking alcoholic beverages. Contraindications include ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

If you don’t have the above remedies at hand, you can take a few amber or ascorbic acid, as well as any vitamin complex.

Let's sum it up

Alcohol intoxication is a serious disorder of the body, which can lead to unpleasant consequences and even death. To prevent poisoning, it is necessary to drink alcohol responsibly and not exceed the safe dose, which ranges from 13 to 20 g of pure alcohol at a time.

Anyone can be poisoned by alcohol. Most often this occurs with alcohol abuse, but in lately An increasing number of healthy people who drink alcohol in moderate doses find themselves hospital beds. Such situations are the result of negligence in the production of many alcoholic beverages. Cases of individual intolerance have also become more frequent. Regardless of the cause of this condition, everyone should know how to help themselves or their loved ones with alcohol poisoning.

Signs of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication is a pathology that requires immediate medical intervention. Therefore, if any signs of it appear, you must call an ambulance to get medical help. You can distinguish alcohol poisoning from a regular hangover by the following signs:

  • Severe redness of the skin.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Slow pulse and heavy breathing.
  • Incoherent and unconscious speech.
  • Strong thirst, dry oral mucosa.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Vomiting, constant nausea.
  • Fainting and pre-fainting state.

If measures are not taken in time, the above symptoms may intensify and even develop into an alcoholic coma, which often ends in death. That is why it is so necessary to be able to provide first aid at home in case of alcohol poisoning. Such actions can significantly improve a person’s condition and possibly save his life.

Home remedies for poisoning

By following a number of simple steps, you can reduce the level of intoxication and ease the well-being of those who have suffered from alcohol. If the person is conscious, the following treatment must be provided:

  • Induce vomiting. To do this, you need to open the victim’s mouth and place a tablespoon on the root of the tongue. You can also ask him to induce vomiting on his own by placing two fingers in his mouth.
  • Perform gastric lavage. After most of the toxins have been eliminated by vomiting, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the stomach. To do this, prepare 2-3 glasses of warm salted water. After a person drinks several glasses of water one after another, he should again induce the urge to vomit. Lavage should be done until the stomach is cleared of decay products.
  • Drink warm tea or milk. The tea should be weak and preferably green. The poisoned person must drink at least 1 liter of warm liquid.
  • Use sorbents to make you feel better. Most often in the home medicine cabinet you can find activated carbon, Smecta or Enterosgel. These are the ones medicines best cope with the removal of toxic substances from the body. Surely many are wondering whether Smecta helps with alcohol poisoning. After all, it is most often taken to eliminate indigestion. However, in case of alcohol poisoning, this powder will be more than appropriate.
  • Provide the victim with comfort. To do this, he must be put to bed and covered with a blanket. You should also ensure that the person lies with his head on a high pillow. Otherwise, during an attack of vomiting, he may choke.

The above recommendations should be applied only when the person is conscious. But no less important is knowing how to help with alcohol poisoning if the victim faints or is in a coma. If the person poisoned by alcohol is unconscious, other first aid methods will need to be used. Given its condition, you need to do the following:

  • Bring ammonia to your nose and rub the tips of your ears. These manipulations can bring a person to consciousness.
  • Provide fresh air. To do this, you need to open the windows in the room and loosen the collar or tie around the victim’s neck.
  • Turn it on its side to prevent it from choking.

When figuring out how to help a person with alcohol poisoning, we must not forget that first of all it is necessary to call an ambulance. Only after this should you rush to make the victim feel better. The brigade may take too long to travel. Therefore, the sooner you call the doctors, the better it will be. to a loved one or a friend who has been poisoned by alcohol. If the patient is unconscious, he should not rinse his stomach or try to induce vomiting.

Emergency assistance in case of poisoning

When thinking about how to quickly help with alcohol poisoning at home, you should use the emergency method. However, you need to know that its use will result in a severe headache the next day. Therefore, it should be used only in extreme cases when rapid restoration of a sane state is necessary. The folk recipe is prepared as follows: in a glass warm water you need to dilute 10 drops of ammonia. Drink the solution in small sips every 10-15 minutes. Intoxication will begin to disappear literally before our eyes. When considering how to help a person with alcohol poisoning in such an emergency way, we must not forget that it will provoke unpleasant consequences.

