How to recognize mushroom poisoning and provide first aid? Mushroom poisoning - emergency measures and further treatment.

Despite the fact that everyone is aware of how dangerous it can be to eat them, hundreds and thousands of people are admitted to hospitals every year with a diagnosis of mushroom poisoning. The desire to profit from dishes made from raw materials collected by oneself overcomes the instinct of self-preservation and at times leads to sad consequences.

What mushrooms can cause poisoning?

Many people love mushrooms. But sometimes this love has a very dangerous consequences in the form of severe poisoning. People mistakenly believe that you can only get poisoned poisonous mushrooms. But in fact, edible fruits can also pose a danger. The fact is that the legs and caps create an environment favorable for the life and proliferation of bacteria. Heat treatment kills pathogenic microorganisms. But if prepared incorrectly - if the pickles are stored for too long, or are soaked in an insufficiently salted marinade, for example - poisoning from pickled mushrooms is possible.

Is it possible to get poisoned? Yes, such cases also occur, although these fruits are considered the most harmless. The fact is that even edible ones absorb toxins like a sponge. Therefore, they can become poisonous if stored inappropriately. This applies to raw, dried, and pickled mushrooms. Therefore, before cooking, it is better to study all the basic rules of processing and storage as carefully as possible.

How to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones?

The easiest way to protect yourself and prevent mushroom poisoning is to know which fruits are poisonous and which are not. There are a lot of nuances and it’s impossible to remember everything at once. But after a few trainings, you will be able to identify “good” and “bad” at a glance.

Here's how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones and vice versa:

  1. Most of edible mushrooms– tubular.
  2. Potentially dangerous fruits have an unpleasant greenish color. You should also be wary at the sight of a pinkish cap. These are mostly false mushrooms. To check, break it apart. If the mushroom is truly false, the scrap will turn red. You should not trust too bright colors. In most cases, noticeable caps are a red flag.
  3. You can’t rely on smell alone, but experienced mushroom pickers say that poisonous prey either smells unpleasant or doesn’t smell at all.
  4. If you want to prevent porcini mushroom poisoning, put them all in a pan of water and throw the onion into it. If the latter turns blue, bad news: the crop will have to be thrown away.
  5. Inexperienced mushroom pickers avoid wormy fruits. But in fact, insects and animals almost always only covet edible mushrooms. There are exceptions, but they are rare.

Types of poisonous mushrooms

Knowing the main types of danger will also help prevent mushroom poisoning. There are a lot of them - it is believed that out of more than 3,000 species of mushrooms, only about 400 are edible - but you don’t need to remember everything. It is important to know only those that are mainly found in local latitudes. Among them are the following examples:

Symptoms of mushroom poisoning

This is very dangerous product, which can strike even after heat or any other treatment. Therefore, if suddenly signs of mushroom poisoning appeared shortly after consumption of this product, they urgently need attention. It is better to let your fears not be confirmed than to have to face the unpleasant consequences of intoxication.

Mushroom poisoning, how long does it take for symptoms to appear?

As a rule, the first signs of mushroom poisoning begin to appear 1.5 - 2 hours after eating them. But sometimes the reaction occurs within a day or even two. How long it takes for mushroom poisoning to appear depends on various factors. The speed of the reaction is affected by the number of fruits eaten and their type, weight, age and health status of the victim. Even the strongest immune system cannot cope with the effects of toxins on its own. Therefore, sooner or later, signs of intoxication will appear.

The first signs of mushroom poisoning

It is almost impossible not to pay attention to them. Here's how mushroom poisoning manifests itself:

  • nausea;
  • severe vomiting;
  • diarrhea up to 15 times per day;
  • stomach ache;
  • temperature rise to 38-39 degrees;
  • upper and lower limbs getting colder;
  • inflammation of the stomach and intestines;
  • weakening of the pulse;
  • the appearance of delusions and hallucinations;
  • noticeable mental disorder;
  • anuria;
  • increased sweating and salivation;
  • breathing problems;
  • drowsiness and weakness;

Poisoning with pickled mushrooms and botulism manifest themselves similarly, but with minor nuances. Main symptoms:

  • nausea with vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • severe headaches;
  • blurred vision (the eyes begin to double, everything floats);
  • the oral mucosa dries out;
  • convulsions appear;
  • breathing becomes difficult.

What to do if you are poisoned by mushrooms?

Self-medication for intoxication is strictly prohibited. Therefore, when poisoning with poisonous mushrooms occurs, the first and most important thing to do is to call specialists or try to independently deliver the victim to the nearest emergency room medical center. If it is possible to save samples of the product, do so. This way, specialists will be able to find out what poison caused the poisoning and will more quickly select the appropriate effective treatment.

First aid for mushroom poisoning

The main thing to remember is that the victim cannot be harmed. There is no need to urgently bury yourself in the Internet in search of good advice. The main emergency treatment for mushroom poisoning is gastric lavage. This is necessary to remove remaining toxins from the body. First aid for poisoning with poisonous mushrooms involves drinking plenty of fluids. The patient can be given tea, water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. The procedure must be continued until no more food comes out of the stomach.

