What kind of reindeer horn mushrooms are edible? Description of the deer horns mushroom

An article about how, where and how much to store fresh, salted and pickled mushrooms in the apartment.

Soon the mushroom season will come, when mushrooms will begin to grow in the forest and they can be collected. Collecting mushrooms is not a problem for many housewives; it is much more important to clean, cook, and keep them suitable for consumption.

How mushrooms store nutrients

Mushrooms contain a lot of protein, about 1% fat, close to 3% carbohydrates, amino acids and vitamins. Also microelements (copper, zinc, iron, cobalt, calcium and potassium). Thanks to this content useful substances, mushrooms are considered a dietary product, but still one must not forget that mushrooms are difficult to digest by the body, and you cannot eat a lot of them.

Porcini mushrooms

Eat mushrooms that have a healing effect on the body:

  • Porcini mushrooms destroy E. coli.
  • Russula: greenish (scaly), brownish, blue-green, olive suppress the growth of malignant tumors.
  • Chanterelles and russula suppress staphylococci.

Russula greenish (scaly)


Various edible mushrooms useful for headaches, gout, and chanterelles improve liver condition.

Many useful substances in mushrooms are preserved if they are processed immediately after collection and marinated or salted.

But Most of the nutritional properties are retained in mushrooms if they are frozen.

Here unusual way freezing mushrooms:

  1. We clean edible (conditionally edible) mushrooms, wash them in cold water, cut large ones into quarters, small ones - whole.
  2. Prepare a lemon solution (1 teaspoon lemon juice or 1.5 tsp. spoons citric acid, 0.5 liters of water), and soak the mushrooms in it for 5 minutes so that they do not darken and remain a beautiful natural color.
  3. Steam the mushrooms: whole medium-sized mushrooms – 5 minutes, small ones or cut into quarters – 3-5 minutes, finely chopped – 3 minutes.
  4. Distribute the cooled mushrooms into bags and freeze in the freezer.

How long can fresh mushrooms be stored without processing after harvest?

How long to store fresh mushrooms

When going on a “mushroom hunt” you should arm yourself with a knife with a blade stainless steel. When cutting mushrooms with such a knife, they will not turn black and will stay fresh longer.

Mushrooms are a perishable product, so time to collect them – 4 hours, and then you need to start processing the mushrooms.

Brought from the forest wet mushrooms collected in the rain need to be cleaned and processed immediately, coming from the forest.

Mushrooms collected in dry weather without refrigeration can be stored for 6 hours, no more. If you do not have time to peel all the mushrooms at once, you need to arrange them so that they do not touch each other, without washing them, in a cool place, and try to process within 16-18 hours.

If on the balcony about 10°C, chanterelles can be left for storage, but not more than 1 day.

You can store fresh, peeled mushrooms in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days..

How and for how long can you store raw porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, champignons, veselka mushrooms, truffles, oyster mushrooms, russula, boletus mushrooms in the refrigerator or freezer?


If you have collected a lot of mushrooms and there is no way to process them all at once, First of all, you need to clean, wash and boil the sponge mushrooms(white, boletus, boletus, aspen, Polish, moss mushrooms), they quickly deteriorate and turn black.

Having processed spongy mushrooms, you don’t have to boil them, but cut them into pieces; small mushrooms can be whole, placed on a tray and in the freezer. After a few hours, when the mushrooms are frozen, take out the tray, put the mushrooms into bags and place them back in the freezer for storage there.

You can also blanch young spongy and lamellar mushrooms: russula, honey mushrooms (except for conditionally edible mushrooms) first (hold in boiling water for 1-2 minutes) and then freeze.

Raw fresh mushrooms, peeled, can be stored in the refrigerator, given that the temperature in it is kept from 0 to + 2°C:

  • Dry and hard honey mushrooms, young porcini mushrooms – about 1 day
  • Champignons – about 3 days

Attention. If you are going to freeze chanterelles, be aware that they will taste bitter after freezing, especially if they were collected in coniferous forests, or after a hot summer. To prevent chanterelles from being bitter, they need to be boiled before freezing.

Veselki mushrooms You need to process and clean them as soon as you bring them from the forest, as they age quickly.

