Alena Krasnova who is: biography, juicy details of her personal life. Alena Krasnova, Nikita Presnyakov's fiancee: who she is, whose daughter, details of her personal life Who did Nikita Presnyakov meet before Alena

The loudest and brightest celebration of this summer excited and intrigued the entire public. The wedding of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova has become one of the most long-awaited events in show business. But many are wondering who Alena Krasnova is and how she began to build a relationship with the grandson of the Diva. Everyone knows that Nikita Presnyakov is a famous musician and the son of Christina Orbakaity, but Krasnova’s biography until this moment remained a mystery.

Alena Krasnova was born in 1997. The girl lived next door to the Diva all her life, so Nikita and Alena had known each other for a long time. The couple started dating in 2014, at that time the girl was 17 years old. All this time, the couple did not hide their relationship and feelings. Nikita and Alena were always in everyone's sight. Alena herself said that her parents reacted differently to her relationship and wedding with Nikita.

Alena Krasnova, Nikita Presnyakov's fiancee: details of her personal life

The girl’s father was not against it, but her mother did not approve of such a union, despite the fact that every girl would dream of becoming a relative of the Prima Donna. Alena's mother was against it because big difference in age, Nikita is much older than Alena. Although, Alla Borisovna herself, with her marriage to Maxim Galkin, has long proven that age does not matter in love.

As for Alena’s parents, her mother stays at home, and her father is the famous businessman Boris Krasnov. Alena has older sister, was born 4 years earlier than Alena herself. Nikita Presnyakov’s wife was educated in Moscow schools, and after that her parents wanted to send her to study in England, but she didn’t want to and went to the Russian Academy national economy under the President of the Russian Federation.

Alena Krasnova, Nikita Presnyakov's bride: who is she, whose daughter

Alena Krasnova and Nikita Presnyakov have already for a long time live together in the Diva's mansion. In the village of Malye Berezhki, young people spent their entire childhood together. But a few days ago, the couple decided to legalize their relationship and create a happy and strong family.

The wedding of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova became the most discussed event in the press in last day. Fans vied with each other to savor the details of the magnificent celebration, which brought together many celebrity personalities.

From the very morning of July 27, the Diva arrived in the capital in order to have time to supervise the final preparations for the wedding of Presnyakov and Krasnova. At the same time, Nikita and Alena came up with the wedding scenario themselves - relatives did not interfere or give advice regarding the celebration, giving the young people the right to organize the main event in their lives themselves.

It is known that the wedding of Presnyakov and Krasnova took place in a fatal style. Even the young people danced their first dance not to Mendelssohn’s march, but to heavy music. They were watched by about 200 guests invited to the party. Among them were relatives and friends of the newlyweds, as well as many family friends. Among celebrity guests Philip Kirkorov, Alexander Buinov and his family, Valentin Yudashkin and his wife and others arrived at the wedding of Pugacheva’s grandson.

Let us remind you that Nikita Presnyakov has been dating Alena Krasnova for three years. The lovers live in Alla Pugacheva’s mansion in the village of Malye Berezhki. Nikita spent his childhood in this house. Next door is the dacha of Alena Krasnova’s family. Young people have known each other since childhood. However, Alena and Nikita started dating only in 2014, when the girl turned 17 years old.

Meanwhile, ordinary Russians are showing increased interest in the biography of Alena Krasnova. Apparently, people want to know some details from the biography of the 20-year-old girl.

Not much is known about the girl. Alena Krasnova was born in 1997 in women's holiday. On social networks they say that the Muscovite belongs to the so-called “golden youth”. She is the daughter of very wealthy parents. Krasnova has two sisters. One of them is 4 years older than Alena, the second is 13 years younger.

Alena Krasnova received her secondary education in several Moscow schools and the prestigious Kovcheg-XXI Lyceum, which is located in the North-West of the capital.

After graduating from school in 2015, Nikita Presnyakov’s girlfriend became a student Russian Academy national economy and public service. Although, before admission, Alena shared on social networks that her parents were going to send her to England, planning that it was there that she would receive higher education. But Krasnova decided to stay in Russia because, in her words, “she was not mentally prepared to leave.”

It is known about Alena Krasnova’s hobbies that there are several of them. She studied gymnastics and dancing at one of the Todes schools of Alla Dukhova. In addition, the girl has music education. And Nikita Presnyakov’s new wife loves hockey.

Let us remember that Nikita Presnyakov proposed to his beloved back in March, when she celebrated her birthday. The corresponding video was also published on Nikita’s Instagram.

“The new episode of #NICKNROLL is about how I PROPOSE to Alenka! A little romance wouldn’t hurt!” he captioned the post.

IN lately interest in person Alena Krasnova is getting bigger and bigger. Is this connected with her recent marriage to Nikita Presnyakov or with her creative activity? Be that as it may, in today’s article we will try to satisfy the curiosity of readers and answer the most asked questions of search engines.