Mushroom poisoning - what to do at home?

In addition to drinking plenty of fluids, victims can be given laxatives and activated carbon tablets. If mushroom poisoning occurs, treatment at home involves the maximum possible effective cleansing stomach and intestines. Because coal best help. This is an effective sorbent. It should be taken 1 piece per kilogram of body weight. But if the patient develops symptoms - low blood pressure, loss of consciousness, convulsions - the methods described above can be harmful.

Mushroom poisoning - treatment in hospital

The first thing they do in the hospital is insert a probe and use it. Often, if the problem is mushroom poisoning, treatment involves taking a saline laxative, intravenous administration medications and accelerated diuresis. On the first day, hemosorption is carried out and toxins are removed from the blood. If there are hallucinations, the patient is given the antidote Atropine.

Mushroom poisoning - consequences

The most dangerous poisoning toadstools. It ends in death in 50-90% of cases. If the patient eats up to 3 fruits, death occurs in 100% of cases. When consuming other types, the consequences of mushroom poisoning may be less critical. When treatment begins on time, the person recovers completely. If help was not provided, then within 5-8 days death occurs with a 50% probability.

Prevention of mushroom poisoning

The easiest way is to buy mushrooms in trusted places. But if the passion for picking fruits cannot be overcome, here are some tips on how to avoid poisoning from mushrooms:

  1. Do not pick unfamiliar fruits.
  2. Try to avoid old mushrooms.
  3. When cooking, do not forget to carefully process and boil the caps with stems. Pour out the first few decoctions.
  4. Mushrooms should be cleaned and cooked immediately after picking.
  5. There is no need to collect anything near roads and industrial zones.
  6. You should not pick mushrooms in plastic bags. It is best to use baskets.
  7. If your canned mushrooms have a bulging lid, it is safest to throw them away.

There are also stories about mushroom intoxication historical sources. The poisoning of Emperor Claudius (54 AD) is blamed on a dish containing mushroom sauce, which his fourth wife Agrippina fed him to place her son Nero on the throne.

All the described symptoms of death were consistent with muscarine poisoning. Noble Romans preferred mushrooms of bright orange color, which were called “Caesar's mushrooms” and among which it was easy to hide the deadly Patouillard fiber or other poisonous mushroom.

Poisoning with mushroom dishes is common in our time. Many mycotoxins have been well studied and antidotes have been found for them, but there are still many species of fungi whose composition of poisons is unknown.

Mushroom intoxication is classified according to the totality of symptoms caused, since division according to the type of fungi that caused the disease is irrational.

The same species can cause different people various signs of intoxication. Or, for example, different types macromycetes cause a similar clinical picture.

There are syndromes with short period manifestations of the disease, in which symptoms of poisoning appear within 0.5-1 hour after eating mushrooms and a long latent period - from 6-12 hours to several days.

Poisonings with a short asymptomatic period include:

  • muscarinic (cholinomimetic);
  • hallucinatory;
  • coprine (teturam-like);
  • resinoid (gastroenteric).

Poisonings with a long latent period are characteristic of the following syndromes:

  • phalloid;
  • gyromitria;
  • Orlanova.

Let us consider in more detail each of the given syndromes accompanying intoxication.

Mushroom poisoning syndromes with a short latent period

The short latent period for poisoning can range from 20-30 minutes. after eating mushrooms containing mycotoxin, up to 3-4 hours.

Muscarinic syndrome

The latent period is 15-60 minutes. from the moment of use. This syndrome is caused by macromycetes of the genus Clitócybe and Inocybe, which contain muscarine. Often the effects of this toxin are masked by symptoms caused by intoxication with other types of mycotoxins.

Manifested by the following symptoms:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • activation of discharge from the lacrimal, salivary and sweat glands;
  • miosis accompanied by visual impairment;
  • neurological disorders (euphoria alternating with apathy, confusion, convulsions, coma);
  • cardiovascular (CV) disorders (bradycardia, decreased blood pressure);
  • spasm of the bronchial muscles, accompanied by wheezing and shortness of breath;
  • dehydration of the body.

The listed symptoms can last from 2-6 hours to 24 hours or suddenly disappear after 1-3 hours. Poisoning is rarely fatal, but emergency hospitalization is required, especially if disturbances in hemodynamic function and cardiac function occur.

Copriine syndrome

It occurs acutely and has no latent period. The syndrome is caused by the release of mycotoxins under the influence of ethyl alcohol.

Symptoms accompanying poisoning are:

  • redness skin(“Flash” syndrome);
  • relaxation of smooth muscles of blood vessels;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, collapse);
  • rapid, shallow breathing;
  • coma.

The manifestations disappear on their own within 2-4 hours. If a heart rhythm disturbance or collapse occurs, urgent hospitalization is necessary. Repeated intake of alcohol-containing drinks leads to a recurrence of the listed symptoms.

Hallucinatory or drug syndrome

The latent period is short - from 20 to 30 minutes. The syndrome occurs under the influence of psilocybin mushrooms (fiber, psilocebe cuban) and fly agarics.

