Tips on how to improve your mood. effective ways to improve your mood

Emotional state plays a big role in the life of every person. It is a positive mood that helps us believe in ourselves and achieve success. But sometimes it happens that we feel depressed and dark thoughts depress us. How to get rid of bad mood? First you need to find out the reason for your sad state and understand what made you sad. After all, very often we do not realize the reason, but it is always there. A prolonged bad mood can lead to depression, so you need to get yourself out of the sad state as soon as possible.

Causes of bad mood

  • Very often our emotional background depends on the people around us. After all, the opinion of others has always been important to a person, and when this opinion does not coincide with your expectations, your mood changes;
  • A calm atmosphere is of great importance for a person, and any conflict is perceived as a violation of the emotional state, therefore, a bad mood;
  • anticipation of trouble that keeps you in suspense. In such a situation, it is difficult to be in an upbeat mood due to excitement, the person’s emotional mood worsens;
  • the cause of a bad mood is often financial problems;
  • when your desires do not coincide with your capabilities, the result is disappointment;
  • most common cause bad mood is bad dream. And if episodes of sleep disturbance are not uncommon, then this is the easiest way to get depression;
  • The reason may also be monotonous work or the need to do an unloved and boring task.

13 ways to improve your mood

Psychologists say that our mood is completely dependent on our thinking. They advise you to look at the world positively and ignore all negative factors. After all, only a person himself can create such conditions for himself to feel happy. The famous ancient philosopher Spinoza had the same opinion; he said: “If you want life to smile at you, first give it your good mood.” But are there other ways to improve your mood?

  1. Talk. If you are sad, never be alone with your thoughts, this will only make your condition worse. Talk to a loved one, vent to him, and he will definitely help lift your mood.
  2. Have a cry. Let all grievances and sadness go away along with tears.
  3. Walk. A walk in the fresh air will definitely help cheer you up, it’s good if it’s a park or forest. Merging with nature has a positive effect on psychological state person.
  4. Creativity or hobby. It doesn’t matter whether a person has creative abilities, the main thing is to simply turn off consciousness and, for example, draw something, capture interesting point in the photo, etc. Doing what you love will also help drive away melancholy, so you can switch your attention and lift your mood.
  5. Changes. If you feel sad in your soul, try taking care of your appearance, change your hairstyle or hair color, get a manicure, experiment with your image. Take some time for yourself and then smile in the mirror. Moreover, this advice is suitable not only for women; for men, you can also take care of yourself to improve your mood, for example, go to the gym or pool.
  6. Relaxing treatments. Yoga helps many people keep themselves in good shape; thanks to special exercises, you will feel calm and relaxed. Meditation helps a lot, allowing a person to regain vital energy. You can also go for a massage, this will calm you down and there will be no trace of sadness.
  7. Sport. Energy run or physical exercise They will wonderfully invigorate you, and you will forget about all your sorrows. After all, in healthy body healthy mind.
  8. Get rid of the excess. Having a tidy home always helps to put your thoughts in order. Clean up, throw away all the unnecessary things that have been bothering you for a long time. This way you will be distracted and all the negativity will go away.
  9. Music and dancing. Choose a fun song, listen to it and then you will definitely want to dance, dance and positive attitude will return to you.
  10. Sweet. As you know, thanks to sweets, our body produces endorphins - hormones of happiness. Products that are responsible for the production of endorphins are chocolate, citrus fruits, bananas, kiwi, strawberries, almonds, and oatmeal. Treat yourself to something delicious and you will feel a surge of energy.
  11. Smile. Psychologists advise using the “tight smile” method when you are in a bad mood. Stand in front of the mirror and smile at your image. Such a fake smile will make you feel happy and your sadness will disappear as if by hand.
  12. Watching a comedy. To improve your mood, watch a comedy or listen to funny story. The positive energy of the heroes will definitely be transferred to you.
  13. Charity. If nothing makes you happy, then helping others will distract you from dark thoughts. You will feel that people need you, you will appreciate every moment of your life. After all, nothing inspires as much as doing good deeds.
The emotional state of a person is a lot of work on oneself. And often we hide our sadness, not realizing that this only harms ourselves. It is important to eliminate the sad state in time to avoid health consequences. Use different ways improve your mood, experiment and share your experience. And then the world will become brighter and kinder for you.