Veselki mushrooms

Mushroom truffles Can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-4 days. If you need to preserve mushrooms longer, they are cleaned, washed and dried, covered with completely dry rice, from this procedure the rice acquires the aroma of truffles. Also, peeled mushrooms will be preserved well if they are hermetically wrapped and frozen, poured olive oil or alcohol.

Mushroom truffles

Oyster mushrooms You can store them in the refrigerator at +2°C for no more than 4 days; from time to time you need to take them out and make sure that they do not dry out.

Oyster mushrooms

How and for how long you can store frozen mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer: storage rules

How long to store frozen mushrooms in the freezer

Mushrooms can be stored in the freezer depending on the temperature, which is supported by the freezer:

  • At a temperature of -12-14°C – for 3-4 months
  • -14-18°C – for 4-6 months
  • -18-24°C – for 1 year

Frozen mushrooms can only be stored in the refrigerator until they are thawed., then they need to be boiled or fried, otherwise they will become soft and begin to rot.

How and for how long you can store boiled mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer: storage rules

How long to store boiled mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer

Boiled mushrooms or mushroom soup can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days, depending on what temperature your refrigerator maintains.

Frozen boiled mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for about 1 year, but you need to remember that you can’t take them out and defrost them, and then freeze them again, as this will cause the mushrooms to lose their taste and can be harmful to your health.

How and for how long you can store salted mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer: storage rules

How long to store salted mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer

To pickle mushrooms correctly must have room with a constant temperature plus 3-4°C, if the temperature is below zero, the mushrooms will freeze and lose their properties; if it is more than plus 7°C, harmful bacteria will begin to develop. This room is called a basement. Besides the basement must be dry, but if it is not there, you need to look for another way out.

You can salt the mushrooms in a saucepan and keep them until they are salted on the balcony, and then put them in the refrigerator or freezer.

Here's how Experienced housewives advise storing salted mushrooms:

  • Drain the brine from the salted mushrooms, dry them, put in plastic bags and place in the freezer. This way mushrooms can be stored for 1 year.. Before eating mushrooms, defrost them naturally (take them out of the freezer onto the kitchen table and wait until they defrost), add the onion cut into half rings, pour in sunflower oil, and serve with boiled potatoes.
  • Place the salted mushrooms in a jar along with the brine, cover the top with a cloth soaked in vodka or alcohol, press it down with a wooden circle or wooden chopsticks crosswise so that the mushrooms do not float up, cover with a plastic lid, also dipped in vodka, and store in the refrigerator for several months.
  • If it’s hot on the balcony, but you want to salt the mushrooms, then you can salt them like this: salt the mushrooms in a jar for 7 days (in the refrigerator), then drain the brine and pour in the mushrooms vegetable oil to the top. You can already eat them. Can be stored for 1-2 months.
  • After pickling the mushrooms, drain the brine from them, add fresh brine, boil for 2 minutes in a saucepan, put in jars, sterilize for 30 minutes, and seal. Hermetically sealed salted mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for six months.

How and for how long you can store fried mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer: storage rules

How long to store fried mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer

Fried mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 day..

Fried mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for 6 months. Such mushrooms are suitable for pies, pizza and kulebyak, as a filling, and you can also prepare casseroles and juliennes from them.

Fried mushrooms for freezing So:

  1. Cut the peeled, washed sponge mushrooms into small pieces.
  2. Fry in a small amount of vegetable oil for about 15-20 minutes.
  3. When the moisture has evaporated, turn off the fire under the mushrooms and let it cool.
  4. Place into bags and place in the freezer.

Another option for freezing To better preserve the mushroom taste, peeled and washed sponge mushrooms can be cut into pieces, placed on a baking sheet, and kept in a hot oven (about half an hour) until the moisture evaporates, and then cooled and placed in the freezer.

How to store fried mushrooms for the winter?

How long to store fried mushrooms rolled in a jar

Fried mushrooms for the winter

All sponge mushrooms and chanterelles can be prepared this way.

  1. Wash, clean and blanch the mushrooms for about 5 minutes. hot water, take it out of the water and let it drain.
  2. Fry the mushrooms in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil, add salt and pepper, add finely chopped onion fried in vegetable oil.
  3. Melt the butter.
  4. Pour a little into a clean sterile jar butter, place the mushrooms tightly, pour butter on top so that all the voids are filled, and there is a thick layer of butter on top.
  5. We roll them up sterile or cover them with plastic lids and store them in the refrigerator for the whole winter.