The hallucinogenic effect is similar to the effect on the central nervous system of the synthetic drug LSD and the manifestation of psychodysleptic effects:

  • alternation of affect, hysteria, excitement and drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • motor function disorders;
  • convulsive muscle twitching and uncontrolled movements;
  • convulsions;
  • involuntary shudders.

Symptoms disappear within 6-12 hours. Regular use of hallucinogenic mushrooms can lead to addiction and mental disorders. Hospitalization, detoxification, and administration of sedatives are recommended.

Resinoid syndrome

Poisoning develops rapidly. Symptoms appear after 0.5-3 hours. Signs relate to dyspeptic and gastroenteric disorders. There is a risk of severe dehydration.

In hospital conditions, detoxification, symptomatic treatment of gastrointestinal dysfunction and parietal rehydration are carried out. Poisoning is caused by tiger rower and entololea yellowish-gray.

Mushroom poisoning syndromes with a long latent period

Mushroom poisoning with a long latent period is the most dangerous, as it leads to severe disorders internal organs.

Gyromitria syndrome

The latent period ranges from 6-24 hours. up to 1-3 days. Causes syndrome of poisoning with morels and stitches (Gyromitra). Manifestations of pathology are varied. The most characteristic are:

  • asthenia;
  • headache;
  • neurological disorders (confusion, seizures, coma);
  • cytolytic jaundice;
  • intravascular hemolysis (DIC syndrome).

Urgent hospitalization with detoxification measures and symptomatic therapy is required.

Orellanic syndrome

The latent period lasts 2-3 days. The pathology is caused by fungi of the genus Cortinarius - mountain and beautiful cobwebs are deadly poisonous macromycetes with a delayed effect, leading to kidney failure.

Symptoms appear in stages:

  1. Dyspeptic disorders that may not be noticed due to blurred and insignificant dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. The duration of the stage is 3 days.
  2. Remission stage.
  3. After 2-3 weeks from the moment of poisoning, renal failure develops, often becoming chronic.

It is necessary to use detoxification methods in hospital conditions and therapy for renal failure, symptomatic treatment.

Phalloidin syndrome

The latent period is more than 6 hours. Poisoning is caused by a mycotoxin contained in toadstool, which is a deadly macromycete. The disease manifests itself with symptoms:

  • acute gastroenteritis;
  • hepatocellular syndrome;
  • acute renal failure.

Immediate hospitalization, detoxification techniques, administration of antidotes (selymarin) and therapy for renal pathology are required. Often leads to death.

The length of the period from the moment of poisoning to the onset of symptoms depends not only on the type of mycotoxin, but also on the following factors:

  • amount of toxin;
  • patient's age;
  • general condition;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • hereditary level of enzymes that break down the toxin;
  • the presence of enzymes for digesting macromycetes.

In case of group poisoning, latent periods of intoxication of varying duration are observed. Mushroom poisoning is especially severe in children. There have been cases of severe intoxication through breast milk.

Due to the imperfection of the enzymatic composition of the gastrointestinal tract, children under 12 years of age are not recommended to eat mushroom dishes. The high content of toxins in some types of mushrooms can cause instant death or irreversible damage in children.

In some cases, the duration of the latent period serves as a diagnostic sign in identifying the source of poisoning.

In Russia they love and know how to pick mushrooms. In many countries, such as England, the USA, Australia, etc., they eat only specially cultivated mushrooms, such as champignons, oyster mushrooms, etc. Those that grow in forests are ignored, considering them poisonous. This is hard for us to understand, because... Mushroom dishes are popular in Russia. Fried mushrooms with potatoes, pies, salads, gravies - there are many recipes for delicious dishes.

In Russia they love and know how to pick mushrooms

Residents of other countries can be understood, because mushrooms can lead to the death of a person if emergency assistance is not provided. Previously, in 90% of cases of poisoning with toadstool, the patient died. Now we have managed to reduce this percentage to 40%, but there is a danger, especially in cases where they come to the doctor too late.

Prevention of poisoning

Since the consequences of eating some mushrooms can be very sad, prevention of mushroom poisoning is important. What to do to protect yourself and your loved ones, what precautions would be useful?

Mushrooms are inedible

Poisoning with poisonous mushrooms leads to human death. In Europe it is death cap and some types of fly agarics. It’s also scary that the signs don’t appear immediately, and only emergency treatment can save you. health care. Often the doctor is not able to help the patient, because... toxins have already affected vital organs, treatment is late.

Death cap

Whereas the red fly agaric we know from childhood is not as dangerous as many people think. To die, you need to eat 3-4 kg of red fly agarics at once. Any poisoning requires treatment under medical supervision. And if it is caused by toadstool, emergency care is required. It is impossible to save a person at home. Poisoning occurs because a mushroom picker confuses an edible mushroom with a poisonous one.

  • Pale toadstool looks like green russula or greenfinch.
  • Galerina bordered - like a mushroom.
  • The fly agaric is white and smelly - for mushrooms.
  • False honey mushrooms are similar to ordinary ones.
  • Gall and satanic mushroom easily confused with white.

Conditionally edible mushrooms

There are also mushrooms that are called conditionally edible. So, if you have collected morels, you cannot eat them right away, because they contain helvellic acid, which can cause not only health problems, but also deaths. What can you do to prevent these undesirable consequences?

