Olga Rapunzel year of birth. Olga Rapunzel - biography, information, personal life

Participants in the famous television production “Dom-2” never cease to shock the public. One of the brightest was Olga Rapunzel. She took the pseudonym because her main decoration is long and beautiful hair. Olga came to the project at the age of 30, and it is worth noting that she looks very good. Therefore, many immediately started talking about plastic. However, the girl herself does not admit that she went under the surgeon’s knife.

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The story of Rapunzel before plastic surgery

Some members of the house carefully hide their biography, others, like Olga Rapunzel, openly talk about everything. And sometimes even more than I would like to know. Real name Olga - Grigorievskaya. The girl was born in 1987 on April 4 in Vladivostok.

The girl grew up without a father, and her mother worked as an ordinary saleswoman in a local store. Accordingly, Olga spent a lot of time in various groups extended day, mugs and summer camps. Probably thanks to this she developed bright artistic abilities.

Rapunzel constantly performed and took part in all concerts, events, productions at school and in the house of creativity. So she has been accustomed to being the center of attention since childhood and knows how to present herself with the best side. Indeed, Olga Rapunzel stands out noticeably from the general background. Even those who don’t watch the Dom-2 project know her.

The girl is an economist and accountant by profession, but she did not have to work in her specialty. But she was an English tutor. Not the most pleasant details of Olga Rapunzel’s life before the project recently surfaced. She was engaged in providing online sex services for older foreigners. But the girl paid no attention to her personal life at all, so by the age of 30 she had no one in mind. But Olga herself earned money for an apartment and a good car.

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Tatyana Somoilova

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Negative reviews about the participant in the television project appeared on the Internet. Many considered this behavior undignified. However, Olga herself does not see anything wrong with this, since everyone earns as much as they can. In this way she was able to provide for herself and her family.

But she decided to go looking for love at Dom-2. Initially, Rapunzel stated that she loves mature, handsome men, wealthy and who have achieved something in life. But on the project she built relationships with guys who had completely opposite qualities. Among her fans were insecure individuals, clowns and freaks, even complete losers.

In addition, the girl carefully takes care of herself. Photos from the Seychelles prove this. It is worth noting that Olga Rapunzel is a very stubborn girl. She always achieves her goals, no matter the cost.

Time and years have done her good. Olga became a beauty well-groomed woman which is worthy of admiration. She sincerely believes that she is a princess. However, the main transformation was Rapunzel's hairstyle and hair. The girl got rid of her white hair, split ends and burnt curls. She grew long strands, nourishes and moisturizes them. Now her hair is smooth, manageable and shiny.

A little girl's personal life

Olga Rapunzel is still on the Dom-2 project. She lives with her fiancé Dmitry Dmitrenko. The couple tries to win the Million Dollar Wedding. However, the rest of the participants are sharply negative against the guys. Many consider their relationship to be insincere.

However, her mother says that she would like the young parents to leave the project and live like everyone else normal people, raised their daughter not under cameras.

The whole state of affairs is complicated by periodically emerging facts about treason. Pregnant Olga Rapunzel has to go through nervous shocks again and again. But in the end she decided that all these were things of the past.

In addition to family plans, Olga Rapunzel dreams of a career in the project. She would like to become a co-host of Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina. This is not surprising, because she loves various quarrels, disputes and scandals.

Many girls carefully hide the fact that they resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. Olga Rapunzel was no exception. But nevertheless, she showed that by the age of 30 you can look much better than in your youth. The main thing is self-care and self-improvement. And even if you do plastic surgery, it is important to correct it a little, and not change your personality.

Useful video

Watch the video about Olga Rapunzel's breast augmentation:

Participant's name: Olga Dmitrenko (Grigorievskaya)

Age (birthday): 4.04.1987

City: Vladivostok, Moscow

Height and weight: 174 cm, 59 kg

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

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Olga Grigorievskaya was born on April 4, 1987 in the administrative center of the Primorsky Territory, the city of Vladivostok. According to rumors, Olga was raised by one mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna, a grocery store saleswoman.

Since childhood, Olga loved to be the center of attention and participated in various competitions and creative projects. After graduating from school, she received an education as an economist-accountant, but did not work in her specialty. She graduated from translator courses and worked as a tutor in English language.