Note. Instead of butter, it is better to use lard, since butter becomes bitter over time, but lard does not.

Where to store and how much salted mushrooms after salting, how to store them in the apartment?

How long to store salted mushrooms in an apartment?

Sometimes it seems that the easiest way to store mushrooms in an apartment is to put them in jars. Pickled mushrooms are suitable for rolling, they contain a lot of vinegar, and develop harmful bacteria it interferes, but salty ones are not immune from this. That's why It’s better not to roll up salted mushrooms, but to use the old methods of our grandmothers.

Advice from experienced housewives:

  • A pan of salted mushrooms can also be stored on the loggia, but you need to remember that mushrooms at temperatures below plus 3°C lose their taste, so for mushrooms you need to do insulated box, and store them there.
  • Salted mushrooms need to be checked once a week, Is there enough brine? in mushrooms, if the brine has evaporated - add cold boiled water, and if mold appears, remove it.
  • If you haven't followed, and there is a lot of mold in the mushrooms, you need everything drain the brine, rinse the mushrooms with cold boiled water, and add new brine(for 1 liter of water take 10 g of salt, a few peas each of black and allspice, 1 bay leaf, a few buds of cloves and cloves of garlic, dill seeds, a small horseradish root).

How long can pickled mushrooms be stored in jars under an iron lid in the cellar, rolled up?

How long to store pickled mushrooms covered with iron lids

An ideal option for storing jars of pickled mushrooms - cellar. It maintains approximately the same temperature in both winter and summer – plus 15°C, dark and dry. In a dry cellar, pickled mushrooms closed with tin lids can be stored for 1 year, and if the lids are glass - 2 years.

In the apartment, in the closet, Also You can store pickled mushrooms, but their shelf life is shorter - 8 months.

How long can pickled mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator after opening the jar?

How long to store pickled mushrooms in an open jar?

If you open a jar of pickled mushrooms and don’t eat them all at once, you can store the mushrooms in the jar for a while:

  • Refrigerator temperature plus 7-10°C - 12-17 hours
  • Temperature plus 5-0°C, then for 1-3 days
  • From 0 to minus 2°C – 3-4 days, pickled mushrooms are safe to eat

Housewives' tips for storing fresh, frozen, boiled, fried, salted and canned mushrooms at home

To quickly clean the collected mushrooms, you first need to sort them by type

Having collected a lot of mushrooms, you return from the forest tired, you no longer want to do anything, and you also need to sit all evening, and maybe even night, and peel mushrooms. But I really want to relax!

To quickly deal with mushrooms, people who know a lot about mushrooms - Siberians advise the following tricks:

  • The most important thing is to sort mushrooms by type.
  • Mushrooms that have bitterness(svinushki, volnushki, nigella, milk mushrooms) put the uncleaned ones in a large basin, and fill completely with water for 1 day– soak (change the water several times).
  • Lamellar mushrooms(russula, honey mushrooms), unwashed, fill with water in a large saucepan, and cook for 10-15 minutes. After cooking, they will be less fragile and easier to clean from debris. The mushrooms will cool down overnight, and in the morning, drain the water in which they were boiled, fill the mushrooms with new water, and wash them or, if there is no time, place them in the refrigerator until better times.
  • Sponge mushrooms(white boletus, boletus, boletus) process immediately. There is no need to soak them for a long time, they absorb a lot of water, but wash them one at a time, immediately cut into pieces and fry, or cut and freeze. It is not recommended to cook sponge mushrooms, unless you are going to pickle or cook soup, otherwise all the flavor of the mushrooms will be lost with the water in which they are cooked.
  • Chanterelles don't eat worms, so there is no need to throw anything away. Soak them for 1 hour or more into the water, during this time the soil and leaves will come off, and what remains is cleaned off, poured with boiling water and blanched for several minutes. Let it cool overnight and put it in the refrigerator in the morning.
  • We wash the umbrellas and can immediately fry them in batter..
  • If there are still any types of mushrooms left, also pour water over the uncleaned mushrooms, each type separately, and cook for about 15 minutes, leave to cool overnight, and wash in the morning.