You can get rid of it either by drying the mushrooms, or by boiling them for at least 10-15 minutes. You cannot try the broth, because all the acid has passed into the water. It is also advisable to wash them after boiling. Morels can only be eaten if they have been dried for 1.5–2 months.

Morels are conditionally edible mushrooms

Edible mushrooms

If you collect old mushrooms, then they contain protein decomposition products that are harmful. Poisoning can be caused by improper preparation or canning of mushrooms. In addition, mushrooms are difficult to digest, so they are not suitable for everyone. Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from such delicacies, as are preschool children.


Mushroom poisoning is one of the most serious and severe food poisonings. Children and the elderly are at risk. What to do if you don't feel well? As soon as symptoms of mushroom poisoning appear, you need to call an ambulance. Whether a person survives depends on the experience of doctors. Emergency care cannot be provided at home; only doctors can save a person.

Severe poisoning

If a person has eaten toadstool (mortality rate - 50–95%), signs of mushroom poisoning may not be immediately noticeable. There are toadstool-like fly agarics. The symptoms are similar, and the mortality rate is also high (30–70%). If treatment is started immediately, the chances of survival increase.

In case of poisoning, immediate medical attention is required

If you are poisoned by toadstool

It takes from 6 to 40 hours, but most often about 12 after the mushroom or its broth has been eaten. They include.

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Uncontrollable vomiting. The poisoned person feels very thirsty, but cannot quench it due to vomiting. There is a rapid loss of water.
  • Diarrhea. If at first the feces are yellow-green or clay-green in color, then later it is a discharge similar to swamp mud.
  • My head hurts and I feel dizzy.
  • Weakness, very strong.

The patient's appearance also changes greatly: the face is pale, the skin is dull, the facial features are pointed, the eyes are sunken. Due to the loss of chlorine, circulatory disorders begin. Hands and feet become cold, and cramps may occur. After some time (1.5–2 days), these signs subside and the person feels better. Drowsiness appears. Often the patient is sure that all the bad things are behind him and he is recovering.

This calm is temporary. A few more hours - and the person will not be alive. Or diarrhea appears again, jaundice develops, and after 5–6 days the person still dies. But it also happens that the jaundice gradually disappears, and the patient recovers. If medical assistance was provided on time and treatment was prescribed, there is a chance. This is a deadly poisoning.

The fact that liver failure has begun is indicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation, a syndrome that can be recognized by bleeding gums, vomiting and diarrhea mixed with blood, etc. The patient’s kidneys are also affected. If the case is advanced, even medical care will not save the person.

The stitches are edible if dried and boiled several times

Signs of stitch poisoning

The stitches are dangerous because they contain gyrometrin and gelwellic acid. They act in the same way as the poison of the toadstool. If the mushrooms are dried for at least 2-3 weeks, the gyrometrin will disappear, and the gelwellic acid will be destroyed during prolonged cooking. If you dry the mushrooms and boil them several times, pouring out the broth, it is impossible to get poisoned. But if you dine on mushrooms that are undercooked or eat broth made from them, then after about 6-10 hours the following symptoms will appear:

  • I have a stomachache;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit.

After some time, hemolytic jaundice and hepatic-renal failure develop. The consequences of poisoning are serious: after 3-4 days a person can die. 10-50% of poisoning cases result in death.

Mild poisoning

Not all types of poisoning lead to death. If symptoms make themselves felt after a short period of time, this is a good sign.

False honey mushrooms

Poisoning with false honey mushrooms

Deterioration in health begins after 1–6 hours. They resemble common food poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • I have a stomachache.

In a few days the patient will fully recover; treatment at home is possible. Poisoning false honey mushrooms It’s not scary, but treatment is still needed, because gastroenteritis and dehydration can harm the body.

Pig poisoning

It would be a mistake to consider pigs to be edible mushrooms. It has long been listed as poisonous. Doctors have noticed that the initial consumption of mushrooms rarely causes poisoning, but repeated consumption, after some time, is dangerous for human life. If it mild degree, then it does not threaten human life. Its signs appear after 1–3 hours, sometimes after 5–6 hours.

Svinushka - a poisonous mushroom

Mushroom poisoning symptoms are the same as for regular poisoning: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea. Much depends on exactly how many mushrooms a person has eaten and on his state of health. Weak people get sick. In 2-3 days the patient feels better, and after 4-6 days he recovers. If the mushrooms were eaten raw or poorly cooked, the poisoning is severe, and the consequences can be very sad.

Satanic mushroom poisoning

Mushroom pickers often confuse white and satanic mushrooms. The latter is very poisonous, especially in its raw form. It affects everyone differently. The effect of its toxins has not been studied, because they are constantly mutating. Within 20–30 minutes, signs of poisoning appear. They can be different, they are stored for no longer than 3 days. Most often, a person feels sick, has diarrhea, vomiting, and convulsions are possible. Hallucinations, loss of memory and self-control, and conditions similar to lethargic sleep (lasting up to 72 hours) are not excluded.