Came to the House 2 project in 2015
, because of its luxurious long hair received the nickname Rapunzel, as the heroine of the fairy tale of the same name.

At first, Olga showed her sympathy for Oleg Volk, but he was cold and unapproachable.

This did not stop the girl; the guys had a romantic date, which Olga had prepared. However, despite Rapunzel’s persistence, the guy found an excuse not to build a relationship with her, and he became one.

Olga was not left alone for long, her attention was attracted by Ilya Yabbarov. Although Rapunzel’s new boyfriend’s reputation in relationships with girls was not the most impeccable.

The guys, without thinking twice, declared themselves a couple and after a few days moved into a separate room.

When it came to sorting out the relationship, Ilya constantly humiliated and insulted Olga, against the background of an already unstable life together, frank details also surfaced about Olga’s work before the project.

It became known that before the project, Olga Rapunzel demonstrated herself in a video chat for adults for 9 years.

After this news, Olga began to have problems in the team; each participant considered it his duty to condemn her previous “work.”

Ilya himself added fuel to the fire, saying nasty things about her along with other guys. There was no longer any question of continuing the relationship with her.

Olga went to look for love on Seychelles , Nikolai Baranovsky came to her, but for the sake of the project rating, Olga decided on a fictitious relationship with the project freak.

The couple moved into a separate house; of course, things didn’t go as far as “magic,” but they slept in the same bed. After this step, Olga’s reputation in the team suffered even more, although everyone understood that this was a fiction, but continued to treat the girl with disdain.

Dolzhansky also conceived an intrigue and organized an allegedly unusual date. In fact, it was a wedding ceremony, which the unfortunate bride did not even suspect. Olga signed the documents and became Nikolai's wife.

When the situation became clearer, Rapunzel at first tried to turn everything into a joke, but later this circumstance became the cause of many of her breakdowns and hysterics.

Only after it became clear that this marriage was not valid in Russia, she was able to calm down.

During this period, her mother Tatyana Vladimirovna came to Olga to support her daughter and deal with her newly-minted “son-in-law.”

After such stress the organizers of the project sent Olga on vacation to his native Vladivostok.

There Rapunzel met, returned to the clearing with him and they formed a couple. Ignoring the usual ridicule from the team, the guys either quarrel and separate, then make up again. The guys are planning a wedding in the summer of 2017, but the team does not believe in the duration of their relationship outside the television set.

Olga often conflicts with the team and lashes out at the guys. In June 2017. In the fall, Olya announced that she was pregnant. Olga also said that in her relationship with Dmitry, everything is actually bad.

However, in 2018, Dima and Olga’s family welcomed a baby daughter, who was named Vasilisa. Olya’s sister, Alena Savkina, also came to the project to help with childbirth and initially support the eldest Rapunzel.

Soon Alena herself revealed that she was pregnant, and the father of her child was ex-boyfriend Olga - Ilya Yabbarov. Olga, her husband Dmitry and daughter Vasilisa live within the walls of the television building and do not plan to leave their favorite show.

Photo by Olga

The girl runs Instagram, where she constantly posts new photos.

Olga Grigorievskaya, better known to participants and viewers of the television project “DOM-2” under the name Rapunzel,born April 4, 1987 in Vladivostok. She had to spend her childhood in a single-parent family - the girl was raised by one mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna, who worked in one of the local stores as a salesperson. Inadequate upbringing, most likely, was the reason that Olya acquired such a character, thanks to which she became famous, and hardly in in a good way this word.

Since childhood, Grigorievskaya preferred not to be part of the team, but the center of its attention. She was a very sociable person, so standing out from other children was not particularly difficult for her. She has participated in numerous competitions and creative projects. Olga also had no problems in terms of education - the girl easily graduated from school, after which she entered the university and, having studied, received specialty "economist-accountant". However, by that time Rapunzel had already realized that she didn’t want to work according to her profile, which is why she chose to do tutoring - fortunately, her knowledge of the English language allowed her to do this.

By the way, about Rapunzel - she received this nickname because of her long silky hair, with which the girl resembles the heroine from the work of the same name. Immediately upon arriving at the project, Olya expressed her sympathy for Oleg Volk. The man did not reciprocate, considering Grigorievskaya a pretty girl, but nothing more. Oddly enough, Rapunzel, who was accustomed to men seeking her affection, began to actively show the object of her passion all kinds of attention. At first it worked out well for her, Oleg even agreed to a date with the persistent young lady. However, it was not successful for the latter - the Wolf chose not to commit himself to a relationship with someone like her.