Alena was born on Women's Day, March 8, 1997. The petite beauty weighs only 49 kg and is 165 cm tall. Her father is Boris Krasnov, a major entrepreneur. He conducts his business throughout the country, so he is well known in wide circles. The girl’s mother takes care of the house and raising her daughters, of whom, in addition to Alena, she has two more. These are her sisters. Senior on at the moment 24 years old. It is known that she got married in 2015 and lives in Moscow. My little sister is still quite a baby, she is 7 years old and has just started school.

School years and education

WITH early childhood Alena was very active and creative child. She loved to sing, draw, and dress up beautifully. During her studies, the girl changed several schools. So, Krasnova studied at school No. 1985, then No. 1425 and No. 1538. Alena completed her senior year at the Kovcheg - XXI Lyceum, recognized as one of the best private schools in Moscow.
IN school years The girl discovered her dancing abilities. She attended school - the studio of Alla Dukhova, where she studied dancing and gymnastics. In addition, Alena has a musical education. As a sport, hockey has always been of particular interest.

The parents planned to send the girl to receive higher education abroad (to England). But as Krasnova herself admitted, she was not mentally prepared to move. The family did not insist, and our heroine entered the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President Russian Federation(abbreviated as RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation).

Personal life

At the moment, Alena is married to Nikita Presnyakov and has already officially changed her last name to her husband’s last name. The couple’s acquaintance was not spontaneous: they knew each other since childhood, as they were neighbors in the country. Feelings flared up in 2014 when young girl I was getting ready to go to 11th grade. This became known from social networks after Nikita posted a photo with a stranger kissing him. The photo caused a storm of emotions and a question. It was then that curious fans found out who Presnyakov’s beloved was.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of their romance, Krasnova’s parents treated their daughter’s boyfriend differently. As Alena recalls, her mother was against their relationship because of the age difference, but her father approved of the choice. Perhaps these disagreements led to the fact that the young people separated. But a few months later, the couple began to appear together again and began to look even stronger. By that time, Alena was already familiar with Kristina Orbakaite, the young man’s mother, and other relatives of the star.
The lovers were inseparable. Alena was Nikita’s companion at all public events and meetings (“Main Stage”, “New Wave”, etc.).

In March last year, Nikita announced his engagement to Krasnova. By that time, they were already living together, in Nikita’s childhood home, located in the village of Malye Berezhki.

On July 27, 2017, the newlyweds had a magnificent wedding. Many guests were famous personalities: Valentin Yudashkin, Igor Nikolaev, Philip Kirkorov, Dmitry Koldun and others. They say that Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, the groom’s star grandmother, actively took part in the preparations for the wedding.

Current activities and future plans

Today Alena continues to be a popular model, tries herself as a singer, and actively maintains her page on Instagram. In the future, young people are considering the possibility of moving to the States and are thinking about adding to their family. But until Alena has completed her studies, plans remain plans. The newlyweds are happy and confident in their future together.


Aspiring model Alena Krasnova, the young wife of Nikita Presnyakov, became known to everyone thanks to their relationship. Alena is not a public figure, so few facts are known about her life before marriage. But we will try to reveal the details of her biography and personal life.


Alena Borisovna was born on Women's Day, March 8, 1997, in the capital's maternity hospital. Her parents are wealthy people, her father is a businessman, and her mother Victoria is a housewife. Our heroine is the middle daughter in the family, her younger sister was born in 2010, and the eldest in 1993. Alena has replaced several elite capital schools, one of which was the private lyceum “Ark-21”. During my school years I studied rhythmic gymnastics and dancing, was a member of the Todes ballet, and was fond of hockey.

Since 2015, she has been studying at the Academy of Public Administration and National Economy in Moscow (RANEPA). Although her parents insisted on receiving higher education in the UK, Krasnova was not mentally prepared to leave Russia.

How many years have the couple been together? - Already 4 years. In 2014, Krasnova met N. Presnyakov in the village of Malye Berezhki, where her parents’ houses are located. Despite their young age, things began to develop between the guys serious relationship. Soon they introduced each other to their parents, and they approved of the children's choice. In the spring of 2017, Nikita asked his beloved to marry him.

Now A. Krasnova is a student, model and active user Instagram networks. Together with Nikita, he runs a family business selling branded items affordable prices and supports her husband in his musical activities.

Who is Alena's father?

After meeting Nikita, the media wondered whose daughter our heroine was? Her dad, Boris Krasnov, is the namesake of a famous Russian artist and producer, and a successful businessman. Nothing is known for certain about his activities. He avoids appearing in public and at the wedding of the newlyweds he is seen in several photographs next to his daughter, A. Pugacheva, K. Orbakaite, V. Presnyakov, M. Galkin. Boris lives in a luxurious mansion in Malye Berezhki with his wife Victoria and daughters.