Often confused White mushroom and satanic

Red fly agaric poisoning

Symptoms appear quickly: from 30 minutes to 6 hours. Sweat and saliva flow profusely. The person feels sick, vomits, becomes dizzy, and has watery stools. Confusion, hallucinations, constricted pupils, and difficulty breathing are also observed. Most often, signs of poisoning disappear after 12 hours. But if the poison was strong, and the person was not given help for mushroom poisoning, he begins to become very agitated. But after 6-10 hours it will give way to apathy, drowsiness, after which death occurs.

What to do

What to do if you or your loved ones are poisoned by mushrooms? First of all, you should know that treating these poisonings at home is strictly prohibited; providing assistance to the victim is the job of a doctor. Even if the poisoning is mild and there is no threat to life, emergency medical attention is needed. Children and the elderly are especially at risk. If measures are not taken in time, a person may die, i.e. the consequences of poisoning are the most serious.

The poisoned person should drink a pale solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting.

Treatment prescribed by a doctor is good, but what to do before the ambulance arrives, how to help a patient at home and alleviate his condition? First aid for mushroom poisoning is as follows.

  • Rinse the stomach. The poisoned person must drink a pale solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting until the water becomes clear.
  • Take sorbents and a laxative. You can drink activated charcoal and a saline laxative.
  • Replenish fluid loss. Regidron solution is suitable for this or mineral water, salted water, sweet tea. How more people drinks, so much the better.

It is important to remember that a poisoned person should not drink alcoholic beverages. It would also be a mistake to throw away those mushrooms that were prepared at home. You can’t eat them, but they are useful for making an accurate diagnosis. Even if you are worried about your loved ones, you need to be prepared to answer the doctor’s questions. He needs to know how long it took for signs of poisoning to appear, what mushrooms were eaten, etc.

It is also important how many people could have been poisoned. Gastric lavage will be done to everyone who ate mushrooms that day, even if they have no signs of poisoning. Antidotes have not yet been invented toxic substances mushrooms, therefore treatment is helping the patient’s body: detoxification, reinforcing, symptomatic treatment.

Doctors will be able to keep the patient’s condition under control, conduct the necessary tests and, if necessary, alleviate his condition. When treated at home, the chances of surviving severe poisoning are minimal. Therefore, calling an ambulance is mandatory. Let the doctor decide whether this is a serious case or not, and he will not scold you for calling, because mushroom poisoning is a reason to seek help. Sometimes a person’s life depends on the speed of response.

Statistics show that mushroom poisoning accounts for about 4% of food intoxications every year. Toxins contained in poisonous, conditionally edible and incorrectly prepared edible mushrooms pose a serious danger to human life and health.

It's high season in Russia " quiet hunt» for mushrooms and berries lasts from the end of August to mid-autumn - it is during this period that greatest number sad incidents related to poisoning. However, mortality and severe cases of poisoning also occur at the beginning of summer - in June and July, when the first morels and puffballs already appear.

If poisoning occurs, timely assistance can save the victim’s life, so you need to know what symptoms indicate that a person has been poisoned, how you can help him and what not to do.

Symptoms and signs of mushroom poisoning

Essentially this is food intoxication; signs of mushroom poisoning will always include:

  • acute pain varying degrees intensity in the abdominal area;
  • diarrhea and/or vomiting.

Depending on the variety eaten poisonous mushrooms and how much was eaten, the mechanism of development of the clinical picture may have some differences. They can be considered using the example of the most common intoxications given in the table:

No. Variety Mushroom poisoning - symptoms and signs
1 Death cap
  • the victim’s stool is very frequent (sometimes bowel movements occur every hour) and large, has a very liquid consistency and may contain traces of blood;
  • vomit is dark in color;
  • respiratory, cardiovascular failure, as well as convulsions appear quickly;
  • severe damage to the kidneys and liver occurs (jaundice appears);
  • coma;
  • death.
2 Talkers (aka “false chanterelles”), red fly agarics
  • manifestation of symptoms: from half an hour to 2 hours;
  • classic signs of food intoxication;
  • the pupils constrict, increased sweating and salivation appear;
  • lacrimation is observed;
  • shortness of breath and bronchial convulsions appear;
  • heartbeat slows down arterial pressure decreases;
  • convulsions and states of altered consciousness (delusions or hallucinations) are observed;
  • coma;
  • fatal outcome.
3 Panther fly agaric
  • common symptoms of food poisoning;
  • pulse quickens;
  • pupils dilate;
  • the skin and mucous membranes become dry.
4 Stitches, morels
  • clinical picture of food intoxication;
  • convulsions;
  • jaundice and the liver is greatly enlarged;
  • the spleen is enlarged;
  • kidney damage;
  • hemolysis;
  • the victim may faint.
5 Milk milk – most often poisoning is caused by a variety called false milk milk. However, real ones can lead to intoxication if handled incorrectly.
  • the appearance of pain and pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • diarrhea, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • intestinal colic.