What to eat if you have alcohol poisoning

In case of mild intoxication or after arriving from the hospital, you need to remove toxins and waste with the help of food. The following foods will help relieve symptoms of poisoning:

  • Sauerkraut, salted tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Beet.
  • Strawberry.
  • Cereal porridge.

To remove alcohol from your body, you need to eat fruits, vegetables and grains. They contain a large amount of pectin and fiber, which are natural sorbents. Eating apricots, strawberries, raspberries and apples can quickly improve your well-being. It is not recommended to aggravate the condition of the stomach and intestines with meat, foods high in fat and cholesterol, baked goods, smoked meats and sweets. Such food will only aggravate the condition and slow down the withdrawal of alcohol.

When figuring out how to help with severe alcohol poisoning, keep in mind that a cold shower will not help relieve the symptoms of intoxication. Although many believe that it is precisely this that is necessary for people who are intoxicated. The thing is that cold water causes blood vessels to narrow. And they are already greatly narrowed at the time of drinking alcohol. Therefore, it is better to take a contrast shower. It normalizes the condition of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, relieves heaviness in the body and tones it up.

Treatment with folk remedies

Everyone should know how to help at home with alcohol poisoning. If there are no medications in your medicine cabinet that have an absorbent effect, you can use traditional methods. They will make you feel better and reduce the level of intoxicating effects of alcohol. Among the most effective and popular recipes, we highlight the following:

  • Tea. If a person suffers from constant vomiting, it is necessary to brew black or green tea. You can add a little sugar and a slice of lemon to it. Herbal infusions can also improve the condition of alcohol poisoning. Even the victim himself can remember how to help in such a case. Surely everyone has ordinary tea or a bag of dry mint in their kitchen for brewing.
  • Rose hip. The fruits of this plant contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which will increase the body's ability to recuperate. You can brew dried rose hips in a thermos and drink one mug every hour. This natural diuretic will help you get rid of toxins naturally.
  • Ginger and lemon. To prepare the drink, you need to cut the lemon into thin and small pieces, and grate the ginger root or grind it in a blender. Then you should pour 1 teaspoon of grated ginger, a few slices of lemon into a mug and pour boiling water over it. Cooled to comfortable temperature The drink should be drunk as often as possible. You can brew it in a teapot and use it as tea, sweeten it a small amount honey
  • Milk. This product cleanses the stomach well of waste and toxins. Therefore, you can try drinking it if you have alcohol poisoning. It is advisable to warm the milk a little and add 1 teaspoon of honey to the mug.
  • Tansy decoction. To prepare a healing drink, you will need at least five tablespoons of dry inflorescences and two tablespoons of chamomile flowers. The dry mixture must be poured with 500 ml of boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave to infuse. The medicine should be taken according to a certain dosage: one spoon of decoction for every 10 kg of the poisoned person’s weight.
  • Brine. What works well for alcohol poisoning? Exactly this product. There is hardly a person who has not heard about the benefits of this product. However, not everyone knows that you should consume brine not the next morning after a stormy feast, but as early as possible. You can drink the brine of absolutely any pickles: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, etc. It is very important to take at least 0.5 liters of healing potion in the first 1-3 hours after alcohol poisoning.

Every loved one of the victim will wonder about the situation at home. If you are vomiting and have a constant urge to vomit, it will be difficult to prepare your own medicine. Therefore you should use folk recipes to alleviate the patient's condition.

The above traditional methods will be effective if alcohol poisoning was mild. Severe forms of intoxication simply need to be treated with medications and sorbents, and also consult a doctor as quickly as possible.