Olga, meanwhile, was not at a loss and found another man - Ilya Yabbarov. He hastened to reciprocate her feelings and they began an affair. However, quarrels and showdowns soon began, during which Yabbarov became aware of juicy details from the life of Rapunzel before the project - it turns out she showed off her naked body in an adult video chat for 9 years. Naturally, this entailed a whole series of humiliations not only from Ilya, but also from other participants in the project, as a result of which the relationship suddenly fell apart.

Rapunzel even has an affair with Nikolai Dolzhansky, a man with perhaps the most controversial reputation at DOM-2. However, this was done only to increase the ratings of both participants.

Currently, Olga is in a relationship with Dmitry Dmitrienko, whom she met when she left the project for some time on the recommendations of its organizers.

Member name: Olga Grigorievskaya (Rapunzel)
Age (birthday): 4.04.1987
City: Vladivostok, Moscow
Family: married to
Height and weight: 174 cm, 59 kg

Olga Grigorievskaya has been a participant in the television project “House 2” since 2015. The young girl was born on April 4, 1987 in Vladivostok. The girl’s mother is a saleswoman in a store; it is known that she raised her daughter herself.

Girl, starting from the very beginning early childhood, loved attention very much, so she participated in all competitions. When Olga graduated from school, she entered the university, where she received a diploma. The girl has a degree in economics and accounting. But Olga did not want to work in her specialty, so she went on to study further. Namely, the girl completed English language courses and began working as a tutor.

But in 2015, the girl got into the show House 2, here she got her middle name Rapunzel. That’s what the participants called her because Olga had beautiful long hair. The girl liked Oleg Volkov on the project. But the man did not show sympathy for her, so their relationship did not work out.

Soon, he became her fiancé. Within a week, the couple moved into a separate room. But the couple’s relationship was not very good; the man humiliated Olga. Information became known about what the young woman was doing before the project. Olga showed herself on Skype for adults. After this information, the girl was not loved; each participant tried to inject her.

After all these events, the young girl left for the Seychelles. Nikolai Baranovsky joined her. But the rating on the project was important to Olga. Therefore, she entered into a fictitious marriage with Nikolai Dolzhansky.

The young couple lived in a separate house. But the attitude towards Olga worsened after this step. The participants treated her only with disdain. Yes, the fiction rather spoiled the young girl’s reputation.
Dolzhinsky created an intrigue. The girl signed documents that she did not know. Thus, Olga became Kolya’s wife. When the whole truth came out, Olga tried to play it off as a joke, and then her hysterics began. But, in order for her to calm down, she was told that in Russia this marriage is not official. In order to meet her new son-in-law, Olga’s mother came to the project. But to relieve stress, the girl went to her hometown to take a break.

And the girl met him at home, she returned to the project with him and formed a couple. The young people got married in 2017. It also became known that the girl was pregnant.

But after a strong scandal after just a few months family life Olga files for divorce and again returns to the television set House 2.

Age: 32 years

City: Vladivostok

Height: 178 cm Weight: 58 kg

688 days on project

Real name: Grigorievskaya.

Olga Rapunzel born in the Primorsky Territory, in the city of Vladivostok. Olya grew up without a father, the future TV star was raised by her mother Tatyana Vladimirovna, who, according to rumors, worked as a salesman in a local grocery store. Since childhood, the girl began to show her character: little Grigorievskaya loved to be in the spotlight, constantly participated in school competitions and won prizes. Olya often visited pioneer camps, where she sang songs, danced and showed her creative abilities. But the girl also excelled in her studies, which allowed her to easily graduate from school and enter college at the Faculty of Economics. Grigorievskaya quickly realized that she did not want to work as an economist-accountant, so Olga organized private lessons in English, which she knew almost perfectly: the girl graduated from specialized foreign courses.

Olga received the nickname "Rapunzel" because of her long hair. When she arrived at House 2, the girl told about herself that she was very energetic, loved movement and positivity, and in her heart she felt like she was 18 years old. From bad habits She said that she was mean and a sleepyhead. Rapunzel’s plans are to become the host of the television project House 2.