Fresh peeled mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator different times, depending on the temperature maintained in it:

  • If the temperature in your refrigerator is plus 7-10°C, then for 12-17 hours
  • From 0 to plus 5°C – for 1-3 days
  • From 0 to minus 2°C – for 3-4 days

Before putting in the refrigerator, mushrooms are placed in paper bags or dry enamel dishes, But under no circumstances is it polyethylene. There is no air access in such a bag, and the mushrooms become moldy. If you have store-bought mushrooms are hermetically packaged, they can be stored for 5-7 days in the refrigerator, but if you opened the package, then the remaining mushrooms need to be put in a bowl.

So, now we know how to store fresh, salted and pickled mushrooms in a city apartment.

Video: Storing mushrooms. How to freeze mushrooms for the winter?

Mushrooms are very tasty gifts of nature, which contain many useful substances. If you cook and eat them correctly, they can only be beneficial for the body, but otherwise they can cause significant harm. That is why it is so important to know how best to preserve mushrooms brought from the forest in a basket or bought at the market or in a store. If stored improperly, mushrooms spoil too quickly, and even the most delicious of them can become dangerous. So when the next one starts mushroom season, again and again the question arises, how many days can mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator?

  • What to do with mushrooms after picking them?
  • Storing mushrooms in the refrigerator
    • Optimal storage conditions
    • Fresh mushrooms
    • Boiled mushrooms
    • Fried mushrooms
    • Marinated (canned) mushrooms
    • Salted mushrooms
  • Storing mushrooms in the freezer
    • How to freeze fresh mushrooms?
    • How to freeze boiled mushrooms?
    • How to freeze fried mushrooms?
    • How to beautifully freeze whole mushrooms?
    • How long can mushrooms be stored in the freezer?
    • How long can defrosted mushrooms be stored?
  • Rules and terms of storage of artificially grown mushrooms (oyster mushrooms and champignons)

What to do with mushrooms after picking them?

Having brought home the mushrooms collected in the forest, you need to carry out the following manipulations without delay:

  1. Go through them, removing dirt, stuck leaves, twigs, needles, and get rid of damaged specimens.
  2. Sort and lay out on the table to dry.
  3. The latter is important because wet mushrooms will not last long.
  4. It is best to pick mushrooms in dry, sunny weather, since mushrooms collected in the rain will take longer to dry.
  5. Dried mushrooms should be placed in containers for refrigeration.

Often, after picking mushrooms, the owners are so tired that they do not have the strength to immediately start processing them, in this case, as well as in the case of too much large quantity Once collected mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

But there is not much time to store mushrooms in the refrigerator, so it is advisable to immediately process and store them. The easiest way is to preserve it in jars or at least boil it.

Storing mushrooms in the refrigerator

Optimal storage conditions

To ensure that the collected mushrooms do not lose their usefulness, certain conditions must be observed when storing them:

  • the best dishes are glass, enamel or ceramic;
  • storage temperature 0...+4 degrees above zero;
  • air access (do not close the lid).

Some refrigerators have “fresh compartments”; this is the most suitable place to store mushrooms, where they will have the best conditions.

Fresh mushrooms

Many people ask how long can fresh mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator? Answer - no more than 3 days at temperatures from 0 to 5 degrees.

If the temperature is 7-10 degrees, then they must be eaten no later than 12-17 hours later.

  • Fresh mushrooms intended for storage should not be cut or washed. You can simply remove any debris from them and then place them in a glass container or enamel tray. Plastic containers are not suitable - mushrooms darken in them and lose their natural aroma and taste. For the same reason, mushrooms should not be covered with a lid - to prevent the formation of condensation, which causes rotting and spoilage of mushrooms, so they need to be provided with access to fresh air.
  • You can leave the mushrooms in a paper bag in which they can “breathe”, but just do not tie them up. plastic bag, where they will instantly deteriorate.

Boiled mushrooms

Very often we have to solve another problem - how long can boiled mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator?

If you simply boil the mushrooms in unsalted water, you can still store them for no more than 3 days.

But you can achieve a much longer shelf life (1-2 months) if you fold boiled mushrooms into a glass jar, sprinkle salt on top and add vegetable oil. In this case, the jar needs, on the contrary, to be closed with a lid. Or salt the mushrooms during cooking, and then boiled mushrooms Place in a jar and fill with oil.