During pregnancy, food intoxication of this kind is extremely dangerous, since poisons can cause negative impact on expectant mother and a child. There may be a risk of premature birth or miscarriage. The pregnant woman has severe pain and dizziness, she feels constant nausea. Such dangerous phenomena, like vomiting and diarrhea - as causes leading to severe dehydration. Fainting and tachycardia may also occur, and blood pressure decreases quickly and significantly.

How long will it take for symptoms of mushroom poisoning to appear if we're talking about It’s hard to say for sure about the child. Children have an extremely difficult time with such poisoning, since their bodies are extremely sensitive to the toxins contained in mushrooms. In this case, all symptoms may occur more quickly than in adults. It is for this reason that parents and kindergarten staff must treat such products that are offered to the child with the utmost attention.

How long does it take for symptoms to appear?

It is difficult to clearly indicate the exact period of time after which symptoms of mushroom poisoning appear - it directly depends on a number of factors, including:

  • type of toxin and dose received by the person;
  • the type of mushroom that caused the poisoning;
  • cooking method;
  • types and composition of food products that were served along with mushrooms (fish, meat and / or vegetables), as well as the number of calories they contained.
  • age and body weight;
  • dosage taken alcoholic drinks(if the victim consumed them while eating).

How long does it take for signs of poisoning to appear?

How long does it take for them to occur? Most often, the first symptoms appear within one to two hours after a person has eaten a mushroom dish; various combinations of the above factors can either reduce the period of manifestation of such symptoms to half an hour, or extend incubation period up to a day and even 15 – 20 days.

About mushrooms and their characteristics

Particularly interesting is the fact that, by definition, mushrooms are neither plants nor animals, since they have features of both. Therefore, they are separated into a completely independent kingdom of living organisms.

In terms of suitability for human consumption, there are four classes in nature:

Inedible - what distinguishes them bad smell, unappetizing appearance, and if a piece of such a mushroom gets into a person’s mouth, he will feel an unpleasant bitterness. Some subspecies are poisonous. These include: valueu, mycena.

Poisonous - this is the name of the species that contain dangerous toxic substances - muscarine. Experts describe this class using an additional division into subclasses in terms of degree of danger and mechanism of action:

  1. First. They have a local toxic effect mainly on the digestive system. Among poisonous mushrooms they cause the mildest degree of poisoning. Warning: can be fatal if the victim’s body was already severely weakened at the time of poisoning. This includes false raincoats, rows, and so on.
  2. Second. Such instances affect the centers nervous system person. They often cause not only indigestion, but also headaches, attacks of dizziness, and the victim may hallucinate or lose consciousness. These are most varieties of talkers, rows and others.
  3. Third. From the point of view of danger to human life and health, they cause the most severe poisoning. It is not possible to avoid sad consequences in approximately every third case. Tragic news reports are associated with cases of consumption of such mushrooms. These are pale toadstools, fiber mushrooms, and gall mushrooms. The latter represent serious problem due to the similarity with edible porcini mushrooms, and to prevent the death of the victim who consumed gall mushroom It is not always possible to eat food even with timely medical care. The satanic mushroom is no less dangerous. It also looks like a boletus, and for a person to become poisoned, it is enough to eat just one gram of its pulp.

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Conditionally – edible. They can only be eaten after they have passed special training associated with long-term heat treatment different ways. Processing steps include boiling, soaking, boiling and other methods. These are a variety of waves, pigs and so on.

Edible. They are also categorized based on taste. Mushrooms of the first category: porcini or saffron milk caps do not even require special processing - they can also be dried and frozen in reserve. Porcini mushrooms have been known to everyone since childhood - it is this variety that the painted hedgehogs carry on their needles.

Molds, better known as mildew, are a type of fungus that external signs clearly differs in that it does not have the usual large fruiting body.

First aid for mushroom poisoning

In the event that poisoning does occur, what to do in case of mushroom poisoning. First of all, call an ambulance. In the case of poisoning with some varieties of mushrooms, a slight delay can lead to the death of the victim.

The remains of food that the victim consumed cannot be thrown away - it will need to be submitted for analysis, which will be carried out in a laboratory or hospital. Thus, it is possible to accurately determine the type of toxic substance, which is required to prescribe correct and effective treatment.

While the paramedic is on the way, a person needs first aid for mushroom poisoning. Necessary actions:

  1. By pressing on the root of the victim's tongue with an ordinary spoon (if you don't have one, you can do this with your fingers), vomiting should be provoked, then rinse the stomach with plenty of water (minimum volume - 1.5 liters). Important nuance– when it comes to a pregnant woman, it is impossible to provoke vomiting.
  2. Allow the victim to take castor (or Vaseline) oil - one tablespoon is enough. If you experience diarrhea, you should not do this.
  3. The victim should take some kind of sorbent (any available one will do - it can be either Polysorb or Activated Carbon (tablets), Enterosgel is also effective (this gel can even be given to infants) or any other drugs similar effects from a home medicine cabinet).
  4. Make sure the person drinks plenty of fluids. The best option may be to drink black tea (strong) or still mineral water.
  5. A person should take a horizontal position (lie down on a sofa or bed), a warm heating pad should be placed at his feet - this is necessary to slow down the course of the disease, regardless of whether the patient feels chills or not.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that if a person is poisoned by mushrooms, he is strictly prohibited from:

  • alcohol consumption;
  • taking anti-vomiting and/or diarrhea medications, as well as any type of painkillers.