Watch the video on how to cheer yourself up.

Didn't you have a very good day?! Is something going wrong in your life?! Are you tired and worried?! With everyone there are moments that unsettle us and we lose interest in everything. Feelings of apathy gradually worsen our mood, increasing nervousness, anxiety and emotional instability. Naturally, you can’t stay in this state for long. You can change the situation by lifting your mood. This needs to be done as quickly as possible. And today in this article we will talk about all the ways to improve your mood.

26 ways to cheer yourself up at home or at work

There are 26 most effective ways to lift your spirits. They should be used not only on bad days, but also on good ones, in order to prevent such situations.
  1. Listen to loud music. Music is one of the best ways to cheer yourself up, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s danceable or not. It is advisable that she ends up with words, and you can sing along with her (which also matters). You can listen to music both with headphones (at work) and at home on regular speakers, but turn them up to maximum.

  2. Dance. As if continuing the previous point, we advise you to also dance to the music. It doesn’t matter whether you know how to do it or not. The main thing is to move actively and do it with pleasure. Yes, unfortunately, you can’t do this at work, but at home it’s a great place. In addition, you can dance (although you probably even need to) at a disco in a club, where there are quite a lot of people and moving to the beat of music will be much more pleasant and fun.

  3. Smile in spite of everything. No matter how bad you feel, learn to smile and not lose the smile on your face. Treat problems and troubles more simply and with irony. For example, in response to another failure, say: “But I’ll gain experience for the future!” Smiling will help you look at the situation less negatively.

  4. Get things in order. When we are in a bad mood, many things irritate us. First of all, it’s a mess and things that are out of place. So start by cleaning up your workspace or home. When everything is neatly folded and in its right place, it will feel as if a stone will fall from your soul, and you will be able to breathe deeply. The mood will begin, at least not to worsen.

  5. Do your homework. If you are at home, then it is household chores that help relieve stress - cleaning the apartment, cooking, doing laundry. bed linen and clothes and similar activities. Firstly, this is physical exercise, which distracts you from bad thoughts, and secondly, you have to distract yourself from the painful topic by thinking about other things (products, volumes, household tasks, etc.). Thus, you not only take your mind off your problems, but also do useful things, which is good news.

  6. Set yourself up for a successful turn of events. Mentally try to say to yourself that everything will be fine and wonderful for you. Go to any meeting or even work with the confidence that only you are expected there. good news. This attitude will lift your spirits and any problems that arise will not upset you.

  7. Don't be shy to talk about painful issues. When you are in a bad mood, you should definitely express everything that is painful to a friend or close relative who will understand and support you. You will see for yourself, when you speak out, your soul will immediately feel lighter and your mood will stop falling and you will even want to smile.

  8. Play sports. Combine a pleasant activity with a useful one. Physical activity significantly improves mood - this has been proven more than once by scientists from many countries. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, go to the gym and work out there from your heart. Of course, you shouldn’t put too much strain on yourself, but you will have to sweat. You can do the exercises at home, however, personal experience journalists' website, we can say that at home classes are much more sluggish and not as intense (and therefore not as productive) as in the gym.

  9. Play some games. Any games (computer, board, card, sports and intellectual) can get a guy or girl out of a bad mood. They significantly distract from problems and have a lot of fun; it is preferable to do this in a company.

  10. Watch movies or TV series. Choose the funniest comedies of this year and quickly organize a movie screening with friends and popcorn. And it doesn’t matter whether you go to the cinema or stay at home to watch. The main thing is that the films chosen are interesting and funny.

  11. Take up new business. Nothing captivates you like a new activity. Think about what you have always dreamed of doing, but nevertheless constantly put it off. Create your own website? Create a beautiful family budget? Read a book? Learn to knit? Juggle? It doesn’t matter what! The main thing is to do something new!!!

  12. Visit an old friend. You can get a charge of positivity by visiting an old friend, and not just by calling him on the phone or sending a letter by mail or ICQ, but by visiting him. There will be a sea of ​​smiles, new stories and old memories.

  13. Promise yourself that next time you will be prepared for such a failure. If a problem haunts you, then in order to forget about it, think again and vow that next time you will be ready to fight back a bad mood, and also vow to avoid this. Promises will help you quickly forget about failure and improve your mood faster.