What affects alcohol poisoning

Ethanol is a well-known depressant that has a pronounced toxic effect. Nevertheless, the level and form of intoxication with alcohol, as well as its counterfeits, depends on many factors. Among them are:

Stages of alcohol poisoning

In addition to the factors influencing the human condition, it is necessary to distinguish three stages of poisoning:

Treatment of drug poisoning

With severe alcohol intoxication, the victim may begin to vomit. On the one hand, this is good, because certain part toxins and waste will be removed from the body naturally. But if vomiting is constant, and a person is constantly tormented by the urge even from one sip of water, dehydration may occur. In case of alcohol poisoning, this condition is extremely undesirable. Therefore, it is necessary to call an ambulance, and while it is on its way, find any of the following medications in your home medicine cabinet:

  • "Regidron". The prepared solution should be given to the patient to drink in small sips, as its taste may cause gagging.
  • Smecta powder. Everyone should know whether Smecta helps with alcohol poisoning. After all, this medicine is one of the most effective means aimed at combating alcohol poisoning. In addition, you can drink it with a normal hangover. “Smecta” envelops the stomach and relieves poor health.
  • Activated carbon. Black and white coal are natural sorbents that effectively rid the body of the toxic effects of alcoholic beverages. It should be drunk only after gastric lavage.
  • Magnesium sulfate. Not everyone knows whether magnesium sulfate helps against alcohol poisoning. Everyone is only aware of the laxative and choleretic effect of this powder. But in case of severe alcohol poisoning, this is exactly what the body needs. Therefore, you should dilute the contents of one sachet in 100 ml of water and drink in small sips.
  • "Polysorb". In case of alcohol poisoning, it will be useful to drink this effective sorbent. It will quickly remove all toxic substances from the body. You need to drink the powder diluted 3-4 times a day.

When using medications, as well as when providing first aid to a loved one, you must comply with the conditions prescribed in the instructions. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the dosage, as well as possible contraindications. Medicines will not help against severe intoxication. Therefore, you should reasonably assess your own condition or the well-being of a loved one. In any case, it is important to call an ambulance. Only doctors can prevent death, which is quite possible after alcohol poisoning.

How to prevent poisoning

In order not to suffer from alcohol intoxication and not to wonder how to help with alcohol poisoning at home quickly and effectively, you should carefully monitor what you drink, and also know when to stop. You can avoid going to the hospital if you take your own health seriously. Basically, alcohol poisoning occurs in cases where an impressive amount of alcohol has been drunk or if a low-quality drink has been consumed. The latter include:

  • Too cheap and fake alcoholic drinks.
  • Alcohol-based medicine tinctures.
  • Cosmetic or perfume liquids.
  • Moonshine.
  • Alcohol-containing household chemicals.

The most serious danger is posed by those surrogates that contain methanol rather than ethanol. They have a high content of toxic substances and can also cause damage internal organs. If you drink a liquid containing methanol, severe cramps may occur. The optic nerve is also instantly damaged and blindness develops. In case of poisoning with large doses of methanol, help at home may not give the desired result, since this substance is extremely quickly absorbed into the blood and spreads throughout the body.

Which doctors can help?

When thinking about how to help a loved one with alcohol poisoning, it is worth remembering that only doctors will provide him with all the necessary help. Only qualified specialists can relieve the symptoms of poisoning and return the victim to a normal state. Of course, providing first aid is a necessary and vital process. However further treatment should only be carried out by doctors. First, all manipulations are done by the ambulance crew on duty. Already in the hospital, they transfer the patient to other specialists, namely a toxicologist and a narcologist. If a person is in a severe form of intoxication, which has led to an alcoholic coma, convulsions or respiratory arrest, he is taken to the intensive care unit, where a resuscitator does his work.

Treatment of patients with alcohol poisoning can be continued by psychiatrists and neurologists. The desire to drink large doses of alcohol is often accompanied by mental problems. Therefore, a person is recommended to visit these doctors, as well as consult with a psychiatrist. However, this is done only after the necessary assistance has been provided.

During alcohol intoxication, the central system malfunctions, and this is fraught with disruption of the autonomic, mental, and neurological systems. Most alcoholic drinks contain ethyl alcohol, which is the main culprit of alcohol. The human body is not able to process even a small amount of this substance without consequences, not to mention large doses of alcohol. In modern medicine, alcoholic intoxication is considered to be intoxication, the consequences of which can pose a threat to human health or life.