There is a lot of controversy - including on forums - regarding homeopathy, as well as folk and home remedies that people love to treat, replacing official medicine many are pensioners. Drink a “cocktail” of vodka with salt, drink milk in large quantities, are not only ineffective, but can also worsen the victim’s condition and lead to dire consequences.

Reset excess weight will help, use this product for weight loss. By the way, it helps you lose weight no worse than slim chocolate.

Methods of inpatient treatment

Medical care for victims of mushroom poisoning is provided in the hospital’s toxicology department. The following intensive exposure methods are used:

  1. The victim's stomach is washed through a tube.
  2. Prescriptions include: forced urination (diuresis), taking saline laxatives, as well as administering intravenous solutions (via a dropper).
  3. Within 24 hours of hospitalization, toxins must be removed from the victim's blood. To do this, a hemosorption procedure is performed.
  4. In case of manifestation of any types of internal organ failure (renal, cardiovascular), appropriate therapy is prescribed.
  5. Administration of "Atropine" - provided that a person has been poisoned false chanterelles or ate a red fly agaric, you need this antidote.

Doctor's opinion. Mikhail Konevsky, an expert in ambulance and emergency care, notes a number of basic mistakes that are often made when providing assistance to a poisoning victim. What should not be done so as not to aggravate the patient’s condition:

  • hide the fact of using mushrooms from the doctor - diagnosis and choice of treatment tactics in accordance with the diagnosis will be difficult;
  • take an antipyretic if the temperature is not higher than 38.5 0 C;
  • rinse the stomach concentrated solution potassium permanganate;
  • trying to get rid of diarrhea;
  • treat yourself with so-called “stomach medications.”

It is important to remember that intoxication occurs quickly, and if hospitalization is delayed for a long time, it may not produce results, and the victim may even die, and medicine will be powerless.

To reduce the risk of mushroom poisoning to a minimum, experts recommend not neglecting simple preventive measures.

Safely Dangerous
For long-term storage, only young mushrooms should be harvested. Collect/buy mushrooms if they are wormy, old, have a specific smell, damaged by mold and/or larvae.
Thorough rinsing of mushrooms to remove particles of soil, sand, plants, and insects before boiling. Collect and eat varieties of mushrooms whose name is unknown.
Before cooking mushrooms of any variety at home, they must be boiled. Simply skimming off the foam is not enough - the broth should be poured out. This also applies to preparing soup and dishes from fried mushrooms. All operations must be carried out in compliance with hygiene rules. Taste raw mushrooms that have not undergone heat treatment.
Each type of mushroom must be marinated/dried/salted/fried separately.

In order for this heavy food to be better absorbed, it is better to grind it dried mushrooms into flour.

Collect mushrooms in areas with increased level radiation near industrial enterprises emitting harmful substances and/or working with any kind of chemicals, pesticides, or highways– mushrooms collected in such places can be dangerous, even if they are considered edible or conditionally edible (saffron caps, boletuses, porcini mushrooms (otherwise known as boletuses), honey mushrooms, boletuses, russula or boletus).
Collect only well-known varieties of mushrooms; each piece must be carefully inspected. If a mushroom causes even the slightest suspicion, it should not be added to those already collected. Buy any types of processed mushrooms at markets, including hermetically sealed canned, salted or dried mushrooms, as well as “caviar” and salads. Moreover, you should not purchase suspicious banks, especially if the price is surprisingly low.
As a collection container wild mushrooms use the cart. Trying to “correct” an incorrectly prepared dish with mushrooms is to overcook or try to boil it.
The minimum possible amount of time should pass between picking mushrooms and cooking them.
Before cooking, real breast milk must be soaked for 72 hours; the water must be changed every 3 to 4 hours.
If you have no experience of “silent hunting”, you should start preparing for it by studying reference materials– read photos and pictures in literature and online sources (Wikipedia), watch videos on the topic on YouTube. You can seek advice from a mycologist or an experienced mushroom picker, and also get a reminder or brief instructions.
It is as safe as possible to consume an eco-product such as champignons or oyster mushrooms purchased at a large store or supermarket. As practice shows, it is difficult to get poisoned by champignons, and if you believe the reviews, they are a nutritious protein product with beautiful taste qualities– you can eat it even on a diet.

As a conclusion, we can summarize all of the above. Intoxication associated with eating mushrooms is an extremely dangerous condition that is often fatal. Even if a tragedy can be avoided, the consequences are extremely severe (complications are common), and the recovery process is very long and will take more than one.

To prevent this, you should be very careful when collecting and processing mushrooms. Avoid eating questionable specimens or those belonging to unknown varieties, and also purchase mushrooms raw and finished form in non-specialized retail outlets.

Ignorance can be fatal when picking mushrooms. Toxicologists warn: mushroom poisoning leads in severity among all possible toxic infections. A health threat can even lurk in boletus or boletus if they were collected near an industrial enterprise or, say, a railroad.