  14. Treat yourself to some goodies. Be sure to buy yourself some goodies that you haven’t eaten for a long time - a can of ice cream, a portion of kebab, a huge pizza, delicious cake, a kilogram of expensive sweets, a pack of chips. In general, everything your heart desires.

  15. Do a good deed. You can't imagine how it can good deed lift your mood, self-esteem and change your attitude towards yourself. Give alms large bill. Help an elderly person cross the road or climb a floor. Convert to orphanage part of the accumulated money. Repair the fence in the front garden. Offer to help your neighbor. Try it!

  16. Think about the happiest moment in your life that was or will be. Memories of the past (pleasant) or imagining future moments (weddings, shopping) also help very well. new clothes, equipment, etc.).

  17. Take a contrast shower. A contrast shower helps relieve tension - first you should douse yourself hot water, then cold. Repeat the procedure several times. Such a shower relieves emotional instability and is also very good for health (for both women and men).

  18. Take a walk. Walking in the fresh air lifts your tone and improves your physical and mental well-being. Being surrounded by people, the noise of cars or the sounds of the forest will also pacify your mood and attitude towards problems.

  19. Share the problem in your diary or blog. If you have personal diary, in which you share your emotions, mood and life situations, then this is very good. Try to write in it all the feelings that are in your soul right now. Lay it all out. Describe the current situation. Draw conclusions. The thoughts laid out are much easier to understand and also this “procedure” improves your mood, since you give yourself good advice and take a sober look at what is happening.

  20. Make a list of 100 things that make you happy. Often, in a bad mood, we do not notice basic things and people that bring us sincere joy and happiness. But there are a lot of them (husband, wife, mom, dad, dog, delicious ice cream, whatever). Write there all the factors that you can think of that bring at least a little joy. You will be surprised when you make a list of how many good things you have in your life.

  21. Look at old photographs of your family. Recall good points from the past, old photographs from your childhood, youth, or even photographs taken several years ago on vacation or at a birthday party will help.

  22. Scream into your pillow. If you don’t have the strength to restrain your emotions, try taking a slightly crazy step - scream loudly into your pillow (so that none of your neighbors hear). Or this can be done somewhere on a field away from people. This really helps relieve stress.

  23. Keep yourself busy. If you are constantly passionate about something, then you simply won’t have time to delve into yourself, so the best way to forget about your mood is to immerse yourself in work or an activity that literally absorbs you for hours (for example, reading books) .

  24. Call your friends. If you can’t talk to a friend (he lives far away or you’re at work and can’t come to him), then just call him. Chat about your and his affairs. Tell your problem, listen to his advice. Talk about joint plans(when will you meet, where will you go, what will you do, etc.). Find out how he is doing and be sure to listen. Perhaps he will tell you something good. After communication, your soul will feel very calm and pleasant.

  25. Put all your work aside and get some sleep. Remember, we were taught since childhood: “Sleep is the best medicine!” That's how it is, strong and healthy sleep capable of much. Including to improve your mood (after a long sleep). Work on this day should be postponed if you understand that you cannot control yourself, otherwise you will make mistakes.

  26. Sometimes it's worth crying - it's the best emotional release. If a lump comes to your throat, and you realize that you can no longer restrain yourself, cry. This is very useful, otherwise the entire “emotional stone” will be deposited in your soul and it will be very difficult to fight it later.

What not to do when trying to cheer yourself up:

  • Eat a lot. You don't need a problem with overweight and diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract?!

  • Drink alcohol, let alone try drugs. They can only “disconnect” you from the world for a while, but addiction and a large dose are VERY dangerous to health (even fatal).

  • Trying to ruin the mood of others. When you're in a bad mood, you want to ruin everyone's life so that everyone feels this pain. No need to do this!

  • Lock yourself in and not pay any attention to the problem. Creating the appearance of a normal state, but in the soul and in the absence of people, literally dying from your misfortune is not the surest option.

  • There is no need to make plans for revenge. Revenge does not make a person beautiful, but only makes him lower in society.

  • There is no need to do something that you will regret later. Before you do anything, think five times whether you would do it in a good mood!