Fried mushrooms

If it is desirable to use only the most beautiful mushrooms for pickling and pickling, then for boiling and frying you can also use broken ones, those that have a less attractive appearance. Mushrooms should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and fried in vegetable oil for 15-20 minutes until excess moisture has completely evaporated. Once the mushrooms have cooled, they can be placed in a container or added to another dish.

So that the mushrooms retain their properties when fried. sweet taste and aroma, you can use the oven to fry them. To do this, the mushrooms are laid out on a baking sheet and cooked until the moisture released from them evaporates. At the same time, they can be baked in this way without adding vegetable oil.

How long can you store fried mushrooms in the refrigerator? The answer is still the same - no more than 3 days, but especially suspicious housewives can be advised to subject fried mushrooms to additional heat treatment before eating.

Marinated (canned) mushrooms

To the question of how long canned mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator if they were purchased in a store, the answer is simple - according to the expiration date indicated on the label. Manufacturers of pickled mushrooms are required to comply with the requirements of TU 9161-300-37676459-2014, which stipulate the following expiration dates:

  • at a storage temperature of no more than +25 degrees – 2 years;
  • when stored in a refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding +6 degrees – 3 years.

Mushrooms marinated at home can be covered with plastic or metal lids. In rural conditions, such canned food can be stored in the cellar, where the temperature usually does not rise above +10...+12 degrees even in the summer heat.

If metal lids with a protective coating are used, then pickled mushrooms can be stored in the basement for about a year. In the refrigerator, they can last for 1.5-2 years.

You don’t have to delude yourself too much about how long you can store opened mushrooms in the refrigerator, because even canned food They cannot be stored in the refrigerator compartment for a long time.

After opening pickled mushrooms, they need to be eaten within a few days (the 3-day rule also works in this case).

When using plastic lids, the shelf life of pickled mushrooms is reduced: in the basement up to 1.5 months, and in the refrigerator - about 3 months. Having opened such a jar, you need to consume its contents within a couple of days. When mushrooms spoil, they begin to smell unpleasant, the marinade begins to stretch, and mold develops on the surface. If such signs appear, then it is better not to risk it and throw away the canned food.

If pickled mushrooms are stored incorrectly, there is a risk of contracting botulism, which can be fatal. Therefore, before pickling mushrooms, they must be disinfected using the repeated boiling. The intervals between each boiling should be 36 hours. This measure promotes the death of bacteria and spores.

Salted mushrooms

A real Russian appetizer is not pickled, but salted mushrooms Therefore, our compatriots are often interested in the question of how long salted mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator.

It has long been established that it is best to store such a product in a cool (0...+7 degrees) dark place - these conditions are exactly present in any refrigerator. Then its shelf life will reach 6 months.

Salted mushrooms should not be hermetically sealed, so bacteria slowly continue to multiply on their surface in the presence of oxygen, which can cause white mold, and the mushrooms acquire a sour taste. In this regard, salted milk mushrooms, nigella, volnushki and other mushrooms are unlikely to last more than six months even in the refrigerator. However, you don’t have to be afraid of white mold - the mushrooms on which it appears can be washed under running water and then safely eaten. But if the mold has a different color, then you will have to part with the mushrooms.

Storing mushrooms in the freezer

You should not put fresh chanterelles and milk mushrooms in the freezer, which then begin to taste distinctly bitter. To prevent this from happening, the chanterelles must be boiled first.

How to freeze fresh mushrooms?

  1. The collected mushrooms should be cleaned of debris and dirt by washing under running water.

It should be borne in mind that in the process of preparing mushrooms for freezing, they must be washed thoroughly under running water, but not for long. Under no circumstances should you put them in a bowl of water, much less leave them there. When washing a large number of mushrooms in a bowl, those that will be washed last will become saturated with water and subsequently lose their taste qualities and an attractive shape.

  1. After that, put them on napkins and let them dry completely.
  2. Then the most big mushrooms You can chop them coarsely and leave small and medium ones whole.
  3. Next, arrange the mushrooms on a tray in one layer and put them in the freezer overnight, and put the remaining mushrooms in the refrigerator compartment.
  4. In the morning, place the frozen mushrooms in a plastic bag, tie it and return it to the freezer, and place the next batch of mushrooms from the refrigerator on a tray.
  5. And do this until all the mushrooms are frozen.