Types of mushroom poisoning

The most dangerous are, of course, poisonous species, such as fly agaric or toadstool, but there is no less risk in not very fresh edible mushrooms. There are cases where the cause of poisoning was undercooked, insufficiently salted or spoiled mushrooms, which are edible in appearance. For example, improper processing of mushrooms, morels or milk mushrooms can also cause intoxication. And poisoning with canned mushrooms even causes botulism (a deadly infectious toxic disease).

The most severe consequences (deadly) are caused by taking the following types of mushrooms:

    Satanic mushroom


    stinky mushroom

    False honey mushrooms

    Panther fly agaric

Their poison is not destroyed even at high temperatures.

Dried morels contain substances that destroy red blood cells and cause the same symptoms as toadstool.

Edible mushrooms growing near highways are also dangerous - they accumulate mercury, lead, cadmium and other heavy metals that are hazardous to health.

Symptoms of poisoning by edible mushrooms may differ from those caused by poisonous ones, for example, the effect of poison in small doses begins to affect health after a couple of dinners with mushroom salad or a side dish, it all depends on the amount eaten.

How is it manifested by mushrooms? The first “bells” begin to arrive within an hour or two after eating. Moreover, the type of mushroom does not play any role in the symptoms - as a rule, at the very beginning it is always gastroenteritis. But how quickly a poisonous mushroom eaten will make itself felt depends on many factors. For example, on body weight, age, dose of toxin that entered the body, whether the mushroom was washed down with alcohol or not, etc.

In any case, a person has a stomach ache, feels it, turning into vomiting, then signs such as loose stools appear, fingers and toes become noticeably colder, and the skin throughout the body turns pale.

Toadstool poisoning is considered the most severe: only a quarter of a cap is enough for the ingestion to be fatal. Signs of poisoning by poisonous mushrooms of this species have a couple characteristic features: the vomit somewhat resembles coffee grounds (this is already evidence of gastric bleeding), and the frequency of stools reaches 20 times per day.

Nervous system for different types inedible mushrooms reacts in its own way. For example, toadstool provokes restlessness and anxiety, but fly agaric can cause hallucinations and constant nervous movement.

Symptoms of mushroom poisoning

As the action hazardous substances the effect on the body intensifies, signs of poisoning appear more and more noticeably. Following the stomach, cardiac activity is also inhibited. The heartbeat is no longer felt as clearly as before, blood pressure drops, and after it dizziness, headache and blue mucous membranes appear. Hands and feet get even colder, but now humidity is added to this.

The reason why mushroom poisoning must be treated immediately lies in its toxic effects to the kidneys and liver. After just two days, the consequences become irreversible: a person develops acute renal failure, and mushroom poisons paralyze the functioning of all vital organs and systems in the body. In such conditions, death can no longer be avoided. Mushroom poisoning is especially severe in children and the elderly.

What to do if you are poisoned by mushrooms?

The main step in providing first aid is calling an ambulance. Only doctors can provide qualified assistance to the patient. In your arsenal of first aid there is a limited number of means and the goal of any of them is to eliminate the toxin that has not yet been absorbed.

Do not give alcohol to the patient under any circumstances. It will only speed up absorption dangerous poison. First aid rules also exclude any food products– they will not add any benefit. The same applies to painkillers, antipyretics, and especially to antiemetic drugs and diarrhea tablets.

First aid for mushroom poisoning

During first aid, the victim needs to urgently rinse the stomach at home. To do this, they usually use potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) diluted in water - a few crystals are enough for the water to acquire pink color. Activated carbon can also be added to the solution. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. Repeat the procedure of inducing vomiting three to four times. Caution: Do not induce vomiting during pregnancy.

The next step is to take a laxative. If relief does not occur, give the patient a spoon of castor or vaseline oil. It is better to give a cleansing enema several times.

Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids; if you feel dizzy, you can give strong black tea.

The remains of mushrooms that the patient took should be preserved until the doctors arrive - this will facilitate diagnosis and help them prescribe correct treatment.

Upon arrival at the hospital, the victim is immediately sent to the toxicology department. There he undergoes gastric lavage through a tube. Additionally, a saline laxative is prescribed and the necessary solutions are administered intravenously.

On the first day, medical care includes removing toxins from the blood using hemosorption (passing it through sorbents). Treatment of renal and cardiovascular failure is also prescribed. If poisoning with red fly agaric occurs, the patient is given a special antidote - “Anthropin”.

What to put in the basket?

Remember: of all the 3 thousand mushrooms currently known, only 400 are edible, the rest either cannot be consumed at all (these are poisonous mushrooms), or under certain conditions (for example, raw or with alcohol). Poisoning by poisonous mushrooms and plants is equally dangerous. Just as you don’t trust unfamiliar berries or herbs, don’t trust mushrooms that only seem edible. Preventing a disease is easier than treating it.

Instead of the joy of taste, don’t you want to experience all the unpleasantness of gastric lavage? Even experienced mushroom pickers can be poisoned by pickled mushrooms, canned or simply not cooked enough. The best prevention- be careful when collecting, and also pay attention to the most minor changes in well-being after taking them. Then you will not need emergency assistance.

mushroom poisoning,