That's all the advice that can cheer you up in short terms, and you can use some of them both at home and at work. The main thing is not to be discouraged and not to lose heart. Everything will be fine for you!

So, everything is bad for you: minor troubles are wearing you down, everything around you is annoying, and your depression has dragged on for a long time. You are not alone in this world, so don’t cry about loneliness. But you can cheer yourself up in many ways, and it doesn’t have to be antidepressants or alcohol.


Some people escape depression with the help of chocolate, but this is not entirely true: there is a lot of endorphin here, but there are things that are more effective. So, mint is very good for the blues, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s candy or tea. This herb has antidepressant properties. A glass of milk will also be useful, because it contains a lot of amino acids that turn into tryptophan, and it has a positive effect on your mood. Just don't forget to heat the milk.

And finally, you can cook delicious things yourself. Psychologists believe that preparing delicious and unusual dishes affects us no worse than meditation or yoga.
There is another antidepressant. Is it salmon or walnuts, which are high in omega-3 acids. They also lift your spirits perfectly.


Residents of Asia know very well how to cheer themselves up if everything is bad. They have acupuncture for this. If the blues find you at home, then just take off your shoes, thoroughly massage your toes and rub the space between your toes. You also need to pay attention to the front of the feet. You can use your favorite aromatic oil for this.

There are other points “responsible” for depression and blues. So, you can press on the area of ​​the third eye or on the groove under the very nose, press on the middle of the chin or earlobes, knead the middle and thumb on both hands, paying as much attention as possible to their first phalanges, both counterclockwise and clockwise (9 times).

Positive from outside

The simplest thing you can do is watch a comedy or just a funny video about children or animals on YouTube. The difficulty is that it gets so addictive that it interferes with your work.
By the way, work will also help save you from depression. But it’s just important to think very quickly - it calms you down and speeds up the chemical processes in your brain. You can also just chat with your loved one or just a positive friend.


Yes, he is the one. A simple but habitual lack of sleep is one of the the best means for the development of blues and depression. If possible, try to relax even outside of your workplace: you can think about the weekend, lean back in your chair, or even just go for a short walk.

Clean up

Many people do not like this procedure, but Feng Shui experts believe that if the table at which you work is cluttered, then the same clutter is observed in your head. In addition, clutter reminds us of what we should have done but forgot, and because of this, our self-esteem decreases. Once you have tidied up, open the windows. But there should not be too much light - it can be an irritant, causing fatigue and headaches.

Photo, music, movement

They say that you can get rid of the blues by looking at an old photo album with the most pleasant moments from your life. By the way, it can also be on a computer. You can also keep yourself a positive diary, where you will write down all the joyful or funny episodes from your life, funny phrases heard on the bus. The main thing is to describe all your feelings and emotions in all its glory.

Music will also help you escape from the blues. But it should be energetic and major: such that the desire to be sad does not arise. You can also move around: a little physical exercise in the middle of the working day, a dance lesson after it, and even just pleasant household chores... But you just can’t put stress on yourself - you won’t get away from depression.


Where would we be without her? To combat the blues, the smells of the already mentioned mint, orange and lavender are suitable. And they can be used not only in aroma lamps or atomizers, but also for bedding.

Shopping and spending

Some people like to escape from the blues to shops and spend money, and over time they become shopaholics. But an empty wallet and clutter in the house can also cause blues. But if you spend money on experiences and not on things, then she will retreat. At least that's what many psychologists think. There is no need to rush off on a trip across three seas, because dinner in a very favorite and atmospheric restaurant will also save the situation. Psychologists also believe that those who engage in charity work are extremely rarely susceptible to depression.

If a bad mood interferes with your life and haunts you for many months, then you definitely can’t pretend to be positive or grab antidepressants: it’s better to go to the doctor and start thorough treatment, because depression is an organic disorder, or rather a disease.

The definition of mood is quite simple - this is how it is characterized emotional state human (though not only human). Probably everyone knows that sometimes what your mood is in the morning can determine how the whole day will turn out, unless, of course, any changes happen. It is in your power to make sure that the bad emotional well-being accompanied you as little as possible. After all, as we all understand, one or another of our moods affects not only some part of our life, but also makes adjustments to the everyday life of people close to us. If there is a person in the family who is often in a bad mood, this often has a certain effect negative impact for everyone who lives with him. Surely, you don’t want to be that kind of person - it’s much better to be someone who charges your family and friends with positivity. Of course, only a very skilled actor can pretend that everything is great for him when he is not at all, and if you are not, then you will have to take some actions so that there is less reason for despondency.