How to freeze boiled mushrooms?

  1. Peel, rinse and sort fresh mushrooms, then place in boiling water and cook after boiling for no more than 10 minutes.
  2. Then drain in a colander to get rid of the broth and cool the mushrooms somewhat, and after a while squeeze them out lightly by hand.
  3. Boiled mushrooms can be placed in a plastic container with a tight lid or a plastic bag and placed in the freezer.
  4. It is best to first divide the mushrooms into small portions, which will be enough to prepare one dish - this will make them easier to use later.

The broth that remains after cooking the mushrooms can also be frozen. To do this, the broth is boiled to a small volume, cooled, poured into plastic bottles and puts it in the freezer. Mushroom broth can be stored for several months. It can stay in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days.

How to freeze fried mushrooms?

Fried mushrooms are perfectly stored frozen.

  1. Fresh mushrooms should be peeled, washed, disassembled and dried on a napkin as usual.
  2. After this, cut the caps into slices and the legs into circles.
  3. Fry mushrooms with a small amount vegetable oil.
  4. You need to evaporate most of the moisture, then remove the pan from the heat and cool.
  5. Transfer the cooled mushrooms into plastic containers with tight lids, which are immediately placed in the freezer.

Instead of frying in a frying pan, some mushroom pickers use the oven, where the mushrooms are baked. In their opinion, this technology makes it possible to preserve the natural mushroom flavor much better.

How to beautifully freeze whole mushrooms?

  1. To get strong, beautiful mushrooms after freezing that can be used to decorate dishes, you should select whole mushrooms and put them in freezer on a flat surface, such as a cutting board. In this case, both the board and the mushrooms must be completely dry.
  2. After a couple of hours, the frozen mushrooms can be placed in a plastic container and stored in the freezer.

It is best to harvest chanterelles, champignons, honey mushrooms, boletuses and boletuses in this way.

How long can mushrooms be stored in the freezer?

  • If the freezer compartment is installed temperature regime 0…-5 degrees, then the mushrooms will be suitable for consumption for up to 3-4 months.
  • If the temperature in the freezer is -18...-14 degrees below zero, the shelf life of the products increases to six months.
  • At a temperature of -24...-18 degrees below zero, mushrooms can be kept in the freezer for about a year.

How long can defrosted mushrooms be stored?

If there is a need to prepare any dish, the required amount of mushrooms is removed from the freezer and defrosted either naturally or in a special mode in the microwave.

We are in a hurry to upset housewives who do not know how long they can store defrosted mushrooms in the refrigerator.

All thawed mushrooms should be eaten (i.e. cooked) immediately, since they cannot be re-frozen.

To avoid wasteful use of raw materials, it is advisable to package the mushrooms into portions before freezing, each of which will be used to prepare one dish.

Rules and terms of storage of artificially grown mushrooms (oyster mushrooms and champignons)

Stores sell oyster mushrooms and champignons grown exclusively under artificial conditions. There is no doubt about their good quality, unless their expiration date has expired.

Mushrooms bought in a store also need to be sorted out and even those specimens with slight damage noticed must be decisively rejected, since they themselves will not last long, and they will spoil the rest of the mushrooms. Rejected specimens will be fine for cooking right now, and the strongest ones can be sent for storage.

It is advisable to place fresh, dry, unwashed oyster mushrooms or champignons in a paper bag, which is placed in a vegetable container at the bottom of the refrigerator.

  • How long can oyster mushrooms and champignons be stored in the refrigerator at +1...+4 degrees? In such conditions they can survive for about a week.
  • If you simply pour mushrooms into the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, they will last no more than 3-4 days.
  • If you leave them in room conditions, their shelf life will be reduced to a day.

Plastic bags are less suitable for storing such mushrooms, since they stop air access to them, the mushrooms will begin to rot and deteriorate before the end of the week.

It is best to store champignons and oyster mushrooms frozen, especially boiled ones. Cooked mushrooms need to be cooled and placed in a bag or plastic container, closed with a lid and put in the freezer. You can do the same with fried mushrooms.

Do you follow the advice on the shelf life of mushrooms? Did you even know about these rules or did you reach them through experience? Tell us about it in the comments.