Wedding of the year with Nikita Presnyakov

On July 27, 2017 took place magnificent wedding Alena and Nikita. They prepared for the solemn event for a long time. The media dubbed the wedding the event of the year, because the event was attended by all the “cream” of domestic show business: F. Kirkorov, A. Pugacheva, M. Galkin, K. Orbakaite, the Presnyakov couple, N. Podolskaya, D. Koldun, A. Buinov and others.

The couple arrived at the Moscow registry office in Barvikha alone, the bride and groom signed official document and went to a photo shoot in a luxury Porsche. Wedding dress The girl's dress was lush and had such a long train that Alena moved everywhere only with an assistant.

The main ceremony took place in the Moscow elite village of Zhavoronki, where the now-legal wife Alena and husband Nikita exchanged rings and took the oath of allegiance in the American tradition. Thousands of people were involved in decorating and organizing the wedding. The couple created their own scent of love, ANreal, a bottle of which was given to each guest. The best bartenders and chefs in Russia, as well as molecular cuisine, worked at the event. The designer cake, 2 meters high, was created by Renat Agamazov. The guests were also surprised by the young couple's first dance, which was more reminiscent of a complex acrobatic performance to heavy music.

Friends and wedding guests broadcast live on Instagram from the scene, sharing photos of outfits and joint pictures with the newlyweds. But the wedding was not without a scandal, the fault of which was the well-known Russian publication, which undertook to cover the event of the year and initially promised to bear most of the expenses. But before the wedding, the newlyweds learned that nothing had been organized. The family of Nikita and Alena had to pay twice as much as planned, and N. Presnyakov, after the wedding, spoke unflatteringly on Instagram about these press representatives.

Young couple expecting a child?

After the wedding, rumors constantly arise about possible pregnancy models. As soon as Alena changes her image or gains weight, fans begin to talk about an imminent replenishment, especially since Kristina Orbakaite recently said that she was ready to become a grandmother. But in a recent interview, Alena Presnyakova admitted that she is not yet thinking about children because young age. Alena is not pregnant yet; the newlyweds currently care only about the dog.

Name: Alena Krasnova

Age: 20 years

Place of birth: Moscow

Height: 165

Occupation: student

Marital status: Married to Nikita Presnyakov

The name of Alena Krasnova, a young Muscovite, appeared in the press after the news of her affair with Alla Pugacheva’s grandson, Nikita Presnyakov.

Alena Krasnova - friend of the Diva's grandson

Not much is known about the girl. Alena Krasnova was born in 1997 on Women's Day. On social networks they say that the Muscovite belongs to the so-called “golden youth”. She is the daughter of very wealthy parents. Krasnova has two sisters. One of them is 4 years older than Alena, the second is 13 years younger.

Alena Krasnova received her secondary education in several Moscow schools and the prestigious Kovcheg-XXI Lyceum, which is located in the North-West of the capital.

After graduating from school in 2015, Nikita Presnyakov’s girlfriend became a student at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Although, before admission, Alena shared on social networks that her parents were going to send her to England, planning that it would be there that she would receive higher education. But Krasnova decided to stay in Russia because, in her words, “she was not mentally prepared to leave.”

It is known about Alena Krasnova’s hobbies that there are several of them. She studied gymnastics and dancing at one of the Todes schools of Alla Dukhova. In addition, the girl has a musical education. He also loves hockey.

As stated above, the girl became widely known after her appearance in public with the son of Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov, Nikita. This happened in 2014, when Alena Krasnova was still a schoolgirl. As it became known, Nikita, shortly before meeting Alena, broke up with his beloved Aida Kalieva. The wedding that everyone had been talking about for so long never took place.

The couple met, as they say, like neighbors. The dachas of Krasnova and Presnyakov’s parents are located nearby. The first joint photos of Alena and Nikita appeared on her Instagram page in the summer of 2014. The personal life of Alena Krasnova has since been discussed in the media in great detail.

Nikita has already introduced his girlfriend to his parents. They approved of their son's choice. Vladimir Presnyakov, who recently became a father for the second time, even stated that he was already dreaming of a grandson.

Presnyakov Jr. attended prom with his young lover. Now the couple is constantly together. Journalists noticed Krasnova in St. Petersburg, where in February 2016 Nikita and his father presented the cartoon “Cracked Holidays.” Father and son voiced this project. Nikita told reporters that he was trying to be with his beloved more, because he was very sad without her. He said that Alena is not a fan of big parties and public events and tries to stay in the shadows.

Previously, Alena Krasnova was seen on the “Main Stage” show, in which a young performer participated. She came to support Nikita.

On July 27, 2017, Alena Krasnova and Nikita Presnyakov got married. After the painting, the newlyweds organized a magnificent celebration of their wedding.

The wedding of Presnyakov and Krasnova took place in an elite cottage village"Larks." The event was attended by about 200 guests, including popular stars Russian show business: Philip Kirkorov, Alexander Buinov, Valentin Yudashkin with his family, Dmitry Koldun and many others.