What lifts the mood for absolutely everyone

1. Meetings with dear people. Even a very upset person calms down and feels much more at peace when he meets a person who can always support and comfort him. However, in some cases this is not even necessary - the simple presence of someone close and dear is enough to forget about your troubles, or even understand that in fact everything is quite good for you. 2. Favorite thing. It's hard to imagine how someone might not feel satisfied favorite activity. We are not talking about any work at all. Although, it is possible that it brings you a charge positive emotions exactly work! However, most often we are talking about something completely different - shopping, hanging out with a friend in a cafe, reading books, watching movies and much more. Think about what you like to do and take on it as soon as you feel that your mood leaves much to be desired. In fact, improving your perception of the world, which has suddenly been shaken, is not that difficult. You won't have to spend a lot of energy trying to force yourself to relax and smile. Start with the simplest techniques, which in the end can be very effective. 1. Treat yourself to shopping It doesn't have to be some kind of major acquisition. Although, if your finances allow you, and you have been dreaming of some expensive thing for a very long time, but for some reason you delayed the moment of purchase, then perhaps it’s time to please yourself with a new acquisition. Of course, sometimes you don’t need expensive things to lift your mood – sometimes a bucket of your favorite ice cream or a lipstick of your favorite shade is enough. It is very difficult to imagine that such purchases will not leave a pleasant mark on your worldview. 2. Favorite hobby Many of us have hobbies, and many of us would just like to find something we love. If you have already acquired an activity that brings you joy, it will not be difficult for you to distract yourself from unhappy thoughts. If you have been doing your favorite thing “automatically” for a long time, and it is completely unable to redirect your depressing thoughts in a different direction, then you should find yourself another exciting hobby. Choose activities that require high concentration or those that promote high physical activity– embroidery, painting, dancing, sports activities, yoga and much more. 3. Get-togethers with friends Sometimes, you can get rid of a bad mood by spending one evening or at least an hour in the company of your closest friends. It doesn't matter what you decide to do - sip cocktails at a local cafe, watch interesting film at someone’s house or relaxing in nature - in any case, you will soon forget that just recently you were sad. 4. Walk Sometimes a simple walk can have a truly miraculous effect on your mood. You can walk either alone or in the company of close friends. This is especially useful if you are stuck within four walls - at home, at work or at school. In that case, take a sip fresh air you simply need it. Choose calm and cozy squares and parks where you can not only take a walk, but also sit on a bench or drink a glass of juice or coffee. 5. Making an old dream come true Of course, if we're talking about about a dream, then, apparently, it is not too easy to realize. This happens quite often, but not always. Thinking about our dream, we imagine that sooner or later it will come true, however, more often than not, if we don’t make any efforts, the dream will remain a dream. Subsequently, looking back, we realize that we had opportunities to achieve what we wanted, but we did not take advantage of them. Take a piece of paper and write on it what you need to do to make your dream come true. Perhaps it's just a matter of one day! Let your dreams come true! 6. Change of image or environment It happens that a person gets tired either of himself or of the monotony that surrounds him. If this is you, then you have the power to change the situation. Try to make changes to your usual look - go to the store and take with you to the fitting room things that you previously preferred to avoid, thinking that they did not suit you. It is up to you to find new facets of your image. It is also possible that you simply do not have enough new experiences. It’s good if you can afford to travel, but even if this is not yet possible, then just try changing your usual routes to work or school, going to new cafes, visiting different interesting places that you have not been to. 7. Just a relaxing holiday A long-awaited vacation can also save the situation. For some it’s a trip to some interesting place, while for others it’s enough to take a hot bath with thick foam to “feel afloat” again.

What can very quickly improve your mood in the morning?