Written by Nikolay Budnik and Elena Mekk.

Many mushroom pickers are faced with the question - how to store harvested mushrooms in a city apartment? This is especially true salted mushrooms. We will share our many years of experience.

We salt mushrooms mainly in a cold way in buckets, tanks, and pans. Place a cotton cloth on the mushrooms, then a lid or saucer (so that the distance to the walls is 0.5 - 2 centimeters), then a squeeze (usually a three-liter jar with the required amount of water). The mushroom juice should cover the mushrooms. In this form they are salted on the balcony for 30 - 40 days.

When the mushrooms are salted, we put them in jars the right size, stuffing tightly, without voids. The mushrooms should almost reach the top of the jar. A cotton cloth soaked in vodka is placed on them. VODKA IS NEEDED TO PREVENT MOLD GROWING! After this, the mushrooms are crushed with sticks placed crosswise over the shoulders of the jar. These sticks are also moistened with vodka.

Juice should appear above the mushrooms, covering them by 1 - 2 centimeters. If there is not enough juice, you can add salt water(1 tablespoon per liter of boiled water). The top of the jar is closed with a thick plastic lid with a side, also soaked in vodka. We also tried to use metal screw caps, but under them the mushrooms dried out more and were preserved less well.

In this form, salted mushrooms can be stored in a cool place until the next harvest, or even longer. We usually store mushrooms in a cupboard under the window. You can use a refrigerator, a floor near the balcony, and a caisson - whoever has what capabilities. The main thing is that the mushrooms do not freeze in the cold and do not become acidic in the heat.

1. Ready-made salted mushrooms are compacted tightly into glass jars so that there are no voids left.

2. Bend sticks are split off from a pine or spruce block. This manufacturing method is very productive.

3. Sticks, cloth and lid are disinfected with vodka.

4. The brine should appear above the mushrooms.

5. In this form, mushrooms can be stored for one to two years!

Small videos about storing mushrooms in a city apartment.

How to properly fill jars with mushrooms.

How to close jars for long-term storage of mushrooms

How to store a started jar of mushrooms in the refrigerator

Salted mushrooms after a year of storage

And now a big film about storing salted mushrooms.

Salted mushrooms are a universal and beloved appetizer, which is also used as an ingredient for preparing soups, preserved salads and other dishes. Always on sale different types this product, but homemade preparations are much tastier. You can stock up at any time, because some mushrooms are available all year round.

However, to get pickles high quality, use natural raw materials collected with your own hands. Since it's the season quiet hunt” short duration, convenient to prepare forest gifts straight to large quantities. And after pickling, housewives often have a question: how to store salted mushrooms at home? Today we will discuss the main rules.

Advice: Do not use galvanized, clay or plastic dishes so that no impurities get into the brine.

Consequences of improper storage

In case of non-compliance elementary rules preparation and storage, pickles pose a risk of contracting foodborne diseases. These can be diseases of varying severity - from uncomplicated poisoning to botulism. But it is the latter that most often can be infected by eating mushroom preparations.

The causative agent of the disease is a spore that is quite resistant to conditions external environment. It most often gets on fruits at the place of their collection, from water or soil. This is one of the reasons why mushrooms are cut off, leaving the lower part.

The consequences of infection can be severe. Food poisoning, if we are not talking about mushroom poison, but about improper processing, makes itself felt in the period from 3 hours to 3 days after consumption. The symptoms in this case are clearly manifested: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever. If qualified assistance is not provided on time, this can lead to death.

Clinical signs of botulism are often less pronounced. The first symptoms of the disease appear on average after 18-24 hours, sometimes it takes up to 5 days. The disease begins in the same way as ordinary poisoning, but subsequently severe constipation occurs (a sign of intestinal paresis). Visual disturbances and other neurological symptoms then appear.

This is a very serious disease that requires immediate medical intervention. Otherwise, death is possible.

Botulinum toxin can only survive under anaerobic conditions, that is, in an environment without air. Namely, it is ideal for preserving the properties of pickles. At the same time, others pathogenic bacteria feel good in conditions with access to oxygen. Therefore, your task is to ensure maximum processing of raw materials and finished pickles.

Carefully: Pay attention to pickles before eating. If the liquid becomes cloudy, gas is released (bloated cap or bad smell from the barrel), the product must be disposed of.