In medical practice, there are three degrees of alcohol intoxication:

Mild degree . In easy time intoxication, the alcohol content in a person does not exceed 2%. With such intoxication, there is usually a slight disturbance of the vestibular apparatus (uneven gait), a state of euphoria, expansion of the signs, loud and incoherent speech, increased sweating, redness of the skin, and the urge to urinate more often than usual. In most cases, the state of mild intoxication passes without visible consequences and as soon as possible.
Average degree. With an average degree of intoxication, the level of alcohol in the body is about 2-3%. During such intoxication, the following symptoms are observed: double vision, severe violation speech apparatus, swaying while walking, inability to objectively evaluate one’s actions. The consequences of such intoxication can be severe thirst, vomiting, loss, anxiety, and a feeling of weakness.
Severe degree(acute alcohol intoxication). In severe intoxication, the alcohol level is more than 3%. Such a level of alcohol in the body can lead to respiratory failure, stupor, arrest, and coma. During acute alcohol intoxication, the following symptoms may be observed: dilation of veins, eye whites, excessive salivation,.

Types of alcohol poisoning:

Alcohol poisoning due to overdose. This type of poisoning may be accompanied by a strong body, unconsciousness, complete or partial restriction of movement, muscle relaxation, impaired respiratory function, weakened pulse, arrhythmia, profuse sweating, and a bluish tint to the skin. Sometimes, during such intoxication, a person may be conscious, but his reaction to what is happening will be inadequate. If you do not provide assistance to a person in a timely manner, then death in such poisoning can occur within 2-3 hours after the first signs of an overdose appear.

Intoxication that occurs after consuming alcohol-containing surrogates. This type poisoning occurs due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, the main ingredient in the preparation of which is methyl alcohol. The result of such poisoning can be complete or partial loss of vision, paralysis, and death.

Alcohol poisoning due to consumption of moonshine drinks. When making moonshine, machines are usually used that are not able to thoroughly clean the drink from fusel oils. Contrary to general opinion (about the purity of moonshine products), poisoning with moonshine liquids occurs many times more often than after consuming excise products.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

If the person is conscious:

Regardless of the degree and type of poisoning, the first thing that needs to be done is to cleanse the victim of the alcohol contents. This should be done as quickly as possible in order to prevent (reduce) the spread of poison in the human blood. Cleansing is done by vomiting. To do this, the victim needs to drink two or more glasses of water. If the effect is negative (no vomiting), you need to lightly press your finger on the root of the victim. In this case, vomiting should be induced until only the water previously drunk remains in the vomit. If drinking plain water does not cause you to vomit, the liquid can be diluted with potassium permanganate or ammonia.

If the victim is unconscious:

If the injured person is unconscious, then measures must be taken to bring him to his senses. To do this, you can use ammonia. Rub it on the victim's temples or give it a sniff. Because If alcohol poisoning occurs, the body's sensitivity is impaired, then simply spraying the victim will not give any results.

If the victim has come to his senses, then forced gastric lavage should be performed. You can also give him activated charcoal to drink. Do not induce vomiting or administer any medications if the victim remains unconscious.

In this state, the victim may begin to vomit, and in order to prevent choking, the victim must be turned onto his stomach (face down). Check the unconscious person for breathing and a pulse. If these vital signs are absent, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be started immediately. To do this, use artificial respiration and indirect respiration. Remember, if alcohol poisoning is accompanied by loss of consciousness, you should definitely call an ambulance.

Basic first aid steps for alcohol poisoning:

To avoid serious consequences, you should call an emergency team.
Provide the victim with access to fresh air. To do this, rid him of restrictive clothes, loosen the belt on his trousers, open a window or vent.
Use ammonia to bring the victim back to consciousness.
The absence of ammonia can be replaced by the rubbing technique. Using this method, you will ensure the supply of blood to the victim’s head in the required quantity, and this, in turn, will effectively affect the victim’s gaining consciousness.
Before performing forced gastric lavage, it is necessary to warm the victim as thoroughly as possible. For this, it is best to use mustard plasters, which can be placed on the hands, feet, and the back of the head.
Do not leave the victim lying on the ground. Turn him over on his side or stomach.
Apply ice to the victim's head. This will help reduce the effect of alcohol on a person and significantly moderate alcohol arousal.
If alcohol poisoning is of moderate severity, then you can give the victim drugs to drink, activated carbon (two tablets, every two hours), anti-inflammatory drugs.
Prepare the victim a hot, strong drink, or you can also give special herbal infusions to drink.