    Many people note that the lungs physical activity in the morning they can create a real miracle for the body - this can be swimming in the pool, working out in the gym, yoga or a regular warm-up. This start to the day will help you cheer up and put yourself in the right frame of mind. You should take care of this in the evening - let all the ingredients for your ideal breakfast be waiting for you in the refrigerator. However, if there is a good cafe near you that offers breakfast (there are many of them now), then this may also be an excellent option for you. You can make sure in advance that you always have an extra reason to smile at home. Funny paintings on the walls, pillowcases with cute patterns, bright dishes and much more can make your home a cozy place where you simply won’t want to be sad. If you have the time and opportunity, take it for a short walk in the morning park. Surely, after this you will be guaranteed peace for the whole day.

Boost morale at work

If you periodically encounter such a problem as a breakdown in the workplace, then some tips will help you boost your morale. Full lunch break. If your lunch break lasts half an hour or more, try not to spend it at your workplace! Go to a coffee shop nearby, sit in the courtyard on a bench with a glass of your favorite drink, if possible, take a walk in the square or park. A periodic change of environment is very important, and if you get such a chance, then you should not neglect it. Order in the workplace. The cleaner and tidier it is around you, the easier it will be for you to “breathe,” even if you believe that this order does not affect your work in any way. If your desk is littered with a pile of various papers, filled with cups and various rubbish, then even subconsciously it will depress you. Put things in order around you, and you will see that your work will be much easier. Plans for the day. To avoid taking on a dozen things at once and ultimately not getting anything done, in the morning make a list of the tasks that you need to complete during the day. Immediately estimate how much time you will need for this or that task, and try to invest within the established deadlines, without being distracted by extraneous topics. Plans for the evening. Work will be more fun if you know that there is some reward waiting for you after it! This could be a meeting with a friend, a date, dinner with family, a walk in the park, shopping and much more. Try to always plan something for the evening. Even the point: “Buy a chocolate bar and watch a couple of episodes of your favorite TV series” is also a wonderful plan!

How to improve your mood if everything is bad

    If your current period is not at all “sugar” and problems overcome you with renewed vigor every day, you need to seriously take care of yourself. First of all, it is important to get enough sleep. If you surf the Internet or do some business until late at night, and then wake up early in the morning or after lunch, general fatigue will accompany you without any other special problems. To prevent this from happening, follow the regime! Even if everything is bad for you, and any joys seem simply inappropriate and uninteresting to you, try to please yourself “through force.” Buy your favorite types of tea, chocolate, ice cream, go to a beauty salon and the like. Give yourself the little things that used to bring you joy.

1. Be in interesting places. If you follow the same route every day and new experiences are rare for you, then it’s time to change that! There are tons of exciting events happening in the city every day that you have the opportunity to attend if you want. Browse your city's posters on the Internet and choose the events that suit you best. 2. Communication with loved ones. Even if you sorely lack time for daily meetings with loved ones, you should find time to call them. Keep up to date with the affairs of people dear to you, share your events with them. As a rule, after such conversations, life becomes easier. 3. Caring for others. Many people report that their mood lifts not only when they receive something, but when they give something. It could be kind words, material gift, care, attention and the like. Maybe you belong to the category of such people? 4. Relaxation. Use relaxing treatments more often. It could be a visit to the spa, a massage session, or just a regular bath. You've probably heard the expression more than once: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”? Take care of your body, its health, and you will have much less reason to be sad.

What to do to cheer up your home

Watch positive videos to lift your spirits Nowadays you can find a lot of funny videos on the Internet that involuntarily bring a smile to your face. If you like cats, for example, just type in search engine: « Funny videos about cats." You can also easily find “Funny videos with animals”, “Jokes” and many other videos that will quickly cheer you up. Eat something delicious - an effective way to cure the blues This is one of the most effective ways, especially if you have favorite sweets or other goodies. Prepare yourself favorite dish or in order not to put in extra effort, just go to the store and buy what you like. Or you can not go anywhere at all if you don’t want to, but order food at home! Listen to your favorite music - it will help take your mind off sadness Perhaps this is something that can normalize the mood of almost anyone! Even if you feel like you don’t want to turn on music right now, do it anyway! Don't choose sad songs or ones that make you sad unnecessary memories. Surely, you have favorite musical performers whose songs have been waiting in the wings for a long time! Take care of yourself - combine business with pleasure Sometimes some self-care procedures are enough to lift your mood - it’s hard not to smile when you see a refreshed and well-rested person in the reflection. Run a bath hot water, add the necessary oils, sea salt and foam to it. Apply a mask to your face, plunge into the water and just relax! Surely, such a pastime will not be in vain for you!