How to store mushroom pickles?

After the fruits are sufficiently salted, they are caught from the liquid and placed in a colander. Then rinse under running water and allow to drain. In the meantime, you should prepare a container in which they will be stored.

This could be a barrel, a tub or an enamel bowl in which the mushrooms were salted. It is also allowed to use new container. Rinse the selected container thoroughly with baking soda, pour boiling water over it and dry. Then transfer the workpieces into it and fill it with chilled brine.

The stronger the brine you use, the less likely it is for microorganisms to develop. However, if the liquid is too “steep”, the structure of the fruit is disrupted and they become unsuitable for consumption. Therefore, prepare the brine the same as in the recipe for pickling the mushrooms. If the liquid has evaporated during storage, add the required amount of cooled boiled water.

Close the container with a lid and place in a cool, dry place (up to 75% humidity). The required temperature is 5-6 degrees. Shelf life – up to 6 months.

Advice: If you put the mushrooms in compact food containers, you can store them in the fresh vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Check the condition of the workpieces approximately once a week. Shake the container so that the brine does not stagnate. In case of molding, remove the affected fruits and remove formations on the surface with a slotted spoon. If there is a lot of mold or it has covered the walls of the container, drain the liquid. Rinse the mushrooms, wash the container thoroughly and put them back. Then fill with cooled, newly prepared brine.

It is most convenient to keep such pickles in the refrigerator or on the loggia in a glass jar.

Advice: the container must be thoroughly washed and perfectly dried so that mold does not form in it.

Storing salted mushrooms in a jar

Glass containers are the best option because they can be sterilized. Treating the container over the steam of a boiling pan for 10-15 minutes will ensure safe storage of the snacks. In sterilized containers, mushrooms last for up to 6 months without spoiling. It is advisable to take the workpiece to the basement or cellar, provided that the room temperature is 2-4 degrees. The place should be dry and well ventilated.

In order to enhance the effect and prevent the growth of bacteria, salted mushrooms are pasteurized directly in jars. To do this, the containers with the contents are placed in a wide pan with water and a towel placed on the bottom. In this case, the jars are not covered tightly with lids so that microorganisms can escape through the hole.

The water must be brought to a boil and the workpieces must be processed for 30-60 minutes. If you are confident that the sterilization was carried out correctly, you can seal the jars. It is allowed to close the container with a nylon lid. Choose dense products that will hardly fit onto the neck of the jar. Before corking, such samples should be steamed, this will make them easier to put on and fit more tightly after cooling.

Workpieces processed in this way are stored at a temperature of 2-4 degrees for 6-12 months. Allowable fluctuations are from 0 to 7 degrees. Ensure good air circulation and humidity not exceeding 75%.

Re-pasteurize unopened jars before use to prevent potential botulism contamination. Just like the first time, heat them for half an hour in boiling water.

If you keep jars of salted mushrooms on the balcony, protect them from freezing. To do this, place the blanks in a cardboard or wooden box filled with sawdust or an old blanket.

Carefully: after opening the jar, mushrooms can be consumed for only 2 days, otherwise there is high risk bacterial proliferation.

Alternatively, you can store salted mushrooms by pouring a small amount of oil on top of the jars. Most often a plant product is used, but animal fat is also suitable. This will create a moderately aerobic environment, i.e. the oxygen content will be high for botulism, but not enough for other bacteria.

Such jars are tied with gauze or cloth. If it is of small volume, then do not close them too tightly with glass or screw-on metal lids.

You can also store mushroom pickles in sterilized containers in this way: the containers are tightly filled to the top with mushrooms, which are covered with a piece moistened with vodka cotton fabric. Then sticks, previously soaked in vodka, are placed crosswise on it. Their ends are wrapped behind the “shoulders” of the vessel.

Juice is released from the fruit under pressure. It should cover them by at least 1-2 cm. If this does not happen, you need to add cold salted water. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of liquid. The top of the jar is closed with a plastic lid with a rim soaked in vodka. Store the harvest in a cool and dry place until the next harvest appears.

Advice: rags placed in a jar soaked in vodka or alcohol - good way extend the shelf life of salted mushrooms, but do not forget to monitor the condition of the tissue. If mold appears, wash it in hot salt water.