Constant stress both at home and at work, old grievances, disappointments in relationships deprive a person of everything bright colors life. And the cold, grayness and dampness outside the window only add to the despondency. According to World Organization Healthcare, more than 35% of Russians are in constant depressed state, and, unfortunately, this figure is only increasing every year.

Some people prefer to relieve stress with a glass of something “hot” in the company best friend or girlfriends. Someone simply withdraws into himself, not trusting anyone... In any case, no one but himself can understand the problem, draw conclusions and help lift his spirits. You shouldn’t put it off “for later” or wait for the right moment. You can start changing right now!

Common causes of low mood

There have probably been moments in everyone's life when everything is infuriating, everything is wrong. It seems that a little more and the person will simply explode with anger. They usually say about such people: “I got off on the wrong foot.” And few people will think to come up, talk, find out what happened and whether help is needed.

It’s good if such attacks of irritation occur infrequently. But there are people who are constantly in a bad mood and take out their anger on their subordinates or loved ones. How to help a person in such a situation?

To cope with negative emotions, you need to understand the reasons for their appearance. Psychologists identify several of the most common factors that reduce mood:

  • Negative thoughts. Such a person tends to accept and process incoming information only in a negative aspect. He simply does not notice the positive aspects.
  • Inability to compromise. Often such people are “always right.” They are not used to taking other people's opinions into account, so any dispute, even the most harmless, can turn into a great tragedy for them.
  • Pessimistic forecasts. “Nothing will change, everything will only get worse,” these are the thoughts of such a person.
  • Excessive demands on yourself. This complex begins in childhood. Strict parents constantly compare the child with his peers, forcing him to study better than Kolya from a parallel class. Even after growing up, a person still remains within strict boundaries: “I must”, “I need”. All this greatly affects one’s self-esteem and lowers one’s mood to a minimum.
  • My own speculations. Constant attempts to guess what others are thinking, a reluctance to check their guesses and ask directly, do not bring anything good except disappointment to the lives of such people.

According to a survey conducted by British students among young people aged 17 to 32, the leading positions in the struggle for a good mood are occupied by: personal success and getting money.

More than 120,000 young people took part in the event and this is what happened:

EventNumber of people who votedPercentage
Concert of your favorite band13 452 10,87 %
Eating sweets5 604 4,53 %
Party15 578 12,59 %
Receiving money20 009 16,18 %
Watching a good movie8 756 7,08 %
Receiving a gift13 087 10,58 %
Personal success21 543 17,46 %
Date16 413 13,27 %
Academic success9 201 7,44 %

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that in the best ways for raising vitality at home are:

  • Self-realization. Everyone is unique, everyone has talents that remain prohibited due to constant fuss. Put everything aside for later: take out watercolors and paper - draw a picture, build a model of your dream house, write a poem, prepare some unusual dish.
  • Hobby. It will undoubtedly bring pleasure and you will feel relieved.
  • Walk. Answer this question for yourself: when last time have you been outdoors? Can you afford to leisurely walk along familiar streets or take a stroll in the park? There is no need to look for excuses, citing permanent employment and bad weather outside the window. Close your computer, turn off your phone, and go outside. A few hours of peace and quiet will help put your thoughts in order and fill your body with vital energy.
  • Favorite movie. Go to the cinema for the premiere of a new comedy. Don't forget to bring a couple of fun buddies. Watching it together will not only lift your spirits, but also become a reason for further discussion of the film in a cozy cafe.
  • Dance. Favorite music combined with a crazy dance will help you release negative energy. Lack of voice or dance skills is not a reason for refusal. Just try it - you will definitely like it!
  • Meditation. The meditation technique is quite simple: no strangers, a relaxed state and the desire to drive all thoughts out of your head - these are the main components for a successful session of self-immersion.
  • Beauty salon or spa center. Surprisingly this method has an effective effect not only on the fairer sex. Some men also wouldn't mind relaxing in a Turkish sauna or stone therapy. The main rule here is a good master whom you can completely trust.
  • Communication with animals. It has long been known that pets, like no other, help relieve stress and improve your mood. Go for a walk with the dog, play Frisbee. Pet the cat, talk to the parrot. If you don’t have pets, you can go with your children to the dolphinarium or petting zoo. This way you will not only take your mind off obsessive thoughts, but also give a holiday to your child.
  • A noble act. Visit an animal shelter or orphanage. All problems will instantly cease to seem insoluble. With every cell of your body you can feel the pain of abandoned pets or children left without parental affection and care. After visiting such institutions, an immediate reassessment of values ​​occurs.
  • Dream. Yes, you didn't think so! This is an excellent antidepressant. Even one hour of deep sleep will help you feel renewed and feel a surge of new vitality.

Video tips

The fastest way to cheer up

It’s not always possible to give yourself a few hours of precious time. What to do in such a situation, how to quickly and permanently cheer yourself up?

Here are some quick but effective ways. Choose one of them and start implementing it immediately!

  • A call to someone who will listen. The support of loved ones is priceless. Try to surround yourself only with loyal, reliable friends and your mood will always be on a positive wave.
  • Physical activity. Changing the type of activity, dispersing the blood through the vessels helps to distract from current tasks and “clear” your head. Even after a five-minute warm-up, fresh ideas will come to mind, and you will be able to look at the problem from a different angle and make a decision.
  • Lunch break. Sometimes it's worth treating yourself to something tasty. This is a great mood improver. The main thing is to observe moderation and not get carried away with eating sweets. This applies to women who like to “eat up” stress, which adds another problem – obesity.
  • Favorite song. One press of a button can dissolve your consciousness in the flow of music, leaving any problems behind.
  • Dreams. Take your thoughts for a few minutes to where it is good, where you are valued and expected. These could be favorite vacation spots or weekly family get-togethers.
  • Mirror smile. This idea may seem strange, but believe me - literally a couple of minutes sincere smile and you won't be able to stop laughing.
  • Plan to solve the problem. Living in constant negativity and taking it out on loved ones is not best option. Take a pen and clean paper, start writing everything down point by point. possible ways solutions.

Video guide

Under no circumstances should you fall for the tricks of a bad mood - this is the most important and basic recommendation that all doctors give. Most people, as soon as they become discouraged, immediately give up and go with the flow. Under no circumstances should you do this!

At the first symptoms of deterioration in mood, immediately take the necessary measures. Based on your temperament, lifestyle and interests, choose the most suitable optimization option. Experts distinguish the following groups of methods:

  • Physical activity. Psychologists advise energetic people to move more. This could be jogging, cycling, swimming.
  • Cleaning the house. An excellent method to “kill two birds with one stone.” Experts believe that disorder affects a person at the subconscious level. A mess in things makes it difficult to end the confusion in your head. As the apartment fills with cleanliness and comfort, your mood will begin to improve. Therefore, take a rag and resolutely begin cleaning your home.
  • Success notebook. Write down ten things you completed today every day. An excellent method for increasing self-esteem and gaining self-confidence. Flaw good mood many are connected with the fact that they do nothing: only routine - “work-home”. By filling out your diary, you will no longer be able to be lazy and put things off until later.
  • Words of gratitude. Thank yourself for what you did this day, your friends for any, even the most insignificant, help, life for what it is, your parents for raising you and giving you an education.
  • No negative information. Stop watching TV, reading the tabloids and listening to the gossip of envious people.
  • Active lifestyle. Regular training activates the production of happiness hormones, which lift your mood and energize you for a long time.
  • Indulge in dreams more often. The cozy atmosphere within the walls of your home will help you relax and feel calm. To do this, arrange and light candles, add a couple of drops of aroma oil, turn on soft, pleasant music, sit comfortably on your favorite sofa and just dream.
  • Take a warm bath. All the techniques described above can be applied here. Sea salt, essential oils will fill the air with the aroma of peace and complete relaxation.
  • Read books. When choosing a work, carefully read the author and choose someone who was able to achieve something in life. Only in this case will the mind truly receive necessary information, which will help cope with depression and loss of strength.

In addition, doctors recommend that absolutely every person remember to strengthen the immune system, eat right and regularly take a complex of vitamins.

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